Uploaded by Areanna Bradshaw

Tree Adaptations & Environmental Impacts Study Guide

Part of Tree
Drip Tips
Allows quick water drainage of leaves to prevent the
growth of fungus and bacteria.
Tall Height
To allow the tree to reach the sunlight
Buttress Roots
To support tall trees
b) (i) a) Global Warming – this is the long-term heating of the Earth’s surface. This is as a result of
the increased production of greenhouse gases (e.g. carbon dioxide, methane, CFCs, etc.) in the
b) Greenhouse Effect – this is how heat is trapped to the Earth's surface by greenhouse gases
in the atmosphere.
(ii) 1. Deforestation – this is the clearing of trees and forests in an area. When deforestation occurs,
the carbon stored by trees is released back into the atmosphere as carbon dioxide.
2. Burning Fossil Fuels – when fossil fuels are burned, large amounts of carbon dioxide is
released into the atmosphere.
c) (i) 1. Rising Sea Levels – as the sea level rises, coastal erosion can occur. This could impact coastal
communities and services in the Caribbean. Main sources of income (e.g. tourism) will also be
affected as most tourist attractions such as beaches and hotels are near the coast. Rising sea levels can
also cause damage to the beaches, which are natural habitats and nesting areas for sea turtles.
2. Extreme Weather – as the amount of greenhouse gases in the atmosphere, and the sea level
increases, these factors could promote stronger hurricanes. The higher the temperature, the higher the
probability of a storm becoming a hurricane. The heat provides the energy for hurricanes to intensify.
(ii) 1. Agriculture: most of the forests cleared were for the establishment of plantations for crops
which were grown on a large and small scale.
2. Residents: Some settlements expand into areas which were once forests. These forests are
cleared to make way for housing.
(iii) 1. Soil Erosion: the trees protect the soil. As a result of deforestation, the soil is exposed to
elements that makes it easier for erosion. During periods of heavy rainfall, exposed soil is washed
away, often into streams and rivers and carried downstream or into the sea.
2. Landslides: the roots in trees help to hold the soil in place. In areas where deforestation has
occurred, heavy rainfall can lead to major landslides. This can result in destroyed buildings, blocked
roads, and even lost lives.