Scientific Aspects of the French Egyptian Expedition 1798-1801 Author(s): Charles Coulston Gillispie Source: Proceedings of the American Philosophical Society , Dec., 1989, Vol. 133, No. 4 (Dec., 1989), pp. 447-474 Published by: American Philosophical Society Stable URL: JSTOR is a not-for-profit service that helps scholars, researchers, and students discover, use, and build upon a wide range of content in a trusted digital archive. We use information technology and tools to increase productivity and facilitate new forms of scholarship. For more information about JSTOR, please contact Your use of the JSTOR archive indicates your acceptance of the Terms & Conditions of Use, available at American Philosophical Society is collaborating with JSTOR to digitize, preserve and extend access to Proceedings of the American Philosophical Society This content downloaded from on Mon, :ffff on Thu, 01 Jan 1976 12:34:56 UTC All use subject to Scientific Aspects of the French Egyptian Expedition 1798-1801 CHARLES COULSTON GILLISPIE Dayton-Stockton Professor of History Emeritus, Princeton University X/ X r he French occupation of Egypt has greatly contributed to the enlargement of all the sciences." So writes the military doctor Gaetano Sotira in a memoir on the plague. ' What did the enlargement consist of? The most signal instance was archaeological, opening the eyes of Europe to the glory that was Egypt and inaugurating the professional study of Egyptology. That story forms the subject of another work,2 while the present essay concerns the importance of the Egyptian expedition to the sciences in general, old and new. The French expeditionary force of 36,000 men, borne in an armada of 400 ships, landed at Alexandria on 1 July 1798. Through the oven of the summer Bonaparte moved his army clad in Alpine uniforms across the desert and defeated the rulers of Egypt at the Battle of the Pyramids on 21 July. On 1 August Nelson surprised the French fleet at anchor in Abukir Bay and destroyed it, effectively marooning the French army in the country it controlled. The pretense of liberating the populace from Mameluke despotism gave way to the reality of a military occupation when Cairo rose against its conquerors in a bloody insurrection, swiftly suppressed, on 21 October. Bonaparte's purpose in invading the Holy Land in early 1799 remains unclear. Was it to escape with part of his army by way of Turkey? Was it to move against India? In either case, he had to put the best face possible on failure, his first, by falling back on Cairo in pretended triumph in June 1799. Thereupon, he extricated himself and his immediate staff from the impasse by leaving, not to say 1 "Memoire sur la peste observee en Egypte pendant les annees 7, 8, 9," Memoires sur l'Epypte 4 (An 11-1802), 156. Charles C. Gillispie and Michel Dewachter, eds., Monuments of Egypt, the Complete Archaeological Plates from "La Description de l'Egypte" (2nd printing; two volumes boxed, New York: Princeton Architectural Press, 1988). The first printing with the editorial material in French was also issued in Paris under the title Monuments de l'Egypte (Editions Hazan, 1987.) A French version of the present essay appears in Henry Laurens, et al., L'Expedition franpaise d'Egypte, de 1789 a 1801 (Paris: Colin, 1989). PROCEEDINGS OF THE AMERICAN PHILOSOPHICAL SOCIETY, VOL. 133, NO. 4, 1989 447 This content downloaded from on Mon, 02 Jan 2023 16:44:59 UTC All use subject to 448 CHARLES COULSTON GILLISPIE deserting, his army in August 1799 and returning, an ostensible conqueror, to a France beset by temporary reverses, there to seize power as First Consul in the coup d'etat of 18 brumaire (9 November). Left in command in Egypt, Kleber continued the occupation with a firm hand. A devout young Moslem assassinated him on 14 June 1800. His successor, Menou, maintained a faltering French presence until the inevitable capitulation to British forces in September 1801, just over three years after the initial landing. The invasion of Egypt was the second main phase in the historical trajectory of Napoleon Bonaparte, the first having been the overthrow of Hapsburg rule in northern Italy in the battles that made his reputation in 1796 and 1797. In both instances, the campaigns involved more than the obvious strategic considerations of flanking attacks against Austrian and British power respectively. In both countries, the French rationalized their intervention on the ground that the armies of the Republic were the bearers of the principles of the Revolution in a worldwide war of liberation, freeing all peoples from despotism and the abuses of the past. Both in Italy and Egypt, moreover, political and administrative modernization began under the French occupation, as it did elsewhere. To that end, French policy comprised cultural aspects in company with military factors. In the future-shaping spirit of the times, science was foremost among the elements of culture. Bonaparte's esteem for science and scientists is a major case in point. During the Italian campaign, he attached a small civilian Commission of Science and Arts to his staff. To fill the intervals between military actions, Bonaparte preferred the con- versation of the mathematician Monge and the chemist Berthollet, its leading members, to the company of others of his entourage. During preparation of the Egyptian expedition, it was Bonaparte's decision to enlarge on that precedent by forming a technical task force capable, not only of serving the needs of the Army, but of rooting French science and technology in the Valley of the Nile. The Commission of Science and Arts, the first on such a scale ever to accompany any military expedition, numbered at the outset some 151 persons, eighty-four of whom had technical qualifications while another ten were medical men.3 The Institute of Egypt, a colonial adaptation of the Institute of France, opened on 6 fructidor an 6 (23 August 1798). Its total membership during the three years of the occupation consisted of 3 Jean-Edouard Goby, "Composition de la Commission des Sciences et Arts d'Egypte," Bulletin de l'Institut d'Egypte 37, 1" fascicule (1955-56), 315-342. Monsieur Goby has devoted a large number of highly meticulous memoirs to the history of the expedition. For full citations, see my preface to the work cited in note 2, pp. 44-45. I am further indebted to him for kindly reading a draft of the present paper and correcting a number of errors. I am equally grateful to Monsieur Jean-Franqois Roberts, who has saved me other mistakes that he detected in the course of translating the paper for publication in France. This content downloaded from on Mon, 02 Jan 2023 16:44:59 UTC All use subject to FRENCH EGYPTIAN EXPEDITION 449 51 people. Twenty-six belonged to one or the other of the two scientific sections, "Mathematics" and "Physics," the remaining two sections having been designated "Political Economy" and "Arts and Letters." The Institute held 62 meetings, the last on 1 germinal an 9 (22 March 1801). It elected Monge its first president and Bonaparte vice-president for terms of three months. Fourier was Permanent Secretary throughout. The proceedings were those of academic bodies in France. Memoirs were read or submitted in writing and referees named to report on the contributions; the governmental, in this case the military, authorities called on the Institute for advice on particular problems; these tasks and others were referred to ad hoc committees.4 Publication occurred through various channels. The Courier de l'Egypte, a chronicle or calendar of public events comparable to the semiofficial Moniteur universel in Paris, occasionally printed abstracts of the proceedings of the Institute. La De'cade e'gyptienne modeled itself on the De'cade philosophique, the journal of enlightened learning in France. The majority of the communications to the Institute printed therein were also published in the four volumes of the Me'moires sur l'Egypte brought out in Paris by P. Didot between 1799 and 1802. The latter contains much that the De'cade, which ceased publication in 1800, does not. Certain memoirs also appeared in the regular scientific press-the Annales du Muse'um d'Histoire Naturelle, Bulletin de la Socite' Philomatique, Journal des Mines, etc. Several members of the expedition published books on what they had seen and learned, for example Desgenettes's Histoire medicale de l'Arme'e d'Orient (1802). The most famous in this category is Vivant Denon, Voyage dans la Basse et la Haute Egypte (1802). Finally, the monu- mental Description de l'Egypte appeared between 1809 and 1828, with its preface by Fourier and its ten albums of plates, its three atlases, and its nine volumes of text, the whole divided into the three parts of Antiquite's, Etat Moderne, and Histoire Naturelle, completed by an atlas of maps, Carte Topographique et Ge'ographique.5 4 The proces-verbaux of the Institute, which were lost soon after the repatriation of the expedition, have been reconstituted by Jean-Edouard Goby, "Premier Institut d'Egypte: Restitution des comptes rendus des seances," Me'moires de l'Academie des Inscriptions et Belles-Lettres, Institut de France, nouvelle serie, 7 (1987). Citations to this memoir employ the author's coding to identify the references. 5 Hereafter to be cited as DE, with the initials A, EM, or HN. For the inception and publication of this work, and its importance in the foundations of Egyptology, see the introduction and notes in Gillispie and Dewachter, Monuments of Egypt, note 2, which reprints the five volumes of plates on antiquity. A second edition of DE was undertaken by the firm of Panckoucke before the first had been completed. It appeared between 1820 and 1829. The texts are there reprinted in 26 octavo volumes. References in this essay are to the original edition. A table of contents giving the location of memoirs and Explications in both editions appears in Henri Munier, Tables de la Description de l'Egypte (Cairo, 1943). See also Michael W. Albin, "Napoleon's Description de l'Egypte: Problems of Corporate Authorship," Publishing History, 8 (1980), 65-85. I am indebted to Dr. Robert S. Bianchi of the Brooklyn Museum for this reference. This content downloaded from on Mon, 02 Jan 2023 16:44:59 UTC All use subject to 450 CHARLES COULSTON GILLISPIE Such is the printed record. Of the scientists themselves, five were established figures at the time of departure from France in May 1798: Monge, Berthollet, Fourier, Dolomieu, and Nouet. Three others, Malus, Geoffroy Saint-Hilaire, and Savigny, became well known after their re- turn to France. Lancret also probably would have done if he had not died young. A number of the papers the leading people read before the Institute treated topics that pertained to their personal research but not to Egypt.6 These communications filled out the program with examples of pure science, and we shall not consider them further. Neither, at the other extreme, shall we consider applied science in the form of responses to tasks set by the commission concerning immediate needs of the army.7 Our subject has two aspects, first, the properly scientific work undertaken in consequence of the presence in Egypt and, second, the scientific study of the country itself. Of the papers concerning phenomena encountered in Egypt, the most famous is Monge's memoir on mirages.8 He read it at the second meet- ing of the Institute on 11 fructidor an 6 (28 August 1798), just a month after the grueling march from Alexandria to Cairo. The illusion of island villages shimmering and reflected in the waters of a lake ever receding with the horizon had