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Critical Thinking: Argument Structure & Validity

Critical Thinking
S2 2022
Tutor: Dr. Iwan Williams
Email: iwan.williams1@monash.edu
Lesson 3.1
Soundness, generalised form & testing for validity
Pop quiz! (not an assessment!)
Where are we?
What is an argument?
• An argument is a reason or a set of reasons (premises) used to support
another claim (conclusion).
What makes an argument good?
• Support: Do the premises provide a good reason to accept the conclusion?
• Truth: Are the premises true?
Where are we?
What is an argument?
• An argument is a reason or a set of reasons (premises) used to support
another claim (conclusion).
What makes an argument good?
• Support: Do the premises provide a good reason to accept the conclusion?
• Truth: Are the premises true?
Deductive support (validity)
Inductive support
If the premises were true the conclusion must be
If the premises were true the conclusion would be
very likely to be true.
Recap: Validity (deductive support)
An argument is deductively valid if and only if:
If the premises were true, then the conclusion would have to be true.
Another way to put it:
It is impossible for the conclusion to be false if the premises were true.
Recap: Validity (deductive support)
Key points:
• Validity is about the connection between the premises and the conclusion.
• It is not about the actual truth of the premises (or the conclusion).
• So it’s possible for a valid argument to have false premises (or conclusion).
• And it’s possible for an invalid argument to have true premises (and conclusion).
Deductive soundness
A sound argument is a valid argument with true premises.
Soundness = validity (deductive support) + true premises.
A sound argument is (by definition) valid, so…
• If the premises are (or were) true, then the conclusion must be true.
But a sound argument also (by definition) has true premises, so…
• The conclusion must be true!
Generalised form – extracting the structure
Standard form
Paragraph form
P1. If it is raining, then you will get wet.
P2. It is raining.
C. You will get wet.
Needless to say, if it’s raining – you will get
wet. And it’s raining outside right now, so
you’re gonna get wet!
Generalised form – extracting the structure
Standard form
Generalised form
P1. If it is raining, then you will get wet.
P2. It is raining.
C. You will get wet.
If A then B
A = It is raining
B = You will get wet
All that should be left in your
generalized form are variables (As, Bs,
etc) and logical operators.
Logical operators
Logical operators systematically change the meaning of propositions typically by connecting two
or more propositions together
if… then…
… and …
… or …
… if and only if …
All … are …
Some … are …
Not …
if it is raining then I will get wet
it is raining and I will get wet
it is raining or I will get wet
I will get wet if and only if it is raining
all pedestrians are wet
some pedestrians are wet
it is not raining
Why bother with generalized form?
1. Clearly separates validity from truth.
2. So we’re less likely to get tripped up by tricky cases.
3. Helps us to quickly identify common argument forms which we already know
are valid or invalid.
Modus ponens
If A, then B
P1. If today is Tuesday, then John will go to work.
P2. Today is Tuesday.
C. John will go to work.
• Affirming the antecedent = valid
P1. If Bill Gates owns Fort Knox, then Bill Gates is rich.
P2. Bill Gates is rich.
C. Bill Gates owns Fort Knox.
If A, then B
• Affirming the consequent = invalid!
Modus tollens
If A, then B
Not B
Not A
P1. If you have a current password, then you can log on to the network.
P2. You cannot log on to the network.
C. You do not have a current password.
• Denying the consequent = valid
If A, then B
Not A
Not B
P1. If you are a ski instructor, then you have a job.
P2. You are not a ski instructor.
C. You have no job.
• Denying the antecedent = invalid!
• Affirming the antecedent (modus ponens) = valid
• Affirming the consequent = invalid
• Denying the consequent (modus tollens) = valid
• Denying the antecedent = invalid
Hypothetical syllogism
If A, then B
If B, then C
If A, then C
P1. If I go to campus, then I’ll get a coffee.
P2. If I get a coffee, then I’ll be hyperactive.
C. If I go to campus, I’ll be hyperactive.
Disjunctive syllogism
Either A or B
Not A
P1. Either Iwan has had a coffee or he is tired.
P2. Iwan hasn’t had a coffee.
C. Iwan is tired.
Argument form name
Argument form
Modus ponens
If A then B
Modus tollens
If A then B
not B
not A
Hypothetical syllogism
If A then B
If B then C
If A then C
Disjunctive syllogism
Either A or B
not A
Universal modus ponens
All A are B
x is A
x is B
Universal modus tollens
All A are B
x is not B
x is not A
Some A are not B
Not all A are B
Euler Diagram
Lesson 3.2
Conditional statements
Translating “unless” and “only if”
Conditional statements
• A statement with an “if… then…” structure
e.g. “if it is raining then you will get wet”
The statement following the “if” is called the
• Antecedent
The statement following the “then” is called the
• Consequent
Conditional statements
Don’t confuse conditional statements with arguments.
If there’s a fire in the building then we should leave
There’s a fire in the building, so we should leave
P1. There’s a fire in the building.
C. We should leave immediately.
Conditional statement
Conditional statements
“If A then B” isn’t the same as “if B then A”
• “If it’s raining then it’s cloudy” (T)
• ”If it’s cloudy then it’s raining” (F)
Equivalent statements
• Certain statements containing logical operators are equivalent (you can translate from
one to another)
If it is raining, then it is cloudy
If it is not cloudy, then it is not raining
It is cloudy, or it is not raining
It is raining only if it is cloudy
It is not raining unless it is cloudy
It is cloudy if it’s raining
If A, then B
If not B, then not A
B, or not A
A only if B
Not A unless B
B if A
“unless” and ”only if”
• A unless B
• If not B then A
• I’ll be late unless I catch the bus
• If I don’t catch the bus then I’ll be late
• A only if B
• If A then B
• Fido is a dog only if Fido is an animal
• If Fido is a dog then Fido is an animal
Take home point:
• When translating an argument into generalised form don’t leave in the expressions:
• ”only if”
• “unless”
• Instead, translate these into a logically equivalent statement using the “if.. then...”
logical operator
A unless B
A only if B
translate it to ->
translate it to ->
If not B then A
If A then B