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Social Science Test: Government, Rights, History

Social Sclenco
Multiple choico.
1. The Phlippine Legislature has two houses:
Senate and House of Representatives.
What term best describes this sotup??
B. Bipartisanship
C. Unicameralism
D. Co-legislative power
2. Which of the choices ensures that the
citizonry will have the right to seok public
office, vote for-exclusive officials, and be
activo in government?
A Political rights
C. Socio- civil rights
D. Right to due process
B. Right of suffrage
3. Soclal and environmental justice is
intorconnected. Whlch concept best showcases
A. Industrialized countries toxic disposed to poorer
B. Temperature warming and rise of sea lovel
C. Desertification of verdant regions
D. Extinction of rare animal specios
4. How do you call the tax imposod on all
employed and practicing professionals?
A. Income tax
B. Real estate tax
C.Community tax
D. Inheritance tax
5. The Philippine govermment provides for
preferential atlontion to the welfare of the less
fortunate. What policy stipulates this?
A Social Justlice
B. Criminal justice
C. Distributive justice
D. Bll of rights
6. Who among the following Is a famous sculptor?
A. Edades
B Manansala
C. Costri6
D. Cuevas
7. This man servod as the last Spanish
Govenor.General of the Philppines.
A. Ramon Btanco
B. Diego de los Rios
C Basilio Agustin
D. Fermin Jaudenes
8. 1f the social system is based on meritociacy,
which is a possible effect?
A. Rule by the wealthy and poworful
B. Leadership by the people of talent
C. Culture of elitism
D. Rule by those of noble birth
9. Whose view glves prominenco to faith in
understanding tho oxistence of God?
A St. Benedict
B. St. Peter
C. StAugustine
D. St John
10. This field deals with the study of how human
beings behave.
A Philosophy
B. Morality
C. Psychology
D. Ethics
11. Ifthis principle is opplied well, no branch of
governmont will bo too powerful or abusive.
A. Impeachment
B. Ombudsman
C. Check and balance
D. Laissez Fairo
12. Which of the following is considered the
lowost form of loarning?
A Perceiving
B. Memarlzation
C. Conditioning
D. Toaching
13. The Filipinos are deeply roligious: however,
sometimos this religiosity instils the
NEGATIVE atitude of _______.
A Social responsibility to participate in the
dovelopment of socioty
B Resignation, which leads to doing nothing to
improve ono's condition
C.Total surrender to God in timos of helplessnoss
Is best
D. The Lord, who is omnipolent and ornnisclent,
will allow what is best
14. Eesterm religion is best relatod to this concept.
A. Optimism
B. Secularism
C. Mysticism
D. Pessimism
15. He declared the date of the Philippino
Indopendence from July 4 toJune 12.
16. Maslow Is popular in this theory
A. Multiple Intelligenco
B. Hierarchy of Needs
C. Social Theory
D. Constructivism
17. Who’s tho Philippine President known as the
"Father of Social Justice and of the National
18. Which was tho 1st labor union in the Philppino
Isiand founded by Isabelo delos Reyes in in 1901?
A Union Obren Democratica
B. nion Trabejadores de F ilipinos
C. Association of Philippine Labor
D. Association de Campania Tabacalera
19. The Philippine archipelago lies in the
____________. an area where many volcanoes are
A Voicanic rim
B. Archipelagic fault line
C. Wheel of fire
D: Ring of fire
20. What law set the date of Phllippine
Independenca from Amorica on July 4, 1946 after
a 10 year tansition period undera Commonwealth
government of ManuelL Quezon?
A. Jones Law
B. Tydings Mc Dutfie Law
C. Cooper Act
D. Hare-Haw cutting
21. As stipulated in Article VI of 1987 Phil.
Constitution, which bost doscnbes the division of
the Legistature Into the Senate and îhe House of
A Co-leglstative powor
B. Bicameralism
C. Unicameralism
D. Bipartisonship
22. Itis being recognized as man-mado wonders of
the Phillppinos,__________.
