UNIVERSITY OF CALOOCAN CITY Chapter 3 RESEARCH DESIGN AND METHODOLOGY This chapter contains research design, respondents of the study, population and sampling, research instrument, data gathering process, and statistical treatment of data. Research Design The researchers aim to know the student’s current status in keyboarding of the Bachelor of Science in Office Administration students. This study utilized a quantitative approach, specifically descriptive survey research. This kind of research design aims to accurately and systematically describe a population, situation, or phenomenon. As mentioned by McCombes (2022), the Descriptive method can answer what, where, when, and how questions, but not why questions. A perfect method to the user a quantitative research is descriptive. To put it simply, descriptive studies are used to describe various aspects of the phenomenon. It is used to describe the characteristics and/or behavior of the sample population. The researchers chose this design to accurately and systematically describe the current status of keyboarding and the challenges they encountered as a student. Quantitative research as defined by Adedoyin (2020), is known as the study of phenomena using numerical data and statistical, analytical, or computing tools. Quantitative research is based on the positivist paradigm, which argues for techniques based on statistical breakdown and additional tactics such as inferential statistics, hypothesis testing, mathematical exposition, and surveys with a limited number of UNIVERSITY OF CALOOCAN CITY predetermined responses. Based on its article a quantitative approach was seen as the best method to reach a large portion of the targeted. In addition, according to Voxco (2021), descriptive research can only be conducted via, Survey, Observation, and Case Study. As a researcher, you can only observe and collect valid & reliable responses, and analyze them. The researcher's goal is to know the student's struggle with keyboarding, address it properly, and help the students to improve their performance in keyboarding. The researchers came up with the idea of providing a manual typing guide which will serve as their main source to learn more about keyboarding. This research design enabled the researchers to conduct a survey through a google form that includes a relevant question that will be given by the respondents. Respondents of the Study The respondents of this study were the selected regular students from the 2nd year, 3rd year, and 4th year students of Bachelor of Science and Office Administration of the University of Caloocan City Camarin Campus, S.Y. 2022-2023. The researcher considered 2nd-year, 3rd-year, and 4th-year students since they have already experienced the keyboarding subject. Page 37 UNIVERSITY OF CALOOCAN CITY Page 38 Table 1. Distribution of Respondents according to year level. BSOAD Year and Section Number of population Number of Respondents (x) (F) 2A 42 21 2B 37 20 3A 35 19 3B 39 21 3C 34 18 3D 24 13 4A 31 17 4B 31 17 4C 27 14 4D 32 17 4E 18 10 TOTAL 350 187 The total population of 2nd-year, 3rd-year, and 4th-year students is 350, and 187 of them are respondents. By using Slovin’s formula, this study gathered a total of 187, of which there were twenty-one (21) out of forty-two (42) students from 2nd-year section 2A and section 2B, twenty (20) out of thirty-seven (37) students from 2nd-year section 2B, nineteen (19) out of thirty-five (35) students from 3rd-year section 3A, twenty-one (21) out of thirty-nine students from 3rd-year section 3B, eighteen (18) out of thirty-four (34) UNIVERSITY OF CALOOCAN CITY students from 3rd-year section 3C, thirteen (13) out of twenty-four (24) students from3rdyearr section 3D, seventeen (17) out of thirty-one(31) students from 4th-year section 4A, seventeen (17) out of thirty-one(31) students from4th-yearr section 4B, fourteen (14) out of twenty-seven(27) students from 4th-year section 4C, seventeen (17) out of thirty-two(32) students from4th-yearr section 4D, and ten (10) out of eighteen(18) students from 4th-year section 4E. Sampling Technique This study utilized one of the probability sampling methods which was stratified random sampling. Based on Gandhi (2022), stratified random sampling also known as