Unit 5: Values Term 2, Lesson1: Celebrations and special days School № Date: Teacher name: CLASS: Number present: absent: Learning objective(s) that this lesson is contributing to 5.L1understand a sequence of supported classroom instructions 55.S4 respond with limited flexibility at sentence level to unexpected comments on an increasing range of general and curricular topics 5.R3 understand the detail of an argument on a limited range of familiar general and curricular topics 5.W4 write with support a sequence of extended sentences in a paragraph to give basic personal information 5.C6 organise and present information clearly to others Lesson objectives All learners will be able to: - Do the Celebrations Quiz. Most learners will be able to: - Do the Celebrations Quiz. - Choose the correct combinations of verbs and nouns. Some learners will be able to: Do the Celebrations Quiz. - Choose the correct combinations of verbs and nouns. - Make up a dialogue - Plan Planned timings Beginning Middle Teacher activities Student activities Marks Greeting. Setting the aim of the lesson Pre learning Sts respond to greeting of the teacher Emoticon and take their places Do the Celebrations Quiz. Then listen and check your answers. Answer the following questions. Activity 1 (G, I). Sts give the title to the Formative text. They check their assessment Resources PPT Internet materials. SB ex.3-4, p 54 Choose the correct combinations of verbs and nouns. Descriptor A learner Choose the correct combinations of verbs and nouns. answers partner. with the Matching Activity 2 (P,I). Make up a dialogue. Talk about your activities on special days. Alternative Students can make their own sentences. SB ex.5, p 54 oral Writing Sts give the title to the text. Descriptor Worksheets They answer the 1 Put the verbs with the correct noun questions 2 Make up sentences use the words in exercise Descriptor 1 Check the meaning of the words 2 Read the names of creative people 3 Complete the sentences CD 1.28 Read the text 1 Use of topical vocabulary 2 Answer the questions 3 Make up the dialogue End Feedback: Learners give their own opinion on the learnt material Homework: WB p.34 Unit 5: Values Term 2, Lesson 26(2): International Festivals School: Date: Teacher name: CLASS: Number present: absent: Learning objective(s) that this lesson is contributing to 5.W1 plan, write, edit and proofread work at text level with support on a limited range of general and curricular topics 5.R3 understand the detail of an argument on a limited range of familiar general and curricular topics 5.UE7 use simple present to express the activities on special days Lesson objectives All learners will be able to: ● Read and complete the text with the verbs. ● Write true or false. Most learners will be able to: ● Read and complete the text with the verbs. ● Write true or false. ● Match words 1-5 to pictures A- E. Some learners will be able to: ● ● ● ● Read and complete the text with the verbs. Write true or false. Match words 1-5 to pictures A- E. Make up a dialogue. Plan Planned timings Beginning Teacher activities Student activities Greeting. Setting the aim of the lesson Pre learning Sts respond to greeting of the teacher and take their Emoticon places - - Middle What celebrations are popular in your country? What international festivals do you know? Activity 1 (G, I). Read and complete the text with the verbs. Write true or false. Activity 2 (P, I, W). Match words 1-5 to pictures A- E. Are there any special foods for celebrations in your country? Activity 3 (P, I). Ask and answer the questions. Marks Resources PPT Internet materials. Answer the following questions. Sts give the title to the text. Formative They check their answers assessment with the partner. SB ex.3-4, p 54 Matching Writing Sts give the title to the text. Oral SB ex.5, p 54 Worksheets They answer the questions 8 CD 1.28 Alternative 1. Students can write their own sentences. Alternative 2. Students can make up their own dialogue. End Read the text Feedback: Learners give their own opinion on the learnt material Homework: WB p.38 Unit 5: Values Term 2, Lesson 27(3): Special days in my home School: Date: Teacher name: CLASS: Number present: Learning objective(s) that absent: 5.W1 plan, write, edit and proofread work at text level with support on a limited range of general and curricular topics this lesson is contributing to 5.S4 respond with limited flexibility at sentence level to unexpected comments on an increasing range of general and curricular topics 5.R1 understand the main points in a limited range of short simple texts on general and curricular topics 5.UE7 use simple present to express the activities on special days Lesson objectives All learners will be able to: ● Choose the correct words. Most learners will be able to: ● Choose the correct words. ● Make sentences about people in your class using verbs in the box. Some learners will be able to: ● Choose the correct words. ● Make sentences about people in your class using verbs in the box. ● Talk about special days in your home. Use ideas from the boxes. Plan Planned timings Beginning Teacher activities Student activities Greeting. Setting the aim of the lesson Pre learning Sts warm/greet the teacher Answer the Emoticon following questions. Look at the puzzle and make sentences about the people. Marks Resources PPT Internet materials. They answer the questions Write T and F statements Middle Activity 1 (G, I). Look at the verbs in the examples. How is the he\she\it form different? Choose the correct words. Activity 2 (P, I, W). Make sentences about people in your class using verbs in the box. Then find out if you are correct. Activity 3 (P, I). Talk about special days in your home. Use ideas from the boxes. Alternative 1. Students can write their own sentences. Speaking Formative assessment SB ex.1,2, p 57 SB ex.3, p 57 Filling the missing words SB ex.5, p 57 Oral 8 Alternative 2. Students can make up their own dialogue. End Write T and F statements Feedback: Learners give their own opinion on the learnt material Homework: WB p. 35 Unit 5: Values Term 2, Lesson 28(4): Holidays in different seasons School № Date: Teacher name: CLASS: Number present: Learning objective(s) that this lesson is contributing to Lesson objectives absent: 5.S7 use appropriate subject-specific vocabulary and syntax to talk about a limited range of general topics 5.R1 understand the main points in a limited range of short simple texts on general and curricular topics 5.W7 use with some support appropriate layout at text level for a limited range of written genres on familiar general topics and some curricular topics 5.UE3 use Present Simple ( negative) to speak about activities All learners will be able to: ● Look at the picture and complete the phrases with a season Most learners will be able to: ● Look at the picture and complete the phrases with a season ● Write the months. Then match the people to their birthdays and write sentences Some learners will be able to: ● Look at the picture and complete the phrases with a season ● Write the months. Then match the people to their birthdays and write sentences ● Draw or project Plan Planned timings Teacher activities Student activities Marks Resources Beginning Greeting. Setting the aim of the lesson Pre learning Sts warm/greet the teacher Answer the following questions. Emoticon Match the words with the photos in the months Quiz. Copy and complete the names of the months. They answer the questions Write T and statements Middle End Activity 1 (W, P) Draw or project images of weather on board and number 1- 8: cloud, rain, snow, ice, sun, fog, wind, storm. Learners look at images of types of weather on board. They listen to you saying three sentences to describe weather and they say number 1- 8 beside noun: cloud, rain, snow, ice, sun, fog, wind, storm. e.g. This is water when it’s very, very cold. We can see it on in rivers and ponds in winter. We can skate on it. Activity 2 (W, P) Write ‘verbs’ on board. Learners with a different partner, agree on verbs to use for rainy, snowy, sunny, windy (to rain, to snow, to shine, to blow) Learners think which verb we use with other types of weather (to be: It’s foggy, it’s stormy etc.) Activity 3 (I) Look at the picture and complete the phrases with a season (WB p.36) Formative Assessment Descriptor A learner Write the months. Then match the people to their birthdays and write sentences (WB p.36). F Formative assessment Speaking Oral 8 F Feedback: Learners give their own opinion on the learnt material Homework: WB p.36 WB ex.3-4, p 57 SB p.58 Filling the missing words Write T and statements PPT Internet materials. Unit 5: Values Term 2, Lesson 29(5): Holiday's Activity School №3 Date: Teacher name: CLASS: Number present: Learning objective(s) that this lesson is contributing to Lesson objectives absent: 5.S7 use appropriate subject-specific vocabulary and syntax to talk about a limited range of general topics 5.R1 understand the main points in a limited range of short simple texts on general and curricular topics 5.W3 write with support factual descriptions at text level which describe people, places and objects 5.W7 use with some support appropriate layout at text level for a limited range of written genres on familiar general topics and some curricular topics 5.UE3 use Present Simple ( negative) to speak about activities All learners will be able to: ● Make negative sentences. Most learners will be able to: ● Make negative sentences. ● Complete the sentences with the correct present simple negative form of the verbs in the box. Some learners will be able to: ● Make negative sentences. ● Complete the sentences with the correct present simple negative form of the verbs in the box. ● Tell the class about your day. Plan Planned timings Beginning Teacher activities Student activities Greeting. Setting the aim of the lesson Sts warm/greet the teacher Answer the Emoticon following questions. 