Sport as a catalyst for Rural Youth Development A proposed Sports Centre for Ndwedwe Researcher: Sumesh Govender Masters in Architecture Student Number: 96 111 3080 Department of Architecture, School of the Built Environment and Development Studies Howard College Campus, University of KwaZulu Natal Cell 1: 083 777 1569 | Cell 2: 082 968 4898 | Email: REV 4: 13 May 2015 FOREWORD I am currently researching a thesis titled: “ Sports as Catalyst for Rural Youth Development : A proposed Sports Centre for Ndwedwe. “ The research investigates the potential of integrating Sport with Architecture to create a catalyst to develop disadvantaged Youth in rural towns in South Africa. Sport will be used as the main tool and architecture as the cohesive and motivating element. Through the Sporting functions of the facility; the use of Social and Development programmes; passive and active ancillary activities; the aim is to develop the youth into successful adults and future role models for South Africa. The proposal will be based in Ndwedwe, a rural town in Kwa Zulu Natal. Your assistance and co-operation will be greatly appreciated with regards to interviews and the access/ sharing of information.. This thesis aims to address a pressing national issue in South Africa. The knowledge gained from this research will provide a myriad of critical and salient information for the sporting and educational fraternity; community organisations (e.g. churches, charities); city managers/planners and state institutions which includes: (i) Understanding and providing solutions to the current challenges faced by Youth in rural South African towns in Kwa Zulu Natal; (ii) As source information informing the design of developments and sporting program that deal with Youth Sport and Education in Rural areas; (iii) Providing an alternative solution to empower the Youth and involve them in the mainstream economy. Sport as a Catalyst for Rural Youth Development: A proposed Sports Centre for Ndwedwe Sumesh Govender | UKZN Masters in ArchItecture | 96 111 3080 | Cell: 083 777 1569 | Email: BACKGROUND • This study will focus on a built environment solution incorporating a sporting programme to develop the Youth in poor rural towns in South Africa. • According to the Youth Enterprise Development Strategy (YEDS) 2013 to 2023 initiative conducted by the Department of Trade and Industry (DTI), South Africa, the country is faced with the complex challenge of poor economic participation of its young people. This situation is caused by persistently high youth unemployment and low entrepreneurial activities among young people. • According to information released by Statistics South Africa the percentage of unemployed youth not participating in the economy has risen from 32.7% in 2008 to 36.1% in 2014. • The Youth in Rural areas are at more of a disadvantage than their urban counterparts due to a lack of accessibility and availability of services. This places an inhibitor on their personal development and results in fewer opportunities, less information and employment than in urban areas (thepresidency,2015). Sport as a Catalyst for Rural Youth Development: A proposed Sports Centre for Ndwedwe Sumesh Govender | UKZN Masters in ArchItecture | 96 111 3080 | Cell: 083 777 1569 | Email: MOTIVATION / JUSTIFICATION OF THE STUDY • The problem that the researcher aims to address and solve in this research is a national issue. The South African Government has in the last 21 years of democracy allocated millions of rand’s to fund initiatives to empower young people however has not been successful. The challenges that the youth face in their personal development continue to increase (Parliment,2014). • The Department of Rural Development and Land Affairs South Africa has indicated that 12 million people (nearly a quarter of South Africa's population) continue to live in or close to poverty in rural areas (Department of Rural Development & Land Reform, 2013). By addressing the participation of the Youth in the economy the DTI perceives that this will contribute to economic growth, poverty reduction and employment creation. The result could bring about economic transformation in an equitable society. • Sports and Youth Development Programmes have been conducted successfully locally and internationally. This research will test the concept in a rural area in Kwa Zulu Natal using qualitative methods. Sport as a Catalyst for Rural Youth Development: A proposed Sports Centre for Ndwedwe Sumesh Govender | UKZN Masters in ArchItecture | 96 111 3080 | Cell: 083 777 1569 | Email: KEY PROBLEMS • The youth face constraint’s to their personal development due to a lack of infrastructure and availability of services in rural areas. • Social Exclusion/ Deprivation amongst the Youth and Community. • A lack of infrastructure development and economic opportunities in rural towns. Sport as a Catalyst for Rural Youth Development: A proposed Sports Centre for Ndwedwe Sumesh Govender | UKZN Masters in ArchItecture | 96 111 3080 | Cell: 083 777 1569 | Email: MAIN AIM • To investigate how the intervention of a sporting programme through the built environment can alleviate the challenges that the Youth face in their personal development in rural towns. SECONDARY AIMS • To investigate how the built environment can be used to for social upliftment amongst the youth and community. • To investigate how the built environment can be used to stimulate economic development and job creation. Sport as a Catalyst for Rural Youth Development: A proposed Sports Centre for Ndwedwe Sumesh Govender | UKZN Masters in ArchItecture | 96 111 3080 | Cell: 083 777 1569 | Email: KEY OBJECTIVES • To identify the main challenges that teenage youth face with regards to their personal development in Ndwedwe. • To identify how Sport can aid in Youth Development. • To identify the sporting and other related activities that will formulate a successful programme to counteract the challenges faced by Teenage Youth in Ndwedwe. • To