Uploaded by Fletcher Bellars

Nuclear Power: Fission, Impacts, and Australia's Role

Nuclear power is a great source of low carbon emitting power, which harnesses the energy released
when an atom splits. The first commercial nuclear power began operation during the 1950s. Nuclear
power is responsible for about 10% of the world’s power, and more than 32 countries across the
world have functioning commercial nuclear power plants, with many more countries relying on the
power created in those countries through regional transmission grids. Australia has one nuclear
plant; however, it is not used to create energy, just to make radioisotopes for medical procedures.
Australia hosts 33% of the world’s uranium deposits and is the world’s third largest producer of
uranium after Kazakhstan and Canada. 1 With the large amount of resources Australia possesses,
required to produce nuclear power, it is surprising that they do not replace the high carbon emitting
fossil fuel burning power, with nuclear power. Australia is concerned for the safety of the people
living there, and the government has deemed the risks associated with nuclear power plants too
high to pursue them.
Diagram of nuclear fission.
Nuclear fission is the process of splitting heavy atomic
nucleuses to release energy and have products of two nuclei
with roughly equal mass. The process begins when the heavy
atomic nucleus gains a neutron, this could occur naturally
from a free neutron hitting it, or deliberately by firing
neutrons at the heavy nucleus to force a reaction. This is an
example of Uranium-235 undergoing nuclear fission.
+ 10𝑛 →
+ 141
56π΅π‘Ž + 3 0𝑛 + π‘’π‘›π‘’π‘Ÿπ‘”π‘¦
As the Uranium-235 splits and becomes Krypton-92 and
Barium-141 and 3 free neutrons it loses mass from its initial atomic mass. This mass defect is
released as energy, and extremely large amounts are released, hence why Uranium-235 is used in
nuclear reactors. Mass of Uranium-235 = 235.0439299u, mass of neutron =1.008665u, mass of
Krypton-92 = 91.92617309u, mass of Barium-141 = 140.914403509u. Mass defect = 235.0439299 +
1.008665 - 91.92617309 - 140.914403509 – 3(1.008665)=0.186023301u
Therefore, binding energy = 0.186023301 x 931= 173.19MeV. Every time a nuclear fission reaction
occurs per nucleus of Uranium-235 173.19MeV of energy is released. Once the first nucleus of
Uranium-235 undergoes nuclear fission the fission reaction will grow exponentially, unless
controlled. This is due to 3 neutrons being released for each reaction of the nucleus and each of the
neutrons can begin another fission reaction unless they are slowed or prevented from hitting
another nucleus. When uncontrolled the chain reaction grows rapidly releasing enormous energy in
the form of an explosion, which is used in nuclear weapons. Critical mass is the smallest amount of
the isotope required to sustain a nuclear chain reaction, this critical mass varies between elements
and depends on its nuclear properties, density, shape, enrichment, purity, temperature, and
surroundings. A fission reactor works by splitting isotopes in a reaction chamber, which heats water
that becomes steam and turns turbines to create electricity. Inside the reaction chamber there are
fuel rods, control rods and the moderator. Generally, the fuel rods are full of pellets of Uranium, and
are submerged in water that acts as the moderator, slowing down free neutrons and sustaining the
chain reaction. Control rods are inserted into the moderator to decrease the reaction rate and
removed to increase the reaction rate to meet the optimal power output. Fusion reactions are the
opposite of fission reactions, because unlike fission reactions fusion reactions are where two light
weighted atoms fuse together and release energy. Iron-56 has the most stable nucleus and nuclides
on the left of it on the graph undergo nuclear fusion, and nuclides on the right undergo nuclear
Nuclear power has a great impact on society, politically, environmentally, and economically
especially. Economic benefits of nuclear power are the jobs that it creates, with each nuclear power
plant employing 500 to 800 workers2. This would majorly benefit areas around the nuclear power
plants as workers would be inclined to spend their earnings at local businesses which would
stimulate the economy in those areas. Nuclear worker salaries are 50 percent higher on average
than those of other electricity generation sources.3 These higher wages would benefit the workers
and workers family, but the increased wages are due to the increased risks and skills required to
work in a nuclear power plant. Building a nuclear power reactor employs up to 7,000 workers at
peak construction. These jobs would not just be for scientists and the extreme number of jobs would
stimulate the economy surrounding the powerplant. The construction of powerplants would require
workers with all different skills and qualifications, some examples are carpenters, electricians,
plumbers, welders, chemical engineers, civil engineers, and scientists. Negative economic aspects
related to nuclear power include higher costs of electricity, high capital cost to construct and setup
the nuclear powerplant. Higher energy costs will negatively affect most of society, with the costs of
living being at an all-time high at the moment society will negatively respond to an increase in
electricity costs, involved with the construction of the nuclear powerplants. Nuclear power is also
affecting the environment negatively even though it produces very little carbon output. It is better
for the atmosphere than fossil fuels and greenhouse gas power production, however it requires
mining to source the uranium, and is reliant on a fuel source, which is finite, and once expended can
not be replaced. Disposal of the waste products is also bad for the environment, radioactive
biproducts are expelled during the nuclear fission process, and although these products are often
partially recycled through the system radioactive waste remains. The solution to this currently is to
contain the radioactive material and bury it, leakage of any buried material could seep into water
ways and has the potential to harm wildlife, plants and even humans. Eventually there will be issues
with finding room to bury the radioactive by-products as society expands, and radioactive waste
With nuclear power production there is always the chance of accidents occurring, whether it is from
machinery malfunctioning or