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2 Ancient Big Idea Intro Handouts JE20

Introduction Lesson Guide
Here is how introducing the big ideas or key concepts works in my class:
Step 1: Introduction, 30 minutes- Introduce the key concept categories with the
students. Students fill in the blanks in the graphic organizer handout (page 3)
from the PowerPoint. Usually, I do this in the beginning of the year. However, it
can be done after a unit of study, so examples can be used from the curriculum
that are fresh in student minds. Remember, some key concepts will be more
prevalent in some civilizations. For example, major achievements may be easier
to identify in China in comparison to Africa.
Step 2: Concept Matching, 10-15 minutes (pages 5-6) - This document has an
introductory key concept matching, however, each unit also has a selection of
curriculum examples for students to match to the concept categories. These can
be found in our test and study guides subfolder, or sold separately at the
Instructomania store.
I start with having students quietly place the term/concept letter next to each
key concept (choose one of the two templates on pages 5-6). Then, we discuss
the answers. Note that in part B, some terms or topics can fit into more than
one key concept category. That is fine! In fact, it will lead to a great discussion
on how policies or concepts are related, and are often interdependent. For
example, geographic expansion is often linked with economic development and
government is often linked with social class.
Step 3: My World Big Ideas Introduction Activity, 15-20 minutes (page 7) Sometimes homework, this activity creates a bridge between the key concepts
for the year and students’ lives. This is a great activity to hang on walls, as
students can draw or cut and paste pictures of themselves in the middle of the
page. This is a good beginning of the year sharing activity, too!
Copyright © 2016, 2019 Instructomania
Theme for the course: As civilizations arise in differing geographic regions,
they develop unique economies, social class structures, belief systems,
leadership, and achievements.
I. Geography
Physical environment and how it may influence an economy and culture. (Some examples may
include: deserts, islands, rivers, oceans, mountains, and the resources present there.)
II. Economy
How a civilization makes money through the buying and selling of goods and services. (Some
examples may include: resources, trade routes, agriculture, and products.)
III. Social Class
How a civilization is divided into classes that have different roles, responsibilities and privileges.
(Some examples may include: family village, feudal system, slaves, and nobles.)
IV. Religion
A belief system that influences the cultural development of a civilization. (Some examples may
include: Islam, Buddhism, Christianity, and Judaism.)
V. Leadership
How a civilization creates an organized way of leadership. (Some examples may include: ruler,
laws, and policies.)
VI. Achievements
The lasting contributions of a civilization. (Some examples may include: art, architecture,
science, inventions, and ideas.)
Copyright © 2016,2019 Instructomania
Theme for the course: As civilizations arise in differing geographic regions,
they develop unique economies, social class structures, belief systems,
leadership, and achievements.
I. _______________________
Physical ________________and how it may influence an __________and ____________.
(Some examples may include: ___________________________________________________
II. _______________________
How a civilization makes __________ through the ______________and ___________ of
________ and services. (Some examples may include: __________________________________
III. _______________________
How a civilization is divided into __________________that have different ______________,
responsibilities and _______________________. (Some examples may include: ____________
IV. _______________________
A ________________ system that ___________________ the _________________________
development of a civilization. (Some examples may include: ___________________________
V. _______________________
How a civilization creates an organized way of ________________________. (Some examples
may include: _________________________________________________________________
VI. _______________________
The lasting ____________________________ of a civilization. (Some examples may include:
Copyright © 2016,2019 Instructomania
Option 1: See part C
Theme for the course: As civilizations rise in differing
geographic regions they develop unique economies, social
class structures, belief systems, leadership, and
I. Geography - Physical environment and how it may
influence an economy and culture. (Some examples may
include: deserts, islands, rivers, oceans, mountains, and the
resources present there.)
II. Economy - How a civilization makes money through the
buying and selling of goods and services. (Some examples
may include: resources, trade routes, agriculture, and
Name_______________________________ Period___
3._____________________________People are often
motivated to sell resources or trade services in order to make
money or provide food for their families.
4._____________________________ Where civilizations
develop in the world that will shape their daily lives.
5. ____________________________Civilizations are
organized into a hierarchy or groups, where people at the top
lead and people at the bottom are typically laborers.
6._____________________________The way a civilization is
led typically organized to fulfill the needs of the people.
Part B – Key Concept Example Matching
Place the correct key concept Roman numeral next to the
example or evidence quote.
1. ______Living in at the Nile River delta in fertile land made
farming easier for early Egyptians.
III. Social Classes - How a civilization is divided into classes
that have different roles, responsibilities and privileges. (Some
examples may include: family village, feudal system, slaves,
and nobles.)
IV. Religion - A belief system that influences the cultural
development of a civilization. (Some examples may include:
Islam, Buddhism, Christianity, and Judaism.)
V. Leadership - How a civilization creates an organized way
of leadership. (Some examples may include: ruler, laws, and
Vi. Achievements - The lasting contributions of a civilization.
(Some examples may include: art, architecture, science,
inventions, and ideas.)
Part A – Key Concept Definition Matching
Place the correct Roman numeral and key concept heading next
to the key concept definition.