tantalized and tormented the army. Monge explained that at the height of the day in a desert the heat of the sunsoaked sand dilates the air immediately above the ground so that its density is less than that of the enveloping atmosphere. Light rays from just above the horizon are reflected as if by a mirror at the upper surface 6 For example, on 11 thermidor an 7 (29 July 1799) Monge read a draft of a memoir of infinitesimal geometry later published in Journal de l'Ecole Polytechnique (lie cahier, 1802). It was the first of three papers eventually included in Application de l'analyse a la geometrie (1807), see Goby (1987) 313, and Rene Taton, L'oeuvre scientifique de Monge (1951), 221-228. Fourier read four papers on pure mathematics, (Goby [1987] 203 and 221, 263, 274, 533). The first, "Notes sur la mecanique generale," was probably an outgrowth of his earliest published paper, a memoir on virtual velocities in the Journal de l'Ecole Polytechnique (5' cahier, 1798), the only thing he ever published on classical mechanics, completed shortly before his departure for Egypt. The titles of the other three papers concern theory of equations, which became the second main division of his mathematical investigations, the first having been heat diffusion. It is often said that the latter interest originated during his three years in the Egyptian climate, but there is nothing in the written record to substantiate that surmise. Of the other mathematicians, Corancez, an altogether minor follower of Lagrange, presented a piece on the theory of algebraic equations and another on the design of balance wheels in watches to minimize the effects of heat dilation (Goby [1987] 232, 483). Malus, a Monge disciple and an engineering officer not originally a member of the commission, presented a memoir on differential equations (Goby [1987] 596). A memoir on light, his entry into what became his principal work in physics, was intended for the Institute but never read. Arago gives a resume ("Malus," Oeuvres 3 [1859], 131-134). Berthollet, finally, read a paper on the formation of ammonia and another on the eudiometric analysis of the atmosphere. The latter compared the proportions of oxygen to nitrogen in Cairo and Paris but had no other import for Egypt (Goby [1987] 031, 302). 7 Goby (1987), 95-96, lists the questions that Bonaparte proposed to the Institut d'Egypte on such matters as resources for the manufacture of gunpowder, the improvement of ovens for baking bread, the water supply, substitutes for hops in brewing beer, etc. 8 "Memoire sur le phenomene d'optique connu sous le nom de mirage," Decade egyptienne 1 (An 7, 1799), 37-46; reprinted in Memoires sur l'Egypte 1 (1800), 64-78. This content downloaded from on Mon, 02 Jan 2023 16:44:59 UTC All use subject to FRENCH EGYPTIAN EXPEDITION 451 of that rarefied layer. The effect is double. It bring images of villages and palm trees that are beyond the true horizon, and it also inverts them so that they appear to be surrounded by and mirrored in the waters of what is in reality a reflected rim of sky. Modern optics attributes the phenomenon to a dual refraction, direct and inverse, in the surface layer rather than to reflection by its upper surface, but the underlying physics of the effect remains what Monge adduced. Altogether more strategic in the scientific development of the author was Berthollet's "Observations sur le natron," the second most frequently mentioned paper to derive from the study of Egypt.9 Berthollet's career reversed the usual order, for he made his reputation in applied science and contributed to fundamental science, not out of innovations in his youth, but as a middle-aged man reflecting on a lifetime of experience with chemical reactions and procedures. His first specialty had been the chemistry and technology of dyes, and indeed he read minor papers to the Institute on the use of indigo, henna and safflower in Egypt.10 After his return to France, the work of his maturity laid the foundations of modern physical chemistry. Published in 1803, Essai de statique chimique deals with the effect of physical factors-temperature, pressure, light, relative concentration-in determining how far and how fast a reaction will go, and sometimes whether it will occur at all. It cannot be said that Berthollet's experience in Egypt caused him to take up those problems. He was already dissatisfied with the prevailing theory of elective affinities, which depended on purely chemical considerations, and he would probably have moved beyond criticism to research in any case. But Egypt was the occasion, and the specific problem it offered was the natural occurrence of soda in the Natron Lakes, which take their name from the Greek for that commodity, a staple of Egyptian commerce since antiquity. In late January 1799, Berthollet and his assistant Regnault accompanied General Andreossy in a six-day reconnaissance of the valley containing them, at a fourteen-hour march west of Cairo, and also of the adjoining valley of the Fleuve sans Eau. They found the limestone formations surrounding the lakes, which are strongly saline, to be impregnated with salt and encrusted with a thick natural coating of the alkali. Evidently salt (sodium chloride) and limestone (calcium carbonate) un- dergo a double decomposition reaction to produce natron or soda (sodium carbonate) and calcium chloride. The natron formed only on limestone. Where clay predominated, the soil was full of salt with little or no soda. The sandy areas contained neither since there the rains dissolved the salt and carried it into the lakes. In coves into which the limpestnnp 9"Observations sur le natron," Memoires sur l'Egypte 1, 271-279. Extracts were also published in Annales de Chimie 33 (1800), 343-348. The standard work on Berthollet is Michelle Sadoun-Goupil, Le chimiste Claude-Louis Berthollet, 1748-1822, sa vie-son oeuvre (Paris: Vrin, 1977). 10 Goby (1987), 064, 165, 202. This content downloaded from on Mon, 02 Jan 2023 16:44:59 UTC All use subject to 452 CHARLES COULSTON GILLISPIE areas drained, however, the water contained soda rather than salt in solution. The deduction had to be that in those limestone regions, the lime decomposed salt in the presence of heat and humidity while the resulting natron dried out and solidified at the surface. The companion product, calcium chloride, being extremely deliquescent, took up water and seeped into the ground. The exciting feature, to Berthollet, was that the reaction well known to chemists in the laboratory is exactly the reverse. Here, then, was a classic instance where the conditions rather than the chemicals determine the direction of the reaction. On 4 February 1799, Andreossy gave the Institute a lively account of the region, its topography, its dejected Coptic monasteries, its trade routes traversed by Geaouabis and Bedouins." Berthollet followed with a report on his observations and announced his intention of explaining the formation of natron in another session. Instead, on 10 February he and Monge departed with Bonaparte for the invasion of the Holy Land, then part of Syria. On 29 June, at the first meeting of the Institute after their return to Cairo, Berthollet was elected president and Andreossy vice-president. He began reading the promised "Recherches sur les lois de l'affinite chymique" on 8 August, and never finished. On 22 August he and Monge departed again with Bonaparte, secretly, for France. He thereupon read his memoir before the parent Institute of France in October and November. Published in its Me'moires for 1800, and also sep- arately, it makes a preliminary statement of the argument of Essai de statique chimique in briefer compass and, it has to be said, clearer form.'2 Only of the naturalists could it be supposed that their presence in Egypt would contribute intrinsically to the development of their science rather than incidentally, as was the case for mathematicians, physicists, and chemists. Apart from the engineers, naturalists, indeed, were the most important contingent. Originally, there were to have been fifteen, five in each of the main specialties. In the event only twelve set sail, in mineralogy Dolomieu and Francois-Michel de Roziere together with three young mining engineers, Pierre-Louis Cordier, Victor Dupuy, and Louis Duchanoy (who later entered the Corps des Ponts et Chausse'es); in zoology, Etienne Geoffroy Saint-Hilaire and Jules-Cesar Lelorgne de Savigny together with the former's student assistant, Alexandre Gerard; in botany, Antoine-Francois Coquebert de Montbret, Alyre RaffeneauDelile, Hippolyte Nectoux, and Henri-Joseph Redoute. Redoute was an artist attached to the Jardin des Plantes, not a scientist but a flower painter like his more famous older brother, called Raphael of the Flowers. Savigny was not a zoologist by training but a botanist. Berthollet had approached Cuvier, who refused membership in the Expedition, and urged the 21-year old Savigny to accept in his place, saying he could 11 "Memoire sur la vallee des lacs de Natron . . .," D&ade egyptienne 2, 93-122. 12 Academie des Sciences, Proc0s-Verbaux, 2, pp. 18, 20, 21, 38, 39; Institut de France, Memoires 3 (1801), 1-96. This content downloaded from on Mon, 02 Jan 2023 16:44:59 UTC All use subject to FRENCH EGYPTIAN EXPEDITION 453 always learn the science. Gerard turned out to be an idler. Coquebert, also little more than a boy, became librarian of the Institute and died of the plague on 7 April 1801, the eve of the evacuation of Cairo. Of the mineralogists, Roziere did the substantial work, as will appear, and not Dolomieu, as might have been expected. Indeed, the expedition destroyed Dolomieu's life. A onetime knight of Malta, Dolomieu was one of two emissaries-the other was the administrator Poussielguewhom Bonaparte sent ashore in advance of landing to demand that the Grand Master surrender the island. Dolomieu afterward resented Bonaparte's having made him appear a traitor to the order. He was not of a temperament or lineage to play courtier to this upstart of a conqueror. "My association with a military expedition, which placed me (albeit indirectly) under the orders of a general, stultified my imagination . . ." even though the general was Bonaparte.13 After eight months in Egypt, he departed Alexandria with his assistant, Cordier, on 10 March 1799. When storms forced his ship to take refuge in Taranto, he was thrown into solitary confinement, a revenge taken by refugee knights of Malta who had the ear of the Bourbon rulers presiding over the Neapolitan counter-revolution. He was released after 26 months that ruined his health. On regaining Paris in March 1801, Dolomieu survived appointment to a chair in the Museum by only eight months and died in November following a terminal tour of the Alps. The most explicit record of the scientific conquests of the Expedition is to be found in the third division of the Description de l'Egypte, three albums of plates accompanied by two volumes of text devoted to "Histoire Naturelle." The whole, let it be said at once, is something less and something more than the Natural History of Egypt that was intended. It is less in that it is fragmentary, however voluminous, and the organization of the text is haphazard, not to say chaotic, rather than systematic. It is more in two ways: first, in that participants encountered problems and opportunities that carried over into their own careers and disciplines, both constructively and destructively; and, second, in that the entire enterprise associated scientific factors with historical, economic, social, and political factors in an intimacy never previously