Formula to determine overall grade • 10% Quizzes: 5 quizzes during the semester. • 20% Class Project: To be Announced. A separate paper will detail this assignment. • 25% Midterm: It will be based on the materials covered in the first part of the semester. • 20% Short Paper (group presentation): You will be given a detailed form of what is required and a grading system according to those requirements. All the deadlines related to the paper are mentioned in the schedule. • 25% Final Exam: It will be based on the material covered in the second part of the semester. INRODUCTION Visual Culture is concerned with visual events in which information, meaning, pleasure or emotion is sought by the consumer in an interface with visual technology for example television, internet, sculpture or painting. The word “culture” comes from the Latin cultura meaning « cultivate the ground » and in its figurative sense, it means cultivating the spirit, the intellect. The word culture is used also to refer to the material and immaterial achievements of a society. Visual arts exist since ever but the mechanical reproduction, the invention of photography , cinema, television and synthetic images turned our century into a period considered one of visual civilization. There is an urgent drastic need for the emergence of a field called today VISUAL CULTURE. Today, in the postmodern globalized world the visual is part of our everyday life. Already in schools children as young as 4 years old are learning about visuals in art history. Usually the different media are studied independently but today critics are beginning to think that there is a need for a field that comprises all of these media and they called this the visual culture field. Visual Text VISUAL TEXT : A text that makes its meaning with images and that can be: • “read” or decoded. Like written texts, visual texts are often carefully constructed by their composers. • Why we can read images like texts? • Images are based on certain rules and regulation, they use means just like writing (exaggeration, dramatization, structure, metaphors, thesis and antithesis, style of rhetoric WE CAN OR WE SHOULD “READ” IMAGES JUST LIKE WE READ AND ANALYZE A TEXT We should know how Visual Culture works to see the unseen! “Reminder: the statue of Egyptian Renaissance” The target is your brains. We need to be in control. To know how to create images as future artists, therapists, etc… To educate our vision, taste, sense of aesthetics and critical thinking. Your VIEWPOINT is essential. RELATIONSHIPS OF THE WRITTEN SYMBOLS AND PICTURES: MANY. 1) THE WRITTEN SYMBOL OR SIGN WAS PICTOGRAPHIC (*) IN ITS ORIGIN. 2) THE WORD AND THE IMAGE IN RELIGIONS. (*)Pictogram, also Pictogramme: is an ideogram that conveys its meaning through its pictorial resemblance to a physical object. Pictographs are often used in writing and graphic systems in which the characters are to a considerable extent pictorial in appearance. 4) THE ART OF MEMORY: A LINK BETWEEN WORDS AND IMAGES. Common sense suggests that many written symbols began life as pictures, and a consensus among scholars supports this idea. What could be easier to “read” than a pictogram of a person, a cow, a snake or tree? Five common Chinese characters and their visual mnemonics. The character for “male” is supposed to represent “strength in the paddy fields” , reflecting the fact that until recently men’s major occupation in China was rice cultivation. Nowadays women too cultivate rice. Plato’s world of ideas: Plato believes that there is a knowledge not derived from sense and impressions, that are latent in our memories. . Most of our visual experience take place aside from formally structured moments of looking like going to the movies or to an art gallery. Visual culture deals not only with those formal and structured viewing settings but also to the visual experience in everyday life. We are more likely to watch a movie on video, and to see a painting on a book jacket. (correlation!) St. Thomas Aquinas (*), the medieval philosopher believes that sight is not to be trusted. Can we really base our judgment on the color of a thing that varies throughout the day ? (*) saint Thomas Aquinas (1225 –1274) Italian Catholic priest who was an immensely influential philosopher, theologian and jurist Assignment Power point presentation : 3 “three” students will share one presentation deals with a concrete topic related to the course “Visual Culture”. Each presentation should contain at least analysis of two images. The topics will be announced on next week