2 min 5 min Warming up Write the wotd holiday on the board. Tell the class to the imagine they have two weeks off school and that they can go anywhere in the world for a holiday. Pre- learning What do you like? They answer the questions Write T and F statements Marks Resources PPT Internet materials. What don’t you like? What does your friend like? What doesn’t your friend like? Look at the table and complete the rule. Choose the correct words. Middle 5 min 5 min 10 min Activity 1 (W, P) Task 1. SB (p.58). Write the following words on the board: iambs, snow, leaves, sunshine. Draw students attention to the photos of the seasons at the bottom of the page. Ask them to match each of the words with one of the photos. Explain the task. Check answers as a class. Answers: autumn (leaves), winter (snow), spring (lambs), summer (sunshine). Descriptor: Match the words with the photos in the Months Quiz. Speaking Formative assessment SB p.58 Filling the missing words Oral 8 Write T and F statements 10 min Task 2. (p.58) Ask the class what the imcomplete words are and elicit that they are the three months of the year.Write the correct spelling of the months on the board for students. Drill the class on pronunciation of the months. Students check their answers in pairs. Check as a class. Answers : 2.February 3.Narch 4.April 5.May 6.June 7.July 8.August 9.September 10.October 11.November 12.December Descriptor: Complete the names of the months. Students check their answers in pairs. Check as a class. Task3. (p.58) Draw students’ attention to the questions in the quiz. Read the questions together with the students and check for understanding. Answers: 1. August 2. 21st June 3. 1st January 4.September (2017) 5.Students’ own answers 6. Students’ own answers 7. Students’ own answers 8. Students’ own answers Descriptor: Do the Months Quiz. Make negative sentences. Complete the sentences with the correct present simple negative form of the verbs in the box. WB ex.3-4, p 57 Formative assessment Oral 8 Formative assessment Oral 8 Descriptor: Match seasons 1-4 with four of the places. Task5. (p.58) Allow students time to read the sentence fragmentscarefully before playing recording, pausing at the relevant parts to allow them to choose their answers. Answers: 1. A shop makes clothes for Mr Diddly 2. Lady Tara doesn’t dance. 3.Mr Diddly has a big party. 4. They don’t travel in summer 5.Their friends visit their house in London. Descriptor: Make five sentences from the words in coloumns A and B Invent a new special day. Use vocabulary from this unit. Tell the class about your day. Activity 3 Students can work in pairs and make up their own dialogue. Formative Assessment Descriptor A learner ● Read the text. ● Write the months. End 3 min Students can work in pairs and make up their own dialogue. Feedback: Learners give their own opinion on the learnt material Homework: WB p.37 It is spring now. March, April and May are spring months. The weather is fine in spring. It is cool or warm. It sometimes rains. In May it is very warm. You can see flowers in the fields. It is summer. June, July and August are summer months. It is hot and sunny in summer. The weather is nice. The days are long and the nights are short. The fields and trees are green. Children run and play in the streets. It is autumn. September, October and November are autumn months. It is cool in autumn. The weather is rainy and windy. The trees are yellow and red. There are many fruits and vegetables in the gardens. It is winter. December, January and February are winter months. The weather is cold in winter. It usually snows. The streets and the fields are white. The days are short and the nights are long. Children play snowballs in the streets. 1. Вставьте пропущенные буквы. 1. …an…ary 2. Se…tem…er 3. J…n… 4. …ct…ber 5. Ma…c… 2. Напишите для каждого времени года соответствующие названия месяцев. Spring – Autumn Winter – Summer – 3. Завершите предложения. 1. The month after December is … . 2. The month after March is … . 3. The month after July is … . 4. The month before September is … . 5. The month before November is … . 6. The month before May is … . Unit 5: Values Term 2, Lesson 30(6): Making suggestions School № Date: Teacher name: CLASS: Number present: absent: Learning objective(s) that this lesson is contributing to 5.L8 understand supported narratives, including some extended talk, on an increasing range of general and curricular topics 5.S5 keep interaction going in basic exchanges on a growing range of general and curricular topics 5.S6 communicate meaning clearly at sentence level during, pair, group and whole class exchanges 5.R1 understand the main points in a limited range of short simple texts on general and curricular topics 5.R6 recognise the attitude or opinion of the writer in short texts on a limited range of general and curricular topics 5.UE 13 use numbers on a limited range of familiar general and curricular topics Lesson objectives All learners will be able to: ● Read the dialogue. Match problems 1-6 with solutions A-F. Most learners will be able to: ● Read the dialogue. Match problems 1-6 with solutions A-F. ● Write and practice mini-dialogues about the situations. Some learners will be able to: ● Read the dialogue. Match problems 1-6 with solutions A-F. ● Write and practice mini-dialogues about the situations. ● Make up your own dialogue. Plan Planned timings Beginning Middle Teacher activities Student activities Greeting. Setting the aim of the lesson Pre- learning Look at the photo. Where are the people? What have they got Warming up Ask students to work in pairs to tell each other about their favourite music group. Allow them 1-2 minutes for this. Get feedback from a few pairs by asking students to describe their partner’s favourite group. Ask students if they would like to go to see their group in concert and get any feedback Sts warm/greet the teacher Answer the Emoticon following questions. Task 1. SB (p.60). Focus on the photo and ask students to discuss it in pairs. Check answers as a class. Answers: They are at school. The two girls in front have got their school bag. Descriptor: Where are the people? What have they got? Speaking Task 2. (p.60) Draw students’ attention to the incomplete dialogue and the words in the box. Divide students into pairs and allocate each student the role of Sally or Rosa. Ask them to practice the dialogue in pairs. Answers : a) what’s b) We’ve c) July d) make Descriptor: Complete the dialogue. Task3. (p.60) Explain the task. Ask students to do the task in pairs. Students check their answers in the dialogue. Point out that these phrases are useful when we are making Marks Resources PPT Internet materials. They answer the questions Write T and F statements Formative assessment SB p.58 Filling the missing words Oral 8 Write T and F statements Formative assessment Students check their answers in WB ex.3-4, p 57 suggestions. Model each one for the class and ask them to repeat. Encourage them to copy your intonation as much as they can. . Answers: Why don’t you come along? But I don’t play an instrument. That does’t matter. Why not come and dance? OK. Why not! Descriptor: Cover the dialogue and order the key phrases. Task4. (p.60) Elicit the teaning of problem and solution from the class. Explain that when offering a solution to a problem, we can use these phrases for making suggestions. Refer students to the two lists and explain the task. Check their answers. Curclate, checking they are using the key phrases for suggestion correctly. Answers: 1.f 2.b 3.a 4.c 5.d 6.e Descriptor: Match problems 1-6 with solution a-f. Then write and practice minidialogues about the situations. pairs. Check as a class. 