Go to the academy home page and click login. Many aspects of our website are private and secure and will remain a closed community to ensure a safe and appropriate environment for our children. This includes the forum. The option to enter will not appear until you login and all new users must be manually approved by me. Login the home page. If you have not created an account yet you can either register at the top or just message me and ill create one for you. If you have forgotten your password or have any other difficulty just message me. After logging in successfully you will now see the option for the portal and the forum. Click on the forum. Don’t forget that the website is dual language. I'm afraid the translation is not perfect but it I've been told its sufficient for Vietnamese to use without issue. Continue to the forum. The forum is currently divided into four categories: “New to the Academy”, “Academy Classes”, “Parent Forums”, and “Student Forums”. We will grow these out as the need arises and I will be appointing or accepting volunteers from parents to moderate the forum as it grows. Also, as soon as we become active and I have moderators I will begin settting some forums to private such as the PTA forum so that it will be invisible to students. I believe the layout is easy to understand and navigate and it should be just as easy on a mobile phone. As soon as we become active, and I have moderators I will begin setting some forums to private such as the PTA forum so that it will be invisible to students. From here you can either click on an entire sub-forum such as MT-W101 | Website Development or go right to a particular topic. Clicking on the subforum MT-W101 | Website Development will take me here. I can browse all the existing topics, add a new topic, and subscribe to the forum from here. One of the many advantages to the forum is being able to subscribe only to topics that interest you. When subscribing to the forum you will get a notification. Forum notifications are sent through email. The moment you subscribe an unsubscribe button appears making it very easy to turn off notifications which are sent through email. Clicking on a topic will open it up and provide us with many options but most importantly the ability to reply to the topic. Please, do not be shy. I intend for the forum to be in Vietnamese not English. Replying to a topic or creating a new one will provide all the normal options everyone is likely familiar with such as emojis, attachments, links, quotes as well as the standard formatting options such as font size, font color, bold, underline, italicize, etc.