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Armstrong Pumps: Design Envelope & VIL Technology

What is Armstrong Design Envelope Technology?
Design Envelope technology is a demand based intelligent control solution that models equipment and
system behavior, monitors actual system conditions, and dynamically adjusts equipment operation to
match system demand. Design Envelope technology enables the greenest, most flexible and most cost
effective fluid-flow and HVAC systems on the planet – resulting in both, lowest installed and lowest
operating cost with the same equipment.
Traditional Variable speed control pumps operate on top of a traditionally designed constant speed
equipment in a system.
Design Envelope with Sensorless Control Features
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DE compared to conventional variable speed pumps
Armstrong DE Pumps
Conventional Variable Speed
Armstrong sensorless control (Quadratic control) compared to conventional variable speed pumps linear
proportional control, constant speed
What are Armstrong VIL Pumps?
How does a VIL pump differ to a horizontal end suction pump?
What makes Armstrong VIL pumps stand out from other manufacturer’s VIL pumps?
Picture of Armstrong VIL Pump Installation
Picture of Armstrong VIL Pump mechanical Seal Change
Link of Armstrong VIL pump mechanical seal change compared to Grundfos VIL pumps.
Picture to Grundfos VIL pump installation with supports.
VIL Pump Features
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ARMSTRONG Vertical Inline pumps compared to horizontal end suction pumps.
Armstrong VIL Pumps
Other VIL Pumps
Armstrong sensorless control compared to conventional variable speed pumps
Horizontal End Suction
Installation Requirements:
1) Prepare foundation by removing dirt and dust. Ensure foundation is sufficient to substantially
absorb any vibration and to provide permanent and rigid support for the base plate.
2) Embed Foundation bolts onto the concrete.
3) Place pumping unit onto the foundation with edges under the base plate leaving space for
4) Level the unit by adjusting the edges until the shafts of the pump and driver are leveled.
5) Check coupling faces as well suction and discharge flanges of pump to see if they are level.
Our Solution:
Solution 1: Armstrong Design Envelope Vertical In Line Pumps with IPC 9511 chiller controls for
maximum energy savings.
Controls – All 3 pumps operate in duty using parallel sensorless control mode to optimize for best
hydraulic efficiency staging for pumping system.
Discharge Check Valve
Discharge Isolation/Globe
Discharge Long Radius
Suction Long Radius
Suction Spool Piece
Y Strainer
Chiller Plant Manger
Armstrong Vertical In Line Design
Envelope Pumps (with integrated controls)
Armstrong Flo-Trex Valve
Armstrong Suction Guide
Armstrong IPC 9511 (Integrated Plant
Control System)
Sequence of
I&O Manual
Armstrong Vertical In Line Design Envelope Pump with integrated controls
Inertia Base
Spring Mounts
Alignment of coupling faces
Leveling of ground
Flexible Connector
Horizontal End Suction with
Integrated Controls
Armstrong Vertical In Line with
Integrated Controls
Concentric Reducers on
suction and discharge
Check Valve
Metering Station
Isolation Valve
90 deg elbow
Yes (may not be required in
smaller piping sizes)
iFMS I&O manual https://armstrongfluidtechnology.com/~/media/documents/installation_maintenance_parts/installatio
Tango 4322 and 4372
4322 is a split coupled pump which means mechanical seal replacement can be done without lifting the
4372 is a close coupled pump which means motor needs to be lifted to change the mechanical seal.
UL/NEMA 4x outdoor protection - https://www.worldpumps.com/content/news/armstrong-unveilsnew-line-of-outdoor-pumps-1
Provide a dedicated Tango or Dual Arm Pump to each chiller. Tango/Dual Arm works in duty/duty config
with target redundancy of 85% (office building/training center). Each pump to be installed along side
chiller using weather proof vfd enclosure. Chemical Dosing unit and expansion tank can be housed in a
Pumps to be installed in horizontal piping (non-headered and no riser piping).
Controls – IPC 9511 in dedicated configuration.
1) Housing of Chemical Dosing Unit, Pressurization unit and IPC (outdoor or requires a pump room)
2) Ambient temperatures in summer reaches 60 C. Motor performance would be reduced by how
much ? (as per https://www.quantum-controls.co.uk/insights/faqs/how-do-i-classify-thetemperature-limits-of-an-electric-motor/ it would reduce it to 80% power output)
Fixtures required for chiller (internal)
Flow rate calculation of chiller based on cooling capacity (internal)
Pressurization unit for open installation use and pump their past references
De-rating for motor/pump in outdoor installation. if exposed to higher enviroment impact of uv
rays and hence overall life of product ,and derating for electricals which could lead to energy
losses. if this is the way then how chiller people are designing for exposed environment as they
do have all electrical, controls in the system.
dewa /electrical authorisites load calculation procedure (duty standby)
Excel template/Calcuator for piping and fitting costs.
a. Based on UAE labour costs – how to calculate labour and hours required based on size
b. Masonry and construction costs of pump room – size reduction or removal costs
Project/Past references for
a. Pressurization Unit in open installation
b. DE pump in outdoor installation in hot and humid env
c. Pumps installed next to chiller with pump room eliminated (recommended sketch or
final schematic for such installation if available. Preferred would be a 3d
drawing/schematic showing pump and controls next to chiller).
