Uploaded by Dr. M. Elangovan

Prof. Dr. M. Elangovan CV - Mechanical & Naval Engineering

Prof. Dr. M. Elangovan,
M.E, Ph.D.(Japan)
Doctor of Engineering from Hiroshima University, Japan as a Mechanical Engineer and having more
than 22 years of experience which includes 15 years of research experience and more than 04 years of
teaching experience. Presently, working as a Director for the Department of R&D and Consulting at “M/s
DTC Corp, Chennai, India. My research areas are CFD, Design, Data Science, Statstic, Machine
Learning, Analysis, Simulations, robotics, ROV, AUV, and Artificial Intelligence. During my service, many
funded research projects and consultancy have been completed from various national and international
funding agencies, worth around ₹39.9 crores. Moreover, I am an editor and reviewer for various journals.
More than 90 papers have been published in journals and conferences.
Google Scholar
Marine Projects
Robotic Projects
Design Sail as an Auxilliary Propulsion System
Optmisation of AUV fins configuration
Design of Ventilation systems for Container ship
Simulation of Irregular waves
Drag prediction and Power Estimation for Ship
Remotely Operated Vehicle for Dam Inspection
RoGV for Disaster Relief and Inspection
Industrial Robot for Pick and Place Operation
IoT based Safety Monitoring System
Design of Delivery Robot
Dr. Eng.
Social and Environmental Engineering, [Naval
Architecture], Hiroshima University, JAPAN, (2012).
M. Eng.
B. Eng.
”Japan Government
Award -2003”
Engineering Design, Department of Mechanical
Engineering, Government College of Technology,
Bharathiar University, India. (1996).
”President of India AwardDecember 2003” for the paper
published in The Institute of
Mechanical Engineering, Madurai Kamaraj University,
India. (1994).
”The Institution Award” from The
Institute of Engineers (India)December 2003” for the paper
published in The Institute of
“Best Technical Paper
ANSYS 2009 Conference.
“World Teacher Award 2021” for my
teaching contribution from RED
“Distinguished Professor Award”
for my academic contribution from
Novel Research Academy.
“Best Faculty Award” for the
academic education from Vertex
Research and Technology.
“Arivukkan Dr. A P J ABDUL KALAM
for Excellence in Education” for the
contribution in education from the
Rotary Club of Chennai.
Underwater Robots
Unmanned Vehicle
Ship Design
Artificial Intelligence
Machine Learning
Experience in Organizations
DTC Corp
Director (R&D and Consulting)
Vel Tech University………………… Professor
GreenSHIP……………………………….Technical Director
NAPA……………………………………… Senior Technical Consultant
IRCLASS………………………………… Senior Surveyor
Jagson International Ltd…………. Deputy Manager
Allseas Engineering………………… Design Engineer
NSDRC……………………………………. Senior Designer
Prof. Dr. M. Elangovan, M.E, Dr. Eng.(Japam)
1st July 2018 –till the date
[06 Month]
Director (R&D and Consulting)
M/s DTC Corp, Chennai, India
Data Science: Freshly recruited employees are provided training in Data Science (Python, SQL, Tableau,
Statistics, Matplotlb, NumPy) to work on a client project
DevOps: More than 18 Applications are targeted to create instances in AWS and configure the required
instance in a short period.
Consultancy Project: Autonomous laparoscopic peg transfer using Twin Industrial Robot, USA
AI/ML/DL:working wth Research institute on joint research project and providing Data Science
Consultancy for medicine manufacturing company in Chennai.
1st June 2018 – 30th June 2022
[4 Year + 01 Month]
Vel Tech University, India
Funded Research Project: The project from NSTL is received on 11th Dec. 2019, and the funding is 8.4
Lakhs for the six months duration. The project title is “Optimization of High-speed Vessel and
Evaluation of the Hydrodynamic Performance”.
Working on the latest technology such as IoT, robotics, and AI for industry and society-related projects.
The outcome was published as a paper for every project.
1st Nov. 2015 – 31st May 2018
[2 Years + 7 Months]
Technical Director
GreenSHIP, India
Completed a project for the conversion of a container vessel from 20 feet to 40 feet container
carrier [UK company].
Consultancy provided for the development of ship operation software (Singapore company).
Feasibility study reports and Class drawings were prepared for three vessels.
MoU signed with (i) VIT, Chennai, (ii) Simerics, USA (iii) Shipyard, China
3rd Sep. 2012 - 30th Oct. 2015
[3 Years + 2 Months]
Senior Technical Consultant
NAPA, India
Hull Optimization and Trim Curve using CFD: Provide hydrodynamic service for the Japan shipyard
to optimize the hull based on CFD study and prepare a trim curve table.
SEEMP: Manage a team for SEEMP solutions in India which includes Data Analysis, MS SQL DB
management, Tableau, AWS for cloud instance, & Hosting and monitoring in Cloud for all customers,
16th April 2008 – 31st Aug. 2012
[4 Years + 5 Months]
Senior Surveyor
“Numerical Wave Basin” is developed for regular and irregular wave analysis
Developed sea-keeping solver (IRWAVE) for commercial applications.
Strip Theory (PDSTRIP) software is improved for IRS research.
“Open FOAM” CFD software is applied for ship analysis in IRS
2|P age 1 6
Prof. Dr. M. Elangovan, M.E, Dr. Eng.(Japam)
3rd Oct. 2003 to 31st March 2008, 23rd March 2012
Hiroshima University, JAPAN
Research Scholar (Doctoral Program )
“Seakeeping of high-speed ships with transom stern and the validation method with unsteady waves
around ships”
The Rankine panel method in the frequency domain is developed and applied to several kinds of ships,
including the high-speed transom stern to confirm its efficiency. The Neumann-Kelvin and Double-body
flow formulations are examined as a basic flow. To treat the high-speed vessel which has a transom, a new
boundary condition has been introduced. This condition has been derived from the experimental
observation which confirms that the transom stern part is completely dry at the high forward speed. The
influence of a transom stern is observed in hydrodynamic forces and moments, ship motions, unsteady
waves, and added wave resistance. It is concluded that the new transom boundary condition can capture
the hydrodynamics phenomena around the transom, and this can improve the estimation accuracy of the
seakeeping qualities in numerical computation.
17th Jan. 2003 to 31st Aug. 2003
[ 8 Months]
Deputy Manager
Jagson International Ltd, Delhi
Project: Refurbishment of Jack-up Rig: CHAPARRAL & Production PIONEER
Preparation of planning & scheduling of complete project using MS Project
Verification of the design report submitted by marine consultants.
Class drawing preparation for Jack-up modification and getting approval from societies.