A. Manila Bay
B. Taal Vokcano
C. Rice Terracos
D. Mount Makiling
23. On June 12 1898 at Kawit Cavito this band
played the Marcha Nationalist Filipino during the
declarauon of Philippine Indepondence.
A. Malabon Band
B. San Francisco del Monte Band
C. Kawit Cavite Band
D. San Francisco de Mataborn Band
24. Participation in governanco, including the right
to voto and right to bo atected in public office as
well is secured within tho citizenry's ___________.
A. Right to due procoss
B. Right of suffrage
C. Poltical rights
D. Socio-civic rights
25. The right to search for privacy and information
in invokod through the _________.
A. writ of habeas corpus
B. writ of certiorari
C. Writ of habeas data
D. writ of amparo
26. which sitcation is NOT included in the soclal
Juslico mandate In the 1987 Constilution?
A. Creation of economicopportunities for all
B. Sense of individualism among cilizens
C. Elimination of cultural inequalities
D. Equitable distribution of wealth
27. Which is the fundamental and highest law of
Ihe Philippines?
A. The Philippines Constitution
B. The Civil and Criminal Codes
C. The Ten Commandments
D. The Bill of Rights
28. Tho biggest among tho sovon continents of the
wortd is
A. Asia
B. Australia
C. Africa
D. Europe
29. The province In to Philippines which was calles
"Ma-l by the Chinose In tho 14th century and ina
de Oro by the Spaniards
A. llocos
B. Mindoro
C. Cavite
D. Palawan
30. in 1565. which roligious missionary order firsi
arrived in the Philippinges?
A. Augustinian
B. Jesuit
C. Dominican
D. Franciscan
31. Which power of the slato enables it to impose
charga of burden upon person property or
property rights for tho use and support of tho
govornment expenditures for social services and a
way of revonuo colleclion?
A Eminent Domain
B. Expropriation
C. Value addod tax
D. Taxation
32 Which best describes tho divlslon of the
Logislaturo into the Senate and the House of No
index entries found Representatives?
A. Unicameralism
B. Bipartisanship
C. Co-tegislative powers
D. Bicarmeralisg
33. What kind of cooperative that unites small
scnlo broducoya for loint production of goods
A. Service cooperative
B. Producers cooperatlv
C. Marketing cooperative
D. Multi-purpose cooperation
34. The economic theory thaí considers good
oction Is one that holps the greatost number of
people is called __________
A. mercantilism
B. colonlalism
C. capitallsm
D. utltarianis
35. Which runs against the Filiplno family value of
A. Willingness to forgiveness
B. Dolayed satisfaction of desires
C. Inabiity to forglve
D. Toleranco of pain and mistakes
36. Is it correct to say that "Bahalana" is a Flipino
dysfunctional trait?
A. Yes, it is tantamount to loaving one's fate to
B. It depends on the situation of the porson saying
C. It depends on the Intontion of one's action
D. No, "Bahalana" is an attitude of daring
comblned witi genuine concern
37. What was the first term glven by Marcolo H.
delPilar to the natorious invisible influence and
domination by Spanish roligious priests over the
colonial government.
A. tassuertepartidas
B. Pase region
C. frailocracia
D. complace
38. Those who edvocate tho rovval of the classệs
in art literature are callied
A. humanists
B. ratlonalist
C. reformists
D. existentialist
39. Which taw sot a ful freo trado polcy In 1946
abolishing the quota limitations on Philppine
oxports to the United States?
A. Payno-Aldrich Act
B. Underwood-Simmons Act
C. Hare-Hawes Cutling Act
D. Bell Trade
40. What probiom can rosult owing to bins among
parents and the youth towards manual or
tochnical occupatlons. o.g. masons, mechanics,
plumbers, efc?
A. Boss mentality
B. White collar mania
C. Blue collor mania
D. Technocart mind
41. When one controls the supply/production of
goods, this implies
A. inflation
B. economic stability
C. monopoly
D. economic equilibrium
42. Which Spanish polley provided the
resattlemant oL Flinina.communities to ostablsh
town centers of cabaceras?
