Cillins and Cephs CANNOT be mixed. Other antibiotics can be mixed. Cillin – always take with food and shake very well. Ceph causes diarrhea. Cillin – monitor platelet count. Peak and trough – always check at least 15-30 minutes before next dose. If peak is too high than the kidney will die, if its too low, then the infection will grow. o Report ear damage such as vertigo, tinnitus Vancomycin burns the veins because it is strong. It has to be strong enough to kill MRSA and C Diff. o PICC line is the preferred route. o Assess site every 30 mins if given by peripheral IV. o Red man syndrome: Rapid infusion Hypotension (biggest priority) Flushing Pruritis Red skin o No nausea/vomiting Macrolides (Azithromycin) Liver toxic, so monitor liver labs No acetaminophen Nausea and vomiting is common Tetracyclines Not pregnancy safe Tooth discoloration Use sun screen Use additional contraception Take on empty stomach Sit up 30 mins after taking…don’t lay down No calcium! No iron! No antacids Metronidazole (Flagyl) #1 drug used to treat C. Diff Also treats trichomoniasis (sTI) Avoid alcohol during and 3 days after tx o Metallic taste is normal o Brown urine is normal Report any new rash or skin peeling