achieved, nor even attempted, in the study of any other country. What is in the "Histoire Naturelle"? Like the first division of the Description de l'Egypt, "Antiquites," it is best approached through scrutiny of the plates, with secondary and supplementary reference to the texts. The case is otherwise with respect to the second major division, 13 From a memoir written in prison in Messina, July 1799, A. Lacroix, D6odat Dolomieu, sa vie aventureuse, sa captivite', ses oeuvres, sa correspondance (2 vols; 1921), 1, 3. During his brief time in Egypt, Dolomieu interested himself rather in archaeology and agronomy than in mineralogy and geology. The memoirs and reports he prepared are collected in A. Lacroix and G. Daressy, "Dolomieu en Egypte," Menoires presentes a l'Institut d'Egypte 3 (1922). See also T. C. Brun-Neergaard, Journal du dernier voyage du cn Dolomieu dans les Alpes (1802). This content downloaded from on Mon, 02 Jan 2023 16:44:59 UTC All use subject to 454 CHARLES COULSTON GILLISPIE the "Etat Moderne" of Egypt, where the memoirs hold far greater interest than the plates. The plates of natural history were engraved between 1805 and 1814. Four contributors were responsible: Geoffroy Saint-Hilaire and Savigny for zoology, Delile for botany, and Roziere for mineralogy. In principle each was to supply a set of "Explications" to accompany his plates in the volumes of text. Neither Geoffroy nor Savigny accomplished that, Geoffroy because he lacked the will, Savigny because he lacked the power. Their annotations had to be supplied by others some twenty years after the plates were ready, Geoffroy's by his son Isidore, Savigny's by a naturalist also of the next generation, Victor Audouin. Volume I contains the vertebrates in 62 plates, 42 from Geoffroy's collection and 20 from Savigny's. They are divided into the four classes of Mammals, Birds, Reptiles, and Fish. Geoffroy did all the ichthyology and Savigny all the ornithology, while Savigny supplemented Geoffroy's bats, mongooses, rabbits, and rams, his crocodiles and tortoises, with carnivores and snakes of his own. Volume II contains the invertebrates, in 15 groupings-three classes of mollusca, the annelids or worms, three classes of arthropods, three orders of insects, the echinoderms, and four orders still called zoophytes, (sponges, ascidians, polyps, and algae) -the whole illustrated in 105 plates comprising thousands of drawings, all due to Savigny. Tome II bis contains 62 botanical plates from Delile and 15 illustrating minerals from Roziere. The plates that produce the most vivid impression for clarity of line, precision of detail, and general elegance are the series of 14 in color on birds in Tome I, the entire series of invertebrates in Tome II, and the 15 in color on minerals in Tome II bis. The effect is not accidental. Savigny and Roziere gave minute and constructive supervision to their preparation, whereas Geoffroy and Delile appear simply to have engaged artists to draw the specimens illustrated from their collections and passed the designs along to the engravers. What with the skills and high standards in those two trades, the results are good, but not outstanding. Indeed, the incisive quality that Savigny brought to the plates he furnished will appear in comparing his with Geoffroy's in the few instances wherein both illustrated the same animals, the ichneumon mangouste, for example, and also their respective sets of snakes. Savigny's plates thus became a resource, specially in malacology, and not mere illustrations of Egyptian flora and fauna for vicarious travelers.14 Given the importance attached to natural history, it comes initially as a surprise that the naturalists contributed very little to the De'cade e'gyptienne and the Me'moires sur l'Egypte. The first time Geoffroy appeared before the Institute of Egypt, he read a paper on ostriches, a piece of 14 It was for scientific, not antiquarian, reasons that in 1926 Paul Pallary reproduced Savigny's plates on mollusks, identifying the species that Audouin had been unable to name and correcting his faulty annotations, "Explications des planches de J.C. Savigny," Memoires prisentes a l'Institut d'Egypte, 11 (Cairo, 1926). This content downloaded from on Mon, 02 Jan 2023 16:44:59 UTC All use subject to FRENCH EGYPTIAN EXPEDITION 455 popular science, he confessed apologetically to Cuvier, "written for the Army."15 While in Egypt, Savigny composed one paper, on the purple lotus, a vestige of his botanical training. Its "very pointed style" served to convince his skeptical older colleagues that the youth was a serious and exact naturalist-thus Geoffroy to Cuvier, again.16 Apart from that, Roziere wrote a memoir on the mineralogy of Qoqeyr, Delile a couple on the cultivation of senna and on the genus Ximenia, and J. -L. -A. Reynier, brother of the general, a pair on date palms and the caprification of the fig sycamore. That is all, and it was not much. Still, the naturalists were there, not to write papers, but for the prior tasks of making observations and collecting specimens. They suffered a setback before they could begin when, in July 1798, the 'Patriote,' the ship carrying scientific apparatus, struck a reef and sank. Scalpels, microscopes, tweezers, alcohol, jars, pins, paper for pressing plants, frames for mounting butterflies-their equipment lay at the bottom of Alexandria harbor.17 Still, except for microscopes, they could improvise more easily than could the engineers, also deprived of their more elaborate and precise instruments. All alike persevered. Geoffroy frequented scholars, fishermen, peasants, snake charmers, bazaars, caves, and excavations, always drawing, dissecting, and mounting everything vertebrate, ancient or current, that he could lay hands on. His enthusiasm prevailed until the return from upper Egypt early in 1800. Thereafter, spells of illness and discouragement interrupted his activity. During the last months in Alexandria, from March until September 1801, he largely gave himself over to speculative philosophy. Among the naturalists, only Savigny accompanied the Syrian task force. He maintained his zeal until the bitter end. The threat of confiscation of their material by the British then brought Geoffroy back into action at his junior colleague's side. The collections they saved were very considerable. Back in Marseilles, they needed forty or fifty cases to transport it all to Paris. Geoffroy required some 300 pints of fresh alcohol to replace the turbid liquor in which products of his dissection risked rotting. He succeeded in his wish of presenting his specimens of vertebrate anatomy to his col15 "Observations sur l'aile de l'autruche," De'cade e'gyptienne 1, 46-51; Lettres ecrites d'Egypte, ed. E.-T. Hamy (1901), #xxiii, 29 vendemiaire an VII, 21 October 1798, 95-96. Geoffroy also contributed a "Note relative aux appendices des Raies et des Squales," male sexual organs the function of which was suggested to him by analogy to similar structures that he found dissecting reptiles in upper Egypt, loc. cit., 3, 230-233. In addition, he requested support for a program of experiments to determine whether the sexes coexist in "les germes de tous les animaux." That topic became a favorite motif of his research in later life, but there is no evidence that he pursued it further in Egypt. Report in Me'moires sur l'Efypte, 3, 385. "Description d'une nouvelle espee de nymphaea," 1, 105-112; reprinted in Annales du Muse'um d'Histoire Naturelle 1 (An 11 - 1802), 366-369, specifying the Nymphaea Caerula. The Geoffroy letter is the same cited in note 15. 17 For the recovery of the cargo in 1985, see Patrice Bret, "Operation 'Patriote': EDG sur les traces de Bonaparte," L'Histoire, 105 (Novembre 1987), 88-90. This content downloaded from on Mon, 02 Jan 2023 16:44:59 UTC All use subject to 456 CHARLES COULSTON GILLISPIE leagues of the Museum of National History. The commission that received them consisted of Cuvier, Lamarck, and Lacepede. The last wrote the report and noted specially that the mummified forms were identical with corresponding species today.18 Not being a member of the staff of the Museum, Savigny kept his collection in his own possession in order to prepare his plates for the Description de l'Egypte. The insects would appear to have been the richest part and furnished the material for his signal contribution to morphology, the study of the mouth parts of insects and crustacea. Besides that, he had mounted the skeletons of many birds, most notably the ibis, on which in 1805 he published the book that made his reputation with the public.19 Geoffroy and Savigny were of comparable interests and contrasting temperaments. Neither one was satisfied to do anatomy merely for the sake of taxonomy. Zoologists both, they moved beyond classification to morphology, Geoffroy in the spirit of romanticism, however, and Savigny in the service of precision. Geoffroy's was a generous disposition. His letters from Egypt are lavish in their protestations of affection and esteem for his colleagues of the Museum, and specially Cuvier, to whom the majority are addressed. His ardor is almost embarrassing, the more so as he received no answers nor any reassurance on the not infrequent occasions when he let himself wonder whether he had been forgotten. Already the polarization of his basic interests began to make itself felt. In the first year and a half, coming to know the country, one of the inner circle of the Institute, joining the engineers in the exploration of upper Egypt and later of the Sinai, scalpel always in hand, he was full of ichthyology, ornithology, herpetology, and the archaeological anatomy of mummified animals disinterred at Saqqara and elsewhere. Toward the end, he transcended all that in meditation about ultimate causes. It was prompted by capture in the Mediterranean of specimens of the torpedo ray and the electric eel. As soon as he reached quarantine, he wrote Cuvier on 4 vendemiaire an 10 (26 September 1801), he would send "a very extensive work on physics, chemistry, and physiology: discovery of the nervous fluid and of the vital principle has led me to a very grand theory. I hope to return to France worthy of you and my illustrious colleagues." The discovery was that the nervous fluid is identical with caloric and that all the phenomena of nature can be explained 18 "Rapport des Professeurs du Museum, sur les collections d'Histoire naturelle rapportees d'Egypte par E. Geoffroy," Annales du Muse'um d'Histoire Naturelle 1 (An 11, 1802), 234-241. 