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Q400 Aircraft Systems Notes - Pilot Reference

Q400 Notes
Chapter 1 - HYDRAULICS
Chapter 2 - Airplane General
Chapter 3- Air Conditioning System
Chapter 4 - Pressurisation
Chapter 5 - Auto Flight
Chapter 6 - Ice & Rain Protection
Chapter 7 - Emergency Light
Chapter 8 - TCAS
Chapter 9 - Take Off Horn
Chapter 10 - Fuel
Chapet 11 - Flight Controls
Chapter 12 - Fire Protection System
Chapter 13 - Electrical Power
Chapter 14 - Landing Gear
Chapter 15 - Propellers
Chapter 16 - Powerplant
Chapter 17 - Limitation
Chapter 18 - 24 Hour System Checklist
Chapter 19 - Memory Actions
Chapter 20 Caution & Warning lights Check Next Page
Chapter 1 - HYDRAULICS
There are four hydraulic system in q400
• #1 Main hydraulic system (Left)
• #2 Main hydraulic system (Right)
• #3 Hydraulic system for Elevator (Aft)
• Alternate Landing gear extension system
#1 & #2 Hydraulic Systems
- #1 Hydraulic system powers ( FAIRE-P)
• F - Flaps
• A - Anti-skid and Normal Brakes
• I - Inboard roll spoiler
• R - Rudder lower PCU
• E - Elevator outboard PCU
• P - Power Transfer Unit (PTU)
#2 Hydraulic System powers (LONER-E)
• L - Landing gear
• O - Outboard Roll Spoiler
• N - Nose wheel Steering
• E - Emergency / Parking Brake
• R - Rudder upper PCU
• E - Elevator Center PCU
#1 & 2 Hydraulic Reservoir
- Location - At respective engine nacelle
- Quantity #1 - 8 U.S Quarts
- Quantity #2 - 12 U.S Quarts
- #1 and #2 Hydraulic system supply hydraulic fluid from a pressurized reservoir
through FSOV (Firewall Shut off Valve)
Then it get pressurized at 3000 psi by EDP ( Engine Driven pump )
If EDP fails #1 or #2 ENG HYD PUMP caution light comes on
The reservoir uses system output pressure to pressurise itself and provide suction
pressure to EDP
If the fluid in reservoir gets hot (107˚C or more ) #1 or #2 HYD FLUID HOT
caution light comes on
Hydraulic System Isolation Valve
- #1 & #2 Hydraulic systems both have Isolation valve
- If the system fluid quantity gets low by 1.3 Litre or when the pressure drops less
than 900 PSI isolation valve closes and #1 or #2 HYD ISO VLV caution light comes
When the valve closes Hydraulic powers only
#1 Hyd
#2 Hyd
Firewall ShutOff Valve ( FSOV)
- Hydraulic FSOV powered by battery bus
- Valve advisory light in fire protection panel
• Green - Open
• White - Close
The Hydraulic FSOV closes if
• #1 or #2 PULL FUEL/HYD handle pulled
• #1 or #2 reservoir quantity is low or no fluid
• Hydraulic fluid overheats ( 135˚C)
Hydraulic System Heat Exchanger
- Hydraulic fluid from the EDP flows through the heat exchanger before returning to
Thermal bypass valve controls the flow to the heat exchanger
Heat exchanger is inside respective collector bay
Standby Hydraulic Pump
- It is a backup source for #1 Hydraulic system
- Pump flow rate is less than EDP thus service will operate at lower rate
- Installed in #1 Engine Nacelle
- Standby pump is an AC motor powered by Right 115v AC Bus
- Pressing STBY HYD PRESS energize the pump if AC power available and “ON”
Legend comes on
It automatically operates
• In flight if #1 Engine fails
• In ground if #1 reservoir is not empty , parking brake is off ,flap set more that 0˚
and AC Power is available
If standby pump over heats #STBY HYD PUMP HOT caution light comes on
Priority Valve
- It is only in #1 Hydraulic System
- It is usually in open position , closes if pressure falls below 2100 PSI
- This Shuts Off power to Flaps and PTU
Power Transfer Unit (PTU)
- PTU is backup source for #2 Hyd System
- It uses #1 Hydraulic system pressure to pressurise #2 System . No fluid transfer
happens in this process.
It has both Automatic and Manual operation
- Manual Operation
• By Pushing PTU Control, “ON” advisory light comes on.
• Green /// Segment illuminates when PTU is properly pressurized and goes out
when its not
- Automatic Operation
On the ground (WOW Sensor)
• #1 EDP pressure more than 2400 PSI
• #2 System have fluid
• Park Brake released
• Flap set more than 0˚
In Air
• #1 EDP pressure more than 2400 PSI
• #2 System have fluid
• #2 Hydraulic system lost pressure
• #2 Engine Oil pressure low
After switching on PTU automatically or manually if the pressure doesn’t reach its
lower pressure limit within 5 second PTU operation will stop automatically “FAIL”
Legend will come . Maintenance action is required , and it will come back up after
cycling electric power only
PTU is inhibited when #1 Hydraulic system pressurized only by Standby hydraulic
pump. When switched on “FAIL” legend will come
#3 Hydraulic System
- Reservoir - 2.6 U.S Quarts
- Powers left and right inboard PCU
- Operates automatically if #1 and #2 Hydraulic system loses pressure , If both engine
- Operated manually by pressing #3 HYD ISOL VLV (“OPEN” Legend will come on)
- There is Accumulator and Isolation valve
- 28V DC Motor pump (DCMP) powered by Standby battery operates automatically to
keep the accumulator pressurized between 2600 to 3250 PSI
- DCMP operates on ground automatically when
• #1 and #2 Engine running
• Accumulator < 2600 PSI
• Parking brake off
- In the above case OPEN legend doesn’t come
- When DCMP not operation Accumulator holds a reserve pressure
- The pump work intermittently controlled by two pressure switch
- A switch signals the DCMP to operate when pressure goes high or low
- Other pressure switch trigger the #3 HYD PUMP Caution light if
• If #3 Hydraulic system pressure falls below 900 PSI
• DCMP operating more than 60 seconds on Ground
- If all 3 hydraulic system powers the elevator , ELEVATOR PRESS caution light comes
on . If Isolation valve malfunctions it goes failsafe open position , in this case also If
all 3 hydraulic system powers the elevator , ELEVATOR PRESS caution light comes on
but OPEN legend may not come until #3 HYD ISOL VLV switch pressed
#4 Hydraulic system
- Reservoir - 1.25 U.S Quarts
- Location - Nose of the aircraft
- During alternate landing gear extension the system supplies hydraulic power to down
lock the mail landing gear if it fails to downlink during free fall
The alternate landing gear selector valve is located below the flight compartment
normally in open position
Opening the Door fully closes the selector valve
And we can use the Hand pump lever to pressurise the alternate gear actuators
Minimum Dispatch Quantity
Min Dispatch
#1 Hyd System
#2 Hyd System
#3 Hyd System
#4 Alternate
Landing gear
at start
r location
#1 Hyd
2900 to
3100 PSI
3000 PSI
#1 Eng
8 U.S
#1 EDP
#2 Hyd
2900 to
3100 PSI
3000 PSI
#2 Eng
12 U.S
#2 EDP
#3 Hyd
2800 to
3000 PSI
2600 to
2.6 U.S
n system
Nose of
1.25 U.S
of main
Chapter 2 - Airplane General
- Aircraft Name - Dash 8 Q400
- Powered by two 5071 SHP Engine
- Engine model - PW 150A ( Pratt & Whitney)
- Wing Span - 93ft 3”
- Length 107ft 9”
- Height at wingtip - 12ft 10”
- Height at Bullet fairing (Horizontal Stabiliser) - 27ft 4”
Minimum turn radius
- For 180˚ turn with nose wheel at 70˚ required pavement width is 25.7m
- High Aspect ratio , Cantilever wing
- Outboard of engine nacelle wing is tapered at 2.5˚ dihedral
- Single
Chapter 3- Air Conditioning System
- Air Conditioning packs , Conditions the bleed air to proper temperature and humidity
and delivers it to air distribution system
AC Packs
- AC packs are part of Environmental control system (ECS)
- Two Air cycle machine are integrated with dual heat exchanger (Primary &
Secondary) . Location - Aft of fuselage
AC system receives air when bleed air switched are ON or APU bleed air ON and it
is controlled by pack switches
Electronic Control Unit (ECU)
- Electronic Control Unit (ECU) Controls the Nacelle ShutOff Valve (NSOV) to regulate
the airflow to the AC packs (Bleed MIN/NORM/MAX)
The ECU receives bleed air pressure and temperature from the inlet sensor of the
packs Flow control ShutOff Valve (FCSOV). ECU uses this data to control the bleed
air flow
ECU keeps the supply duct temperature from 2.8˚C to 71˚C
• AUTO mode 15˚C to 27˚C (Controls Cabin Temperature)
• MAN mode 2.8˚c to 71˚C (Controls Duct Temperature)
comes on , associated packs/duct automatically shuts down
Pack Control
- OFF - Closes the respective turbine ShutOff Valve (SOV)
- MAN/AUTO - Open the Pack FCSOV
- Open respective turbine SOV
- Open Pack Bypass Valve
- Note : Selecting MAN will cause respective bypass SOV revert to
associated Analog control
When only one pack operational
• Recirc Fan runs at low speed
• System runs at reduced flow ( 70% of flow selection
When both Packs operational
• Recirc fan runs at higher speed
• System runs on full performance depending on flow selection and
environmental condition
Flow Control
- Nominal flow rates are based upon
• Bleed Selection (MIN/NORM/MAX)
• Environmental Condition (Altitude)
• Mass bleed flow measured at wing duct and corrected by pack inlet pressure and
temperature information
• Air source (APU or Single or Dual bleed)
If malfunction occurs in Pack FCSOV it pneumatically open to permit continuous ECS
There are 2 Digital channel and 2 Analog channel .
• No Cross connection between them
• During flight one digital channel gets full controls of pack FCSOV other digital
channel gets full control during next flight
• If one digital channel fails other digital channel takes over
• If both digital channel fails pack FCSOV closes , ECS/ACM shuts off ( Require
RAM air ventilation)
• The Analog back up channel do not have any control for the pack FCSOV
• If digital and analog fails it goes fully close position
Bypass Valve controls the temperature
BLEED HOT caution light comes on for leak/Over pressure/Over temperature . Once
it come it won’t go whole flight
Recirculation Fan
- Draws cabin air through the filter located aft of baggage compartment, it is mixed
with the pack conditioned air
RECIRC fan starts operating with low speed to reduce initial current draw
Operating conditions determines RECIRC fan speed
At single pack operation fan runs at lower speed
Avionics Fan/Cooling
- System have 3 Fans
- Only 2 of 3 required for dispatch
- FAN 1 and FAN 2 starts operating whenever electric power is supplied to DC MAIN
If FAN 1/FAN 2 fails FAN 3 comes on
When only battery power available
• FAN 1 operates at Lower Speed Mode (LSM)
• IF FAN 1 fails FAN 2 operates at LSM
• FAN 3 not available
During Flight
• 3 Fans available - 2 fan runs on High Speed Mode (HSM)
• 2 Fans available - 2 fan runs on HSM
• 1 Fan available - 1 fan runs on HSM
Failure of any fan is recorded in Central Diagnostic System (CDS). No Indication for
single fan failure . IF 2 fan fails in air “FANS FAIL” message will come on ED . In
ground if 2 fan fails AVIONICS caution light comes on
There are temperature sensor in Ground .