proportional random sampling is a method of probability sampling that divides the total population into uniform groups called strata to finish the sampling process. Each stratum is created based on shared attributes or characteristics, such as age, sex, and year level. There was a total of 350 students from the second (2nd) year up to the fourth (4th) year and 187 students were chosen to be the respondents of the study which is 53.43% came from the population of Bachelor of Science in Office Administration. Research Instrument This study will use a researcher-made survey Questionnaire via Google Forms to gather concrete data. At this moment, only 2nd-year, 3rd-year, and 4th-year students are required to answer the questionnaire because face-to-face classes are limited only. The Page 39 UNIVERSITY OF CALOOCAN CITY researcher has decided to use Google form as a survey questionnaire and the link being sent to the respondents' prospective E-mail addresses. Moreover, the researcher used the Likert scale to make a survey questionnaire. As mentioned by Pritha B. & Kassiani N. (2020) Likert scale is a rating scale used to measure opinions, attitudes, or behaviors. It consists of a statement or a question, followed by a series of five or seven answer statements. Respondents choose the option that best corresponds with how they feel about the statement or question. BSOAD (Bachelor of Science in Office Administration) 2nd, 3rd and 4th-year students were selected as respondents of this study because they had already taken this subject and had encountered problems in Keyboarding. A total of 79 students were in second-year year sections A and B; 132 from third-year sections A, B, C, and D and 139 from fourth-year sections A, B, C, D, and E. Students received a Google form via e-mail address provided by the researcher. The respondents filled out the required information, such as their demographic profile. After that, they proceed to answer all the questions given in Google form before clicking the submit button. The questionnaire is composed of four parts: The first part contains the demographics of the respondents, such as age, sex, and year level. The second part entails the current status of keyboarding skills of the respondents in terms of speed, accuracy, and productivity. The third part is about the challenges encountered by the respondents in enhancing their keyboarding skills in terms of accessibility, accuracy, and productivity. Page 40 UNIVERSITY OF CALOOCAN CITY The fourth and last part contained recommendations that may resolve the barriers encountered by students in improving their keyboarding skills. Data Gathering Procedure The researchers will use a methodical approach to collect data from the respondents. The researcher's first step in acquiring permission to survey the selected BSOAD (Bachelor of Science in Office Administration) students was to write a letter of approval to the Development Head and the PASOA (Philippine Association of Office Administration) Department Coordinator. The researchers will provide the link to Google Form to the selected respondents when the survey questionnaire is prepared. After collecting all submitted forms, the researchers will extract all of the respondents’ data to analyze and assess and will compile to serve as the material needed for the following procedure of this research. Statistical Treatment of Data The researchers tabulated and analyzed the collected data with the use of statistical tools. The following are the tools used in this study together with the formulas: Frequency Count and Percentage –This will use to ascertain the respondents’ demographic profile such as age, sex, and year level. The formula is: Page 41 UNIVERSITY OF CALOOCAN CITY 𝑭 (P)% = 𝑵 × 100 Where: P = Percentage F = Frequency Count N = Total Number of Respondents Slovin’s formula will use by the researchers. According to Ellen (2020), Slovin’s formula allows researchers to sample the population with a desired degree of accuracy. It gives the researchers an idea of how large the sample size needs to be to ensure reasonable accuracy of the result. Slovin’s formula: n≥ 𝑁 1+𝑁𝑒 2 Where: n =total number of respondents (sample size) = total number of population E = margin of error (5%) n ≥ 350 𝟏+350 (𝟎.