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Trumpet Beginner Skills Workbook

The 10 Beginning Skills
This Book Belongs To
Ó 2020 Keith James Hunter
– Inspire –
Learning the trumpet is going to be awesome and a challenge!
We want to help you get through the hardest part – getting started.
Some of our favorite motivational quotes to get you started…
“Do or do not. There is no try.” – Yoda
“The harder you work for something, the greater you’ll feel when you achieve it.” – Unknown
“Time you enjoy wasting, was not wasted.” – John Lennon
“Mistakes are proof that you are trying.” – Jennifer Lim
Accessing Digital Content
QR codes, the square bar codes, can be scanned
by a smart device to quickly view digital content
such as videos, audio files, or pictures. You can
find many free QR code readers on the App Store
or Google Play.
You can also access all trumpet YouTube videos
by visiting www.bit.ly/TrumpetSkills
Written by Keith James Hunter
Photo Editor – Craig Hirotsuka
Cover Artwork – Charles Zweig
Cover Art Theory:
“Like a paintbrush, musical instruments are tools of creativity! They remain
monotone until you breathe color into them with a passion for practice and
performance! Play on and make our world a more colorful place!”
– Charles Zweig
Copyright Ó 2020 by Keith James Hunter
Music Band Aides
All rights reserved. This book or any portion thereof may not be reproduced or used in any
manner without the express written permission of the author except for educational use
and quotations. For more information, address: musicbandaides@gmail.com
Ó 2020 Keith James Hunter
Ó 2020 Keith James Hunter
Playing this instrument is awesome and you are joining a global
community that LOVES the trumpet! Beginning to learn an instrument can
be challenging, so we’ve broken this process into 10 skills which will help
you develop an understanding of the basics. After mastering these skills
through daily practice and completing all 10 skill missions, you will be ready
to make amazing music with your friends.
– Aspire –
The artists listed below are people who demonstrate good sounds and technique on
the trumpet. Hearing these trumpet players may help remind you why you chose
the instrument and what the instrument can sound like as you improve. There are
many other professionals that are not included in this list. Try listening to a
recording of at least 3 different incredible musicians listed below or other
recommendations provided by your music teacher.
Check the box of your favorites!
Alison Balsom
Allen Vizzutti
Arturo Sandoval
Bria Skonberg
Chris Botti
Esteban Batallán
Freddie Hubbard
Ingrid Jensen
Louis Armstrong
Maurice Andre
Miles Davis
Phillip Smith
Rafael Mendes
Tine Thing Helseth
Wayne Bergeron
Wynton Marsalis
o _________________________
o _________________________
After hearing a few of these musicians above answer these questions below:
1. Why do you like the sound of the trumpet?
2. What are you most excited to learn this year in music?
Ó 2020 Keith James Hunter
Ó 2020 Keith James Hunter
Musicians who perform with good posture often sound better, look great, and feel
comfortable. Playing with great posture is the first and simplest thing you can do to
make playing the trumpet easier. Bad posture often constricts the body and creates
tension that ends up compromising the performers breathing and technical abilities.
Posture is a foundation that we will build upon as we learn to play the trumpet.
Playing Posture Checklist – Sit like you are standing!
Feet flat on the floor
Sit on the front half of chair
Back is straight and tall
Head is level and facing forward
Shoulders are relaxed
Seated Positions
• Rest Position- instrument resting in lap and ready for instructions
• Playing Position- instrument in playing position
Sit like you are standing!
Adult Check-in & Comments:
Assigned: ___/___
Demonstrate the correct playing posture
and explain why posture is important for
musicians to an adult family member. To
complete a mission, get their signature
and add any comments they wish to
share. You are then ready for skill #2!
Completed: ___/___
All positions were memorized & posture was perfect!
They were able to explain why posture is important!
Needs to continue to work on correct playing posture.
Add your own observations or comment
Adult Signature
Ó 2020 Keith James Hunter
Ó 2020 Keith James Hunter
Breathing In
ü Take a full breath while keeping your tongue low– “OH.”