A. Assimilation
B.Enconienda system
C. Rediccion
D. Bandala
43. What was tho soclat rolovance of Noli and Fili
to the conditions among Flipinos during the laeo
19th country period?
A. Unfulfilled secularlzation movenent of GomBur-Za
B. Need for violent uprising against Hispanic
imperial rule
C. Rule of friars aver Hispanlc colonial
governments Sir roger pls verity the answer
D. Human civil oppression of natlve Filipinos
44. At is product of man's need to express himself
with a high degree of sensitivity towards his
environment. Who is the paintor of fisher folks
and "BayanihansaBukid of his hometown in Rizal?
A. Vicento Manansala
B. Anita Magsaysay
C. Carlos V. Francisco
D. Fernando Amorsolo
45. Art ls the handmaid of religion. Why do some
raliglous allows slgns and symbols?
A. People might worship images themselvos
B. Signs and symbols display hidden mysteries os
iconic representalion
C. Human figures aro difficult art forms
D. They display more traditional themes
46. Taosim is anothor Chineso philosophy about
the same period as Ceniuciansn, but more spiritual
rather than ethical interest as it stressed that
naturo contains a divine impulse that direct al lifo.
Who is tho philoscphor behind Toosim krnown as
A. Confucius
B. Lao-Tzu
C. The Buddha
D. Sidharta Gautama
47. What document contained the concreto
promise of the Americans of Philippine
indipendence "as soon as stable governnent can
be established?
A. Preamble of the Jones Law
B. Fairfield Bill of 1924
C. Preamble of the Commonwealth Governmont
D. First 1919 Parliamentary Mission of tho U.S.
48. Aperson's efforts to copo with stressful
situations In life is caod,
A. reaction
B. anger
C. defense mechanishm
D. emotion
49. Which characterizes psychologically hoalthy
A. A pro-occupied only with their interest
B. concerned with goals beyond themsolves
C. feels superior over others
D. can't accept others as they are
50. The fundamental right invoked b tho oil of
amoaro" is
A The right to self-defense
B. The right to due process
C. The right to life, liberty and security
D. The right to bo defendod by a public attornoy
51. What does a professianal code of conduct
A. Civic conduct for all
B. Professional traditions and mores
C. Moral ond ethical standards
D. Stricter implementation of laws
52. He established the tobacco mionopóly during
the Spanish era.
A. Jose Basco
B. Rafael lzquierdo
C. Basillo Agustin
D. Francisco Rizzo
53. Through the Galleon Trade (1565-1815), the
Philippines ongaged in trade with ______
A. Mexico
B. China
C. Spice Istands
D. Spain
54. Ho was tho last Spanish Govermor-General of
the Philippines
A. Basilio Agustin
B. Ramon Blancoo
C.Diego do los Rios
D Fermin Jaudonos
55. Tho pennamo Agapito Bagumbayan was used
by this Katipunan leader.
A. Emilio Jacınto
B. Pio Valenzuela
C. Jullan Folipo
D. Andres Bonifacio
56. The fundamental right involvod in the wit of
habons data" is.
A. The right to information privacy
B. Right to transmit data
C. Right to gather infomation data
D. The right to search for informmation
57. The fundarnental right invoked by fiing the
"writ of amparo is
A.Tho right to due process
B. The right of life. liberty and socurity
C. The righi to self-defense
D. Tho right to bo defonded by a public attornoy
58. This characteristic of copnitivo skills makes
thom dificult to observ.
