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The Academic Council of the Tecnológico de Antioquia-IU, in use of the powers conferred
by the General Statute of the Institution, and
a. That in accordance with the First and Second World Conference on Higher
Education convened in 1998 and 2009 by UNESCO, higher education institutions
should advance in their processes of internationalization and international
cooperation at all levels of higher education (regional, national, institutional) to close
social gaps, between countries, between institutions and regions, as well as to train
individuals and citizens with the ability to develop adequately in the new scopes set
by the global scenario.
b. That according to the interests and thematic axes of the III Regional Conference on
Higher Education - CRES 2018, higher education is called to link Internationalization
within its action plans in articulation with interculturality, the inclusion of diversity that
allow the region to consolidate its process of globalization and regional integration
of Latin America and the Caribbean.
c. That organizations such as the Organization for Economic Cooperation and
Development - OECD and the World Economic Forum propose that educational
systems have a comprehensive approach to internationalization and train students
with global competencies.
d. That Law 30 of 1992 establishes that the objectives of higher education and its
institutions are to "promote the formation and consolidation of academic
communities and articulation with their counterparts at the international level".
e. That strategic plans have been established in the country such as the Ten-Year
Education Plan 2016-2026, the national English program 2015-2025, the CONPES
to support the formation of human capital abroad 2017-2025, and other initiatives
planned for 10 years.
That the Tecnológico de Antioquia-IU is a public higher education institution of the
departmental order, attached to the Governor's Office of Antioquia, for which reason
it is committed to the economic and social development strategies of the Department.
g. the Department of Antioquia as one of the development strategies, in recent years,
has looked towards the international scenario as a source of opportunities for
cultural, educational, economic, technological and commercial exchange
cooperation with the rest of the world from its privileged geographical location, the
wealth of its natural resources and from its level of economic and social
h. That the Municipal Education Plan of Medellin (PEM) 2016 - 2027 has defined as
one of its strategic directions the creation of a pedagogical model of city that relates
to the territory, culture, and global issues, having as a premise the achievement of
international training objectives and the results achieved in education in other
That the departmental development plans have conceived education as an engine
of social mobility, as the axis of the Department's competitiveness and as a crucial
component to facilitate the integration of Antioquia with the rest of the world.
That the Tecnológico de Antioquia-IU, is conceived in its mission as an institution
committed to the development of the department and the country, where the
construction of knowledge, the promotion of the humanistic, critical and investigative
spirit as well as social responsibility and sustainable development are promoted; and
from its vision as a leader in the departmental order, competitive at national level and
with international projection.
k. That the General Statute (Agreement No. 03 of October 2014) defines among its
institutional functions to develop teaching, research, extension, social projection and
internationalization programs. It also establishes among the functions of the
Academic Council those of approving and issuing academic, Research, University
Welfare, Quality Assurance, Internationalization, Regionalization and Institutional
Planning policies, among others.
L. That the PEI ( INSTITUTIONAL EDUCATION PROJECT ) establishes as a general
objective and a quality objective the formation and
consolidation of academic or
research communities and the articulation with their counterparts at the international
level. Likewise, it establishes from the profile of the students, their social responsibility
at the community, regional, national and international levels. The PEI ( INSTITUTIONAL
EDUCATION PROJECT ) also establishes internationalization as an opportunity for the
development of capacities and competencies of the institution for the management of
policies and economic resources, the analytical reading of the context for the fulfillment
of its public function and the representation of its stakeholders.
M. That the PEI ( INSTITUTIONAL EDUCATION PROJECT ) identifies the coresponsibility of the Internationalization Department in the achievement of the
goals of the mission processes. It also defines its responsibility in the definition
of guidelines to insert the academic community to the global context; under the
principles of solidarity, multilateral collaboration, mutual respect, promotion of the
values of humanism, diversity and multicultural dialogue.
N. That according to agreement 03 of 2017 with the Board of Directors of the
Tecnológico de Antioquia-IU orders the creation of the Directorate of
Internationalization whose purpose is to direct the internationalization programs
that allow the construction of academic community with other institutions of
higher education at the national and international level, provide the mobility of
teachers, students, graduates and managers of the institution and curricular
In merit of the above,
ARTICLE ONE. To adopt the following internationalization policy:
1.1. Definition of Internationalization
The Tecnológico de Antioquia-IU conceives internationalization as a transversal process of
incorporating the global perspective into academic and administrative management, which
from the recognition and valuation of the context and institutional, regional and national
● Projects the Institution to be recognized locally, departmentally and internationally.