19 Histoire naturelle et mythologique de l'Ibis (1805), Savigny's collection, together with five albums containing the original drawings for the plates, was left to his companion, Olympe Letellier de Sainteville, and by her to the city of Versailles, where they lived and died. It might still be seen in the Bibliotheque de Versailles until 1919. In that year an impatient librarian, pressed for space and failing to arrange for custody in the Museum or elsewhere, consigned the specimens to the cellars. There they mouldered until Paul Pallary identified the remains in 1927. See Pallary, "Marie Jules-Cesar Lelorgne de Savigny, sa Vie et son Oeuvre," Premiere Partie, Memoires pre'sentes a l'Institut d'Egypte, 17 (1931). This content downloaded from on Mon, 02 Jan 2023 16:44:59 UTC All use subject to FRENCH EGYPTIAN EXPEDITION 457 by its interactions with light, oxygen, and the electric these ruminations earned Geoffroy the contempt of Fourier, who, since Berthollet's departure, had set out by "sarcastic insults" to show that all his colleagues were ignoramuses, and that only his own students, the civil engineers, had some knowledge. Fourier's object, thought Geoffroy-this from Marseilles-was "to exercise the same intellectual domination that Lagrange and Laplace are customarily accorded in Paris."20 The pattern repeats itself writ large in the record of Geoffroy's mature development throughout his scientific prime. Immediately upon returning to Paris, he began publishing memoirs in the Annales du Muse'um d'Histoire Naturelle on his discoveries in Egypt: on a hitherto unknown Nile fish with 14 to 16 dorsal fins, a lungfish, which he called Polypterus bichir from its name in Arabic; on a flatfish, Achire barbu, with both eyes on one side of the head, for all the world like a Picasso drawing; on the electrical organs of the torpedo ray, the electric eel, and the thunder fish; on the Nile crocodile.21 Reprintings of these memoirs, together with an account of the "Trionix" or Great Nile Tortoise and a general discussion of the order of bats, constituted the principal contributions from his own pen to the Description de l'Egypte. He preferred dramatic creatures, obviously. In that respect, he harked back to Buffon, and also in that his descriptions include character sketches of the animals, their habits, their conduct, almost their morality. One title in the Annales is "Observations sur l'affection mutuelle de quelques animaux, et particulierement sur les services rendus au Requin par le Pilote."22 His anatomies were highly professional, however. The detail is precise. The drawings and descriptions are clear. He knew the literature thoroughly. He had a keen eye for novelty. The true direction of his interests appears in a series of three memoirs on the anatomy of fish in general published in 1807. "This year," he wrote, he had had a revelation, "while working to put the finishing touches on my ichthyology of the Nile for the imminent publication of the great work on Egypt." Until then, he had agreed with the opinion among naturalists that in many respects the internal organization of fish bore no resemblance to that of vertebrates in general. Now, on close examination of his Egyptian specimens, and of the rich collection assembled by Cuvier, he is delighted to find that the very organs that had most obstinately resisted comparison do in fact exhibit deep analogies with those of other vertebrates. 20 op. cit., Letters lviii, 4 vend. and lxii, 29 frim., an 9, 26 Sept., 20 Dec. 1800. 21 "Histoire naturelle et description anatomique d'un nouveau genre de Poisson du Nil nomme Polyptere," loc. cit. 1 (1802), 57-68; "Description de l'Achire barbu," ibid., 152-155; "Memoire sur l'anatomie comparee des organes electriques de la Raie torpille, du Gymnote engourdissant, et du Silure trembleur," ibid., 392-407. Geoffroy was very prolific. A complete bibliography of his publications appears in Theophile Cahn, La vie et l'oeuvre d'Etienne Geoffroy Saint-Hilaire (1962). 22 Loc. cit., 9 (1807), 469-476. This content downloaded from on Mon, 02 Jan 2023 16:44:59 UTC All use subject to 458 CHARLES COULSTON GILLISPIE The shift toward morphology led Geoffroy away from systematics and toward eventual composition of his major work, Philosophie anatomique.23 It culminated in the famous confrontation with Cuvier in 1830 over Geoffroy's central tenet, the underlying unity of form in all vertebrate organization.24 He never did do any more annotations for the Description de l'Egypte. Instead, subscribers waited. They waited and waited and had to wait until 1824. By then Geoffroy's son Isidore was nineteen, and his father turned him from the career of mathematician the boy had intended and made of him the laboratory assistant who then gave those "finishing touches" to the ichthyology of the Nile that his father had promised when Isidore was two years old. So it was with the other classes of reptiles and mammals. In the latter section, Geoffroy himself did complete the bats, but that was all. Savigny, by contrast, started by publishing a book of general interest and moved in the opposite direction from Geoffroy toward the highest specialization. His Histoire naturelle et mythologique de l'Ibis (1805) is a work of surpassing charm, combining classical scholarship with zoolog- ical precision in small compass and graceful proportion. Allowing for the modesty of the presentation and scale, it may be said that Savigny accomplished for the scientific side of the expedition what Denon had done for the archaeological with Voyage dans la Basse et la Haute-Egypte (1802). He piqued the fancy of the public. He vindicated Herodotus and the classical authors who had written of two species of ibis in Egypt, white and black, while questioning, on the strength of Hebrew sources, their statements that the birds were unknown elsewhere. Modern naturalists who failed to identify the white ibis in its native habitat had confused it with herons in lower Egypt, failed to penetrate upper Egypt, where it was widespread, and taken their evidence from its representation in bas-reliefs instead of dissecting easily available mummies. As for its black cousin, modern naturalists were again at fault in failing to identify it with a common migrant, the curlew. Again, they had given classical sources the wrong sort of confidence in looking for a bird that feeds on snakes. The fame of the ibis in antiquity derived from its antipathy to serpents and scorpions, from its service in devouring snakes, especially winged ones, that otherwise would have invaded the land of the pharaohs and poisoned its people. In natural fact, Savigny found, the stomachs of both black and white ibises were full of crustaceans and mollusks. They are wading birds, stabbing their down-curved beaks into the mud of marsh and river-bank, and quite incapable of killing or eating snakes. 23 The first volume (1818) is generally agreed to be Geoffroy's masterpiece. In it he argues for unity of type on the basis of comparisons of five groups of anatomical structures among vertebrates of many classes. The second volume (1822) represents a further shift in interest and discusses variation in species with much emphasis on teratology, and partic- ularly on deformations in human anatomy. 24 Toby A. Appel, The Cuvier-Geoffroy Debate (New York: Oxford University Press, 1987). This content downloaded from on Mon, 02 Jan 2023 16:44:59 UTC All use subject to FRENCH EGYPTIAN EXPEDITION 459 Whence, then, the mythological role? Savigny spins ination tempered by thorough knowledge of the Greek and Latin au- thors who treated of Egypt. It had nothing to do really with snakes, from which Egypt was in no danger, except as symbols of evil. No, the ibis appealed because it is a fresh- water bird arriving on the summer winds. It settles along the banks and leads the rise of the life-giving waters. It follows them on their retreat, even into the canals and waterways of town and village, a handsome, sympathetic creature, its graceful curve of a bill congruent with life and humanity, a link between domesticity and nature. Through its seasonal cycle, it becomes identified with the zodiac and Toth, the ibis-headed equivalent of Mercury, bringer of science and messenger of the gods, to whom the first month of the year is dedicated. If the ventral cavities of ibis mummies contained the remains of snakes, and typically they did indeed, it was because the embalmers had known how to respect truths that reach higher than natural history. Thereupon Savigny, now twenty-eight years old, settled down to the arrangement and study of his collection, and also of collections of invertebrates at the Museum and elsewhere, looking to preparation of the plates for the Description de l'Egypte. Many bear the legend, "engraved between 1805 and 1812." On 29 August 1808, he presented his taxonomy of birds to the General Assembly of the Commission.25 He worked most intensively between 1810 and 1814, for the division of Histoire Naturelle was already falling behind Antiquite's and Etat Moderne in the struggle to finish the work and to satisfy the increasingly impatient authorities. For that reason he deferred what looked the easiest, almost routine, task of furnishing the "Explications" for his plates in favor of perfecting the illustrations themselves and writing up the discoveries the work was yielding in zoology at large. He gathered those discoveries in his major book, Memoires sur les animaux sans vertebres, published in 1816, a work of morphology, as was Geoffroy's Philosophie anatomique, and published almost at the same time, but very different in spirit and subject matter. It consists of two parts comprising two memoirs in the first and three in the second, all of them read before the First Class of the Institute between October 1814 and January 1816. Part I, subtitled "Theorie des Organes de la Bouche des Crustaces et des Insectes," marks the point of departure for the 19th-century zoological study of homologies in general. It contains no speculation about the plan of nature, no obiter dicta at all. Nor do Savigny's other writings. When he began ordering his Egyptian materials in 1802, so Savigny advised the reader at the outset, he found himself at a loss to ascribe to 5 "Systeme des Oiseaux de I'lgypte et de la Syrie," DE.HN 1 i,re Partie (1809), 63-114. A note advises the reader that "This systematization of birds is to form part of a larger work." It never did. It is one of only two scientific memoirs published uniquely in DE rather than reprinted there after having been long available in the journal literature. The other is Savigny's Systeme des Annelides (n. 30). This content downloaded from on Mon, 02 Jan 2023 16:44:59 UTC All use subject to 460 CHARLES COULSTON GILLISPIE the manifold families of insects and crustaceans precise Linnean characters, that is to say systems of organs always disposed in the same order and thus comparable from species to species. The botanist he had been trained to be would do that (he implies), whereas entomologists are forever multiplying observations without generalizing them or laying a foundation for their science. What no one had yet attempted, he would try. The task might well prove beyond his strength, "But I strongly desired to contribute in some measure to the perfecting of the beautiful work on Egypt, which does such honor to France among the public."26 He began with some 1500 species by detaching the mouth parts and the other main external features and making separate drawings of each, proceeding to organs of nutrition, of sense, of respiration, and of locomotion. Most of the creatures were barely 4 to 5 lignes long (a little less than a centimeter) and some much smaller. With this array of thousands of drawings before him, he found that the same elements of mouth parts occur in all the forms and that their modification from species to species, genus to genus, order to order, afforded the most regular and revealing series of comparisons. His first paper concerns moths and butterflies.27 He there attacked the most controversial case, for Latreille had held that Lepidoptera along with Diptera are the two orders whose organs of mastication are entirely different in the first and second stages of their lives. Cuvier, too, considered that the jaws of the caterpillar disappear completely on its metamorphosis into a butterfly. Not so, Savigny found, taking issue with his elders. Butterflies, like their caterpillars, like Coleoptera, like Neuroptera, and "all chewing (broyeurs) insects," have two lips, an upper and lower, two mandibles, and two jaws, always in the same relative positions. True, they are so modified, and so miniaturized, that it was not surprising they had never been recognized. The maxillae, in particular, had been taken for a tiny two-part coiled tubule in no way resembling jaws. With that characterization, indeed, Savigny established the morphological definition of the class of insects properly speaking, that is to say the Hexapods, with six legs and two antennae, whether winged or not, whether undergoing metamorphosis or not. There remained the second division of articulated invertebrates, the myriapods, the arachnids, the crustaceans (the term arthropod is later), which Linnaeus had grouped under the designation insect. They form the subject of Savigny's second memoir, in which he adduced homologies with a virtuosity and daring that are even more startling than the 26 Op. cit., iii-iv. For bibliographical detail of these memoirs, see Henri Daudin, Cuvier et Lamarck: Les classes zoologiques et l'idee de serie animale, 1790-1830 (2 vols., Paris: Alcan, 1926), 2, 314-315. 