Sweet Hour of Prayer 478 SWEET HOUR LM.D. Wlliam B. Bradbury, 1859 (1816-1868) liam W. Walford. c. 1842 (1772-1850) hour Sweet 2. Sweet hour of prayer, sweet hour of calls me from a of prayer!sweet hour of prayer: Thy wings shall my pe prayer, hat, .Sweet hour of prayer. sweet hour of prayer M a y I thy con- so And bids me, To Tl at world of t care, tion bear la .tion share my Fa-ther's throne, Make all my wants and wish- es now i m whose truth and 1aith f u l - ness Irom Mount Pis-gah's loft y En gage height I view the my wait i n g soul home and take to bless. my ignt. In sea sons of dis-tress and griet, My soul has oft-en found re lie, And since He bids me seek His face, Be- lieve His word, and trust His grace, In my And ott im mor- tal flesh I1 rise To seize the es caped the tempt-ers snare, By thy ev e r last ing prze. re- turn, sweet hour of pray T cast on Him my ev ery care,And wait for thee, sweet hour of prayer And shout while pass- ing through the air,"Fare-weil, fare- weil, sweet hour of prayer: MEDITATION AND PR.4YER