Fundamentals of Nano-biotechnology Course Number: UBE08E02 SEM Tridib Kumar Bhowmick Dept. of Bioengineering What Can You See…. Introduction to Electron Microscopy • Ultrastructural study = Electron microscopy • Two types of EM: Transmission (TEM) and Scanning (SEM) • Resolution of TEM : best at about 0.2 nm (nanometer = 10^-9 m), which is about 1000x better than ordinary light microscope • TEM is far more useful for medical investigations than SEM Merits of EM • high magnification at high resolution • technique largely standardized • some ultrastructural features are highly specific for certain cell types or diseases Drawbacks of EM • equipment expensive • procedures time consuming (staff costly) • small samples lead to possible sampling error and misinterpretation • optimum tissue preservation requires special fixative and processing • much experience is needed for interpreting the results when electrons hit matter .. when electrons hit matter .. (1) they may collide with an inner shell electron, ejecting same > the ejected electron is a low-energy, secondary electron - detected & used to from SEM images > the original high-energy electron is scattered - known as a ‘back-scattered’ electron (SEM use) > an outer-shell electron drops into the position formerly occupied by the ejected electron > this is a quantum process, so a X-ray photon of precise wavelength is emitted - basis for X-ray microanalysis when electrons hit matter .. when electrons hit matter .. (2) they may collide or nearly collide with an atomic nucleus > undergo varying degree of deflection (inelastic scattering) > undergo loss of energy - again varying > lost energy appears as X-rays of varying wavelength > this X-ray continuum is identical to that originating from an X-ray source/generator (medical, XRC etc) > original electrons scattered in a forward direction will enter the imaging system, but with ‘wrong’ l > causes a ‘haze’ and loss of resolution in image when electrons hit matter .. when electrons hit matter .. (3) they may collide with outer shell electrons > either removing or inserting an electron > results in free radical formation > this species is extremely chemically active > reactions with neighbouring atoms induce massive change in the specimen, especially in the light atoms > this radiation damage severely limits possibilities of EM > examination of cells in the live state NOT POSSIBLE > all examinations need to be as brief (low dose) as possible when electrons hit matter .. when electrons hit matter .. (4) they may pass through unchanged > these transmitted electrons can be used to form an image > this is called imaging by subtractive contrast > can be recorded by either (a) TV-type camera (CCD) - very expensive (b) photographic film - direct impact of electrons Photographic film > silver halide grains detect virtually every electron > at least 50x more efficient than photon capture ! when electrons hit matter .. ‘beam damage’ occurs: • light elements (H, O) lost very rapidly • change in valency shell means free radicals formed • . . .& consequent chemical reactions causing further damage • beam damage is minimised by use of • low temperatures (-160°) • high beam voltages • minimal exposure times Specimen-Beam Interaction Auger electron Incident electron beam Backscattered electrons X-ray Secondary electrons Light Specimen Absorbed electrons Inelastically scattered electrons Unscattered electrons Elastically scattered electrons Types of Microscopy Electromagnetic lenses Glass lenses Direct observation Video imaging (CRT) Comparison of LM and TEM Light Source Electron Source Glass Lenses EM Lenses – Light has different speeds in different mediums (refraction) – Light bends due to refraction Image – Formed by transmitted light – Charged electrons bend due to magnetic field Image − Formed by transmitted electrons impinging on phosphor coated screen Both glass and EM lenses subject to same distortions and aberrations Glass lenses have fixed focal length, change objective lens to chang mag., move objective lens closer to or farther away from specimen to focus EM lenses to specimen distance fixed, focal length varied by varying current through lens Light wavefront moves in a straight line while electrons move in helical orbits, EM lenses change trajectory but no huge change in electron velocity THE LIGHT MICROSCOPE v THE ELECTRON MICROSCOPE FEATURE Electromagnetic spectrum used Maximum resolving power Maximum magnification Radiation source Lenses Interior Focussing screen © 2007 Paul Billiet ODWS LIGHT MICROSCOPE ELECTRON MICROSCOPE Visible light Electrons 760nm (red) – 390nm Colours visible app. 4nm Monochrome app. 200nm 0.2nm Fine detail x1000 – x1500 x500 000 Tungsten or quartz halogen lamp High voltage (50kV) tungsten lamp Glass Air-filled Magnets Vacuum Human eye (retina), photographic film fluorescent (TV) screen, photographic film THE LIGHT MICROSCOPE v THE ELECTRON MICROSCOPE FEATURE Preparation of specimens Fixation Embedding LIGHT MICROSCOPE Temporary mounts living or dead ELECTRON MICROSCOPE Tissues must be dehydrated = dead Alcohol OsO4 or KMnO4 Resin Sectioning Wax Hand or microtome slices 20 000nm Whole cells visible Microtome only. Slices 50nm Parts of cells visible Stains Water soluble dyes Heavy metals Glass slide Copper grid Support © 2007 Paul Billiet ODWS Microscopy Structure determines properties We have discussed crystal structure (x-ray diffraction) But consider now different level of structure Microstructure - also can be 'art' Scanning Electron Microscope (SEM): • Is capable of higher resolution than the light microscope • An electron beam is “bounced