I 1 AIAA-91-1905 Design Of The High Reliability GMA 2100 Reduction Gearbox 1 r J. Black and E, Pfaffenberger Allison Gas Turbine Division Indianapolis, IN 27th Joint Propulsion Conference J u n e 24-26,1991 / Sacramento, CA For permission to copy or republish, contact the American Institute of Aeronautics and Astronautics 370 LEnfant Promenade, S.W., Washington, D.C. 20024 AIM-91-1905-CP DESIGN OF THE HIGH RELIABILITY GMA 2100 REDUCTION GEARBOX J. D. Black E. E. Pfaffenberger Allison Gas Turbine Division Indianapolis, Indiana curring and nonrecurring costs providing significant improvemcnt in initial and operating costs. Design and dcvclopment of a modcrn reduction gearbox is critical to mcfting stringent requircmcnts for ncxt gcncration commcrcial/military turboprop propulsion systems. Next generation gearboxes require significant rcliability impmvcmcnts, bctter power-to-weight ratios, highcr power capability, lower user cost, and simplification of maintcnancc tasks. Thcsc objcctivcs havc bccn achicvcd in the GMA 2100 rcduction gearbox through advanced design tcchniqucs, rcduccd part count, improved materials, simultaneous cnginecring, and "lessons Icarncd" through ficld expericncc. To minimizc aircraft development cost for rc-cngining opportunitics, any ncw gearbox must maintain the T56 external envelopes and interfaces. Emphasizing multi-application commonality both in military and commcrcial gcarboxcs also provides cost bcncfits through volumc bcncfits. Design Obiectivc The overall objectives of the engineering effort is to design and dcvclop a new turboprop reduction gearbox family capable of operating with single o r two-shaft turbine engines in a variety of installation arrangements that meets thc following design goals. Thcsc goals reflcct a significant improvemcnt ovcr the TSh/501 gcarbox basclinc shown in Figure 1. Introduction Dcsign and dcvclopment of a modern turboprop gearbox in the 4000-7000 SHP class is nccdcd to satisfy currcnt military f commercial propulsion requircmcnts. Systems, such as thc T56 gearbox, havc bcen incrcmcntally dcvclopcd into highly reliablc units through dcsign improvement programs ovcr thc years. Howcvcr, currcnt ficldcd gcarboxcs cannot mect all modcrn customer requircmcnts in operational statistic areas such as reliability, maintainability, weight, and cost. v v ./ - A modcrn gearbox and propcllcr system arc key to achievement of thcse statistics. Future reliability lcvcls dcninnd systcms with unprcccdcntcd gcarbox unschcdulcd rcmoval and inflight shutdown rates. Many applications demand rcliability lcvcls u p to 35,000 hours mcan timc bctwccn unscheduled rcmoval (MTBUR). reliability improvcmcnts providing mcan timc bctwccn unscheduled rcmoval (MTBUR) rate o[ 05,Oflfl hours and significant inflight shutdown rate improvcmcnts ratcd powcr incrcascs over 6000 HI' (25% morc than basclinc) mission mean cffcctivc power utilization incrcascs of 30% wcight dccrcasc over 10% incorporatinn of modern maintcnancc conccpts. maximum application versatility by maintaining a T56sized cnvclopc and nacelle intcrfaccs unit cost cqual to the T56 I'ower lcvcls cxcecding 6000 HP arc being considcrcd for applications such as 1 '3 rc-cngining. Commercial systems are demanding highcr mission mean cffcctivc power lcvcl capabilities. Thcsc objectives have been achicvcd through an cxtcnsive analytical effort. Thc design, shown in Figure 2, mccts all reliability, maintainability, six?, weight, and cost goal.;. Maintainability, in particular, would greatly benefit from a new gearbox and propcllcr design using modcrn maintcnancc conccpts. For instance, thc amount of downtimc caused by complctc gearbox rcmoval or tasks that rcquirc shop visits could be eliminated by incorporating on-wing maintenance in thc design. Ccncral Arranpcmcnt Sclcction Thc gcncral arrangement was sclected through CXtensivc tradc studies and analysis of gearbox ficld data. A numbcr of dual stagc reduction arrangements, including planctarics, simple offset, and split powcr path (such as dual compound idler) arrangements, were evaluated in thesc studies. T56 gearbox ficld data studies wcrc conducted to cstablish a rcliability and maintainability basclinc. This basclinc provided a bcnch mark to cvaluatc lhc reliability and maintainability (R&M) lcvcls of the new gearbox and ensure that thc R&M requircmcnts are achicvcd within the weight, s i x , and cost constraints spccificd. Weight reductions arc nceded to increase payload cs and/or improve spccific fuel consumption. 