ü Breathe from the bottom of your torso on up,
allowing your upper body to expand while
keeping your body feeling relaxed.
ü When playing the instrument, you will:
o Drop your jaw while keeping the mouthpiece
placed on your top lip.
o Breathe in through the mouth corners
(air flows around the sides and bottom lip).
Air Usage (Blowing Out)
ü Air stream is direct and focused– like blowing out a candle
ü Your throat & shoulders should stay relaxed.
Breathing Reminders
You will feel expansion in your stomach and chest when inhaling & exhaling
Do not breathe in through the nose– it is less efficient.
Avoid making a loud inhale– your sound will become tense.
Do not breathe in through the instrument– it is gross.
The Airflow Breathing Exercise
As you breathe in and out through your mouth, keep your airflow even. Try
to fill up and empty your lungs in the given counts during the exercise. If you
get dizzy during the exercise, stop and breathe normally until you recover.
Breathe in for 4 beats, out for 4 beats.
Breathe in for 2 beats, out for 8 beats.
Breathe in for 1 beat, out for 12 beats.
Breathe in for 1 beat, out for 16 beats!
Adult Check-in & Comments:
Assigned: ___/___
Teach correct breathing technique
to an adult family member. Then,
try the airflow breathing exercise
together without instrument. After
completing this mission, you are
ready for Skill 3.
Completed: ___/___
I can breathe! The importance of air makes sense.
I went for it and got a dizzy during the flow exercises
I notice I tend to breathe through my nose by accident
Add your own comment or concern
Adult Signature
Ó 2020 Keith James Hunter
Ó 2020 Keith James Hunter
Instrument cases protect our instruments when
they are accidentally bumped or dropped. Cases are
not designed be used as a chair, foot rest, or table.
Properly Opening the Case
1. Set your case on the ground with the handle facing toward you.
2. The instrument brand name or label is found on the side that faces up.
Common Supplies in the Case
Valve Oil – Used each day you play. It helps the valves move properly.
Tuning Slide Grease (tub or stick) – Keeps the tuning slide movable.
Polishing Cloth – Used to clean the outside of the instrument.
Cleaning Snake – Cleans the tubes of the instrument (often underwater)
Mouthpiece Brush – Cleans inside the mouthpiece shank.
Valve Brush – Helps clean the holes of your valves.
Polishing Cloth
Valve Brush
Cleaning Snake
Tuning Slide Grease
Mouthpiece Brush
Valve Oil
Adult Check-in & Comments:
Assigned: ___/___
Demonstrate how to properly open
your case and then identify which
supplies or care items you have in
your case. After completing this
mission, you are ready to memorize
the parts of the instrument in Skill 4!
Completed: ___/___
All essential supplies were found in the case!
Other instrument care supplies were discovered!
We still need to get a missing essential supply!
Add your own comment or concern
Adult Signature
Ó 2020 Keith James Hunter
Ó 2020 Keith James Hunter
As you learn to play the trumpet it will be important to memorize the names of
each part of the instrument. These parts will be mentioned often when learning
how to hold and care for the instrument. Refer back to this chart as needed.
Valve Casing Cap
Pinky Ring
Tuning Slide
First Valve Slide
Third Valve Slide Ring
Valve Casing
Spit Valve or
Water Key
Third Valve Slide
Adult Check-in & Comments:
Assigned: ___/___
Using your instrument, show and
name the parts of the trumpet by
memory to an adult family member.
Once you get their comments and
signature you are ready for Skill 5!
Completed: ___/___
All parts were memorized and easily identified!
Trouble naming a few parts, but is ready to move on!
Needs to continue to work on memorizing
Add your own observation or comment
Adult Signature
Ó 2020 Keith James Hunter
Ó 2020 Keith James Hunter
Forming a correct embouchure will allow us to create a
good and consistent sound on the trumpet. Creating a
correct embouchure just prior to playing the
mouthpiece and/or instrument will allow for more
immediate success in making a sound.