● Guarantees the acquisition of competencies of students for the development of their
international profile and thus participate in the resolution of problems specific to their
● Improves institutional capacity to respond to the changes proposed by the knowledge
● Explores new international scenarios for exchange, cooperative relations and academic
ARTICLE TWO. Principles
Internationalization at Tecnológico de Antioquia-IU is based on the institutional principles of
Science, Virtue and Freedom, and additionally on the following principles:
- Interdependence: The world in which we live is dynamic and interconnected, therefore, the
Tecnológico de Antioquia-IU is aware of the impact of its actions in its community and
identifies cooperation as the mechanism for its own development and its contribution to
global development. Likewise, it recognizes that its internationalization process cannot be
static but adaptive to global trends and local needs.
- Alliances: In the knowledge society, institutions need to be actively linked to international
academic communities, as these generate spaces for innovation and co-creation that allow
the community of Tecnológico de Antioquia-IU to be in tune with the state of the art of the
different disciplines.
- Identity: In order to develop an effective internationalization process, it is necessary to build
it from the institutional and national identity, since this is the only way to guarantee that it
responds to the needs of its community and can develop from an active role, contributing to
the construction of its capacities and those of its environment.
- Relevance: The internationalization process of the Tecnológico de Antioquia-IU is
articulated with the local and global development agendas because it recognizes the crucial
role it plays in these contexts and orients the formation of its community to solve the
challenges that humanity is confronted with. The Tecnológico de Antioquia-IU as an
institution of higher education assumes a critical and active stance towards the role of its
graduates for sustainable development.
- Diversity: From its institutional culture, the Tecnológico de Antioquia-IU recognizes and
appropriates diversity, promoting understanding and intercultural dialogue for the
strengthening of its own cultures and for the generation of new cultural expressions.
- Socio-critical approach: The formation from a socio-critical approach allows the acquisition
of competencies for the development of the international profile of the student, which allows
him/her to identify and act as a citizen of the world, aware of his/her environment and the
global challenges to which he/she must face from the knowledge and from the being,
sensitive and active in front of diversity and competitive in the globalized labor markets.
- High Quality: Institutional quality is a condition without which internationalization is not
possible. The quality of the academic and administrative processes guarantees the
competitiveness of the institution in international contexts, as well as the capacity to respond
effectively to the innovations required to offer an international education.
The Tecnológico de Antioquia embraces the institutional values and defines additional
values for internationalization:
- Intercultural sensitivity: internationalization at Tecnológico de Antioquia-IU is understood
as a process of constant relationship in which the opinions, ideas and cultural attitudes of
the different actors of the same are respected.
- Teamwork: the transversality of the internationalization processes makes necessary the
development of joint work with a common goal, being the union of forces the guiding thread
for the fulfillment of the institutional objectives.
- Social commitment: recognizing the institutional identity, internationalization adopts the
responsibility of planning strategies that become actions with social impact and that, in turn,
form global citizens with the capacity to reproduce their commitment to the territory, the
community and themselves.
- Empathy: as the basis of interculturality, this value at Tecnológico de Antioquia-IU is
represented in the generation of relational bonds in which the other is perceived, shared and
- Creativity: Internationalization at Tecnológico de Antioquia-IU is based on the creation of
new ideas that are translated into benefits and solutions for the entire educational
- Co-responsibility: The internationalization process at Tecnológico de Antioquia-IU is a
process that is built for the benefit of the entire educational community: students, alumni,
teachers, administrative and management staff, covering the mission functions of teaching,
research and extension, as well as the management of the institution. Likewise, the
responsibility for the achievement of its objectives is shared among all stakeholders who
actively participate in all stages of implementation of this policy and its consequent action
ARTICLE FOUR. Objectives of internationalization
The objectives of internationalization are
(a) To promote the integral formation of students as competitive global citizens in
international labor markets.
b) To promote the understanding of the educational system vis-à-vis systems in other
geographical contexts.
c) Strengthen institutional, regional and national identity in interdependence with diversity.
d) To build academic community with other international communities.
e) Create new knowledge with exchanges of knowledge, practices and global synergies.
f) To project internationally the advances, programs and services of the Institution.
g) To position the Institution and its programs in the international arena.
h) To consolidate cooperation with other institutions of higher education and international
i) To achieve high standards of quality in accordance with the trends of international
ARTICLE FIFTH: Cross-cutting nature of internationalization
Internationalization as a transversal process permeates, from the institutional strategy, all
the academic and administrative instances, integrating the global dimension to the
substantive functions of education, research and extension, to all the institutional processes,
to the policies and to the referents that base the institutional practices and to all the
institutional tasks, to be a constitutive part of the institutional culture.