• Temperate below 5˚C fans are inhibited
• Temperature 5˚C to 30˚C fans at LSM
• This temperature sensor is disabled in flight
Chapter 4 - Pressurisation
- Pressure is maintained and controlled by Cabin Pressure Controller (CPC)
- Aft outflow valve primarily control the outflow of the air assisted by two safety
valve ( Forward & Aft)
Except for pressure relief function , pressurisation is controlled primarily by the
electrically operated aft outflow valve and also used to dump pressurisation
There are 2 safety valve . The aft safety valve is operated pneumatically and forward
safety valve is operated electrically
The aft & forward safety valve have both positive and negative pressure relief valve
Modes of controlling pressure
- Automatic
• When Electric power is first supplied tot he system FAULT light momentarily
comes ON . And if it stays there is failure in the system
• In auto mode system follows preprogrammed schedule , everything is automatic
• On Ground
When Power Lever (PL) set less than 60˚ , Aft outflow is fully open to prevent
Aft outflow valve also opens when at least one engine is idle or APU operating
• Take off
When PL set more than 60˚ aft outflow valve starts to modulate to provide 2
take off sequence
(1) Pre-pressurisation - Pressurise 400ft below take off altitude at 300ft/
min to avoid bump at take off. Both outflow and safety valve closes
(2) Take off Abort - CPC in takeoff mode memorise Take off altitude for
10 min , this avoid the requirement for selecting landing
altitude .Conditions are
(a) 10 minutes
(b) Below 5000 ft Altitude
(c) Below the theoretical cabin altitude
• In flight - CPC will maintain the automatic schedule
• Descend - CPC will maintain the automatic schedule . Incase of high speed
descend . ROD increase sequence is initiated
• Landing - CPC will maintain the automatic schedule .
Note - If set field altitude is higher than the actual landing altitude
airplane will land unpressurized .
-If set altitude lower than actual landing altitude, Aircraft will land
pressurized . In this case it will go back the field/actual altitude at rate
programmed for 1 min before cabin pressure bleed to ambient
- Manual
• AUTO/MAN/DUMP to MAN control . By INCR or DECR switch we can control the aft
outflow valve manually which in turn controls the Pressure difference.
- Emergency/Smoke Removal
• Opening forward outflow knob valve depressurise aircraft slowly
• Opening forward safety lever depressurise slowly
• Electric power not required for both
- Pressure Dump
• For fast De-pressurisation AUTO/MAN/DUMP to DUMP , which opens the aft
outflow valve fully
Emergency RAM Ventilation
Follow checklist from QRH
Air enters through dorsal fin nana vent and leaves via forward safety valve.
Aft outflow valve is fully closed with help of MAN mode
RAM Ventilation is effective at speed over 150kt
Normal cabin Pressure Differential 5.46 PSI ±0.1
Aft Safety valve opens at 5.8 PSI ±0.15
Max differential 5.95 PSI
Forward safety valve opens at 6.25 PSI ±0.15
For both forward and aft Negative
relief valve opens at ±0.5 PSI
Max Pressure during T/O & LDG ±0.5 PSI
Max cabin Altitude 8000 Ft
Cabin altitude more than 9800 Ft CABIN PRESS warning light comes on
Chapter 5 - Auto Flight
- Autopilot System have
• 1 FGCP (Flight Guidance Control Panel)
• 2 FGM (Flight Guidance Module)
• 1 Yaw Damper
• 2 Autopilot Actuator
FGM 1 provides actual command to AP(AutoPilot) and YD(Yaw Damper) while FGM 2
FGM 1 - Master and FGM 2 - Slave
If FGM 1 fails , FGM 2 is master however autopilot won’t work because only FD(Flight
Director) command from FGM 1 is coupled with AP
If any one FGM fails R or L FD FAIL messages comes on PFD . If both fails AFCS
FAIL message comes on
Engaging AP and YD is inhibited if roll attitude exceeds ±45˚
Engaging AP and YD is inhibited if pitch attitude exceeds ±20˚
YD authority is limited to ±4.5˚ of rudder travel by mechanical stops and it gets
input from FGM 1 and FGM 2 , it requires both for operation
Chapter 6 - Ice & Rain Protection
Ice Detection System
There are 2 Ice Detector Probe (IDP)
Powered by 115V AC
When any IDP detects more than 0.5mm of ice ICE DETECT message will come on ED
Only when both IDP fails ICE DETECT FAIL caution light comes on
Airframe De-Ice System
- De-Icing bleed air is taken from bleed port of each engine and is available to inflate
the boots regardless of bleed control switch position.
System is regulated at 18 PSI
Isolator valve inter connect the L and R system . BOOT AIR switch in the ICE
PROTECTION panel is used to control the valve
ISO position can be used to check the regulated pressure in each system individually
or to isolate a system leak
Regulated De-Ice pressure is also used to inflate forward passenger and aft baggage
door seals and to operate ejector for pressurisation aft safety valve
De-Ice boot inflates when Dual Distribution Valve (DDV) energize. When not
energized boots deflate through a suction port
De-Ice boots works in 2 Automatic modes (SLOW and FAST) and MANUAL mode
- Automatic mode (SLOW and FAST)
• Automatic boot sequence is controlled and monitored by Timer Monitoring Unit (TMU)
• Inflation time is 6 seconds in both mode
Total time Dwell time Inflation
for 1
/ Rest
sequence time
( Inflation+
3 MIN ( 36 144
+ 144 Sec ) Seconds
6 Second
1 MIN (36
+24 sec)
6 Second
• Select from SLOW or FAST back to OFF will complete full cycle
• DDV and Check valve heater automatically comes on when
✦TMU Temperature monitoring parameter has not failed
Note: If TMU monitoring parameter fails the valve heater stays ON
If TMU Activation parameter fails the valve heater stays OFF
✦Mode selector OFF or SLOW or Fast
✦SAT is less than 5˚C
• DEICE TIMER caution light comes on if there is a failure in TMU
✦Automatic De-Ice sequencer
✦Input Disagreement
- Manual mode
• In Manual mode DDV and Check valve heater permanently comes on and do not
• In Manual mode minimum dwell time should be observed is 24 second
- All the boots in Horizontal and vertical stabiliser is pneumatically cross connected
- DEICE PRESS caution light comes on if
• Main De-Ice pressure on either side less than 15 PSI
• Boot pressure does not reach 15 PSI after DDV opens
• Boot pressure stays at 15 PSI after DDV closes
Propeller Heaters
Electric power is supplied from Relevant 115V AC Bus
During the cycle 6 blades on one propeller get heated at same time
To minimise load one propeller is heated then the other
The cycle is controlled by Timer Monitoring Control Unit (TMCU) and it depends on
TAT (refer the table in AOM)
TAT must be equal to or less than 5˚C for the propeller heaters to operate
In TEST position each propeller is heated for 5 second. And test can’t be started for
30 seconds after testing . To avoid overheat
Fuselage ice-protection panel installed both the side to prevent damage by throw ice
by the propeller
When using propeller heaters Engine oil temperature lower limit changes from 55˚C
to 107˚C
If there is a failure of the propeller de-icing system, the PROP DEICE caution light
will come on
Engine intake heaters/Bypass door
Installed in the intake flange of each door
Powered by 115V AC Bus
Energize when engine intake bypass door is open
Wont work when engine is shutdown (Oil Pressure sensor) and when the temperature
above 15˚C (Temperature sensor)
Pitot Static Probe Heat
- Powered by
• #1 Pitot - Left 115V AC
• #2 Pitot - Right 115V AV
• Standby Pitot - 28V DC from Right Essential
- Controlled and monitored by separate module in TMCU
- PITOT HEAT 1 , PITOT HEAT 2 , PITOT HEAT STBY caution light comes on when the
heater is inoperative or switches in OFF position
Angle of attack (AOA) Vane Heatears
Left and right AOA vane is heated to prevent ice buildups
Powered by respective side 115V AC Bus
Directly connected to power supply through TMU
No caution light for AOA vane heater failure
But if SPM (Stall protection module) detects heater failure it causes PUSHER SYST
FAIL and applicable (#1 or #2) STALL SYST FAIL caution lights to come on
Windshield and Pilot’s Window
- When in WARM UP mode both windshield are heated with half power from the Left
115V AC Bus
When in NORM mode it heats up with full power from respective 115V AC Bus
Forward part of the Pilot side Window is heated from the Right 115V AC Bus
Anti-ice controllers control the windshield and side window heaters
If either windshield controller fails, the WSHLD CTRL caution light comes on
If either windshield overheats, the WSHLD HOT caution light comes on
If the pilot’s side window overheats, the SIDE WDO HOT caution light comes on
Over heat condition also shuts down the related wind shield and window side heater
Chapter 7 - Emergency Light
- Used in Emergency Situation or it comes on if there is Left Main DC Bus failure
- The system is powered by 4 Emergency power supply units and there are self
contained by 6.4V NiCAD battery packs located above the passenger compartment
near airplane exits
Battery power the Emergency light for approximately 20 min
Chapter 8 - TCAS
ALT Above
ALT Below
8700 FT
2700 FT
2700 FT
2700 FT
2700 FT
8700 FT
Chapter 9 - Take Off Horn
- Take off horn sounds if Nose wheel Weight on Wheel( WOW) and Power levers above
50% if any of the following condition met
• Spoiler Extended
• Elevator trim out of take off range
• Parking brake set to Park
• Any of the Condition lever not at max
• Flaps more than 20˚ or less than 3.5˚
Chapter 10 - Fuel
- There is 2 fuel tanks in Q400 on left and right wing
- Left tank supply fuel to left engine and APU
- Right tank supply fuel to right engine
Fuel Related Indication
- Fuel Quantity computer (FQC) uses 9 capacitance type fuel probes in each tank to
determine the total fuel quantity
- Information available in ED
• Quantity in digital form
• Fuel flow in digital form
• Engine inlet fuel temperature
- Information available in MFD fuel page
• Quantity in Analog form
• Temperature of left collector tank
Storage and distribution
- Total Usable fuel from the tanks is 5328 Kg
- Max lateral imbalance permitted is 272 Kg
- If the Fuel Quantity Computer (FQC) detects fuel imbalance of more than 272 Kg a
yellow [BALANCE] message will flash in ED
- To operate APU min 454 Kg is required in left tank . Less than that auxiliary pump in
the collector bay will not be fully submerged
- Each Tank is divided into 3 section
• Surge bay
• Main tank
• Collector bay
- Surge Bay:
• Location - Between the two ribs of the inboard aileron .
• It have 2 outboard float vent valves ,one inboard vent line and two separate NACA
• It is used for main tank venting /Controlling Pressure (Through NACA vent) and fuel
recovery(Fuel returns to main tank).
• Fuel recovery or fuel is returned to main task by the reduced pressure in the main
tank as fuel is used
- Collector Bay:
• Location - Inboard and aft part of the wing tank
• Quantity - 185 Kg ( Total 185+185 Kg)
• Scavenge ejector pump which draws fuel from all low points in tank to the collector
• Primary ejector pump in the collector bay used to provide constant low pressure
fuel to engine
• Pressure motive flow - Pressure created by the fuel returning From engine .