Embouchure (ämbo͞oˈSHo͝ or)
Describes the formation of the
mouth, lips, cheeks, tongue,
and teeth to properly play the
Memorize the feeling of correctly producing a sound & check your embouchure
often to correct mistakes. Watch the instructional video or consult your teacher to
create a correct sounding buzz on the mouthpiece.
Embouchure Formation Checklist (without Instrument)
ü Lips are together as if saying just the “b” of banana. You will notice the center
of your lips slightly engaged.
ü Corners of the mouth are firm so your cheeks are
against teeth- it should feel as if you glued the
inside of your cheeks to your teeth.
ü Your front teeth are open- around a pinky finger
width apart.
ü Chin muscle is relaxed and flat
ü Licking the lips can help improve initiating sound
Mouthpiece Placement*
1. Form correct embouchure using the above
2. Place mouthpiece on the center of your lips,
evenly dividing the upper and lower lip.
3. Mouthpiece pressure should be equal
between your top and bottom lips. Lightly
pressing as if you are saying “shhh” when
holding your index finger to your lips.
*Important Note- your unique teeth, lips, and even braces can be a factor in proper mouthpiece
placement. Consult with your teacher if you have a question or concerns.
Check Your Embouchure
ü Review and check daily during these first weeks
ü Use a mirror to help check embouchure
ü Blow air through a small stirring straw while
maintaining your embouchure.
Ó 2020 Keith James Hunter
Ó 2020 Keith James Hunter
Making First Sounds with the Mouthpiece
1. Hold mouthpiece in your left hand with
Video Lesson
two fingers and thumb at the end of the
mouthpiece shank.
Scan the QR code or visit
bit.ly/TrumpetBuzz for a
2. Form a correct embouchure.
lesson the on making your
3. Place mouthpiece on correctly formed
first sounds!
4. Blow air slowly to create a natural vibration while maintaining a correct
embouchure. If you only get an airy sound, slowly increase air speed until
sound starts.
5. Reset & repeat.
Buzzing Different Notes
• Make your lips firmer and use faster air to make the sound go higher
o Try using more air to help reach higher notes
o Be sure to not close your teeth
• Slightly loosen lips and use slower air to make sound go lower
Mouthpiece Exercises
1. Long Tone Exercise- play a steady note as long as is comfortable in one
breath. Start with an easy goal, then see how long you can play!
2. Siren Exercise- Buzz like a long police siren. Start with loose lips to play
a lower, then slide up by making your lips firmer, then slide back down
by loosening. It takes time to develop control and range of buzz.
3. Play simple melodies on the mouthpiece. For example- “Hot Cross
Buns” or “Mary Had a Little Lamb”
Adult Check-in & Comments:
Assigned: ___/___
Demonstrate and explain how to
form an embouchure and how to
make a sound on the mouthpiece.
After completing this mission, you
are ready to learn how to assemble
the trumpet in Skill 6!
Completed: ___/___
The embouchure looks correct to me!
Buzzed mouthpiece and kept a good embouchure
Some difficulty, but understands what to do!
Add your own comment or concern
Adult Signature
Ó 2020 Keith James Hunter
Ó 2020 Keith James Hunter
Although instrument assembly is not too difficult, it is easy to drop the instrument
and get the mouthpiece stuck in the mouthpiece receiver. Follow the steps below.
1. Place the case on a safe and flat surface.
2. Unlatch or unzip the case and open the lid.
3. Take out the trumpet carefully by grabbing a non-movable part. Lay it across
your lap.
4. Pick up the mouthpiece and insert the mouthpiece into the mouthpiece
receiver by pushing and twisting lightly.
1. Twist and pull the mouthpiece out and place back in case
2. Lay trumpet inside case.
3. Close lid and then latch/zip the case for protection.
Care Tips
• Lay trumpet on its side with the second valve slide facing up. Never leave
the trumpet standing vertically on the bell.
• The higher it is, the further it falls! Avoid resting it on chairs.
• Avoid hitting the mouthpiece into the trumpet. It gets stuck.
• CAUTION– If the mouthpiece gets stuck, only try twisting and pulling it out
with a slight amount of force. If it can’t be removed easily, a music teacher
or music store can get the mouthpiece out. Do not use pliers.
