Evolution and biodlaversity 5 Introduction Over longyeriods of tim1:.· and 111;111y gcnerations, the gcnctil: make-up of species may change as they become adaptl'.'d to new surroundings or .,ltcred conditions. One result of these changes may be the evolution of new varieties and species. There is strong evidence for the evolution of lifr of Earth, both from the fossil record and fi-om organ.isms that are alive today. Natural selection provides an explanation of how evolution might 1,.,ve occurred. Classification of organisms helps us to understand their ancestry and our observations of biodiversity, as well as providing forther evidence for the mechanism of evolution. 5.1 Evidence for evolution Learning objectives What is evolution? Life on Earth is always changing. Just by looking at any group of individuals of any species - whether humans, cats or sunflowers - you can see that individuals are not all the same. For example, the people in Figure 5.1 vary in height, hair colour, skin tone and in many other ways. How do these differences within _a species occur' How do different species arise? Variation within a species is a result of both genetic and environmental factors. We say that selection pressures act on individuals and because of variation, some n1ay be better suited to their environment than others. These are likely to survive longer and have more offspring. The characteristics of a species are inherited and passed on to succeeding generations. The cumulative change in these heritable characteristics over generations is called evolution. If we go back in time, then existing species must have evolved by divergence from pre-existing ones. All life forms can therefore be said to be linked in one vast family tree with a common orig.in. What evidence is there for evolution? The fossil record Fossils, such as the one shown in Figure 5.2, are the preserved remains of organisms that lived a long time ago. They are often formed from the hard parts of organisms, such as shell, bone or wood. Minerals seep into these tissues and become hardened over time. As the living tissue decays, the minerals form a replica that remains behind. Soft tissue can sometimes be preserved in the same way, as can footprints and animal droppings. Most fossils become damaged over time or are crushed through land or sea _ movement, but some are discovered remarkably well preserved. The earliest You should understand that: • Evolution takes place when. heritable characteristics ch:mge, over many generations. • Evidence for evolution comes from the fossil record. • Artificial selection can result in evolution, as the selective breeding of domesticated animals shows. • Evolution of homologous structures by adaptive radiation explains similarities in structure with differences in function. • Populations of a species can diverge and this can eventually lead to the evolution of separate species. • The continuous variation observed across the geographical range of related populations supports the idea of gradual divergence. Evolution cumulative change in th e he ri table characteristics of a populatio n '(ol 1 11 • , i- ,, " ftli®Jk• I 1 i Figure 5.1 Most of the variation between humans is continuous variation, and is influenced by the environment as well as genes. Remains of organisms discovered preserved in ice, tar and tree sap have also yielded important information about the evolution of species. so the time scale of the b"llion years ag0 , . . from 0 vcr 3 1 f species that died out long ago fossils found date t fossils are O • · ' c ii record is i111n1ense. Mos nVI· ronmental conditions. ,oss new e I · h . did not adapt to logy. paJaeonto og1sts ave been because t1icy 1cd PalaeontoZOO years but they have only f fossils is cal O The stu dY • · I for over ' . . ecting and classifying foss1 s t 940s. Scientists do this by studying co ll · the · h le to date them smce . ecimen. Over time t e amount been ab . . in a foss1 1 sp ount of radioactivity ' d" ctive elements decay. The rate t he am b use ra 10a ·oactivity decreases eca . . possible to date a fossil by o f ra d1 lement, so 1t 1s . . . of decay is fixed for each e . . . present m 1t. Carbon-14 1s used to f adioact1V1ty ·a1 h 1 measuring the amount o r Id for older maten , ot er e ements study material up to 60 000 years o . are used. . . I te and fossils are very rare, it is d 1s mcomp e Although the foss ii recor d animals might have evolved dern plants an . . possible to show how mo . d h dreds or thousands of millions of . h t eJOste un from previous species t a uggest how modern horses may I fi ssil sequences s years ago. For examp e, 0 . (F. e 5 3) . It is important to recognise Ii species 1gur · have evolved from ear er . olved into that species' , based h 'this species ev that we can never say t at h have many fossils. All that we can ii even w en we on a fcoss sequence I d _ chat they probably share a common sa is that they appear to be re ate hi h fi · Y . uld ell have existed too, for w c no ossils ancestor. Other species co w have ever been found. . h h h . h changed very little. T e orses oe crab we A few orgarusms seem to ave . . . . .mil fi il specimens a million years old. This would see today 1s very s1 ar to oss . een little selection pressure on these crabs. seem to suggest th at th ere haS b . · ffi ils provi·de evidence that life on Earth changes and Observat10ns o oss that many of the changes occur over millions of years. Selective breeding Further evidence for the way evolution might occur comes from observations of selective breeding. People have altered certain domesticated species by breeding selected individuals in a process called artificial selection. Plants or animals with favourable characteristics are chosen and bred together, to increase the number of offspring in the next generation that have the favourable characteristics. Those individuals Figure 5.2 A fossil of Archaeopteryx, which is seen as an evolutionary link between reptiles and birds. It looked like a small dinosaur, but had feathers and could fly. that do not have the desired features are not allowed to breed. People have domesticated and bred plants and animals in this way for thousands of years and, over many generations, this has resulted in the evolution of numerous breeds and varieties, which differ from each other and from the original wild ancestors. Modern varieties of wheat, barley, rice and potatoes produce higher yields and are more resistant to pests and disease than ever before. Wheat and rice plants are shorter and stronger than varieties of a hundred years ago, so that they are less likely to be damaged by wind and rain and are easier to harvest. The plants of a hundred years ago were also very different from the original grasses that wheat was bred from 1O000 years ago. Many plants are also bred for their appearance, and ornamental varieties have 160 ~,. . . . .1, 1~, . Merychippus • Mesoh,ppus Hyrocotherium @ @ Figure 5.3 Some of the many species of fossil hor have developed single-toed hoov . ses, a nd the modern horse, Equus. The fossil sequence shows that, over time, horses es, Ianger legs and longer faces with larger teeth for grazing. different petal shapes and colours from the ori·g 1·nal k parent stoc . Animals are chosen and bred by farmers and a · 1 b d r • . . . . . ruma ree ers 10r spec1a 1 charactenstJCS such as high milk yield in a CO"' d al. . . . . ", or goo -qu 1ty woo1 m a sheep. Individuals with these characteristics are selected to breed, so that more of the next ge_neration have these useful features than if the parents had not been artificially selected (Figure 5.4). Although the driving force for artificial selection is human intervention, which is quite different from natural evolution, selective or artificial breeding does show that species can change over generations. Homologous structures The existence of homologous structures provides another strand of evidence for evolution. Homologous structures are anatomical features showing similarities in shap e, though not necessarily in function , in different organisms. Their presence suggests that the species possessing them are closely related and derived fro m a commo n an cestor. A good example is the vertebrate p entadactyl lim b. This is found in a large range of animals including bats, w hales and humans , as shown in Figure 5.5. In each group, limbs have th e sam e general structure and arran gement of bones but each one is adapted fo r different uses. Bird w in gs and reptile Figure 5.4 Selective breeding of cows over many centuries has produced many breeds including the Guernsey, bred for the production of large quantities of fat-rich milk. Other breeds have been produced with flat backs to facilitate birthing, and longer legs for easier milking. tet a PB! S : ~ C Bird Frog humerus '--;:,.,_...