ARTICLE SIX. Direction of Internationalization
The direction of internationalization in the Tecnológico de Antioquia - IU is supported by the
following instances:
(a) Board of Directors, as the highest governing body, will guarantee the inclusion of
internationalization in the institutional development plan, in addition to its organization and
b) University Dean, as the highest academic and administrative authority, will direct,
evaluate and coordinate the plans, programs and projects of the internationalization process
in teaching, research and extension.
c) Academic Council, as the highest academic authority, will approve and issue the
internationalization policies.
d) Program Curriculum Committee, as an advisory body, will guarantee the inclusion of the
international component in the academic programs, in the planning of the Faculty and in the
work agendas of the teachers and will participate in the planning and evaluation of the
internationalization plans of the curriculum and the mobility plans of the respective
e) Internationalization Committee, as a consultative, support and accompaniment body for
internationalization, monitors the Internationalization Policy and the execution of the
strategies of the process and facilitates the articulation of the same from the academic and
administrative units that compose it.
f) Internationalization Directorate, is responsible for formulating and updating the guidelines
for the Institutional internationalization. It leads the internationalization strategies and
supports the academic and administrative units in their execution, follows up and evaluates
the planning and management of internationalization and manages the strategic
internationalization projects.
ARTICLE SEVENTH. Internationalization Management:
All the academic and administrative units of the Institution work in an articulated and coresponsible manner to make the internationalization policy and its objectives a reality. For
this purpose, the following internationalization management bodies are in place:
a) Internationalization Committee: The internationalization committee is composed of:
o Director of Internationalization, who chairs it.
o Academic Vice Rector
o Deans of the respective Faculties
o Research Director
o Administrative and Financial Director
o Coordinator of the Department of Basic Sciences and Common Areas.
Its functions are:
● Approve the general strategies for the development of internationalization in the institution.
● Recommend to the Academic Council and henceforth to the Board of Trustees the
approval of the policies and regulations that will allow the development of the policy.
● Recommend to the Rector's Office the approval of the annual Mobility Plan and the budget
for its execution.
● Develop decisive follow-up and evaluation of the process to meet institutional
requirements and propose actions for continuous improvement.
b) Internationalization Directorate: It is responsible for the planning, coordination, execution
and evaluation of the institution's internationalization strategies. The management and
structure of the Internationalization Department is defined by the strategic projects set forth
in this policy.
c) Internationalization Liaisons: The academic units designate internationalization liaisons,
who in articulation with the Internationalization Directorate and from the specific knowledge
of the disciplines and academic areas, implement the internationalization strategies specific
to their unit, execute the mobility plan and the curricular internationalization plan of the
programs and contribute to the development of the institutional internationalization strategy.
The internationalization liaisons will be appointed by the deans or their designees and have
a minimum of 8 hours per week in their work plan.
ARTICLE EIGHTEENTH. Units associated with the management of internationalization
The following academic and administrative units of the Institution favor the development of
internationalization, as follows:
(a) Administrative and Financial Management: the budgetary and resource management of
internationalization in a cross-cutting manner, as well as its timely management for
internationalization in the times and rhythms of international cooperation. Creation of
administrative and financial procedures that respond to the dynamics and needs of
international mobility, cooperation projects and academic diplomacy.
b) Admissions and Registration: the flexibility, updating and support in all processes of
enrollment, registration, registration and academic history of students in incoming and
outgoing academic mobility processes, the granting of certifications to this population, and
timely reporting to immigration authorities.
c) Self-evaluation and Quality Assurance: the inclusion of internationalization as a
transversal approach to the reflective processes of quality evaluation of the academic
programs and the Institution, as well as the insertion of internationalization in the
improvement plans of the academic and administrative units. The management of foreign
and international accreditations and certifications of academic and administrative
d) Library: the provision of library services with international standards, as well as the
development of collections with foreign, multicultural and multilingual bibliography and
e) University Welfare: the provision of services and programs aimed at building an
institutional culture and identity, an environment for inclusion and interculturality, as well as
the reception and welfare of foreign students and professors.
f) Communication and Marketing: the projection and positioning of the Institution at the
international level, the production of communication materials for different internal and
external audiences, as well as the communication of the progress of internationalization at
the institutional, national and international level.
g) Graduates, the communication and articulation of the services offered and the updating
of graduates in their international profile, as well as the follow-up of graduates abroad,
h) Extension Department, the interaction and integration of the Institution with local, national
and international communities, ensuring the presence of the Institution in the social and
cultural dynamics of the region, the country and the international sphere, the articulation with
cooperation projects for development and the offer of continuing education for the
development of the international profile and the global vision of the academic communities
i) Department of Basic Sciences and Common Areas: the offer of second language
programs, foreign languages and culture for students, teachers and administrative staff of
the Institution and abroad. Design of strategies to make Tecnológico de Antioquia - IU a
multicultural campus, the appropriation and daily use of other languages, especially in the
classroom and bibliography.