Adult Check-in & Comments:
Assigned: ___/___
Teach an adult family member
how to correctly assemble and
disassemble your trumpet. After
completing this mission, you are
ready to learn how to hold the
trumpet in Skill 7!
Completed: ___/___
I was taught well and I remembered to latch the case!
I forgot to close the case, but my student reminded me
Oops, the mouthpiece got stuck…
Add your own comment or concern
Adult Signature
Ó 2020 Keith James Hunter
Ó 2020 Keith James Hunter
Holding the instrument correctly is crucial because nearly every finger will have a
specific job when playing the instrument. Continue to check and review during these
first few weeks to help develop correct holding habits. Consult with your teacher if
you think you may need a modification to holding the instrument.
Left Hand Position
ü Fingers wrapped around the valve casings.
ü The ring finger is in the 3rd valve slide ring.
ü The left hand holds the entire weight of the trumpet.
Right Hand Position
ü The right hand forms a backward “C” shape.
ü The right thumb rests under the lead-pipe
between the 1st and 2nd valve casings.
ü The fingertips touch the valves and maintain
the “C” shape.
ü The right pinky is relaxed and on top of the
pinky ring to help maintain the “C” shape.
Arm & Body Position
ü The arms should make an upside down
“V” shape.
ü Wrists are as straight as possible and in
line with the forearm.
ü Playing posture should not change.
ü Keep your head level and over your body
as you bring the instrument to your lips.
Adult Check-in & Comments:
Assigned: ___/___
Teach an adult family member
how to correctly hold your
trumpet. After completing this
mission, you are ready to learn
how to start a note in Skill 8!
Completed: ___/___
I was able to hold the instrument correctly!
I had trouble, but my teacher fixed my errors.
I might have dropped the instrument by accident…
Add your own comment or concern
Adult Signature
Ó 2020 Keith James Hunter
Ó 2020 Keith James Hunter
Good brass players learn how to start notes using their tongue, which is also known
as articulation. During the learning process of tonguing, the embouchure should feel
the same. Be patient and focus on maintaining correct technique.
How to Tongue
Video Lesson
ü Use the syllable “tu” to release the air and
start sound
ü The tip of the tongue should touch the back of
the top teeth at the gum line.
Scan the QR code or visit
for the lesson on how to
start a note.
Practice Procedure for Tonguing
1. Air tongue- say “tu” using air only
2. Buzz on mouthpiece - check embouchure in a mirror
3. Play on trumpet- Check posture and form. Leave valves up.
Technique Check
ü Nothing on your face should visibly move when tonguing- like a ventriloquist!
ü Chin should stay still. Avoid a chewing motion with jaw.
Tonguing Exercises
1. Air Tonguing– Release air by using the syllable “tu.” Try tonguing along
to one of your favorite songs.
2. Hu-Tu-Tu– Start a note using air only, then interrupt your airstream
with your tongue one to three times to practice tonguing. If this feels
comfortable, alter exercise to “tu-tu-tu.”
3. Straw Buzzing– Insert a stirring straw through your mouthpiece only.
Place straw in mouth and form a correct embouchure. Place mouthpiece
on embouchure. Blow air through the straw, remove straw to initiate the
buzz, and then interrupt the airstream by tonguing.
Adult Check-in & Comments:
Assigned: ___/___
Teach and demonstrate tonguing
to an adult family member. After
completing this mission, you are
ready to learn how to oil the
instrument in Skill 9!
Completed: ___/___
I was taught well and can now tongue notes!
I understand tonguing, but I have some work to do
We are having difficulties with tonguing.
Add your own comment or concern
Adult Signature
Ó 2020 Keith James Hunter
Ó 2020 Keith James Hunter
It is common to oil valves before you play your instrument each day. It ensures that the
valves move properly and protects the instrument from damage. At first it will take you
awhile to oil all three valves, but it will get easier and much faster with some practice.