8 Complete the sentences with the correct present simple negative form of the verbs in the box. 8 Students can work in pairs and make up their own dialogue. Feedback: Learners give their own opinion on the learnt material Homework: Make up a dialogue Hometask: WB p.37 Formative assessment Oral Conclusion. End Oral Unit 5: Values Term 2, Lesson 31(7): Special occasions School № Date: Teacher name: CLASS: Number present: absent: Learning objective(s) that this lesson is contributing to 5.L8 understand supported narratives, including some extended talk, on an increasing range of general and curricular topics 5.S5 keep interaction going in basic exchanges on a growing range of general and curricular topics 5.W3 write with support an e - mail about a special day 5.UE16 use conjunctions so , if, when , where, before, after to link parts of sentences on a limited range of familiar general and curricular topics Lesson objectives All learners will be able to: ● Read the text and answer the questions. Most learners will be able to: ● Read the text and answer the questions. ● Match sentences 1-5 with reasons a-e using because. Some learners will be able to: ● Read the text and answer the questions. ● Match sentences 1-5 with reasons a-e using because. ● Write about a celebration or festival in their country. Plan Planned timings Beginning 2 Middle Teacher activities Student activities Greeting. Setting the aim of the lesson Pre- learning Look at the picture and say what do you, think about this carnival. What is the biggest day for you. Sts warm/greet the teacher Answer the Emoticon following questions. Warming up Divide students imto pairs. Ask them to tell each other about the last time they were at the street parade or a festival. After about 1 minute, stop the students and get some feedback from each pair by asking a student to describe their partner’s experience. Write T statements Task 1. SB (p.61). Draw students’ attention to the pictures and discuss them with the class. Ask them what they can see and elicit that there are a lot of people in colordul clothes. Explain the task and allow students time to read the model text. Remind them about the rules for using capital letters. Students check their answers in pairs. Check answers as a class. Answers: 1. Every: because it is the first word in the sentence; Brighton: Because it is the name of a place; Brighton Carnaval; because it is the name a festival. 2. The carnaval is in July. 3. Yes, the writer is in a samba band. Descriptor: Read the model test and answer the questions. Speaking Task 2. (p.61) Refer students to the sentence and ask them what the word because does. Elicit that it links a reason with a result. Ask students to complete the rule. Check answers as a class. Answers : before Task3. (p.61) Refer students to the sentences and explain the task. Students check their answers in pairs. Check answers as a class. Answers: 1. b: We go to Switzerland every year because we like skiing. 2.e: I wear warm clothes because it is very cold. Marks Resources PPT Internet materials. They answer the questions and F Formative assessment Filling the missing words SB p.58 Oral 8 Write T statements and WB ex.3-4, p 57 F Formative assessment Students check their answers in pairs. Check as a class. Oral 8 Complete the sentences with the correct present simple negative form of the verbs in the box. Formative assessment 3. d: I don’t like crocodiles because they are dangerous. 4.c: They close the roads because people dance in the street. 5.a: My grandmother doesn’t dance because she’s very old. Descriptor: Match sentences 1-5 with reasons a-e using because. Oral Students can work in pairs and make up their own dialogue. Conclusion. End Feedback: Learners give their own opinion on the learnt material Homework: WB p.39 8 Unit 5: Values Term 2, Lesson 32(8): Holidays in Kazakhstan School : Date: Teacher name: CLASS: Number present: absent: Learning objective(s) that this lesson is contributing to 5.L8 understand supported narratives, including some extended talk, on an increasing range of general and curricular topics5.S3 give an opinion at sentence level on a limited range of general and curricular topics 5.S3 give an opinion at sentence level on a limited range of general and curricular topics 5.UE6 use prepositions, basic personal and demonstrative pronouns ,have to on a limited range of familiar general and curricular topics Lesson objectives All learners will be able to: ● Complete the sentences. ● Read the text “special days” and write the names of the holidays. Most learners will be able to: ● Complete the sentences. ● Read the text “special days” and write the names of the holidays. ● Read and practice the dialogue. Some learners will be able to: ● Complete the sentences. ● Read the text “special days” and write the names of the holidays. ● Make up their own dialogue. Plan Planned timings Beginning Teacher activities Student activities Greeting. Setting the aim of the lesson Pre- learning What celebrations are popular in your country? What is your favourite holiday? Warming up Write school holidays on the board. Explain that students in Sts warm/greet the teacher Answer the Emoticon following questions. They answer the questions Marks Resource PPT Internet materials. Middle different countries have different school holidays. In the UK, for example, students have 13 weeks of school golidays per year ( 6 weeks of summer holidays, 1 week for Christmas, 1 week for Easter, 3 weeks for half term holidays, bank holidays and 5 additional days). Ask students to work in groups to calculate how many weeks of holidays they have in a year. Write the correct answer on the board. Do they have more holidays than students in the UK? Write T and F statements Task 1. SB (p.62). Point out that all the worda in the box are prepositions of place and direction and ask stusents to check their meaning in a dictionary. Use two books and a pen to demonstrate the meaning of prepositions, e.g. put the pen behind one of the books and ask Where is the pen? ( It is behind the book), then place it between the two books and ask again ( It’s between the books), then hold it above one of the books. In pairs, students look at the photo and complete the description with five of the prepositions in the box. Speaking Answers: 1.Next to 2.Behind 3.under 4.between 5.in front of 6. The people in the photo are celebration Nauryz. Descriptor: Check meaning of these words. Complete the photo description with five of the words. What holiday do you think this is? Task 2. Ask students to do the task individually, then play the recording for them to listen and check their answers. Answers : 1. New Year’s Day 2.Nauryz 3.Capital Day Task3. Explain the task. Students compkete the rules and check Formative assessment Filling the missing words Oral 8 Write T and F statements Formative assessment Students check their answers in pairs. Check as a class. Oral 8 Complete the sentences with the correct present simple negative form of the verbs in the box. Formative assessment SB p.62 answers in pairs. Explain the difference between adjectives and adverbs. Elicit that adjectives modify nouns ( She is a careful driver. – the adjective careful modifies the noun driver) while adverbs modify verbs ( He drives carefully- the adverbs carefully modifies the verb frives). Answers: 1.how 2.-ly Descriptor: Choose the correct words in the rules. Conclusion. End Oral 8 Students can work in pairs and make up their own dialogue. Feedback: Learners give their own opinion on the learnt material Homework: A holiday in Kazakhstan ( project) Unit 5: Values Term 2, Lesson 33(9): What we value School № Date: Teacher name: CLASS: Number present: absent: Learning objective(s) that this lesson is contributing to 5.L8 understand supported narratives, including some extended talk, on an increasing range of general and curricular topics 5.R1 understand the main points in a limited range of short simple texts on general and curricular topics 5.R2 understand with little support specific information and detail in short, simple texts on a limited range of general and curricular topics 5.S3 give an opinion at sentence level on a limited range of general and curricular topics 5.W3 write with support factual descriptions at text level which describe a friendship relationship 5.W5 link without support sentences using basic coordinating connectors Lesson objectives All learners will be able to: ● Read the poster and answer the questions. ● Make a poster. Most learners will be able to: ● Read the poster and answer the questions. ● Make a poster. Some learners will be able to: ● Read the poster and answer the questions. ● Make a poster. Plan Planned timings Beginning Teacher activities Student activities Greeting. Setting the aim of the lesson Pre- learning Read the dictionary. What do you think are the three most important things in life? Sts warm/greet the teacher Answer the Emoticon following questions. Task 1. SB (p.63). Focus students’ attention on the numbers in the box and explain that we call them ordinal numbers. This means that they tell us the order that things are in. Point out that we use ordinal numbers to say dates. Resources PPT Internet materials. They answer the questions Write T statements Middle Marks and Speaking Filling the missing words F