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Assignment Declaration & Project Proposal: Project E-Kasih

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Full name and IC No: Tee Chu Chu (870830-49-5428)
Date: 08 October 2021
Assignment (Asgmt) Declaration Form
Student’s Name
Tee Chu Chu
Student’s ID No:
Course Code
Course Title
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Assignment No:
No. of pages of this 7 pages
Assignment (including
this page)
Liew Chow Siang
Course Coordinator
Kevin Tan
T-DF Assignment Declaration Form (1/2020 version #003)
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Project Proposal
Project Tittle: Project E-K@sih
Names Of Team Members: GROUP 3 COCU
Primary contact person (project leader), title and contact number:
Project leader: Sharavana Kumar 014 925 1017
Task Allocation (for all members)
1. Project Leaders
: Sharavana Kumar A/L Ganesh
2. Assistant Project leaders
: Naavalan A/L Selvarajan
3. Treasures
: Siti Amizah Binti Abd Aziz
4. Presenters
: Vijandraraj A/L Silbaraji
: Sharmini A/P Arunachalam
Section A : Project relevance and need
Community service develops an increased sense of social responsibility – a global
view of society and a heart for ‘giving back’ and helping other. Provides an
opportunity to apply academic learning to real life events. Builds relationships and
‘social connectedness’ with peers and adults and exposes students to diversity and
multiculturalism. Improves lifelong communication, interpersonal and critical thinking
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About the Shelter Home
Pertubuhan Kebajikan Thangam Illam is a non-profit organisation set up to provide
assistance and support for orphans and children from the poor families. This shelter
home has 40 residences in home. The home has children who are from the age 5 to 17.
8 senior citizen and 4 special children in the autism spectrum.
Section B : Project description
1. Project E-Kasih is a grocery presenting project which is intended to donate rice, cooking oil,
biscuits, and other dry items to Pertubuhan Kebajikan Tangham Illam which located at
Ampang, Selangor. This project has three (4) stages. The 1st stage is to raise fund and after
generating enough fund which approximately RM 2300 in the 2nd stage the team members will
purchase the listed grocery items given by the shelter home. In the 3rd stage the team will visit
the shelter home on the 17th October 2021 at 1pm and deliver it to the organization. As the 4th
stage we will be creating a video for the home for future donation. This video will be
circulated in the You tube and attached in the Facebook of the shelter home. Donation for this
activity will be drive from the members and outsiders. A poster will be designed and circulated
via the group 3 member’s social media and other portal such as online magazines. We believe
that the grocery items that will be given to the selected organization and the efforts made by the
people behind this project will serve as an inspiration to others to help the needy.
2. The objective of the assignment is to evaluate learner’s knowledge and understanding in
applying the skills and social responsibilities within the community, apply communication
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skills, leadership, and work as a team, and practice skills in information management,
projects, and entrepreneurship.
3. Timeline
Task Delegation
Name List
Siti Amiza
Coco Project
Main Task
Project Coordinator
Presenter/ Content
Presenter/Home Liaison
Multimedia Design
Budget & Finance
Design Assist
Report Writing
Proposal Writer
Compulsory task
Donation Drive
Donation Drive
Donation Drive
Donation Drive
Donation Drive
Donation Drive
Donation Drive
Donation Drive
Donation Drive
Donation Drive
Donation Drive
Donation Drive
Other Task
Report writing
Shelter Visit
Shelter Visit
Report writing
Shelter Visit
Finance Assist
Key Activities
this project are residents of the shelter home.
1 4. Target group
Purchasing of Grocery
Presenting the Donation to shelter
Video presentation on the home for future donation
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Age of residence:
28 Children to teenagers - 5 – 17
8 senior citizen above – 60 and above
4 Special children – 10 - 15
The Donation Drive will be extended to friends and family of the team 3
via social media.
5. Pertubuhan Kebajikan Tangham Illam ROC No : 1641-07-SEL
No.1 Jalan Pandan 1/11 Taman Pandan Indah Ampang 68000 Hulu Langat Selangor.
Date: 17th October 2021
Time: 1pm
Section C : Expected results
1. The Objective is to provide the home occupants monthly grocery and necessities. Tanggam
Illam homes 40 residences. The home requires essential items for day-to-day usage. Engaging
into this activity, we the students’ of WOU will help provide the home with a 2-week supply.
The supply consists of dry food items and self-care products. We expect the activity will allow
us to share with the needy and teach the importance of inclusiveness as a team. The ultimate
target is to provide the home a decent amount of supply sufficient for 2 weeks to ease their
survival during this pandemic.
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Section D : Resources Required
1. The resources required for this project is manpower to purchase the grocery and deliver.
2. Funds to purchase the groceries and the lunch for a day.
3. Video editing and photography to capture the activity and to create a social service
announcement on the home to drive future help to shelter home.
Section E : Budget
RM 1824.46 for 2 weeks – Grocery
RM 500 – Lunch
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Total: 2334.46
Transportation sponsored by team
Each team member will be responsible to collect around RM200. If we manage to generate
more donation it will be used to increase the grocery.
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