SAP ABAP ALL I MPI Q' S BY MR.Babu DATADI CTI ONARY DDI CObj ect s 1)Whatar et het echni cal pr oper t i esofat abl eandexpl ai naboutt hem? Ans: -Ther ear e7t y pesoft oper t i es. Theyar e a)Del i v er yCl ass: -I ti susedt ocont r ol t heTr anspor toft het abl edat a. I ti susedt ospeci f yt het y peoft het abl e. Wemost l yuset hedel i v er ycl ass' C' . I ncaseofdel i v er ycl ass' A' t het abl ecanmai nt ai nedi nanysy st em ( dev el opment , qual i t y , pr oduct i onsy st ems)usi ngSM30. b)Dat aBr owser / t abl ev i ewmai nt enance: -Thi spr oper t yi susedt ospeci f yt hewhet hert he t abl ecanbemai nt ai nedornot . Wemost l yuse“ Di spl ay / mai nt enanceal l owed“ opt i on. I ncaseoft heopt i onDi spl ay / mai nt enanceal l owedwi t hr est r i ct i ons&Di spl ayormai nt enance notal l owed, t hecust om t abl eorMai nt enancev i ewcan’ tbemai nt ai ned. c)Dat aCl ass: -I ti susedt ospeci f yt het y peoft hedat at obemai nt ai nedi nt het abl e. Wemost l yuseAPPL0orAPPL1. APPL0–Mast erdat a–Accessf r equent l y&updat ed( changed)r ar el y .Ex: D. O. B APPL1–Tr ansact i onal dat a–Accessf r equent l y&updat edf r equent l y .Ex: Sal Or gani zat i on&Cust omi zi ngdat a–Updat edr ar el y .Ex: CompanyCodes d)Si zeCat egor y : -I ti susedt ospeci f yt hei ni t i al spacer equi r edf ort het abl ei nt hedat abase. Wemost l yuse' 0' cat egor y .(0–7)>[0–7100] I ft heusert r i est oent erar ecor dov ert hatt hesel ect edr ange, t hesy st em wi l l i ncr easet hesi ze cat egor yi nt oanex tcat egor y( 0t o1) . e)Buf f er i ng: -I ti susedt ocont r ol ( r educe)t het r af f i ci nt hedat abasewhent het abl eaccessed byt hemul t i pl euser s. Wemost l yuset hemode“ Buf f er i ngnotal l owed"–Tabl eCan’ tbebuf f er ed Buf f er i ngal l owedbutSwi t chedOf f–Buf f er i ngal l owedbutnotact i v at ed Buf f er i ngSwi t chedon–Thet abl ecanbebuf f er ed.I ncaseoft hi sopt i onanyoneoft he buf f er i ngt y pesshoul dbesel ect ed. Si ngl er ecor dbuf f er i ng: I ncaseoft hi sbuf f er i ngt y pe, r ecor dbyr ecor di sbuf f er edf r om t hedat abaset abl es. Gener i cAr eabuf f er : I ti susedt obuf f ert het abl edat abasedont hespeci f i edkeyf i el ds. I ncaseoft hi sbuf f er i ngt y pe, t heno.ofkeyf i el dsmustbespeci f i ed. Ful l ybuf f er : Theent i r et abl ei sbuf f er ed. f )Enhancementcat egor y : -I ti susedt oenhancet hepar t i cul arf i el dsoft het abl e. Wemost l yuse“ Canbeenhanced( DEEP) ” . g)Tabl eMai nt enancegener at or : -I ti susedt omai nt ai nmul t i pl eent r i es&v al i dat et het abl edat a usi ngt heTcodeSM30. Q)Wh a ti st a b l eb u f f e r ?Wh i c ht y p eoft a b l e su s e dt h i sb u f f e r ? Ans: Buf f eri snot hi ngbutamemor yar ea.Tabl ei sbuf f er edmeanst hatt abl ei nf or mat i oni s av ai l abl e onappl i cat i onser v er .Wheny oucal l dat af r om dat abaset abl ei twi l l comef r om appl i cat i onser v er . Tr anspar entt abl esandpool t abl esar ebuf f er ed, whi l ecl ust ert abl e cannotbebuf f er ed. Q: WHATI STABLEBUFFERI NGANDADVANTAGE? a: TABLEBUFFERI NGI SUSEDTOI MPROVEPERFORMANCEOFOPENSQLSTATEMENTS. BUFFERI NGI SOFTHREETYPES. 1)SI NGLERECORDBUFFERI NG 2)GENERI CBUFFERI NG 3)FULLBUFFERI NG Thef r equent l yr et r i ev eddat af r om t hedat abasecanbest or edi nappl i cat i onser v erasasbuf f erdat a, soi t wi l l nothi tt hedat abaset ogett hedat a.Sot heexecut i onoft hepr ogr am wi l l bef ast .Thesedat acanbe def i nedasbuf f er eddat aoft abl ewhi l ecr eat i ngat abl e. 2)Whatar et hest epst ocr eat eTMG? Ans: - a)Execut eSE11 b)Sel ectt heRadi obut t onDBTabl e c)Pr ov i det heTabl ename&cl i ckonchange d)Cl i ckonut i l i t i esmenui t em. e)Cl i ckonTabl eMai nt enanceGener at or . f )Sel ectt heaut oupas&NC&( wi t houtaut hor i zat i ongr oup) Aut hor i zat i ongr oupi susedt ocont r ol t heuseraccess. g)Pr ov i det hef unct i ongr oupasy ourt abl ename Thef unct i ongr oupmustbespeci f i ed.Si nce, t hesy st em gener at est hescr een&t he cor r espondi ngsour cecodef ort het abl emai nt enanceundert hef unct i ongr oup. h)Sel ectt heonest epr adi obut t on. I ncaseofonest epmai nt enance, t hesy st em gener at es‘ si ngl e’ ov er v i ewscr eent omai nt ai n& di spl ayt hedat a. I ncaseoft wost epmai nt enance, t hesy st em gener at es2scr eenst ocr eat easi ngl eent r yata t i me&di spl ayt ocr eat eadat ai nanot herscr een.Twost epmai nt enancei st hedef aul topt i on. i )Ent erov er v i ewscr eennumber( coul dbeany ) .[ 4di gi tonl y ] j )Cl i ckoncr eat ei con( F6)&Cl i ckonsav ei con( package: $TMP>Sav e) k)Pr essEnt erbut t on&Cl i ckonLocal Obj ect&Cl i ckonBacki con. 3)Whatar et hedi f f er encesbet weenI ncl udest r uct ur eandAppendst r uct ur e? . I NCLUDESt r uct ur e 1.I tcanbei nser t edatanyposi t i on. 2.I ti snotpossi bl ewi t ht hest andar dt abl es 3.Al l t hest epsofI ncl udest r uct ur emustbe sav edi nei t herourownpackageor$TMP . APPENDSt r uct ur e 1.I tcani nser tonl yatendoft het abl e. 2.I ti spossi bl et oi nser tst r uct ur ef orbot h St andar d&Cust om t abl es 3.Al l t hest epsofAppendst r uct ur emustbe sav edi nourownpackage 4.Thet abl emustbei nchangemode 4.I tcanbei nser t edi nDi spl aymodeal so 5.I ti spossi bl et oaddt headdi t i onal f i el ds 5.I ti snotpossi bl et oaddt headdi t i onal f i el ds manual l y af t erI ncl udest r uct ur e manual l yaf t erAppendst r uct ur e 6.I tcanbeusedf ormul t i pl et abl es 6.I ti sspeci f i ct opar t i cul art abl e/ st r uct ur e 4)Whatar et heev ent si nTMG? Ans: Val i dat i oncanbedonebyTabl eev ent susi ngSM30.Tot al l y38ev ent sar et her ei nTMG. 1.Bef or esav i ngt hedat ai nt hedat abase. 2.Af t ersav i ngt hedat ai nt hedat abase. 3.Bef or edel et i ngt hedat adi spl ay ed. 4.Af t erdel et i ngt hedat adi spl ay ed. 5.Cr eat i nganewent r y . 