A. hidden
B. psychological
C. overt
D. mental
59. Political idoalists advocate ideas in politics
such as Justice, equality and fairness Poltical
realists havea more ronlist vlewpoint of politics,
aptly ntated by "Mioht is right who among the
following is moro of a political.roallal.ralher than
political idealit
A. Julius Caesar
B. Mohatma Ghandi
C. Martin Luther King
D. Benigno Jr. Aquino
60. This law. passed in August 1909 ty tho U.S
Congress, ostnblishod a partial freo trade in the
A. Treaty of General Relations
B. Payne Aldrich Act
C. Bell Trade
D. Undorwoud-Simmons Act
61. He was the first editor of La Solidaridad and an
orator of the Refom Movement.
A. Maximo Vola
B. Valontin Ventura
C. Graciano Lopez Jaena
D. Marcelo H. del Pilar
62. A branch of govornment cannot become too
powerful or abusivo because of this constitutional
A. Impeachment
B. Check and batance
C. Laissez Fairo
D. Ombudsman
63. Ho was elocted Speakor of the Phlippino
Assémblý In 1807
A. Manuel Roxas
B. Claro M. Recto
C. Manuel Quezon
D. Sergio Osmea, Sr
64. This is tho largest country In Asia.
A Philippines
B. Indonesia
C. India
D. China
65. The Philippines lies in the ___________ an
area wnere many volcanoes are active.
A. Wheel of fire
B. Volcanic rim
C. Ring of fire
D. Archipelagic fautline
66. It refers to the full and falr oquivalent of tho
property takon from its owner by the
expropriator, and tho gaugo for computation is
not the takor's gain but the owner's loss. In crdor
fortho payment to be just. It must be real,
substantial, full, and amplo; made within a
ressonable time from the taking of the property
A. Property
B. Pubtc use
C. Eminent domain
D. Just compensation
67. In Northeast Luzon, the longest rivor in the
country orininatos from the mountains of Quirino
and Nueva Vizcoya and drains ihe wholko Cogayan
Valley existing Ihrough the town of Apai and
Cagayan. What is the namo of ihis river?
A. Agno Rivor
B. Abra Rwer
C. Pampanga Rivor
D. Rlo Grande de Cegayan
68. Asociologlcalresearch method that npproches
social phenomena through quantifiable evidence,
and often relies on statistical analysis of many
casos (or across intonlionay designed treniments
in an experiment) to crealo valid and reliablo
gonoral clalms
A. Qualitative design
B. Quantitative design
C. Normative
D. Formativo
69. The La Liga Filpina" was a concreto ovidence of
Rizal's desire to ______
I. Unite the entire Philippines archipelago
II. Fight violence and injustices
III. Revolt against the spainiards
A. I and II
B. II and III
C. I and IV
D. I and III
70. The culture of the llocanos can easlly be felt
through their ants dance known as ______
A. Balitaw
B. Dandansoy
C. Mahinhin
D Kinnotan
71. Cooperativos can oventually put up banks of
their own. What are the evidences of their
A. Many banks in Metro Manita and Central Luzon
startod out as cooperatives.
B. Most of the nutal banks started out as
C. Cooperativos are not ieavily taxod.
D. Opening of rural bank is allowed on a
cooperative concept.
72. When a combinotion of independent business
organizations form to regulate production, pricing,
and rmarkoting of goods Dy tho momtbers,which
term applies?
A. Cartol
B. Monopoy
C. Dopression
D. Inlation
73. What are considered major goals of
mullicultural education?
I. Catering to diversity of learners
II. Considering social class and ethnic groups
III. Providing oqual opportunities to eduçalion
IV. Holping individuals and group survive despite
differences inculture and bellefs.
A. lI and Ill
B. I, Il and IV
C. llI and IV
D. I, II, III and IV
74. What right and duty do Filipinos exercise when
they participate in ratifying a proposed
A. citizenship
B. habeas corpus
C. Suffrage
D. Bill of Rights
75. Martial law remained in force until 1981 under
Proclamation #
A. 1081
B. 1425
C. 9994
D. 7610
76. The process by which a porson loams the
requirements of the culturố by which he or she is
surrounded, and acquires values and bohaviors
that are appropriate or necossary in that culture is
A. assimilation
B. enculturation
C. cultural relativism
D. acculuration
77. The exchange of cultural features that results
when groups of individuals from diferent cultures
come into continuous first-hand contact. The
original cultural patterns of other or both groups
may.be alterod; but the groups romain distinct
A. assimilation
B. enculturation
C. culural relativismn
D. acculturation
78. The Commander of the American and Filipino
forcos in Bataan was.