Formula to establish pump flow rate with respect to chiller capacity in cases of air cooled/water
cooled constant and variable speed (also accounting for chiller min flow rate based on TR
cooling capacity being provided)
DEVA type of calculation for IPC & iFMS
A sample proposal template for a similar project.
Design Envelope Value Articulation Tool MEA v2_01 - Design_Envelope_Value_Articulation_Tool-MEAv2_01.xlsx
DE iFMS Solution Outline - 81 16_iFMS_SolutionOutline (3).pdf
Prepare drawing showing:
o DE Pump in pump room in place of Horizontal End Suction.
o Dual Arm next to chiller with modified bypass valve.
iFMS cost analysis on my selection (make new adept quote).
Rajmohan’s template for calculating IPC cost savings.
Can IPC 9511 be installed outside?
Project References with site pictures, piping schematics or 3D drawings or sketch, riser
diagrams, specifications (preferably roof top installations)
o Installation of DE pumps (preferably Dual Arm or Tango) next to chillers and under
o Outdoor Installation of VIL DE pumps (newer gen 3 4300 preferably) in MENA
o Outdoor installation of Tango/Dual Arm/Twin in MENA
o Outdoor Installation of IPC panel
o Outdoor installation of pressurization unit & Chemical Dosing Unit
DEVA bugs
DEVA calculation from horizontal end suction compared DE VIL
DEVA comparison of tango/dual arm vs 2 duty 1 standby of HES
How to calculate additional savings of IPC to my selected dual arm selection
Pump selection to account for motor derating in outdoor. How much to oversize by.
Head calculation of current pumping room circuit. How much will the new head required be.
Template for Head calculation reduction – assuming you are given the head required for pumps,
how do we calculate the new head or reduction head if X amount pipe length is removed and Y
& Z number of fixtures are removed.
Sample proposal template or an example from a previous project (design with consultant).
How to calculate cost savings from removing piping, headers, risers, valve and plumbing fixtures
Current Pump room size: 3.4 m in width and 5.2 m in length
Chemical Dosing Unit + Expansion Tank size allocated: 1m x 0.5 m
New pump room area = 5.1 m2
Old pump room area = 17.68 m2
Assuming we want to only keep chemical dosing unit, pressurization unit and expansion tank in the
pump room. An area of 3.4m x 1.5m would be enough.
Solution A – Using Armstrong Dual Arm Pumps in direct headered
connection to each chiller as a dedicated pump. System is controlled
via Armstrong IPC 9511.
In this solution, we directly install the pumps on the chilled water return (CHWR) line to the chiller. The
pumps will be installed directly in line with horizontal piping in the outdoor.
Pump Controls
Integrated VFD on pumps.
Chiller Controls
Amrstrong IPC 9511
Flow and pressure: Armstrong DE pump flow data
Temperature: Temperature sensors right outside chiller return and supply inlets/outlets (same as
Advantages of this solution:
1. Pump room can be eliminated from the design of the chemical dosing unit and pressurization
unit are housed in fan cooled ventilated sheds next to the chillers.
2. If the pump room is still required, the size of the pump is drastically reduced. The wall mounted
ac unit URF-4 may also not be required, or the cooling load required will be drastically reduced.
a. Assuming we keep a small pump room room with the current wall thickness of 0.2 m,
our new pump room (housing a floor space 1mx 0.5m for the chemical dosing unit and
expansion tank) will be 3.2 m x 1.5m. Resulting pump room floor space reduction of
b. If we were to get rid of the pump room and house the pressurization unit, chemical
dosing unit, and expansion vessel in a skid with a cuboid metal housing, our required
floor space will only be 0.5 m2 (as per drawing) which would be a reduction in floor
space by 97%.
3. Piping to and from the pump room would be no longer needed which will drastically reduce the
costs involved
a. Piping length
b. Headered installation
c. Risers – elbows, floor supports, etc.
d. Plumbing, valves, and pipe supports involved in the installation of 3 pumps, will be
changed to just 2 pump installation. Additionally, the horizontal installation of the pump
next to chillers would be mean the strainer used in chiller will be redundant as pump
will be allocated strainer.
4. Removal of requirement of DP sensors due to sensorless control.
5. Removal of Flow meter due to sensorless control.
6. Dual Arm 4302 DE Pumps are split coupled pumps. If the mechanical seal of one motor needs to
be serviced, the other motor can continue to run at 100% output which removes any downtime
while reducing output by only a small amount.
7. Provided Flo Trex Valve serves as 2 in 1 check valve and globe valve/isolation valve.
8. Each pumping unit is fitted with a dual pump on single casing that provides redundancy without
the need of any additional piping for a second line. Both pumps operate in parallel sensorless
mode to optimize for best efficiency staging based on demand.
9. IPC 9511 chiller plant control system controls pumps, chillers, and by pass valve. Controller
sequences entire plant for best efficiency staging of equipment based on proprietary Hartman
Loop optimization algorithm.
10. IPC 9511 can connect to BMS to provide complete plant and equipment data to show holistic
and individual performance and alarms.
11. IPC 9511 improves plant efficiency from 0.9 kW/ton of a traditional speed based staging CPM to
0.75 kW/ton efficiency.
Pumping Unit: Armstrong Dual Arm Design Envelope pumps
Fig. Pumping Unit: Armstrong Dual Arm 4302 Design Envelope Pump
Fig. Integrated Plant Controller: Armstrong IPC 9511
Fig. Armstrong Multi-purpose Flo-Trex Valves