See discussions, stats, and author profiles for this publication at: A study of Difference Equations Chapter · August 2008 CITATIONS READS 0 554 1 author: Faiza Alssaedi University of Galway 8 PUBLICATIONS 0 CITATIONS SEE PROFILE Some of the authors of this publication are also working on these related projects: Parameter robust methods for a complex-valued reaction-diffusion problem View project Robust Solution of a Fourth-order Singularly Perturbed Differential Equation View project All content following this page was uploaded by Faiza Alssaedi on 08 February 2019. The user has requested enhancement of the downloaded file. AL-TAHDI UNIVERSITY FACULTY OF SCIENCE DEPARTMET OF MATHEMATICS (A study of Difference Equation on the form) A DISSERTATION SUBMITTED TO THE DEPARTMENT OF MATHEMATICS IN PARTIAL FULFILLMENT OF THE REQUIREMENTS FOR THE DEGREE OF MASTER OF SCIENCE IN MATHEMATICS. BY FAIZA ATEYA K. ALSSAEDI SUPERVISOR BY: DR .NABIL Z .FARID 2007-2008 Chapter(2) Chapter (2) On the rational recursive sequence 2.1 Introduction Qualitive analysis difference equations are not only interesting in its own right, but it can provide insights into their continuous counterparts, namely, differential equations. There is a class of nonlinear difference equations, known as the rational difference equations, each of which consists of the ratio of two polynomials in the sequence terms in the same form. There has been a lot of work concerning the global asymptotic behavior of solutions of rational difference equations [6-7,9-1o,12,13,15-19,21,23 ,24]. Related nonlinear, rational difference equations were investigated in [5],[8],[14],[22]and[25]. The study of theses equations is quite challenging is in rapid development. This chapter the boundedness , periodicitly ,and the global stability of the equilibrium Points of the solutions of the following rational difference equations (2.1) Where numbers. and є (0, ∞) and where the initial values and are real 2.2 Local stability of the equilibrium point of equation (2.1) In this section we study the local stability character of the solutions of equation (2.1).Equation (2.1) has a unique positive equilibrium point and is given by 16 Let f:(0, ) (0, ) → (0, ) be the continuous function defined by Therefore it follows that Then, we see that Then the Linearized equation of equation (2.1) about is (2.2) Whose characteristic equation is (2.3) Theorem 2.2.1 Assume that < Then the positive equilibrium point of equation (2.1) is locally asymptotically stable. 17 Proof: it is follows by Theorem 1.1 that, equation (2.2) is asymptotically stable if all roots if equation (2.3) lie in the open disc > 1 that is if >1 Then, >1 Thus, > Or > Then, the proof is complete. 2.3 Boundedness of solutions of equation (2.1) Here, we study the permanence of equation (2.1). Theorem 2.3.2 Every solutions of equation (2.1) is bounded and persists. Proof: let be solution of equation (2.1) It follows from equation (2.1) that Then, for all 18 Thus, for all Now, we wish to show that there exists <0 such that for all Suppose that , Will reduce equation (2.1) to the equivalent form (2.4) Then, for all Then, we obtain for all 19 Thus for all (2.5) From (2.4) and (2.5), we get for all Therefore, every solution of equation (2.1) is bounded and persists. 2.4 Periodicity of solution of equation (2.1) In this section, we study the existence of prime period-two solution of equation (2.1). Theorem 2.4.3 Equation (2.1) has positive prime period two solutions if and only if > and (a) Proof: First suppose that there exists a prime period two solution Of equation (2.1). We see from equation (2.1) that and 20 Then (2.6) and (2.7) Subtracting (2.6) from (2.7) gives Since, , it follows that (2.8) Also, since and are positive, ( ) should be positive. Again, adding (2.6) and (2.7) yields (2.9) It follows by (2.8), (2.9) and the relation For all Thus Then, 21 That Again, since Thus, and are positive and < , we see that < (2.10) Now it is clear from equation (2.8) and equation (2.10) that and are the two positive distinct roots of the quadratic equation (2.11) and so <0 Since and are positive, < , which is equivalent to > Therefore, inequality (a) holds. 