2022-04-27 1529849 1529849 - Gateway security setting in an SCS instance, AS Java Version Language Priority Release Status Component 2 Inglés Correction with medium priority Released for Customer BC-CST-GW ( Gateway/CPIC ) Type Master Language Category Released On SAP Security Note Alemán Consulting 11.01.2011 Please find the original document at https://launchpad.support.sap.com/#/notes/ 1529849 Symptom With Release 7.1, the gateway is delivered as part of the SCS instance for AS Java. Without relevant security settings, unauthorized programs may be started or servers may be registered. Other Terms Reason and Prerequisites The gateway must have at least the following patch level as described in Note 1298433. 710: 186 711: 73 720: 34 Solution To protect the gateway from unauthorized access, you must maintain the two ACL files secinfo (restarting external programs) and reginfo (registering RFC servers). The files are defined by the gateway parameters gw/sec_info and gw/reg_info. The default value is: gw/seg_info = $(DIR_DATA)/secinfo$(DAT) and/or gw/reg_info = $(DIR_DATA)/reginfo$(DAT). DIR_DATA is the instance-specific data directory /usr/sap/<SID>/<INSTANCE>/data $(DAT) is the file extension (.DAT for Windows, blank for Unix). The file secinfo(.dat) should contain the following line: # start of external programs disabled © 2022 SAP SE or an SAP affiliate company. All rights reserved 1 of 3 2022-04-27 1529849 This deactivates the starting of external programs. The file reginfo(.dat) should contain the following lines: # list of java server TP=* HOST=local TP=* HOST=<host name> ... TP=* HOST=<host name> In this case, each Java node should be written in the file. If the computer has several network cards, this can be added as a list. The list can be compiled with computer names, IP addresses or IP ranges (subnets). TP=* HOST=<adr1>,<adr2>,...,<adrn> As a result, only RFC server programs that run on AS Java computers can register. You can manage the gateway with the program gwmon. In particular, changes to the files can be dynamically loaded subsequently (see Note 64016) without having to restart the gateway. In addition, see Overview Note 1305851 that describes all known problems relating to security settings. Software Components Software Component Release SAP_BASIS 710 - 730 This document refers to SAP Note/KBA Title 64016 Using the SAP Gateway monitor GWMON 1305851 Overview note: "reg_info" and "sec_info" 1298433 Bypassing security in reginfo & secinfo © 2022 SAP SE or an SAP affiliate company. All rights reserved 2 of 3 2022-04-27 1529849 This document is referenced by SAP Note/KBA Title 1305851 Overview note: "reg_info" and "sec_info" 64016 Using the SAP Gateway monitor GWMON Terms of use | Copyright | Trademark | Legal Disclosure | Privacy © 2022 SAP SE or an SAP affiliate company. All rights reserved 3 of 3