off” the specimen to a detector, instead of being passed through it • It produces a detailed image of the surface of the specimen, but not its internal structure Scanning Electron Microscope (SEM): SEM Image: (Emiliania huxleyi, a haptophyte alga) Electron microscopy SEM - scanning electron microscopy tiny electron beam scanned across surface of specimen backscattered or secondary electrons detected signal output to synchronized display Electron microscopy SEM - scanning electron microscopy Magnification range 15x to 200,000x Resolution of 50 Å Excellent depth of focus Relatively easy sample prep Louis de Broglie showed that every particle or matter propagates like a wave. The wavelength of a particle or a matter can be calculated as follows. where λ is the wavelength of a particle, h is Planck’s constant (6.626 x 1034 J seconds), and p is the momentum of a particle. Since the momentum is the product of the mass and the velocity of a particle, Because the velocity of the electrons is determined by the accelerating voltage, or electron potential where The velocity of electrons can be calculated by Therefore, the wavelength of propagating electrons at a given accelerating voltage can be determined by Since the mass of an electron is 9.1 x 10-31 kg and e = 1.6 x 10-19, Thus, the wavelength of electrons is calculated to be 3.88 pm when the microscope is operated at 100 keV, 2.74 pm at 200 keV, and 2.24 pm at 300 keV. However, because the velocities of electrons in an electron microscope reach about 70% the speed of light with an accelerating voltage of 200 keV, there are relativistic effects on these electrons. These effects include significant length contraction, time dilation, and an increase in mass. By accounting for these changes, where c is the speed of light, which is ~3 x 108 m/s. Therefore, the wavelength at 100 keV, 200 keV, and 300 keV in electron microscopes is 3.70 pm, 2.51 pm and 1.96 pm, respectively. SEM - scanning electron microscopy Electron gun Don't make x-rays - use electrons directly Wavelength: NOT l = hc/E (massless photons) l = h/(2melectronqVo) (non-relativistic) l = h/(2melectronqVo + q2Vo2/c2)1/2 (relativistic ) SEM - scanning electron microscopy l = h / (2melectronqVo + q2Vo2/c2)1/2 l = 1.22639 / (Vo + 0.97845 · 10-6Vo2)1/2 l(nm) & Vo(volts) 10 kV ——> 0.12 Å 100 kV ——> 0.037 Å SEM - scanning electron microscopy Electron gun Electron emitter SEM - scanning electron microscopy l = h/(2melectronqVo + q2Vo2/c2)) Effects of increasing voltage in electron gun: Resolution increased (l decreased) Penetration increases Specimen charging increases (insulators) Specimen damage increases Image contrast decreases SEM - scanning electron microscopy Lenses electrons focused by Lorentz force from electromagnetic field F = qv x B effectively same as optical lenses Lenses are ring-shaped coils generate magnetic field electrons pass thru hollow center lens focal length is continuously variable apertures control, limit beam SEM - scanning electron microscopy Specimen Conducting little or no preparation attach to mounting stub for insertion into instrument may need to provide conductive path with Ag paint Non-conducting usually coat with conductive very thin layer (Au, C, Cr) SEM - scanning electron microscopy Specimen Can examine fracture surfaces electronic devices fibers coatings particles etc. SEM - scanning electron microscopy Specimen What comes from specimen? Backscattered electrons Secondary electrons Fluorescent X-rays composition - EDS high energy compositional contrast Brightness of regions in image increases as atomic number increases (less penetration gives more backscattered electrons) low energy topographic contrast SEM - scanning electron microscopy Backscattered electron detector - solid state detector electron energy up to 30-50 keV annular around incident beam repel secondary electrons with — biased mesh images are more sensitive to chemical composition (electron yield depends on atomic number) line of sight necessary SEM - scanning electron microscopy Secondary electron detector - scintillation detector + bias mesh needed in front of detector to attract low energy electrons line of sight unnecessary SEM - scanning electron microscopy Composition - what elements present at a particular spot in specimen? Use solid state detector Do energy scan for fluorescent X-rays The instrument in brief MENA3100 How do we get an image? Electron gun 156 288 electrons! electrons! Detector Image MENA3100 Topography and morphology • High depth of focus Image: Christian Kjølseth, UiO MENA3100 Image: Camilla Kongshaug, UiO depth of focus - depth of field The depth of focus, Dim is the extent of the region around the image plane in which the image will appear to be sharp. This depends on magnification, MT. depth of useful focus (in the specimen) is primarily limited by chromatic aberration effects • the absolute depth of focus is larger than this: for all practical purposes, everything is in focus to same level • . . . So one cannot rack through focus (as in a light or even scanning electron) microscope. • The depth of field, Dob is the range of distance along the optical axis in which the specimen can move without the image apppearing to lose sharpness. This obviously depends on the resolution of the microscope. • depth of field (in the image plane) is infinite - for all practical purposes Depth of Field • In optics DOF is defined as Which depends on the focal length of the lens, the f-number of the lens opening (the aperture), and the camera-to-subject distance. f is the lens focal length, N is the lens f-number, and c is the circle of confusion. • in