Material Estimation & Cost Estimation
1st June 2002 to 24th Dec. 2002
[ 7 Months]
Design Engineer
Class drawing preparation for yacht modification and getting approval from societies.
Preparation of a study report for third party design verification
Cost Estimation & Quotation preparation
Work schedule preparation using MS Project
16th Dec. 1996 – 24th May 2002
[4 Years + 5 Months]
National Ship
Design and Research Center (NSDRC), Visakhapatnam, India
Senior Designer
Preparation of technical specifications & Tender document
Weight estimation of equipment & piping system
3D modeling in FORAN Module for a mechanical system.
Design of Propeller shaft, Rudder arrangement, LSA, and FFA
3|P age 1 6
Prof. Dr. M. Elangovan, M.E, Dr. Eng.(Japam)
Status of Research and Consultancy Projects
A. Sponsored Research Projects – Completed
Project Name:
Optimization of high-speed vessel and evaluation of hydrodynamic performance.
Naval Science and Technological Laboratory (DRDO), Visakhapatnam
Dr. M. Elangovan, Professor, Vel Tech University, Chennai
Dr. Naren Shankar, Associate Professor, Aerospace Department, Vel Tech.
Project Name:
Design of Sail as an Auxiliary propulsion system for general cargo vessel
Ministry of Surface Transport, Govt. of India and for two years ( ~1998).
Mr. S P Biswas, General Manager, NSDRC, Visakhapatnam
M. Elangovan (myself), Designer, NSDRC, Visakhapatnam
Project Name:
Ocean Thermal Energy Conversion (OTEC)
National Institute of Ocean Technology, Govt. of India ( ~2001).
NSDRC, Visakhapatnam
Dr. M. Elangovan, one of the key members out of five in that project.
B. Consultancy Projects-National – Completed
1) Project Name:
Lighthouse Tender Vessel
Department Light House, Govt. of India
Dr. M. Elangovan, one of the key members out of three in that project.
2) Project Name:
Jack-up Rig Sagar Gaurav
ONGC, Govt. of India
Dr. M. Elangovan, one of the key members out of three in that project.
3) Project Name:
400 Passenger cum 50 Ton Cargo
Andaman & Nicobar Administration
Dr. M. Elangovan, one of the key members out of three in that project.
4) Project Name:
Motor Launch
Andaman & Nicobar Administration, and ₹72 lakhs.
Dr. M. Elangovan, one of the key members out of three in that project.
5) Project Name:
Multipurpose Tug
Dredging Corporation of India, Govt. of India
Dr. M. Elangovan, one of the key members out of three in that project.
6) Project Name:
VIP cum Pilot Launch
Tuticorin Port Trust, Govt. of India
Dr. M. Elangovan, one of the key members out of three in that project.
7) Project Name:
500 Passenger Vessel
Andaman & Nicobar Administration,
Dr. M. Elangovan, one of the key members out of three in that project.
4|P age 1 6
Prof. Dr. M. Elangovan, M.E, Dr. Eng.(Japam)
C. International Consultancy Projects – Completed
1) Project Name:
Development and upgrade of Luxury Yacht
ALLSEAS Group,Dubai
Allseas Engineering, Dubai
Dr. M. Elangovan. Senior Designer
2) Project Name:
Development of CLASSNK-NAPA GREEN Package
ClassNK, Japan
NAPA Finland
Dr. M. Elangovan, one of the key members out of five in that project.
3) Project Name:
Development of Ship Operation Software(Trim Curve Module)
Viswa Lab, Singapore,
GreenSHIP Research and Technology, India
Dr. M. Elangovan, Technical Director.
4) Project Name:
Conversion of Container Vessel (20 ft to 40 ft)
Bond Marine Consultancy, UK
GreenSHIP Research and Technology, India
Dr. M. Elangovan, Technical Director.
D. Sponsored Projects (National & International) – Under Consideration
Project Name:
Numerical analysis of Active Plasma Actuator using CFD for Drag Reduction.
BRNS, Institute of Plasma Research
Dr. M. Elangovan, Professor, Vel Tech University, Chennai
Project Name:
Design and Development of Millipede Robot for Disaster Rescue Operations.
INDO-ITALIAN Executive Programme of Cooperation
Dr. M. Elangovan, Professor, Vel Tech University, Chennai
Project Name:
Development of 6 DOF Manipulators with forwarding & Inverse Kinematics formulations
and validation of kinematics using MATLAB simulations.
Directorate of Science and Technology (DST), MATRICS scheme.
Dr. M. Elangovan, Professor, Vel Tech University, Chennai
Project Name:
Turbulence Model Tuning to Capture Wide Range of Flow Features.
Vikram Sarabhai Space Centre, ISRO Respond_2021,
Dr. M. Elangovan, Professor, Vel Tech University, Chennai
Project Name:
Estimation of Ship Unsteady forces and Motions using RPM Method.
Dr. M. Elangovan, Professor, Vel Tech University, Chennai
Project Name:
Pervasive Ocean Monitoring and Prediction of GeoHazards via Meta-Heuristic Based Trained
Deep Convolution Neural Networks.
Co-Investigator: Dr. M. Elangovan, Professor, Vel Tech University, Chennai
Project Name: Centralized Automated Hybrid Energy System for Remotely Located Community Centres
Co-Investigator: Dr. M. Elangovan, Professor, Vel Tech University, Chennai
5|P age 1 6
Prof. Dr. M. Elangovan, M.E, Dr. Eng.(Japam)
Details of Journal / Conference Papers
Belgin P, Praven A, Cpova L and Elangovan M ‘Rheological behavior and printability study of tricalcium phosphate ceramic inks for direct ink writing method” Polymers 2023 (under review)
William, M.V.A.; Ramesh, S.; Cep, R.; Kumar, M.S.; Elangovan, M. MFO Tunned SVR Models for Analyzing
Dimensional Characteristics of Cracks Developed on Steam Generator Tubes. Appl. Sci. 2022, 12, 12375.