'Thcsr: improvcmcnts providc longcr range capabilitics, lowcr fuel usage, and incrcascd payload capabilities. Oldcr systems have not significantly bcncfitcd from cost savings associatcd with modcrn simultaneous cnginccring dcsign approachcs uscd on ncw system designs. This approach focuscs closer attention to minimizing rc- Thcsc studies showed that all objcctivcs would bc I Copyright 0 1991by the h e t i c a n Instilule of Arrunaiitics and A..1TOnauti~s,Inc. All rights resewed w a s au!ii!ids ../ - The general arrangement selected employs a two stage speed reduction. The first stage is a simple pinion gear offset design while the second stage is a fixed ring planetary with a sun gear input and a camer output. The carrier system drives a modern flange mounted propeller. This approach allows different propellers to be accommodated easily through simple flange size changes. Transfer of propeller loads and gear loads to the gearbox structure requires only five cylindrical bearings, one ball bearing, and five spherical planet bearings. A front housing, main diaphragm, and aft cover are the structural members used to react engine loads. A line replaceable gearbox mountcd accessory drive (GMAD) is mounted to the aft cover and driven by the main drive gear. The GMAD supports the gearbox oil pump, propeller pump overspeed governor, alternator, hydraulic pump, and the propeller pitch change unit. The power section is attached to the engine through a stiff torquemeter CTM) housing and dual interconnect strut system. The gearbox, GMAD, and propeller system are lubricated and scavenged by the multi-element gearbox oil pump. The propeller system also incorporates a pump to boost gearbox oil pump pressure to levels required for pitch change control. accessory train components (27%) The study was based on Model 501-D22Aengine field data representing over 962,000 flight hours accumulated over the most recent, available five year period. The 501-D22A engine is a commercially certified engine used on the L382 Model Hercules aircraft. As shown, bearings are the most significant reliability driver and demanded the most attention in the design of the GMA 2100 gearbox. A planet bearing design with a life improvement factor over 6 relative to the T56 gearbox design was incorporated. This factor also includes the effects of the more severe duty cycle. This design is shown in Figure 3 with a T56 planet as a comparison. These results were achieved as summarized below by increased dynamic capacity improved materials improved surface finishes closer roller/race conformity Reliability ma*" ( D l l o n m m ~ The 35,000 hour MTBUR and inflight shutdown requirements demanded significant attention to specific key design areas. These requirements are a significant inw crease over currently fielded gearboxes. The reliability requirements are further complicated by the multi-application objective. The reliability goals are to be met for ape' plications with duty cycles 30% more severe thanT56 duty cycles (on a torque basis) as shown below: Application 501-D22A (Commercial Fleet) C130 &. CI3flJ 1'3 P3 Re-engining Regionallcommuter IdOY.IOI,wCZVL( AS1OVIWIIIJ *,".I Mean Effective Torque (IN-LBS) 120,000 - 135,000 lDY,"., 120,floo - 140,030 120.000 - 160.000 120030 - 170,000 130,003 - 205,000 GauiBnOCNU) 1561501 These results were achievcd with a design that fits within the radial envelope of a T56 planet gear and bearing assembly. Significant design improvements to the pinion bearings resulted in overall bearing life increases of over 4.0 times the T56 bearings. This factor also includes the effects of the more severe duty cycles. This design is shown in Figure 4 with a T56 pinion system for comparison. The following summarized the design actions taken: The field data studies showed that improvements in four key areas would provide significant reliability increases. Eighty percent of classified inherent failures requiring a gearbox removal wcrc comprised of the following: I J TEavE. Figure 3. Design features of the new planet bearing provide an L10 life over six times higher than its 501-D22A counterpart. Rcgional/commuter applications demand the highest effective power levels because of high torques associated with the low prop speeds selected for noise control and the high speed, short stage length flights required to transfer passengers quickly. Therefore, the reliability goals wcrc targeted for the commuter applications whilc less demanding applications enjoy greater reliability benefits. CP I*,1IOCL" planet bearings (26%) pinion front bearings (19%) pinion rear bearings (7%) 3 - better load sharing between bearings increased front and rear bearings' capacity improved materials improved surface finishes - out-of-round outer rings oriented for improved load distribution line-borcd bearing seats to minimize misalignment ficient accessory drive arrangement. In addition to the high reliability levels achieved through low part counts, this arrangement provides further improvements through a multiple torque path approach. Multiple accessory gears branch from a center gear eliminating the high stage loading associated with in-series designs. 