A. General Arthur MacArthur
B. General Douglas MacArthur
C. Genoral Jonathan Wainright
D. General Edward P. King
79. The first American Civil Governor was,
A. William Howard Taft
B. Wesley Merritt
C. Arthur Mac Arthur
D. Murray Bartiet
80. This is a collection of traditional courtship song
in the Mexican-Spanlsh tradition based on Ihe
habanera thythm.
A. Harana
B. Kundimaan
C. Jazz
D. modern
81. It is characterized by sharnd experiences and
mutual responsibilities.
A. Gesellschaft
B Gemeinchaft
C. Enculturation
D. Acculturation
82 It features the exchange of goods, money and
A. Gesellschaft
B. Gemeinchaft
C. Enculturation
D. Acculturation
83. One of the advantages of presldential system
of government is______.
A. the principle of tho separalion of powers and
checks and balances ls observed.
B. unity of authority
C. It cuts costs and redundancy in lawmaking.
D. It promotos strong political party.
84. The futfment of the collectivo noeds to the
human specie, including global soclety.
Is to pursue_______
A. public Interests
B. common good
C. justice
D. political will
85. This is the dotermination of the govemment to
relate tovhat is percoived as benoficial to public
Intorests and acis ln lmplament its decision on
such in order to achiove a better futuro for its
A. Public interests
B. Common good
C. Justice
D. Political will
86. Those provincs that were pacified and were
already recognizing Spanish rule were called
A. Alcadius
B. Alcaldo mayor
C. Indulto de comerclo
D. Corregimientos
87. During the Spanish period, this refers to the
priviloga of the provincial Governor to engage in
A. Alcaldla
B. Alcade mayor
C. Indulto de comerclo
D. Corregimientos
B8. What form of government did wo have
when.Presidont Aguinaldo proclaimed has
Philippine Independenco on Juno 12, 1898?
A Dictatorial
B. Revolutionary
C. Freedom
D. Presidential
89. The military provinces that wore unpacifiod
during tho Spanish period woro called
A. Alcaldia
B. Alcalde mayor
C. Indulto de comercio
D. Corregimientos
90. The longest revolt in Philippine History is callod
A. Dagohoy revolt
B. Diego Silang revolt
C. Gablela Silang revot
D. Palaris revolt
91. The most devastating typhoon In 2009, with a
damage of $1.09 bilion and 747 fatalities was
known as_
A. Reming
B. Milenyo
C. Ondoy
D. Habagat
92. Violation of human rights is à violatlon of the
___________ of persons.
A. dignty
B. Intelligence
C. emotions
D. freedom
93. One of the new sevon wonders of nature that
can be found In Palawan Is
A. Puerto Princesa Underground River
B. EI Nido
C. Palawan Undergraund River
D. Puerto Princesa Rivor
94. The Act/Law that led to the granting of tonyear transition period is called.
A. Hare-Hawes Culting Bill
B. Tydings-McDuffie Law
C. Parity Rights
D. Independence Law
95. Fepublic Act 9994 is also known as the
A. Anti-Child Abuse Law
B. K-12Act
C. Expanded Senior Citizens' AAct
D. Prison Modernizalion Law
96. What is the very foundation of genuine peace
and reconciliation?
A. Happiness
B. Joy
C. Controntation
D. Social justice
97. This is tho location of the island known as tho
"isla de Pintados" by the Spaniards.
A. Luzon
B. Visayas
C. Mindanao
D. Isla Verdo
98. What was our govemment undor tho 1935
A. Revolutionary
B. Monarchy
C. Commonwealth
D. Military
99. In oconomics, _______________is a rise in the
general level of prices of goods and services in an
oconomy over o period of time.