5)Whati st hepur poseofTabl eMai nt enanceGener at or( TMG) ? Ans: -I ti susedt omai nt ai n( Change, cr eat e, modi f y )t hecust om t abl esusi ngt hest andar dTCode SM30. q: I fi hav e6f i el dsi nourzt abl es, Butwheni woul dl i ket odi spl ayt hecont ent s, t henonl y4f i el dswoul dbe comeup, HOW I TWI LLHandl e? a: I nse11got ot abl e>sel ectcont ent s>sel ectset t i ngs>sel ect>f or matl i st>choosef i el ds>choose whi chf i el dsy ouwantt odi spl ay ( sel ectcheckboxes) Byt hi swecandi spl aywhi chf i el dswewantt odi spl ayr emai ni ngf i el dswi l l hi de. 6)Whatar et het y pesofdat abaset abl esanddi f f er encesbet weent hem? Ans: -Ther ear e3t y pesofdat abaset abl es. 1)Tr anspar entt abl es: -Onet oOner el at i onshi p–CanbeJoi nWi t hOt herTr anspar entt abl es 2)Pool edt abl es: -Manyt oOner el at i onshi p. 3)Cl ust ert abl es: -Manyt oOner el at i onshi p. Wemost l yuset r anspar entt abl es. Tr anspar entTabl es( VBAK) 1.Theyhav eoneone Rel at i onshi pwi t ht hedat a Pool edTabl es( TTDTG) Cl ust ert abl es( BSEG) Many–One Many–One baset abl es 2.Secondar yi ndexescanbe cr eat ed. 3.Bot hOpen&nat i v eSQL canbeused. 4. TheTabl ename, f i el dsname andno. off i el dsar esi mi l ar i nDDI CandDat abase 5. I tFol l owsbot hBi nar yand l i nearSear ch NotPossi bl e NotPossi bl e Onl yOpenSQL Onl yOpenSQL Tabl enamesandf i l ednames ar edi f f er enti nDat abase I tf ol l owsBi nar ySear ch Tabl enamesandf i l ednames ar edi f f er enti nDat abase I ti sst or edwi t hanot hersetof t abl escal l edt abl epool I tf ol l owsLi nearSear ch I ti sst or edwi t hanot hersetof t abl escal l edCl ust erPool 7.For ei gnkey scanbecr eat ed For ei gnkey scan’ tbecr eat ed si ncekeyf i el dnamesar e di f f er enti nDDI C&Tabl epool For ei gnkey scan’ tbecr eat ed si ncekeyf i el dnamesar e di f f er enti nDDI C&Tabl epool 8.Canbej oi nedwi t hot her Tr anspar entt abl es Can’ tbeusedwi t hJoi ns, Si nce t heyar eal r eadysetoft abl es Can’ tbeusedwi t hJoi ns 6.I ti smi r r ori mageofDBTabl e OpenSQL: I ti sasetofst at ement swhi chcani nt er actwi t hanyki ndofdat abase. Nat i v eSQL: I ti sspeci f i ct ot hepar t i cul ardat abase&i thi t st hedat abasedi r ect l y . 7)Howdat ai sst or edi ncl ust ert abl e? Ans: Acl ust ert abl econt ai nsdat af r om mul t i pl eDDI Ct abl es.I tst or esdat aasanamev al uepai r ( v ar key , v ar dat a) 8)I si tpossi bl et ocr eat ecust om t r ansact i oncodet omai nt ai nt het abl e?I fy es, howt ocr eat ei t ? Ans: -Yes, Wecancr eat ebyusi ngt hecust om TCodeusi ngSE93. 9)Howt oi dent i f yt hest andar dt abl es?( I ndi cat i ons) Ans: - 1)Thet abl eswhi chdoesn' tst ar twi t hZorY. 2)Thet abl eswhi chcan' tbeseeni nt heCHANGEmode. 10)Howt oseet her el at i onshi pbet weent het abl es? Ans: -1)Usi ngSQVITCode. 2)Whi l emai nt ai ndat ai nt hechi l dt abl e( For ei gnkeyr el at i onshi p) . 11)Whati sWher eUsedLi st ? Ans: I ti susedt ol i stoutal l t hedependentobj ect s&knowt heusageoft hepar t i cul arobj ect . TheTcodeSQVIi susedt ocheckt her el at i onshi psbet weent het abl es. 12)Canweadd/ Enhanceaddi t i onal cust omerspeci f i cf i el dv al est ost andar ddomai ns? Ans: Yes, t hest andar ddomai nscanbeenhancedt oadd, addi t i onal cust omerspeci f i cf i xedv al ues i nt er v al susi ngt heMenupat h: Got o>Fi xedVal ueAppendatDomai nl ev el . 13)Howmanyt y pesofI ndexesar et her eandexpl ai naboutt hem? Ans: -I ndexesar eusedt oav oi dt hedupl i cat edat awhi l eaccessi ngt het abl e.I ndexescanal sobe usedf orbet t erper f or mancewhi l eext r act i ngt hedat at het abl es.Ther ear e2t y pesofI ndexes. & 1)Pr i mar yi ndex: I ti sgener at edbyt hesy st em usi ngt hekeyf i el doft het abl es. Keyf i el dshol dt heuni quedat a( I mpl i ci tI ndexes) . 2)Secondar yI ndex: Thesear ecr eat edandmai nt ai nedbyt heTechni cal Consul t ant s/ ABAP’ er . Wecancr eat e9secondar yi ndexespert abl e.Wecancr eat et hesecondar yi ndexesf orbot h cust om &st andar dt abl es.I tcanbedef i nedbybot hkey&nonkeyf i l edcombi nat i on. Q)Howt omakeSELECTst at ementt omakeuseofanypar t i cul arsecondar yi ndex? Ans: TABLES: spf l i . DATA: t _ spf l i LI KEspf l i OCCURS0WI THHEADERLI NE. SELECT*FROM spf l i I NTOTABLEt _ spf l i %_ HI NTSORACLE' I NDEX( " SPFLI "" SPFLI ~001" ) ' . LOOPATt _ spf l i . WRI TE: /t _ spf l i . ENDLOOP. 14)Whatar et hedi f f er encesbet weenCheckt abl eandVal uet abl e? Checkt abl e 1.I ti smai nt ai nedatt heTABLEl ev el . 2.I tcanbeusedt oext r actt hedat ai nt he pr ogr ams. 3.TheSear chHel pi sdi spl ay edf r om t he Checkt abl eont hef or ei gnkeyf i el dofa f or ei gnkeyt abl e. 4.I tf or cest heusert osel ectanyoneoft he checkt abl ef i el dent r i es Val uet abl e 1.I ti smai nt ai nedatt heDOMAI Nl ev el . 2.I tcan' tbeusedt oext r actdat asi ncei ti sl i nked wi t ht hedomai n. 3.TheSear chHel pi sdi spl ay edoneachf i el d whi chi sl i nkedwi t ht hesamedomai noft he Val uet abl e. 4.I tdoesnotf or cet heusersi ncei thasempt yv al ue bydef aul t . 15)Whatar et het y pesofVi ewsandexpl ai naboutt hem? Ans: -Vi ewsar et hev i r t ual / i magi nar yt abl es.I tdoesnotcont ai nt hedat aper manent l y . Vi ewcont ai nst hedat aatRunt i meonl y . 1)Dat abaseVi ew: -I ti susedt ocombi net hemul t i pl et abl eddat abyj oi ni ngt hem.I tcanbe usedt oext r actt hedat ai nt hepr ogr ams. 2)Mai nt enanceVi ew: -I ti susedt omai nt ai nmul t i pl et abl esdat ausi ngt heTcodeSM30( TMG) . 3)Hel pVi ew: -I ti susedi nt hesel ect i onmet hodi nanEl ement ar ySear chHel pt opr ov i det he l i stofpossi bl eent r i esf r om t hemul t i pl et abl es. 4)Pr oj ect i onVi ew: -I ti susedt oHI DEt heunwant edf i el dsoft het abl e.I tcanbe def i nedusi ngonet abl eonl y . 