- - -- - radius humerus ulna carpal - _,__.,.- ·,-. n 3 figure 5.5 The forelimbs of animals with pentadactyl limbs all have a cle arly visible humerus, radius, ulna and carpals. Adaptive radiation is a term used to explain how organisms diverge into a range of new forms from a single conunon ancestor. It can occur if the environment changes and new sources of_food or new habitats become available. The pentadactyl limb demonstrates adaptive radiation in the vertebrates, and Darwin's finches (Subtopic 5.2) are an example of how one species adapts to expl01t new resources. 162 T,lfr•• UY limbs are also homologous structures. Even though a bird uses its wi ngs for flying and reptiles use their limbs for walking, they share a co nunon arrangement of bones. Variation and divergence For almost every species, there is genetic variation between individuals in a population and between populations in different areas furth er di ffe rences may be visible. For example, some groups of birds may have brighter plumage than others, some troupes of howler monkeys may be :ibl e to call more loudly than others and some groups of mice may have slightly darker fur than others giving them better camouflage. This conti nuous variation between populations, some very slight and some very obvious, provides support for the proposal that popularions have the pote11riol to diverge from one another and evolve into separate species. If this does happen , there 1s also the possibility that new species could be formed (Subtopic 5.2). Ii:\ W Beyond reasonab_ le doubt? Evolutionary history 1s a difficult area of science. It is not possible to go back in time or conduct experiments to establish past events or what may have caused them. Nevertheless, in some cases, modern scientific methods can help establish beyond reasonable doubt what has taken place. Science is used to demonstrate the existence of phenomena we cannot observe directly. Many crucial scientific discoveries - such as atoms, electrons, viruses, bacteria, genes and DNA - have been made and accepted using indirect observation and the scientific method of'inference'. The theory of evolution has been considered using multiple lines of research, including studies of anatomy, biochemistry and palaeontology, which provide empirical Questions to consider • Do modern methods establish the theory of evolution beyond reasonable doubt? • Will it ever be possible to 'prove' that evolution occurred? • How do the techniques used in science differ from those that a historian might use to establish what has taken place in the past? data consistent with the theory. New methodologies that have been used include carbon dating of fossils, the study of DNA, comparison of exons and intrans (Subtopic 7 .1) from existing organisms and their fossil ancestors, and the establishment of endosymbiosis with the discovery of rRNA sequences using PCR (Subtopics 1.5 and 2.7).All of the data from these techniques have provided evidence of relationships between species that are consistent with the relationships suggested by the theory of evolution. VTe•J; yourself 1 Define the term 'evolution'. 2 Outline what is meant by a homologous structure. 3 O utline the evidence for natural selection provided by selective breeding. - ~ { 163 5.2 Natural selection Learning objectives You should understand that: • Variation between individuals is required for natural selection to occur. • Variation can be caused by mutation, meiosis and sexual reproduction. • Adaptations are features that make an individual better suited to its environment and way of life. • More offspring tend to be produced than the limited resources in the environn1ent can support, which means there is a struggle for survival between individuals. • Better adapted individuals tend to survive and produce rnore offspring while less well-adapted individuals tend to die or produce fewer offspring. • When individuals reproduce, they pass on their heritable characteristics to their offspring. • Natural selection increases the frequency of well-adapted individuals in a population and decreases the frequency of individuals without the adaptations, and thus leads to changes in the species. Characteristics that an organism acquires during its lifetime, such as large muscles or special skills resulting from training, immunity to a disease or scars on its skin, cannot be passed on to its offspring. Only heritable characte1 istics, which are determined by genes , can be passed on to the next generation via the parents' gametes. A mechanism for evolution The theory of evolution by means of natural selection was proposed by Charles Darwin and Alfred Wallace. Darwin explained his ideas in a book called On the Origi11 of Species by Means of Nat11ral Selection, published in 1859.The explanation remains a theory because it can never be completely proved but there is an abundance of evidence to support the key ideas, which are based on the following observations and deductions. Some terms we use now were not used by Darwin, who had no knowledge of genes or alleles. However, the fundamental basis of his argument was the same as outlined here. 1 Populations are generally stable despite large numbers of offspring Organisms are potentially capable of producing large numbers of offspring and far more than the environment can support. Trees can produce thousands of seeds and fish hundreds of eggs. Yet few of these survive to maturity and we rarely see population explosions in an ecosystem. 2 Better adapted individuals have a competitive advantage Both plants and animals in a growing population will compete for resources. These may · _ _be food , t ermory or even t h e opportunity to find a mate. In add1t1on , predators and disease will take their toll. This competltlon_will bring about a struggle for survival between the membrn of a population. Organisms that are well adapted to ti d. . ·11 be good at competin and ,viii , . 1e con ItJons w1 . . . tend to survive to reproduce, pas, mg on 11entable traits to their offspring, while others die. 3 There is heritable va riatio n within species Different members of the sam . . . . . d ' e species are all slightly different and this variation ts uc to the 1nechan.isn1 of sexual re . of meiosis prod • h .d production .The pro, c,s uces ap 1o1 gametes ·1 d f, h the gametes an · d' -d ' n urt ermore the genes in . , m 1v1 ua 1 produces ma b ., . . or alleles. When . , .. Y e present 111 different forms an egg is ,eruhsed the z . . . combination of . . ' ygote contains a umqu e genetic material from . . gives an enormous f _ ~ts tw o parents. Sexual repro ducuon source o genetic div . . . . .d variation among the · d' .d ersiry, which gives rise to a \ \"I G 111 1v1 uals of a specie,. 