Formative assessment SB p.64 Students complete the task individually and check their answers in pairs. Check answers as a class. Answers: 1.twenty-eighth 2.eleventh 3.sixth 4.third 5.fourteenth 6.thirtieth Descriptor: Match the words in the box with the ordinal numbers 1-6. Then say the ordinal numbers. Task 2. Draw students’ attention to the key phrases and explain that this is how we say dates. Point out that we don’t write the words the and of in dates, but that in British English we always say them. Students work in pairs to practice the dates. Answers : 1the second of June 2 the twenty-sixth of August 3 the fifteenth of January 4 the first of March 5 the twenty-second of October 6 the thirty-first of May Task3. Explain the task and draw students’ attention to the two sentences. Students check their answers in pairs. Check answers as a class. Answers: Conversation 1 is about a maths exam. Conversation 2 is about a football match. Descriptor: Choose the correct words. Task 4. Refer students to incomplete sentences and explain the task. Students check their answers in pairs. Check answers as a class. Answers: 1 2nd June 2 Wednesday 3 17th March 4 Saturday Task 5. Read through the sentences together and make sure students unferstand the difference between have to and don’t have to. Give more examples to help students. Check answers as a class. Then ask students to write sentences about thre things they have to do and three things theydon’t have to, e.g. I have to / don’t have to wear a uniform. I have to / don’t have to study Turkish. Oral 8 Write T statements and F Formative assessment Oral 8 Students check their answers in pairs. Check as a class. Formative assessment Oral 8 Complete the sentences with the correct present simple negative form of the verbs in the box. Students can work in pairs and make up their own dialogue. Answers: We use have to to express obligation. We use don’t have to to say that something isn’t necessary. Conclusion. End Feedback: Learners give their own opinion on the learnt material Homework: WB Ex.1-4,p.40 Unit 5: Values Term 2, Lesson 35(11): What we value School № Date: Teacher name: CLASS: Number present: Learning objective(s) that this lesson is contributing to absent: 5.L8 understand supported narratives, including some extended talk, on an increasing range of general and curricular topics 5.R1 understand the main points in a limited range of short simple texts on general and curricular topics 5.R2 understand with little support specific information and detail in short, simple texts on a limited range of general and curricular topics 5.S3 give an opinion at sentence level on a limited range of general and curricular topics 5.W3 write with support factual descriptions at text level which describe a friendship relationship 5.W5 link without support sentences using basic coordinating connectors Lesson objectives All learners will be able to: ● Read the poster and answer the questions. ● Make a poster. Most learners will be able to: ● Read the poster and answer the questions. ● Make a poster. Some learners will be able to: ● Read the poster and answer the questions. ● Make a poster. Plan Planned timings Beginning Teacher activities Student activities Greeting. Setting the aim of the lesson Pre- learning Read the dictionary. What do you think are the three most important things in life? Sts warm/greet the teacher Answer the Emoticon following questions. They answer the questions Write T statements Middle Task 1. SB (p.61). Draw students’ attention to the pictures and discuss them with the class. Ask them what they can see and elicit that there are a lot of people in colordul clothes. Explain the task and allow students time to read the model text. Remind them about the rules for using capital letters. Students check their answers in pairs. Check answers as a class. Answers: 1. Every: because it is the first word in the sentence; Brighton: Because it is the name of a place; Brighton Carnaval; because it is the name a festival. Marks and Filling the missing words Oral 8 Write T statements and PPT Interne t materi als. F Formative assessment Speaking Resou rces F Formative assessment Oral SB p.64 2. The carnaval is in July. 3. Yes, the writer is in a samba band. Descriptor: Read the model test and answer the questions. Task 2. (p.61) Refer students to the sentence and ask them what the word because does. Elicit that it links a reason with a result. Ask students to complete the rule. Check answers as a class. Answers : before Task3. (p.61) Refer students to the sentences and explain the task. Students check their answers in pairs. Check answers as a class. Answers: 1. b: We go to Switzerland every year because we like skiing. 2.e: I wear warm clothes because it is very cold. 3. d: I don’t like crocodiles because they are dangerous. 4.c: They close the roads because people dance in the street. 5.a: My grandmother doesn’t dance because she’s very old. Descriptor: Match sentences 1-5 with reasons a-e using because. End 8 Students check their answers in pairs. Check as a class. Formative assessment Oral 8 Complete the sentences with the correct present simple negative form of the verbs in the box. Students can work in pairs and make up their own dialogue. Feedback: Learners give their own opinion on the learnt material Homework: Revision Long-term plan unit: 4 Values School: 1 All about me Date: Grade:5 Teacher name: Number present: absent: - Theme of the lesson: Unit revision. Reading for pleasure. p.66-67 5.L8 understand supported narratives, including some extended talk, on an increasing range of general and curricular topics 5.S3 give an opinion at sentence level on a limited range of general and curricular topics 5.UE17 use if clauses (in zero conditionals); use where clauses; use before/after clauses (with past reference); use defining relative clauses with which who that where to give details on a limited range of familiar general and curricular topics 5.W3 write with support factual descriptions at text level which describe people, places and objects All learners will be able to: Lesson objectives use subject-specific vocabulary Most learners will be able to: use the negative form of the present simple make poster about a holiday. Some learners will be able to: use all structures correctly Plan Time Teacher activities Student activities Marks Resource s Beginnin Sts warm/greet the Organization moment Teacher greets students; students PPT g teacher Answer the respond to greeting and take their Emoticon following places. Formative questions. assessment Task 1. eat turkey for Christmas dinner They answer the 1 decorate the house questions 2 play a musical instrument 3 have a party Write T and F 4 celebrate Thanksgiving Oral statements 5 dance the samba 6 wear new clothes Speaking 7 sing Happy Birthday 8 Descriptor: Match the verbs in the Filling the box with phrases 1-7. missing words wear, play, decorate, dance, Formative celebrate, have, sing, eat. assessment Learning objectives(s) that this lesson is contributing to Middle Task 2. (p.66) 1 Nauryz is in February / March. 2 21st March is the first day of summer / spring in the UK. 3 February / May has got more days than September. 4 ST Valentine’s Day is in / on 14th February. 5 April / March is the third month of the year. 6 October is in winter / autumn. 7 There are thirty days in November / January. 8 January is in winter / summer in Australia. Descriptor: Choose the correct words. Task 3 1.The Irish celebrates / celebrate Saint Patric’s Day on 17th March 2.My cousin has/ have a New Year’s party every year. 3.My sister and I visits/ visit our grandparents in summer. 4.I gives/ give presents to my friends on their birthday. 5.My mother makes/ make a special meal on New Year’s Day. 6.They wears/ wear party clothes on New Year’e Eve. 7.We dances/ dance in the streets on Carnival day. 8.A friend visits/ visit me every summer. Descriptor: Choose the correct form of the verbs. Task 4 he/ like/ hot dogs He likes hot dogs. 1. my father / cook / turkey My father cooks turkey. 2. I/ play/ an instrument in a band I play an in instrument in a band. 3.we/ live/ in a small village We live in a small village. 4.my parents / have / a patry every year My parents have a party every year. Internet materials. Oral Write T and F statements 8 PPT Formative assessment Oral Students check their answers in pairs. Check as a class. 8 Internet materials. Complete the sentences with the correct present simple negative form of the verbs in the box. Students can work in pairs and make up their own dialogue. End 5.you / ski / in January You ski in January. 