A. Inflation
B. mercantilism
C. Depression
D. free trade
100. What vatues nro boing promotod by the
Phiipine Government when it launched the
“Juan Time” project in 2011?
A. Punctuaity
B. Austerity
C. Palabra de Honor
D. Close family ties
101. A UNESCO Word heritago Site In locos Norte
A. Bangui windmills
B. Paoay Church
C Currimao RoCk Formations
D. Pagudpud
102. An international convention where tho
Philippino can validato its claim to tho Spratlys and
other territories in the West Philippine Soa is
known as Ihe _____________.
A. United Nations Convention on the Law of the
Soa (Unclos)
B. Geneva Convention
C. Rio Do Janeiro Convention
D Kyoto Protocol
103. The author of “Flora de Filipinas” circa 1837,
the botanical ilustrations of plant specimens that
grew into the Philippines herbariurn
A Gov. Polavieja
B. Padre Emmanuel Gonzales
C. Fr. Manuel Blanco
D. Gov Narciso Claveria
104.The Philippines was ruled by Spain through
the_____________ until 1814.
A. Cuba
B. Puerto Rico
C Viceroy of Mexico
D. Guam
105. This is a guarantoe given by the Constitulion
to certain units of government where their
approved annual appropriations shall ba
automalically and regularly released.
A. General Appropriations Act
B. Fiscal Autonomy
C. Fiscal Discipline
D. Intonal Rovenue Allocations
106. Which ordor of government correctly
sequences what happened during lhe American
A. Civil, Military, Commonwealth
B. Military, Civil, Commonwealth
C. Civil, Commonwealth, Military
D. Military, Commonwealth, Civil
107. Which order of presidents correctly applies to
Phllippine history?
I. Carlos P. Garcia
II. Diosdodo Macopagal
III. Manuel Roxas
IV. Ferainand Marcos
108. In whose presidency was the famous
MIRACLE RICE producod?
A Ferdinand Marcós
B. Fidel Ramos
C. Joseph Estrada
D. Sergio Osmoña
109. If you keep seeing your ways of doing things
as the right way and overybody alse's as the wrong
way, you tend lo have the attitude called
A. Cultural relativism
B. Ethical relativism
C. Ethnocentrism
D. Xenophobla
110. After the Second Word War, wthich emerged
as new powors?
APeople's Republic of China and United States of
B. South Korea and Soviet Union
C Germany and Soviet Union
D.United States of America and Soviet Union
111. Legislation granting special privilogos to
sonior citizons helps neutralizo prejudice and
dissemination towards social catogory based on
A. Age
B. Ethnicity
C. Gender
D. Race
112. Tho omployees of MET Review Center want
to associate, pool lheir savings, and use the fund
as soon as possible to grant oans to mombers and
capitalizad and operate the canteen of the said
roview center. What type of cooperativo will they
organize and register?
A Service cooperative
B. Producer's cooporative
C. Consumer cooporative
D Credit cooperative
113. One of the types of positive economics that
colects and presents data that can describe the
phenomena is_________
A. Descriptive economics
B. Economic theory
C. Growth
D. Stabilty
114. The complex sot of rotationships within the
agricultural sector and between tenure structure,
production structure, and the structure of
supporting services is called_____________
A. Land reform
B. Agrarian structure
C. Comprehensive Agrarian Reform Law
D. Agrarian reform measures
115. The earlost mode of economic life in human
history according to Karl Ma is called
A. Enlightened self-interest
B. Reciprocity
C. Primitive communism
D. Agricultural
116.It refers lo any liability to pay money arising
out of a contract, express or implied.
A. Poll tax
B. Tax
C. Debt
D. Debtors
117. The state of entire subjection of one person
to the will of another is called_________
A. Peonage
B. Slavery
C. Suppressed
D. Depressed
118. It means that when a person is charged with
an offense and the case is terminated either by
acquittal or conviction or in any other manner
without the express consent of the accused, the
latter cannot again be charged with the same or
identical offense.