Kumar, M.G.V.; N, V.; Čepová, L.; Raja, M.A.M.; Balaram, A.; Elangovan, M. Evaluation of the Quality of
Practical Teaching of Agricultural Higher Vocational Courses Based on BP Neural Network. Appl. Sci. 2023, 13,
1180. https://doi.org/10.3390/app13021180
Gayathri, R.; Usharani, S.; Mahdal, M.; Vezhavendhan, R.; Vincent, R.; Rajesh, M.; Elangovan, M. Detection
and Mitigation of IoT-Based Attacks Using SNMP and Moving Target Defense Techniques. Sensors 2023, 23,
1708. https://doi.org/10.3390/s23031708
Elangovan, M.; Srimanickam, B.; Čep, R.; Saranya, A.; Ramachandran, M. Experimental Study of a Hybrid
Solar Collector Using TiO2/Water Nanofluids. Energies 2022, 15, 4425. https://doi.org/10.3390/en15124425
Rajesh, D.; Lenin, N.; Cep, R.; Anand, P.; Elangovan, M. Enhancement of Thermal Behaviour of Flax with a
Ramie Fibre-Reinforced Polymer Composite. Polymers 2023, 15, 350. https://doi.org/10.3390/polym15020350
Rajesh, D.; Lenin, N.; Cep, R.; Anand, P.; Elangovan, M. Experimental Investigation of Bi-Directional Flax with
Composites. Polymers 2022, 14,
Premkumar, R.; Mahdal, M.; Elangovan, M. An Efficient Chaos-Based Image Encryption Technique Using
Bitplane Decay and Genetic Operators. Sensors 2022, 22, 8044. https://doi.org/10.3390/s22208044
William, M.V.A.; Ramesh, S.; Cep, R.; Kumar, M.S.; Elangovan, M. MFO Tunned SVR Models for Analyzing
Dimensional Characteristics of Cracks Developed on Steam Generator Tubes. Appl. Sci. 2022, 12, 12375.
10. Mohamed, G.; Visumathi, J.; Mahdal, M.; Anand, J.; Elangovan, M. An Effective and Secure Mechanism for
Approach. Processes 2022, 10,
11. B. Srimanickam, M. Elangovan, Sachin Salunkhe, Emad Abouel Nasr, H. M. A. Hussein, Ragavanantham
Shanmugam, "Experimental Studies on Water-Based Al2O3 Nanofluid to Enhance the Performance of the
Hybrid Collector", Journal of Nanomaterials, vol. 2022, Article ID 9385416, 11 pages, 2022.
https://doi.org/10.1155/2022/9385416 .
12. Renish, R.R.; Selvam, A.J.; Čep, R.; Elangovan, M. Performance, Emission and Combustion Characteristics of
a VCR Engine Fueled with
Blends. Processes 2022, 10,
13. Saranraj, I.; Ganesan, S.; Čepová, L.; Elangovan, M.; Beránek, L. Microstructure, Mechanical and Wear
Behaviour of Deep Cryogenically Treated EN 52 Silchrome Valve Steel. Materials 2022, 15, 5484.
14. Ramasamy, A.; Muniyasamy, S.; Čep, R.; Elangovan, M. Identification of Fibre Content in Edible Flours Using
Microwave Dielectric Cell: Concise
Insights. Materials 2022, 15,
15. Sivaprakasam, P.; Abebe, E.; Čep, R.; Elangovan, M. Thermo-Mechanical Behavior of Aluminum Matrix NanoComposite Automobile Disc Brake Rotor Using Finite Element Method. Materials 2022, 15, 6072.
16. Renish, R.R.; Selvam, A.J.; Čep, R.; Elangovan, M. Influence of Varying Compression Ratio of a Compression
Ignition Engine Fueled with B20
Biodiesel. Processes 2022, 10,
17. Yashwanth K, Y Sai, and M. Elangovan,” Development of Telemetry system for Student Formula Cars and Allterrain vehicles”, 3rd International Conference on Innovation in Engineering Sciences (ICIES 2022), 26th & 27th
March 2022. https://rspsciencehub.com/article_18386_b82fa6f68399f5a80b63e7d447f8bdb3.pdf
6|P age 1 6
Prof. Dr. M. Elangovan, M.E, Dr. Eng.(Japam)
18. Rubi, C.S.; Prakash, J.U.; Čep, R.; Elangovan, M. Optimization of Process Variables in the Drilling of LM6/B4C
Composites through Grey Relational Analysis. Materials 2022, 15, 4860. https://doi.org/10.3390/ma15144860
19. Mohamed, G.; Visumathi, J.; Mahdal, M.; Anand, J.; Elangovan, M. An Effective and Secure Mechanism for
Approach. Processes 2022, 10,
20. M. Elangovan, B Srimanickam, Miroslav Mahdal and A Saranya” Experimental study of a hybrid solar collector
using TiO2/water 2 Nanofluids”, Energies (ISSN 1996-1073) https://www.mdpi.com/1996-1073/15/12/4425 (SCI).
21. M Jayasudha, M. Elangovan, Miroslav Mahdal and J Priyadarshini” Accurate Estimation of Tensile Strength of
3D Printed Parts Using Machine Learning Algorithms”, Processes (ISSN 2227-9717) https://www.mdpi.com/22279717/10/5/1034/htm (SCI).
22. J Priyadarshini, M. Elangovan, Miroslav Mahdal and M Jayasudha” Machine Learning Assisted Prediction of
Maximum Metal Recovery from Spent Zinc-Manganese Batteries”, Processes (ISSN 2227-9717) on 20 May 2022
https://www.mdpi.com/2227-9717/10/6/1158/htm (SCI).
23. M. Elangovan, M Yousuf, M Nauman, and M Nayeem” Design and Development of Delivery Robot for
Commercial Purpose”, International Research Journal on Advanced Science Hub 2582-4376 Vol. 04, Issue 07
July https://rspsciencehub.com/article_19127_a89eb6016f2eb5709361304258d8b745.pdf
24. M. Elangovan, Ramapriyan C and D Surrya Prakash” Cloud Based Home Safety System with Emergency
Activation”, International Journal of Control, Automation and Systems (Under Review, June 2022) (Scopus).
25. M. Elangovan, Gururaj Sanga and D Surrya Prakash” Development of Arrester Barrier Safety System in Air Traffic
Control”, International Journal of Control, Automation and Systems (Under Review) (Scopus).
26. M. Elangovan, M Nayeem, M Yousuf and M Nauman” Energy opportunities for delivery robot during Disaster”,
3rd International Conference on Innovation in Engineering Sciences (ICIES 2022), 26th & 27th March 2022.
27. Yashwanth K, Y Sai, and M. Elangovan,” Development of Telemetry system for Student Formula Cars and Allterrain vehicles”, 3rd International Conference on Innovation in Engineering Sciences (ICIES 2022), 26th & 27th
March 2022.
28. M. Elangovan and B.Srimanickam,” Comparative investigation of conventional drying with solar drying of
peanuts in hybrid collector”, Solar Energy (Under Review) [SCI].
29. B.Srimanickam and M. Elangovan,” Energy investigation on the hybrid collector for the production of heat
energy and electrical power in residential applications in Chennai”, Solar Energy [SCI].
30. M. Elangovan and B.Srimanickam,” Performance Investigation on Photovoltaic Thermal Collector By Using
Manganese Oxide Nano Fluids”, International Journal of Energy Research (Under Review) [SCI].
