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Atrophic Rhinitis Definition, Causes & Treatment

Atrophic Rhinitis: Definition, Causes & Treatment
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Atrophic Rhinitis
People who undergo sinus surgeries like a turbinectomy may develop atrophic
rhinitis. This rare condition causes chronic nasal dryness and crusting. The nasal
crusts may have a foul odor. Your nasal passages may feel blocked when they’re
not (empty nose syndrome). Treatments can moisturize your nasal passages
and ease symptoms.
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What is atrophic rhinitis?
Atrophic rhinitis is nasal dryness that occurs when tissue inside of your nose
thins or atrophies. Eventually, the tissue hardens. As a result, the nasal cavities
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where air �ows through your nostrils widen. Your nasal passages become too
dry, causing a foul-smelling nasal crust to form.
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What do the terms “atrophic” and “rhinitis” mean?
You might better understand this condition when you break it down:
• Atrophic or atrophy is the medical term for the shrinking, thinning or loss of
tissue. With atrophic rhinitis, a thin layer of expandable tissue called
mucosa inside of your nose becomes thinner and then hardens. This tissue
covers bones called the turbinates that warm, humidify and �lter the air you
breathe. The turbinate bones may also shrink or become thinner.
• Rhinitis is swelling (edema) and in�ammation of your nasal passages. This
in�ammation affects your respiratory system, causing breathing problems.
How common is atrophic rhinitis?
Atrophic rhinitis is a type of nonallergic rhinitis. The common cold is another
type. At any given time, as many as 30 million Americans have some type of
nonallergic rhinitis.
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What’s the difference between nonallergic rhinitis and
allergic rhinitis?
Allergic rhinitis (hay fever) is trigged by allergens that trigger an immune
response. These triggers include (but aren’t limited to) pollen, mold, pet
dander or other allergens. Symptoms include chronic nasal congestion, runny
nose, sneezing, sore throat and postnasal drip.
With nonallergic rhinitis, triggers like odors, smoke, medications and hormonal
imbalances generally cause you to sneeze or have a runny nose. You may also
have a chronic cough from postnasal drip.
What are the types of atrophic rhinitis?
There are two types of atrophic rhinitis:
• Primary atrophic rhinitis is rare in North America. It affects about 1% of
adults who live in hot, dry climates like India, Africa and Saudi Arabia. This
type can also affect livestock like pigs and cows.
• Secondary atrophic rhinitis mostly affects people who get sinus surgeries.
It can occur after a turbinate reduction. This surgical procedure for nasal
congestion removes part or all of the turbinates and reduces (shrinks) your
mucosa tissue.
• Rhinitis medicamentosa: This condition may lead to rhinitis in people who
are taking nasal decongestants (such as oxymetazoline and phenylephrine)
for long periods. Using these nasal sprays for more than three consecutive
days isn’t generally recommended. The condition may lead to atrophic
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What causes primary atrophic rhinitis?
Potential causes of primary atrophic rhinitis include:
• Allergies.
• Bacterial infections.
• Estrogen hormone imbalance.
• Family history of atrophic rhinitis.
• Lack of iron or vitamins A or D.
• Structural changes to nasal passages present at birth (congenital).
What causes secondary atrophic rhinitis?
In addition to nasal surgeries, other potential risk factors for secondary
atrophic rhinitis include:
• Autoimmune diseases.
• Granulomatosis with polyangiitis (GPA, formerly called Wegener’s).
• Infections, including sinus infections.
• Radiation therapy.
• Sarcoidosis.
• Syphilis.
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• Trauma or injury to your nose.
• Chronic use of nasal decongestants.
What are the symptoms of atrophic rhinitis?
Atrophic rhinitis can cause a foul-smelling crust to form inside your nostrils.
Your nose may bleed if you try to dislodge it. You may also have bad breath
(halitosis). You might not notice these odors, but others will.
Other symptoms of atrophic rhinitis include:
• Chronic nosebleeds (epistaxis).
• Nasal discharge of pus.
• Nasal dryness and crusting.
• Sinus infections (sinusitis).
How is atrophic rhinitis diagnosed?
You receive care from an otolaryngologist, a medical doctor who specializes in
ear, nose and throat (ENT) conditions. Your healthcare provider will perform a
physical exam and may initially diagnose the condition based on your
You may also receive:
• Allergy tests to con�rm or rule out allergies.
• CT scan to get detailed images of your nasal cavities.
• Nasal endoscopy using a �exible tube with a camera (endoscope) to view
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the inside of your nostrils and check for nasal polyps or other problems.
• Nasal inspiratory �ow test to measure air�ow when you breathe.
How do you treat atrophic rhinitis?
There isn’t a cure for atrophic rhinitis, but treatments can reduce the foulsmelling crust and minimize symptoms. They include:
• Antibiotic ointments that you apply inside of your nose.
• Moisturizing nasal ointments.
• Estrogen in a pill or nasal spray.
• Vitamins.
• Humidi�er.
What are surgical treatments for atrophic rhinitis?
Although rare, some people get surgery to treat the condition. There are
different surgical procedures. Your healthcare provider can discuss the best
option for you.
Surgery can:
• Close off one nostril and nasal cavity, sometimes with a prosthetic
(arti�cial) device.
• Make your nasal passages smaller.
• Intranasal injections.
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What are home remedies for atrophic rhinitis?
You can take these steps to ease symptoms of atrophic rhinitis:
• Lubricate nasal passages with nasal sprays or drops as recommended by
your healthcare provider.
• Moisturize the air with a humidi�er.
• Rinse out your nasal passages with a saltwater solution (nasal irrigation).
What are the complications of atrophic rhinitis?
In rare instances, atrophic rhinitis can cause you to lose your sense of smell
(anosmia). You may also develop empty nose syndrome. This condition can
make you feel like there’s something blocking your nasal passages, yet they’re
wide open. As a result, you may constantly feel short of breath even though
your lungs are taking in su�cient oxygen.
Can you prevent atrophic rhinitis?
Unfortunately, there isn’t any way to prevent atrophic rhinitis.
What is the outlook for someone with atrophic rhinitis?
Atrophic rhinitis is a chronic (long-term) condition. You can take steps to keep
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your nasal passages moist and minimize symptoms.
When should I call the doctor?
Call your healthcare provider if you experience:
• Di�culty breathing.
• Diminished sense of smell.
• Chronic cough.
• Nasal dryness and crusting.
• Nasal obstruction (feeling like there’s something blocking your open nasal
• Recurrent nosebleeds.
What should I ask my provider?
You may want to ask your healthcare provider:
• What caused atrophic rhinitis?
• What medications can help?
• What steps can I take at home to ease symptoms?
• Do I need surgery?
• Should I look for signs of complications?
A note from Cleveland Clinic
Living with persistent nasal dryness and crusting can be challenging. You’re
more at risk for developing atrophic rhinitis after getting a sinus surgery like a
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turbinectomy. But a facial injury, bacterial infection and other conditions can
also lead to this rare type of nonallergic rhinitis. Your healthcare provider can
discuss treatment options with you. You may bene�t from prescription
medications and at-home treatments. Some people need surgery.
Last reviewed by a Cleveland Clinic medical professional on 04/25/2022.
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