4 Advantageous heritable tra. generations its become more frequent over As a result of variation so • . ' n1e me1nbcrs of I . smted (better adapted) t 1 . a popu anon may be better o t ie1r surround· l keener eyesight, or have bette . ings t 1an others. They may have individuals will out-co r camou flage to avoid predators.These mpete others· th e .ll . and pass on the genes f, . h ,· . ' Y wi survive better, live longer, o1 t t:ll advanta e · g o us characteristics to more 1fi4E,1 ; :: offspring. Gradually, as the process is repeated generation after generation, the proportion of these genes in the population as a whole increases. This is called natural selection , and it occurs as the 'fittest' (best adapted) survive to reproduce. Natural selection and evolution Once species have evolved to become well adapted to conditions in a stable environment, natural selection tends to keep things much the same. However, if the environment changes, a population will only survive if some individuals have heritable traits that suit them to the new conditions, and these then become more frequent in the population, because of natural selection.Three examples of how this can happen in a relatively short period of time are the beak adaptations of Galapagos finches after a change in food availability, the response of a moth population to pollution, and the emergence of new strains of bacteria following the introduction of antibiotics. Sexual reproduction promotes variation Mutations in genes cause new variations to arise, but sexual reproduction also increases variation in a population by forming new combinations of alleles. • During meiosis, crossing over at prophase I and random assortment in metaphase I produce genetically different gametes (Subtopic 3.3) . • Different alleles are also brought together at fertilisation, promoting more variation. In species that reproduce asexually, variation can arise only by Darwin's finches The finches living on the Galapagos Islands (Figure 5.6) , about 900 km off the coast of Ecuador, were important in shaping Darwin's ideas about natural selection. Studies of the birds, now known as Darwin's finches, continue to this day and modern DNA analysis indicates that all 13 species now found on the islands probably evolved from a small flock of about 30 birds that became established there around 1 million years ago. When the birds first arrived, the Galapagos Islands were probably free of predators and initially the resources were sufficient for all the individuals. As the population grew, the finches started to adapt their feeding habits to avoid competition and as each group selected different ~ Pinta The Galapagos Islands mutation. • ' () .. Q Marchena km 0 50 1· ATLANTIC OCEAN Equator Galapagos Islands Daphne Major \. 0 Santa Cruz Cristou San 0 PACIFIC OCEAN Floreana 0 Espaniol a Qi Figure 5.6 The Galapagos Islands. 5 EVOLUTION AND BIODIVERSITY foods, they developed differently until evemually number 0 ~ separate · bl. hed .,.,oday we recogruse 13 different species includ· species were esta 1s •" Ing the cactus finch which has a long beak that reaches into blossoms, the ground finch with a short stubby beak adapted for eating seeds buried under the soil, and the tree finch with a parrot-shaped beak suited for stripping bark to find insects (Figure 5.7). Darwin's finches provide one of the best-known examples of adaptive radiation. One island that has been extensively studied is Daphne Major, a tiny volcanic island just north of Santa Cruz. Biologists Peter and Rosemary Grant have collected data on the medium ground finch (Geospizafortis) on this island for more than 30 years. In 1977, there was a serious drought on the island and the small seeds that the birds feed on were in short supply. Some of the birds, which had slightly larger beaks, were able to open larger seeds and were able to survive but birds with small beaks died. The following year, the Grants measured the offspring of the survivors and found that their beaks were about 3% larger, on average, than those of earlier pre-drought generations they had studied. They concluded that natural selection had acted on the population and larger-beaked birds had survived and reproduced more successfully. Females also chose their mates based on the size of their beaks so these two factors - ability to find food and ability to attract a mate - seem to be key influences in the eventual development of a new species. The Grants have continued to study the finches of Daphne Major and gathered more data on other factors co provide further evidence of natural selection. Figure 5.7 Photographs of som an s: t e tree finch , ground finch and cactus finch. Industrial melanism The peppered moth (Bisro11 bet11/aria) . . . during the day on th b k f is a mght-flymg moth that restS e ar o trees p · 1 1 covered with grey-g . h '. articu ar Y on branches that are reen 1IC en It is a li 11 kl camouflage against the t b · g t spec ed grey, and relies on ree ranches to . fr . els In Britain in the mid-l 9 h protect It om predatory bir . . t century a bl k fi noticed (Figure 5.8) . Th ' ac orm of the moth was e appearance of th · •h th e period of the Ind .al is new colour coincided wJt . US tn Revolutio h and comnbuted to g . n w en many factories were but1t . row1ng pollution i th . . n e atmosphere. Tl11S polluoon kill e d the lichens that ·h . grow on the bark 0 f d wit parncles of soot. tre es, w hich becam e blackene 166 Figure 5.8 Light and melanic forms of peppered moths on light and dark tree bark. The colour of the moth is due to a single gene, which can be present in two forms. The common recessive form gives rise to a light speckled colour. The much less common dominant form gives rise to the black, melanic moth. In the polluted areas, the speckled form was no longer camouflaged on the blackened tree bark, and was easily seen by birds that ate speckled moths. The black moths were better suited to the changed environment as they were camouflaged. Black moths survived and bred and the proportion of black moths with the dominant allele grew in the population. In 1956, the Clean Air Act became law in Britain and restricted air pollution . Lichen grew back on trees and their bark became lighter.As a consequence, the speckled form of the peppered moth has increased in numbers again in many areas , and the black form has become less frequent. Antibiotic resistance Antibiotics are drugs that kill or inhibit bacterial growth. Usually, treating a bacterial infection with an antibiotic kills every invading cell. But, because of variation within the population, there may be a few bacterial cells that can resist the antibiotic. These individuals will survive and reproduce. Because they reproduce asexually, all offspring of a resistant bacterium are also resistant, and will survive in the presence of the antibiotic. In these conditions, the resistant bacteria have enormous selective advantage over the normal susceptible strain, and quickly outcompete them. Treating a disease caused by resistant strains of bacteria becomes very difficult. Doctors may have to prescribe stronger doses of antibiotic or try different antibiotics to kill the resistant bacteria. The problem of antibiotic resistance is made more complex because bacteria frequently contain additional genetic information in the form of plasmids, which they can transfer or exchange with other bacteria, even those from different species. Genes for enzymes that can mact1vate antibiotics are often found on plasmids, so potentially dangerous bacteria can become resistant to antibiotics by receiving a plasmid from a relatively harmless species . Many bacter ia are now resistant to several antibiotics Figure 5.9 The grey-green areas on the agar jelly in this Petri dish are colonies of the bacterium Escherichia coli. The white card discs are impregnated with different antibiotics. Th is strain of E.coli is resistant to the antibiotics at the bottom left and has been able to grow right up to the discs, while the other discs have a 'zone of inhibition' around them. 0(ffl]•unein+#i•R:HMM•M 167 (Figure 5 _9 ), so pharmaceutical comp~nies are constantly trying_ to develop new antibiotics to treat infect1ons caused by these