Pressure motive flow is used to operate Primary ejector pump and scavenge pump
• Flapper Check Valve - Located at the base of the each collector bay and select ribs.
The ensure gravity feed fuel flow into the collector bay if scavenge flow is not
- #1 or #2 TANK FUEL LOW LIGHT comes on if
• Park brake is OFF
• Collector bay level drops below 150 kg
• Related Engine is operating
Engine Fuel Feed
- Fuel is sent to the Engine driven fuel pump by Primary ejector pump and Tank aux
pump (Back up)
Tank aux pump is powered by AC power
If Engine driven fuel pump inlet pressure drops then #1 or #2 ENG FUEL PRESS
caution light comes on
Engine feed shut off valve closes if PULL FUEL/HYD handle is pulled . Location - just
before Engine driven fuel pump inlet.
Fuel is filtered and heated by fuel-oil heat exchanger . If the filter is blocked it will
bypass it then #1 or #2 FUEL FLTR BYPASS caution light comes on
- Max Refuel Pressure - 50 PSI ( 473 Litre/Min or 125 GAL/Min)
- Min Refuel Pressure - 20 PSI
- Jet A1 Flash point 38˚C and Freezing point -47˚C
Chapet 11 - Flight Controls
- Primary Controls - Rudder , Aileron , Elevator
- Secondary control - Flaps
- Computer - Flight Control Electronic Control Unit (FCECU)
- 2 Parts Fore and Trailing rudder
- Fore rudder is attached to the vertical stabiliser and operated by 2 Power Control
Unit (PCU) ( Upper and lower PCU)
- Trailing rudder is attached to the fore rudder by pushrods and deflects mechanically
with the movement of fore rudder . It deflects twice as far as the fore rudder
- Rudder input restrictor mechanism limits rudder pedal travel with flap selector lever
• Flaps 0˚ - Deflection of fore rudder ±12˚
• Flaps 5 or more - Deflection of fore rudder ±18˚
- FCECU controls the hydraulic pressure to the PCU and it vary with airspeeds . Low
speed high deflection , high speed less deflection
- “Rudder feel trim and summing unit” , provides artificial feel on the rudder pedal .
Input from rudder pedal and Yaw damper are summed up given as single input to
- #1 RUD HYD or #2 RUD HYD caution light appears when
• #1 or #2 Hydraulic system pressure not available or
• FCECU shut downs a PCU (because of a malfunction) or
• RUD 1 or RUD 2 PUSH switch is pushed
- RUD CTRL caution light appears when ( Reduce airspeed below 200 Kts)
• FCECU unable to control the pressure or
• #1 or #2 Hydraulic system failed or
• Airspeed mismatch - ±17 Kts
- Yaw damper automatically compensate for minor yaw acceleration during flight . Yaw
damper max authority ±4.5˚ . It gets input from FGM 1 and FGM 2 require both for
- Gust Protection for rudderis supplied by trapped hydraulic fluid within the actuator
Rudder Jam
- When PCU Get Jammed corresponding RUD 1 or RUD 2 “PUSH OFF” switch light
turns ON . Pushing it depressurise the PCU and #1 RUD HYD or #2 RUD HYD
caution light comes on and PUSH disappears only “OFF” legend will be there’re
( Means already pushed)
- Now If inadvertently pushed non-jammed side also , then both PCU will pressurise .
This ensures rudder system remains powered . OFF legend will go and “PUSH” Legend
appears in both side
Now pushing non-jammed side will revert back to normal ( Jammed - Depressurise ,
non-jammed- Pressurise) and appropriate “OFF” legend appears in jammed side.
Instead if jammed side is pushed, Jammed side “PUSH OFF” light will turn on (means
yet to push) . Non-jammed side will be depressurized and “OFF” Legend will come
on . (i.e Jammed - Pressurise , non-jammed- Depressurise)
In Ground with engine off in strong tailwind condition RUD 1 or RUD 2 “PUSH OFF”
light may come on after hydraulic pressure available it will go .
Roll Control
- Consist of Aileron and Spoilers
- Cant side control column connected to spoiler and First officer side is connected to
Both are mechanically controlled but aileron cable operated and spoilers are
Hydraulically operated.
If roll control jam occurs . The spoiler system can be separated from aileron system
by using Roll disconnect handle
- Control column movement ±70˚ deflects aileron by ±17˚ from neutral position
- Each aileron has a geared tab , when aileron control surface deflected up or down,
its gear tab moves in opposite direction giving aerodynamic assistance to the pilot.
Ground adjustable trim tab (For maintenance personnel to adjust in ground) is
installed in the right hand aileron.
Gust protection is by control lock
- 2 Spoiler - Inboard and outboard roll spoiler in each wing.
- Pushing SPLR 1 and SPLR 2 depressurise the respective PCU and turns on ROLL
There are 3 modes of spoiler operation
• Flight Mode
✦When accelerating above 170 Kts only inboard spoiler works.If outboard spoiler
not disabled till 185 Kts then FCECU triggers SPLR OUTBD caution light.
✦When Decelerating less than 165 Kts both spoilers operates , If outboard spoiler
didn’t start to operate till 150 Kts FCECU triggers SPLR OUTBD caution light
• Ground Mode
✦There are 2 lift dump valves in each spoiler and get energize by signal from
FCECU and Proximity Sensor Electronic Unit (PSEU)
✦Spoiler extend on touch down when
➡ FLIGHT/TAXI in FLIGHT position
➡ PL 1 and PL 2 less than “FLIGHT IDLE +12˚”
➡ WOW on both landing gear signals aircraft landed
✦Roll INBD and ROLL OUTBD advisory lights turns ON
✦If lift dump valves fails to energize in ground mode ROLL SPLR INBD GND or
ROLL SPLR OUTBD GND caution light comes on after a delay of 5 second.
• Taxi Mode
✦In ground putting FLIGHT/TAXI switch to TAXI retracts the spoiler
✦But if Power levers moves more than “FLIGHT IDLE +12˚” it goes to FLIGHT again.
✦ROLL SPLR INBD GND or ROLL SPLR OUTBD GND also comes on if spoiler remain
extended after putting Flight/Taxi to Taxi
✦Note - Left Control column is connected to spoiler and right control column is
connected to aileron . In case of jam of control column To disconnect use roll
disconnect mechanism
Pitch Control
- Pitch control is maintained by Elevator , It is mechanically controlled and
hydraulically operated
Two elevator left and right . Each elevator have 3 PCU (Outboard , central and
inboard )
Left control column connected to Left elevator and right control column is connected
to right elevator in case of Jam us pitch disconnect mechanism
#1 hydraulic powers the outboard PCU , #2 Hydraulic powers the central PCU and
#3 Hydraulic powers the central PCU
When you push HYD #3 ISOL VLV it manually activates the inboard PCU
If all 3 PCU powers the elevator then ELEVATOR PRESS caution light will come on
If FCECU detects that the left and right elevator mismatch ELEVATOR ASYMMETRY
caution light will come on.
Gust Protection for elevator is supplied by trapped hydraulic fluid within the actuator
Pitch Trim
- Artificial Pitch feel is provided by 2 Pitch Feel and Trim Units (PFTUs) , Right and
left. Location - Vertical stabilizer
Pitch command from the control column are transferred to the elevator PCUs which
moves the elevator
- 2 Pitch trim actuator is installed on top of PFTUs supply elevator trim
- Elevator trim is automated when autopilot is on . Manual when autopilot is
disconnected . Using manual trim when autopilot is on caused the autopilot to
- Pitch trim signal is prioritised by the FCECU in order Pilot , co-pilot , Autopilot . Trim
with highest priority controls the pitch trim actuator
- During flap extension or retraction 15˚ to 35˚ automatic pitch trim is available to
reduce the pitch force felt on control column
- Flap pitch trim is active when
• Flap selected from 15˚ to 35˚
• Autopilot is not engaged
• Airspeed less than 180 Kts
• Manual pitch trim is not pressed .
• Applying manual pitch trim will temporarily disengage automatic flap pitch trim
- If elevator trim switch fails closed , after 3 second or if pitch trim is held more
than 3 second ELEVATOR TRIM SHUT OFF light illuminate and pitch trim audible
sound can be heard . Pressing it will disconnect the pitch trim from elevator
- PITCH TRIM caution light will come on when
• If Either FCECU channel detects a loss of ability to command or control its
associated Pitch Trim Actuator or
• IAS #1 is not equal IAS #2 (±17 Kt)
• Or trim input disagreement
- ELEVATOR FEEL caution light comes on when
• If Either FCECU channel detects a loss of ability to command or control its
associated Pitch feel actuator or
• IAS #1 is not equal IAS #2 (±17 Kt)
• When it comes reduce airspeed below 200 Kts
- 2 Single slotted inboard and outboard fowler flaps are attached to the trailing edge
of each wing
Powered by #1 Hydraulic system
Flaps are connected to screw jacks which are operated by primary drive shaft
The flaps surface are electronically controlled and monitored by the Flap Control Unit
FCU also turns on the Standby hydraulic pump and the PTU when flaps are out of 0˚
Flap Power Unit (FPU) converts hydraulic power to rotary mechanical power to
operate the flap actuator. FPU receives flap actuation signal from FCU . It also sends
feedback to FCU to monitor flap movement
- Rudder input restrictor mechanism limits rudder pedal travel with flap selector lever
• Flaps 0˚ - Deflection of fore rudder ±12˚
• Flaps 5 or more - Deflection of fore rudder ±18˚
- FCU is responsible for turning on FLAP DRIVE and FLAP POWER caution light
- If FLAP DRIVE caution light comes on this is a flap fault indication . Flap may still
be working in some instance with reduced performance . Fault is automatically reset
if condition go way
- FLAP POWER caution light comes on if there is flap failure . Flap will lock in the last
position reached prior to failure. All further flap movement will be inhibited.
Stall protection system
- Stall protection module (SPM1 and SPM2) use various parameter to calculate when
the airplane in near stall condition, Stick pusher angle and when to start and cancel
the stick shaker operation
When stick shaker activates it disconnects the autopilot
Stick pusher will not operate if there is SPM failure, AOA vane failure(both must be
working along with their heater) , failure of any stick shaker , if stick pusher
manually inhibited ,failure of flap position input, failure of engine torque input and
height below 200ft AGL. And PUSHER SYST FAIL caution light will come on
To over ride stick pusher use stick pusher SHUT OFF or give opposite force
When INCR REF SPEED is on Stall protection system changes its calculation because
reduced performance limits
If AOA vane is not heated SPM won’t use it
#1 STALL SYSTEM FAIL and #2 STALL SYSTEM FAIL caution light comes on
immediately in flight when function that prevent stick shaker and stick pusher
operation are sensed . Malfunction non critical parameter are not shown in flight but
30 seconds after landing #1 STALL SYSTEM FAIL or #2 STALL SYSTEM FAIL caution
light will come on
Chapter 12 - Fire Protection System
- Computer - Control Amplifier
- During fire detection test control amplifier also tested
- Loss of control amplifier will not cause complete loss of engine engine detection and
extinguishing capability
Advance Pneumatic Detector (APD)
- 3 in each engine - Primary Engine Zone (PEZ), Leading Edge Zone (LEZ), Main Wheel
well zone(MWW)
- It uses sensor tube filled with helium gas to monitor for fires. Note - Helium gas
sensitive to change in temp
- APD supply fault/fire or overheat condition to Fire Protection Panel(FPP)
- A fault or Alarm given by two switches
• Integrity switch: Monitors the pressure of sensor element
• Alarm Switch: is processed by the control amplifier then sent to FPP . The switch is
normally open . Closes when overheat or fire condition occurs , caused by pressure
increase in APD
- If an APD breaks , the loss of pressure in the sensor will turn on FAULT A and
FAULT B light on FPP
Fire Bottles
- Two dual port fire bottles are installed in FWD and AFT in left wing root.
