AN INTRODUCTION TO GEOTECHNICAL ENGINEERING Second Edition Robert D. Holtz, Ph.D., P.E., D.GE University of Washington William D. Kovacs, Ph.D., P.E., D.GE University of Rhode Island Thomas C. Sheahan, Sc.D., P.E. Northeastern University PEARSON Dubai Upper Saddle River Indianapolis London Madrid Hong Kong Boston Toronto Mexico Columbus San Francisco Sydney Singapore City Munich Paris New York Tokyo Montreal Amsterdam Cape Town Contents Preface Chapter 8 1 Introduction to Geotechnical 1.1 Geotechnical 1.2 The 11 Engineering 11 Engineering 1.5 13 Unique Book 14 of this Scope 15 Historical Development of Geotechnical Engineering Geotechnical of the to Engineering Study Suggested Approach 1.6 Notes 1.7 Some Comments on How to 1.3 1.4 Nature of Soil and Rock Materials on Problems Chapter 2 16 Symbols and Units Study Index and Classification of Soils Properties 2.1 Introduction 2.2 Basic Definitions and Phase Relations for Soils 2.3 Solution of Phase Problems 2.4 Soil Texture 2.5 Grain Size and Grain Size Distribution 2.6 Particle 49 Atterberg Limits Introduction to Soil Classification 2.9 Unified Soil Classification System 3.1 3.2 3.3 3.4 57 (USCS) AASHTO Soil Classification System 3 42 49 2.7 Chapter 20 25 41 Shape Problems 19 19 2.8 2.10 17 in General 18 58 71 71 Geology, Landforms, and the Origin of Geomaterials Importance of Geology to Geotechnical Engineering 81 The Earth, Minerals, Rocks, and Rock Structure Geologic Processes and Landforms Sources of Geologic Information Problems 129 86 127 79 4 Contents Chapter 4 Clay Minerals, Soil and Rock Structures, 132 and Rock Classification 4.1 Introduction 4.2 4.3 Products of Weathering 133 Clay Minerals 4.4 Identification of Clay Minerals and 4.5 Specific 4.6 Interaction Between Water and 4.7 Interaction of 4.8 Soil Structure and Fabric of Fine-Grained Soils 4.9 Granular Soil Fabrics 4.10 132 Surface 132 141 Activity 143 Clay Clay Minerals Particles 144 148 149 157 Profiles, Soil Horizons, and 161 Special Soil Deposits 4.12 Transitional Materials: Hard Soils Versus Soft Rocks 4.13 Soil 160 4.11 Properties, Macrostructure, Problems Chapter 5 Soil Taxonomy 171 Compaction and Stabilization of Soils 173 5.1 Introduction 5.2 174 Compaction and Densification 174 Theory of Compaction for Fine-Grained Soils Structure of Compacted Fine-Grained Soils 182 183 Compaction of Granular Soils 188 Field Compaction Equipment and Procedures 200 Specifications and Compaction Control 216 Estimating Performance of Compacted Soils 5.3 5.4 5.5 5.6 5.7 5.8 173 Problems Chapter6 6.1 220 Hydrostatic Water in Soils and Rocks Introduction 224 224 6.2 Capillarity 6.3 Groundwater Table and the Vadose Zone 6.4 Phenomena in Soils 225 237 240 6.7 Shrinkage 246 Expansive Soils and Rocks of Engineering Significance Shrinkage and Swelling 256 Soils and Subsidence Collapsible 6.8 Frost Action 6.9 Intergranular 6.5 6.6 254 259 or Effective Stress 6.10 Vertical Stress Profiles 6.11 Relationship Problems 162 and Classification of Rock Masses 267 272 Between Horizontal and Vertical Stresses 277 276 164 Chapter Fluid Flow in Soils and Rock 7 282 7.1 Introduction 7.2 Fundamentals of Fluid Flow 283 Law for Flow Through Porous Media 7.3 Darcy's 7.4 Measurement of 7.5 Heads and One-Dimensional Flow 7.6 Seepage Seepage Seepage Seepage 7.7 7.8 7.9 7.10 Permeability or 285 295 304 and Flow Nets: Two-Dimensional Flow Toward Wells 316 331 335 Through Dams and Embankments 337 Seepage and Filters Control of 348 355 Compressibility of Soil and Rock 8 8.1 Introduction 8.2 357 Components of Settlement 357 Compressibility of Soils 360 One-Dimensional Consolidation Testing 362 Preconsolidation Pressure and Stress History and Consolidation Behavior of Natural Compacted Soils 8.3 8.4 8.5 8.6 355 8.7 Settlement Calculations 8.8 Tangent Modulus Method 8.9 Factors 387 the Determination