mult1ple resistance forms of bacteria. So-called 'superbugs', such as MRSA (methicillin-resistant Staphylococa 15 aureus) and Clostridium difficile, are bacteria that are resistant to many antibiotics. They have arisen partly as a result of overuse of antibiotics. Antibiotics used incorrectly, or too frequently, help to 'select' the resistant individuals, which then increase in numbers. Patients failing to take a complete course of medication can also encourage the survival of slightly resistant bacteria that might have been killed if the antibiotic had been taken properly. Scientific theories and evidence Natural selection is a theory. In science, the term 'theory' has a very specific meaning. Scientific theories require a hypothesis that can be tested by gathering evidence. If any piece of evidence does not fit in with the theory, a new hypothesis must be put forward and more scientific evidence gathered. It is important to recognise the differen ce between a theory and a dogma, which is a statement of beliefs chat are not subject to scientific tests. Since Danvin 's time evidence has been collected to support his theory. With new techn ologies such as DNA profiling and carbon dating, further evidence continues co accumulate. Questions to consider • How much evidence is needed to support a theory? • What kind of evidence is needed to refute a theory? • Will it ever be possible to prove ch at evolution has taken place? Nat ure of science Using theories to explain natural phenomena_ the evolution of antibiotic resistance in bacteria Read the information in the preceding paragraphs and use it to formulate an answer to this question: • How important is it for s · c· d · · I · . cien 1sts to evelop theories to exp lam c1eir proposals to a Wider audience? 1J Test yourself 4 Explain why sexual rep d • . . . . ro uct1on 1s important for evolution. 5 lnd1v1duals in a pop 1 · . . , u atwn are often said to be 'struggling for survival . State the key fact that h. . causes t 1s struggle. 6 If an environment changes 111 · d. .d al . . • I V ! u s with particular comb111at1ons of genes are lik . . more ely to survive. State the na111e given to this phenomenon. 7 Describe two examples of e . . . vo 1ut1on 111 response to environmental change. S,3 Classification of biodiversity Learning objectives You should understand that: • The binom.ial system for naming • . . species 1s used unive all b biologists and has been agreed at 1 . . rs Y Y . . nany scientific meetin • Each new species that 1s discover d · • gs. . . e 1s given a twousing the bmo1111al system. part name • Taxonom.ists classify species using h. h . . • a ierarc Y of eight taxa· domam, kingdom, phylum, class, order f: . · . · l . ' ami1Y, genus and species All orgamsms are c ass1fied into one 0 f h . · t ree domams· A h Eubacteria and Eukarya. · re aea, In a natural classification, each genu d h' h . . s an ig er taxon contams all the species evolved from one common ancestor Taxonom.ists reclassify groups of species h .d· . wm=m~~M that species have evolved from different ancestors. • Natural classification helps to identify · . . . . new species and predict charactenstICs shared by species with.in a group. Natural (biological) classification attempts to arrange Iivmg · orgarusms · mto · groups that enable them to be identified easily and that show evolutionary Jinks between them. The system of classification we use today has its origins in a method devised by the Swed.ish scientist Carolus Linnaeus (1707-1778). The binomial system of classification The classification of living organisms is simply a method of organising them into groups to show similarities and differences between them. More than 2000 years ago, the Greek philosopher Aristotle (384-322 BCE) classified organisms into two groups - plants and animals. This was useful as a starting point, but as the two main groups were sub-divided, problems started to appear. At that time, organisms were seen to be unchanging, so there· was no understanding of evolutionary relationships. Many organisms discovered later did not fit into the scheme very well. Birds were separated into a group defined as 'Feathered animals that can fly' so no place could be found for the flightless cormorant, a bird that does not fly. Bacteria, w hich were unknown at the time, were not included at all. In 1735, Carolus Linnaeus (Figure 5.10) adapted Aristotle's work, and his system forms the foundation of modern taxonomy. Taxonomy is the science of identifying, nam.ing and grouping organisms. Linnaeus gave each organism two Latin names - the first part of the name is a genus name and the second part a species name. Thus the binomial, or two-part, name for the American grizzly bear is Ursus americanus whereas a polar bear is Ursus maritimus. Linnaeus used Latin for J Figure 5.1O Carolus Linnaeus, also known as Carl Linnaeus, was a Swedish botanist, physician and zoologist, who laid the foundations for the modern scheme of binomial nomenclature. By convention, the genus name starts w.ith a capital, while the species does not. Both are written in italic or underlined. Once an organism has been referred to by its full Latin name in a piece of text, further references abbreviate the genus to the first letter only - for example, U. maritimus (Table 5.1). 169 - ,;( f ,., •-~ . Polar bear Lemon tree Domain Eukarya Eukarya Kingdom Animalia Plantae Phylum Angiospermata Chordata Class Mammalia Dicoyledoneae Order Carnivora Geraniales Family Ursidae Rutaceae Genus Ursus Citrus Species maritimus limonia Table 5.1 The taxonomic hierarchy for a plant species and for an animal species. Thermophilic bacteria inhabit hot sulfur springs and hydrothermal vents and survive at temperatures in excess of 70 °C and up to 100 °C in some cases. Halophilic bacteria live in very salry environments such as the Dead Sea where the Sun has evaporated much of the water. They are also found in salt mines. Methanogenic bacteria are anaerobes found in the gut of ruminants, as well as in waste landfills, paddy fields and marshland. They produce methane as a waste product of respiration. nguage of medicine and science I Ia . Ion been ne . ,and his names. Lat111 has g . . is mentioned anywhere m the world . If Urs11s 111arit111111s • d , it is unchangmg. I b rs are being d1scusse • ·"" kn chat po ar ea ' f . h scientists ww ow . dicates a group o species t at are Ve f the name 111 ry • The genus part O mmon ancestor. I d and share a co . di "d a1 h I close y re ate , fi d as a group of 111 v1 u s t at are capab! • 1s· ust1ally de me . ffi · e The species • . . to reduce ferule o sprmg. of 111terbreeding P . h" classification system - for example I d structure m is ' Linnaeus deve ope . f wading birds and perching birds. O prey, b. ds into b1rds ·fli he groupe d tr . .. ng things in many d1 erent ways, ov h· · sible co group 1!VI er Althoug it is pos . hi a] classification system has emerged, through the last 200 years a hi~rarcfi c tings which is now used by biologists any snenu ic mee ' agreement at m . ts all over the world classify species using eve vhere Modern taxonom1s . f}'\ · all d (singular: tax on). There are eight levels to a hierarchy of groups c e taxa the hierarchy: • domain • kingdom • phylum (plural: phyla) • class • order • family • genus (plural: genera) • species. _ Two examples of how species are classified are shown m Table 5.1 . Aristotle's original grouping of organisms into just two kingdoms has also been refined. Today the most widely accepted method of classification uses three domains - the Archaea, Eu bacteria and Eukarya - divided into six kingdoms. • Archaea: Kingdom Archaebacteria (ancient bacteria) - methanogens, halophiles and thermoacidophiles • Eubacteria: Kingdom Eubacteria (true bacteria) - bacteria and cyanobacteria • Eukarya: Kingdom Plantae - plants Kingdom An.imalia - animals Kingdom Fungi - fungi Kingdom Protista - red algae and d.inoflagellaces You will notice that viruses are not included in the classification of living things. They are not considered to be living because they cannot reproduce independently and need to take over a host cell to do so. Viruses differ ,videly in shape and appearance and are usually divided into groups and described by the shape of their protein coat. ? .. WhY is classification important? - ~- ----'-L/7 ..... I I N.1niral cla,sifirations group together organisms with mauy of the same and arc. pred1ct1ve, so that by studying th c characcenstlcs - - of cI1.