16)Whatar et heSear chHel p, t y pesandexpl ai naboutt hem? Ans: -I ti susedt opr ov i deal l t hepossi bl eent r i est ot hei nputv ar i abl eassear chhel p. 1)El ement ar ySear chhel p: -I ti scr eat edusi ngonebaset abl e. 2)Col l ect i v eSear chhel p: -I ti st hecol l ect i onofEl ement ar ySear chhel p. Sear chHel pExi t : I ti saFunct i onmodul et of i l t erpossi bl eent r i esofasear chhel p. I ti susedt omodi f yt heF4v al uesatr unt i me. Theyar eusedt or est r i ctt hest andar dsear chhel pr et ur nedv al uesaccor di ngt ouser ’ s r equi r ement . Ex: whenUser1r equi r eonl ymat er i al t y peasf i ni shedgoods&User2r equi r eonl ymat er i al t y peasRaw mat er i al .Fort hi sscenar i owecanuse. Tor est r i ctt hev al uesf ormat er i al bymat er i al t y pesear chhel pnamei s: MAT1T_ E 18)I si tpossi bl et ocr eat eat abl e/ st r uct ur ewi t houtcr eat i nganydat ael ementanddomai ns? Ans: -Yes, wecancr eat eusi ngt hepr edef i nedt y pes. I ti susedt ocr eat et het abl ewi t houtusi ngDat aEl ement s/ Domai ns. I ft het abl eorst r uct ur ei scr eat edusi ngpr edef i nedt y pes, t he‘ +’ sy mbol sar eappear edwhi l e mai nt ai ni ngt het abl ei nst eadoff i el dl abel s( Headi ngs) . Reusabi l i t yi snotpossi bl ewi t ht hePr edef i nedTy pes. For ei gnkeyr el at i onshi pi scannotbecr eat edsi ncei tdoesn’ tcont ai nsDomai ns. 19)Whatar et heLockobj ect sandexpl ai naboutt hedi f f er entl ockmodes? Ans: -Theyar eusedt ocont r ol t hepar al l el accessf ort hesamedat abyt hemul t i pl euser s.I tav oi ds t heconcur r encyaccessofmul t i pl euser sont hesameDat abase. Thecust om l ockobj ectnameshoul dst ar twi t h' E' f ol l owedbyt het abl ename. Ex: -E<ZB16_ St udent>. I tgener at est wof unct i onmodul esonest ar twi t hENQUEQEandot herst ar twi t hDEQUEQE. ENQUEQE-Requestf orLock DEQUEQEToRel easet heLock Ty pesofLocks: 1)Wr i t e/ Excl usi v e: Thel ockeddat acanbeaccessedbysi ngl euseronl y .Al l ot herLockr equest s ar er ej ect ed. 2)Read/ Shar ed:Themul t i pl euser scanaccesst hesamedat aatt hesamet i me.I fnousert r i est o edi tt hedat a, al l ot heruser scannotaccesst hi sdat a. 3)Excl usi v ebutnotCumul at i v e: I tcanber equest edonl yoncebyt hegi v ent r ansact i on Codes.Al l ot herl ockr equest sar er ej ect ed. SM12: Thi sTcodei susedt ol i stoutt hel ockedobj ect s&t odel et et hel ockedobj ect s. 20)Whatar et hedi f f er encebet weenTabl eandSt r uct ur e? Tabl e 1. Tabl econt ai nst hedat a St r uct ur e 1.St r uct ur edoesnotcont ai nt hedat a.I ti s f i l l edwi t hsi ngl er ecor datRunt i me. 2.I tmustcont ai nsatl east1f i el das 2.I tdoesnotcont ai npr i mar yf i el ds. Pr i mar yFi el ds. 3. Dat abasemustcont ai nsDel i v er ycl ass& Techni cal set t i ngs. 3. I tdoesnotcont ai nsDel i v er ycl ass& Techni cal set t i ngs. 21)Expl ai naboutDat ael ement&Domai n. Ans: -Dat aEl ement: -I ti soneoft hedat adi ct i onar yobj ectwhi chcanbeusedt omai nt ai nt he f i el dl abel s( descr i pt i ons)oft hef i el dsi nt het abl eorst r uct ur e. Par amet erI D’ sar emai nt ai nedatDat aEl ementl ev el underFur t herChar act er i st i cs t ab. Domai n: -I ti soneoft hedat adi ct i onar yobj ectwhi chcanbeusedt omai nt ai nt he t echni cal pr oper t i esoft hef i el dsi nt het abl esuchar eDat at y pes( char , numc. . . . et c) , l engt hoft hedat a( 10, 20. . . et c) I tcanbeusedt omai nt ai nVal uet abl et opr ov i desear chhel pont hef i el d. Conv er si onRout i nesar emai nt ai nedatDomai nLev el . 22)Howt oadj ustt het abl e/ Vi ew? Ans: -I ft her ewasanychangesmadeatt het abl el ev el t hesy st em wi l l t hr owaner r oras ‘ St r uct ur echangeatf i el dl ev el ' .Thet abl emustbeadj ust edt or ect i f yt hi ser r or . TheTCodeSE14ort hepat h: Ut i l i t i es>dat abaseobj ect s>dat abaseut i l i t ycanbeusedt o adj ustt het abl e. I ft hekeyf i el di schangedasnonkeyf i el dt hent hesy st em t hr owsaner r or‘ Conv er tTabl e’ : st r uct ur echangedatTabl el ev el . 23)Ihav eaZTabl e, Iwant st oaddonemor ef i el dt ot het abl ewi t houtdi st ur bi ngpr ev i ousdat a, what shoul dIdo? Ans: Whi l eadj ust i ngdat abaset abl ei nSE14, sel ect' Sav eDat a' r adi obut t on. 24)Whatar et hedi f f er entway st opr ov i desear chhel ps? Ans: -Wecanpr ov i dei n3way s. Usi ngv al uet abl eatDomai nl ev el . For ei gnkeyr el at i onshi p. El ement ar yandcol l ect i v esear chhel p. 25)Whati st y pegr oupandexpl ai n? Ans: -I ti soneoft hedat adi ct i onar yobj ect s. I ti susedt odef i net heGl obal t y pes, I nt er nal t abl esandconst ant swhi chcanber ef er r ed any wher ei nt hesy st em. TheABAPst at ementTYPEPOOLSi susedt ocal l / def i net het y pegr oup. 26)Whati st abl et y peandexpl ai n? Ans:I ti soneoft hedat adi ct i onar yobj ectusedt odef i net hegl obal i nt er nal t abl ewhi chcanbe r ef er r edacr osst hesy st em. 27)Whati st heMaxi mum No.ofst r uct ur est hatcanbei ncl udedi nat abl eorSt r uct ur e? Ans: -9(Ni ne) 28)Cany ouuseal l t heVi ewsi nt heABAPPr ogr am? Ans: -No.Wecanuseonl yPr oj ect i onv i eworDat abasev i ewi nt hePr ogr am. 29)I nwhi cht abl ear et hepr ogr ams, Tabl es, Dev el opmentcl asses( packages)ar est or edi n? Ans: -ThePr ogr amsdet ai l sar est or edi nt het abl eTRDI R, Dat abaset abl esi nDD02LandDD02Tand t hedev el opmentcl asspackagesi nTDEVC. 30)Expl ai naboutt het abl esTADI RandTRDI R? Ans: TADI Ri sat abl ewhi chhol dst heDat aDi ct i onar yobj ect s.i . e; Dat ael ement s, Domai ns, Tabl es, codeset c&TRDI Rst or esal l t hecl i enti ndependentPr ogr amsdet ai l s. T- Q)Whati st hedi f f er encebet weenpackageanddev el opmentcl ass? ? a: Wecal l eddev el opmentcl assi nt hev er si on4. 6.Andt hatwecal l edPackagecal l edi nt he4. 7EVERSI ON. Ther ei snodi f f er encei nbet weent hese2ones. 31)Wheny oucr eat enewent r i esi nt het abl et hef i el dv al uesar eal way si nUpper case.Howdoy ou get t hedat awi t hmi xedcase? Ans: -Ther easonf ort hi si st hatt heDomai nf ort heFi el di nt het abl emi ghthav eLower case checkbox unchecked.Checkt heLOWERCASECHECKBOXt opr eser v et hecaseofy ourdat a. ThecheckboxLowercasei scheckedt omakechar act erf i el dsasacasesensi t i v et oacceptbot h Upper&Lowercasel et t er s.Si ncet hesy st em t akest he‘ Char act er ’ dat at y peasUppercasel et t er s bydef aul t . 