𝟎𝟓) 𝟐 n ≥ 350 / 1.875 Page 42 UNIVERSITY OF CALOOCAN CITY Page 43 n ≥ 187 The researchers created a complete sample by selecting the right proportion of individuals from each year level. It is important that the total number of samples be determined initially by using: F= 𝐱(𝐧) 𝐍 n= total number of respondents (sample size) N= total number of population x= number of respondents by section F= number of respondents by section Weighted Mean –This was used to ascertain the respondents’ average analysis of the barriers encountered by the students in improving their typing skills in terms of accessibility, accuracy, availability, recommendations. The formula is: 𝒙̅ = Where: 𝒙̅ = Weighted Mean f = Frequency ∑ 𝑓𝑥 𝑛 security, technical issues, suggestions and UNIVERSITY OF CALOOCAN CITY x = Number of responses n = Total number of respondents On the current status of keyboarding skills of the respondents in terms of speed, accuracy, and productivity. Range 3.26-4.00 Scale 4 2.51-3.25 1.76-2.50 1.00-1.75 3 2 1 Adjectival Rating Above Average (AA) Average (A) Below Average (BA) Poor (P) On the challenges encountered by the respondents in enhancing their keyboarding skills in terms of accessibility, accuracy, and technical issues. Range 3.26-4.00 Scale 4 2.51-3.25 1.76-2.50 1.00-1.75 3 2 1 Adjectival Rating Always Encountered (AE) Encountered (E) Sometimes Encountered (SE) Never Encountered (NE) On the recommendations that may be present to resolve the barriers encountered by the students in improving their typing skills. Range Scale Adjectival Rating 3.26-4.00 4 Highly Recommended (HR) 2.51-3.25 1.76-2.50 1.00-1.75 3 2 1 Recommended (R) Slightly Recommended (SR) Not Recommended (NR) Page 44 UNIVERSITY OF CALOOCAN CITY One Way Analysis of Variance (ANOVA) - This is a statistical method that is used to determine if there is a significant difference in the respondents' assessment of the current status of keyboarding according to their previous keyboarding skills. The formula is: Where: F = ANOVA coefficient MS= Mean square (between) MS= Mean square (within) Page 45 UNIVERSITY OF CALOOCAN CITY APPENDIX A SAMPLE QUESTIONNAIRE Dear Respondents: We, the researchers from Bachelor of Science in Office Administration 3rd year section A Group 2 of the University of Caloocan City-Camarin Campus, are conducting research entitled "Current Status of Keyboarding Skills of Bachelor of Science in Office Administration: Input for a Manual Typing Guide: as one of our requirements in our subject, OCC 306, Internet Research for Business. Our purpose is to gather data that will serve as a reference for this research, as well as to help us to implement the Manual Typing Guide in Philippine Association of students in Office Administration Department. In line with this, we are asking you to answer all questions listed below. All the data that will be collected will be treated with utmost confidentiality. Very sincerely yours, BRYAN D. BIAG /MARIAN JANE N. FERNANDEZ Chairmen, BSOAD 3-A Group 2 UNIVERSITY OF CALOOCAN CITY SURVEY QUESTIONNAIRE 1. Demographic Profile of the Respondents Name (Optional) : ____________________________________________________ DIRECTIONS: Put a check mark (/) in a box to provide demographic information appropriately for evaluation purposes. 1.1 Age: 18- 20 yrs old 1.2 Male Year Level 2nd year II. 24 yrs old and above Sex Female 1.3 21-23 yrs old 3rd year 4th year Current status of keyboarding in terms; Speed, accuracy, and productivity DIRECTIONS: Please read carefully and check (/) the corresponding answer(s) on how you assess your current status of keyboarding. Please do not leave an item unanswered and please be guided with the following scale where; Rating scale Interpretation 4 Above average (AV) 3 Average (A) 2 Below Average (BA) 1 Very Poor (VP) UNIVERSITY OF CALOOCAN CITY 2.1 SPEED 4 3 2 1 (AV) (A) (BA) (VP) 4 3 2 1 (AV) (A) (BA) (VP) INDICATORS 1. Familiar with the arrangement of the computer keyboard 2. Able to use the home row position. 3. Find it easy to type on the computer keyboard 4. Accurate in typing (word, sentence, and paragraph) 5. Ability to type 25 to 35 WPM. 6. Typing accurately without looking at the keyboarding 7. Familiarizing with the keyboarding keys 8. Able to type within the time frame 9. Consistency of proper hand placement in keyboarding 10. Consistency of proper hand placement in keyboarding. 