27 "Observations sur la bouche des Papillons, des Phalenes et des autres insectes lepidopteres; suivies de quelques considerations sur la bouche des Dipteres, des Hemipteres et des Apteres suceurs," op. cit., 1, 1-37; lues a l'Institut le 16 octobre 1814. Rapport de Lamarck, Academie des Sciences, Proces-Verbaux 5, le 24 Octobre 1814, 408-411. This content downloaded from on Mon, 02 Jan 2023 16:44:59 UTC All use subject to FRENCH EGYPTIAN EXPEDITION 461 acute comparisons of the first.28 Here, too, the mouth parts are the key to classification, with the difference that in certain orders some of the organs that hexapods exhibit are lost altogether. In those cases, the organs that serve for mastication are comparable to those that other orders use for locomotion. Crabs are the notable example. They show two mandibles, two pairs of jaws, and underneath those structures three pairs of auxiliary jaws. The organs that serve as legs in hexapods thus appear to be transformed into jaws in crabs, which are called decapods, since they have five additional pairs of appendages that serve for crawling. The three papers that form Part II of the collected work are grouped under the heading "Recherches anatomiques sur les Ascidies composees et sur les Ascidies simples." Very few memoirs read before the Institute in these years were given such speedy and such full reports as the successive committees, composed of Cuvier, Lamarck, and Latreille, accorded to Savigny. Cuvier took the occasion of the first two of these papers to review the entire field of polyps, zoophytes, and lithophytes, inasmuch as Savigny's observations were "of epoch-making character in the natural history of colonial animals."29 Savigny had shown, in a word, that the organization of the alcyons-a designation he now pre- ferred to the vagueness of polyps-was far more complex than had been supposed, that several genera of zoophytes were in reality composite, that is to say colonies of ascidians, and that the entire order of creatures was very comparable to mollusca. The second part of Savigny's Memoires sur les animaux sans vertebres, but not the first and perhaps even more interesting part on buccal theory, was included in the Description de l'Egypte, as was the last work he was able to complete, "Systeme des annelides."30 Comparing the species he had collected in the Red Sea and Mediterranean with those already assembled at the Museum, he advanced the systematization of the large and confused group of organisms that Cuvier had designated "Red-Blooded Worms." Savigny read his monograph before the Institute in three installments from May to July 1817, and presented the 28 "Observations sur la bouche des Arachnides, des Crustaces et des Entomostraces," op. cit., 1, 39-117; lues a l'Institut le 19 juin 1815. Rapport de Lamarck, Cuvier, Latreille, loc. cit. 5, le 3 juillet 1815, 521-526. 29 "Observations sur les Alcyons gelatineux a six tentacules simples," lues a l'Institut le 6 fevrier 1815, op. cit., 2, 1-23; "Observations sur les Alcyons a deux oscules apparens, sur les Botrylles et sur les Pyrosomes," lues le ier mai 1815, 2, 25-66. Rapport de Cuvier, loc. cit., le 8 mai 1815, 496-500. The third memoir in this series was "Observations sur les ascidies proprement dites, suivies de considerations generales sur la Classe des Ascidies," 2, 83-132. 30 DE, HN, Texte, 1, 2' Partie, Tableau systematique des Ascidies, tant simples que composees, mentionn6es dans les trois me'moires suivants; offrant les Caracteres des Ordres, Familles, Genres et l'Indication sommaire des Especes, 1-58; and 3e. Partie, Systeme des Annelides, principalement de celles des Cotes de l'Egypte et de la Syrie, offrant les Caracteres tant distinctifs que naturels des Ordres, Familles, et Genres, avec la Description des Especes, 1-128. Savigny appended a note stating that after communicating the monograph to the Academy, he had added four new genera, and had added five new species to five others, but had made no other changes. This content downloaded from on Mon, 02 Jan 2023 16:44:59 UTC All use subject to 462 CHARLES COULSTON GILLISPIE completed text on 29 November 1820. In the interim, he suffered the first onset of the neurological disorder that robbed him of effective sight and incapacitated him for life when it recurred in 1824, "in the prime of life, victim of his devotion to science" -thus Latreille and Lamarck, the latter near blindness himself in old age.31 Everyone supposed that Savigny must have contracted the "germ" of his affliction in Egypt, though ironically he had been one of the few to be spared the prevalent "opthalmia" while in the desert. Savigny was never able to provide the annotations for his plates. Not only could he not work, he could not be spoken to about work. In desperation the commission responsible for publication, pressed by the Minister of the Interior, the Marquis de La Corbiere, and drawing on his authority, arranged that a young naturalist, Victor Audouin, would furnish identifications and explanations as well as he could by drawing on secondary sources and the internal evidence of the drawings themselves.32 Apparently Olympe Letellier de Sainteville, who selflessly shared Savigny's life and cared for him, agreed that he should not be told. Audouin made many mistakes and omitted much. Savigny never became blind; he could occasionally read for brief intervals, and learned what had been done. His objections and corrections may still be seen entered in his copy of Description de l'Egypte in the Municipal Library of his native city of Provins.33 Unable to support the light of day, he passed the years until his death in 1851 enveloped in a veil of black netting whenever the shutters of his room were opened. His only remaining publication was a description and taxonomy of the highly patterned hallucinations produced by the incessant turbulence in his optic nerves.34 He lived out his days as if with an aurora borealis inside his head. 31 "Rapport sur le travail de M. Savigny relatif aux Annelides," Academie des sciences, Proces-Verbaux, 7, le 6 mars 1820, 22-28. 32 For the official explanation of these arrangements, see the introductory note to the 4e Partie of the first volume of the text of Histoire Naturelle, which contains Audouin's Explications sommaires des planches dont les dessins ont e'te' fournis par M. J. C. SAVIGNY, followed by a brief extract from the Histoire naturelle et mythologique de l'Ibis. 33 On Savigny's illness, see Paul Pallary, "Marie Jules-C6sar Savigny, sa Vie et son Oeuvre," ibre Partie (La Vie), Memoires presentes a l'Institut d'Egypte 17 (1931), chapters XII-XIX; 2e Partie (L'oeuvre), 20 (1932), 97-107; 3e Partie (Documents) 23 (1934), 87-146. Pallary transcribed Savigny's annotations concerning Audouin's Explications, 2e Partie, 28-38. 34 "Remarques sur les Phosphenes, phenomenes dont le principe est dans l'organe de la vue, ou fragments du journal d'un observateur atteint d'une maladie des yeux," Me'moires de l'Acade'mie des Sciences de l'Institut de France 18 (1842), 385-416. In the opinion of colleagues in the Wilmer Opthalmological Institute of The Johns Hopkins University, Savigny's illness was other than ocular. They find the symptoms to be a "classic description of temporal lobe epilepsy." The cause in an adult is normally a tumor, though it is rare for an adult so afflicted to survive the onset as long as did Savigny. A possibility, extremely rare, would be a low-grade glioma. Letter to the author from Dr. Alfred Sommer, 19 September 1988. This content downloaded from on Mon, 02 Jan 2023 16:44:59 UTC All use subject to FRENCH EGYPTIAN EXPEDITION 463 The botany in the Description de l'Egypte is of less importance to science than the zoology.35 Geoffroy reported in an early letter that the botanists were at first disappointed to find little in Egypt that they did not already know in Europe.36 Hippolyte Nectoux, who had been Royal Botanist and director of the royal gardens in Port-au-Prince, published very little about Egypt.37 The young Coquebert died of the plague in Cairo in the last moments of the occupation. A little memoir he had written comparing the flora of France and Egypt is included in the Description de l'Egypte as a memorial.38 Apart from that, everything came from Delile. He supplied 61 plates to Tome II bis, accompanying them with "Explications" in the text.39 He worked out a classification of the plants he had illustrated, cross-referencing them to their Arabic names and also to Linnean nomenclature and to the other major systems.40 Besides that, he contributed memoirs on wild and on cultivated plants and another on the doum palm of upper Egypt, on which he had read a paper.41 Delile was industrious but showed nothing of the conviction of either Geoffroy or Savigny. In 1803 he went off to America as assistant commissioner for commerce in the consulate at Wilmington, North Carolina. He had studied medicine before joining the Egyptian expedition, and he resumed those studies in New York and Philadelphia, taking an M.D. in 1807. Thereupon, he was called back to Paris to take charge of botany for the Description de l'Egypte. In 1809 he defended his New York thesis (on pulmonary consumption) before the Faculty of Medicine in Paris and proceeded to treat patients while also preparing his Egyptian plants for publication. He was appointed to Candolle's chair in botany in Montpellier in 1819 and lived there until his death in 1850.42 The mineralogy in the Description de l'Egypte is, on the other hand, very interesting indeed. The fifteen plates are extremely handsome. They comprise 112 illustrations in full color of the principal rocks and petrifactions encountered in the exploration of the country and in the study of its monuments. The author, Francois-Michel de Roziere, was a mining engineer. His participation in the work on Egypt constitutes the 35 But see P. Ascherson et G. Schweinfurth, "Illustrations de la Flore d'Egypte," Memoires pre'sente's a l'Institut Egyptien 2 (1889), 25-260, Avant-Propos. 36 Lettres e&crites d'Egypte, Letter xv, to A. L. de Jussieu, 25 Thermidor an 6, 12 August 1798, p. 67. 37 Goby (1987), p. 107. My information on Nectoux's earlier activity comes from James E. McClellan III, who has completed the draft of a book on Science and Colonialism in Saint-Domingue. Nectoux did publish a brief Voyage dans la Haute-Egypte, au-dessus des cataractes (1808). 38 A.-F.-E. Coquebert de Montbret, "Reflexions sur quelques points de comparaison a etablir entre les plantes d'Egypte et celles de France," DE, HN, Texte, 1, 1r Partie, 59-62. 39 "Flore d'Egypte," DE, HN, Texte, 2, 145-320. 40 "Florae Aegyptiacae illustratio," DE, HN, Texte, 2, 49-82. 