6.she/ walk /to school every day She walks to school every day. 7.my dog/ play /football with me My dog plays football with me. Descriptor: Write affirmative sentences. Use the present simple. Conclusion. Hometask: WB p.42 Feedback Students share opinions if they liked/disliked the lesson by putting their thumbs up/down and explaining the reasons using simple language Long-term plan unit: 6 The world of work 1 All about me Date: Grade:5 School: Teacher name: Number present: Theme of the lesson: Learning. Studying habits. Learning objectives(s) that this lesson is contributing to absent: p.p.68-69 5.L1understand a sequence of supported classroom instructions 5.L6 deduce meaning from context in short, supported talk on an increasing range of general and curricular topics 5.S6 communicate meaning clearly at sentence level during, pair, group and whole class exchanges 5.UE1 use appropriate countable and uncountable nouns, including common noun phrases describing times and location, on a limited range of familiar general and curricular topics 5.UE10 use present continuous forms with present and future meaning on a limited range of familiar general and curricular topics 5.UE16 use conjunctions so , if, when , where, before, All learners will be able to: understand specific information and ask information use subject-specific vocabulary understand the main content of text Most learners will be able to: use verbs to talk understand a conversation between students Some learners will be able to: use all structures correctly Plan Teacher activities Student Marks activities Lesson objectives Time Beginnin Organization moment Teacher greets students; students g respond to greeting and take their places. Hometask : Warming up Ask students to work in pairs to tell Middle each other what their favourite thing about school is and why. Encourage them to give two reasons for their choise. After about 2 minutes, stop the students. Get feedback from a few pair by asking a few students to say what their partner’s favourite thing about school is and why. Task 1. SB (p.68). Focus students’ attention on the questionnaire on page 69 and ask them to look at the pictures. Allow them 1-2 minutes to look and skim through the text. Then ask which of the students in the pictures they think works hardest and which of them works the least. Draw students’ attention to the words and phrases in blue. Ask students to guess the meanings of the phrases from the pictures to help them. Check answers as a class and put the translations on the board. Answers: Students’ own answers. Descriptor: What are the phrases in blue in your language? Resources PPT Sts warm/greet Emoticon the teacher Answer the following questions. Formative assessment They answer the questions Oral Internet materials. Write T and F statements 8 SB p.64 PPT Speaking Task 2. Draw students’ attention to the table and explain the task. Students work individually to complete the table with the phrases from the questionnaire, Formative assessment Oral SB according to their own opinions. When they have finished, divide them into pairs. Refer students to the speech bubbles as an example and ask them to compare their ideas. Monitor, helding where necessary. Answers : Students’ own answers. Descriptor: Complete the columns with the phrases from the questionnaire. 8 Filling the missing words Formative assessment Oral Write T and F statements 8 Task 3. Refer students to page 69 and explain that they are going to listen to two students, Jana and Piotr, doing the questionnaire. Explain the task.Play the recording. Pause after each question to allow students to choose their answers. Check answers as a class. Answers: Questions 1,2,3 and 4 Task 4 Allow the students time to read the statements before playing the recording again. Pause after each answer to allow students time to decide true or false. Students check answers in pairs.Check answers as a class. Answers: 1 False: Jana sometimes does her homework. 2 False: Piotr sometimes watches DVDs and listens to music. 3 False: Jana never revises before a test. 4 True. Descriptor: Write true or false for sentences 1-4. End Students check their answers in pairs. Check as a class. Complete the sentences with the correct present simple negative form of the verbs in the box. Students can work in pairs and make up their own dialogue. Conclusion. Hometask: WB p.40 Feedback Students share opinions if they liked/disliked the lesson by putting their thumbs up/down and explaining the reasons using simple language Long-term plan unit: 6 The world of work School: 1 All about me Date: Teacher name: Grade:5 Number present: absent: - Theme of the lesson: A day at school p.70 5.L1understand a sequence of supported classroom instructions 5.L6 deduce meaning from context in short, supported talk on an increasing range of general and curricular topics 5.S6 communicate meaning clearly at sentence level during, pair, group and whole class exchanges 5.UE1 use appropriate countable and uncountable nouns, including common noun phrases describing times and location, on a limited range of familiar general and curricular topics 5.UE10 use present continuous forms with present and future meaning on a limited range of familiar general and curricular topics 5.UE16 use conjunctions so , if, when , where, before, All learners will be able to: Lesson objectives understand specific information and ask information use subject-specific vocabulary understand the main content of text Most learners will be able to: use verbs talking about school subjects. Some learners will be able to: use all structures correctly understand an article about school. Plan Teacher activities Student Marks Time Resources activities timings Learning objectives(s) that this lesson is contributing to Beginnin Organization moment Teacher greets students; students g respond to greeting and take their places. Hometask : Warming up Write three true or false sentences on the board about the school. For example: Classes always start at 9 a.m. We never have English class on Wednesday. We sometimes watch films in class. In pairs, students decide if the sentences are true or false. If they false, ask them to correct them. Middle New lesson Task 1. Refer students to page 82 of Workbook and ask them to look through the school subjects. Check for understanding, and ask students to translate the subjects into their own language. Draw students’ attention to the subjects on page 70 and explain the task. Divide students in pairs for the activity. Encorage them to use adverbs of frequency from page 68 as they discuss the subjects. Get some feedback from each pair. Answers: Students’ own answers. Descriptor: Do you study these subjects at school? What other subjects do you study? Task 2. SB (p.70). Draw students’ attention to the photo and ask them what they can see. Elicit that there are students in a classroom, and that one of the Sts warm/greet Emoticon the teacher Answer the Formative following assessment questions. They answer the questions Slide Oral Write T and F statements 8 Speaking Emoticon Teacher’s book Formative assessment Oral PPT Filling the missing words 8 Write T and F statements Emoticon Formative assessment Oral SB students look older. Explain the task. Focus students on the text and play the recording. Students check answers in pairs. Check answers as a class. Answers : TB p.119. ICT and French are difficult for Paul. Descriptor: Which subjects are difficult for Paul? 8 Students check their answers in pairs. Check as a class. Task 3. Refer students to the sentences 15. Explain the task. Ask students to underline the parts of the text that helped them find their answers. Students answers in a pairs. Check answers as a class. Ask fast finishers to correct the false sentences. Answers: 1 False: Paul is matt’s father. 2 False: Mrs Murphy teaces maths. 3 True 4 True 5 False: The French teacher doesn’t speak End English in class. Task 4 Reaf the questions with the class and check for understanding. Answers: Students’ own answers. Descriptor: Ask and answer the questions Conclusion. Hometask: WB p.40 Feedback Students share opinions if they liked/disliked the lesson by putting their thumbs up/down and explaining the reasons using simple language PPT SB Long-term plan unit: 6 The world of work School: 1 All about me Date: Teacher name: Grade:5 Number present: absent: - Theme of the lesson: A language focus: Object pronouns\ Present Simple p.71 Learning objectives(s) that this lesson is contributing to Lesson objectives Time 5.S3 give an opinion at sentence level on a limited range of general and curricular topics 5.S4 respond with limited flexibility at sentence level to unexpected comments on an increasing range of general and curricular topics 5.R6 recognise the attitude or opinion of the writer in short texts on a limited range of general and curricular topics 5.R7 recognise typical features at word, sentence and text level in a limited range of written genres 5.W8 spell most high-frequency words accurately for a limited range of general topics 5.UE10 use present continuous forms with present and future meaning on a limited range of familiar general and curricular topics All learners will be able to: understand specific information and ask information use subject-specific vocabulary understand the main content of text Most learners