31. M. Elangovan and B.Srimanickam,” Experimental and Numerical Investigation of Photovoltaic Thermal (PVT)
Collector with Various Obstacles”, Journal of Thermal Sciences and Technology (Under Review) [SCI].
32. B.Srimanickam and M. Elangovan,” Drying investigation of coriander seeds in a photovoltaic thermal collector
With solar dryer”, International Journal of Thermal Research (Under Review) [SCI].
33. M. Elangovan, D Surrya Prakash, Thoufik Ahmed N, A T Ravichandran and Balaji T Machine learning-based
industrial safety monitoring system for shop floor workers”, International Journal of Science, 2021 (Under Review)
34. Elangovan, M., Siddarth, B. Y., Uduupa, R. G., & Babu, M. M. (2021). Design and Development of Underwater
ROV for Dam Inspection. PREPARE@u® | IEI Conferences. https://doi.org/10.36375/prepare_u.iei.a116 [Journal].
35. M. Elangovan,
D Surrya Prakash, and Sasidharan. P,” Monitoring of Workplace Safety using IoT”,
https://doi.org/10.1088/1742-6596/2115/1/012014 2021 J. Phys.: Conf. Ser. 2115 012014 [Scopus].
36. M. Elangovan and B.Srimanickam,” Experimental Investigation Of The Integrated Solar Photovoltaic Thermal
Collector And Dryer (ISPVTCD) For Drying Of Sea Foods”, International Journal of Aquatic Science, ISSN: 20088019, Volume 12, Issue 2 - Serial Number 2 June 2021 Pages 4670-4681 http://www.journalaquaticscience.com/article_136491.html . [ESCI].
7|P age 1 6
Prof. Dr. M. Elangovan, M.E, Dr. Eng.(Japam)
37. M.Elangovan, B.Srimanickam. (2021),”Thermal performance evaluation of using aluminium oxide waterbased nano fluids as coolantin hybrid collector”, International Journal of Modern Agriculture, 10(2), 4744 4756. Retrieved from http://modern-journals.com/index.php/ijma/article/view/1435 [ESCI].
38. M. Elangovan, B. Yuvan Siddarth, R Govindram Uduupa, and R. Vigneshwar, „Weapon Detection System in
Remotely Operated ASV” International Research Journal on Advanced Science Hub, 2021, Volume 3, Special
Issue 9S, Pages 34-37. http://dx.doi.org/10.47392/irjash.2021.246 [Journal].
39. M. Elangovan, P Dilli Babu, and Balaji T, „Study of Solar Energy and Future Needs”, International Research
Journal on Advanced Science Hub, 2021, Volume 3, Special Issue 9S, Pages 23-28.
https://www.rspsciencehub.com/article_15818_3cd191f31fa697261bbb823ccb07ad35.pdf [Journal].
40. Balaji. T, Blambica and M. Elangovan, „Develop a Remotely Operated Vehicle (ROV) for Dam Inspections and
Oil & Gas Industry pipeline inspection cum monitoring purpose” 4th International Conference on MultiDisciplinary Research Studies and Education (ICMDRSE -2021), 29th - 30th June 2021 at Kuala Lumpur,
Malaysia.[Int. Conf.]
41. M. Elangovan, and B Srimanickam, “ Numerical Simulation and experimental validation for single glazing
photovoltaic thermal (PVT) collector with mild steel ducts”, International Conference on Advances in
Materials and Manufacturing (ICAMM), 18-19 February 2021 [Int. Conf→ Scopus ]
42. M. Elangovan, and B Srimanickam, “ CFD analysis and experimental study on the hybrid collector with Mild
steel air channels”, International Conference on Advances in Materials and Manufacturing (ICAMM), 18-19
February 2021 [Int. Conf→ Scopus ]
43. Srinivas, P., Elangovan, M. (2021). Risk Assessment on Storage and Handling of Highly Toxic Chemical in
Rocket Industry. In: Gascoin, N., Balasubramanian, E. (eds) Innovative Design, Analysis and Development
Practices in Aerospace and Automotive Engineering. Lecture Notes in Mechanical Engineering. Springer,
Singapore. https://doi.org/10.1007/978-981-15-6619-6_50 . [Scopus ]
44. Kurakula, N., Muniyandy, E. (2021). Challenges in the Design of Safe Handling System for Explosive Dust. In:
Gascoin, N., Balasubramanian, E. (eds) Innovative Design, Analysis and Development Practices in Aerospace
and Automotive Engineering. Lecture Notes in Mechanical Engineering. Springer, Singapore.
https://doi.org/10.1007/978-981-15-6619-6_49 [Scopus ]
45. Vigneshwaran, M., Lakshmanan, P., Elangovan, M. (2021). IoT-Based Protection of Ventilation and Air
Conditioning Units in Chemical Industry. In: Gascoin, N., Balasubramanian, E. (eds) Innovative Design, Analysis
and Development Practices in Aerospace and Automotive Engineering. Lecture Notes in Mechanical
Engineering. Springer, Singapore. https://doi.org/10.1007/978-981-15-6619-6_36 [Scopus ]
46. M. Elangovan, and T Balaji, “Basic Design for the development of Autonomous Underwater Vehicle”,
International Research Journal on Advanced Science Hub, 2020, Volume 2, Issue 11, Pages 12-17.
http://dx.doi.org/10.47392/irjash.2020.213 [Journal]
47. T Balaji, M. Elangovan and S Sankar Ram, “The Design of an Unmanned Aerial Vehicle” Research Journal of
Nervous System, Volume 04 Issue S(5), November 2020. https://www.imedpub.com/articles/the-design-ofan-unmanned-aerial-vehicle.pdf [Journal]
48. M. Elangovan, “Hydrodynamic Energy Devices to Improve the Efficiency of Propulsion System in AUVs”
International Research Journal on Advanced Science Hub, 2020, Volume 2, Issue 11, Pages 18-22.
http://dx.doi.org/10.47392/irjash.2020.214 [Journal]
49. M. Elangovan, A.T. Ravichandran, and S. Prabhukumar “Need of Energy Audit in everyday LIFE”, International
Research Journal on Advanced Science Hub, 2020, Volume 2, Issue 11, Pages 6-11.