j) Research Direction, the orientation of research lines, groups, projects, seed beds,
laboratories and workshops with an international focus, as well as the management of
international cooperation for research.
k) Legal Office, the legal management of agreements, contracts and intellectual property
matters of international order, as well as the modernization of internal processes to respond
to new trends in international education and the dynamism of cooperation.
l) Marketing, the promotion and positioning of the Institution and its programs in the global
environment, the attraction of foreign students, teachers and researchers, which nurture the
internationalization processes at home.
m) Planning Department, articulation of internationalization to the prospective scenarios of
the institution and the inclusion of a global dimension in the strategic planning of institutional
processes, as well as the management of strategic information on internationalization for
decision making.
n) Human Resources, the management of the global profile of managers, administrators and
teachers, as well as the management of procedures for the recruitment of foreign human
o) ICTS (Information and Communication Technology), the access of the institutional
community to the global knowledge society and global learning communities, as well as the
support to teachers for the incorporation of ICTS in teaching and learning methods and
global competencies.
ARTICLE NINTH. Internationalization at Home
The internationalization project at home seeks to promote the internationalization of the
Tecnológico de Antioquia - IU and its academic community with strategies that do not involve
mobility outside the country. This project guarantees the democratization of the
internationalization process by providing greater coverage and access to the institutional
community and impacting the daily tasks of academic life from two approaches: the
intercultural campus and the internationalization of the curriculum. This project contemplates
strategies such as:
✔ Development of activities that promote the acquisition of intercultural competencies.
✔ Offering strategies for multilingualism.
✔ Management of projects, strategies and procedures for the internationalization of the
✔ Implementation of events of an international nature.
✔ Promotion of activities for valuing and recognizing cultural diversity on campus.
✔ Management of international and foreign certifications and accreditations.
✔ Promotion of global citizenship of the academic community.
ARTICLE TENTH. Academic mobility
Academic mobility is a process that involves physical or virtual displacement from one
institution to another for the development of academic activities. From the perspective of the
students, it has the objective of contributing to their integral formation by complementing
their curriculum, acquiring soft skills and intercultural competencies that facilitate their
interaction in global scenarios and improve their competitiveness and performance in them.
Student mobility also allows institutional recognition abroad and the strengthening of the
internationalization project at home through cultural diversity on campus. The mobility of
teachers, administrative and managerial staff fosters their professional and research
development, broadens the perspective and focus of their disciplinary knowledge, allows the
exchange of knowledge and good practices and promotes institutional positioning and
continuous improvement, The strategies conceived for this project, include:
● Offering student and faculty exchange opportunities: exchange semesters, academic
internships, research stays, language immersions, professional internships, missions, short
courses, knowledge transfer, attendance and presentations at academic and scientific
events, training, among others.
● International counseling
● Granting of incentives and economic support for mobility, regulated in the institutional
academic mobility policy, research policy and training policy.
● Construction of an annual Mobility Plan for students designed by each of the Faculties
responding to their strategic relationship agendas and their training needs.
ARTICLE THIRTEENTH. International Cooperation
Project that seeks to promote exchange and academic and research cooperation with higher
education institutions, cooperation agencies, research and innovation centers, cooperation
networks. This project seeks to generate synergies with the various actors that allow the
construction of capacities within the institution, as well as the development of projects for
the benefit of the local, national and international community as a tool for social projection
and university social responsibility. The strategies of this project are:
● Management of national and international academic cooperation agreements.
● Management of projects and opportunities for development cooperation, technical
cooperation and financial cooperation.
● Promoting the internationalization of projects, groups, research groups and research
● Developing projects within the framework of international academic and research
● Communicate to the academic community the calls and opportunities offered by
international entities for cooperation, research and training.
ARTICLE TWELFTH. Academic Diplomacy
Project that seeks to put Tecnológico de Antioquia on the map - IU and its academic
community in the relevant and pertinent scenarios of international education, the active
participation of the institution in the academic networks and communities that allow enriching
the substantive functions and making the institution a dynamic actor in the regional and
international strategic agendas. It also seeks to make the Tecnológico de Antioquia - IU a
reference of quality as an academic and research destination among the interest groups of
the respective disciplines. The strategies of this project are:
● Institutional representation at the international level.
● Development of strategies for institutional global positioning.
● Participation in international education events and fairs.
● Participation in institutional networks
● Participation in the definition of public policy on internationalization issues.