4 d Reliability improvements were identified through ultraclean gearbox oil. Three micron filtration has demonstrated two to six times life improvement relativc to coarser mesh systems in both military and commercial evaluations. To be conservative, these life benefits wcrc not included in the reliability analysis. Thc selected design has even addressed low frequency reliability drivers identified in the field data study Examplcs include life improvements in the main drivc gear bearing, rear carrier bearing, and prop bearings through use of VIM/VAR processing; incorporation of proven damper coatings to eliminate damper ring wear; and serpentine O-rings at splitlines to eliminate oil lcaks. Figure 4. Innovative design features provide pinion beating lives over 4.0 times those of the industry standard T56/501 Through surveys of gearbox users and ovcrhaulcrs design areas not causing unscheduled rcmovals but affecting the useful life of gcarbox componcnts wcrc idcntificd. Examples include gearbox structures wherc ZE41 magncsium was used to promote creep resistance, climinatc loose fasteners, and improve bearing/gcar misalignment. These structures, plus improved datum fcatures and fasteners, were designed to creep allowablcs in addition to fatigue/yicld/ultimatc allowables uscd in thc T56 design. This approach promotes long term bore/ datum fcature alignment. The acccssory train design shown in Figurc 5 and Figurc 6 contributed significantly to the overall reliability improvements. A more simplified design and the isolation of the accessory train from the reduction gcarbox result in a significant improvement in rcliability and also isolates the two systems from cach other. Thc simplified GMAD contains only 6 gears and 12 bearings, compared with 19 gcars and 24 bearings in the T56 gearbox. The simplifications were accomplished by devising a more ef- Figure 5. The new gearbox mounted accessory drive requires 50% fewer gears and bearings than the counterpart T56/501 accessory drive train. 4 J i W v Advanced design techniques and tools allowed better optimization of tooth flash temperatures, bending stresSes/contact stresses, rim/web stresses, and dynamic resonance response. Finite element techniques were key to achieving these optimized levels. Other analytical tools such as tooth deflection techniques grounded by empirical data were used to further enhance the design and minimize development test cfforts. Splitline fretting was minimized by integrating the gearbox mount pads with the front housing and incorporating a main diaphragm mounting splitline internal to the front housing. This approach eliminates splitlines between load application and load reaction points thus eliminating a potential oil leak path. Further enhancements over T56 include line boring of the housing bearing bores and optimizing the gearbox structure through finite element analysis. The line-bore approach reduces bearing and gear misalignment thus promoting higher lives. The gearbox structural members were finite clement modelled using 20 n d e d solid elements. This model is one of the most extensive and dctailed models ever constructcd at Allison and permits much better control of stresses and deflections. This approach also greatly reduces development casting changes and static load requirements. The structure can be optimized prior to initial hardware and strain gage locations identificd for static load tests. A more extensive matrix of load conditions can be evaluated more efficiently than possible with static tests. This analysis will be verified through static and rig tests. Main Power Train Bearine Desien I Since the bearings are key elements in achieving the desired GMA 2100 reliability, the design process must carefully consider all aspects of the application. Broadly, we may consider the design proccss to consist of the following: Basic Design Materials Internal Details Fitting Practice The following paragraphs describe the application of years of field experience with the latest rolling bearing technology to these steps in the design of the high reliability GMA 2100 reduction gearbox. Basic Dcsien In order to attain certain cost and risk benefits, an initial design goal for the bearings was interchangeability with existing T56 bearings in terms of envelope dimensions and bearing types. Trade studics and field data analysis determined this was achievable except for thc planet and pinion bearings. Accordingly, the pinion front bearing capacity was increased by 17%. The same bearing cnvelopc is used in the rear position. In the T56, the rear bearing is smaller and farther from the pinion than the front, causing the latter to carry the highest load. By relocating the accessory drive takeoff and moving the rear bearing forward, Figure 4, the loading is more nearly equal, increasing the life of the front bearing. Utilizing thc larger rear bearing compensates for its higher load and yields an overall greater set life for the two pinion bearings. It also affords a small economy by using the same bearing in two positions. Figure 6. The accessory drive train is isolated from the reduction gearbox to improve reliability and maintainability. Studies of field data show very high reliability levels and very low failure rates for T56 gears. The GMA 2100 gears were configured to be very similar to the T56 gears to ensure that the high reliability levels were maintained. Additional life improvements have been gained through improved materials and analysis techniques. -J . The spherical roller bearing type is ideally suited for the planet application. Its self-aligning capability allows the spur gears to determine alignment for uniform tooth