http://dx.doi.org/10.47392/irjash.2020.212 [Journal]
50. M. Elangovan, D. Surrya Prakash and Hemadri, “ Development of Toxic Gas Monitoring and Alarm System”,
Advances in Design and Thermal Systems . Lecture Notes in Mechanical Engineering. Springer,
https://link.springer.com/chapter/10.1007/978-981-33-6428-8_3 [Int. Conf→ Scopus ]
51. T Balaji, A T Ravichandran and M. Elangovan, “Multifunctional Robot Vehicle” Journal of Telecommunications
https://www.hilarispublisher.com/abstract/multifunctional-robot-vehicle-51925.html [Journal]
8|P age 1 6
Prof. Dr. M. Elangovan, M.E, Dr. Eng.(Japam)
52. M. Elangovan, “Indian Fishing Vessel Design does not require an Experienced Naval Architect”, NCFT 2020,
6th March 2020, AMET, Chennai [Nat. Conf, Book]
53. Lenin Nagarajan, Hemadri C, Siva Kumar M, and Elangovan M, “Risk Assessment on Storage and Handling of
Cryogenic Liquids”, IDAD 2020, 24-26 Feb. 2020, Chennai. [Int. Conf→ Scopus ]
54. Jayandran M, A.T. Ravichandran, and M. Elangovan “ Corrosion Rate Assessment over LPG Transportation
Pipelines in Korukupet & Manali Industrial Area”, International Journal of Innovative Technology and Exploring
https://www.ijitee.org/wpcontent/uploads/papers/v8i9/I7731078919.pdf [Journal]
55. M. Elangovan and S. Prabhukumar “ Educational Institution as a First step of ladder for Energy Conservation”,
National Conference for Mechanical Engineering Research Scholars (MERS-2019)) [Nat. Conf ]
56. M Rajunaick, M. Elangovan, and N M Subhani “ Safety Analysis on Cryogenic Propellants Storage and Handling”,
International Conference on Design, Materials, Cryogenics, and Constructions(ICDMC’19) [→ Scopus]
57. N M Subhani, M. Elangovan, and M Raju Naick “ Risk Assessment and Analysis for Cryogenic systems using
HAZOP Technique”, International Conference on Design, Materials, Cryogenics, and Constructions(ICDMC’19)
[→ Scopus ]
58. Ramakrishnan and M, M. Elangovan “ IOT based Pollution Monitoring System”, International Conference on
Design, Materials, Cryogenics, and Constructions(ICDMC’19) [Int. Conf → Scopus]
59. Jayandran M, M. Elangovan, and A.T. Ravichandran “ Recycle unit for Construction Management”,
International Conference on Design, Materials, Cryogenics, and Constructions(ICDMC’19) [Int. Conf →
60. Muniyandy, E., Indumathi, A.R., Sompura, N.J., “ Golden Startup – A New Business HUB Proposal”,
International Journal of Engineering and Advanced Technology, 2019, 8(6 Special Issue 3), pp. 1982–1985
https://www.ijeat.org/wp-content/uploads/papers/v8i6S3/F13860986S319.pdf [Scopus/Journal]
61. M. Elangovan and A.R. Indumathi, “Improving the Performance of Existing Ships”, International in Shipbuilding
and Offshore Engineering (ICSOE 2018), AMET, Chennai, 25-26 Oct 2018. ISBN: 978-93-85434-72-3 [Int. Conf]
62. M. Elangovan, “Practical Application of CFD in Marine Industry”, International Conference on Shipbuilding and
Offshore Engineering (ICSOE 2K18), AMET, Chennai, 23 March 2018 [Key]
63. M. Elangovan., Kumar A., Arora S. (2019),” Duct Optimization and Performance Evaluation Using CFD for
the Reefer Container Hold. Lecture Notes in Civil Engineering, vol 22. Springer, Singapore.
https://doi.org/10.1007/978-981-13-3119-0_24 [Scopus/Book]
64. M. Elangovan, “Need of cloud Technology and importance of cloud security for maritime industry”, National
conference on Smart Innovations in Robotics and Cloud Security (NCSIRCS 2017), VIT Chennai, 22 April 2017
65. M. Elangovan, Jagadeesh S, and Jukka, M, “Trim curve generation using CFD for fuel-saving”, Indian national
conference on Applied Mechanics (INCAM), IIT Delhi, 13-15 July 2015 [Nat. Conf.]
66. M. Elangovan, “Simulation of irregular waves by CFD”, International Journal of Mechanical and Mechatronics
Engineering, Volume 7, Issue 7, Page 1379-1383, 2011. https://doi.org/10.5281/zenodo.1076320
67. M. Elangovan and Anant Lal, “Flow analysis of Transom stern ship by CFD”, Journal of the Institution of
Engineers (India), India, Volume 92, January 2011. [Journal]
68. Hidetsugu Iwashita, M. Elangovan, Masashi Kashiwagi, and Takuma Sasakawa, “On an Unsteady Wave Pattern
Analysis of Ships Advancing in Waves”, Journal of the Japan Society of Naval Architects and Ocean Engineers,
Voume 13, 2011. https://doi.org/10.2534/jjasnaoe.13.95 [Journal]
69. Hidetsugu Iwashita, Hiroi, T, Kouya, T, Takashi, K, and M. Elangovan, “On Aerodynamic Properties of a Canard
Configuration WIG”, International conference in Japan, 2010. [Int. Conf.]
70. M. Elangovan and A.R. Kar, “CFD as an Alternative Tool for Marine Experiment”, INMARCO-2010, December 911, Mumbai, India, 2010. [Int. Conf.]
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71. M. Elangovan and G. Sahoo, “Generation of Irregular wave for marine Application by Plunger Type wave
Maker”, 11th International Symposium on Practical Design of Ships and Other Floating Structures, PRADS
2010, 2010, 1, pp. 125–132 [Scopus/Conf-paper]
72. M. Elangovan and G. Sahoo, “Generation of Irregular wave for marine Application by Piston Type wave Maker”,
Proceedings of the International Offshore and Polar Engineering Conference. 2010, Volume 3, pp 566-571
https://onepetro.org/ISOPEIOPEC/proceedings-abstract/ISOPE10/All-ISOPE10/ISOPE-I-10562/11694?redirectedFrom=PDF [Scopus/Conf-paper]
73. M. Elangovan and G. Sahoo, “Influence of Bluntness effect on the Green water flow in a Regular wave”, International
Conference on Hydro-Science Engineering (ICHE-2010), August, 2-5, Chennai, India, 2010. [Int.]
74. M. Elangovan, “Prediction of Diffraction wave for a Blunt Ship with Forward Speed”, International Conference on HydroScience Engineering (ICHE-2010), August, 2-5, Chennai, India, 2010. [Int. Conf.]
75. M. Elangovan and G. Sahoo, “Bench Mark Study on the use of Computational Fluid Dynamics for marine Applications”,
International Conference on Hydro-Science Engineering (ICHE-2010), August, 2-5, Chennai, India, 2010. [Int. Conf.]
76. Elangovan, M., Lal, A., “Simulation and validation of Plunger Type WaveMaker by CFD”, Journal of the Institution of
Engineers (India), Part MR: Marine Engineering DivisionVolume 91, Issue JULY, 18 July 2010, Pages 10-16.
77. M. Elangovan and G. Sahoo, “Generation of an irregular wave for Marine Application by Piston Type Wave Maker”,
International Offshore and Polar Engineering (ISOPE-2010), 21-26, June Beijing, China, 2010. [Int.]
78. M. Elangovan, Anant LAL, and J. Ram Kumar, “Generation of Irregular Wave for Marine Application by CFD”, 2009 ANSYS
India Conference (ANSYS 2009), Pune, India, 16 November 2009. [Nat. Conf.]
79. G. Sahoo, Anant LAL and M. Elangovan, “Study and Analysis of B Series Propeller by CFD”, 2009 ANSYS India Conference
(ANSYS 2009), Pune, India, 16 November 2009. [Nat. Conf.]
80. M. Elangovan, Anant LAL, and J. Ram Kumar, “Estimation of Wedge Impact Load for Varying Speed by CFD”, 2009 ANSYS
India Conference (ANSYS 2009), Pune, India, 16 November 2009. [Nat. Conf.]
81. M. Elangovan, “Analysis of Hydrodynamic Forces and Motions with high forward speed”, Inter. Marine Design Conference
(IMDC 2009), Trondheim, Norway, 26-29 May 2009. [Int. Conf.]
82. M. Elangovan, “Treatment of ship symmetry for numerical analysis of seakeeping”, National conference on computer-aided
modeling and simulation in computational mechanics (CAMSCM 09), Arunachal Pradesh, 13-14, March 2009. [Nat. Conf.]
83. M. Elangovan and Anant Lal, “Study and Analysis of Sea wave Generation by WaveMaker”, International Conference in
Ocean Engineering (ICOE 2009), Chennai, India, 1-5 February 2009. [Int. Conf.]
84. M. Elangovan., “Numerical Seakeeping Analysis using Rankine Panel Method”, Journal of the Institution of Engineers
(India), Part MR: Marine Engineering DivisionVolume 90, Issue JULY, 18 July 2009, Pages 32-38 [Scopus]
85. M. Elangovan, “Estimation of Unsteady Pressure and wave by Rankine Panel Method”, International Conference in Ocean
Engineering (ICOE 2009), Chennai, India, 1-5 February 2009. [Int. Conf.]
86. M. Elangovan and Anant LAL, “Simulation and Validation of Piston Type WaveMaker by CFD”, Deepwater Offshore specialty
Symposium (DOSS 2009), Harbin, China, 16-19 January 2009. [Int. Conf.]
87. Anant Lal and M. Elangovan, “CFD Simulation and Validation of Flap Type Wave Maker”, Journal of world academy of
science, Engineering and Technology, Vol 46, Oct 2008. [Journal]
88. M. Elangovan and Anant LAL., “Design and Simulation of WaveMaker for Marine Industry by CFD”, 2008 ANSYS India
Conference (ANSYS 2008), Bangalore, India, 6-7 November 2008. [Nat. Conf.]
89. M. Elangovan, Hidetsugu IWASHITA, Hiroyuki Saito & Akio Ito. “Sea-keeping estimations of Fast Ships with Transom Stern”
The Journal of the Society of Naval Architects of Japan, Voume7, pp 195-206, 2008. [Journal]
90. M. Elangovan, “Numerical Analysis of spherical body interaction with Water waves by Green Function Method” 15th APDIAHR 2006 & ISMH’, IIT, Chennai, INDIA, August 7-10, 2006. [Int. Conf.]
91. Shiro Kataoka, Hidetsugu Iwashita, M. Elangovan, “Time-Domain Numerical Computations on Hydraulic forces of a ship
advancing in Oblique waves” JASNAOE, Japan, 5-6, May 2006. [Journal]
92. M. Elangovan, “Numerical Analysis of a spherical body in an infinite fluid domain with oscillations by Green Function Method”
International Conference on Marine Hydrodynamics (MAHY 2006), Naval Science and Technological Lab, Vishakhapatnam,
INDIA, January 7-9, 2006. [Int. Conf.]
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Prof. Dr. M. Elangovan, M.E, Dr. Eng.(Japam)
93. Biswas S.P, M. Elangovan, “ Sail Application in a Handy-sized Bulk Carriers” Journal of the Institution of Engineers (India),
India, Volume 83, January 2003. [Journal]
94. Biswas S.P, M. Elangovan, “ Use of Alternative Source of Energy: Sail Application in Ships “ CMDE CARG MEMORIAL LECTURE:
Institute of Naval Architecture ( Delhi Chapter), 4th November 2000. [Nat. Conf.]
95. Tulapurkara E.G, Gowda B.H.L, Roy Choudhary R.L, Biswas S.P, M. Elangovan, “Test on Models of sails in a wind tunnel“
Journal of the Institution of Engineers (India), India, Volume 84, July 2003. [Journal]
96. Tulapurkara E.G, Gowda B.H.L, Roy Choudhary R.L, Biswas S.P, M. Elangovan, “ Wind Tunnel tests on sail model of Ship with
sails “ Journal of the Institution of Engineers (India), Part MR: Marine Engineering Division, Volume 83, Issue JUL., July
2002, Pages 1-4 [Scopus]
Journal(s) reviewer
1. Journal Name: Sensors–URL: https://www.mdpi.com/journal/sensors and MDPI AG, St. AlbanAnlage 66 , 4052 Basel, Switzerland.
2. Journal Name: Energies–URL: https://www.mdpi.com/journal/energies and MDPI AG, St. AlbanAnlage 66 , 4052 Basel, Switzerland.
3. Journal Name: Robotics–URL: https://www.mdpi.com/journal/robotics and MDPI AG, St. AlbanAnlage 66 , 4052 Basel, Switzerland.
4. Journal
nasp.unhas.ac.id/index.php/ijm/about/editorialTeam and IJM: International Journal of Metecentre is
an electronic scientific journal published by the Department of Naval Architecture, Faculty of
Engineering, Hasanuddin University, Indonesia.
5. Journal Name: International journal of advanced research in computer science and
engineering technologies–URL: ijarcset.in/ and
ISSN : 2454-9924. Subject: Engineering.
Technology in general, Publisher: India, Pondicherry: IJARCSET.
6. Journal Name: International Journal of Technology (IJTech)–URL: https://ijtech.eng.ui.ac.id/ and
p-ISSN : 2086-9614, e-ISSN : 2087-2100. IJTech is a quarterly international refereed journal with the
objectives to explore, develop, and elucidate the knowledge of engineering design and technology.
7. Journal
https://ijra.iaescore.com/index.php/IJRA / and ISSN 2089-4856, e-ISSN 2722-2586 is an open
access international peer-reviewed journal which is providing a platform to researchers, scientists,
engineers, and practitioners/professionals.