identify principles that can be applied to the proposed typology. SECONDARY OBJECTIVES • To identify the principles that can be applied to the proposed typology to bring about social development in rural communities with specific focus on the Youth. • To identify the principles that can be applied to the proposed typology to create economic opportunities. Sport as a Catalyst for Rural Youth Development: A proposed Sports Centre for Ndwedwe Sumesh Govender | UKZN Masters in ArchItecture | 96 111 3080 | Cell: 083 777 1569 | Email: PRESIDENT STUDIES 1 OLYMPIC YOUTH DEVELOPMENT CENTRE. Lusaka Zambia The Olympic Youth Development Centre in Lusaka is part of the Sports for Hope Programme initiated by the IOC (International Olympic Committee) to provide athletes, young people and communities in developing countries with better opportunities to practise sport and to be exposed to the Olympic values. In the four years of operations, more than 100 young athletes who had not practised sport before have since been integrated into national teams. The multi-sport centre also offers a wide range of educational programmes, health services and community activities aimed at improving the quality of life in a country ravaged by HIV/AIDS, poverty, crime and unemployment (Olympic, 2014). . Figure 1 2 KHAYELITSHA FOOTBALL FOR HOPE CENTRE. Khayelitsha, Western Cape, South Africa The Football for Hope Centre in Khayelitsha was the first to be constructed as part of the 20 Centres for 2010 campaign. It is located in the Harare neighbourhood of Khayelitsha, the fastest-growing and second largest township in South Africa. Khayelitsha. The Centre Host is Grassroot Soccer, a South African-based non-profit organisation that integrates football into life skills programmes, with a particular focus on HIV prevention. Apart from HIV prevention, the Centre also introduced the Siyakhona skills project in 2010 (Streetfootballworld,2014). Figure 2 Sport as a Catalyst for Rural Youth Development: A proposed Sports Centre for Ndwedwe Sumesh Govender | UKZN Masters in ArchItecture | 96 111 3080 | Cell: 083 777 1569 | Email: CASE STUDIES 1 NIKE FOOTBALL ACADEMY. Soweto, Gauteng, South Africa This case study was identified because it embodies similar aims which this research strives to achieve. Though Soweto is not rural in nature, poverty and unemployment are high and the youth face similar challenges to their development. The centre in addition to developing soccer careers is also striving to become an agent of social change by teaching life skills to young footballers. This is achieved by running programmes parallel to their soccer training one of which is referred to as Nikes Grassroots project which aims to empower young people socially by partnering with other NGO's (Joburg, 2012). Figure 3 2 LIV VILLAGES. Cottonlands, Kwa Zulu Natal, South Africa This case study was identified because it embodies holistic thinking with regards to Youth Development. Cottonlands is rural and has a similar socio economic climate to Ndwedwe. Liv Villages states on their website that their aims are to raise the next generation of leaders in South Africa and they believe that by equipping children with essential moral values and life skills they will grow up to be a generation that will influence positive change within South Africa and the World (Liv Villages, 2015). The main function of Liv Villages are to provide holistic residential care for orphaned and vulnerable children. The other and related activities on site are the sports fields, school, church, farms, commercial (market squares) and factories. Figure 4 Sport as a Catalyst for Rural Youth Development: A proposed Sports Centre for Ndwedwe Sumesh Govender | UKZN Masters in ArchItecture | 96 111 3080 | Cell: 083 777 1569 | Email: BACKGROUND TO STUDY AREA • The researcher has chosen Ndwedwe, a rural town in Kwa Zulu Natal as a subject area on which to apply the results of the research. The Ndwedwe Municipality is described as being rural and underdeveloped having no means of generating revenue in their 2014 Ilhembe Development Plan. • The 2011 census by Statistics South Africa indicated that Ndwedwe's population is 140 820 with a growth rate of -0.27% (Statistics South Africa, 2011). The municipality is 100% dependent on grant funding from National Government and this situation poses a huge challenge for development in the area. The majority of the population in Ndwedwe is young being between the ages of 15 to 34. This has resulted in a challenging situation with regards to development that relate to skills; education; sports & recreation; and employment opportunities. • The Municipality is characterized by high levels of people with no schooling (39.3%); unemployment is at (66.3%); and dependency ratio at (56%). (Ilembe, 2012). Sport as a Catalyst for Rural Youth Development: A proposed Sports Centre for Ndwedwe Sumesh Govender | UKZN Masters in ArchItecture | 96 111 3080 | Cell: 083 777 1569 | Email: LOCALITY PLAN This image indicates the current extents of the Ndwedwe Village Town. This is the only developed portion of the region where Municipal/ Government Facilities (SAPS, Hospital, Magistrates etc ) & other goods and Services (Shops) may be obtained. Figure 5: Ariel view of the current urban centre of the entire Ndwedwe district. Sport as a Catalyst for Rural Youth Development: A proposed Sports Centre for Ndwedwe Sumesh Govender | UKZN Masters in ArchItecture | 96 111 3080 | Cell: 083 777 1569 | Email: LOCALITY PLAN - Site Options This image indicates the current and proposed development of the Ndwedwe Urban Centre. Current SITE OPTIONS are being considered around the existing Sports Field however this is subject to field work and further investigation. Figure 6: Ariel view of the Ndwedwe urban centre with future development plans. Sport as a Catalyst for Rural Youth Development: A proposed Sports Centre for Ndwedwe Sumesh Govender | UKZN Masters in ArchItecture | 96 111 3080 | Cell: 083 777 1569 | Email: