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Academic Writing Exam Paper for B.Ed Second Year

Mahakali Multiple Campus
Internal Examination-2079
B.Ed Second Year
Academic Writing -424
Mahakali Multiple Campus
Internal Examination-2077
Attempt all the questions.
B.Ed Second Year
Academic Writing(424)
1- What are the key elements to begin academic writing? Analyse them.
2- What is meant by plagiarism in academic writing? Discuss the reason
behind it.
3- Discuss any 6 characteristic features of academic writing.
4- How to avoid plagiarism ? Write down any two ways .
5- How can we explore ideas freely to write a draft of a text? Discuss any
three ways.
6- What are the purposes of writing? Discuss any two with examples.
7- Discuss briefly the role of feedback for effective academic writing.
Long-Answer Questions 12X2=24
8- What are the benefits of thesis and topic sentence . Discuss in detail.
9- According to Leki (2010), there are different suggestions for keeping
Writing a journal. Mention them in one by one.
Differentiate between Thesis and Topic sentences with examples.
Roll No……………
Tick(√ ) the best answer.(Group-A) 1X20= 20
1-Which of the following features belong to academic writing ?
a. formality, objectivity , hedging , complexity
b. informality , consistency , hedging , complexity
c. subjectivity , accuracy , complexity , hedging
d. consistency , formality , subjectivity , complexity
2- Which of the following sentence is formal ?
a. I couldn’t finish the interview on time.
b.The initial tests were completed by 2010 .
c. He agreed with me that this procedure didn’t make much sense.
d. We will conduct the same test sometime next year.
3- All of the following are ways to avoid plagiarism, except…….
a. record sentences and change descriptive words as you read
b. document the sources you use
c. take notes on where you find specific ideas
d. use quotation marks around exact quotation
4- " Kedneys are organs that separate waste fluid from the blood."This
sentence is the example of………..
a. comparison
b. discussion
c. simple definition
d. extended definition
5- Which of the following phrases is particularly used to give a single
a. for example
b. a case in point
c. for instance
d. such as
6- what are the key components of a research paper in order?
a. Introduction , Method , Discussion , Results
b.Introduction , Method , Results , Discussion
c. Introduction , Literature Review , Method , Discussion
d. Introduction , Objective , Literature Review , Method
7- Which of the following structure is ' Not ' used to contrast ?
a. A differs from B.
b. A is different from B
c. A…..while B …..
d. A resembles B
8- What are the words such as first , second , thirdly , next, etc called
in academic writing ?
a. sequence connectors
b. boosters
c. hedges
d. All of the above
9- How does evidence support the thesis statements?
a. By providing reasons, examples and data
b. By providing research findings and facts
c. By providing case study
d. All of the above
10-What is the second stage of academic writing process ?
a.getting started
b. working with a draft
c. getting to draft one
d. reworking the draft
11- Which one expresses the complete degree of certainty while hedging
generalization ?
a. usually b. occasionally c. never
d. rarely
12- What is the first function of 'Introduction' of a writimg?
a. getting attention
b. giving background
c. establishing a view point
13- Which of the following words shows the meaning of ' moving the
text around '?
a. ordering
b. substituing
c. deleting
d. generating
14- How can we paraphrase texts written by others ?
a. changing vocabulary
b. changing word class
c. changing word order
d. All of the above
15- The discussion part of the essay refers toa. the introduction
b. the conclusion
c. the body
d. the beginning
16- In a research report , tools for 'Data collection' is the component
a. Results
b. Methodology
c. Discussion
d. Introduction
17- Nominalization is mainly used while writing……..
a. an informal text
b. an academic text
c. a personalize text
d. a letter to a friend
18- "What is to be done?" belongs to……
a. Evaluation b. problem c. solution d. situation
19- In academic writing editing is a/an……………….
a. pre writing stage
b. post- writing stage
c. while writing stage
d. purely pen and paper stage
20- Which pattern is acceptable in the comparison and contrast