loading with no detrimental effect on bearing performance. However, in order to achieve the required level of reliability, a new roller complement was necessary. Bearing size changes were confined to the bearing width and to the radial thicknesses of the gear and journal. This a p proach allowed the T56 gearbox envelope to be maintained. A comparison of the two designs is shown in Figure 3. The width of the bearing is limited by the outer raceway. As the width of that raceway is increased, the diameter of the great circle at the edge of the raceway becomes smaller. This diameter in turn determines the O.D. Spur gears were selected for the GMA 2100 gearbox. Instrumented testing of T56 A427 gearbox showed dynamic tooth loads of less than 3%of the applied loads are maintained with highly accurate spur gears. These accuracies are consistently achieved with the modern grinding machines used today. Double vacuum melted (VIM/VAR) AIS19310 steel was selected for gears to provide over a two time life improvement relative to T56. 5 of the cage, which must pass through it when the bearing is assembled. Other factors that influence the roller complement design are minimum allowables for the circumferential space between rollers, the axial space between rows, and the ring thickness. The latter is determined by the effect of ring deflections on roller load distribution and life, and by resultant stresses in the ring. Again, the experience base for these characteristics is the T56 gearbox. For example, Figure 7 shows the comparative ring distortions for the two outer rings due to gear tooth and roller loads at the maximum load condition for each. Obviously, there is little difference. Finite element analysis was used to evaluate stresses and deflections across the raceway and, again, they were held within the bounds of the T56. Arriving at a final design requires simultaneous consideration of all these parameters, in addition to the contact angle and roller length to diameter ratio. A proprietary computer program was used to accomplish the necessary iterative calculations and efficiently achieve an optimum design. L R C S I ? I Ia r t bearing ~wiiil at 270 dcgrces ../ The same material was chosen for the rollers in order to benefit from the residual stress pattern of the case hardened material. Since the pinion bearings are very important in establishing gearbox reliability, and since the maximum bearing size had already been incorporated, M50 NiL VIM/VAR was chosen to maximize life. The main drive gear bearing in the GMA 2100 gearbox will experience slightly higher loading than in the T56. Thus, to improve upon it's very high reliability without changing size, it was targeted for the same material. M50 NiL is a carburizing alloy that provides a hard case that is resistant to rolling contact fatigue and a softer core that has excellent fracture toughness. M50 NiL can provide twice the fatigue life of M50 for two reasons: first, there is a high residual compressive stress in the case that effectively retards the formation and propagation of fatigue cracks; and second, the M50 NiL microstructure features a much finer and more uniform carbide distribution. This has been shown to provide improved fatigue life compared to the relatively large and randomly distributed carbides that typically occur in MSO. There are additional benefits from the case-hardened material as discussed under Rtting Practice. Once a case hardening material has been selected, one must be careful to apply the optimum case depth. Too shallow a case can lead to sub-case fatigue failures, while too deep a case can lead to less than optimum residual stress patterns and core hardness, not to mention excess cost. The case depths specified for the GMA 2100 gearbox bearings are based upon maintaining an appropriate Hertzian shear yield stress to shear yield strength ratio as illustrated in Figure 8. - 7 - 1R n Figure 7. Comparison of GMA 2100 and T56 planet gear deflections due to roller and gear tooth loads. Materials For the planet bearing, the outer ring functions as both gear and raceway. Therefore, it is important that the material for this component have a demonstrated history of good performance in both functions. As seen in Figure 2, the journal is a structural member holding the prop shaft, as wcll as the inner race for the planet bearing. Consequently, this member should possess excellent strength and fracture toughness as well as good rolling contact fatigue resistance. All requirements for both components are well satisfied by case hardened 9310, as demonstrated by the years of experience in the similar T56 application. For the GMA 2100 application, reliability is further cnhanccd by specifying VIM/VAR' processing. * Vacuum Induction Melting/Vacuum Arc Remelting, a mclting process that produces exceptionally clean steel, free of the harmful non-metallic impurities that can cause prcmaturc failure. Field data shows that neither of the prop shaft bearings fails by fatigue, and that the rear carrier bearing docs so only infrequently after a long time in service. Together they do not significantly effect overall gearbox reliability. Since 52100 has been used extensively for these positions, it was selected as the optimum material. 