A. Writ of Habeas Corpus
B. Right against illegal detention
C. Writ of Amparo
D. Right against double Jeopardy
Answer: D. Right against double jeopardy. Section
21, Article Ill. 1987 Philippine
119. The families of victims of extrajudicial kings
and enforced disappearances can invoke the writ
when the right to life, liberty, or security of a
person is violated or threatened with violation by
an unlawful act or omission of a public official or
employee or of a private individual or entity.
A. Writ of Habeas Corpus
B. Right against illegal detention
C. Writ of Amparo
D. Right against double jeopardy
120.This court shall have jurisdiction over civil and
criminal cased involving graft and corrupt
practices and such offenses committed by public
officers and employees in relation to their offices
as may be determined by law.
A. Court of Appeals
B. Regional Trial Courts
C. Sandiganbayan
D. Supreme Court
121. These are the only officials removable by
A. the President, Vice-President, members of the
Supreme Court, members of the Constitutional
Commissions, and the Ombudsman
B. the President, Vice-President, members of the
Supreme Court, members of the Constitutional
Commissions and the Senators
C. the President, Vice-President, members of the
Supreme Court, members of the Constitutional
Commissions and the Congressmen/women.
D. the President, Vice-President, members of the
Supreme Court, members of the Constitutional
Commissions and the Commander-in-Chief of the
122. This is the legal process whereby the
registered voters of a local government unit may
directly propose, enact, or amend any law or
ordinance at polls called for the purpose
independently of the regularity constituted local
legislative body.
A. Referendum
B. Recall
C. Order
D People's Initiative
123. He became governor, with new capital at
Iloilo, 1898 until Treaty of the Paris was signed,
December 10, 1898, handing sovereignty over the
Philippines to the United States for $20 million. His
term as governor was from August 13. 1898December 10, 1898, and Manila, on January 1,
A. Diego Do Los Rios
B. Basilio Agustin
C. Miguel Lopez De Legazpi
D. Narciso Claveria
124. He was a native or Cataluna and count of
Caspe. He became governor in 1891 around the
time when La Liga fillpina (Philippino League) was
founded in Manila by Rizal in 1892. He introduced
many reforms; popular with natives but aroused
the wrath of religious orders, who are said to have
paid S100, 000 for his dismissal His term as
governor was from 1891-1893.
A. Gov. Gen. Despujol
B. Gov. Gen. Claveria
C. Gov. Gen. De Los Rios
D. Gov. Gen. Polavieja
125. The Republic Act that requires the
compulsory teaching of Rizal Course and the lives
of other Filipino patriots is_______________ .
A. Republic Act 7610
B. Republic Act 9262
C. Republic Act 1425
D. Republic Act 9994
126. This Republic Act created the Technical
Education and Skills Development Authority
A. Republic Act 7796
B. Republic Act 9262
C. Republic Act 1425
D. Republic Act 9994
127. It prohibits hazing and other forms of
initiation rites in fraternities, sororities, and other
A. Republic Act 7796
B. Republic Act 9262
C. Republic Act 1425
D. Republic Act 8049
128. An Act Strengthening Teacher Education in
the Philippines by establishing Centers
Excellence and creating a teacher Education
A. Republic Act 7784
B. Republic Act 9262
C. Republic Act 1425
D. Republic Act 8049
129. Rizal was eight years old when he wrote this
poem. He realized the ultimate importance of
having a native tongue.
A. Remembrance to my Hometown
B. Our Mother Tongue
C. To Education
D. Intimate alliance between religion and good
130. This poem, was written by Rizal when ho was
15 years old. His memories of Calamba
demonstrated his innate love of nature that
ultimately developed into a greater love of nation.