SEM systems DOF is dependent to two variables 1.the final aperture size (radius R) 2.the working distance (W) Some effects • DOF will be larger when the emission disc is smaller • DOF will be larger when the aperture is smaller • DOF will be larger higher when the working distance is longer • DOF will be larger when the SEM is at lower magnifications Example • for a specimen At working distance of 10mm we Can find D in different conditions Decreasing the size of the aperture • can produce an increased depth of field • a decrease in probe current • a possible improvement in the probe resolution • a change in astigmatism (needs to be corrected again) increasing the distance W * Can potentially increased depth of field * lower attainable limits for low magnification * some loss of resolution * a possible decrease of signal strength * astigmatism will worsen at long W * Sample Preparation and Mapping • Steps – Cleaning and drying of bulk samples – Initial Preparation. Cutting, impregnation, cast-making, fusing – Mounting. Stubs, embedded samples, thin sections, grain mounts – Polishing. For quantitative analysis – Cleaning – Mapping – Coating – Handling and storage Preparing Bulk Samples • Initial Prep: – Remove organic material with oxidizing agent such as K-permanganate or H2O2 – Rinse sediments or soils to remove soluble salts and fines if desired – Carbonate can be removed with HCl – Remove hydrocarbons by soaking in trichlorethane • Drying: – Wet samples must be oven- or freeze-dried before introduction into the instrument. Be aware that temperatures of over 50oC can remove structural water from clay minerals. – Rock samples that have been cut using a saw should be thoroughly dried prior to mounting. Initial Preparation • Cutting – Large samples must be cut to thin-section size, or cut or broken to a appropriate size for an SEM stub. Typically, diamond-blade circular saw is used. Friable samples may need to first be impregnated. • Impregnating – Friable or porous samples should be vacuum impregnated prior to sample prep. Loose material on the sample surface can cause contamination of the electron column, and unimpregnated porous samples can cause poor vacuum by prolonged outgassing. • Cast-making – SEM visualization of pore structure can be facilitated by vacuum impregnating a sample, followed by dissolution of the sample material using hydrofluoric acid. Topographic details of small fossils can also be facilitated by producing latex cast Mounting • SEM Stubs: – SEM samples can be mounted onto Al or C stubs. C can be used for low X-ray background in the case of particulate analysis. Mounting can be done using epoxy, quick-setting glue, double-stick tape (mostly for particulates) or wax. Small grains can be mounted onto double-stick tape or partially dried carbon or silver paint. Polishing • Polishing a sample to a flat, unscratched surface is CRITICAL for good quantitative analysis. An uneven, or scratched sample surface can lead to uneven production of x-rays from the sample surface, errors in absorbtion correction, and spurious results . Cleaning • Any contaminating material, particularly skin oil, on the sample surface will end up contaminating the column. Also, contaminating material under the conductive coating of a sample can cause the conductive coating that will be placed on the sample to bubble and crack, making the sample impossible to analyze • KEEP THE SAMPLE CLEAN AND OIL FREE!!! • 1. After final polish, clean the sample ultrasonically with deionized water • 2. Wipe the sample surface with petroleum ether. • 3. Following the petroleum ether cleaning, handle the sample as carefully as possible. Glove handling is ideal, but often inconvenient. An alternative is to handle the sample with a kimwipe, or other lint-free papr or cloth. • 4. Blow the sample off with air prior to coating. Mapping Finding analysis areas on a sample using the optical microscope or electron imaging can be difficult because of the small field of view. The maximum optical field of view for our instrument is 1750 microns (1.75 mm), and the maximum electron image field is around 2500 microns (2 mm). So, having a good sample map, particularly for quantitative analysis, is very important. Sample mapping is much less important for SEM work. Two types of map may be useful, depending on you sample. 1. Macro-map. Map of entire section. Depending on sample type, this may be hand-sketched, made with a slide copier, or with an enlarging xerox machine. 2. Micro-map. Map of areas of analytical interest. This needs to be produced with a camera-equipped microscope, and can be used to locate and document exact analytical spots. A micromap can also be produced using the microprobe. You can also mark areas of interest on your sample, but this must be done on a clean sample surface prior to applying the conductive coat. Sample Coating Many geological samples are nonconductors of electricity. Therefore, if an uncoated sample is placed in the path of the electron beam, the sample will charge, causing deviation of the electron beam, as well as catastrophic decharging. The sample must be coated with conductive material, such as carbon, gold, or gold-palladium alloy. CARBON: For quantitative analysis and X-ray mapping, carbon is the coat of choice. Because of its low Z, it has a minimal effect on the X-ray spectrum, either in terms of producing X-ray lines or absorbing X-rays. A carbon coat is applied using a vacuum evaporator at pressures of less than 10-4 torr. The ideal coating thickness is 20 nm. GOLD: Gold can be a better choice for SEM coating because of its higher secondary electron yield.