Uploaded by sairam ch

Get over a plateau

Get Over a Plateau
Zone 1
Heart Rate
Zone 2
Anaerobic Threshold
Heart Rate
Zone 3
Peak / Interval
Heart Rate
Day 1 - Recovery Day
Zone 1: Recovery
Zone 2: Anaerobic Threshold
Zone 3: Peak / Interval
5 min
30 - 60 minute workout
Day 2 - Medium Intensity Day
warm-up 5-10 min
20 min
2 min
20 min
5 min recovery/cool-down
Goal is to get distance training without overloading at AT for too long
Day 3 - High Intensity Day
warm-up 5-10 min
1 min
1 min
1 min
1 min
1 min
5 min recovery/cool-down
Add workload (watts, incline, level) to each sprint
The goal is to increase strength by overloading the legs. The 1 min yellow is for leg recovery.
Repeat the 5 min of work and recovery based on client's time frame that day
Rotate the three workouts
Change Day 2 and Day 3 every 4-6 weeks
Retest or review date:__________________