41 "Memoire sur les plantes qui croissent spontanement en tgypte," DE, HN, 2, 1-10; "Histoire des plantes cultives en tgypte," 11-24; "Description du Palmier Doum," 1, i re Partie, 53-58, cf. Goby (1987) 085. 42 On Defile, see the article by Jean Motte, Dictionary of Scientific Biography, 4 (1971), 21-22. This content downloaded from on Mon, 02 Jan 2023 16:44:59 UTC All use subject to 464 CHARLES COULSTON GILLISPIE sum total of his contributions to science and scholarship. He seems to have been completely forgotten, and unjustly so, for the contributions are remarkable. Roziere was quite evidently both thoughtful and conscientious, a person of unusual cultivation, taste, and imagination even for a member of a generation in which those qualities were not rare among technically inclined people. He was aided by a fellow mining engineer, Hippolyte-Victor Collet-Descotils, and a student, Jean-Nicolas Champy. At that juncture in the development of earth science, mineralogy was shedding the chrysalis of natural history and entering into the formation of the new discipline of geology. Roziere designed his plates expressly to exemplify the service that properly executed engravings of rocks could render the new science. The graphic arts applied to natural objects had been perfected in the previous thirty years. Roziere pointed to the difference in beauty and precision between Buffon's plates, excellent for their day, and the much superior illustrations, especially of lilacs, by Redoute the elder. Geologists had yet to develop a precise classification and standardized nomenclature that would enable them to identify mineral productions by a systematic language. Roziere cited several scientific descriptions of the rocks of Egypt-for example, from Saussure, "Rock resulting from a mixture of transparent quartz, yellowish feldspath, and black schist in moderately hard layers" -to show why neither the scientific nor the general leader could dispense with either a sample or an illustration of the mineral in question. Even for those with ready access to a cabinet of mineralogy, a graphic representation had certain advantages. It could be designed to exhibit the distinguishing characteristics of a particular mineral, not all of which might be present in every sample. The elements could and should be written down, but the form, the color, the mixture, above all the texture, those features could only be shown graphically.43 Such were the theoretical considerations that presided over the drawing and engraving of the plates on mineralogy. Most of them were executed by Cloquet, former drawing master at the School of Mines in Paris, and others by Amedee and Ringuet. Half a dozen engravers divided the task of preparing the plates, often using different techniques-engraving, stippling, and dry-point-for rendering varieties of surface in the same rock. The lines were too fine to permit color printing from several plates. Instead, the principal colors were printed from a single plate, and each sheet was then touched up by hand as called for in the Redoute technique. Once prepared, the illustrations were pre- sented, not in some order of mineralogical systematics, but according to the occurrence of the objects in Egypt. The purpose of the Description de l'Eqypte after all was "to give a complete knowledge of the country." 4 Roziere, "Discours sur la representation des roches de I'Egypte et de I'Arabie par la gravure, et sur son utilite dans les arts et dans la geologie," DE, HN, Texte, 2, 41-48. This content downloaded from on Mon, 02 Jan 2023 16:44:59 UTC All use subject to FRENCH EGYPTIAN EXPEDITION 465 Thus, Plate 1 shows the varieties of granite, the "syenite" of writers in antiquity, in the region of Assuan and the Cataracts; Plate 8 the porphyries of the desert between the Nile and the Red Sea; and Plate 9 fossilized shells of the Red Sea Coast. Elsewhere in the work, under Antiquite's and Etat Moderne as well as Histoire Naturelle, other articles on topography and agriculture, some of them by Roziere himself, deal in passing with the mineralogy of various regions. The coverage was not complete, however, and he undertook to incorporate in his Explications enough detail of the regions that had been missed to complement those memoirs.44 Prominent among them was his own De la Constitution Physique de l'Egypte, to which he joined these Explications in the form of an appendix.45 The full title is "On the Physical Constitution of Egypt and on its Relation with the Ancient Institutions of the Country." This book-length study of physical geography by an otherwise unknown mining engineer is characteristic of the larger commitments of the contributors to the Description de l'Egypte. In other hands, or in some ideological context, the treatment might have seemed daring. Roziere sought to show how culture derives from material circumstances. His approach is quietly matter-of-fact, however. More than any other country, he observes, Egypt invites such analysis, first because of her historical importance in the beginnings of civilization, and second because the physical conditions of life in society largely came down to domination by the Nile. No other country has ever exhibited such dependence of a highly developed society on a single set of natural factors that could be studied in isolation. "That is what imperiously dictated the first customs and determined their character, and perhaps that is what has changed least."46 Knowledge of the physical state of Egypt will throw light, not only on her own ancient people, but on usages of Greece, of the Near East, and of Europe. Elements of their own theogonies, their arts and crafts, their systems of time and measurement, and their physical and astronomical conceptions, all derive from Egypt. Roziere had informed himself of what was known of the origins of the zodiac, of the division of the year, month, and day, of linear and angular scales and units of measurerhent. His treatment of the much discussed Egyptian metric system, a subject that attracted others among his engineering colleagues, may be the most interesting feature of his enormous and informative memoir.47 In the original planning of the Description de l'Egypte, topography was to have been a fourth, or rather the first, main division of the work, 44 "Explications des planches de mineralogie," ibid., 683-725. 45 Ibid., 407-682. 46 Ibid., 408. 47 Ibid., 3e Partie, Sec. 1 re, 497-534; for other discussions, see P. S. Girard, "Memoire sur le Nilometre de l'Ile d'Elephantine, et les Mesures egyptiennes," DE, A, Memoires, 1, 1-48. Edme Jomard, "Memoire sur le Systeme Metrique des anciens Egyptiens," loc. cit., 1, 495-802; Samuel Bernard, "Notice sur les Poids Arabes anciens et modernes," DE, EM 2, i6re Partie, 229-248; and "Memoire sur les Monnoies d'Egypte," loc. cit., 321-468. This content downloaded from on Mon, 02 Jan 2023 16:44:59 UTC All use subject to 466 CHARLES COULSTON GILLISPIE preceding and setting the stage for Antiquites, Etat Moderne, and Historie Naturelle.48 That planning fell victim to considerations of military security when, after the collapse of the peace of Amiens in 1803, the Com- mission was informed that the Emperor had ordered that the map of Egypt "should remain under the seal of a state secret."49 In 1814 the restored monarchy authorized eventual publication of the Carte Topo- graphique de l'Egypte, et de Plusieurs Parties des Pays Limitrophes as a supplement to the completed work. It appeared only in 1828. Consequently, the memoirs intended to accompany it are scattered amid the texts of the other three divisions, the largest number ending in the three volumes of Etat Moderne. The Carte topographique, or map itself, is on a scale of 1:100,000 and is divided into 47 sheets, numbered from south to north, beginning with the Cataracts and spreading out to include the Delta, the Sinai, and Syria. Accompanying and synthesizing them is the Carte geographique in three sheets at a scale of 1:1,000,000. A single-page "Tableau d'assemblage" locates each sector in an overview of all Egypt. All told, thirty-seven members of the expedition ran traverses, more or less ex- tensive: seven topographical engineers, thirteen officers in the military engineers, twelve civil engineers, two students, and three general officers (Andreossy, Reynier, and Sanson).50 On repatriation, all were ordered to deliver their sketches and data into the custody of the Depot General de la Guerre. There the maps were drawn and the plates engraved under the supervision of Colonel Pierre Jacotin of the Corps of Topographical Engineers, who had directed the field work in Egypt. The preparation required the services of 23 engravers. The plates are beautiful and the atlas is a triumph of the graphic arts. Compared to the existing cartography of Egypt, it may also be considered a work of professional quality. The map that had guided the invasion was a pretty one. It had been compiled in 1765 by an armchair cartographer, the chevalier d'Anville, who worked from books and from other maps. When the Carte Topographique de l'Egypte is judged by the criteria of mapmaking in 1800, however, the verdict is mixed. For it was below standard technically. Not only was the model, the Cassini Map of France, already beginning to be backward, but the circumstances in I'vnt nrecliicded the use of enuallv accurate methods in the field. On th 48 On 18 February 1802, Chaptal, then Minister of the Interior, summoned the members of the Institute of Egypt to his office in order to name the commission that would oversee the work. They chose Monge, Berthollet, Fourier, Costaz, Desgenettes and Conte. See Pierre Jacotin, "Memoire sur la construction de la carte de l'Egypte," DE, EM, 2, 2e Partie, 1-118, 18-19. 49 D'Hunebourg, Minister of War, to Berthollet, in 1808, though undated, Bibliotheque nationale, NAFr 3577, registre 2, containing the proces-verbaux of the Commission on the DE. 50 A manuscript memoir by Jacotin gives a different and fuller listing than the page of credits printed with the atlas. "Expose des moyens employes pour parvenir a la confection de la Carte de l'Egypte." Bibliotheque nationale, Departement de cartographie, GeDD2564. It is evidently an early draft of certain of the passages included in the memoir cited in note 48. This content downloaded from on Mon, 02 Jan 2023 16:44:59 UTC All use subject to FRENCH EGYPTIAN EXPEDITION 467 other hand, the map of Egypt was ahead of its time conceptually. It anticipates the thematic cartography of the nineteenth century, which serves civic purposes other than the simple mapping of terrain-showing transportation systems, for example, or natural resources, or population distributions, or regionalization of economic activity. Ideally, admits Jacotin in his "Memoire sur la Construction de la Carte de l'Egypte," an application of the most exact scientific procedures in a full survey would have been appropriate. After all, geometry had been invented in Egypt. That would have required measuring base-lines on the ground, determining the length of an arc of the meridian, never yet accomplished in those latitudes, triangulating the entire country as the Cassini map did for France, and fixing the exact geographical position of the resulting network by astronomical observation. Nothing so ambitious was possible. Teams of surveyors would have needed armed escorts, as did the mission that undertook Bonaparte's favorite project, the limited task of re-establishing the route of the canal that had connected the Red Sea with the Mediterranean in antiquity.51 Its results suffered from the loss of precision instruments, most of them in the 'Patriote' and the remainder in the sack of Caffarelli's headquarters in Cairo during the insurrection of October 1798. But even had that fine equipment been available, it could not have been used to undertake a general survey. There were too few trained people. There was not time. All that could be attempted were the rougher and readier techniques, either of traverse or of sketch map, that are available to a surveyor working alone. Those two sets of techniques are not to be despised. In skilled hands, they suffice for ordinary purposes. Of the total area of 3010 square leagues (for engineers still generally thought and worked in the old units, reserving the metric system for official reports), about 40 percent was mapped with the use of plane table, measuring chains, and graphometer (a graduated demi-lune with a moveable sighting arm), while in the remaining areas the distances were paced off and the directions taken by compass. In the ideal case of a proper survey by triangulation, a single astronomical determination suffices in theory to fix the coordinates. Conditions in Egypt having been far from ideal, the senior astronomer of the commission, Nicolas-Antoine Nouet, multiplied observations to determine the latitude and longitude of some 36 vantage points in order to compensate for error in the traverses.52 51 J.