- It allows 2 shots of suppressant into an engine nacelle in all 3 zone (In the event of
first shot not effective)
Control amplifier constantly monitors the pressure electrically . If the pressure is low
or empty BTL LOW advisory light will come on
The PULL FUEL/HYD OFF handle test will show which bottle need servicing . Arm
light will not come on if it needs to be replenished
Fire detection and extinguishing
- Detection: Once fire detected by APD it gets processed through control amplifier and
turn on following lights.
• Applicable PULL FUEL/HYD T handle
• CHECK FIRE DET warning light
• Fire tone
- Extinguishing: The forward and aft squibs bottle are armed by pulling the PULL
FUEL/HYD OFF handle. After arming the extinguisher bottle is discharged by
selecting EXTG switch on the FPP to FWD or AFT position, this sends an Electric
signal which ignites Electro-Explosive Device (EED). When the EED explodes it rupture
a burst disc and the pressurized bottle then discharge the suppressant into the
engine zone
Baggage Compartment Smoke detection and Fire Extinguishing
- There are 2 High Rate Discharger (HRD) and 1 Low Rate Discharger (LRD)
- Each baggage compartment(Aft Baggage and Forward baggage) has 1 HRD . LRD is
shared between both baggage compartment
2 Smoke detector in aft baggage compartment
1 Smoke detector in forward baggage compartment
Aft baggage compartment has inlet and outlet valve for venting , Once smoke is
detected the valves will close
LRD to discharge 97% it takes 15 min , rest 3% it takes 45 min . Total of 60 min
Note: After 97% of bottle discharge (15 min) only BTL LOW light will come on
- Extinguishing
• Aft Baggage Compartment - Pushing SMOK/EXTG discharge HRD and after 7 min
delay it discharge LRD .
Note: For forward baggage Bottle low light to come it takes 22 min ( 7+15 min)
• Forward baggage compartment - It discharges HRD and LRD at same time
Note: Aft Low light to come it will take 15 min.
- Smoke detector is installed in lavatory .
- Indication is it produce chime in PA . Note : No cockpit indication
- There is also a thermally activated fire extinguisher in waste bin activates at 79˚C
Hand Held Fire Extinguisher
- There are 4 hand held fire extinguisher containing 1.4 Kg of Halon 1211 are provided
- Location - 1 in cockpit and 3 in cabin
- If any of the extinguisher used , Use oxygen mask in 100% emergency mode
APU Fire
- Detection and extinguishing require 28V DC Right essential
- It has stainless steel fire extinguishing bottle and tubing
- If fire is detected APU automatically shuts down and after 7 second delay it
automatically extinguish
If automatic extinguishing fails BTL ARM light will come remain on and we have to
push the EXTG switch (Memory action)
Chapter 13 - Electrical Power
Computer - Electronic Power Control Unit (EPCU)
DC System
- Power Source - 3 NiCad Batteries
- 2 DC Gen/Starter
- 2 TRU
- DC External power
- APU ( Only in ground)
- Supplies powers to buses in this order of priority
Battery Bus
Left or Right essential
Left or right main
Left or right secondary
- There are 3 24V NiCad Battery 40 AH
- Location - Nose compartment of the aircraft
- All 3 together can power the essential busses for 60 min inflight
- Battery power can’t be applied to the secondary busses
- Battery Temperature should be more than -20˚C for dispatch
- No temperature limitation for APU or Engine start
- When you switch ON Battery Master, All 3 battery is connected to essential busses
and it is hardwired . It is independent of EPCU operation , EPCU itself is powered by
essential busses
- Switching on MAIN battery connects it to R MAIN BUS
- Switching on AUX battery connects it to L MAIN BUS
- MAIN and AUX Battery connection to their respective bus is controlled by EPCU and
it disconnects if
• Emergency mode
• Bus Fault detected
- Switching on STBY battery connects it to L MAIN BUS , EPCU will only allow this
connection if
• No bus fault
• No emergency mode
• DC external connected ( Battery charger option)
Note : STBY Battery gives power only to essential bus not to L MAIN BUS . But STBY
battery can be charged from L MAIN BUS
- When batteries are not connected to their respective main bus . MAIN BAT / AUX
BAT or STBY BAT caution light comes on
- When battery Over heat MAIN BAT HOT or AUX BAT HOT or STBY BAT HOT warning
light comes on
Generator or starter
- Computer - Generator control unit (GCU)
- #1 and #2 DC GEN
- Location - Engine Accessory gear box
- It serves as starter and revert to Generator mode if NH above 50% and DC GEN
switch is on
Monitored and controlled buy GCU it ensures generator supplies 28.5V (400 A Max)
to its feeder bus regardless of loads
#1 DC GEN connected via L MAIN FEEDER BUS and #2 DC GEN connected via R
If Generator disconnects from the feeder bus #1 or #2 DC GEN caution light comes
Over heat condition #1 or #2 DC GEN HOT caution light comes on
Transformer Rectifier Unit (TRU)
- There are 2 TRU
- Location Nose of the aircraft
- Coverts AC ( 3 Phase 115v ) to DC (28v 300A)
- It is unregulated provide at the range of 26 to 29 v DC
- If TRU fails or disconnects L TRU and R TRU caution light comes on
- At Overheat condition L or R TRU HOT caution light comes on
DC External Power
- Ground Power Unit (GPU) can be connected to the DC external power receptacle on
the left side of the forward fuselage
It can supply DC power to airplane Electronic Power Generation and Distribution
System (EPGDS) and for engine starting
Connected to L MAIN FEEDER Bus
While DC External power is connected . The Generator connection to the main busses
is inhibited by EPCU . Generators will come online once the DC GPU is disconnected
EPCU Incorporated Over and under voltage protection 22v to 31v . Outside this range
it disconnects automatically
APU Generator / Starter
- Provides 28v DC
- Available only in ground
- Connected via R MAIN FEEDER BUS and controlled by APU GCU
- Once the APU GEN is on it supplies power in parallel with batteries to start airplane
DC Fault tolerant operation
- There are 4 separate DC source available in flight ( 2 TRU and 2 DC GEN)
- When all 4 source operational it powers their dedicated busses
- 4 bus tie contractors are controlled by EPCU
• L MAIN to R MAIN (Horizontal)
• L MAIN to L SECONDARY (Vertical)
• R MAIN to R SECONDARY (Vertical)
- EPCU ensures all busses powered upto 2 DC failure, more than 2 DC source failure
automatic load shedding will occur
- For Example, if one DC generator fails, the L to R Main bus tie closes and the other
generator then powers both main feeder buses. If one TRU fails, the L to R
secondary bus tie closes, and the other TRU then powers both secondary buses. If
both DC generators fail, the vertical bus tie close, and the TRUs supply DC power to
both the secondary and main buses. If both TRUs fail, the vertical bus tie close, and
the DC generators supply power to both secondary buses
Emergency mode
- EPCU Operates in Emergency mode when
• Airplane is in air
• Both DC Generator not available and
• At least one TRU not available
- EPCU in emergency mode automatically disconnects the battery from main busses ,
The Main busses is not powered in this mode .
- In this mode batteries are main source for the airplane .
- If engine start attempt is made during emergency mode , batteries automatically
reconnects to main busses for the duration of start attempt
- Note : MFD 1 and ED display only will work and only “All” button is ESIP panel works
Main Bus Failure
- If main bus fault occurs EPCU prevents upper horizontal and 2 vertical ties from
closing , isolating the bus and DC BUS caution light will come on
- If fault persists after 5 seconds EPCU sends trip signal to GCU isolating the affected
It also disconnect the associated side battery .
Along wit DC BUS Caution light MAIN Battery and #2 DC GEN caution light comes
on with R Main bus fault .
Along wit DC BUS Caution light AUX ,STBY BATTERY and #1 DC GEN caution light
comes on L MAIN Bus fault
All main DC service on the faulted side will not function and associated caution light
will come on
MAIN BUS TIE will not work once EPCU reacted to the fault
If the fault clears . Power may be restored with the bus fault reset switch
Secondary bus failure
- If secondary bus short or over current situation it will trip the associated TRU
- 7 seconds later bottom horizontal tie closes if the short circuit/ fault still exists it
will blow the cross tie fuse isolating the fault.
This is indicated by L or R TRU caution light and loss of service on the associated
secondary bus
Engine starting
- The power source which feed the main bus for the supply of Starter/Gen for
starting process can be different
Therefore availability of different power source results in following starting mode
• Battery Start - Only Main and Aux battery participate in starting process . Stanby
battery is isolated from L MAIN to ensure acceptable level of voltage available for
the essential busses
• Generator assisted starting - Performed after startup of 1 engine .After the right
DC generator is connected to the right main bus, together, in parallel with the
batteries( main and aux ), will perform starting of the other engine
• Starting with DC External - Assist in engine start along with Main and Aux battery
. After starting EPCU inhibits DC GEN and still will be on EXT PWR. Once EXT PWR
is off or disconnected DC GEN will come online
• APU Assisted starting - After APU is on and APU GEN is ON in parallel with
batteries it will assist the start of engine in ground
AC System
- Power source - 2 AC Generator
- AC External
- Supply power in priority to
1. Left & right AC Bus
2. Left & Right Galley Bus
AC Generator
- It generates 115V 45kVA Supply variable frequency 340 to 560 Hz AC
- AC power source prevented from operating in parallel
- AC generator will come on when condition lever above start & feather and AC GEN
switch is ON
If an AC Generator fails respective #1 or #2 AC GEN caution light will come on
Remaining AC generator capable of taking aircraft’s AC electric load except galley
power ( Load shedding)
This is done by cross tie function controlled by AC GCU logic circuit
AC generators are protected from bus fault by AC GCU . Once the bus fault detected
GCU isolates the bus and turn on L or R AC BUS caution light
In overheat condition L or R AC GEN HOT caution light comes on
AC External Power
- Power receptacle in right engine nacelle
- External Power Protection Unit (AC PPU) installed in right AC Contactor box . It
makes sure power with in limits or else it rejects.
Circuit Breaker
- Q400 have circuit breakers and current limiters , which opens the circuit incase of
excess current flow
Location• Pilot side and co pilot side upper and lower CB Panel
• DC Contactor box in nose compartment
• AC Contactor box in left and right main wheel well
• 2 wardrobe CB panel
• Relevant galley CB Panel
Chapter 14 - Landing Gear
- Main landing gear retract aft and it have multiple Disc brakes /Antiskid
- Nose landing gear retract forward and it have nose wheel steering
- Each main landing gear have 2 doors forward and aft doors .