will be able to: use object pronouns Some learners will be able to: use all structures correctly understand and write a school report. Plan Teacher activities Student activities Marks Resources Beginnin g Emoticon Organization moment Teacher greets students; students respond to greeting and take their places. Sts warm/greet Formative the teacher assessment Oral Answer following questions Middle New lesson Task 1. Draw students’ attention to the table and highlight the subject pronouns in the left-hand column. Explain that the words in the light-hand column are object promouns. In other words , they are the object of the verb. Look at the sentences 1-4 with the students as an example of how object pronouns work. In paire students complete the table, matching the correct object pronoun to the subject pronoun. Answers: 1.Ne 2.Her 3.It 4.Us Descriptor: Complete the table. Use the words in blue in sentences 1-4. Task 2. SB (p.71). Draw students’ attention to the sentences and explain the task. Point out that they should underline the object in each sentence before choosing the pronoun to help them. Ask students to complete the activity in pairs. Students check answers in pairs. Check answers as a class. Answers : 1.them 2.him 3.it 4.them 5.ger 6.us 7.me Descriptor: Choose the correct object pronoun. the Speaking 8 Emoticon They answer Formative the questions assessment Write T and F Oral statements 8 Teacher’s book PPT SB Filling the missing words Write T and F Emoticon statements Formative assessment Task 3. Focus students on the example sentence and explain the task. Monitor students as they work, helping with ideas as necessary. Ask students to compare their sentences in pairs. Check answers by getting some feedback from each pair. Answers: Students own answers. Descriptor: Complete the sentences. Start each sentence with your ideas and finish with an object pronoun. Oral Students check their answers in pairs. Check as a class. 8 Task 4 Ask students to tell you what is different about the third person singular form of the verb. Refer students to the spelling rules and explain the task. Answers: 1.plays 2.finishes 3.copies 4.watches 5.likes 6.carries Descriptor: Read the spelling rules. Then write the third person form of verbs 1-6. Task 5 Focus students on the report and ask them what they think it is. Elicit what a school report is. Explain the task. Answers: 1.listens 2.like 3.finishes 4.uses 5.think Descriptor: Complete the report from Matt’s teacher. Use the correct form of the present simple. End Conclusion. Hometask: WB p.41 Feedback Students share opinions if they liked/disliked the lesson by putting their thumbs up/down and explaining the reasons using simple language Long-term plan unit: 6 The world of work School: 1 All about me Date: Teacher name: Grade:5 Number present: Theme of the lesson: Language and communication p.72 absent: - 5.S2 ask simple questions to get information about a limited range of general topics 5.S7 use appropriate subject-specific vocabulary and syntax to talk about a limited range of general topics 5.R4 read with some support a limited range of short fiction and nonfiction texts 5.W3 write with support factual descriptions at text level which describe people, places and objects 5.UE1 use appropriate countable and uncountable nouns, including common noun phrases describing times and location, on a limited range of familiar general and curricular topics All learners will be able to: Lesson objectives understand specific information and ask information use subject-specific vocabulary understand the main content of text Most learners will be able to: use vocabulary to talk about languages. Some learners will be able to: use all structures correctly understand a programme about a chimpanzee. Plan Teacher activities Student Marks Time Resources activities timings Learning objectives(s) that this lesson is contributing to Beginnin g Organization moment Emoticon Teacher greets students; students respond to greeting and take their places. Hometask : Warming up Write the following wuestion on the board: Why are you learning English? In pairs, students discuss the wuestion and think of two reasons why they are learning English, e.g. to get a good job or to go travelling. Sts warm/greet Formative assessment the teacher Slide Oral Answer following questions the 8 New lesson Task 1. Draw students’ attention to the table and to the words in blue. Explain the task. Ask students to work together in pairs. Students check answers in Middle pairs. Check answers as a class. Answers:Languages: Spanish, English, German, Turkish, French, Russian. Other words: letters, alphabet, symbol, word. Descriptor: Look at the Language Quiz and complete the columns with the words in blue. Do you know the names of other languages in English? Speaking Emoticon They answer Formative the questions assessment Write T and F Oral statements Teacher’s book 8 Task 2. SB (p.72). Divide students into pairs to do the quiz. Go through the questions with the students to check fot understanding. Point out that students can guess the answers if they don’t know what they are. Cet some feedback from the class for each answer. Answers : 1.a 2.b 3.c 4.c 5.a Descriptor: Do the quiz. Then listen and check your answers. Task 3. Draw students’ attention to the photo and ask them what they see. Elicit that there is a woman and a PPT Filling the missing words Write T and F Emoticon statements SB chimpanzee. They are looking at a book pictures in it. Read the sentences with the students and check for understanding. Check answers by getting some feedback from each pair. Answers: b Descriptor: Look at the picture and listen to a programme about Kanzi the chimpanzee. Then choose the correct sentence from a-d. Task 4 Focus students on the questions and on the words. Answers: 1.Kanzi lives in the USA. 2.No, they don’t. They work in a university. 3.No, she doesn’t. 4.She communicated with symbols. 5. She understands about 200 symbols. Descriptor: Look at the questions and choose answers from the box. Then listen again and check. End Formative assessment Oral Students check their answers in pairs. Check as a class. 8 Conclusion. Hometask: WB p.42 Feedback Students share opinions if they liked/disliked the lesson by putting their thumbs up/down and explaining the reasons using simple language Long-term plan unit: 6 The world of work School: 1 All about me Date: Teacher name: Grade:5 Number present: Theme of the lesson: Language and communication p.73 absent: - 5.S2 ask simple questions to get information about a limited range of general topics 5.S7 use appropriate subject-specific vocabulary and syntax to talk about a limited range of general topics 5.R4 read with some support a limited range of short fiction and nonfiction texts 5.W3 write with support factual descriptions at text level which describe people, places and objects 5.UE1 use appropriate countable and uncountable nouns, including common noun phrases describing times and location, on a limited range of familiar general and curricular topics All learners will be able to: Lesson objectives understand specific information and ask information use subject-specific vocabulary understand the main content of text Most learners will be able to: use vocabulary to talk about languages. Some learners will be able to: use question forms in the present simple. ask and answer questions about studying. Plan Time Resourc Teacher activities Student Marks es activities Learning objectives(s) that this lesson is contributing to Beginnin Organization moment Teacher greets students; students g respond to greeting and take their places. Hometask : Warming up Ask students to make four sentences in the present simple. Each sentence should contain a different adverb of frequency ( always, usually, sometimes, never).Students compare their sentences in pairs. Get feedback by asking each pair to tell me some of their sentences. New lesson Task 1. Focus students on the table and point out the questions and the answers. Explain the task. Check answers as a class. Ask the class if they would like to learn Chinese or not. Answers: 1.b 2.d 3.a 4.e 5.c Descriptor: Match questions 1-5 with answers a-e. Task 2. SB (p.73). Middle Refer students to the table and explain the task. Answers : 1.Does 2.do 3.does 4.don’t 5.doesn’t Descriptor: Complete the table with the words in the box. Then check your answers in exercise 1. Task 3. Refer students to the fragments and explain the task. Draw their attention to the example and point out that they should underline the subject in each case to help them from the question correctly.Explain the task. Students complete the task individually. Monitor, checking that they are using the forms correctly. Answers: 1. Do your friends listen to music? 2.Does this book teach grammar? 3.Do monkeys usually speak English? 4.Do you understand Italian? 5.Does your teacher watch DVDs in English? 6.Does Kanzi live in Japan? 