\r:icrerisncs · . . org• \l\iSill 1t 1s possible to predict the natural aroup ·t b I .111 • _ _ _ t. 1 e ongs to. Ph)•logenenc class1ficat10us _ _ are natural ' classificat" , ions tI1at attempt to ·dencify the. evolutionary h1storv· of species · The rol,t' o f taxonomy 1.s to 1 \ 1 I croup speoes that are related by common ancestry.You can find out more ;i,out this in Subtopic 5.4 . A natural classification such as the one devised bv Linnaeus is based on identification of homologous structures that ind.icate a conunon evolutionary history. If these characteristics are shared by organisms then it is likely that those orgamsms are related. So the binomial system can be both .1 natural and a phylogenetic classification. In summary, then , there are four main reasons why organisms need to be classified: to impose order and organisation on our knowledge to give each species a unique and universal name, because common names vary from place to place around the world to identify evolutionary relationships - if two organisms share particular characteristics then it is likely that they are related to each other, and rhe more characteristics they share then the closer the relationship 4 to predict characteristics - if members of a particular group share characteristics then it is likely that other newly discovered members of that group will have at least some of those same characteristics. In 2013 , previously unknown bacteria were found living in a deep lake nearly 500 111 below the ice in Antarctica.These organisms have new charJcteristics unlike archaeans and other bacteria. Discoveries like this may mean chat further changes will have to be made to our current system of classification in the future . Classifications change New species are being found and new discoveries are being made about existing species all the time. Such discoveries may force us to rethi11k the way we classify living things. For example, i11 the past, the name 'bacteria' was given to all microscopic single-celled probryotes. Bur recent molecular studies have shown that probryotes can be divided into two separate domains, the Eu bacteria and the Archaea, which evolved independently from a common ancestor. Molecular biology, genetics and studies of cell ultrastructure have shown that the Archaea and Eukarya (eukaryotes) are in fact more closely related to one another than either is to the Eubacteria. Similar principles are applied to all levels of dassificatio11 .Taxonomists reclassify organisms when new evidence shows that they have evolved from different ancestral species. The Ki11gdom Protista, which is not accepted as a true taxon by all taxonomists, includes eukaryotes that are either unicellular or, where they do form colonies, are not differentiated into tissues. The taxonomy of this group is likely to change because the group is paraphyletic, which means that aU of its members may not share a common ancestor. A paraphyletic group 1s defined by what it does not have and may consist of an ancestor but nor aU of its descendants. Car!Woese Carl Woese introduced the three domains oflife - the Archaea, Eubacteria and Eukarya - in I 977. In proposing these new classifications, he sep.iratcd the prokaryotes into t\\"o groups - the Eubactcria and the Archaea - based 011 di"covcrtl's about the structure of their ribosomal ltNA. His cbssific:.1tion reflects thl! current vie\\" of the ancestrv of the three m.,jor groups of organisms, but it w,1s 11 ot accepted :md t1'ied widt!y until the 1990s, " ·hen scientists' knowledge about RNA structure increased. (Note that the name I Bacteria is now often LE,ed for the domain comprisiuu the true bacteria, r.lther tlun W~ese's original name, Eubacteria.) , 11 II ,i,11 $1@ ,' [111) ( II r- 9'W ev Acceptance of a new paradigm . . Ob'~cctcd to Wocscs SC\-'Cr.lI l'l'Spt•ctcd SCIClltlSts , . . . f I k . .. .1,·ns· , including d1V1s1on o t 1c pro ·aryotes mto two d0 111, microbiologist Salvador Luria (I912-1 99 1) and evolutionary biologist Ernst Mayr (1904-2005). . to consider . . Questions . servacism m science desirabl , •nt 1s con e. , To what exte . must be presented before a h evidence • HoW n1uc be accepted'. heory can new t f the plant kingdom The main phyla O ukaryotic, have cellulose cell Walls ki dom are e . . . b rs of the plant ng ki dam is divided mto several Mem e nthesis.The ng . and carry out photos)' ·miJaricies (Figure 5.11) . d other s1 different phyla base on flowering Plant conifer moss fern 5mm Figure 5.12 Amoss, Grimmia pulvinata. Figure S. l l Acladogram showing the relationship_ between the main plant phyla. You can find out more about cladograms in Subtopic 5.4. Bryophyta Plants in this phylum include the mosses (Figure 5.12) and liverworts. These are the simplest land plants and are probably similar to the first plants to colonise the land some 400 million years ago. • Bryophyta are usually small and grow in damp places because they have no vascular system to carry water. • They reproduce by way of spores and these are contained in capsules on small stalks held above the plants. • They have no roots.j ust chin fJamentous outgrowths called rhizoids. They have no cuticle and absorb water across their whole surface. • Liverworts have a flattened structure called a thallus but mosses have small simple leaves. Filicinophyta Figure 5.13 Cl ub moss hangi·ng from a This group includes the club mosses, horsetails and ferns (Figure 5.13). • Filicinophyta have roots, stems and leaves and possess internal structures. • Because . , . of the stip port firom woody tissue, some tree ferns grow to over ..U-SA_._ _ _ _____S _m . _1_n_h_ei_g_ht_.._._,__~-- J S.001 ,. have: fibrous roots, whik others prodLicc an UIILIergrounu stl'111 calkd a rhizome. ·k clic brvophvta, they also 1\·nrodL1c, \) d · · : , L Y pro ucmg spores. In the krns, , L1 e rhcse ;m• found m clusters called sori on thL' undcrsirb of the leaves. coniferophyta Coniferophyta include shrubs and trees, such as pine trees, fir and cedar. which are often large and evergreen (Figure 5.14) . Some of the world's h~est forests are comprised of conifers . Coniferophyta produce pollen rather than spores, often in huge amounts, as conifers are wind- pollinated plants. , They produce seeds, which are found in cones on the branches. , Most have needle-like leaves to reduce water loss. Angiospermophyta This group includes all the flowering plants, which are pollinated by wind or animals (Figure 5.15). They range from small low-lying plants to large trees. Many of them are important crop plants. , Angiospermophyta all have flowers, which produce pollen. , They all produce seeds, which are associated with a fruit or nut. Figure 5 _14 A western white pine tree (Pinus monticola) in the Sierra Nevada, USA. some phyla of the animal kingdom Organisms in the animal kingdom are characterised by being able to move and getting their nutrition by eating plants, other animals or both. Animals flower are divided into two groups - those that have a backbone (vertebrates) and those that do not (invertebrates). Porifera '--=-- - fruit This group contains the sponges (Figure 5.16) .They have different types of cell, but no real organisation into tissues and no clear symmetry. All leaf t-<:...