2.2 ACCURACY INDICATORS 1. Students found the home key benefits is unnecessarily complex. 2. Students prefer the hunt-and-peck method than home key position. 3. They are focusing on accuracy over speed when it comes of typing. 4. They do typing practices by engaging in online resources and games to ensure accurate typing. 5. I am a detailed-oriented person, I always after appropriate word typing. 6. Students familiarize home key 7. Students do proper way to type UNIVERSITY OF CALOOCAN CITY 8. Maintaining the average words per minute. 9. Have time to practice. 10. Place the correct finger in Home row 2.3 PRODUCTIVITY 4 3 2 1 (AV) (A) (BA) (VP) INDICATORS 1. Students consistently apply proper keyboarding techniques 2. Consistent in delivering high-quality work on time 3. Quality of the keyboard can also help to be productive 4. Students are able to save more time in completing their task 5 . Students work become easier when they know the shortcut keys in the keyboard 6. Group activity can help to be productive 7. Students find keyboarding as an efficient way to minimize the time consumed either at work or school activities 8. Quality of the keyboard can also help to be productive 9. Students find keyboarding helps to have a better learning experience 10. Keyboarding helps increase confidence in school works or education III. Challenges encountered by the students in enhancing their keyboarding skills as per accessibility; UNIVERSITY OF CALOOCAN CITY DIRECTIONS: Please read carefully and check (/) the corresponding answer(s) on how you assess challenges. Please do not leave an item unanswered and please be guided with the following scale where; Rating scale Interpretation 4 Above average (AV) 3 Average (A) 2 Below Average (BA) 1 Very Poor (VP) INDICATORS 4 (AV) ACCESSIBILITY 1. Students have limited access to typing tests and/or activities. 2. unavailability of devices (e.g. keyboard, personal computer). 3. Students use gadgets that are not suitable for the keyboard (e.g. mobile phones). 4. Students are unable to access typing test website caused of its restrictions. 5. Students find typing test sites that are not available on mobile devices. 6. Insufficient access to information about shortcut keys in keyboarding. 7. Students’ social media accounts affect access to study keyboarding skills. 8. Students lack of tools to get good typing test skills 9. Multitasking can affect being focused on the keyboard. 10. Students are too lazy for their keyboarding responsibility. ACCURACY 1. Students are not comfortable positioning their fingers on home keys 2. Students always commit errors due to the tense they 3 (A) 2 (BA) 1 (VP) UNIVERSITY OF CALOOCAN CITY feel while they are typing 3. The students prefer to type freely without being timed. 4. Students found it hard to navigate home keys 5. Students can't maintain a good posture 6. Students lack of knowledge the fundamentals of keyboarding Students use incorrect finger positions. 8. Students not try taking free basic typing lessons online. 9. Students are too lazy to study free typing lesson apps. 10. Students have no time to practice. TECHNICAL ISSUE Students experienced slow internet connection. 2. Computer or laptop sometimes lags. 3. Students encountered some keys not working on the keyboard. 4. When students use a laptop, the touchpad of the laptop causes the cursor to jump randomly. Students encountered hardware issues like a power cable or cord not providing a proper connection that cause interruption of practice in typing. 6. Keys presses respond too slowly. 7. The Keyboard becomes unresponsive. 8. The keys keep jamming while typing. 9. The keyboard turns on but won’t function at all. 10. Students encountering each key press cause repeats. IV. Recommendations that may resolve the Challenges Encountered by the Students in Improving their Typing Skills DIRECTIONS: Put a check () mark on the appropriate column based on the scale listed below that may resolve the challenges encountered by the students in improving their typing Skills. Rating Scale Adjectival Rating UNIVERSITY OF CALOOCAN CITY 4 Highly Recommended (HR) 3 Recommended (R) 2 Slightly Recommended (SR) 1 Not Recommended (NR) RECOMMENDATIONS 4 3 2 1 INDICATORS (HR) (R) (SR) (NR) 1. Include a pictorial instruction to the location of the house keys. 2. To learn touch typing, practice three times per week. 3. Once you've mastered the proper typing method and can type accurately. 