7.Do you ever look at websites in English? Emoticon Sts warm/greet Formative the teacher assessment Slide Oral Answer following questions the Speaking PPT 8 Emoticon They answer Formative the questions assessment Write T and F Oral statements Teacher’ s book (p.88) 8 SB Filling the missing words Write T and F Emoticon statements WB Formative assessment 8.Do your parents speak a foreign language? Descriptor: Complete the questions and write your answers. End Students check their answers in pairs. Check as a class. Oral 8 Hometask: WB p.43 Feedback Students share opinions if they liked/disliked the lesson by putting their thumbs up/down and explaining the reasons using simple language Long-term plan unit 6: The world of work Conclusion. School: 1 All about me Date: Teacher name: Grade:5 Number present: Theme of the lesson: Asking questions in class p.74 absent: - Learning objectives(s) that this lesson is contributing to Lesson objectives 5.S2 ask simple questions to get information about a limited range of general topics 5.S7 use appropriate subject-specific vocabulary and syntax to talk about a limited range of general topics 5.R4 read with some support a limited range of short fiction and non-fiction texts 5.W3 write with support factual descriptions at text level which describe people, places and objects 5.UE1 use appropriate countable and uncountable nouns, including common noun phrases describing times and location, on a limited range of familiar general and curricular topics All learners will be able to: understand specific information and ask information use subject-specific vocabulary understand the main content of text Most learners will be able to: use phrases for asking questions. Some learners will be able to: use question forms in the present simple. ask and answer questions about studying. Plan Time Beginnin g Teacher activities Student activities Resourc es Emoticon Organization moment Teacher greets students; students respond to greeting and take their places. Hometask : Warming up Ask students to choose two languages they would like to learn, and to give a reason for their choices. Het feedback by asking a few students to tell the rest of the class shich languages they would like to learn and why. New lesson Marks Sts warm/greet the Formative teacher assessment Slide Oral Answer the following questions PPT 8 Middle Task 1. Focus on the photo and ask students to discuss it in pairs. Discuss the photo briefly as a class to check the answer. Answers: They are in class at school. Descriptor: Look at the photo. Where ase Rosa and Tom? Task 2. SB (p.74). Draw a students’ attention to the incomplete dialogue aand the words in the box. Explain the task. Check answers as a class. Answers : 1.can 2.understand 3.How Descriptor: Complete the dialogue with the words in the box. Task 3. Draw a students’ attention to the key phrases and explain the task. Play the recording and ask students to repeat. Divide students into pairs and allocate each students the role of Tom and Rosa. Ask them to practice the dialogue in pairs. Answers: Yes, I can. I think it’s ‘lesen’. It’s ‘lesen’. It’s L-E-S-EN. Descriptor: Listen to the key phrases. What are the responses to the key phrases in the dialogue? Speaking Emoticon They answer the Formative questions assessment Write T and F Oral statements Teacher’ s book (p.88) 8 SB Filling the missing words Write T and statements F Emoticon WB Task 4 Draw students’ attention to the questions. Ask them to underline the verbs and to tell you how these questions are different from those on page 73. Elicit that these questions use can instead of do. Point out that we use can to ask about ability and to make requests. Answers: 1.B 2.A Question 2 is a request. Descriptor: Match questions 1 and 2 with answers A and B? Which question is a request? End Conclusion. Hometask: WB p.44 Feedback Formative assessment Students check their answers in pairs. Check as a class. Oral 8 Students share opinions if they liked/disliked the lesson by putting their thumbs up/down and explaining the reasons using simple language Long-term plan unit: 6 The world of work School: 1 All about me Date: Teacher name: Grade:5 Number present: Theme of the lesson: Writing a report p.75 absent: - W 5.S6 communicate meaning clearly at sentence level during, pair, group and whole class exchanges 5.W3 write with support factual descriptions at text level which describe people, places and objects 5.UE9 use simple present and simple past regular and irregular forms to describe routines, habits and states on a limited range of familiar general and curricular topics 5.UE10 use present continuous forms with present and future meaning on a limited range of familiar general and curricular topics All learners will be able to: Lesson objectives understand specific information and ask information use subject-specific vocabulary understand the main content of text Most learners will be able to: use capital letters, commas, full stops, and question marks. Some learners will be able to: use question forms in the present simple. write a report Plan Teacher activities Student activities Marks Time Resources Learning objectives(s) that this lesson is contributing to Beginnin g Emoticon Organization moment Teacher greets students; students respond to greeting and take their places. Hometask : Warming up Ask students 1-2 minutes to think about different ways they can learn and improve theit English apart from studying in a classroom, e.g. watch films ln English, read English books, look at English websites, go to an English-speaking country, etc. After about 1 minute, stop the students and ask them to tell you their ideas. Put them on the board as they say them, explaining any new vocabulary as they do. Have a class vote on the most interesting way to improve English. New lesson Task 1. Draw students’ attention to the questionnaire and the report and ask them to look through them quickly to see how they are connected to each other. Elicit that the report contains the answers to the questions in the questionnaire. Explain the task. Check answers as a class. Sts warm/greet the Formative teacher assessment Slide Oral Answer following questions the PPT 8 Middle Answers: 1. I go to school in Antalya, Turkey. 2.My native language is Turkish. 3.I speak some German and English. 4.I study three hours at school and two houre at home. 5.I like listening, learning vocabulary and watching DVDs. 6.I don’t like speaking and acting. 7.I sometimes watch DVDs in English. 8.I never listen to English music. 9.I think my English is OK. 10.I want to improve my speaklng, pronunciation and writing. Descriptor: Look at the questionnaire and read the report. What are Mwhmet’s answers to questions 1-10 in the questionnaire? Task 2. SB (p.75). Refer students to the key phrases and explain that they have to complete them about themselves, replacing the words in blue as necessary. Answers : Students’ own answers. Descriptor: Study the key phrases and rewrite them with your information. Task 3 Remind students that they have already looked at the rukes for using capital letters on page 19 in Unit 2 of the Student’s Book. Ask them if they can remember any of the rules and get some feedback from the class.Explain the task. Check answers as a class. Answers: 1.names 2.languages 3.pauses 4.lists 5.sentence 6.question Descriptor: Complete the rules. Then find examples in the text and in the questionnaire. Task 4 Speaking Emoticon They answer the Formative questions assessment Write T and F Oral statements Teacher’s book (p.88) 8 SB Filling the missing words Write T and F Emoticon statements WB Formative assessment Students check their answers in pairs. Check as a class. Oral 8 End Go through the Writing guide with the class. Firstly, explain the task and what students have to do. I could ask them to interview another student and write a report about them, or, about themselves. Allow students time to think some answers to the questions in the questionnaire before they do the task. Answers: Students’ own answers. Conclusion. Hometask: WB p.44 Feedback Students share opinions if they liked/disliked the lesson by putting their thumbs up/down and explaining the reasons using simple language Long-term plan unit: 6 The world of work School: 1 All about me Date: Teacher name: Grade:5 Number present: Theme of the lesson: Famous Kazakh artists p.76 absent: - W Learning objectives(s) that this lesson is contributing to 5.S2 ask simple questions to get information about a limited range of general topics 5.L5 understand most specific information and detail of short, supported talk on a wide range of familiar topics 5.S6 communicate meaning clearly at sentence level during, pair, group and whole class exchanges 5.W8 spell most high-frequency words accurately for a limited range of general topics 5.UE16 use conjunctions so , if, when , where, before, after to link parts of sentences on a limited range of familiar general and curricular topics Lesson objectives All learners will