52100 has excellent fatigue and wear properties at low cost for operation below about 300" F, a tempmature only occasionally approached in the gearbox. VIM/VAR processing was spccified to further enhance reliability. Internal Desinn Minimum stress and maximum life is achieved for roller bearings when the footprint of the roller on the ring raceway is approximately rectangular, with a uniform distribution of pressure along it's length (parallel to the roller axis). For actual (finite length) rollers, this occurs when thc theoretical contact ellipse is approximately 1.4 times the effective roller length. This can only be achieved by using crowned rollers, and even then only for one load. Heavier than optimum loading results in a concentration of stress at the ends of the roller, while lighter loading shortens the actual length of contact and concentrates the stress at thc center. For bearings that operate over a range of loads \ ..' I applied load direction to provide the optimum distribution of load among the rollers. 6 60- so - . 3.5 , _______ , , , MIN HARDNESS PER DRAWING SPEC ~ ,. ', \\ 0 \\\ 2 r$ 40 z 0 '\ ',' .------ FILM PARAMETER ~ A Figure 9. ASME lubricant-life correction factor as a function of the lubricant film parameter, A. Cage designs for the ball and cylindrical roller bearings follow conventional practices that have been proven successful over the years in the T56 and many other applications. All cages are land-riding, and are piloted on the stationary (or lower speed) ring for maximum dynamic stability. Pilot and pocket clearances were all carehlly chosen on the basis of past successful experience. 10- The planet bearing cage for the GMA 2100, however, is of a differept type than the T56 as shown in Figure 3. Over the years since the inception of the T56 gearbox, it has been learned that a roller-riding cage will provide better performance than an inner land piloted cage for the epicyclic type motion of a planet bearing. While it has not been a major problem, heavy wear has been experienced from time to time on the cage and ring pilot surfaces. This is because the ring and rollers are vying with each othcr to control the motion of the cage. By eliminating the landriding feature that source of friction and wear is eliminated. The rollers can then freely position the cage. Also, because of the gcometry of the two row angular contact bearing, radial loading tends to cause the two rows of rollers to move very slightly toward each other. By careful control of the cage '%backbone"thickness within the space between the rows, optimum roller guidance is achieved without relying on the sides of the pocket. Running clearances required in the cage pockets make the latter a much less effective guiding surface. In the T56 gearbox, the pinion front bearing is lubricated by oil jet, while the rear bearing is lubricated from under the inner race through holes that ensure a good supply of oil to the inner race rib/roller end contact. Occasional wear problems have been experienced with the front bearing where the roller end contacts the inner ring rib. To be sure this d w s not happen with the GMA 2100 gearbox, both pinion bearings are under race lubricated. The lubrication arrangements for both gearboxes are evi. "@'re aenr. " .' . bearing outer ring has been controlled with respect io the 7 FittinE Practice It has been typical aerospace industry practice for many years to use rather light interference fits or transition fits (i.e., where one end of tolerance range results in a clearance fit) on rolling element bearings. This is due to the high speeds that are often encountered that can result in very high circumferential tensile (hoop) stresses when combined with the stress due to an interference fit. Such a highly stressed condition yields the potential for catastrophic ring fracture as either a primary or secondary failure mode. The lighter fits also make for easier installation and removal of bearings at initial assembly and overhaul. The downside, as indicated by field history, is that wear and fretting often occurs at the shaft/bcaring interface, necessitating rework or replacement at overhaul With new, carburized materials, such as M50 NiL described above, tighter fits are now feasible. This is because the residual compressive stress reduces the effect of the applied tensile stress, and because the fracture tough core precludes the fracture failure mode. Thus each bcaring has been carefully fitted to the shaft to provide thc necessary minimum interface pressurc to assure satisfactory pcrformancc, while kceping thc hoop strcss within appropriate limits fo- .he given material. A proprietary computer analysis w i s ised to accomplish this, taking centrifugal furccs and ? r a m a l effects into account as well as interference fits. This analysis also predicts effects of these factors on operating int m a l clearance. This allows the specification of an appropriate initial clcarance so that the final operating clearance