33)Whati sTr ansact i oncode? Ans: Theyar et hecommands/ shor t cut st oexecut ecor r espondi ngappl i cat i on.I nSAP eachscr eeni sassoci at edwi t hTCode. a)St andar dTcode: Theyar et hesy st em pr ov i dedt owor kwi t ht hepr edef i nedappl i cat i ons.The st andar dTcodescoul donl ybet hecombi nat i onofanyal phabet s/ al phanumer i c Ex: SQVI , SE11, SE38( SESy st em Engi neer i ng, SM –Sy st em Machi ne, SQSy st em quer y ) b)Cust om Tcode: Theyar ecr eat ed&mai nt ai nedbyABAPTechni cal Consul t ant SE93i susedt owor kwi t hcust om Tcode. TSTC– I ti st hest andar dt abl ewhi chcont ai nsal l t heTr ansact i onCodesi nt hesy st em. TFDI R–Funct i onModul es 34)Whati sDat aDi ct i onar y / DDI C? Ans: Dat aDi ct i onar yi scent r al &st r uct ur edsour ceofdat a.Thedat aobj ect scanber ef er r ed any wher ei nt hesy st em &t hedat adef i ni t i onsar emai nt ai nedi nt heDDI C. q. whati st hedi f f er enceb/ wdat adi ct i onar yanddat abase? a: dat adi ct i onar yi sacent r al r eposi t or ywher et hedef i nedal l t heobj ectr el at edt odat abase.Adat abasei s anor gani zedcol l ect i onofdat a Q)Whati st hebasi cDi f f er encebet weeni nt er nal t abl esanddat abaset abl es?Howcanwedi f f er ent i at eby l ooki ngatt het abl es?AndhowHandl i ngofI nt er nal Tabl es? Ans: -Thebasi cDi f f er encei sdat abaset abl esar eSt or edi nDBSer v erandt hei nt er nal t abl esar e v i r t ual t abl est hesear ecr eat edr unt i meonl y . q. whati sdat aconsi st ency a: Dat aConsi st encymeanseachuserseesaconsi st entv i ewoft hedat ai ncl udi ngchangesmadebyt he userownt r ansact i ons&ot her st r ansact i ons. 35)Expl ai nabout3Ti erAr chi t ect ur e? Ans: 1.Pr esent at i onLay er( GUI ) : I ti sanenv i r onmentwher eal l t heuser sar esentf ort heser v i ces. 2.Appl i cat i onLay er : I tr ecei v esr equest sf r om t hepr esent at i onl ay ert ogett hem pr ocessed. I tal sosendsbackt heser v i cest ot hepr esent at i onl ay er .Ther ear e4 t y pesofcomponent si nappl i cat i onl ay er . a.Di spat cher : I ti sal i nkbet weent hepr esent at i onl ay er&t hewor kpr ocess.I tr ecei v est he r equestf r om t hepr esent at i onl ay er&sendst hem t oanappr opr i at ewor kpr ocesst oget t hem pr ocessed. b.Gat eway / Lay er : I ti sacommuni cat i onpr ot ocol oft hecr ossappl i cat i oncomponent ssuch ar eRFC, BAPIet c.I tpr ov i desl i nkbet weent woSAPsy st ems. c. Shar edMemor y : I ti sacommonmemor ywhi chcanbeshar edbyal l t hewor kpr ocess. d.Wor kPr ocess: I ti sacomponentt oexecut et heappl i cat i ons. 3.Dat abaseLay er : I ti scent r al r eposi t or yoft hedat a.I tpr ov i desdat abaseser v i cest ogr oupof cl i ent s. 36)Whati sCommandf i el d? Ans: I ti susedt oexecut et heTcodesi nSAPwhi chi sl ocat edonst andar dt ool bar . / o: I ti susedt oexecut et heTcodei nanot hernewsessi on. / n: I ti susedt oexecut et heTcodeont hesamesessi onbycl osi ngcur r entsessi on. 37)Whatar eWor kbenchobj ect s/ t ool s? Ans: I ti sacol l ect i onoft ool swhi chcanbeusedt odev el opt heappl i cat i ons, changet heexi st i ng appl i cat i ons&i mpl ementt hecust omerspeci f i cbusi nessr equi r ement s. 38)Whati sObj ectNav i gat or ? Ans: I ti st hecent r al poi ntofent r yt owor kwi t hanyki ndofwor kbenchobj ect ssuchasPr ogr ams, DDI Cobj ect s, Funct i ongr oupset c.TheTcodei s: SE80. 39)Whati sFor ei gnKey ? Ans: Akeyf i el di sdef i nedasat abl ef i el d&i spr i mar ykeyofanot hert abl ei scal l edf or ei gnkey . TheCheckt abl ef i el dshoul dbeapr i mar ykey . TheDomai nnameoft heCheckt abl e&f or ei gnkeyt abl eshoul dbesamebutf i el dnamei sdi f f er ent . Asear chhel pi sdi spl ay edt oseet hepossi bl eent r i esofacheckt abl eont hef or ei gnkeyf i el dwhen t hef or ei gnkeyt abl ei sexecut ed. 40)Whati saCl i entDependent&Cl i entI ndependentt abl e? Ans: Thet abl ewhi chhav et hef i el dMANDTf i el d( Cl i entno)i scal l edCl i entDependentt abl e. Thet abl ewhi chdon’ thav et heMANDTf i el d( Cl i entno)i scal l edCl i entI ndependentt abl e. 41)Whatar eKeyf i el d&Nonkeyf i el ds? Ans: Thekeyf i el dsdon’ tal l owdupl i cat es.I tcont ai nsuni quedat a.Thekeyf i el dcheckboxesar e checkedt omaket hef i el dsaspr i mar ykey . Thenonkeyf i el dsmay / may n’ tal l owdupl i cat es.Thekeyf i el dcheckboxesar eunchecked. 42)Whati sI ni t i al Val ueCheckbox? Ans: TheI ni t i al Val ueCheckboxi scheckedt ot aket hedef aul tf i el dv al uesoft hekeyf i el dsf ort he 1st t i me. 43)Di f f er encesbet weent het abl escr eat edusi ngDat ael ement s&Pr edef i nedt y pes? Dat ael ement s Pr edef i nedt y pes 1.Dat ael ement scanber eused 1. Reusabi l t yi snotpossi bl e 2.For ei gnkeyr el at i onshi pcanbecr eat edsi nce 2.For ei gnkeyr el at i onshi pi nnotbecr eat ed. i tcont ai nsdomai ns. 3.Fi el dl abel s( Headi ngs)ar edi spl ay edwhi l e mai nt ai nt het abl e. 3.‘ +’ sy mbol sar eappear edwhi l emai nt ai ni ngt he t abl ei nst eadoff i el dl abel s. 44)Whati saLogi cal Dat abase? Ans: Logi cal Dat abasesar eABAPpr ogr amst hatr et r i ev edat aandmakei tav ai l abl et o appl i cat i on pr ogr ams.UseofLDB–i susedt or eaddat af r om dat abaset abl esbyl i nki ng t hem t oexecut abl eABAP pr ogr ams. 45)Whati sHot key ? Thi si susedt osel ectt heel ement ar ysear chhel pf r om t hecol l ect i v esear chhel p. Toent ert her est r i ct i onsi nt hedi al ogboxf orr est r i ct i ngv al uesdi r ect l yf r om t heent r yf i el d. Adv ant age: I ft heuserof t ensear chesf orv al uesusi ngt hesamesear chhel p, t hi spr ocedur ecansav et i me. 46)Whatar et heI mpor t antTabl est ost or et heDef i ni t i onsofDDI C? Tabl e Shor tText DD01L Domai ns DD01T Domai nText s DD02L SAPTabl es DD02T SAPTabl eText s–Tof i ndt abl enamesusi ngShor tDescr