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Prof. Dr. M. Elangovan, M.E, Dr. Eng.(Japam)
Training and Certifications
➢ Faculty development program on ” Intelligent Interactive Medical Services” by CHRIST
(Deemed to be University, AICTE, from 2 to 6 August 2021.
➢ Faculty development program on ”IoT and Robotics” by KIET Group of Institutions,
UP(AICTE), from 21 to 25 June 2021.
➢ Webinar on „3D Printing and Advance Manufacturing”, by Vel Tech, India,8th to 12th
June 2021.
➢ Faculty development program on ”Smart Sensors Based Industrial Automation and
Healthcare Technology” by PSR Engineering College (AICTE), from 07 to 11 June 2021.
➢ Webinar on „Vehicle Aerodynamics and Heat Transfer”, by Vel Tech, India 7th to 9th June
➢ Faculty development program on ”Future Trends in Shipping” by AMET, Deemed
University, from 01 to 05 June 2021.
➢ Webinar on „Aiding the Product Design Process Using HyperMesh/LS-DYNA”, by Vel
Tech, Chennai between 24th to 28th May 2021.
➢ “Virtual Lab " by Cummins College of Engineering for Women, Pune, from 25th to 27th Nov.
➢ Faculty development program on ”Sensors Technology” by National Institute of
Engineering (AICTE), from 21 to 25 September 2020.
➢ Faculty Development Program on ”Robotics and Automation " by VIT, Chennai Campus,
from July 13, 2020, to July 18, 2020.
➢ “Underwater Robotics” workshop conducted by Techfest IIT Bombay, 3-5, Jan. 2020
➢ “Python Programming Essentials” by RICE Coursera (8 weeks), 15 May 2020.
➢ “Control of Mobile Robots” by Georgia Institute of Technology (7 weeks), 21 April 2020.
➢ “AI for Everyone” by Deeplearning.ai, Coursera (4 weeks), 18 April 2020
➢ “Inter of Things: Communications Technologies” by University of California, 20 April
➢ “Introduction to the Internet of Things and Embedded system” by University
of California, Coursera (4 weeks), 22 April 2020.
➢ “UAVs and Industrial Applications " by Vel Tech IIC, 20th Nov 2019.
➢ Faculty development program on “Robotics and Automation” by SOME, VIT, Chennai, July
13-18, 2020 “
➢ “Lean and Six Sigma in the Digital Age (L6S)” – FDP by Vel Tech, 22nd to 23rd July 2019.
➢ “Design and Analysis of Mechanical Systems ” – FDP by NIT, Tiruchy, 10th to 15th June
➢ “Energy Conservation and Energy Audit (ECEA)” – FDP by MK College of Engg, Karur,
26th Nov. to 1st Dec. 2018.
➢ “Basic Microsoft SQL Database and Server 2012” – Training is given by M/s
XchangeTechs Learning, Bangalore, INDIA dt. 8th to 10th May 2013.
➢ “Eco Workshop (Ship Design)” – Training by NAPA, Japan dt 4th to 5th Feb. 2013
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Prof. Dr. M. Elangovan, M.E, Dr. Eng.(Japam)
➢ “Generic Hull Form” – Training by NAPA, Japan dt. 29th Jan to 1st Feb. 2013.
➢ “NAPA CFD” – Training by NAPA, Helsinki, dt. 17th to 19th Sep. 2012.
➢ “NAPA In-House Initial Training (NIIT)” – Training by NAPA, India dt. 3rd Sep. to 7th Sep.
➢ “Corporate Grooming and Etiquette” IRS, Mumbai by M/s Princeton Academy, INDIA dt 9th
April 2011.
➢ “OpenFOAM – Advanced Course” – Bangalore, INDIA by M/s OpenCFD Ltd, dt. 23-24,
March 2011
➢ “OpenFOAM – Foundation Course” – Bangalore, INDIA by M/s OpenCFD Ltd, dt 21-22,
March 2011.
➢ “Ansys CFX - Advanced Fluid-Structure Interaction (FSI) Course” – conducted by ANSYS,
Bangalore, INDIA, 11th March 2011.
➢ “Train the Trainer” – Training at IRS, Mumbai by M/s Synergistic Solutions, INDIA dt 8-12,
Nov. 2010.
➢ “SIMULINK” – Training at Math works, Bangalore, INDIA dt 29-30, May 2010.
➢ “MATLAB” – Training at Math works, Bangalore, INDIA dt 26-28, May 2010.
➢ “New age Managers” – Training at Mumbai by M/s CII, INDIA dt 13th Feb 2010.
➢ ISO 9001: 2008 & ISO 19011: 2002 - Lead Auditor Course, Conducted by IE(I) & URS,
Mumbai and Certified by IRCA, UK, 2010.
“Microsoft Project 2007”, Conducted and Certified by M/s Iducate, Mumbai, INDIA, 2009
“Advanced Computational Fluid Dynamics (Adv. CFD)”, M/s CCtech Solutions Pvt Ltd,
Pune, INDIA, 2009.
“Computational Fluid Dynamics(CFD)”, M/s CCtech Solutions Pvt Ltd, Pune, INDIA, 2009
➢ ISM CODE (International Safety Management), Conducted and Certified by Krit Quality and
Safety Services, Mumbai, INDIA, 2009.
➢ ISO 9001: 2008 Internal Auditors Course, Conducted and Certified by Krit Quality and
Safety Services, Mumbai, INDIA, 2009.
“Deepwater Offshore Structure” by IIT Madras, Chennai, INDIA, 2009.
➢ “Design, Manufacture, and Installation of Deepwater Floating Platform” course
conducted by Harbin Engineering University, Harbin, CHINA, 2009.
“Advanced CFD Course” conducted by ANSYS, Bangalore, INDIA, 2008.
➢ Workshop on “Computer-Aided Engineering for marine Engineering” conducted and
certified by IIT Kharagpur, INDIA, 2008.
➢ “Training for Trainers and Assessors” conducted and certified by Maritime Foundation,
Chennai, INDIA, 2002.
➢ ISO 9000: 1994 & 2000 Internal Auditors Course, Conducted and Certified by Lloyd’s
Register of Shipping, UK, 2001.
➢ Course on “Matrix Methods for Engg. Practice” at NSDRC, Vizag, INDIA., 2001.
➢ Course on “Finite Element Analysis” at NSDRC, Visakhapatnam, INDIA, 2001.