Note: When gear is up all doors are closed , when gear is down forward door stays
open ,aft is closed.
Nose landing gear also have 2 doors
Note: when gear is up all doors are closed when the gear is down forward door is
closed ,aft door is open
Proximity Sensor Electronic Unit (PSEU)
• Controls landing gear
• Controls hydraulically operated doors
• Turn on or off related advisory lights
• Monitor WOW Sensor
WOW - Weight on wheels signal prevent gear retraction on ground
Note: failure of WOW ,WT ON WHEELS caution light comes on
Gear Warning tone
A landing gear warning tone sounds over the flight compartment speakers if the HORN
switch is held at TEST or
• flaps > 8.5°
• either engine torque < 50%
• both PLA < RATING detent
Scenario when we put flaps 10˚ before Landing gear
• both PLA < FLIGHT IDLE +12° • KIAS < 156
• RA < 1053 ft (321 m) if it is valid
Scenario when going below 1000 ft without landing gear
• one PLA < FLIGHT IDLE + 12°
• both PLA < RATING detent
• HORN switch not latched at MUTE • KIAS < 156
• RA < 1053 ft (321 m) if it is valid
Engine failure scenario , only in this case horn can be muted
Retraction Sequence
- When gear up is selected #2 Hyd system supply pressure to retract side of the
Opens Nose landing gear forward door retract Nose landing gear
Opens main landing gear aft door retract main landing gear
The aft door of Nose Landing Gear (NLG) mechanically linked to the gear , it closes
along with the gear . After nose gear retraction the forward door closes
Forward door of Main Landing Gear(MLG) is mechanically linked to the gear , closes
along with the gear retraction . After MLG retracts aft door closes hydraulically
MLG and NLG held in UP position mechanically with up-lock
For Advisory light sequence Check AOM
Extension Sequence
- When gear is selected down , Pressure is supplied to the extend side of the system
through solenoid selector valve
The hydraulic doors of MLG and NLG opens , The gear extends . Associated Hydraulics
doors are closed once the gear is down and locked
Continuous hydraulic pressure act when the gear down and locked . However primary
down-lock is by the overcentre locks
If sequence valve fails or PSEU unable to control it LDG GEAR INOP caution light
comes on
Alternate Landing Gear Extension
- Used when there is
• LDG GEAR INOP caution light
• Landing gear indication fails
• Loss of #2 Hydraulic pressure
- Upper door in cockpit is Alternate landing gear release door
Lower door in floor of cockpit is Alternate landing gear extension door
- INHIBIT switch - Isolate all hydraulic pressure from landing gear system
- Alternate release door opens a bypass valve
- MLG release handle - Opens the MLG doors and up-lock. MLG will free fall but may
not fully extend
- Opening Alternate landing gear extension door closes the selector valve so that we
can use alternate landing gear extension hand pump
- NLG release handle ( floor of the cockpit , inside Alternate landing gear extension
door) - Opens the Nose gear door and up-lock
Nose wheel steering system
Steering control by tiller or rudder
Tiller turns the nose wheel 70˚ Either side for low speed taxi
Rudder turns the nose wheel 8˚ Either side for high speed taxi/TakeOff/Landing
After TakeOff nose wheel automatically centres before retraction
In landing roll don’t use tiller until the aircraft slowed down to taxi speed
Nose wheel should be 70˚ of the centre for the steering to work
Power is directed through Steering Control Unit (SCU)
Nose wheel revert to passive shimmy dampened casting mode if
• Nose wheel angle more than 70˚
• SCU detects failure
• Nose wheel steering switch is OFF
- In Passive mode nose wheel caster upto 120˚ either side ( when unpowered)
- Differential power and differential braking may be used in castor mode
- NOSE STEERING caution light comes on if
• SCU Fails when nose wheel steering is ON
• hydraulic pressure detected in steering system with STEERING switch set to OFF
- When taxying in reverse steering switch must be selected ON however no rudder or
tiller input should be given
- Do no keep the steering ON when using towbar/during Push back
- While airborne and gear down moving the tiller ±8˚ may cause the nose wheel
steering to fail
Braking System
- Each main wheel is equipped with multiple disc brake unit . It is powered by #1
- Computer - AntiSkid Control Unit (ASCU) It monitors,
• Wheel speed
• Modulate brake pressure applied to each wheel to prevent wheel lockup
• Gives max braking at all levels of runway friction
- AntiSkid comes on when wheel speed is more than 10 Kts
- Once switched on startup self test is made . Self test is prevented if speed is more
than 17Kts
- Manually also we can test by pushing ANTISKID to TEST position INBD ANTISKID
and OUTBD ANTISKID comes on 6 seconds on ground and 3 seconds in air. Caution
light stays if there is fault
- PSEU supplies WOW and gear uplocked signal to ASCU to make sure brakes are off
until touch down and wheel spins
- In condition of low runway friction, MLG may not spin before the aircraft weight is
fully on the wheel . In this case ASCU gives 5 second delay before the brake
pressure is applied . Delay is immediately cancelled when wheel speed is more than
Emergency/Parking Brake
Powered by #2 Hydraulic system
If #2 Hydraulic fails , The Accumulator supplies brake pressure
Fully charged accumulator supplies 6 brake application approximately
There is A hand pump in right main wheel well to increase the Park brake pressure
Minimum pressure required to start #2 Engine - 500 PSI
Minimum pressure required to start #2 Engine - 1000 PSI
Chapter 15 - Propellers
- Manufacturer - Dowty Aerospace . Model - R408 Propeller
• Six Blade
• Reversible
• Fully feathering
• Counter weighted
• Constant speed propeller
- Propeller is driven through reduction gear box . Which also drives the following
• Pitch Control Unit(PCU)
• Propeller control unit oil pump and propeller overspeed governor
• Main hydraulic pump
• 115v AC Generator
Propeller Control Systems
- It consists of following component
Propeller Electronic Control Unit (PEC)
Propeller Pitch Control Unit (PCU)
High pressure PCU oil pump and propeller Over speed governor unit
Propeller feather pump
Propeller system sensor
Propeller Electronic Control Unit (PEC)
- Dual channel micro processor based controller (computer)
- Main job is to control propeller pitch and speed
- Gets input from propeller control system sensor and engine control system
- Along with this also does number of safety function including
• Autofeather
• AUPC - Automatic Underspeed propeller control
• Sends uptrim command to working engine FADEC
Pitch Control Unit (PCU)
- Its a hydromechanical device controls the pitch of the propeller (Fine/Coarse)
- Commanded by PEC .
- In the event of PEC malfunction PCU controls the minimum blade pitch that can be
obtained inflight
High pressure PCU oil pump and propeller Over speed governor unit
- Independent mechanical system used to limit propeller overspeed in the event of
Overspeed governor is a fly weight design
Propeller feather pump
- Auxillary propeller feathering unit is an independent means of featuring the
propeller in the even of primary means of feather
Consists of 28v DC motor driving an external pump which supplies secondary source
of pressurise oil to feather the propeller
Also used for feathering and unfeathering for maintenance purpose
Propeller System Sensors
- Propeller systems is fitted with Magnetic Pickup Unit (MPU) it provides signal to PEC
- PEC use this signal for
• Propeller overspeed governing
• Synchrophasing
• Send to ANVS for propeller balance monitoring
Propeller Control
- Pitch is controlled by modulating oil pressure either side of the pitch change piston
- Each blade is fitted with a counter weight at the root of the blade . So the natural
twisting towards high pitch in flight
Incase of loss of hydraulic pitch change pressure the propeller will go in safe high
pitch . It gives minimum windmilling drag
Propeller Modes
- The PCU provides governed constant speed operation through propeller governor
controlled by the condition lever at high power ( above beta range)
In beta range Power lever control the minimum blade angle
Manual feather is controlled by the condition lever
Constant speed mode
- During inflight operation the PEC controls the servo valve which meters the
sufficient high pressure oil into propeller fine pitch
If the High pressure oil is removed propeller will go to safe high pitch due to
counter weight ( Counter weight is the dominated force)
- Should the propeller underspeed for any other reason other than loss of oil supply
or servo valve failure . The servo valve will direct more high pressure oil into the fine
pitch to restore the propeller speed
If the propeller RPM increase than demanded , The servo valve will direct high
pressure oil into course pitch to reduce propeller speed
Constant speed mode is entered when condition lever is selected 850,900,1020 RPM
High pressure oil for constant speeding passes through Over Speed Governor (OSG)
before it reaches servo valve
If the Servo valve stuck at fine pitch selection propeller RPM will increase
approximately 105% ( 1071 RPM) . Then the OSG starts to isolate the propeller
control system from high pressure oil
Then the propeller RPM will drop due to the prop counter weight , The OSG will
reconnect the High pressure oil and stable governing condition at 105% ( 1071 RPM)
will be quickly achieved
Safe overspeed governing is provided regardless of failure in the servo valve , PEC or
electrical supply
Beta Mode
- The Beta range is from a power lever position above FLIGHT IDLE (called flight beta)
to below DISC position
In Beta range blade angle is set by power lever input
PEC receives PLA Signal via FADEC
Beta Range
- In flight constant speed mode is limited to fine pitch of 16˚ (Fine Flight ‘stop’
In addition to this hard protection there is soft flight fine stop of 16.5˚ , this is
programmed into PEC and is operative when power lever is above flight idle
In normal inflight operation pitch does not fall below 16.5˚
To enable blade angle less than 16˚ with WOW the power lever must be brought
back below flight idle
Bringing Power lever lower than flight idle , pitch will go less than 16˚ and propeller
GROUND RANGE light will turn on and OSG is blocked out by Ground Beta Enable
Valve (GBE)
Propeller speed is generally governed by the FADEC and engine fuel system at 660
RPM . Propeller speed protection on the ground is by the engine
FADEC Overspeed protection may operate inflight but would naturally be effective
only in limiting the overspeed due to runaway of the normal engine fuel governor
Inadvertent Ground Beta Selection in Flight
- The PLA should never be moved below the FLIGHT IDLE gate in flight
- Ground beta lockout system prevents blade angles below flight fine event in the
event of inadvertent selection below FLIGHT IDLE
Reverse speed control
- Propeller speed 660 RPM to 950 RPM
- Max 1500 SHP
- At low airspeed , propeller can reach max reverse stop . The propeller speed is then
controlled by the engine overspeed governor, and can increase up to 1020 RPM
Propeller Overspeed Governor
- It incorporate hydraulic and electronic section
- Hydraulic section (OSG) - Controls the blade angle hydraulically by dropping the
High pressure oil supply when exceeds 1071 RPM . When propeller RPM decreases
below over speed point normal propeller control is restored . It will keep on
fluctuate between normal and overspeed until the cause is removed
- Electronic Section - Uses FADEC overspeed circuitry to signal the FMU to reduce
the amount of fuel supplied to the engine when over speed approximately 1173 RPM
(115%) is reached . When no overspeed condition normal FMU is restored
The hydraulic section of the overspeed governor is locked out in reverse and the
FADEC electronic section is the primary means of protection from overspeed in
Propeller Synchrophasing System
- It does not work on Take off
- Acts to reduce cabin noise by ensuring reducing phase difference between the slave
propeller and master propeller
Propeller feathering system
• Auto feathering
• Alternate feathering and un feathering
• Manual feathering
Auto feathering
- Initiates propeller feathering in engine failure during take off and power uptrim of
the operating engine
- AF ARM comes on when
• Both Engine torque above 50%
• Both PLA above 60˚
- Uptrim is triggered regardless of Autofeather selection when
• Torque of the failed engine below 25% for 3 sec
• Propeller RPM falls below 80%
• PLA at rating detent
• MTOP is not set
- Uptrim directly occurs when autofeather occurs
- Uptrim - NTOP to MTOP and increase of power by 10% approximately
- If uptrim occurs independent of autofeather , it may only be disarmed by moving PL
below rating detent
- Autofeather is triggered from arm state when torque falls below 25% for 3 sec
- When one propeller featured other propeller’s autofeather is automatically disarmed
- Auxillary feather pump is automatically comes on for 30 seconds . This makes sure
adequate oil pressure is available for feathering
Alternate feathering
- Controlled by #1 or #2 ALT FTHR switchlight on the PROPELLER control panel
- Energized by opposite secondary 28v DC Bus through a 30 second time relay
- Pressure oil from the feather pump operates back up pressure valve in PCU . This
ensures propeller can be feathered regardless of failure in normal propeller control
Mounted in Propeller reduction gear box
Manual Feathering
- Used during engine shut down by selecting Condition lever to start and feather /
Fuel Off
Automatic Underspeed protection Circuit (AUPC)
- AUPC is independent of control software and it protects against failure which drives
the propeller against coarse direction.