22 Second, suppose that inequality (a) is true. We will show that equation (2.1) has a prime periodic-two solutions Assume that and We see from inequality (a) that < Then, have the same sign, and < which equivalents to < Therefore, and are distinct positive real numbers. Set , and 23 We wish to show that and It follows from equation (2.1) that Dividing the denominator and numerator by gives Multiplying the denominator and numerator by 24 Gives , + + 25 = . Similarly as before, one can easily show that Then it follows by induction that 26 and for all Thus, equation (2.1) has the positive prime period-two solutions Where and are the distinct root of the quadratic equation (2.11) and the proof is complete. Lemma 2.4.1 if =0, then equation (2.1) has no periodic solution of prime period. Proof: Assume for the sake of contradiction that there exist distinctive positive real numbers and such that Be two periodic solutions of equation (2.1).then, we see from equation (2.1) that and Which implies This is a contradiction. 27 2.5 Global stability of equation (2.1) In this section, we investigate the global asymptotic stability of equation (2.1). Theorem 2.5.4: The equilibrium point is a global attractor of equation (2.1) if one of the following statements holds and and Proof: let (2.12) (2.13) be a solution of equation (2.1) and again let f be a function defined by We will prove (2.12) and (2.13) are similar and will be omitted. Assume that (2.12) is true, then it is easy to see that the function f is non decreasing in and non-increasing in . thus from equation (2.1), we see that Then for all (2.14) 28 Also, we see from equation (2.1) that Then for all (2.15) Then from (2.14) and (2.15), we see that for all It follows by the Method of Full Limiting sequence that there exist solutions and Where of equation (2.1) with , It suffices to show that Now, from equation (2.1) that 29 And so (2.16) Similarly, we see from equation (2.1) that And so (2.17) Therefore it follows from equations (2.16) and (2.17) That If and only if Thus And so if Now, we know by (2.12) that And so it follows that Therefore This completes the proof. 30 Chapter(3) Chapter 3 "On some properties of solution of third order difference equations" 3.1 Introduction In this chapter, we will prove some results considering third order recursive rational difference equations, which particular cases of the following rational difference equation The results involve some elements of qualitative theory of difference equations, namely ,oscillation, periodicity, global attractively and boundedness nature. We believe that the results of this chapter are of paramount importance in their own right and furthermore we believe that these results offer prototypes towards the development of basic theory of the global behavior of solution of non-linear difference equations of third order. The techniques and results of this chapter are also extremely useful in analyzing equations in the mathematical models of various biological systems and other applications. 3.2 On the dynamics of the recursive sequence: In this section, we investigate the global behavior and the periodic character of the solutions of the third order recursive difference equation 32 (3. 1) where the parameters the initial conditions and are nonnegative real numbers and are nonnegative real number such that By generalizing the results due to [5], the study of such equations are quite challenging and rewarding and is still in its infancy. The special cases We examine the character of solution of (3.1) when one or more of the parameters of (3.1) are zero. There are five such equations, namely, α= 0: (3.2) β=0: (3.3) (3.4) 33 =0: (3.5) (3.6) In each of the above five equations ,we assume that all parameters in the (equations are positive. Equation (3.2) is trivial, equations (3.4), (3.5) and (3.6 are linear. Equation (3.3) can also be reduced to a linear difference equation by the charge of variables The dynamics of equation (3.1) We investigate the dynamics of (3.1) under the assumptions that all parameters in equation are positive and the initial conditions are nonnegative The change of variables reduces (3.1) to the difference equation (3.7) 34 <0 . Where Note that =0 is always an equilibrium point of (3.7),when r>1,(3.7)also possesses the unique positive equilibrium Theorem 3. 