-M. Le Pere, "Memoire sur la Communication de la Mer des Indes a la Mer Mediterranee, par la Mer Rouge et l'Isthme de Soueys," DE, EM 1, 21-186. On this enterprise, see Gillispie, in Monuments of Egypt (n. 2), 10-12; J.-E. Goby, "Histoire des nivellements de l'Isthme de Suez," Bulletin de la Socie'te d'Etudes Historiques et Ge'ographiques de l'Isthme de Suez 4 (1951-52), 99-177. 52 Jacotin's explanation of the two techniques, op. cit., n. 47, 12-13 is admirably clear and could perfectly well be incorporated in a modern manual of surveying. The terrain sectors allocated to each engineer were chosen to include at least two of Nouet's reference sites, one at either end where each overlapped with the neighboring sector. They could thus serve to control the accuracy of the traverse in each sector and to link it to the next. This content downloaded from on Mon, 02 Jan 2023 16:44:59 UTC All use subject to 468 CHARLES COULSTON GILLISPIE The oldest member of the Institute of Egypt, Nouet had always been something of a journeyman astronomer, not to say a workhorse. His activity in Egypt, and it was prodigious, consisted entirely of determining and recording astronomical and meteorological data. Apparently he had kept his instruments in his personal baggage. They consisted of a Borda repeating circle 25 centimeters in diameter, a Dollond achromatic telescope with 63 millimeter aperture on a copper mounting, a 35 centimeter quadrant also on a copper column, a Berthoud marine chronometer, no. 34 in that artisan's register, and two compasses, one for declination and one for inclination. Determining latitudes was, of course, a relatively simple matter of reading the height of the sun on a given date. To determine longitude required comparing the time of given astronomical events in Egypt to their occurrence according to Paris mean time. The difference was a measure of the longitude, an hour corresponding to 150. Nouet relied most frequently on eclipses of the moons of Jupiter, but also noted occultations of Jupiter and Venus. He had with him the astronomical almanac, Connaissance du Temps, but verified many of the ephemerides on his return to Paris. Tourists even now may see the record of his determinations inscribed by the sculptor Castex on the stone of the temples of Philae and Karnak. Not all of them are correct. He had established the position of Alexandria immediately on landing, and run a triangulation of the city and its environs, in collaboration with the naval officer Franqois Quesnot, as Nouet and other associates later did for Cairo. Before his arrival there, an accident in Rosetta altered the movement of the chronometer. By good fortune another member of the expedition, the astronomer Beauchamp, also had a Berthoud chronometer, No. 29, and let Nouet have it. The extremes of heat affected its regularity, however, particularly during the invasion of Syria. Nouet referred later readings back to his Alexandria observations to correct for this new source of error, though with only partial success. Assembling the data in Paris, he followed the method that Dionis du Sejour had devised for the Cassini map in calculating projection of the data onto a plane surface. Intersections of latitude and longitude at 30' intervals together with the 36 cardinal geographical locations were plotted with respect to rectangular coordinates consisting of the meridian passing through the apex of the Great Pyramid of Giza and the parallel of latitude at right angles to it.53 It is in the memoirs and studies on topography that the Description de l'Egypte most largely fulfills the promise of its title. Evidently the term connoted both delineating the outlines of a place and observing what went on inside, for the description, much of it composed by engineers, is of human society in its setting. On 19 November 1799, right after the return to Cairo of the commissions that had explored the antiquities of 5 Jacotin, op. cit., 29-30; Nouet, "Observations astronomiques faites en tgypte pendant les Annees 6, 7, et 8 (1798, 1799, 1800)," DE, EM, 1, 1-20. This content downloaded from on Mon, 02 Jan 2023 16:44:59 UTC All use subject to FRENCH EGYPTIAN EXPEDITION 469 upper Egypt, Kleber appointed a Commission des Rens Moderne de l'Egypte drawn from members of the In charge among ten sub-committees, the tenth on Ge drography consisting of Pierre Jacotin, commander engineers (Inge'nieurs-Ge'ographes) and J.-M. Le Pere in the Corps des Ponts et Chaussees, who had directe ancient canal from Suez to the Mediterranean. It is u was they or the parent body who decided that an en inquiry, should form part and parcel of the survey. I and Le Pere drew up an elaborate set of instructions running traverses. It had three parts. The first prescribed the methods to employ in surveying terrain. The second provided a form to fill out in ten columns. The tabulation would assign a code number to each locality and give the place names in Arabic and French. The surveyor would write down the name phonetically as best he could understand it and have it corrected as soon as he could find someone who knew Arabic. There were then spaces for the number of inhabitants and families, their status and occupations, the type of agriculture, the species of trees, the nature of commerce and industry, and particular remarks. The third item was a notebook for recording general observations about the region. What of the communications, by land and water? What of the state of canals and tow-paths? What of the air quality and drinking water? What of animal husbandry and of the prevalence of wild animals and snakes? What of forestry, of gardening, of stone-quarrying and masonry? The surveyors are invited to write at large of the character of the population; of why one region is more densely populated than another; of the Arab tribes in surrounding territories, their number, their camp sites, their movements, and the number of their camels and horses. What is the state of agriculture, and how might it be improved? Are there arts and trades peculiar to the region? Is commerce conducted by barter or by money, in what commodities and with whom? Only for a few provinces was there time to complete the forms, but the conception of the task is nonetheless interesting for that. The problem of language will indicate how serious an effort the commission made to get things right. Two sorts of information leap to the eye on opening the album. Lettered on the face of the maps are the battle sites of the campaigns and the names of villages, towns, and cities, the latter in both French and Arabic. In order to render those place names, the commission found an engraver, one Miller, who undertook to learn to write Arabic. An Orientalist of the expedition, Remi Raige, gave Miller an intensive one-man course. Only after passing an examination before the famous Arabist, Silvestre de Sacy, sitting with Professor Langles of the School of Oriental Languages, did Miller begin to engrave names upon the copper. When the task was almost done, Volney, the sage in all things near-Eastern, paid a visit to the Depot de la Guerre. He This content downloaded from on Mon, 02 Jan 2023 16:44:59 UTC All use subject to 470 CHARLES COULSTON GILLISPIE praised the map and the Arabic orthography, but found the transliteration into French complicated, fatiguing to the eye, and inconsistent. There was, indeed, no standard practice, and the commission took the occasion to devise one, a system that would be uniform and comprehensible by orientalists working in all European languages. To that end, the Director of the Depot de la Guerre, General Sanson, named an ad hoc committee of scholars and scientists-Volney, Silvestre de Sacy, Langles, Monge, Berthollet, Lacroix, among others, with several native Arab-speaking members. They met in four sessions and adopted a scheme proposed by one Ellious Bochtor, formerly an interpreter with the army. It is printed at the end of Jacotin's memoir on the construction of the map. Re-doing the transliterations required another eighteen months of work. The object was to ensure that the map be in harmony with the texts, that all or most of the place names mentioned in the memoirs be inscribed on the map, and that they be easy to recognize despite the differences in orthography among the many authors. Medicine too depended on topography. In general, of course, eighteenth-century medicine mediated between what Roziere called the physical constitution of a region, with special emphasis on climate, and the physiological constitution of men, women, and children. Desgenettes was head physician of the Expedition and Larrey head surgeon. The Egyptian environment being dramatic, at least from a European point of view, it is natural that Desgenettes should have begun by establishing a "Topographie physique et medicale de l'Egypte," on which he collaborated with Nouet for the geographical part.54 Throughout, he interested himself in the population dynamics of Egypt and compiled a necrology of Cairo for the three years of the occupation. His Histoire Medicale de l'Armee d'Egypte discusses administrative matters and describes the development of policy on sanitation, on public health, and on the organization of hospitals. Larrey, on the other hand, wrote mainly of disease. A recent school of medical historiography offers a political explanation for the shift of the doctor's attention from the patient to the disease. The Paris hospital is said to have become an institution wherein the newly professional physician exercised power over the ailing members of the indigent class, building his structure of knowledge and authority at the expense of their bodies.55 Larrey did, of course, belong to the same generation as Bichat and Pinel. His accounts of the diseases he encountered in Egypt can have owed nothing to either one, however, nor yet to the effects of the new regime in the Hotel-Dieu in Paris, nor behind that to the change of the locus of power in the French social 54"Lettre ... sur un plan propre a rediger la Topographie physique et medicale de l'Egypte," 25 thermidor an 6, 12 August 1798, Decade igyptienne 1, 29-33. Cf. Goby (1987), 99. 