i pt i on DD03L Tabl eFi el ds DD03T Text sf orf i el ds DD04L Dat aEl ement s DD04T Dat aEl ementText s DD05S For ei gnKeyFi el ds TSTC Tr ansact i onCodes TFDI R Funct i onModul es 47)Expl ai naboutCur r encyorQuant i t yf i el dsi nDDI C? I nSAPt hecur r ency&quant i t yf i el dsar er equi r edcur r encykey&quant i t yuni t .Hence, t her ef er ence t abl e&t her ef er encef i el dmustbespeci f i edf orcur r ency&quant i t yf i el ds. Thedat at y pef ort hecur r encyf i el di s‘ CURR’ &t hedat at y pef ort hecur r encykeyi s‘ CUKY’ . Thedat at y pef ort hequant i t yf i el di s‘ QUAN’ &t hedat at y pef ort hequant i t ykeyi s‘ QUAN’ . Ther ef er encet abl ecoul dbeanyt abl ewhi chhast hecur r encykey&quant i t yuni tf i el ds. Thesamet abl ecanal sobeusedasar ef er encet abl ei fi thast hecur r encykeyorquant i t yuni tf i el ds 48)Whatar edi f f er entt y pesofDat aDi ct i onar yObj ect s? 1.Dat abaseTabl es 2.Domai ns 3.Dat at y pes a.Dat ael ement b.St r uct ur e c. Tabl et y pe 4.Sear chhel ps a.El ement ar ysear chhel p b.Col l ect i v esear chhel p 5.Vi ews a.Dat abasev i ew b.Mai nt enancev i ew c. Hel pv i ew d.Pr oj ect i onv i ew 6.Lockobj ect s a.Wr i t e/ Excl usi v eLock b.Read/ Shar edLock c. Excl usi v eButnotCumul at i v e 7.Ty pegr oups TheObj ect sVi ews, Mat chCodeandLockobj ect sar ecal l edAggr egat eObj ect sbecauset heyar e f or medf r om sev er al r el at edt abl e. 49)Whati sCl i ent&Ser v er ? Cl i ent : I ti sasof t war e/ har dwar ecombi nat i onwhi chcansendt her equest sf orser v i cesf r om t he cent r al sy st em. Ser v er : I ti sasof t war e/ har dwar ecombi nat i onwhi chcanpr ov i det heser v i cest oagr oupofcl i ent s. Fundament al s Fundament al s 1)Expl ai naboutABAPQuer i es? Ans: -I ti st hesy st em pr ov i dedt ool t ogener at et her epor t s.I tdoesn' tr equi r eanypr ogr ammi ng Knowl edge. 2)Whatar et heTr ansact i onCodesassoci at edwi t hABAPQuer i es? Ans: -TheTCodesSQ03, SQ02, SQ01ar eusedt owor kwi t ht heABAPQuer i es. 3)Whatar et hepur posesofSQ01, SQ02andSQ03? Ans: SQ03: -I ti susedt omai nt ai nt heusergr oups.Ausergr oupi sacol l ect i onofI nf oset sand Quer i es.Usergr oupscanal sobeusedt ocont r ol t heuseraut hor i zat i ont oaccesst he cor r espondi ngquer i es. SQ02: -I ti susedt omai nt ai nt heI nf oset s.Thesear eusedt ospeci f yt hedi f f er entdat a sour cesf or m whi cht hedat acanbeext r act ed. SQ01: -I ti susedt omai nt ai nt heQuer i es.I ti susedt osel ectt heI nput( sel ect i onf i el ds)& Out put( l i stf i el ds) . 4)I si tpossi bl et owr i t eanABAPcodei nQuer i es? Ans: -Yes.Usi ngCodei con( shi f t +f 8) . 5)Whati st hedi f f er encebet weenTYPEandLI KE? Ans: TYPE: -I ti susedt or ef ert hebot hEl ement ar ydat at y pes( I , F, P)&DDI Cobj ect ssuchasdat a el ement s, t abl es, st r uct ur esm dbv i ews, f i el dset c. Thi sSt at ementdoesn' tcopyt heexi st i ngpr oper t i esoft heobj ect s. Sy nt ax: DATA: <gv v ar >TYPE<I / D/ F/ C. . . . . . >. LI KE: -I ti susedt or ef eronl yt hedat aobj ect s. Sy nt ax: DATA: <gv f i el d>LI KE<dbt ab_ f i el d>. Thi sSt at ementcopi est heexi st i ngpr oper t i esoft heobj ect s. 6)Whati st hedef aul tt y peandl engt hoft hev ar i abl e? Ans: -Thedef aul tt y pei sChar act er(C)andl engt hi sone( 1) . 7) .Di f f er encesbet weenWr i t e&Mov eSt at ement ? Ans: Wr i t e: I ti susedt omov et hedat af r om t hesour cedat av ar i abl et odest i nat i onv ar i abl ewi t hout mi ssi ngconv er sat i ons.i . e; Cur r ency&Quant i t yf i el ds. Mov e: : I ti susedt omov et hedat af r om t hesour cedat av ar i abl et odest i nat i onv ar i abl ewi t h mi ssi ngconv er sat i ons( maybemi ssedout ) . I ncaseofWr i t e I ncaseofMov e <gv _ cur r ency ><gv _ dest > <gv _ cur r ency ><gv _ dest > 5, 895. 50 5895. 50 5, 895. 50 5, 89550 32)Di f f er encesbet weenTy pes&Fi el dSt r i ngs? Ty pes Fi el dSt r i ngs 1.Theycanbeusedasr ef er encef orWor kar ea’ s 1.Theycanbeusedt odecl ar eWor kar ea’ s& &I nt er nal t abl es I nt er nal t abl esdi r ect l y . 2.TheABAPst at ementTYPESi susedt odecl ar e 2.TheABAPst at ementDATAi susedt odecl ar e Ty pes. Fi el dSt r i ngs. 3.I tdon’ thol dt hedat asi ncet heyar enotdat a 3.I thol dst hedat asi ncet heyar edat av ar i abl es. obj ect s. 8)Whatar et hedi f f er encesbet weenWor kAr eaandFi el dSy mbol ? Wor kAr ea 1.I ti st hedat av ar i abl e. 2.TheABAPst at ementi sDATAi susedt odecl ar et hewor k ar eas, I t abs, v ar i abl eset ci nappl i cat i onpr ogr am. 3.TheABAPst at ementI NTOi susedt opr ocess r ecor d byr ecor dt hr oughwor kar ea. 4.TheABAPst at ementMODI FYmustbeusedt o modi f yt hei nt er nal t abl e. 5.Noneedt ospeci f ywi t hi nt heAngul arbr acket s( <>) . Fi el dSy mbol 1.I ti saPoi nt er . 2.TheABAPst at ementFI ELDSYMBOLSi s usedt odecl ar eFi el dsy mbol s. 3.TheABAPst at ementASSI GNI NGi sused t oassi gnt heFI ELDSYMBOLS. 4. Noneedt ouseMODI FY, Si ncei ti sa poi nt er. 5.I tMustbespeci f ywi t hi nt heAngul ar br acket s( <>) . Q)Fi el dsy mbol wor kasapoi nt er , buti tst or eaddr essofv al ue.myquest i oni s, i tgotaddr essf r om sap memor yorABAPmemor yori ndat abaseser v er?Imeant hataddr essi ndi cat et owhi chmemor y ? a: I tal l ocat eABAPMemor y 9)Di f f er encesbet weenWor kar eaandi nt er nal t abl es? Wor kAr ea 1.I tHol dssi ngl er ecor datat i me. 2.I tdoesn' thav eBODY. 3. TheRecor dbyr ecor di spr ocessed t hr ought hewor kar ea I nt er nal Tabl es 1.Hol dsMul t i pl er ecor ds. 2.I thasBODY[ ] . 