- AUPC is armed when
• PLA above Flight idle
• Torque above 50%
• Autofeather and alternate feather inactive
• Propeller RPM falls below 816 RPM
- AUPC activation is annunciated by #1 or #2 PEC Caution light
- Once activated a unmodulated fine pitch signal sent to the PCU servo lave driving it
to the fine pitch stop then its controlled by the OSG ( 1071 RPM)
Chapter 16 - Powerplant
- Powered by 2 Pratt & Whitney PW150A turboprop engine
- Power - At NTOP 4580 SHP MTOP - 5071 SHP
- Bypass Doors - Open during icing condition , precipitation ,bird activity and
contaminated runway
Engine Oil Quantity 6 U.S Gallon
Engine General Airflow
- There are 2 compressors . Air is first ducted to the low pressure (LP) axial
compressor and then to High pressure (HP) centrifugal compressor for second stage
Then it goes to combustion chamber where fuel get added and ignited
Air Exiting combustion section initially impact on single stage NH turbine It drives a
shaft directly connected to the NH compressor .
A gear drive attached to this compressor drives the accessory gearbox mounted on
the top section of the turbo-machinery
Then it goes through NL turbine which also absorbs energy to drive a shaft
connected directly to NL compressor
Then they are directed towards two stage power turbine assembly which rotates as
single unit it drives a shaft connected to reduction gearbox in front of the engine
Thought the reduction gear box power is transmitted through propeller
Accessory Gear Box
Oil pressure and oil scavenge pump
Engine driven High pressure fuel pump
Permanent magnet alternator
DC Starter/Generator
Reduction Gear box
Alternate feather
Pitch Control Unit(PCU)
Propeller control unit oil pump and propeller overspeed governor
Main hydraulic pump
115v AC Generator
Engine Shutdown
- Normal Shutdown - Condition lever to fuel off position . At this time engine system
test the NH Overspeed protection circuitry by using it to shut down the engine
Fire handle shutdown - FMU has dedicated fuel shut off switch activated via PULL
FUEL/HYD OFF handle . The switch energize and closes when fire handle is pulled .
Permanent Magnet Alternator
- It is primary source of electric power for the engine
- It starts giving power to the FADEC once Nh reaches 20% (Minimum)
- Aircraft essential busses provide alternate electric power to FADEC while starting or
when PMA malfunctions
Handling Bleed Off Valve
- Engine has 2 bleed off valves . One to bleed low pressure compressor inlet air
(Steady state operation) and other to bleed high pressure compressor air (Transient
- P2.2 Bleed valve
• Used for controlling LP compressor surge margin in steady state
• Located after 2nd axial stage of compressor
• The value is 100% during start and then modulate in closing position during normal
engine operation
- P2.7 Bleed valve
• Primarily for LP compressor surge margin during transient operation
• Located at the entrance of the HP compressor
• FADEC commands ON/OFF , Fully close/open
• This valve is commanded open when P2.2 fully open and more bleed air is required
• Also commanded open during rapid deceleration and reslam manoeuvre
Toque Limitation
- Torque is generally limited by
- 35% in reverse
- 106% in forward
- 125% in over travel (125% MTOP power , Prop 1020 RPM )
Nh Over speed protection
- A fuel shutoff command is issued when the measured frequency of Nh increases by
Used for normal shutdown
Fuel Metering Unit
- Controls the fuel flow supplied to the engine based on demand from FADEC
- FADEC calculates amount of fuel to supply based on power request and various
sensor inputs like Nh,Nl,Np,torque and ambient condition
Engine driven fuel pump delivers fuel to FMU and it is driven by Accessory gearbox
Excess fuel goes back to tank as motive flow
Engine Ignition
- Each engine ignition system consists of one exciter dual channel unit and two igniter
plugs in combustion chamber
It is activated and deactivated automatically by FADEC during start sequence
FADEC can determine engine has suffered a flame out on surge . As soon as it notice
it activates both ignition and cancel when engine is recovered
Engine Start Sequence
- Starter/Generator rotates high pressure compressor (Nh) through accessory gearbox
- FADEC controls the start sequence in the following manner
1. When Nh speed is 8% FADEC commands ignition and fuel flow
2. Only 1 ignitor is turned on . If the engine does not light off (ITT increase by
20˚c) within 8 second of fuel flow introduced . FADEC turns on both the ignitor
and log faults
3. If engine does not light up with 16 second of fuel flow introduced . FADEC will
abort the start and shutdown the engine (Wet Start)
4. Nh greater than 50% ignitor automatically turned off
5. If ITT limit of 920˚c exceeded FADEC will abort the start and shutdown the
engine (Hot Start)
6. If Nh does not reach 50% within 70 seconds FADEC will abort the start and
shutdown the engine (Hung/slow Start)
- To ensure engine start does not cause over temperature FADEC have active ITT
limiting to reduce the fuel flow if required.
- Inflight Start
• Both ignitors commanded during start
• Auto abort feature is disabled
• FADEC does not actively limit ITT
Chapter 17 - Limitation
- Max Ramp
- 29347 kg
- Max Takeoff - 29257 Kg
- Max Landing. - 28009 Kg
- Max Zero fuel. - 25855 Kg
- 17.4% to 36%
- If C.G limit is met with landing gear down then the safe limit inflight is automatically
Max aft limit is 20% with one inoperative stall warning or stick shaker
To compensate for index system associated error (caused by movement of crew and
passenger) an operational envelope restricting the certified limits
Operational envelope printed on load and trim sheet
Speed limitation
- Vmo
0-8000 ft - 245 Kts
@10000 ft - 282 Kts
@18000 ft - 286 Kts
@20000 ft - 275 Kts
@25000 ft. - 248 Kts
- Vfe.
Flaps 5˚
Flaps 10˚
Flaps 15˚
Flaps 35˚
- 200 Kts
- 181 Kts
- 172 Kts
- 158 Kts
Vlo - 200 Kts
Vle - 215 Kts
Alternate landing gear extension speed 185 Kts
Vra - 210 Kts
Vmax tire - 182 Kts
Va - 204 Kts
Vaqua planning Takeoff - 107 Kts
Landing - 92 Kts
Assumption : Tire pressure 141 PSI 34 Inch tire
Load factor limit
- Flaps extended +2.0 G to -0 G
- Flaps retracted +2.5 G to -1 G
- Max cross wind for take off and landing - 32 Kts
- Max tail wind
• Take off Flaps 10˚/15˚ - 15 Kt ( Company minima)
• Landing Flaps 10˚/15˚ - 10 Kt
- 15 Kt ( Company minima)
• Landing Flaps 35˚
Note : Max tailwind 20Kt with supplement but company minima 15 kt
- Temperature - Maximum +50˚c or ISA+35˚c whichever is lower . Minimum -54˚c
- Setting take off power before brake release with nose of the aircraft more than 45˚
is prohibited for windspeed greater than 8 kts
- Max operating altitude 25000 ft
- Max operating altitude for take off and landing 10000 ft
- Max altitude with Landing gear and flaps extended is 15000 ft
- Max slope for take off and landing ±2%
- Unless cargo compartment empty aircraft must not fly further than 1 hour flying
time from a suitable airport for landing
- Minimum turning radius for 180˚ turn - 26m ( 85 ft)
- Minimum width of the runway 30m
- RTOP can’t be done in following condition
• First flight of the day
• Runway length less than 1500 m
• Tail wind component more than 5 kts
• Crosswind component more than 15 kts
• LVTO Condition
• Actual monsoon condition on the runway during take off
• Contaminated runway
• For the following MEL
✦Ground spoiler
✦Landing gear extended flight
• Minimum RTOP should not be less than 0.9xNTOP
• Max Assumed temperature is ISA+35˚c
- AirSpeed Indicator
• Max difference between left and right PFD - 2 Kt
• Max difference between any PFD and standby - 10 Kt
- Max Altitude for Air-Restart - 20,000 Ft
- When Ice Detect message appears , Air frame model selector - Fast or slow
- Emergency PARK brake pressure required to start
500 Psi for #2 Engine
1000 Psi for #1 Engine
Hydraulic Min Dispatch quantity 40%,40%,45%
De-Ice pressure - 18 ±3 PSI
Minimum oil temperature for prop unfeathering - -18˚c
- Engine Cranking Limit
• 70 Sec ——— 2 Min
• 70 Sec ——— 2 Min
• 70 Sec ——— 30 Min
Engine Limitation
- Max Torque 106% (MTOP)
90.3% (NTOP)
135% (transient)
35% ( Reverse
Max ITT 880˚C or As per the table given in AOM
920˚C (Transient)
NL Max 100%
102.3 (Transient)
NH Max 100%
101.2% (Transient)
NP Max 1020 RPM
1071 RPM (Max Continuous Overspeed)
1173 RPM (Transient)
Oil Pressure 61 to 72 Psi
Oil Temperature- 0˚ to 107˚C
55˚ to 107˚ (In ground with Prop selector ON ).