---- root Figure 5.15 Shepherd's purse, Capsefla bursa-pastoris - an example of a flowering plant. · tes tud'naria) in the Sulawesi Sea of 1 Figure 5.16 A giant barrel sponge (Xestospong,a Indonesia is around 10-20cm in diameter and 10-20cm tall. .' iii 17 a skeleton of calcium carbonate pro d uce, . or ,,.., aquatic and lllany h numerous pores m the body Wal} sponges " , through t e . l They pump water rves or muscular tissue. s1ICon. -,es have no ne and filter out food. Sp 011 g Figure 5, 17 Dendrophyllia coral polyps in the Red Sea. These polyps are 2--4cm in diameter. Cnidaria dJ·ellyfish (Figure 5.17) .Alrnost ,ones coraIs an . b d 1 These are the sea anen , . d into tissues 111 two o y ayers. . cells orgamse . all are marine and have . . g them with special cells called , I nimals by sungm h They feed on oner a . h ir tentacles. They ave a mouth ing them mt e nematocysts and trapp ·ng to get rid of waste. The box d the same opem to take in food an use f war are two of the most venomous e man-a jellyfish and the Portugues animals on Earth. Platyhelminthes . . h ve a body cavity with a mouth and an of ce Us an d a . . . . Th ese I1ave t h re e layers . . . hile others are parasites, livmg mside fr livmg m water w S anus. ome are ee fl d appearance hence their common other or nisms. They have a attene , ga , . l8) Most flatworms are small, but the tapeworm 5 name 'flatworms (Figure · · eraJ metres long found in the intestines of animals may grow to sev . Annelida Figure 5. 18 The Hawaiian spotted flatworm (Pseudobiceros sp,) is about 5 cm long. This. group, k nown as the 'segn1ented worms' , contains . . lugworms,. earthworms and leeches. Some are aquatic, living m nvers, estuanes and mud and others inhabit soil. All annelids have bodies that are d1v1ded into ~ections called segments. All of them have a simple gut with a mouth at one end and an anus at the other. Earthworms are rmportant in agriculture because their burrowing aerates the soa and brings down organic matter from the surface, which helps to fertilise 1t. Mollusca This is the second largest animal phylum, containing over 80000 species. The group includes small organisms like slugs and snails, as well as large marine creatures like the giant squid and octopuses (Figure 5.19) . Many produce an outer shell of calcium carbonate for protection. Arthropoda Figure S. 19 The giant octopus (Enteroctopus sp.) is one of the largest invertebrates and can be up to 5 m long. The arthropods comprise the largest animal phylum, and include aquatic animals such as the crustaceans (the crabs and lobsters) , and terrestrial animals such as insects, spiders and scorpions. All have an exoskeleton made of chitin. They have segmented bodies and jointed limbs for walking, swimming, feeding or sensing. An exoskeleton places a restriction on their size: arthropods are never very big because they must shed their exoskeleton and produce a new, larger one in order to grow. The largest arthropod is the Japanese spider crab, which can be 4 m long. These crabs are marine so water gives their bodies buoyancy, enabling them to move. Well over 1 million arthropods are known and it is estimated that there may be at least as many more that have not yet been identified. ct,ordata hylum Chordata includes humans and othe b b fhe P r verte rates, ut not a11 . tes are vertebrates. The features shared by all h d hO rd •1 • c or ates are: c .1 dorsaJ nerve cord ' which is a bundl e O f nerve fib • I res connectmg the ' ' - br:H 0 to the organs and muscles . . notochord, which 1s a rod of cartilage supporting the nerve cord il ost-anal ta ' ap 1· h' h · ]laryngeal s its, w IC are openmgs connecting the inside of the ' :]Jaryn,"< (throat) to the outside. These may be used as gills. f\]l chordates have these four features at some stage in their lives but, in the be seen in the embryo •The phylum case Of 111 ost vertebrates, they may only . . eludes the vertebrates (mammals, birds, amphibians, reptiles and fish) as '.~,ells the tunicates (sea s_quirts and salps) and the cephalochordates Oancelets). About half the phylum is made up of the bony fish (Class Osteichthyes). , a vertebrates . . Vertebrate groups can be quickly identified from their external features '{their skin and method of breathing are examined (Figure 5.20). ~other important feature is their method of reproduction. The young of mammals develop inside the body of the mother and are fed with milk from mammary glands after they are born. Birds lay hard-shelled eggs, while the eggs of reptiles are covered by a leathery shell. Bird and reptile gs contain nutrients for the development of their embryos. Both fish :d amphibians must reproduce in water - their eggs are released into the water and fertilised outside the female's body. Annelida, Tlie. Platyhelrn.inthes, ' Arthropoda an d Cliordata Mollusca, • , are animals that are 'bilaterally . . I' . Th ey have symmetnca • a defirute al front and back end, and a dors (back) and ventral (belly) side. All vertebrates have cartilage in addition to, or instead of, bone. . Cartilage can either be flexible, hke the cartilage in the human nose and ears, or hard and firm, like the cartilage in the larynx (voicebox). Cartilage also covers surfaces of bones at joints to ease movement. Calcified cartilage makes up the vertebrae and teeth of sharks. This is not true bone as it is dead material, whereas bone is a living tissue. Designing a dichotomous key A dichotomous key is a series of steps, each involving a decision, which can be used to identify unknown organisms. The key prompts us to ~ec1de, through careful observation, whether or not a specimen displays parti~ular_ visible features, and allows us to distinguish between specimens on this basis. vertebrates no hair or feathers hair or feathers smooth skin scales hair feathers mammals birds nostrils gills reptiles fish .' 11 amphibians d identify the vertebrate groups. Figure 5.20 A simple key like this can be use to 5 EVOLUTION AND BIODIVERSITY -'""'-"•'I·-· . a dichotomous key (onstruct1n9 . ·denrify organisms such as those sh . ' ,, key ro I . I own . When consrruct1ng · , , ·h specinien 111 t 1e set carefully, and 01n . •x•11111J1C cac f h . d' 'd ch fi,•un· 5.21. f,r,;t <, • . bo ut balf o t em 1v1 uals and b ose " . resent in a a a 1 5 ch:1r.icrcrisric rh:it P · sent in rh,• otlwrs. Start wings absent wings present -:" ,~ more than 4 pairs of legs 1 pairofwings 4 pairs of legs ~lu , fly r claws absent claws present f M "'~ legs all about same length legs not all same length locust crab wings transparent f dragonfly wings with scales r equal-sized body segmentation t ' '" '~I segm~ntat·,o . h' d n,n / /. butterfly Figure S.21 A dichotomous tree diagram distinguishing ei'ght organisms. . ' centipede prawn . e:--arnpk, the presence of wings could lw 1 . . . . . fol . I . I ff- . I . . t lls first d1st111gu1shi11 ' erisnc, w uc l e ect1ve y d1v1dcs the s . . g char.1ct . pec1111cns mto two s111allcr roups~, w for each group, another diagnostic fcatu , . b 1,0 d. ·d . rl must e chosen whose e or absence 1v1 es the specnnens int 0 ~senc . two ,urther groups A I' •ng cree diagram can be constructed as I . . ·· [lr.u1c 111 • . • . • . ' s iown 111 Figure 5.21, .... ssively dividing the specimens mto smaller d . ll ,rog•• . . an sma er groups until. I h end of each branc11 a smgle mdividual 1 · s ·d .6 d . ' . . , • 1 ent11e 11 1 e . f1·oally, the tree diagram is translated' into a writte11 k . hi h I , ey,m w c tie points are expressed as alternative statem E h . br.lnc 11 . . . ' ents. ac a1ternative or leads th e user to a subsequent eit. 11er names the 1dent1fied . .specimen . is reached •A we11-written . key 1s . pair. of statements, .until an 1dent1fication . osed of a sen es of questions or steps such ti t . . 