of Affecting 8.11 Soil Profiles 8.12 Approximate 390 398 Methods and Typical Values of Compression of Rock and Transitional Materials 8.13 Compressibility 8.14 Burland's Intrinsic 8.15 In 9 390 a'p Prediction of Field Consolidation Curves Compressibility Properties 408 Situ Determination of Compressibility Problems 367 374 8.10 Chapter 287 Hydraulic Conductivity Forces, Quicksand, and Liquefaction Problems Chapter 282 Indices 405 405 409 Time Rate of Consolidation 414 414 9.1 Introduction 9.2 The Consolidation Process 415 One-Dimensional Consolidation Theory 417 9.3 Terzaghi's 9.4 9.5 437 Determination of the Coefficient of Consolidation ct 442 Determination of the Coefficient of Permeability 9.6 Typical Values of the Coefficient 9.7 In Situ Determination of Consolidation 9.8 Evaluation of Secondary Settlement Problems 452 of Consolidation cv Properties 445 443 444 6 Contents Chapter 10 460 Stress Distribution and Settlement Analysis 10.1 Introduction 10.2 Settlement 10.3 Stress Distribution 10.4 Immediate Settlement 10.5 Vertical Effective Overburden and Preconsolidation Stress Profiles 10.6 Settlement 460 11 464 482 502 The Mohr Circle, Failure Theories, and Strength Testing of Soil and Rocks 507 11.1 Introduction 11.2 Stress at 11.3 Stress-Strain 11.4 The Mohr-Coulomb Failure Criterion 11.5 Laboratory Tests for the Shear Strength of Soils and Rocks 546 In Situ Tests for the Shear Strength of Soils and Rocks 11.6 a 507 Point Problems Chapter 12 508 Relationships and Failure Criteria 517 518 526 546 An Introduction to Shear 12.1 Introduction 12.2 Angle of Repose of Sands 12.3 Behavior of Saturated Sands Strength of Soils and Rock 552 12.6 12.7 The Coefficient of Earth Pressure at Rest for Sands 570 12.8 Behavior of Saturated Cohesive Soils Shear 573 12.9 Consolidated-Drained Stress-Deformation and 12.5 12.10 During 574 Characteristics Consolidated-Undrained Stress-Deformation The Coefficient of Earth Pressure Compacted Clays Strength at Rest for Clays 606 12.16 Strength Strength of Rocks and Transitional Materials 611 Multistage Testing 12.17 Introduction Problems and 601 Sensitivity 12.13 of Strength 588 12.12 12.15 and Unconsolidated-Undrained Stress-Deformation Characteristics 12.14 Strength 580 Characteristics 12.11 550 550 553 During Drained Shear Effect of Void Ratio and Confining Pressure on Volume Change 563 Factors that Affect the Shear Strength of Sands 568 Shear Strength of Sands Using In Situ Tests 12.4 487 489 Analysis Examples Problems Chapter 461 Analysis of Shallow Foundations to Pore Pressure 620 Parameters 610 616 602 555 Contents Chapter 13 Advanced Topics in Shear Strength of Soils and Rocks 13.1 Introduction 13.2 Stress Paths 13.3 Pore Pressure Parameters for Different Stress Paths 13.4 Stress Paths 624 624 626 Undrained 13.6 During Loading—Normally 639 Clays Stress Paths During Undrained Loading-Heavily Overconsolidated Clays 654 of Stress Paths to Engineering Practice Applications 13.7 Critical State Soil Mechanics 637 and Lightly Overconsolidated 13.5 657 662 13.8 Modulus and Constitutive Models for Soils 13.9 Fundamental Basis of the Drained Strength 673 of Sands 685 13.10 Behavior of Saturated Sands in Undrained Shear 13.11 Plane Strain Behavior of Sands 13.12 Residual Strength of Soils 712 13.13 Stress-Deformation and Shear Strength of Clays: Special Topics 13.14 706 of Unsaturated Soils 741 13.15 Strength Properties of Soils Under Dynamic Loading 13.16 Failure Theories for Rock Problems Appendix Appendix A B.1 Appendix B.2 Appendix B.3 Appendix C References Index 850 692 747 760 764 Application of the SI System to Geotechnical Engineering Derivation of Laplace's of Units 775 Equation 788 Derivation and Solution of Terzaghi's One-Dimensional Consolidation Theory Pore Pressure Parameters The Method of 816 Fragments 796 805 790 715 7