CEE 330 Homework #1 Problem 1. (a) During drinking water treatment, 17 lb. of chlorine (Cl) are added daily to disinfect 5 million gallons of water. What is the aqueous concentration of chlorine in mg/L? (b) The chlorine demand is the concentration of chlorine used during disinfection. The chlorine residual is the concentration of chlorine that remains after treatment so the water maintains its disinfecting power in the distribution system. If the residual concentration is 0.20 mg/L, what is the chlorine demand in mg/L? Solution: a) 17 lb. chlorine added to 5 million gallons of water. Chlorine dosage in mg/L: 17 lb / day 454 g 1000 mg 1 gal 0.41 mg / L 6 5 10 gal / day 1 lb 1g 3.78 L b) Chlorine demand: 0.41 mg / L 0.20 mg / L 0.21 mg / L Problem 2. Coliform bacteria (for example, E. coli) are excreted in large numbers in human and animal feces. Water that meets a standard of less than one coliform per 100 mL is considered safe for human consumption. Is a 1 L water sample that contains 9 coliforms safe for human consumption? Solution Standard requires < 1 coliform/100 mL, or 10 coliform/1 L 9 coliforms L 0.9 coliforms / 100 mL L 10 coliforms (100 mL) This value is < 1 coliform/100 mL; therefore, water is safe. Problem 3. What is the concentration in (a) ppmv, and (b) percent by volume, of carbon monoxide (CO) with a concentration of 103 µg/m3? Assume a temperature of 25°C and pressure of 1 atm. Solution: a) R = 0.08205 L-atm/mole-oK. g RT 1 106 ppmv 3 m P MW 3 5 m atm 8.205 10 (298 K ) mole K 103 g 106 g 1 106 3 m g 1atm 28 g / mole 8.9 102 ppm 1 This study source was downloaded by 100000780530114 from CourseHero.com on 02-21-2023 21:05:05 GMT -06:00 https://www.coursehero.com/file/12060419/2HW1measurementsolution/ b) [CO] 8.9 102 mg 100 % 0.0000089 % 106 mg Problem 3 (2.13 from e-book) Mirex (MW = 540) is a fully chlorinated organic pesticide that was manufactured to control fire ants. Due to its structure, mirex is very unreactive; thus, it persists in the environment. Lake Erie water samples have had mirex measured as high as 0.002 µg/L and lake trout samples with 0.002 µg/g. (a) In the water samples, what is the aqueous concentration of mirex in units of (i) ppbm, (ii) pptm, (iii) µM? (b) In the fish samples, what is the concentration of mirex in fish in (i) ppmm, (ii) ppbm? Solution: a) i) 0.002 g 1 mg 1 L 1000 million 0.002 ppb L 1000 g 1 kg 1 billion ii) 0.002 g 1 mg 1 L 1, 000, 000 million 2 ppt L 1000 g 1 kg trillion iii) 0.002 g 1 mole 3.7 106 M L 540 g b) i) 0.002 g 0.002 ppm g ii) In solids, ppb = g/kg 0.002 g 1000 million 2 ppb g 1 billion Problem 4. Formaldehyde is commonly found in the indoor air of improperly designed and constructed buildings. If the concentration of formaldehyde in a home is 0.7 ppmv and the inside volume is 800 m3, what mass (in grams) of formaldehyde vapor is inside the home? Assume T = 298 K, P = 1 atm. The molecular weight of formaldehyde is 30. Solution: 2 This study source was downloaded by 100000780530114 from CourseHero.com on 02-21-2023 21:05:05 GMT -06:00 https://www.coursehero.com/file/12060419/2HW1measurementsolution/ g P g 6 ppmv MW 10 3 m RT mole g 0.7 ppmv 30 1 atm g mole 106 3 3 m 5 m atm 8.205 10 298 K mole K 858.9 106 g 106 g g 858.9 3 3 m g m The mass of formaldehyde equals 858.9 g g 800 m3 6 0.7 g 3 m 10 g Problem 5 (first edition). Polycyclic aromatic hydrocarbons (PAHs) are a class of organic chemicals associated with the combustion of fossil fuels. Undeveloped areas may have total PAH soil concentrations of 5 µg/kg, while urban areas may have soil concentrations that range from 600 µg/kg to 3,000 µg/ kg. What