3.I ncaseofi nt er nal t abl ewi t hheaderl i net her ecor dby r ecor di spr ocessedt hr oughheaderl i ne. Q)Whati sdi f f er encebet weenI nt er nal Tabl ewi t houtHeaderLi neandI nt er nal Tabl ewi t hHeaderLi ne? Ans: I nt er nal Tabl ewi t houtHeaderLi necr eat esani nt er nal t abl eandwor kar easepar at el y .Whenweuse, t heI nt er nal Tabl ewi t hheaderl i ne, t abl ei scr eat edt hent hewor kar eai scr eat edaut omat i cal l ywi t ht he samenamet hatoft hei nt er nal t abl e. Q.whati st hemai ndi f f er encebet weenheaderl i neandwor kar ea? Ans: Headerl i nei scr eat edbydef aul twhenwecr eat et heI nt er nal t abl eusi ng" begi nof "orexpl i ci t l y“ wi t h headerl i ne" .Usi ngheaderl i newecanpasst hev al uei nt ot hei nt er nal t abl e. Wor kar eashoul dhav et hesamest r uct ur east hatofi nt er nal t abl e.I tshoul dbecr eat edbyus, wher e ast heheaderl i nei scr eat edaut omat i cal l y .Wor kar eai thol dt hesi ngl edat adur i ngt heexecut i onof t hepr ogr am. Funct i onofwor kar eaandheaderl i nei ssame.Bot har eusedt opr ocessedt hedat af r om i nt er nal t abl e. asi knowt hedef aul twor kar eaofani nt er nal t abl ei saheaderl i ne. 10) .Expl ai naboutTy pes. Ans: -TYPES: -I ti susedt ocl ubt hemul t i pl ef i el dsf r om t hemul t i pl et abl esasasi ngl euni t.I ti s usedasar ef er encet odecl ar et heDat av ar i abl es, Wor kar eas, I nt er nal t abl eset c. DATA: I ti susedt odecl ar et hedat av ar i abl essuchasv ar i abl es, wor kar eas, i nt er nal t abl eset ci nanappl i cat i onpr ogr am. Sy nt ax: -TYPES: BEGI NOF<t y p_ dbt ab1_ dbt ab2>, <F1>TYPE<dat ael ement 1/ dbt ab1F1/ dbst r _ F1>, . <F5>TYPE<dat ael ement 5/ dbt ab1F5/ dbst r _ F5>, ENDOF<t y p_ dbt ab1_ dbt ab2>. DATA: <gsdbt ab1_ dbt ab2>TYPE<t y pdbt ab1_ dbt ab2>./ / decl ar et hewor kar ea 11)Whatar et hedi f f er entway st odecl ar et heI nt er nal Tabl eandwhi chi spr ef er abl e? Ans: Ther ear et woway st odecl ar et heI nt er nal t abl es. 1) Sy nt ax: DATA: <gt _ dbt ab>TYPESTANDARDTABLEOF<dbt ab/ dbst r . . . . . >./ / Pr ef er abl e. 2) Sy nt ax: DATA: <gt _ dbt ab>TYPETABLEOF<t y p_ dbt ab/ dbt ab/ dbst r >WI THHEARDERLI NE. 12)Whatar et hedi f f er encesbet weenPARAMETERSandSELECTOPTI ONS? PARAMETERS 1.I ti susedt odef i neCheckboxes, Li stboxes, Radi o but t ons&si ngl eI / Pf i el ds. 2. TheABAPst at ement sTYPE/ LI KEi susedt or ef ert he Dat at y pes 3.TheOper at or' EQ' or' =' i susedi nt heWHERE condi t i on. 4.I ti suseasansi ngl ei nputdat av ar i abl e 5.I tbehav esasp_ i nput=‘ =space’ . SELECTOPTI ONS 1.I ti susedt odef i neSi ngl e&Rangei nputFi el ds. 2.TheABAPst at ementFORi sused. 3.Theoper at or' I N' i susedi nt he WHERE condi t i on. 4.I ti ssy st em gener at edi nt er nal t abl ewi t ht he f i el dsSI GN, OPTI ON, HI GH&LOW 5.I tbehav esass_ i nput=‘ * ’ . 13)Whatar et hedi f f er entt y pesofi nt er nal t abl esandexpl ai naboutt hem? Ans: -I nt er nal Tabl es: -Theyar et hei nt er medi at et abl est ohol dt hemul t i pl er ecor dsatr unt i me. Ther ear e3t y pesofi nt er nal t abl es. 1.STANDARDI nt er nal t abl es: -Thest andar dI nt er nal Tabl esar ef i l l edusi ngt heABAP st at ement' APPEND' / ’ I NSERT’ .I taccept st hedupl i cat er ecor ds.Sear chi ngofar ecor di s Li nearSear ch.I ti st hedef aul ti ndext abl e.St andar di nt er nal t abl ecanbesor t ed expl i ci t l yei t herAscendi ng/ Descendi ng. Sy nt ax: -DATA: <gt _ dbt ab>TYPESTANDARDTABLEOF<t y p_ dbt ab/ dbst r . . . . . >. 2.SORTEDI nt er nal t abl e: -TheABAPst at ement' I NSERT/ APPEND' i susedt of i l l Sor t ed I nt er nal Tabl e.I tdoesnotacceptt heDupl i cat er ecor ds.Sear chi ngofar ecor di sBi nar y Sear ch.Sor t edi nt er nal t abl ecannotbesor t edexpl i ci t l y .An addi t i onal st at ementwi t hUNI QUE/ NONUNI QUEkeymustbeusedt odecl ar eSor t ed I nt er nal Tabl es. Sy nt ax: -DATA: <gt _ dbt ab>TYPESORTEDTABLEOF<dbt ab/ dbst r . . . . . >WI TH UNI QUE/ NONUNI QUEKEY<kf 1><kf 2>. 3.HASHEDI nt er nal t abl es: -Theyar eNonI ndext abl es.TheHashedI nt er nal Tabl eshol dshuge amountofdat at hanSt andar d&Sor t edi nt er nal t abl essi ncet heyf ol l ow‘ HashedAl gor i t hm’ .The ABAPst at ement‘ WI THUNI QUEKEY' mustbeusedt odecl ar eHashedI nt er nal Tabl es. I thol dshugeamountofdat a( 2GB)t hanst andar d&sor t edi nt er nal t abl es. Sy nt ax: -DATA: <gt _ dbt ab>TYPEHASHEDTABLEOF<dbt ab/ dbst r . . . . . >WI TH UNI QUEKEY<kf 1><kf 2>. Q)Canwesor ti nt er nal t abl ewi t houtusi ngSORTst at ement .Expl ai n? Ans: Wecansor ti nt er nal t abl ewi t houtusi ngSORTst at ementbydecl ar i ngsor t edi nt er nal t abl e. Ex: DATA: I T_ MARATYPESORTEDTABLEOFMARA. Q)Whati st heSi zeoft hei nt er nal t abl es? Ans: -I nt er nal Tabl eshav e2GB( Gi gaby t es)ofmemor yspaceandt hei ni t i al i zesi zei sof8kbwhi ch beext endf ur t her . 14)Howt odef i neSELECTOPTI ONSwi t houtspeci f y i ngt het abl ename? Ans: -Bydecl ar i ngaGl obal Var i abl eandusei tasar ef er encewhi l edef i ni ngasel ectopt i on i nst eadofTABLESst at ement. TABLES: Thi sst at ementi susedt ospeci f yt hedat abaset abl es/ dat abasest r uct ur enames Whi chcanbeusedasar ef er encewhi l edecl ar i ngt heSELECTOPTI ONS Thi sst at ementi nnotadv i sabl esi ncei tcr eat esunnecessar ywor kar eas. TheTabl esst at ementcanbeav oi dedbydecl ar i ngt her equi r eddat av ar i abl e. 15)Expl ai nf ewoft headdi t i onst oPARAMTERSandSELECTOPTI ONSst at ement s. Ans: -Obl i gat or y : I ti st hekey wor dt omaket hei nputf i el dasmandat or y Def aul t : I ti st hekey wor dt opasst hedef aul tv al uest ot hei nputf i el ds. Ascheckbox: I ti st hekey wor dt odef i net hecheckboxesi nt hesel ect i onscr een Radi obut t ongr oup: I ti st hekey wor dt odef i net her adi obut t onsi nt hesel ect i onscr een Asl i stbox: I ti susedt odef i net hedr opdownl i sti nt hesel ect i onscr een can MATCHCODEOBJECT: I ti susedt ospeci f yDDI Csear chhel pt ot hei nputf i el ds MODI FI D: I ti susedt oassi gnal l t hescr eenel ement st ot hemodi f i cat i ongr oupt of or matt he Sel ect i onf i el dsdy nami cal l y LOWERCASE: I ti susedt omaket hei nputf i el dsascasesensi t i v et oacceptbot hupper& Lowercasel et t er s Memor yI D: I ti st hekey wor dt oaccesst hef i el dv al uef r om onesessi ont oanot hersessi on Addi t i onsofSELECTOPTI ONS a)NOEXTENSI ONS: Thi saddi t i oni susedt ohi det hemul t i pl esel ect i onbut t oni nt he Sel ect i onscr een. b)NOI NTERVALS: Thi saddi t i oni susedt ohi det hehi gherl i mi tofsel ect opt i onsi nt he Sel ect i onscr een. c)DEFAULT…TO:Thi saddi t i oni susedt opasst hedef aul tv al uest ol ower&upperl i mi t s Q)Whati spr et t ypr i nt er ? Ans: Thi si susedt oal i gnapr ogr am &conv er tt hekey wor ds/ sour cecodei nupper / l owercase. I ti spr ef er abl et oconv er tt hekey wor dsi nupper case. 16)Expl ai nSomeAddi t i onst oRepor tst at ement ? Ans: 1. Nost andar dpageheadi ng: Thi saddi t i oni susedt ohi det hepageheadi ngi nt heout put . 