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Automotive Department Review

Department Review
Stephen Walker
Overall Effectiveness
1 (Outstanding) - 4 (Inadequate)
Key Judgement Grades
Quality of Education
Behaviour and Attitudes
Personal Development
Leadership and management
Total number of enrolled learners
Young People (16-19)
of which SEND (included in above)
Adults (19+)
Volume by Level
Entry level
Level 1 (IMI Award in Transport Maintenance)
Level 2
Level 3
Level 4
Level 5 and above
Provision includes the following:
Entry Level 3 course – 1 Year Course
IMI Vehicle Maintenance L1
IMI Vehicle Maintenance & Repair L2
IMI Vehicle Construction L3
EV courses setup for coming year to adults in evening work
Department Review
Stephen Walker
 Qualified staff that are recently from Industry
CV’s within HR for staff
 Students are attaining qualifications and progress into further education
Year on year progression
 Motor Vehicle department attracts over 50+ students every year
Enrolment figures
 Links to industry are increasing
Sponsorship of workshops and donations of materials and guest speakers
Over 20 students entered into world skills competition
Evidence on World skills website
Areas for Improvement
 In adequate space for delivery
With increases in numbers, we are awaiting extension and in the interim have re adjusted
workshop space to accommodate save and valued delivery
 Planning for exams end loaded
Units for vehicle maintenance principles were delivered but students were not able to pass the
 Assessment plans and Smart targets need to be realistic and time bound
We have now had training internally on what we expect to be delivered and when. With
periodic reviews a must
 Maths and English attendance
Students really were not engaged. Staff would consistently ring parents and students for
attendance, which started to have positive outcomes
 Staff retention
New Health & Wellbeing focus, plus 4 day teaching week will impact.
Quality of Education
Evaluative judgements, evidence
Intent, Implementation and Impact
Include where appropriate technical excellence, value added, intended destination, progression rates, outcomes
for SEND and Disadvantaged.
To elevate CPD and ensure industry placements along with training for all staff.
Enable more guest speakers and visits to centres etc
Write bespoke employability programmes to further a learner’s career choices
ILP to reflect learners needs and teaching delivery tailored to meet the students’ aspirations.
Technical apparatus purchased to bring Construction into the technical age.
To increase career destinations and apprenticeships.
Department Review
Stephen Walker
Ensure curriculum delivery is varied, so whilst students learn their own trade they are made
aware of other careers within the industry. Delivering a couple of sessions in other trades
would be an advantage.
Review our teaching strategies and move teaching forward with technical and IT related
resources. More hands on, students’ participation.
Modelling, addressing mistakes, co-operative learning, concept learning, student led classes
and discussions.
Keep ensuring that our curriculum evolves, meets the evolving face of Motor Vehicles and
delivers the tools and skills that our students need to ensure a positive career within
Behaviour and Attitudes
Evaluative judgements, evidence and impact
Include disciplinary, QDP data, Attendance and punctuality
Outcomes from learning walks and OTLs regarding behaviour and attitude
Attendance and punctuality really impact Automotive students with theory lessons, Maths and
English with the latter taking the brunt of non-attendance.
This year:
Attendance 75.3%
Punctuality 89.6 %
16-18 – 75.3%
19+ -16.7 %
Disciplines are usually based around attendance but we have this year had some difficult
students with numerous issues.
Learning walks occur and feedback on staff is very positive. The delivery in workshops is
fantastic, we just need to home in on Maths and English, making it integral to the theory
Department Review
Stephen Walker
Personal Development
Evaluative judgements, evidence and impact
Include range of personal opportunities, learners understanding of Prevent and British Values (Focus Group
outcomes and QDP), Extracurricular activities and participation rates, Careers programme, industry days, work
experience, skills competitions and health and wellbeing.
Prevent and British values are embedded within most power points and workshop spaces.
Extracurricular activities are in abundance with the College offering numerous, different
activities. Most students try the activities but it is still ‘socially’ seen as a no go to most
Industry days have occurred as have taster days, work experience has been a low take up
due to covid and travel restrictions, but we are looking at the more guest speakers and
previous student talks to move us forward.
Inter college competitions occurred with Automotive attending Warrington Collegiate. (We had
a first place)
World Skills was a success, but a lot of students refused he challenge.
Leadership and Management
Evaluative judgements, evidence and impact
Include high expectations, links with parents, employers and stakeholders – links to curriculum development,
professional development of staff, wellbeing of staff
Having joined 10 months ago, I brought my expectations to the team with my past
Staff are always in contact with parents and recently we have started to communicate with
employers to raise our status and show that what we are delivering meets industry needs.
Companies such as Mercedes, VW and Jaguar have provided input into college curriculum
delivery and provided literature and staff to support delivery.
Staff have been achieving their CPD and one technician has just been submitted for their Cert
Ed certificate.
We have discussed their further needs and it is based around assessing and IQA.
The college are really driving health & wellbeing and the support to staff is immense,
sicknesses have reduced and involvement as a group in college activities has increased