Follow the instructions below or use the video as a guide during your first few attempts at
Instructions for Oiling
Video Lesson
Scan the QR code or visit
1. Lay the instrument on a flat surface with the second bit.ly/TrumpetOil for
video instruction
valve slide facing up and your rag below the valves.
explaining how to oil
2. Open the cap of your valve oil.
your valves.
3. Unscrew the first valve casing cap.
4. Partially remove the valve from the casing. Don’t let go of the valve.
5. Add 4-6 drops on the outer silver surface of the valve (lower section with holes)
6. Insert valve back into its casing. The number found on the valve should face
toward the mouthpiece. Rotate valve to the right until it clicks into place.
7. Check valve alignment by blowing air through the trumpet. If air does not
move through, the valve is likely backwards and should be re-installed.
8. Tighten valve cap and then repeat steps 4-7 for the second and third valve.
Emptying Condensation & Spit
• After playing for a few minutes, you may hear your
instrument making a gargling sound. That is usually
due to the buildup of spit and condensation.
• Unless in a music room, empty your spit onto a rag,
or in to a trash can or sink.
• Press the spit valve found on the end of the main
tuning slide. The valve opening should aim towards
the ground so the condensation can fall out.
• Wrap your lips around the mouthpiece and blow a
small puff of air through the instrument to empty the water.
• It is a good idea to do this before putting your instrument away.
Adult Check-in & Comments:
Assigned: ___/___
Teach and demonstrate how to oil
valves and how to empty spit to an
adult family member. One more
skill left! Skill 10 is learning your
first 5 notes and songs!
Completed: ___/___
We were able to oil the instrument in under 5 minutes
Although disgusting, we understand how to empty spit.
We had some difficulty oiling the valves, but got it.
Add your own comment or concern
Adult Signature
Ó 2020 Keith James Hunter
Ó 2020 Keith James Hunter
Each note on the trumpet has a name and specific valve fingering associated with it.
Memorize and master these first 5 notes to help you play your first songs more
easily. The valve labeled “1” is the valve closest to your face, “2” is in the middle,
and “3” is the furthest valve from your face. In order to play the correct note, you
must have both the correct fingering and the correct pitch (buzz). If either the
fingering or buzz are incorrect, the note will sound incorrect.
5-Note Fingering Chart
Lower Sound (looser lips)
Higher Sound (firmer lips)
Notice that the notes C and G have the same fingering. The difference is that G is played with a higher buzz
using faster air and firmer lips. C is played with a lower buzz using slower air and looser lips.
Video Lesson
Scan the QR code or visit
for a video lesson on how to
play the first 5 notes.
Improving Note Accuracy
Push down the correct fingering for the note
Breathe in through your mouth
Set your embouchure
Release air with your tongue using syllable “tu”
Find the steady air stream that works best for each note
Ó 2020 Keith James Hunter
Ó 2020 Keith James Hunter
We will start playing our first songs without reading music
notation on a staff. It allows us to focus on coordinating our
fingers, tongue, and other skills we have learned. If you have
never heard the song before, ask your teacher what it should
sound like and listen to the recording of it.
Video Lesson
Scan the QR code or visit
bit.ly/TrumpetSongs to
access the trumpet video
playlist with the first songs!
Hot Cross Buns
E---- D----
C---- (rest)
E---- D----
C---- (rest)
D D D D E---- D----
C---- (rest)
C---- (rest)
E---- D----
C---- (rest)
D D D---
E G G (rest) E D C D
D D E D C---- (rest)
F D D---- C D E F
G G G (rest) G E E----
F D D---- C E G G
Au Claire De La Lune
E---- D----
Mary Had a Little Lamb
E E E----
Lightly Row
G E E----
C---- (rest)
Adult Check-in & Comments:
Assigned: ___/___
Put on a private trumpet concert
for your family! Demonstrate how
to play the first 5 notes by memory
and then perform your first songs!
It was a wonderful concert and I am very proud!
The sound was clear and songs were recognizable
The performance had some rough spots, but was great
Add your own comment or concern
Completed: ___/___
Adult Signature
Ó 2020 Keith James Hunter