2.Li nesi ze: Thi saddi t i oni susedt ospeci f yt hewi dt hofal i sti nt heout put .Thedef aul twi dt h ofbasi cl i sti s255char act er s. 3.Li necount : Thi saddi t i oni susedt ospeci f yt hel engt hoft heout putl i sti napage. 4.MessageI D: Thi saddi t i oni susedt ospeci f yt hemessagecl ass 17) .Di f f er encesbet weenRanges&SELECTOPTI ONS? Ans:I ti susedt odef i ner angei nt er nal t abl es.I ti ssi mi l art oSELECTOPTI ONS. SELECTOPTI ONSar edi spl ay edi nsel ect i onscr eenwher easRangesdoesn’ tdi spl ay edi nt he sel ect i onscr een. Thest andar dst r uct ur e‘ SELOPT’ i sr ef er r edf orSELECTOPTI ONS/ Rangesi mpl i ci t l yorexpl i ci t l y . Q)SomeKey wor ds? Ans: Append:I ti st hekey wor dusedt oappendr ecor dbyr ecor df r om wor kar eat oatl astr ecor dof t hei nt er nal t abl e. APPENDcr eat esal way sanewr owi nt hei nt er nal t abl e.I tAl l ows Dupl i cat es.Her ei twi l l notcheckwhet hert her ecor di sexi st edwi t ht hesamef i el d v al uesornot . Sy nt ax: APPEND<gs_ dbt ab>TO<gt _ dbt ab>. I nser t : Thi sst at ementi susedt oi nser tanewr ecor datanyposi t i onofani nt er nal t abl e.I ft he r ow( key )exi st s, i ssuesaner r or . Sy nt ax: I NSERT<gs_ f i nal >I NDEX<n>?SYTABI X. UPDATE: Thi sst at ementupdat esanexi st i ngr ecor dt ot het abl e.I ft her ow( key )doesnotexi st , i ssuesaner r or . MODI FY: I ft hekeyexi st s, modi f i est her ecor d.I ft hekeydoesnotexi st , addst her ecor dt ot he t abl e. Col l ect : I tal sousedl i keanAPPENDst at ement .Col l ectst at ementwi l l r emov et hedupl i cat i on whi l eaddi ngt her ecor ds. Thi sst at ementi susedt ocompar echar act er / st r i ngf i el dsdat a summar i zest henumer i cf i el ddat a.I ti susedt odi spl aysubt ot al s. Sy nt ax: COLLECT<gs_ sour ce>I NTO<gs_ col l ect >. Li nes: I ti st hekey wor dwhi chr et ur nsnoofr ecor dsav ai l abl ei nt hei nt er nal t abl e. Occur s: I ti st hekey wor d; i tal l ocat es8KBofmemor yf ort hei nt er nal t abl ebydef aul t .I ft hedat a i nt heI nt er nal t abl eexceeds8KBt heni twi l l br i ngonemor e8KBofmemor y&soonup t o2GB. Cl ear : I tcl ear st hecont ent soft hewor kar ea&i nt er nal t abl ewi t hheaderl i neI TAB[]&v ar i abl es Ref r esh: I tcl ear st hecont ent soft hei nt er nal t abl eonl y . Fr ee: I tcl ear st hecont ent sofi nt er nal t abl eal ongwi t hal l ocat edmemor y . 19)Expl ai naboutt heSy st em Fi el dswi t hwhi chy ouhav ewor ked? I NDEX I ndexoft hel oop DATUM Cur r entsy st em dat e UZEI T Cur r entsy st em t i me SUBRC Wr i t t encodeoft heABAPkey wor ds TABI X I ndexofani nt er nal t abl e DBCNT Theno.ofext r act edr ecor dsf r om t hedat abase BATCH Pr ogr am i sr unni ngi nbackgr ound REPI D Cur r entpr ogr am name 18)Expl ai nsomeoft heusef ul addi t i onsofWRI TEst at ement ? . . . . WRI TE: />I ti susedt odi spl ayt hedat ai nanewl i ne. . . . . WRI TE: / n( m)>Di spl ay s' m' char act er sf or m posi t i on' n' . …UNDEROTHEROBJECT>Todi spl ayt hedat aundert hepr ev i ousdi spl ay eddat a. . . . . COLOR>I ti susedt odi spl ayt hedat ai ndi f f er entcol or s.col orcodes[ 0–7] & …LEFTJUSTI FI ED/ CENTERED/ RI GHTJUSTI FI ED: Thesear eusedt oadj ustt hedat aat l ef thandsi de, cent er&r i ghthandsi de. . . . . ASCHECKBOX>Di spl ayt hecheckboxesi nt heout put . . . . . EDI TMASK>I ti susedt odi spl ayt hemaskonconf i dent i al dat a. …I NPUT: I ti susedt omakeout putl i stasedi t abl e. . . . . NO_ GAP>Tor emov et hegapsi nt hedat a. …CURRENCY:I ti susedt ospeci f yt hecur r encykey sf ort hecur r encydat av ar i abl es. . . . . UNI T>I ti susedt ospeci f yt her equi r eduni t swhi l edi spl ay i ngt hequant i t ydat a. …HOTSPOT: I ti susedt odi spl ayt hehandsy mbol sont heout putdat awhent hecur sor i spl aced. 20)Expl ai naboutSt r i ngCompar i sonOper at i onsandMat hemat i cFunct i ons? Ans: Thebel owst r i ngcompar i sonoper at or scanbeusedt ocompar et hest r i ngdat av ar i abl es. Oper at or Cont ai nsAny( CA) Cont ai nsNotAny( NA) Cont ai nsOnl y( CO) Cont ai nsNotOnl y( CN) Cont ai nsPat t er n( CP) Cont ai nsNoPat t er n( NP) Cont ai nsSt r i ng( CS) Cont ai nsNoSt r i ng( NS) CA: Thi scondi t i onbecomest r uewhent hesour cest r i ngcont ai nsanyoneoft hechar act eri nt het ar get st r i ng. NA: Thi scondi t i onbecomest r uei ncaseofst r i ngcompar i sonoper at orCAi sf al se. CO: Thi scondi t i onbecomest r ue, whent hesour cest r i ngcont ai nsonl yt hesi mi l arst r i ngi nt het ar get st r i ngi ncl udi ngcase. CN: Thi scondi t i onbecomest r uei ncaseofst r i ngcompar i sonoper at orCOi sf al se. CP: Thi scondi t i onbecomest r ue, whent hesour cest r i ngcont ai nst hespeci f i edpat t er ni nt het ar get st r i ng. NP: Thi scondi t i onbecomest r uei ncaseofLogi cal expr essi onswi t hast r i ngoper at orCPi sf al se. ( Opposi t et oCP) CS: Thi scondi t i onbecomest r ue, whent hesour cest r i ngcont ai nssi mi l arst r i ngi nt het ar geti nbot h Upper&Lowercase( notacasesensi t i v e) . NS: Thi scondi t i onbecomest r uei ncaseofst r i ngoper at orCSi sf al se( Opposi t et oCS) . Mat hemat i cal Funct i ons: -Thebel owMat hemat i cal oper at or scanbeusedont henumber s. Oper at or Equal To NotEqual To LessThan Gr eat erThan LessThanorEqual To