(Change to 65˚ to 107˚ 3 min after Take off with prop selector ON)
Fuel Temperature turns red at 71˚C
- Must not be operated unattended with passenger on board
- Not to be operated during gravity refuelling
- Started cranking limit
• 60 sec —— 5 min
• 60 sec —— 30 min ( Include Maintenance action)
- Usable Fuel - 5318 Kg
- Max Imbalance 272 Kg
- Normal cabin Pressure Differential - Aft Safety valve opens at - Max Differential - Forward safety valve opens at - For both forward and aft Negative
relief valve opens at Max Pressure during T/O & LDG Max cabin Altitude -
5.46 PSI ±0.1
5.8 PSI ±0.15
5.95 PSI
6.25 PSI ±0.15
±0.5 PSI
±0.5 PSI
8000 Ft
- Max Load for take off - 0.1
- Min Battery temp - -20˚C
- Power up requires min of 23 VDC to respective main and essential busses
- Use of flaps 35˚ in approach mode with AP ON is prohibited
- AP is not allowed in severe Icing and turbulence
- Use of VOR without associated DME is prohibited in APPR mode
- After Take off or Go-around minimum height for engaging AP is 1000 Ft
- With one engine inoperative AP should be disconnected at 1000 Ft AGL
- For both precision and non-precision approach AP should be disconnected at or above
200 Ft
Altitude Tolerance
- Between 2 PFD difference should be within 60Ft below 5000 Ft varies linearly to 170
Ft at 25000 Ft
- Old Aircraft - 1300 Psi (2 Crew)
1800 Psi (3 Crew)
New Aircraft- 1050 Psi (2 Crew)
1450 Psi (3 Crew)
Chapter 18 - 24 Hour System Checklist
- Press Autofeather Button
- Observe the following appear on ED:
Observe the following sequence appears twice on ED:
UPTRIM appears,
ITT and NH red radials increase,
NTOP changes to MTOP and torque rating and torque bugs increase,
A/F ARM appears,
A/F SELECT appears,
UPTRIM disappears,
MTOP changes to NTOP and torque rating and torque bugs decrease,
MTOP changes to NTOP and torque rating and torque bugs decrease, Observe
the following appear on ED:
Fire Detection
ENGINE 1 and ENGINE 2 FIRE TEST DETECTION Switch ....................................... HOLD
Hold alternately, for a minimum of 1 s, at ENGINE 1 and ENGINE 2 position and check:
Pull FUEL / HYD OFF handle light illuminates
FAULT A and FAULT B advisory light illuminate
CHECK FIRE DET warning light illuminates
Master WARNING light flashes
ENGINE FIRE lights flash
Fire warning tone sounds
ENGINE FIRE Light ................................................................................................ Press
Check ENGINE FIRE lights stop flashing and fire warning tone is silenced.
APU PWR Switch ...................................................................................................................... Press
Check APU FUEL VALVE OPEN advisory light illuminates
APU FIRE TEST Switch ................................................................ Press and Hold
APU FUEL VALVE OPEN advisory light out
APU caution and
CHECK FIRE DET warning and
APU FAIL advisory lights illuminate
Master CAUTION and master WARNING lights flash.
APU FIRE TEST Switch ........................................................................................ Release
APU FUEL VALVE OPEN advisory light illuminates
APU caution and
APU FAIL advisory lights out
Master CAUTION and master WARNING lights out.
Baggage (Aft and Fwd) Cargo smoke warning
BAGGAGE AFT TEST Switch ..................................................................... Position 1/2
Note master warning tone and check master WARNING and SMOKE warning lights flash
and SMOKE / EXTG, VENT INLT, VENT OTLT and AFT BTL ARM advisory lights
BAGGAGE FWD TEST Switch ......................................................................... TEST
Note master warning tone and check master WARNING and SMOKE warning lights flash
and SMOKE / EXTG and FWD BTL ARM advisory lights illuminate.
NOTE: The BAGGAGE AFT and BAGGAGE FWD smoke test should be conducted with the
aft external, forward internal and forward external baggage doors closed.
Stall warning 1 and 2
STALL WARN TEST Switch ................................................ TEST 1 Release
# 1 STALL SYST FAIL and PUSHER SYST FAIL caution lights illuminate.
Stick shaker activates.
# 1 STALL SYST FAIL and PUSHER SYST FAIL caution lights out and stick shaker
STALL WARN TEST Switch .......................................... TEST 2, Release Check for
indications equal to ‘TEST 1’, except # 2 STALL SYST FAIL caution lights illuminates.
ADC 1 and 2
EFIS ADC SOURCE Switch ......................................................................... NORM
Check ALT FAIL, IAS FAIL and IVSI FAIL flags are out on pilot’s and co-pilot’s PFD and
valid SAT is displayed on ED.
ADC Test Switch (at TEST 1) ........................................................................................... Hold
Check indications:
Barometric altimeter reading changes to 14360 ft on pilot’s PFD.
Altimeter barometric setting changes to 29.23 in Hg (990 hPa) on pilot’s PFD.
Maximum operating airspeed (VMO) is displayed as 284 KIAS on pilot’s PFD.
The airspeed indicator displays 285 KIAS in red on pilot’s PFD.
SAT indicated is - 15°C and WTG2 FAIL appears on ED.
IAS, IAS MISMATCH and ALT appear on PFDs.
PITCH TRIM, ELEVATOR FEEL and AVIONICS caution lights illuminate.
Over-speed warning horn is activated after 5 s.
NOTE: TCAS FAIL may momentarily flash on PFDs and MFDs during the ADC
functional test.
ADC Test Switch (at TEST 2) ................................................................................ Hold
Check for indications equal to ‘TEST 1’, except SAT does not change and WTG1 FAIL
advisory message appears on ED.
Rudder Actuator
- NOSE WHEEL STEERING Switch ........................................................................... OFF
- RUD 1 PUSH OFF Switch ........................................................................................ Push OFF
Observe illumination of # 1 RUD HYD caution light.
- Rudder Pedals ................................................................................... Move Left and Right
Check PFCS indication on # 1 MFD for rudder travel.
- RUD 1 PUSH OFF Switch …………………………….………………………………………… Push ON
Observe # 1 RUD HYD caution light out
- RUD 2 PUSH OFF Switch ..................................................................................... Push OFF
Observe illumination of # 2 RUD HYD caution light.
- Rudder Pedals ............................................................................. Move Left and Right
Check PFCS indication on # 1 MFD for rudder travel.
- RUD 2 PUSH OFF Switch ....................................................................... Push ON
Observe # 2 RUD HYD caution light out
- NOSEWHEEL STEERING Switch ........................................................................... ON
Flight Compartment door emergency access
- Flight Compartment Door ................................................................... Closed and Locked
Check BAGG DOOR, CKPT DOOR, AUTO UNLK and FAIL advisory lights and INTERNAL
DOORS caution light out.
- FLIGHT ATTENDANT Emergency Access Switch .............................. Momentarily Press
Check INTERNAL DOORS caution and AUTO UNLK advisory lights illuminate.
- INTERNAL DOORS Switch .................................................................... DENY
Check AUTO UNLK advisory and INTERNAL DOORS caution lights out and flight
compartment door closed and locked.
PFD/MFD/ED Power Reset
- Reset power of the said display
Ice protection
- DEICE PRESS Indicator ............................................. Check 18±3 psi on each Dial
- AIRFRAME MODE SELECT Switch ........................................................................... FAST
During one complete cycle (60 s) execute the following checks:
• Make sure the WING advisory lights illuminate and go off sequentially in pairs,
commencing with the out- board pair and ending with the inboard pair, followed by the
inboard TAIL then the outboard TAIL.
NOTE: The sequence of the WING 3rd and 4th advisory lights on the left side is
The correct sequence is as follows:
• Check the DEICE PRESS indicator needles fluctuate in phase with the indicator lights.
• Check that the left engine intake boot advisory light illuminates with the inboard tail
advisory lights and the right engine intake boot advisory light illuminates with the
outboard tail advisory light in the TAIL boot
• Check that the cycle recommences after 24 s dwell period then AIRFRAME MODE
AIRFRAME MANUAL SELECT Switch ........................................................................... Rotate
Observe WING, TAIL and ENGINE INTAKE advisory lights illuminate as selected.
PROP Selector ................................................................................................................... TEST
Check PROPS advisory lights illuminate individually and go out in sequence through one
cycle. The normal operating (green arc) on the OIL temperature Indication on ED
changes to 55 to 107°C.
NOTE: In the event that the PROP selector is released early from the TEST position,
wait 30 s before repeating test.
PROP Selector ............................................................................................. OFF
Check the normal operating (green arc) on the Oil Temperature indicator changes to 0
to 107°C.
ENGINE INTAKE DOORS Switches ........................................... Press
Check CLOSED advisory lights go out and the OPEN / HTR advisory lights illuminate.
ENGINE INTAKE Switches ............................................................................................... Push
Check CLOSED advisory lights turn on.
NOTE: The HTR advisory light may not turn on if SAT is > 15°C.
WINDSHIELD HEAT Selector ....................................................................................... NORM
Check WSHLD CTRL caution light out.
NOTE: It will require a period of 5 min in NORM to confirm correct windshield heat
REF SPEEDS Switch ......................................................................................................... INCR
Check [INCR REF SPEED] appears on ED.
REF SPEEDS Switch ............................................................................................................ OFF
Check [INCR REF SPEED] disappears on ED.
Chapter 19 - Memory Actions
• Oxygen Masks ..................... on/100%
• Mic switch ............................. Mask
• Passenger Signs ..........................on
EMERGENCY DESCENT, accomplish as required:
• Power levers ....................... FlightIdle
• Condition levers ......................... Max
• Airspeed................................ VMO
When airplane comes to a stop:
• Emerg Brake ............................. set
Engine fire:
• ENGINE FIRE (On Ground)........................accomplish
Engine failure:
• Power levers ............................ Disc
• Condition lever(affected) .............. FuelOff
• PullFuel/Hyd Off handle(affected) ……….pull
• TankAuxPump(affected)...................off
Other failure:
• Appropriate Abnormal/Emergency procedure(s) ...................... accomplish
Emerg Brake ............................. set
Power levers ............................ Disc
Condition levers ...................... FuelOff
PullFuel/Hyd Off handle(affected) ……….pull
TankAuxPumps(1and2) ..................off
Extg switch .......................... Fwd Btl
Wait up to 30 secs, If fire persists:
Extgs witch ............................ Aft Btl
• EVACUATION ...........accomplish
Emerg Brake ............................. set
Power levers ............................ Disc
Condition levers ...................... FuelOff
PullFuel/Hyd Off handles .................. pull
EmergencyLights ........................ On
FastenSeatBelts ......................... Off
Evacuation ............................ initiate
AC/DC Ext Pwr and APU................... Off
BatteryMaster............................ Off
• Condition lever ....................... FuelOff
• StartSelect ...............................off
- Confirm APU Automatic Shutdown (APU RUN Advisory Light out and, APU FAIL, APU
BTL LOW and FUEL VALVE CLOSED Advisory Lights illuminate).
IF APU BTL ARM or APU FIRE Advisory Lights remain illuminated after 7 seconds:
• Extg switch ............................ press
“#2 ENG OIL PRESS” (Warning Light)
Affected Engine
• ENGINE FAILURE / FIRE / SHUTDOWN ....................... accomplish
(Propeller increases above 1020 RPM and “#1 PEC” or “#2 PEC” Caution Light
Above 400 ft AGL:
• Airspeed....................... reduce toward minimum speed appropriate to flap configuration
and flight conditions.
Affected Engine:
• Power lever ........................ FlightIdle
• Condition lever ………………Start&Feather
• AlternateFeather(if req’d) ................ Fthr
IF propeller does not feather:
• AlternateFeather .......................... off
• Condition levers ......................... Max
• Power levers ............... operate together to maintain the desired flight profile.
--- Land immediately at the nearest suitable airport.