4. Make a file that displays the transparency of keyboarding accuracy 5. Practice regularly will help your fingers learn their location on the keyboard through muscle memory. 6. Make sure you have proper hand placement when you're typing and not looking at the keyboard. 7. Make sure to have a target in mind to achieve in practicing your typing skills. 8. Set at least an hour every day to practice your typing skills. 9. Create a file that the students can track their typing test activities 10. Add a photo guide about the home keys' position. 11. Make sure to have a target in mind to achieve in practicing your typing skills. 12. Practice regularly at least 3 hours a day. And with speed, you have to look after accuracy and also follow the touch typing method. 13. When practicing your typing skills, it’s important to use proper hand placement. From here, you can move your fingers slightly to reach UNIVERSITY OF CALOOCAN CITY neighboring keys 14. Always maintain a good posture 15. Be familiar with the keyboard 16. Be confident, relax and focus while typing to avoid errors. 17. Practice typing in a keyboarding application with time to improve your typing speed. 18. Give learning materials like manuals and/or modules to access the learning system. 19. Supply an alternative manner of teaching for those student/s who can't access the learning mode. 20. Focus on your screen and begin to memorize the placement of the keys, so you’ll be able to type more quickly as you practice. 21. Don't look at the keyboard or your hands if you need to stop to rest, take your time if you need to. 22. Set a group activity with classmates. 23. Set a target accuracy to improve the skill. 24. Quiet place can help to be focused. 25. Free pdf files or soft copy of manual guide 26. Be motivated for the least wpm you type, as to learn and excel following the homekey. 27. Be motivated for the least wpm you type, as to learn and excel following the homekey. 28. Always check your signal or internet connection. 29. Make sure the device used for practice in typing are stable so that there is no interruptions while you are practicing. 30. Find a comfortable place where no distraction around you. UNIVERSITY OF CALOOCAN CITY Bibliography Abdulmumini, H., Adamu, Z., & Bello, A. (2021). Effect of interactive computer software package on keyboarding students academic achievement between gender in Federal Colleges of Education in North East Nigeria. Kashere Journal of Education, 2(2), 195-202. 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Keyboarding versus handwriting speed of higher education students with and without learning disabilities: Does touch-typing assist in narrowing the gap hl=en&as_sdt=0,5#d=gs_qabs&t=1668391199086&u=%23p%3DnI6W_6gD9ro Western Governors University, (2018, October 31). Keyboarding Education for the College Student. UNIVERSITY OF CALOOCAN CITY BRYAN D. BIAG #2617 Capt. Rico St. Camarin, Caloocan City 09380981029 EDUCATIONAL BACKGROUND TERTIARY University of Caloocan City Bachelor of Science in Office Administration 2020-Present SECONDARY Bestlink College of the Philippines Senior High School – STEM 2018-2020 Camarin High School Junior High School 2013-2018 SKILLS Computer Literate (Microsoft Office Word, Excel) Typing Skills (40 WPM) Work under pressure BRYAN D. BIAG UNIVERSITY OF CALOOCAN CITY IRISH NICOLE ANN CARRANZA Phase 1 Pkg 2 Blk 22 Lot 4 Bagong Silang, Caloocan City 09605651026 EDUCATIONAL BACKGROUND TERTIARY University of Caloocan City Bachelor of Science in Office Administration 2020-Present SECONDARY Metropolitant Institute of Arts and Sciences Senior High School – STEM 2018-2020 Bagong Silang High School Junior High School 2014-2018 SKILLS Pleasing personality Computer skills (MS word, MS Excel, MS PowerPoint) Multitasking Typing Skills (35 WPM) IRISH NICOLE ANN CARRANZA UNIVERSITY OF CALOOCAN CITY DANICA C. CASTRO Ph10B Pkg 5 Blk 33 Lot 20 Bagong Silang Caloocan City Mobile No. 0921-8958362 EDUCATIONAL BACKGROUND TERTIARY University