ELPS 2A 2B 2C 2D 2E 2G 2H 2I Listening I can recognize correct pronunciation I can recognize sounds used in the words… I can identify words and phrases heard in a discussion about… I can check for understanding by…/Seek help by… I can use _____(media source) to learn/review… I can describe general meaning, main points, and details heard in… I can identify implicit ideas and information heard in… I can demonstrate listening comprehension by… Speaking 3A 3B 3C 3D 3E 3F 3G 3H 3I 3J I can pronounce the words ______ correctly I can use new vocabulary about ________ in stories, pictures, descriptions, and/or classroom communication I can speak using a variety of types of sentence stems about… I can speak using the words _____ about I can share in cooperative groups about… I can ask and give information using the words… I can express opinions, ideas and feelings about _____ using the words/phrases… I can narrate, describe and explain… I can use formal/informal English to say… I can speak about _____ presented in a wide variety of media Reading 4A 4B 4C 4D 4E 4F 4G 4H 4I 4J 4K I can identify relationships between sounds/letters by… I can recognize directionality of English text I can recognize the words/phrases I can use pre-reading supports such as ______ to understand… I can read materials about _____ with support of simplified text/visuals/word banks as needed I can use visual and contextual supports to read… I can show comprehension of text read silently by… I can demonstrate comprehension of text silently by… I can show comprehension of text about _____ through basic reading skills such as… I can show comprehension of text/graphic sources about ______ through inferential skills such as… I can show comprehension of text about _____ through analytical skills such as… Writing 5A 5B 5C 5D 5E 5F 5G I can learn relationships between sounds and letters when writing about… I can write using newly acquired vocabulary about… I can spell English words such as… I can edit writing about… I can use simple and complex sentences to write about… I can write using a variety of sentence frames and selected vocabulary about… I can narrate, describe and explain in writing about…