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Article Review Assignment: Guide & Instructions

Assignment: Article Review
Write an article review for this class that will help you complete the literature review for the
body of your paper. The review should be as long as it needs to be in order to thoroughly
summarize the article.
An article review is a summary of an academic journal article. Find an article on your topic
of choice and describe what the article is about. For an academic journal article, this usually entails
giving a description of the issue(s) that are being examined in the article, an explanation of the
hypotheses and methods used, an explanation of the results, and an assessment of the conclusions
that are being offered. Further, the article review should cover enough information so that a person
who has not read the article will get an understanding of what the article covers.
In terms of how to organize the article review, you should answer the following questions:
What is this article about?
What is the author measuring?
What is the hypothesis? What methods are being used to test the hypothesis?
What are the results?
What conclusions, if any, does the author provide?
Keep in mind this is supposed to help you with your paper; you will use this as a
source in your paper so think about what information the article provides to help you
understand your topic!