1 The following statements are true: (1) The equilibrium point =0 of (3.7) is locally asymptotically stable if and only if r<1. (2) (3) The equilibrium point =0 of (3.7) is a saddle point if and only if r >1. When r >1, Then the positive equilibrium point of (3.7) is unstable. Proof: The Linearized equation of (3.7) about the equilibrium point So, the characteristic equation of (3.7) about the equilibrium point is =0 is . And hence, the proof of (1) and (2) follows from The Linearized Stability Theorem. For (3), we assume that r >1, Then the linarized equation of (3. 7) about the 35 equilibrium point has the form So, the characteristic equation of (3.7) about the equilibrium point is (3.8) It is clear that (3.8) has a root in the interval (-∞,-1) and so, is unstable equilibrium point. This completes the proof. Theorem 3.2. Assume that r >1, and let be a solution of (3.7) such that and < (3.9) or Then < = and oscillate about = . (3. 10) with semi cycle of length one. Proof: Assume that (3.9) holds [ the case where (3.10) holds is similar and will be omitted ]. 36 Then , < and , Then, the proof follows by induction. Theorem 3. 3 Assume that r<1, Then the equilibrium point of (3.7)is globally asymptotically stable. Proof: We know from Theorem (3.1) that the equilibrium point =0 of (3.7) is locally asymptotically stable. So let be a solution of (3.7). It suffices to show that Since >0 > > So This complete the proof. Theorem 3. 4 Assume that r=1, Then (3.7) possesses the prime period-two solution 37 ,… …. with (3. 11) >0. Furthermore every solution of (3.7) converges to a period two solution (3.11) with ≥0. Proof: Let …., ,… be a period-two solution of (3.7). Then and so Which implies that ≤0. If r<1, Then it implies that < 0 or which is impossible, So r=1. To complete the proof, we assume that r=1 and let of (3.7), Then, < 0, be a solution So the even terms of this solution decrease to a limit (say ≥0), and the 38 odd terms decrease to a limit (say ≥0 ). Thus and , which implies that =0 and =0 This completes the proof. Theorem 3. 5 Assume that r>1, Then (3.7) possesses unbounded solution. Proof: From theorem 3.2, we can assume without loss of generality that the solution of (3.7) is such that < and ,Then > and ● < from which it follows that, and Then, the proof is complete. Remark. If =1, the results of [6] follows directly. 39 3.3 On the dynamics of : The asymptotic stability, periodicity, and trichotomy character of (3.12) Was investigated when initial conditions concerning and are non-negative parameters and with and to be arbitrary non-negative real numbers, see[5]. Now, in this section we want to generalize the above results. consider the third order non-linear rational difference equation (3.13) where the parameters the initial conditions concerning and are non-negative real numbers and and to be arbitrary non-negative real numbers. We investigate the global stability and periodic nature of the solutions of (3.13). The results which we develop for such equations are also useful in analyzing the equations in the mathematical models of various biological systems and other applications [8],[17],[19]and [27]. The special cases We examine the characters of solution (3.13) when one or more of the parameters are zero. There are three equations namely: (3.14) 40 (3.15) (3.16) In each of the above cases we assume that all parameters in the equations are positive. Equation (3. 16) are trivial and has a solution , for all n≥-2. The equations (3.14) and (3.15) are non-linear third and second order respectively, and the change of variables reduce (3.14) and (3.15)to a third and second order linear difference equation respectively Now ,We can investigate the dynamics of (3.13) under the assumptions that all parameters in equation (3.13)are positive and the initial conditions are non- negative. The change of variables reduces (3.13) to the difference equation (3.17) Where It is easily to seen that is always an equilibrium point and when r>1, we have also an equilibrium point . 41 An oscillation results: Theorem 3.6: Assume that r>1 and let be a solution of(3.17) such that either and < (3.18) Or > and ≥ (3.19) Then oscillates about with semi-cycle of length one. Proof: We will assume that (3.18) holds. The case where (3.19) holds is similar and will be omitted. Thus we obtain < and ≥ and this completes the proof. Existence of prime period-two solutions The following theorem shows that (3.17) has a prime-period two solutions. Theorem 3.7: Equation (3.17) has non-negative prime period-two solutions if and only if either =0 and (3.20) 42 or and (3.21) The period two solution must be in the form (3.22) Proof: Assume that …., ,… Is a non-negative period two solution of (3. 