be able to: understand specific information and ask information use subject-specific vocabulary understand the main content of text Most learners will be able to: talk about famous people from Kazakhstan. Some learners will be able to: use question forms in the present simple. use the past simple, regular and irregular verbs. Plan Time Beginnin g Teacher activities Student activities Resources Emoticon Organization moment Teacher greets students; students respond to greeting and take their places. Hometask : Warming up Divide students into pairs and ask them to tell each other about their favourite writer, composer and painter. Encourage them to give reasons for their choice. New lesson Task 1. Draw students’ attention to thephotos. Elicit the names of the people. Encourage students to share any other information they know about them. Answers: 1. Mukhtar Auesov 2.Gaziza Zhubanova 3.Abilkhan Kasteyev Descriptor: Look at the photo. Who are these people? What do you know about them? Marks Sts warm/greet the Formativ teacher e assessme nt Answer following questions the Slide Oral PPT 8 Middle Task 2. SB (p.76). Give students time to read through the sentences. Pre-teach the following words and phrases: poetry, play (noun), novel, based on, in his honour.Allow students to check their answers in pairs. Answers : 1.Caziza Zhubanova 2. Caziza Zhubanova, Akhmet Zhubanov 3. Abilkhan Kasteyev 4. Abilkhan Kasteyev 5. Mukhtar Auesov Descriptor: Read and listen to the texts. Complete the sentences with the names of the people. Speaking Task 3 Draw students’ attention to the three texts again. Ask whether they are about the present or past. Elicit that they are about the past and point out that most of the verbs are in the past simple tense. Answers: be-was/were, loveloved, can-could, start-started, teach-taught, work-worked, translate-translated, go-went, return-returned, become-became, write-wrote, live-lived, paintpainted, die-died, rename-renamed 1.was 2.the same 3.-ed 4.write Descriptor: Find the past simple forms of these verbs in the texts. Then choose the correct words in the rules. Filling the missing words Emoticon They answer Formative the questions assessment Write T and F Oral statements (p.88) 8 SB Write T and F Emoticon statements WB Formative assessment Students check their answers in pairs. Check as a class. Oral 8 Descriptor: Match the words with the meanings a-c. End Teacher’s book Conclusion. Hometask: WB p.44 Feedback Students share opinions if they liked/disliked the lesson by putting their thumbs up/down and explaining the reasons using simple language Long-term plan unit: 6 The world of work School: 1 All about me Date: Teacher name: Grade:5 Number present: Theme of the lesson: Countries, people and jobs absent: p.78 W 5.S6 communicate meaning clearly at sentence level during, pair, group and whole class exchanges 5.C8 develop intercultural awareness through reading and discussion All learners will be able to: Lesson objectives • Read the text and answer the questions. Most learners will be able to: • Fill in the correct past simple form of the verb. • Make up sentences using if, when, where, before, after and pictures Some learners will be able to: Plan Teacher activities Student activities Marks Time Resources Learning objectives(s) that this lesson is contributing to Beginni ng Greeting. Setting the aim of the lesson Pre- learning What countries do you know? What jobs do you know? What do you know about New Zealand? Emoticon Sts warm/greet the Formative teacher assessment Slide Oral Answer the following questions PPT 8 Middle Task 1 Answers: 1.New Zeland is south-east of Australia. 2.Wellington is the capital city. 3.Auckland is another big city. It is the largest city in New Zeland. 4.It is famous for the All Blacks, the national rugby team. 5.Sir Edmund Hillary and peter Jackson. Descriptor: Read the text and answer the questions. Activity 2 (I) Fill in the correct past simple form of the verb. Ben __________ Emily at the party (to see). He ___________ to her about the music (to speak). Ben __________ fish and chips for lunch (to eat). Lucy ___________ me her photographs (to see). Jake ___________ a new camera (to buy). Activity 3 (P,I) Make up sentences using if, when, where, before, after and pictures. Example: I Speaking Emoticon They answer the Formative questions assessment Write T and F Oral statements Teacher’s book 8 SB Filling the missing words Emoticon Write T and F statements Students check their answers in WB Formative assessment finish my homework before I play computer games. My father plays chess when he comes from work. Alternative pairs. Check as a class. Oral 8 Activity 1 (G,P,I) Students can make poster about their country. End Conclusion ex.4 on p. 46 WB Feedback Students share opinions if they liked/disliked the lesson by putting their thumbs up/down and explaining the reasons using simple language Unit 6: The world of work Term 2 CLIL. Music: Appreciating music Date: CLASS: 5 Learning objective(s) that this lesson is contributing to School : Teacher name: Number present: absent: 5.L5 understand most specific information and detail of short, supported talk on a wide range of familiar topics 5.S6 communicate meaning clearly at sentence level during, pair, group and whole class exchanges 5.W8 spell most high-frequency words accurately for a limited range of general topics 5.S4 respond with limited flexibility at sentence level to unexpected comments on an increasing range of general and curricular topics Lesson objectives All learners will be able to: ● Read the text, insert the missing punctuation marks. Most learners will be able to: ● Make up a dialogue. Some learners will be able to: ● Write a description of the music. Plan Planne d timings Beginnin g Middle Teacher activities Greeting. Setting the aim of the lesson Pre- learning Match the words with instruments 1-8. Which instruments do you associate with these types of music? Activity 1 (G) Read the text, insert the missing punctuation marks. Want to be an Interpreter I want to be an interpreter it is an interesting and useful profession my parents have a large library and they taught me to like books I Student activities Marks Emoticon Sts warm/greet Formative the teacher assessment Resources English plus SB. p.79 Oral Answer following questions Speaking the 8 Emoticon They answer Formative the questions assessment Write T and F Oral statements English plus SB. Page 79 PPT like reading books my favourite subjects in school are English Literature Geography and History. My favourite English and American writers are Shakespeare Dickens Walter Scott Jack London Mark Twain. Once at the class of Literature, our teacher told us that, when translated, literary works lose much of their beauty. She said that poetry is very hard to translate. From that day I have a dream I want to have my favourite books in the original and to know the languages they are written in so I will enjoy the real beauty of these books. Activity 2 (P,I) Make up a dialogue. Alternative En d 8 A collection of tasks for Formative Assessment English Filling the missing words Grade 5 (p.77) Emoticon Write T and F statements Formative assessment Students check their answers in pairs. Check as a class. Oral 8 Activity 2 (P,I) Students can think of a piece of music their like. Then write a description of the music. Feedback: Learners give their own opinion on the learnt material Homework: WB Ex.5-6, p.49 Unit 6: The world of work Term 2, Reading for pleasure Date: Unit 6 School: Teacher name: CLASS: 5 Learning objective(s) that this lesson is contributing to Number present: absent: 5.S6 communicate meaning clearly at sentence level during, pair, group and whole class exchanges 5.L7 recognize the opinion of the speaker(s) in basic, supported talk on an increasing range of general and curricular topics 5.W8 spell most high-frequency words accurately for a limited range of general topics Lesson objectives All learners will be able to: ● Read the jokes and do the exercises after the jokes. Most learners will be able to: ● Read the jokes and do the exercises after the jokes. ● Act out the jokes. Some learners will be able to: Planned timings ● Make their own jokes. Plan Teacher activities Student activities Marks Emoticon Beginning Greeting. Setting the aim of the lesson Sts warm/greet the Formative teacher assessment Answer the Oral following questions Resources English plus SB. p.79 8 Middle Warming up Divide students into pairs and ask them to tell each other about their favourite writer, composer and painter. Encourage them to give reasons for their choice. Speaking Formative assessment They answer the questions Oral Activity 1 (G) Read the jokes and do the exercises after the jokes. Activity 2 (G) Act out the jokes. Alternative Activity 2 (G) Students can make their own jokes. English plus SB. Page 81 Write T and F statements End Feedback: Learners give their own opinion on the learnt material Homework: WB Ex.7-8, p.49