55 Such is the argument of the followers of Michel Foucault, La naissance de la clinique (1963). This content downloaded from on Mon, 02 Jan 2023 16:44:59 UTC All use subject to FRENCH EGYPTIAN EXPEDITION 471 structure. The diseases he described were "opthalmia" (usually trachoma), bubonic plague, tetanus, yellow fever, atrophy and also gigantism in the testicles, leprosy, and elephantiasis. He was clear that the etiology of plague, yellow fever, and tetanus, at least, involved an external agent, for which he sometimes used the word virus and sometimes germ. His concept of disease was as specific and objective as anything that entered into nineteenth-century medicine from the milieu of the new clinical practice in Paris.56 Since his absence in Egypt insulated him from all that, the suspicion arises that Larrey's notions derived from observation. All told, the text of the Description de l'Egypte comprises some 126 separate memoirs. A number of them were monographs. Only a few were slight. Of the total, thirty titles pertain to what is now called classical archaeology and twenty-one to natural history strictly speaking. If the remaining 75 were to be classified anachronistically, according to where their main subject matter would fall along a modern spectrum of the disciplines, the distribution would be as follows: Physical Geography 24 History Hydrography 3 History of Science Meteorology 2 Medicine Agronomy 2 Sociology Technology 7 Demography 2 4 2 2 2 Weights and Measures 4 Anthropology/Ethnology 8 Economics 1 Linguistics 5 Political Science 3 Musicology 4 Shall we call the information contained in these thousands of pages social science? Not if social science is knowledge produced by social scientists. But what, then, are we to call knowledge of a society produced by a large number of scientifically and technically trained people applying their talents to its description and analysis? When the surgeon Larrey writes on the bodily conformation of Egyptians, ancient and modern, is that physical anthropology? When the civil engineer DuboisAyme writes on the nomads of the region around Qoceyr and of Arab desert tribes in general, is that cultural anthropology? When the topographical engineer Edme Jomard writes on the comparative population of ancient and modern Egypt, is that demography? When the Civil Engineer Michel-Ange Lancret writes on taxation and local administration during the last years of the Mamelukes, is that political science? Or perhaps administrative history? When the chief engineer Girard writes a veritable treatise on the trade, commerce, and agriculture of all Egypt, region by region, is that economics?57 56 Larrey, "Memoire et observations sur plusieurs maladies qui ont affecte les troupes de l'Armee francaise pendant l'Expedition d'Egypte et de Syrie," Etat Moderne, 1, 427-524. 57 The titles being very long, perhaps it will suffice to cite the locations: Larrey, DE, EM, This content downloaded from on Mon, 02 Jan 2023 16:44:59 UTC All use subject to 472 CHARLES COULSTON GILLISPIE True, a small number of pieces were written by people already expert in the European aspects of their subjects. The administrator Esteve's monograph on the finances of Egypt is the earliest systematic treatment of feudalism in the Ottoman empire. The four memoirs that together encompass Egyptian musical theory, practice, and instruments ancient and modern, are by the musician Villoteau, who learned Arabic and became a musicologist.58 But the great majority of the memoirs were done, if not literally in execution of the questionnaire designed by Jacotin for his surveyors, certainly in that same spirit. That the authors were outsiders was probably an advantage. Their attitude to their subjects is that of an observer of phenomena. It was a commonplace among them that no other country in the world had been so thoroughly studied as Egypt, and certainly not France. But it was not just a question of thoroughness. No group of Frenchmen could have brought to the scrutiny of their own society the same detachment from its internal political dynamics.59 It cannot be said that the data thus assembled fed directly into the development of the social sciences as disciplines, except for geography. There it did. The exploration of Egypt was an entering wedge into Africa, and the Society of Geography, founded in 1821, numbered Jacotin, Costaz, Jomard, Fourier and Chabrol de Volvic among its moving spirits.60 Apart from that, Bonaparte's elimination of the original Class of Moral and Political Science on reorganizing the Institute of France in 1802 had arrested the formal development of the social sciences, and there is little or no evidence that would-be social scientists, thus left to their own devices, made use of the Egyptian material as it appeared. Its direct influence was more instrumental in the later careers of its compilers, many of whom continued in the service of the state. Their conduct of responsibility partook of the elements out of which Saint-Simon and after him Auguste Comte made philosophies abstracted from the genius of their generation-engineers exercising civil authority, administration informed by fact. Fourier was Prefect of the Isere when he was writing the "Preface historique" to the Description de l'Egypte. He there says that "The sequence of plates thus represents objects which exist and admit of exact observation and description and which, for that 2, iere Partie, 1-6; Dubois-Ayme, DE, EM 1, 193-202; 577-606; Jomard, DE, A, Memoires 2, 87-142; Lancret, DE, EM 1, 233-260; Girard, DE, EM 2, lere Partie, 491-711. 58 Esteve, DE, EM 1, 299-398; Villoteau, DE, A, Memoires 1, 181-206, 357-426; DE, EM, 1, 607-846, 1012-1016. 59 The most interesting treatment of this aspect of the subject is an unpublished these de 3eme cycle by Stephane Callens, "Etude sur la Description de l'Egypte, Histoire d'une enquete [1798-1830]" September 1985. I am grateful to M. Callens for providing me with a copy of his admirable study. Alfred Fierro, La Societe de Geographie, 1821-1946 (Centre de Recherches d'Histoire et de Philologie, Hautes Etudes Medievales et Modernes, 5, #52, Paris, 1983: Librairie Champion). The author of this thesis is somewhat skeptical of the pretensions of the Society. It seems to me, however, that its Bulletin does show a discipline in the course of being formed. This content downloaded from on Mon, 02 Jan 2023 16:44:59 UTC All use subject to FRENCH EGYPTIAN EXPEDITION 473 reason, are to be considered as so many positive elements for the study of Egypt." Chabrol de Volvic, a 25-year-old civil engineer in 1798, designed many of those plates, together with his colleagues. He also con- tributed an "Essai sur les moeurs des habitans modernes de l'Egypte," and collaborated with Michel-Ange Lancret on a "Memoire sur le Canal d'Alexandrie."'61 Prefect from 1806 to 1810 of the Department of Montenotte on the Ligurian coast, annexed by Napoleon along with much of northern Italy, Chabrol wrote up all he learned of the provinces for which he was responsible under the Grande Empire. The word "statistique" in the title of his memoir had gained currency for the voracious fact-gathering characteristic of administration from the time of the Directory onwards.62 Chabrol ended his career in Paris as Prefect of the Seine. He there put in hand an urban topography, the still inadequately studied Statistique de la Ville de Paris, in its inspiration an "Etat Moderne" of the capital of France.63 Over and beyond the enormous compilation of information on Egypt itself, its antiquities, its current state, its geographical setting, the most interesting general feature of the participation of science in the Egyptian expedition is the relation it portended between formal knowledge and power politics. The Napoleonic occupation of Egypt may be considered the first instance of nineteenth-century imperialism in that it comprised a cultural component lacking in the mercantile colonialism that preceded it. What the French later came to call their "civilizing mission" had its origins partly in the Enlightenment and partly in revolutionary ideology. Technical competence was the operational aspect of culture. Bonaparte understood all that, not abstractly, but intuitively, practically, as he did whatever related to the exercise of power. His was the imagination that implanted a clone of French science on the banks of the Nile, in a milieu that, in contrast with earlier French and British colonies, was totally other than European. The British had done nothing of the sort in India. The pieces of positive knowledge that resulted are not without interest-the physics of mirages, the homology of crabs chewing with parts that comparable creatures use to walk on, the mortality to be expected 61 DE, EM, 363-524; Goby (1987), 403, DE, EM 2, iere Partie, 185-194. 62 G.-J.-G. Chabrol de Volvic, Statistique des provinces de Savone, d'Oneille, d'Acqui, et de partie de la province de Mondovi, formant l'ancien departement de Montenotte (2 vols., 1824). The history of pre-mathematical statistics is beginning to draw attention, for example, JeanClaude Perrot, L'Age d'or de la statistique regionale francaise (An IV-1804), Societe des Etudes Robespierristes, 1977; Liliane Vire et al., La statistique en France d l'epoque napoleonienne (Ecole des Hautes Etudes en Sciences Sociales, 1982); Marie-Noelle Bourguet, Dechiffrer la France: La statistique departementale d l'epoque napoleonienne (Editions des archives contem- poraines, 1988). 63 Recherches statistiques sur la Ville de Paris et le departement de la Seine (4 vols., 1821, 1823, 1826, 1829). Fourier served in the largely honorific post of Directeur du Bureau de la Statistique, which assembled the data. On this project, see the interesting compte-rendu of the first volume by Edme Jomard, published in the Bulletin de la Societe de Geographie 1ere serie, 2 (1824), 305-322, and also in Revue encyclop6dique 21, 2e serie, T. ler Janvier, 1824). This content downloaded from on Mon, 02 Jan 2023 16:44:59 UTC All use subject to 474 CHARLES COULSTON GILLISPIE of the plague. But it is unlikely that it would have made significant difference to the relevant sciences if those things had been learned by others elsewhere. The circumstances did matter to the scientists, and enormously. The civil and professional status of the senior people, Monge, Berthollet, Fourier, Jacotin, Denon, Larrey, Desgenettes, was elevated by their proximity to the historical prime mover who was Bonaparte. Whether the Expedition was reciprocally dignified by the incor- poration of science is, perhaps, a matter of opinion. The junior people, Geoffroy, Savigny, Roziere, Malus, the dozens of engineers and technicians who ran the surveys, measured and drew the monuments, and studied the country, were in Egypt at the formative time of their lives, many of them the equivalent of undergraduates. The problems on which they cut their eyeteeth arose in consequence of their presence there. The same, of course, may be said of the circumstances of most young scientists. They respond to whatever their opportunities may be in choosing problems. The difference in Egypt was the exceptional nature of the circumstances. Unprecedented episodes become precedents. This one marks the beginning of the spread of European science and its appurtenances to African and Asian societies under the aegis of military conquest and political power. Despite growing British political predominance after the opening of the French-built Suez Canal in 1869, a continuing French technical and cultural presence informed the development of the Egyptian educational system, economy, and administration until the middle of the present century. This content downloaded from on Mon, 02 Jan 2023 16:44:59 UTC All use subject to