1 coOlP ' a an orgamsm that 1s being stu~ed can only be placed in one of two groups. The style of the queSn·ons 1s therefore very . important m the design of a goo d key. So, for example, the dichotomous key arising from the tree diagram in figure 5.21 would be as follows. Wings present go to 2 1 No wings go to 5 Two pairs of wings go to 3 2 One pair of wings fly Legs all approximately the same length go to 4 3 Hind pair oflegs much longer than front two pairs locust butterfly 4 Wings covered in scales Wings transparent, not covered in scales dragonfly spider 5 Four pairs of legs More than four pairs oflegs go to 6 crab 6 Pair of claws present go to 7 No claws centipede 7 Body clearly divided into equal-sized segments prawn Body in two regions, segments only clear on hind region Nature of science Cooperation and collaboration - an international naming system Local names for different species can cause confusion. What do you think is being described here: armadillo bug, cafuer, wood bug, butchy boy, gamersow, chiggley pig, sow bug, chuggypig and pill bug? All these terms are local names for the woodlouse Porcellio scaber or its relative Armadillidium vulgare and are used in different parts of Europe and North America. Cooperation and collaboration between international scientists provided an agreed binomial name for the woodlouse so that wherever these organisms are studied, information about them can be attributed to the correct species. 'U'liest yourself 0 8 9 10 11 12 13 . h hierarchy of taxa. els 111 t e order the 1ev he hierarchy of taxa that are used. List 111 mes from t 1n cwo na h State t e binomial system- I that is characterised by producin ne 1 ofp ants g Identify the group ds in cones. ollen and having see I t is characterised by producing p . up of p an s . State which gro stem and no cuticle. · no root sy · db h · · spores, having ·mals is characterise y avmgJointed hi h group of aru State w c k I ton. limbs and an exos e e . als is characterised by having . h oup of amm State wh1c gr .h outh at one end and an anus at the segmented bodies wit a m . . other. a dichotomous key to identify leaves, . 'ls the leaflarge?' would not be useful . why the quesnon · exp Iam ki 14 If you were ma ng Learning objectives You should understand that: • A group of organisms that have evolved from a common ancestor is called a clade. • Evidence used to place a species in a clade can come from base sequences of genes or corresponding amino acid sequences in proteins. • Differences in base sequences accumulate gradually so there is a positive correlation between the number of differences between the sequence of a gene in two species and the time since they diverged from a common ancestor. • Characteristics (traits) can be analogous or homologous. • A cladogram is a tree diagram that shows the most likely sequence of divergence of clades. • Evidence from cladistics has shown that the classification of some groups based on their structure does not correspond with their evolutionary origins. s.4 Cladistics The universality of ONA and prot~in structures . . dibl mplexity oflife, the buildmg components of Despite the mere e co . . . t only simple m structure but are also umversal. Jivina orgarusms are no Jiving organisms use DNA built from the same four bases to store 0 · t. •nfiormation and most use the same tnplet code dunng the1r gene 1c 1 . . · The cew exceptions include rrutochondna, chloroplasts and trans1anon. " a group of bacteria. Proteins are built up from amino acids and living organisms make use 0 All of the same 20. In most cases, if a gene from one organism is transferred into another, it will produce the same polypeptide (if the intrans have been removed from it - Subtopic 7.1). These facts indicate a conunon origin of life and provide evidence to support the view that all organisms have evolved from a common ancestor. Study of th e genetic code and amino acids of an organism can provide evidence that links it to its close relatives and enables us to build up diagrams called cladograms, which show how species are related to one another in clades. Ci.atl~s ;md da.r.frSi~ics Cladistics is a method of classification that groups organisms together according to the characteristics that have evolved most recently. Diagrams called cladograms divide groups into separate branches known as clades (Figure 5.22 and 5.28). One branch ends in a group that has characteristics the other group does not share. A clade contains the most recent common ancestor of th e group and its descend an t s, so a c1ad e contams · all the organisms that l13ve evolved from a conm1on ancestor. ~ -------::=::::;;;~~~~ ~-~ ~ ·---· - - - - - - . 3 7 1j figure 5.22 A cladogram with four clades. Cladc ., gro up of orga11i1111 <, horh livi11g and extinct, rhar 1ncludc1 a ll :rnccsror a11d all the ckscrndants of that ancestor Cladistics a method of classifyin g or!(anisms usi ng cladograms to analyse :i range of their characteristics Cladogram a diagram that shows species' evolutionary relationships to one another ,:-_ Figure .5.22 shows five organi c · part of an evolutiomry tree. · sms 10rrrung • Orgamsms 1, 2, 3, 4 and 5 belong to the yellow clade. Organisms 1 and 2 belong to the blue clade. • Organisms 3, 4 and 5 belong to the green clade. • Organisms 4 and 5 belong to the red clade. • The common ancestor for each clade is shown by the coloured spot at the branch point, or node. Why do biologists need cladistics? There are three important reasons for using cladistics to organise and discuss organisms. • It is useful for creating systems of classification so that biologists can communicate th eir ideas about species and the history of life. • Cladograms are used to predict the properties of organisms. A cladogram is a model that not only describes what has been observed but also predicts what might not yet have been observed. • Cladistics can help to explain and clarify mechanisms of evolution by looking at similarities between the DNA and proteins of different species. Finding evidence for clades and constructing cladograms Phylogenetics is the study of how closely related organisms are and it is used to establish clades and construct cladograms. The modern approach is to use molecular phylogenetics, which examines the sequences of DNA bases or of amino acids in the polypeptides of different species to establish the evolutionary history of a group of organisms. Species that are the most genetically similar are likely to be more closely related. Genetic changes are brought about by mutation and, provided a mutation is not harmful , it v.~ll be retained within the genome. Differences in DNA accumulate over time at an approximately even rate so that the number of differences be tween genomes (or the polypeptides that they specify) can be used as an approximate evolu tionary clock. This information can tell us how far back in time species split from their common ancestor. A greater number t I =-~---·-J... } of differences in a polypeptide indicates that there has been mor_e_t-im_e _ _ _ _ _ _ __.._____ han if the number is smaller. Ther , . ·1cct11nulate t . 'fli b c for DNA nmtatwns to ' I wmber of dt erenccs etween "·· . between t ie I ""O is a positive correlauon d from a common ancestor. . ti ey evolve species and the ume 1 Ev1'd ence fro mamino acids . will have the same molecules h I ted organisms We can expect t at re a . d that these molecules will have . . ular funcuons an . carrymg out paruc · . roteins in different groups of . . S0 by comparing p . . sumlar structures. fi •nu'larities in anuno acid sequences · . h k.i them or s1 . . .it orgamsms and c ec ng Chlorophyll, hemoglobm, msulin and .1s poss1'bl e to trac eilirn~m~ . d . nany different species, have all been h'ch are foun 111 1 cytoc hrome c, w 1 . found in the electron transport ch • . d. h Cytochrome c 1s a1n studte m t is way. . . ole in cell respiration. Its prim . . h dria where it plays a vita1r . ary m nutoc on . • and 111 amino ands and the sequence has structure conta111s between 100 d . al lants an arum s. been determined for a great many P • . 'd sequences of correspondmg parts of the Below are the anuno act . 