17). Then and (3. 23) Hence, From which, we can see that (3.24) From (3.23) and (3.24), we get the period two solution in the form Now, let(3.17) has a period two solutions Then ,we have either or 43 If If ,Then ,so ,so(3. 20)holds. , And so ,and(3.21)holds. This completes the proof. Local and global stability It is clearly that is always an equilibrium solution of (3.17). Furthermore when r>1, (3.17) also possesses the positive equilibrium . Theorem 3.8: For (3.17), we have the following results. (1) The zero equilibrium point is locally asymptotic stable. (2) Assume that r>1, then equilibrium point particular is unstable. In is a saddle point. Proof: The linearized equation associated with (3.17) about has the form 44 So the linearized equation of (3.6) about and the characteristic equation about =0 is =0 is , λ³ = 0. So, The proof of (1)follows immediately form linearized stability theorem The linearized equation of (3.6)is a bout is and The characteristic equation a bout is ,with r>1, Set, f(λ)= Then f(1)= -1 < 0 and (3.25). f(λ)= ∞, so f(λ) has at least a root in (1,∞) and the product of the roots of (3.25) is <1. Hence, there exists a root in a unit disk. This completes the proof . Theorem 3.9: Assume that r≤1, then the zero equilibrium of (3.17) is globally asymptotically stable with basin S= [0,∞) [0,1[² 45 where ( , ) ≠ (0,1) and ( , , )≠ (0,1,0). (3.26) proof: We know by Theorem 3.81 that =0 is locally asymptotically stable equilibrium point of (3.17), and so it suffices to show that attractor of (3.6) with basin [0,∞) So let [0,1[² such that (3.26) hold. be a non-negative solution of (3.17). It is sufficient to show that Assume that r≤1 and (3.26) hold, we have . So, by induction, we have and =0 is a global 46 So , we have and are non- increasing sequence and bounded. Now, suppose that and So, we can write and M=L=0 . Now, we want to prove that We must consider the following cases: (1) If M= 0 and L≠ 0, Then L=1 ⁄r ≥1, which is a contradiction to is a non-increasing sequence. (2) If M≠ 0 and L= 0, Then M = ≥1, which is a contradiction to non-increasing sequence. (3) If M ≠0 and L≠ 0, Then we have M=L= <0, is a Which is a contradiction. So, we must have L=M=0. This completes the proof. Theorem 3.10: The zero equilibrium point of (3.17) is a globally asymptotically stable with the basin 47 S= [0,∞) [0, , ,0) and ( [² where ( , )≠(0, , )≠(0, ) (3.27) Proof: We know by Theorem 3.8 that =0 is locally asymptotically stable equilibrium point of (3.17), and so it suffices to show that attractor of (3.17) with basin [0,∞) So, let [0, [², where (3.27) hold. be a non-negative solution of (3.17). It suffices to show that . It is easily to seen that =0 is a global So, by induction, we have Which means that and are non-increasing and bounded. 48 Now, suppose that and So, we have and Now, we want to prove that M=L= 0. So, we must consider the following cases: (1) If M= 0 and L≠ 0, Then L= , which is a contradiction to is a non- increasing sequence. (2) If M≠ 0 and L= 0, Then M= a non- increasing sequence. (3)If M≠ 0 and L≠ 0, then, we have , which is a contradiction to is which is a contradiction. So, we must have L=M=0. This completes the proof. Existence of unbounded solutions In this part, we show that when r>1, (3.17) possesses unbounded solutions. 49 Theorem 3.11: Assume that r>1 and x-1, x0 [0, ]. Then (3.17) possessan unbounded solution. In particular, every solution of (3.17) which oscillates about equilibrium , with semicycle of length one is unbounded. Proof: We will prove that every solution of (3.17) which oscillates with semi-cycles of length one is unbounded (see Theorem. 3.6) for the existence of solutions which oscillate with semi-cycles of length one). Let r>0 and without loss of generality that such that > and x2n> Then > > and < < from which it follows that 50 This completes the proof. and 51 Reference [1] Agarwal, R.,Difference Equations and Inequalities. Theory,Methods and Applications, Marcel Dekker Inc..New York.1992. [2] Ahmed, A.M., Study on Difference Equations.M.Sc.Thesis,Al Azhar University,2002. [3] Amleh, A. M. And Ladas,G., Convergence to periodic solutions, J. Differ. 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View publication stats ﺑﺴﻢ اﷲ اﻟﺮﺣﻤﻦ اﻟﺮﺣﯿﻢ دﻋﻮاﻫﻢ ﻓﯿﻬﺎ ﺳﺒﺤﺎﻧﻚ اﻟﻠﻬﻢ وﺗﺤﯿﺘﻬﻢ ﻓﯿﻬﺎ ﺳﻼم وأﺧﺮ دﻋﻮاﻫﻢ(( )أن اﻟﺤﻤﺪ ﷲ رب اﻟﻌﺎﻟﻤﯿﻦ(()10 ﺻﺪق اﷲ اﻟﻌﻈﯿﻢ اﻻﯾﻪ )(10ﻣﻦ ﺳﻮرة ﯾﻮﻧﺲ