of Caloocan City Bachelor of Science in Office Administration 2020-Present SECONDARY Bestlink College Of The Philippines 1071 Brgy. Kaligayahan Quirino Highway, Novaliches Quezon City Senior High school S.Y. 2018-2020 Kalayaan National High School Junior High School 2014-2018 SKILLS Self-motivated Organizing skills Can do multitasking Time management skills Computer Literate (Microsoft Word, Excel and PowerPoint) Typing (28 wpm) DANICA C. CASTRO UNIVERSITY OF CALOOCAN CITY CRISELDA B. DALAGAN Brgy. 179, Santol St. Amparo Subd, Caloocan City 09065189895 EDUCATIONAL BACKGROUND TERTIARY University of Caloocan City Bachelor of Science in Office Administration 2020-Present SECONDARY Amparo High School Senior High School – 2018-2020 Amparo High School Junior High School 2014-2018 SKILLS Basic Computer literacy skills Typing Skills (35 WPM) Organization skills CRISELDA B. DALAGAN UNIVERSITY OF CALOOCAN CITY MARIAN JANE N. FERNANDEZ 795 Brgy. 188 Bo. Concepcion Doña Aurora St., Dulo Tala Caloocan City 09486147580 EDUCATIONAL BACKGROUND TERTIARY University of Caloocan City Bachelor of Science in Office Administration 2020-Present SECONDARY Metropolitant Institute of Arts and Sciences Senior High School – 2018-2020 Tala High School High School Junior High School 2014-2018 SKILLS Computer Literacy to include Microsoft Office Applications Excellent Communication Skills Strong time management skillset Written communication Able to work individually and be a part of a team Knowledge of basic filling practices Typing skills (60 wpm, 100 accuracy) MARIAN JANE N. FERNANDEZ UNIVERSITY OF CALOOCAN CITY ANGELICA N. PARAISO 2183-A St Benedict Street Admin Site Tala, Caloocan City 0908-6590672 EDUCATIONAL BACKGROUND TERTIARY University of Caloocan City Bachelor of Science in Office Administration 2020-Present SECONDARY First City Providential College Senior High School – 2018-2020 Manuel Luiz Quezon High School Junior High School 2014-2018 SKILLS Good Communication Skills Demonstrated ability to work independently and as a part of a team Computer Literate (Microsoft Word, MS Excel, MS PowerPoint) Mastery in Office Procedures (Filing, Mailing, Handling Calls) ANGELICA N. PARAISO UNIVERSITY OF CALOOCAN CITY EUNICE AIRA D. PASUMBAL 0002 Mayville Street Llano Road, Caloocan City EDUCATIONAL BACKGROUND TERTIARY University of Caloocan City Bachelor of Science in Office Administration 2020-Present SECONDARY South East Asia Institute and Technology Senior High School – 2018-2020 Bagong Silang High School Junior High School 2014-2018 SKILLS Time Management Problem solving Knowledgeable in MS word and MS Powerpoint Typing (25wmp) EUNICE AIRA D. PASUMBAL UNIVERSITY OF CALOOCAN CITY JOHN CHRISTIAN I. PEREZ 1560 Santan St. Area A., Libis, Camarin, Caloocan City 0920-124-8134 EDUCATIONAL BACKGROUND TERTIARY University of Caloocan City Bachelor of Science in Office Administration 2020-Present SECONDARY Mystical Rose School of Caloocan Inc. Senior High School – 2018-2020 Camarin High School Junior High School 2014-2018 SKILLS • • • • • Computer Literate Typing and Editing skill Organizational skill Strong communication Time management skill UNIVERSITY OF CALOOCAN CITY FEI I. RICAFRENTE 4024 Petunia St. Sampaguita Subd. Camarin, Caloocan City 09515902775 EDUCATIONAL BACKGROUND TERTIARY University of Caloocan City Bachelor of Science in Office Administration 2020-Present SECONDARY Mystical Rose School of Caloocan Inc. Senior High School – 2018-2020 Sampaguita High School Junior High School 2014-2018 SKILLS Computer Literate (MS word, MS Excel, MS Powerpoint) Ability to handle stress and pressure at work Time Management Skills Pleasing personality and positive attitude Can do multitasking FEI I. RICAFRENTE UNIVERSITY OF CALOOCAN CITY ROSE MARIE SOLON Blk 37 Lot 05 Northville 2B Bagumbong Caloocan City 0981-007-3290 EDUCATIONAL BACKGROUND TERTIARY University of Caloocan City Bachelor of Science in Office Administration 2020-Present SECONDARY Our Lady of Lourdes Technological College Inc. Senior High School – 2018-2020 Bagumbong High School - Annex Junior High School 2014-2018 SKILLS Computer Literate (MS word, MS PowerPoint and MS Excel) •Mastery in Office Procedures (Handling Calls, Handling Mails, Filing etc.) •Typing (40 wpm) ROSE MARIE SOLON