Framework for Maternal and Child Health Nursing (MCN) Focusing on at-Risk, High Risk, and Sick Clients National Health Situation on MCN Statistics on MCN Genetics and Genetic Counseling Primary Goal of Maternal and Child Health Nursing Is the promotion and maintenance of optimal family health. Philosophy of Maternal and Child Health Nursing Maternal and Child Health Nursing a) Family-centered, assessment data must include a family and individual assessment. b) Community-centered; the health of families depends on and influences the health of communities. c) Research-oriented, because research is the means whereby critical knowledge increases. d) Both nursing theory and evidence-based practice provide a foundation for nursing care Maternal and Child Health Nurse Serves As An: 1. Advocate to protect the rights of all family members, including the fetus 2. Demonstrate a high degree of independent nursing functions, because teaching and counseling are so frequently required. 3. Promoting health is an important nursing role, because this protects the health of the next generation 4. Pregnancy of childhood illness can be stressful and can alter family life in both subtle and extensive ways 5. Respect personal, cultural, and religious attitudes and beliefs influence the meaning of illness and its impact on the family. Circumstances such as illness or pregnancy are meaningful only in the context of a total life. 6. Maternal and child health nursing is a challenging role for a nurse and is a major factor in promoting high-level wellness in families STANDARDS OF MATERNAL AND CHILD HEALTH NURSING PRACTICE 1. Nurse helps attain optimum health 2. Nurses assist the family in maintaining balance between personal growth needs and family functioning 3. Nurse intervenes with vulnerable families 4. Nurse promotes a healthy environment 5. Nurse detects changes and deviations 6. Nurse carries out interventions and treatments 7. Nurses assist in the Coping period 8. Nurse actively pursues strategies 9. Nurse continues to improve MCN practice THE GLOBAL HEALTH GOALS (UN & WHO, 2000) 1. To end poverty and hunger 2. To achieve universal primary education 3. To promote gender equality and empower women 4. Reduce child mortality 5. To improve maternal health 6. To combat HIV/AIDS, malaria, and other diseases 7. To ensure environmental sustainability 8. To develop global partnership for development THE GLOBAL HEALTH GOALS (UN & WHO, 2000) The establishment of global health goals is a major step forward in improving the health of all people, as contagious diseases, poverty, and gender inequality do not respect national boundaries but follow people across the world and into all nations. A FRAMEWORK FOR MATERNAL AND CHILD HEALTH NURSING CARE Maternal and child health nursing can be visualized within a framework in which nurses, using nursing process, nursing theory, and Quality and Safety Education for Nurses (OSEN), care for families during childbearing and childrearing years through four phases of health care: 1. Health Promotion 2. Health Maintenance 3. Health Restoration 4. Health Rehabilitation