A. Remembrance to My Hometown
B Our Mother Tongue
C. To Education
D. Intimate alliance between religion and good
131. in this poem, Rizal compared education to
the goddess of light, wisdom, hope, peace and
A. Remembrance to my hometown.
B. Our Mother Tongeo
C. To Education
D. Intimate alliance between religion and good
132. In this poem, Rizal noted the role of religion
in attaining good education.
A. Remembrance to my Hometown
B. Our Mother Tongue
C. To Education
D Intimate alliance between religion and good
133. This was a prize winning-poem of Rizal when
he was a student In UST. This poem proved that an
Indio was not only equal but also more superior
than the Spaniards in poetry writing.
A To the Filipino Youth
B. They ask Me For Verses
C. Hymn to Talisay
D. Kundiman
134. Rizal's loneliness is profoundly expressed in
this poem which has the lines "His lyre had long
ago become so mute and broken; his muse
stammers and no longer smiles at him. What is the
title of this poem?
A. To the Filipino Youth
B They ask Me For verses
C. Hymn to Talisay
D. Kundiman
135. Written in 1895, the verses, wore used
against him during his trial in December 1896.
A. To the Filipino Youth
B. They ask Mo For Verses
C. Hymn to Talisay
D. Kundiman
136. Originally written in Tagalog. the poem is one
of the only two poems that Rizal wrote in his
vernacular, He, however, denied authorship of
A. To the Filipino Youth
B. They ask Me For Verses
C. Hymn to Talisay
D. Kundiman
137. The highest mountain in the continent of
Africa is
A. Mt. Everest
B. Mt. Kilimanjaro
C. Mt. Fuji
D. Mt. Apo
138. He coined the term "survival of the fittest."
A. August Comte
B. Karl Marx
C. Herbert Spencer
D. Arnold Toynbee
139. This is a multilateral agreement regulating
international Trade. According to its preamble its
purpose was the "substantial reduction of tariffs
and other trade barriers and the elimination of
preferences, on a reciprocal and mutually
advantageous basis.
140. The mountain that separates, the continents
of Asia and Europe is
A. Ural Mountain
B. Mt. Kilimanjaro
C. Mt. Everest
D. Mt. Apo
141. The yellow race is also known as:
A. Caucasians
B. Mongoloids
C. Negroids
D. Malays
142.The major rivers in China are___________
A. Tigris and Euphrates
B. Hwang-Ho and Yangtre
C. Nile and Indus
D. Aegean and Mekong
143. Year 2014 has been declared by Pope Francis
ns Year of the
A. Laity
B. Hope
C. Faith
D. Righteousness
144. ____________ is a major land mass on the
northern coast of the Black Sea that is almost
completely surrounded by water. The peninsula is
located just south of the Ukrainian mainland and
west of the Russian region of Kuban. It is
surrounded by two seas: the Black Sea and the
smaller Sea of Azov to the east.
A. Gibraltar
B. Cape of Good Hope
C. Falkland
D. Crimea
145. The Russian President who wants to annex
Crimea is named
A. Vladimir Putin
B. Michael Gorbachev
C Joseph Stalin
D. Nikita Khrushchev
146. The Russian President who gave Crimea to
Ukraine in 1954 is
A. Vladimir Putin
B. Michael Gorbachev
C. Joseph Stalin
D. Nikita Khrushchev
147. The British Prime Ministers who supported
the European Union's measures against
Russia on the issue of Crimea is_____________.
A. Margaret Thatcher
B. Winston Churchill
C. David Cameron
D. Tony Blair
148. Which constitute a quorum in each House of
A. One-third of the members of each House
B. Two-thirds of the member of each House
C. A majority of each House
D. Three-fourths of the members of each House
149. The unction by which schools help children to
participate effectively in larger society is called
A. Socialization
B Education
C. Enculturation
D. Acculturation
150.The principle of checks and balances is
intended to maintain balance among executive,
legislative and judicial departments of the
government. Which one is a check on the
executive department by the judiciary?
A. Determining the salaries of the President and
Vice President
B. Declaring a legislative measures is
C. Declaring an act of the President
D. Impeaching the President