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Teaching Profession Exam

Republic of the Philippines
Balbagon,Mambajao Camiguin
Name: Queenzelle D. Golis
Part II
Answer the following briefly:
1. Formulate your own philosophy of education.
→ I believe that life begins the moment you acknowledge the value of learning. And I
believe that all the students have a good potential. And I know that this potential will
become more functional of his day-to-day life. My philosophy as a future educator, I want
to be a God-fearing teacher, and a believer of an eternal truth exists only in the sovereign
personality of God over the world and everyone in it.
2. As a future teacher, you have a tremendous power. You can make a difference in the life of the
young. What does this mean?
→ This phrase means that, every teacher has a way to a life changing perspective towards
their students, through teaching teachers can touch the students’ whole aspects as they
spend too much time, teachers tend to understand and make a memorable life
experience that neither parent/guardians of the students can do.
3. What are the consequences of the absence of a teacher’s lack of a clear philosophy of
→ The consequences of the absence of a teacher’s lack of a clear philosophy of
education student may not able to develop their full capacities. Students might become
an undeveloped soldier in this cruel reality.
4. Complete the statement:
→ I am convinced that I have chosen the noblest profession because I believe that
education is perhaps the most important function performed in our culture, or for that matter,
any culture. I believe that teachers individually and collectively can not only change the world, but
improve it, and in the process find personal and professional renewal. I want to be part of this
noble profession, and someday to be counted among those in whom future preservice teachers
found inspiration.
And so, I commit, therefore I will improve my learning’s to pass the LET examinations and
be able to put my dreams on reality as an effective Teacher.
5. Make your own quotable quote on teaching as the noblest profession.
→ They said that change is the only constant in life. In teaching, constant love is what it
made to be the noblest profession on earth.
6. Will I as a professional teacher go through Continuing Professional Development even if not mandated by law?
→ Time will tell, but for me at the moment if I become a professional teacher someday, I
will surely go through Continuing Professional Development (CPD) for I believe that CPD help you to stay
interested and interesting. Experience is a great teacher, but it does mean that we tend to do that what
we have done before. Focused CPD opens you up to new possibilities, new knowledge and new skill areas
that might be your best advantage from others.
7. Why is it that Continuing Professional Development is considered as the Lifeblood of Teaching?
→ Because CPD is an on-going process and continues through out a professional’s
8. Describe and cite example on the four essential competencies for teaching in Southeast Asia.
→ 1. Knowing and understanding, 2. Helping students learn, 3. Engaging the community,
4. Becoming a better teacher every day. By which these 4 essential competencies are a helpful
guide/framework in improving the performance of the teachers across SEA.
9. What are the descriptions of a teacher who is a globally competent?
→ A teacher who is a globally competent are outstanding in every aspect,
understanding to various cultural identity, effective teaching, highly organize knowledge sharing, using
real-life examples, empathetic and valuing multiple perspective of the students, Assessing the students
and providing growth opportunities based on their levels of development and advocating for global
education and social responsibility.
10. Discuss the four Pillars of Learning (UNESCO).
→ Learning to learn is composed of the necessary whole of learning to know and requires
the constant updating in exercising memory and thinking, in addition to paying attention to things and
people. Learning to do requirements that go beyond routine work, for technical and professional training,
adaptation to collective teamwork, which exercise creativity, initiative, be bold and prone to challenges.
When interacting with the students, emphasizes learning to put their own ideas into action. Learning to
live together is the mechanism of education for developing people. This education should tend towards
common goals, attenuating differences. When working in cooperation in sports activities, cultural
activities, presentations of book fairs, professions, the tendency is to establish a coexistence of help,
chaining of ideas and joy. Education is a continuous, lifelong process, constantly updated and that it is at
full quality. Learning to be contributes to the integral formation of the individual, in all sectors of
knowledge, namely intelligence, thinking skills and criteria of logical reasoning, argumentation based on
culture, diversities and scientific knowledge.