is the concentration of PAHs in undeveloped areas in units of ppmm? Solution: In soil mg/kg = ppm 5 g kg 1 mg 5 103 mg / kg 1000 g Problem 5 (e-book). Ice resurfacing machines use internal combustion engines that give off exhaust containing CO and NOx. Average CO concentrations measured in local ice rinks have been reported to be as high as 107 ppmv and as low as 36 ppmv. How do these concentrations compare to an outdoorair-quality 1-h standard of 35 mg/m3? Assume the temperature equals 20°C. Solution: Convert the regulatory standard to ppmv and compare to stated values. 35 mg/m3 x 103 g/mg = 35,000 g/m3 3 This study source was downloaded by 100000780530114 from CourseHero.com on 02-21-2023 21:05:05 GMT -06:00 https://www.coursehero.com/file/12060419/2HW1measurementsolution/ g L ppmv 28.0 1000 3 1 atm mole m 35, 000 g / m3 L atm 0.08205 (293 K ) mole K ppmv = 30; therefore, both are above the standard Problem 6 (first edition). In 2004, U.S. landfills emitted approximately 6,709 Gg of methane emissions and wastewater treatment plants emitted 1,758 Gg of methane. How many Tg of CO2 equivalents did landfills and wastewater plants emit in 2004? What percent of the total 2004 methane emissions (and greenhouse gas emissions) do these two sources contribute (total methane emissions in 2004 were 556.7 Tg CO2e and total greenhouse gas emissions in 2004 were 7,074.4 TgCO2e). Solution: Tg 167.7 Tg CO2e from landfills 1000 Gg Tg Tg CO2e 1758 Gg CH 4 25 43.95 Tg CO2e from WWTP 1000 Gg Total CO2 e from both 167.7 43.95 211.65 Tg Tg CO2e 6709 Gg CH 4 25 % of total CH 4 emissions 211.65 Tg 100% 38% 556.7 Tg % of total greenhouse emissions 211.65 Tg 100% 3% 7074.4 Tg Note that if your book only asked for contribution from landfill only 167.7 Tg % of total CH 4 emissions 100% 30.1% 556.7 Tg % of total greenhouse emissions 167.7 Tg 100% 2.3% 7074.4 Tg 4 This study source was downloaded by 100000780530114 from CourseHero.com on 02-21-2023 21:05:05 GMT -06:00 https://www.coursehero.com/file/12060419/2HW1measurementsolution/ Problem 6 (e-book). 2.25 The National Ambient Air Quality Standard (NAAQS) for sulfur dioxide (SO2) is 0.14 ppmv (24-hr average). (a) What is the concentration in µg/m3 assuming an air temperature of 25o C? (b) What is the concentration in moles SO2 per 106 moles of air? Solution: We actually need to calculate part b first before part a: b) 0.14𝑝𝑝𝑚𝑣 = 0.14 𝑚3 SO2 /106 𝑚3 air solution × 1 𝑎𝑡𝑚 /(8.205 × 10−5 𝑚3 𝑎𝑡𝑚 /(𝑚𝑜𝑙𝑒 𝐾) × (25 + 273)K )= 𝟔. 𝟎 × 𝟏𝟎−𝟔 𝒎𝒐𝒍𝒆 𝐒𝐎𝟐 /𝟏𝟎𝟔 𝒎𝟑 𝐚𝐢𝐫 a) 6.0 × 10−6 𝑚𝑜𝑙𝑒 SO2 /106 𝑚𝑜𝑙𝑒 air × 64 𝑔SO2 / 𝑚𝑜𝑙𝑒 SO2 × 10 −6𝜇𝑔/ 𝑔 = 𝟑𝟖𝟒 𝝁𝒈/ 𝒎 Problem 7 (first edition). The Department of Environmental Quality has determined that toxaphene concentrations in soil that exceed 60 µg/kg can pose a threat to underlying groundwater. If a 100-g sample of soil contains 10-5 g of toxaphene, what are the toxaphene soil and regulatory action level concentrations reported in units of ppbm? Solution: a) In soil, ppb = g/kg 60 g kg 60 ppb 105 g toxaphene 1000 g 106 g g 100 100 ppb 100 g soil 1 kg g kg Problem 7 (e-book). What is the concentration in (a) ppmv, and (b) percent by volume, of carbon monoxide (CO) with a concentration of 103 µg/m3? Assume a temperature of 25°C and pressure of 1 atm. Solution: a) R = 0.08205 L-atm/mole-oK. g L ppm 28.0 1000 3 1 atm 103 g CO mole m 8.9 102 ppm 3 L atm m 0.08205 (298 K ) mole K b) 8.9 102 mg [CO] 100 % 0.0000089 % 106 mg 5 This study source was downloaded by 100000780530114 from CourseHero.com on 02-21-2023 21:05:05 GMT -06:00 https://www.coursehero.com/file/12060419/2HW1measurementsolution/ Powered by TCPDF (www.tcpdf.org)