Student Name: ________________________________________ Class Period: _____ “Civil Disobedience” by Henry David Thoreau One Pager A one-pager is a way to visually share key ideas and information from what you have learned. When you create a one-pager, you are trying to use both visual symbols and important words to clearly and concisely share your most important takeaways with someone else. Here is what it must include: 1. In the oval at the TOP LEFT – write the author’s argument in your own words. In the box AROUND the oval, include 5-10 examples of the different points Thoreau made in words. You can also do this with images and symbols if you label them. These could be Thoreau’s “HOT” words or words that are emotionally charged. 2. In the three boxes on the TOP RIGHT – choose the 3 BEST quotations that support the author’s argument about civil disobedience. Make sure to use different colors and to make them attractive. CITE the paragraph number you found the quotes in at the end Ex: “Here is your quote” (Paragraph 3). 3. In the top dialogue box in the BOTTOM RIGHT, give YOUR opinion about civil disobedience. Answer the question: Is it right and appropriate to disobey laws if you feel that they are oppressing people? WHY? (Be specific in your response). 4. In the bottom dialogue box in the BOTTOM RIGHT, answer the question: Is violence ever the answer in the face of injustice? WHY? (Be specific in your response). 5. In the box on the BOTTOM LEFT, draw an image that somehow represents the big ideas that Thoreau gives in “Civil Disobedience.” You may label your image if you are not a good artist or if it’s not readily apparent what you’ve drawn. You may also add other symbols, drawings, and words that represent your argument as you wish. IT SHOULD BE COLORFUL, NEAT, AND ATTRACTIVE. Exceeding Standard Meets Standard Approaching Standard Below Standard Argument The argument points, quotations and imagery are all cohesive and clear. The argument is coming through, although not all the points and quotations seem clearly connected to it. Makes some points and a somewhat vague or confused argument Not clear whether the maker of this one pager read the text. The argument is not coming through. Required Elements Every required element is included. Additional elements may also have been added. This piece is amazing in its attention to detail. Almost every required element is on the one pager Several key elements are missing. The one pager is somewhat scattered. Very few of the required elements are present. While this one pager is fairly thorough, some sections gloss the surface. There is not much detail present in the various sections. This one pager barely shows an understanding of the text. Very little detail or depth. Thoroughness