1. _____________________________ The long-lasting
innovations a civilizations creates such as the compass, printing
press, and agricultural methods.
2. _____________________________ The way a culture
develops based on the values and practices of an often unifying
belief system.
2. ______ Hinduism is the primary religion practiced in India
today. Hindus believe that souls are reincarnated as other
earthly beings, which led to a vegetarian diet for a large
population of India.
3. ______ As a leader of Ancient Mesopotamia, Hammurabi
created law codes that were written on steles for all to see
and reference.
4. ______ The Silk Road was opened to transport goods like
silk to sell in Europe.
5. ______ Ancient Sumerians of Mesopotamia invented the
wheeled cart, which enabled easy transportation and
improved agricultural methods. They also, created
cuneiform for written records and communication
6. ______ The caste system in Ancient India separated the
society into varying roles and sometimes harsh social
PART C – Identify Big Ideas in America
Provide three examples of Big Ideas at work in America. For
example: Achievements- the internet may be a long-lasting
contribution of America.
Copyright © 2016,2019 Instructomania
Option 2: See part C
Theme for the course: As civilizations rise in differing
geographic regions they develop unique economies, social
class structures, belief systems, leadership, and
I. Geography - Physical environment and how it may
influence an economy and culture. (Some examples may
include: desert, islands, rivers, oceans, mountains, and the
resources present there.)
II. Economy - How a civilization makes money through the
buying and selling of goods and services. (Some examples
may include: resources, trade routes, agriculture, and
Name_______________________________ Period___
3._____________________________People are often
motivated to sell resources or trade services in order to make
money or provide food for their families.
4._____________________________ Where civilizations
develop in the world that will shape their daily lives.
5. ____________________________Civilizations are
organized into a hierarchy or groups where people at the top
lead and people at the bottom are typically laborers.
6._____________________________The way a civilization is
led typically organized to fulfill the needs of the people.
Part B – Key Concept Example Matching
Place the correct key concept Roman numeral next to the
example or evidence quote.
1. ______Living in at the Nile River delta in fertile land made
farming easier for early Egyptians.
III. Social Classes - How a civilization is divided into classes
that have different roles, responsibilities and privileges. (Some
examples may include: family village, feudal system, slaves,
and nobles.)
IV. Religion - A belief system that influences the cultural
development of a civilization. (Some examples may include:
Islam, Buddhism, Christianity, and Judaism.)
V. Leadership - How a civilization creates an organized way
of leadership. (Some examples may include: ruler, laws, and
Vi. Achievements - The lasting contributions of a civilization.
(Some examples may include: art, architecture, science,
inventions, and ideas.)
Part A – Key Concept Definition Matching
Place the correct Roman numeral and key concept heading next
to the key concept definition.
1. _____________________________ The long-lasting
innovations a civilizations creates such as the compass, printing
press, and agricultural methods.
2. _____________________________ The way a culture
develops based on the values and practices of an often unifying
belief system.
2. ______ Hinduism is the primary religion practiced in India
today. Hindus believe that souls are reincarnated as other
earthly beings, which led to a vegetarian diet for a large
population of India.
3. ______ As a leader of Ancient Mesopotamia, Hammurabi
created law codes that were written on steles for all to see
and reference.
4. ______ The Silk Road was opened to transport goods like
silk to sell in Europe.
5. ______ Ancient Sumerians of Mesopotamia invented the
wheeled cart, which enabled easy transportation and
improved agricultural methods. They also, created
cuneiform for written records and communication
6. ______ The caste system in Ancient India separated the
society into varying roles and sometimes harsh social
PART C – Compelling Questions For America
Answer the Compelling Question and provide evidence in
the form of a personal example as an American.
1. Economy - Does money motivate people you know
in America?
2. Achievements - Do American innovations change
lives for the better or worse?
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Name_____________________________ Period___
Throughout the year there will be common Social Science Big Idea topics that each civilization shares. Use
the space below to compare your life through the lens of Social Science Big Ideas by identifying the
following: achievements, geography, religion, government/leadership, social class, and economy/trade.
Economy -
Geography -
Include how you make money to pay for extras. For
you, examples may be allowance or gifts.
Identify who pays for you to be able to eat and be
safe. For your family, detail one or both parents’
jobs. Please DO NOT include pay amounts.
Identify the country, state and county location for which
you live.
Detail your physical environment that may impact your
behaviors. For example: If you live next to the coast of
Southern California, you may surf.
Government/Leadership 1.
Who leads your country?
Who is/are the leader/s of your
family? Explain who establishes
the rules and administers
Religion 1. Describe the belief system that influences the development
of your family values. Some examples may include the belief
in a religion such as, Buddhism, Christianity, Judaism, Islam, or
Hinduism. In many cases, religion may not have an significant
impact on your life. If not, explain who shapes your morals
and values and how they do it.
Social Classes While social class typically refers to
the way a society is structured, your
family also has a division of
Describe how your family has different
roles, jobs, and responsibilities.
Achievements Describe achievements you or your family has made.
Some examples may include: awards, artistic
accomplishments, and obstacles that have been
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