● Development of missions for the fulfillment of institutional objectives
● Management of international relations
ARTICLE THIRTEENTH. Definition of the Internationalization of the curriculum.
The internationalization of the curriculum is a process of incorporating the global,
interdisciplinary and multicultural perspective into curriculum management, generating
capacities in the academic communities to inhabit the world as global citizens participating
in common and universal values.
The Institution, from its Institutional Educational Project, enables an international curriculum,
based on the Approaches of Socio-Critical Pedagogy and Education for Diversity as a
guarantor of individual and group identities, inherent to human reality.
ARTICLE FOURTEENTH. Basis for the Internationalization of the Curriculum
The Tecnológico de Antioquia - IU understands the need to participate and interact in a
global context, thus its commitment to train people with the ability to read, learn, write and
interpret knowledge, professionally and occupationally, from a critical, analytical,
autonomous, supportive and proactive position, from a pedagogical model based on sociocritical thinking, based on the understanding that the world is open, contingent,
unpredictable and dialectical, and that it must be reflected on in a permanent, collective,
democratic and interdisciplinary way.
In its commitment to bring education to the regions of the Department of Antioquia, offering
education to least favoured student population with affordability and accessibility to the
higher education system, the Tecnológico de Antioquia recognizes that the
internationalization of the curriculum allows it to offer a modern, quality education with
international standards to all its students in an equitable manner.
ARTICLE FIFTEENTH. Specific objectives
The objectives of the internationalization of the curriculum are as follows:
(a) To provide a broader perspective of higher education and of the professional horizons of
the academic community.
b) To offer compatible curricula in the global context.
c) To promote interdisciplinarity, globalization and interculturality as cross-cutting aspects in
curricular designs.
d) To train professionals with international competencies as global citizens with cultural
e) To promote the international competitiveness of its graduates, its programs and the
institution itself.
ARTICLE SIXTEENTH. Strategic projects of curricular internationalization:
Ethnorelative culture
A project that seeks to advance towards a culture that values and respects differences, that
appropriates and understands new cultural frameworks that allow relationships, the
exchange of knowledge, the valuing of cultural diversity, the dialogue of knowledge, the
development of learning communities and curricular innovation. The strategies of this project
● Permanent observation of education trends at the international level.
Permanent updating of the institutional normative framework for the inclusion of
● Allocation of resources and incentives for the internationalization of the curriculum.
● Ongoing training of the academic community in international affairs for the development
of its global profile.
● Intercultural education to foster dialogue and promote sustainable and tolerant societies.
● Implementation of global citizenship building strategies instilling in students the ability to
conceive of themselves as part of a heterogeneous world and as individuals in the global
● Offering activities that bring the academic community closer to cultures of the world.
● Creation of an organizational culture for internationalization.
Innovation and curricular flexibility
Project that seeks to incorporate the international, intercultural and interdisciplinary
dimension into the student's education, guaranteeing learning paths appropriate to the
profile, needs and capabilities of the students. The strategies of this project are:
● Incorporation of global curricular and disciplinary trends into program educational projects
and curricula.
● Permanent updating of meso- and micro-curricula from an international approach.
● Conducting studies on internationalization of the curriculum.
● Dual-degree program offer
● Academic offerings in course catalogs and learning spaces.
● Making accreditation and recognition processes more flexible from an international
● Promotion of internationalization strategies in the classroom.
Global Profiles
Project that seeks to develop global competencies in the academic community that make
them citizens of the world with intercultural sensitivity. The strategies of this project are:
● Definition of profiles and global competencies for training in academic programs.
● Encouraging the use of foreign languages and information and communication
technologies in teaching and learning strategies.
● Offering socio-humanist, intercultural and global context training spaces to students,
graduates and teachers.
● Co-supervision of graduate work by foreign professors
● Follow-up of graduates abroad
● Encouragement of research development from an international perspective.
Teaching and learning scenarios
Project that seeks to offer teaching-learning scenarios for the development of students as
global professionals. Strategies of this project are:
● Construction of personal learning networks.
● Face-to-face, incoming and outgoing mobility of teachers and students.
● Virtual mobility of students and teachers by offering academic experiences abroad through
information and communication technologies.
● Promotion of the incorporation of new didactics for active pedagogy.
● Inclusion of bibliographic resources in other languages.
● Development of internationalization activities in the classroom with professors from foreign
● Promotion of alternative learning scenarios that foster the acquisition of intercultural
competencies outside the classroom.
This resolution pursues is effective as of the date of its issuance and repeals Resolution 08
of October 30, 2013 of the Academic Council and all those provisions that are contrary to
Given in ____________
University Dean