IF propeller feathers:
• ENGINE FAILURE / FIRE / SHUTDOWN ........... accomplish immediately
(May be indicated by high torque)
Above 400 ft AGL:
Affected Engine:
• Power lever ........................ FlightIdle
• ENGINE FAILURE / FIRE SHUTDOWN ....................... accomplish
• Power levers ......... advance above FlightIdle
“#1 ENG FADEC FAIL” or “#2 ENG FADEC FAIL” (Warning
Affected Engine:
• ENGINE FAILURE / FIRE / SHUTDOWN ....................... accomplish
Affected Engine:
• Power lever ........................ FlightIdle
• Condition lever ....................... FuelOff
• AlternateFeather(if req’d) ................ Fthr
• PullFuel/Hyd Off Handle................... pull
• TankAuxPump............................ off
If Fire:
• Extg switch(affected engine) ........... FwdBtl
If Fire Persists,Wait Up To 30 Seconds:
• Extg switch(affected engine) ............. AftBtl
“SMOKE” (Warning Light)
(SMOKE Warning Light and related Baggage / Cargo SMOKE and EXTG Advisory Lights)
• OxygenMasks.................. on/100%
• SmokeGoggles(if applicable)...........on
• MicSwitch ......................... Mask
• RecircFan ........................... Off
IF SMOKE/EXTG switch is illuminated:
• Illuminated SMOKE / EXTG switch . . . . press
• Autopilot...........................disengage
• Roll Disc Handle.............. pull and turn90˚
• ControlWheels ............. both pilots attempt roll control
--- Pilot with free control wheel will fly the aircraft.
• Roll control ........... apply to hold wings level
IF continuous illumination of SPLR 1 or SPLR 2 PUSH OFF switch lights in wings-level
• Illuminated switchlight ................ push Off
IF SPLR 1 or SPLR 2 PUSH OFF switch lights do not illuminate continuously in wingslevel flight:
• Power ................................. apply
• Airspeed ............................ increase
• Airspeed .............................. reduce
• AileronTrim ……………opposite to runaway
• Autopilot...........................disengage
• Flap and Airspeed …….maintain at time of jam
• Control Columns ........... both pilots attempt to overcome jam
IF unable to overcome jam:
• Relax control column force.
• Pitch Disc Handle............. pull and turn 90˚
• ControlColumns ........... both pilots attempt pitch control
--- Pilot with free control column will fly the aircraft.
• Elevator Trim Shutoff ................. press Off
(Restricted Rudder Pedal Movement)
Warning: Should the rudder pedal (rudder jam) suddenly break free, do not apply
rudder pedal input in the opposite direction.
• Affected rudder pedal .. apply normal push force
Rudder pedal moves as required:
• Affected rudder pedal ….reduce push force and allow rudder to centre
-- END -Rudder pedal does not respond to normal push force (rudder remains jammed or
rudder jam reoccurs):
--- Use roll control as required for directional control.
“RUD 1 PUSH OFF” or “RUD 2 PUSH OFF” (Switchlight On)
• Illuminated switchlight ................ press Off
• Rudder Trim……………opposite to runaway
Chapter 20 Caution & Warning lights
Check Next Page
Line 1
Caution Lights
Possible Reason
Pitch Trim
Caution light will come on when
• If Either FCECU channel detects a loss of ability to
command or control its associated Pitch Trim Actuator
• IAS #1 is not equal IAS #2 (±17 Kt) (RUD PRESS, SPLR
OUTBD, and ELEVATOR FEEL caution lights will also
come on)
• Or trim input disagreement
AC generators are protected from bus fault by AC GCU .
Once the left variable frequency bus fault is sensed.
GCU isolates the bus and turn on L AC BUS caution light
Caution light comes on when the heater is inoperative or
switches in OFF position
Both the Ice Detector Prob (IDP) failed
#1 PEC
• Flight compartment supply duct temperature is 88˚C
• If caution light comes on , Flight compartment duct
automatically shuts down
• If #1 Hydraulic system fluid quantity gets low by 1.3
Litre or when the pressure drops less than 900 PSI #1
Hydraulic isolation valve closes and caution light comes
• When the valve closes hydraulic power available only to
Rudder,Elevator,Flaps and PTU on #1 side
• No. 1 Propeller Electronic Control(PEC) malfunction.
• AUPC activation is also annunciated by #1 or #2 PEC
Caution light (possible trigger -condition lever below 850
in flight )
• Propeller Overspeed condition also triggers both #1 and
#2 PEC caution light
Pressure at engine- driven pump No.1 inlet is low.
Pressure at engine- driven pump No.2 inlet is low.
Caution Lights
Possible Reason
#2 PEC
• No. 2 Propeller Electronic Control(PEC) malfunction. Or
• AUPC activation is also annunciated by #1 or #2 PEC
Caution light (possible trigger - condition lever below
850 in flight ) or
• Propeller Overspeed condition also triggers both #1 and
#2 PEC caution light
• If lift dump valves fails to energize Inboard spoiler in
ground mode caution light comes on after a delay of 5
• Also comes on if Inboard spoiler remain extended after
putting Flight/Taxi to Taxi
• FCECU is not able to control the inboard spoiler lift dump
operation. The inboard spoilers do not extend at
touchdown or the inboard spoilers extend after the TAXI
mode selection after touchdown.
• If lift dump valves fails to energize Outboard spoiler in
ground mode caution light comes on after a delay of 5
• Also comes on if Outboard spoiler remain extended after
putting Flight/Taxi to Taxi
• FCECU is not able to control the outboard spoiler lift
dump operation. The outboard spoilers do not extend at
touchdown or the outboard spoilers extend after the
TAXI mode selection after touchdown.
• Caution light comes on immediately in flight when
function that prevent stick shaker and stick pusher
operation are sensed .
• Malfunction of non critical parameter are not shown in
flight but 30 seconds after landing #1 STALL SYSTEM
FAIL or #2 STALL SYSTEM FAIL caution light will come
• Loss of Valid AOA parameter Or SPM detects AOA Vane
heater failure it causes PUSHER SYST FAIL and
applicable (#1 or #2) STALL SYST FAIL caution lights to
come on
Flight data recorder malfunction or it is not energized
Line 2
Caution Lights
Possible Reason
• If Either FCECU channel detects a loss of ability to
command or control its associated Pitch feel actuator or
• IAS #1 is not equal IAS #2 (±17 Kt) ( In this case RUD
PRESS, SPLR OUTBD, and PITCH TRIM caution lights will
also come on).
• When it comes reduce airspeed below 200 Kts
AC generators are protected from bus fault by AC GCU .
Once the right variable frequency bus fault is sensed.
GCU isolates the bus and turn on R AC BUS caution light
Caution light comes on when the heater is inoperative or
switches in OFF position
Caution light comes on when the heater is inoperative or
switches in OFF position
• Cabin compartment supply duct temperature is 88˚C
• If caution light comes on , cabin compartment duct
automatically shuts down
• If #2 Hydraulic system fluid quantity gets low by 1.3
Litre or when the pressure drops less than 900 PSI #2
Hydraulic isolation valve closes and caution light comes
• When the valve closes hydraulic power available only to
Rudder and Elevator on #2 side
• caution light comes on for leak/Over pressure/Over
temperature . Once it come it won’t go whole flight
#1 Engine driven pump pressure low or when the condition
lever is set to the FUEL OFF position.
#2 Engine driven pump pressure low or when the condition
lever is set to the FUEL OFF position.
caution light comes on for leak/Over pressure/Over
temperature . Once it come it won’t go whole flight
The temperature of the electric motor windings on the #1
standby hydraulic pump is too hot.
Caution Lights
Possible Reason
• When accelerating above 170 Kts only inboard spoiler
works.If outboard spoiler not disabled till 185 Kts then
FCECU triggers SPLR OUTBD caution light.
• When Decelerating less than 165 Kts both spoilers
operates , If outboard spoiler didn’t start to operate till
150 Kts FCECU triggers SPLR OUTBD caution light
• Caution light comes on immediately in flight when
function that prevent stick shaker and stick pusher
operation are sensed .
• Malfunction of non critical parameter are not shown in
flight but 30 seconds after landing #1 STALL SYSTEM
FAIL or #2 STALL SYSTEM FAIL caution light will come
• Loss of Valid AOA parameter Or SPM detects AOA Vane
heater failure it causes PUSHER SYST FAIL and
applicable (#1 or #2) STALL SYST FAIL caution lights to
come on
Ground Proximity Warning System (GPWS) has
malfunctioned or there is an RA failure.
Line 3
• FCECU detects that the left and right elevator mismatch
• Difference in angle of 4° for IAS > 185 KIAS and 6° for
IAS < 185 KIAS.
• EPCU has reconfigured the main 28 VDC generation sytem
because of a source or bus fault condition.
• If main bus fault occurs EPCU prevents upper horizontal
and 2 vertical ties from closing , isolating the bus and DC
BUS caution light will come on
• If fault persists after 5 seconds EPCU sends trip signal
to GCU isolating the affected Gen
• It also disconnect the associated side battery .
• Along wit DC BUS Caution light MAIN Battery and #2 DC
GEN caution light comes on with R Main bus fault .
• Along wit DC BUS Caution light AUX ,STBY BATTERY and
#1 DC GEN caution light comes on L MAIN Bus fault
• All main DC service on the faulted side will not function
and associated caution light will come on
• MAIN BUS TIE will not work once EPCU reacted to the
• If the fault clears . Power may be restored with the
bus fault reset switch
Malfunction of both #1 Air intake heating elements.
Malfunction of both #2 Air intake heating elements.
• Right Air Cycle Machine (ACM) discharge temperature is
• It automatically shuts down the pack
• Standby battery is not connected to its main feeder bus
for charging.
• Along wit DC BUS Caution light AUX ,STBY BATTERY and
#1 DC GEN caution light comes on then its L MAIN Bus
#1 DC Generator overheat
• #1 DC generator is not connected to Left main Feeder
bus because of a source fault condition.or
• The DC GEN 1 toggle switch
is set to the OFF position,
• or the external DC power is energizing the left and
right main feeder busses.
• Along wit DC BUS Caution light AUX ,STBY BATTERY and
#1 DC GEN caution light comes on then its L MAIN Bus
• #2 DC generator is not connected to right main feeder
bus because of a source fault condition. Or
• The DC GEN 2 toggle switch is set to the OFF position,
• or the external DC power is energizing the left and right
main feeder busses.
- Along wit DC BUS Caution light MAIN Battery and #2
DC GEN caution light comes on with R Main bus fault .
#2 DC Generator Overheat
• Pushing SPLR 1 and SPLR 2 depressurise the respective
OUTBD HYD caution light. Or
• Hydraulic pressure to the inboard roll spoiler actuators is
• Pushing SPLR 1 and SPLR 2 depressurise the respective
OUTBD HYD caution light. Or
• Hydraulic pressure to the outboard spoiler actuators is
• Stick pusher inhibited by SPS logic, or stick pusher SHUT
OFF Switchlight pushed.
• But if SPM (Stall protection module) detects heater
failure it causes PUSHER SYST FAIL and applicable (#1 or
#2) STALL SYST FAIL caution lights to come on
• Stick pusher will not operate if there is SPM failure,
AOA vane failure(both must be working along with their
heater) , failure of any stick shaker , if stick pusher
manually inhibited ,failure of flap position input, failure of
engine torque input and height below 200ft AGL. And
PUSHER SYST FAIL caution light will come on
Emergency/parking brake is set.