6 five animal species. Each letter represents cytochrome c mo Iecu Ie rom . . . . H d chimpanzees have 1denucal molecules, one anuno acid. umans an . . di . h h tw species are closely related. There ts only one 111 cat111g t at t e o • (h · d) between the human cytochrome c and that difference s own 111 re . . bits and mice have rune differences when of a rhesus monkey but rab 'th h mans which indicates they are less closely related. This compare d w1 u , . biochemical evidence supports the classification of the arumals that has been made from morphological observations. Human: mgdvekgkki fimkcsqcht vekggkhktg pnlhglfgrk tgqapgysyt aanknkgiiw gedtlmeyle npkkyipgtk mifvgikkke eradliaylk katne Chimpanzee: mgdvekgkki fimkcsqcht vekggkhktg pnlhglfgrk tgqapgysyt aanknkgiiw gedtlmeyle npkkyipgtk mifvgikkke eradliaylk katne Rhesus monkey: mgdvekgkki fimkcsqcht vekggkhktg pnlhglfgrk tgqapgysyt aanknkgitw gedtlmeyle npkkyipgtk mifvgikkke eradliaylk katne Rabbit: mgdvekgkki fvqkcaqcht vekggkhktg pnlhglfgrk tgqavgfsyt danknkgitw gedtlmeyle npkkyipgtk mifagikkkd eradliaylk katne Mouse: mgdvekgkk.i fvqkcaqcht vekggkhktg pnlhglfgrk tgqaagfsyt danknkgitw gedtlmeyle npkkyipgtk mifagikkkg eradliaylk katne rhesus chimpanzee, monkey human Figure 5.23 Acladogram for five mammal species. The differences in the amino acid sequences in cytochrome c represented by the letters shown above can be tabulated as shown in Table 5.2. From these data, it is possible to construct a cladogram showing the relationships between these five organisms, as shown in Figure 5.23.There are no differences between rabbit and mouse so they have to be drawn together at the end of a branch, and the same applies to the chimpanzee and human. Rhesus monkey differs from chimpanzee and human by only one amino acid and so the branch point must be one unit from the end. Rabbit and mouse differ by nine amino acids and so the branch point must be nine units furth er down. Biochemical analysis of other molecules n1parison of DNA sequences would be needed to complete the or co . n of ~bbit from mouse and human from ch' nnpanzee. ;cpi rJOO Number of amino acid differences in cytochrome c compared with human organism hU111an ---i---------_______j chir11Pa:'.,'.:nz::.::e=:e- r_ _ _ _ _ _ _ _o:__ _ _ _ _ _ __J rhesus m~o:::nk::e~y+ _ _ _ _ _ _ __..:,_ _ _ _ _ _ _ _J ---t--------...: 9 rabbit :__ _ _ _ _ __j se_ __.J._ _ _ _ _ _ _ _. :,9_ _ _ _ _ _ _ _J 11100 S2 Table comparing cytochrome c in five species fable · · Evidence from DNA oNA molecules can be compared in a technique known as hybridisation. If a specific DNA sequence from an insect, a reptile and a mammal are cornPared in this way, the number of differences between the mammal od the reptile might be found to be 40, and between the insect and the :aIJ1I11al 72. This provides evidence that the reptile is more closely related to the mammal than the insect is and we can construct a cladogram that shows the relationship between these three species (Figure 5.24). The diagram in Figure 5.25 has been constructed in a similar way from DNA analysis of the Canidae (dog and wolf family) . It shows that the domestic dog and the grey wolf are very closely related, but the grey wolf and Ethiopian wolf are more distantly related. The black-backed jackal and golden jackal are also very distantly related. Complex diagrams like this are usually constructed using specially designed computer software. _ _ _ _ _ insect reptile mammal Figure 5.24 Acladogram showing the phylogenetic relationship between insects, reptiles and mammals. - - - - - - - - - - - - - - black-backedjackal - - - - - - golden jackal domesticated dog grey wolf ' - - - - - coyote ' - - - - - - - - Ethiopianwolf L - - - -- - -- - - - - African wild dog Key 6-7.S mya 3-4 mya mya; million years ago Figure 5.25 A cladogram showing the phylogenetic relationships in the Canidae family. 5 EVCiUTIONAND BIODIVERSITY Worked example - - - hu_mans, 90rillas, chimpanzees 5.1 Whi ch :ipes :ire the closest living relatives of /-fo,110 sapicns? Gibbons, orangutans, gorillas and chimpanzees have many . physical similarities to human beings. For example human bemgs, chimpanzees and gorillas all have a cavity in the skull just above the eyes known as a frontal sinus. Gibbons, orangutans and 0th er primates do not have this, so the physical evidence sugge st5 th at chimpanzees and gorillas are more closely related to human beings than gibbons and orangutans are. Evidence from the analysis of blood proteins also suggests that orangutans are more closely related to humans than gibbons are. This evidence can be shown as in Figure 5.26. .___ _ orangutans L - - - - - - - gibbons Figure S.26 A cladogram showing the relationship between five apes. Chimpanzees and gorillas are more closely related to humans than other living animals are but which are our closest living relatives? ""' h 1 · · • h' d gorillas ' we must assess the evidence 10 sort out t e re at10nsh1ps between human bemgs, c 1mpanzees an and check which features are shared. We can construct a table to summarise the evidence (Table 5.3). Consider which of the three cladograms shown in Figure 5.27 is supported by moS t evidence. Characteristic Other primates Gorillas Human beings Chimpanzees Cladogram supported by such as baboons evidence DNA evidence: number of chromosomes 42 or more 48 46 48 C structure of chromosomes 5 and 12 different from other primates like other primates different from other primates C chromosome Y and 13 same as human beings same as gorillas like other primates A 1.6% - 1.2% B alpha hemoglobin several differences compared with human one amino acid difference - identical to humans B protein factor in blood not variable same variability as chimpanzees same variab ility as humans B same variab il ity as humans C % genetic difference from humans orangutan 3.1% rhesus monkey 7% Molecular evidence: amino acid sequence in myoglobin not variable like chimpanzees Table 5.3 Summary of molecular and DNA evidence for the relate like other primates dness of primates, baboon chimpanzee gorilla baboon gorilla chimpanzee human baboon chimpanzee gorilla human CladogramA Cladogram B Cladogram C 5 27 Figure · Three possible cladograms to show the relationship between human beings, chimpanzees and gorillas. th None of e cladograms can be proved to be correct from this evidence but cladogram B is the best supported th based on e data and is therefore hypothesised to best reflect our current understanding of the evolutionary relationships of human beings. If further evidence is collected in future the hypothesis may be changed. The shapes of cladograms sharks amphibians reptiles birds mammals Cladograms can be drawn in one of two ways, as shown in Figure 5.28, which shows two formats for a cladogram of Jiving vertebrate animals. By looking at the upper diagram we can see that the organism with the greatest number of differences from mammals branches off first. These organisms are the least closely related to mammals. The relationship between reptiles and birds is the subject of much debate amongst scientists. Some reptiles (e.g. crocodiles and dinosaurs) are more closely related to birds than other reptiles (e.g. lizards and turtles). Cladists have suggested 'reptiles' is not a clade and a better grouping would be Archosaurs (crocodiles, dinosaurs and birds) Lepidosaurs (snakes and lizards) and Testudines (turtles and tortoises). sharks amphibians I I i reptiles birds mammals J Figure 5.28 A cladogram shown in two different formats. Cladograms and the classification of living organisms Cladograms have been produced using information from fossils, morphology, physiology and molecular data. In most cases, they agree with each other, or the differences are small. When there is uncertainty, a second cladogram, built \JP using a different feature, can be constructed c,or companson. · Eac h cladogram can be thought of as a hypothesis about the relationships of the organisms it contains. 5 EVOLUTION AND BIODIVERSITY