13 | P a g e 1 6
Prof. Dr. M. Elangovan, M.E, Dr. Eng.(Japam)
Fellow, The Institute of Marine Engineers (India)
Member, International Ship, and Offshore Structures Congress (ISSC 2009)
Member, The Institute of Engineers (India)
Chartered Engineer, The Institute of Engineers (India)
Student Member, The Japan Society of Naval Architects and Ocean Engineers 2012 (Japan)
IoT based safety system for Manufacturing Industry # 202141052736 by Dr. Muniyandy
Elangovan and Mr. Sunil Kumar Arora (Director, M/s Bond Marine Consultancy Ltd) MECH2021
AC Powered Unmanned Aerial Vehicle #202141054895 by Dr. Muniyandy Elangovan and Mr.
Sunil Kumar Arora (Director, M/s Bond Marine Consultancy Ltd)
Handy and portable car shed (automatic) #202141054893 by Dr. Muniyandy Elangovan and Mr.
Sunil Kumar Arora (Director, M/s Bond Marine Consultancy Ltd)
Handy and portable car shed #202141054892 by Dr. Muniyandy Elangovan, B SRIMANICKAM,
Solar-powered Bicycle #202141054896 P Dilli Babu, Dr. Muniyandy Elangovan, Balaji Thiru, and
B Srimanickam
Mobile Robot vehicle with centr of gravity chassis # 202241012028 @ 06/03/2022 Granted To
Mrs. G Mehershilpa 2 . Dr. Muniyandy Elangovan 3 . Prof. Akshay Anjikar 4 . Dr. BP Pathri 5 . Mr.
G.V Ramana 6 . Mr. A Sharma 7 . Mr. DKBagaln 8 . Dr. BSV Ramarao
Software Skill(s)
Ansys CFX for Engineering simulation and analysis CFD software
Star CCM for Engineering simulation and analysis CFD software
Fluent for Engineering simulation and analysis software
ICEM CFD for modeling and meshing for CFD analysis
MAXSURF provides integrated tools for hull modeling and optimization
Seakeeper to predict the motion and seakeeping performance of vessels
SWAN to computes random, short-crested wind-generated waves in coastal regions and inland
waters ship motion analysis software based on the Green function method
MATLAB, used for statistical analysis and program developed for the wave generation
Auto CAD for engineering drawing preparation
Rhinocerous (3D Modelling), for preliminary and detailed modeling
FORAN F25 & F40, Integrated Ship design (CAD/CAM) software developed by SENER, Spain
Tecplot for measured field data, plotting of test data, and mathematical analysis
LaTeX for preparation of document in a professional/book format
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Prof. Dr. M. Elangovan, M.E, Dr. Eng.(Japam)
Countries Visited
Finland - Project meeting and international conference on NAPA 2012,&14.
Japan - Ph.D. is completed in Hiroshima University, Japan.
China - for the international conference as a speaker DOSS 2009, ISOPE and OMAE)
Brazil - as a speaker for the international conference, PRADS 2010.
France - for the international conference as a speaker ICCFD 2010
China - for the international conference as a speaker ISOPE 2010
Norway - as a speaker for the IMDC international conference, May 2009.
France - for the international conference as a speaker ISOPE 2011
Singapore - project meeting and presentation for business 2016 & 2017.
China - for the international conference as a speaker OMAE 2010
Malaysia - project meeting and presentation for business 2016.
Thailand - project discussion and meeting 2011.
South Korea - project discussion and meeting 2011-
Workshop/Training Organized
‘MATLAB” workshop was organized for one week (16 to 20 May 2011) for employees of IRS,
‘Safety for Engineers in Industry” workshop was organized for one day (23rd Feb 2019) at Vel
Tech University, Chennai,
Safety Engineer – Industry Perspective” workshop was organized for one day (27th July 2019) at
Vel Tech University, Chennai,
‘OpenFOAM” training program was initiated and coordinated to conduct in India at Bangalore,
between 21 March to 24th March 2011.,
‘Computational Fluid Dynamics” training program was initiated and coordinated to conduct for
IRS employees in Pune by CCtech, Pune, 2009.,
‘Advanced Computational Fluid Dynamics” training program was initiated and coordinated to
conduct for IRS employees in Pune by CCtech, Pune, 2009.,
Session Chair
‘Design, Materials, Cryogenics, and Constructions (ICDMC 2019)” session chair for the industrial
topic papers and organized by Vel Tech University, Chennai, 28th & 29th March 2019.
‘International Conference on Innovative, Design, Analysis & Development Practices (I-DAD
2020)” session chair for the industrial topic papers and organized by Vel Tech University, Chennai,
24th to 26th February 2020.
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Prof. Dr. M. Elangovan, M.E, Dr. Eng.(Japam)
Expert Talk
‘Numerical Seakeeping Analysis using Rankine Panel Method” talk was given to Indian
Maritime University, Visakhapatnam Nov 2015.
‘Unmanned Vehicle – Changing The World” topic was presented at Ve Tech University during
the FDP program on „Recent Development in Mechanical Engineering”, between 18th May to
22nd May 2020
‘Unmanned Underwater Vehicle ” topic was presented at SRM during the FDP program on
„Recent Development in Mechanical Engineering”, dt. 23rd July 2021
‘Robotic Process Automation ” at AIIRF-EDII, Annamalai University, dt. 31st Aug. 2021.
‘Application of Robotics and Start-up Opportunities ” topic was presented at Sri Manakula
Vinayagar Engineering College, Puducherry, India on Manavala, Annamalai University, dt. 4th Dec.
Journal(s) Editor
1. Journal
nasp.unhas.ac.id/index.php/ijm/about/editorialTeam and IJM: International Journal of Metecentre is
an electronic scientific journal published by the Department of Naval Architecture, Faculty of
Engineering, Hasanuddin University, Indonesia.
2. Journal Name: International journal of advanced research in computer science and
engineering technologies–URL: ijarcset.in/ and
ISSN : 2454-9924. Subject: Engineering.
Technology in general, Publisher: India, Pondicherry: IJARCSET.
1. Underwater Robotics for Non-Robotic Engineer
Editors / Authors – Dr. M. Elangovan
Status: In progress (Expected byMarch 2023)
2. Robotics and IoT
Editors / Authors – Dr. M. Elangovan
Status: In progress (Expected by May 2023)
3. Introduction to Computer Integrated Manufacturing
Editors – Dr. A Pradhan, Dr. M. Elangovan, , Dr. Ck Dixit, Mr. DV Astonker
Status: Expected to Release by June 2022, ISBN – 978-93-94339-78-1, AGPH Books (Academic
Guru Publishing House), Bhopal, M.P. India
4. Selection of Manufacturing Process
Editors –Dr. K N Bairwa, Dr. R Kumar, Dr. T Kumar Dr. M. Elangovan,
Status: Expected to Release by June 2022, ISBN – 978-93-94339-77-4, AGPH Books (Academic
Guru Publishing House), Bhopal, M.P. India
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