results in the best possible roller load distribution consistent with adequate clearance to prevent a thermal imbalance type failure. Gearbox Maintainability Major improvements in maintainability were gearbox achieved. A number of systems were configured and located to permit on-wing replacement without removal of the gearbox or other modules. This approach minimizes secondary damage by isolating primary failure sites from adjacent components and reduced operational costs by minimizing major module removals. Based on reliability studies, the following systems/components were configured as line replaceable units (LRUs): GMAD; propeller components including pitch change unit (PCU), oil pump/governor, and auxiliary feathering pump; gearbox supply and scavenge pump; oil sensors; oil filter; prop drive lip seals hydraulic pump pads; and struts and strut fittings. Maintcnance actions have also been reduced or enhanced through incorporation of borescope ports for internal gearbox evaluation; seal drains separately routed to ecology tanks to delay action for minor leaks and to identify the leak source; integrally cast oil passages to climinate labor intensive tubes and fittings; and V-band accessory attachments. Part cuunt was reduced b y over 50% relative toT56 lending to further maintenance improvements through lower handling requirements. Part count was reduced by integrating multiple functions into a single part, arrangement simplification and elimination of systems such as negative torque systems (NTS), which are not required In modern designs. Gearbox Size and Weiqht The T56 gearbox envelope and interfaces were successfully maintained in the new design. This approach minimizes development costs to the military for re-cngining applications such as the P3 and C130J. Significant weight reduction was also achieved in the improved gearbox design, meeting the design weight goal. The GMA 2100 gearbox is over 12% lighter than a TSh gearbox. CostIConcurrent EngRequirements for recurring and nonrecurring cost were included in the design effort. Recurring cost at maturity was to match the current cost of thcT56 gearbox. This requirement was made more difficult by cust incrcascs associated with improvements such as’ M50 NiL and VIM/VAR materials selected for reliability improvcments and by the loss of dedicated, fixed sctup machines. Many of the T56 machincs are dedicated to a part and operation. These machines d o not possess the versatility demanded for today‘s manufacturing operations. To reduce gearbox cost, a concurrent engineering approach was applied with manufacturing and quality engineers participating in the design effort. This effort was successful in meeting the cost goals by eliminating numerous fabrication operations and maintaining many cxisting gages and fixtures. An example of this cost savings effort is shown in Figure 10. The initial GMA 2100 ring gear system was designed to provide significant weight and nun-recurring cost benefits relative to a T56 system. Manufacturing studies showed that this suffered from a significant non-recurring cost penalty due primarily to required changes to the spline ring bolt circle diameter. Through simultaneous enginccring studies a design was conceived which salvaged the T56 bolt circle. This design allowed the use of current T56 gang drill machines and fixtures and reduced the non-recurring costs by over $170,000. Recurring costs were reduced another 2% while the weight savings was reduced only slightly. In addition, commonality with other gearbox hardware also was stressed wherever possible to further reduce cust. This cffort requires reevaluation of every fabrication and spccification requirement used in previous designs to determine its applicability to the new design. -2 -’ Test Verification To verify the dcsign, an extensive development testing effort was initiated in 1990. The gearbox successfully demonstrated a 6000 NP and 100%speed capability and matched performance predictions (such as 98.7%cfficicncy at 6ODO HP) during back-to-back testing. This test- , \ v - Conclusion ing has dcmonstratcd thc high specific power-to-wcight gearbox capability establishcd in the overall objectives. Follow-on testing in 1991 will lead to further performance improvements and demonstration of the endurance capabilities of the gearbox. The GMA 2100 gearbox design will significantly advance the state of the art in rcliability, and maintainability. Significant improvcments in industry power-to-wcight levcls have been achicved through advanced design techniques, and better materials. * BASELINE - T56 DESIGN RECURRING COST- BASELINE NON-RECURRING COST - $0 BASELINE * WEIGHT- BASELINE * INITIALGMA 2100 DESIGN - RECURRING COST 18% DECREASE NON-RECURRING COST - $210,000 INCREASE * WEIGHT- 38% DECREASE PERFORMANCE- MORE FLEIBLE FINAL GMA 2100 DESIGN W - FIVE DESIGN ITERATIONS WITH SIMULTANEOUS ENGINEERING STUDIES PRODUCTION RING GEAR USED * RECURRING COST- 20% DECREASE * NON-RECURRING COST $40,000 INCREASE WEIGHT- 37% DECREASE * PERFORMANCE MORE FLEXIBLE - - Figure 10. GMA 2100 ring gear coupling system cost reduction effort. 9