Gr eat erThanorEqual To St at em ent EQ NE LT GT LE GE 21)Expl ai naboutConst ant s, TextSy mbol s, Sel ect i onText sandVar i ant s? Const ant s: Theyar eusedt oav oi dt hehar dcodedt exti nt hepr ogr amsandi mpr ov et her eusabi l i t yi n t hepr ogr am.TheABAPst at ement‘ CONSTANTS’ i susedt odef i neconst ant s. TextSy mbol s: -TheABAPSt at ementTEXTf ol l owedbyt hesy mbol number( XXX)canusedt o def i neorcal l t het extsy mbol . Sel ect i ont ext s: -Theyar eusedt omai nt ai nt heFi el dl abel s( descr i pt i ons)oft hei nputf i el dsof t hesel ect i onscr een.TheTcodeSE63i susedt ot r ansl at et het extel ement s. Var i ant s: -Theyar eusedt osav et hei nputdat af orf ur t herexecut i oni nt hesel ect i onscr een.Theycan al sobeusedt oav oi dt hedat aent r yer r or s&schedul eapr ogr am i nt hebackgr ound. 22)Expl ai naboutt heusef ul St r i ngOper at i ons? Oper at or STRLEN CONCATENATE REPLACE FI ND SPLI T CONDENSE Descr i pt i on Ret ur nst henoofchar s/ l engt hoft hest r i ng Tocombi net hemul t i pl est r i ngsi nt osi ngl et ar getst r i ng Tor epl acewi t honest r i ngt oanot hert ar getst r i ng Fi ndt hest r i ngi nt hesour ceSt r i ng Separ at et hesour cest r i ngi nt odi f fst r i ngs I tcompr esst hest r i ngwi t houtanygaps TRANSLATE I tt r ansl at est hest r i ngi nt oupper / l owercase. SHI FT I tshi f t sspeci f i ednoofpl acesatLef t / Ri ght . 2.Howt or et r i ev et hedel et edpr ogr am? Ir ecent l ydel et edacust om pr ogr am ( whi chi sal r eadyt r anspor t edt opr oduct i on)acci dent al l yand waswonder i ngi ft her ei sanymet hodofr et r i ev i ngt hepr ogr am back. Af t ersomer esear ch, If oundawayofget t i ngbackt hepr ogr am. Fol l owi ngar et hest epsi nget t i ngbackt hepr ogr am: Ans: 1)Cr eat eapr ogr am wi t ht hesamenameasear l i er( whi chi sdel et ed) 2)Cl i ckon" Ut i l i t i es">" Ver si ons">" Ver si onManagement " 3)Sel ectt hev er si onofy ourear l i erpr ogr am andcl i ckondi spl ay . 4)Yourear l i erpr ogr am i sdi spl ay edher e. 26)Whatar et hedi f f er encesbet weenCl assi cal Repor t sandABAPQuer i es? ABAPQuer i es 1.I ti st hesy st em pr ov i dedt ool t ogener at et her epor t s. 2.I tdoesn’ tr equi r eanypr ogr ammi ngl anguage. 3.I ti snotpossi bl et ochanget hesy st em gener at ed pr ogr am wi t houthav i ngAccesskey . 4.Col umnAl i gnmenti sdonebyt hesy st em. 23)Expl ai nsomeoft heusef ul addi t i onsofSel ect i onScr een? Cl assi cal r epor t s 1.I ti saUt i l i t y . 2.I tr equi r est hepr ogr ammi ngl anguage. 3.I tcanbechangesi ncei ti si nCust om namespace( ZorY) . 4. I ti sCOMPLEXt oAl i gnt heCol umns Ans: SELECTI ONSCREEN: -Thi sst at ementi susedt of or matt hesel ect i onscr een.Thedef aul t scr eennumberf ort hesel ect i onscr eeni s1000. Someoft heusef ul Addi t i ons: . . . . . . BEGI NOFBLOCK. . . . WI THFRAME: -I ti susedt odef i net hesel ect i onscr eenbl ocks wi t hf r ames . . . . . WI THFRAMETI TLE: -Anaddi t i onTI TLEwi t ht hesel ect i onscr eenFRAMESi sused t odef i net heTI TLESf ort hesel ect i onscr eenFr ames. . . . . . SKI P: -I ti susedt okeept hebl ankl i nesi nt hesel ect i onscr een. . . . . . ULI NE: -Todi spl ayhor i zont al l i nesi nt hesel ect i onscr een. . . . . . BEGI NOFLI NE: -I ti susedt odef i net hei nputf i el ds, r adi obut t ons, pushbut t ons, checkboxeset ci nt hesamel i ne. …PUSHBUTTON: I ti susedt odef i net hepushbut t onsi nt hesel ect i onscr een. …LI NE: I ti susedt odef i net heI nputf i el ds, Radi obut t ons, Checkboxes, Pushbut t ons et ci nt hesamel i ne. 24)Whatar et hedi f f er encesbet weenNor mal Sear ch( SELECT…ENDSELECT)andPoi nt erSear ch ( I NTOTABLE) ? Nor mal Sear ch( SELECT…. . ENDSELECT) 1.I thi t st hedat abaset abl ef oreachr ecor dsi ncei ti sa l oopst at ement 2. TheABAPst at ement' APPEND' mustbeusedt oappend r ecor dbyr ecor di nt oani nt er nal t abl e 3. Somet i mesi tmaygi v er unt i meer r orwhi l edebuggi ng 4. Notadv i sabl eduet ol ackofper f or mance&dat abase l oad Poi nt erSear ch( I NTOTabl e) 1.I thi t st hedat abaset abl eoncet oext r act al l t her equi r eddat asi ncei ti sast at ement 2.Noneedt ouse' APPEND' 3. I tdoesn’ tgi v eanyshor tdumps 4.I ti sadv i sabl esi ncei text r act st hedat a f ast er&hasgoodper f or mance 25)Whati st hedi f f er encebet weenSYI NDEXandSYTABI X? SYTABI X: SYTABI Xi sasy st em v ar i abl ewhi chst or est hei ndexcur r entpr ocessi ngr ecor d ofan i nt er nal t abl e.Sowheny ouar el oopi ngov erani nt er nal t abl e, y ouuseSYTABI X. LOOPATI TABI NTOWA.* * SYTABI Xst or esi ndexnumberofi nt er nal t abl er ecor dENDLOOP. SYI NDEX: SYI NDEXi sasy st em v ar i abl ewhi chact sasal oopi t er at i oncount er , i tst or esl oop i t er at i onnumber .Wheny ouuseDOENDDO/WHI LEf orl oopi ng, t her ei snot abl ei nv ol v ed.Soy ou useSYI NDEX. Ex: DO10t i mes.* * SYI NDEXst or esnumberofi t er at i onofl oopENDDO. 26)Whatar et hedi f f er encesbet weenCl assi cal Repor t sandABAPQuer i es? ABAPQuer i es 1.I ti st hesy st em pr ov i dedt ool t ogener at et her epor t s. 2.I tdoesn’ tr equi r eanypr ogr ammi ngl anguage. 3.I ti snotpossi bl et ochanget hesy st em gener at ed pr ogr am wi t houthav i ngAccesskey . 4.Col umnAl i gnmenti sdonebyt hesy st em. Cl assi cal r epor t s 1.I ti saUt i l i t y . 2.I tr equi r est hepr ogr ammi ngl anguage. 3.I tcanbechangesi ncei ti si nCust om namespace( ZorY) . 4. I ti sCOMPLEXt oAl i gnt heCol umns Q)Whati st hedi f f er encebet weenSKI PandNEWLI NE? Ans: SKI Pgener at esabl ankl i ne, whi l et heNEWLI NEcausest hecont r ol t omov et onextl i ne. Q)Oneofmyuser shasaccesst oSE38t r ansact i on, andsohecanr unt hepr ogr am dev el opedbyy ou.You hav eat t achedt hi sr epor t / t r ansact i onal pr ogr am t oapar t i cul arZ*t r ansact i on.Tor est r i ctt heuser st o execut et hi spr ogr am, whaty oudoi tf r om pr ogr ammi ngsi de? Ans: Checkf orAut hor i zat i onobj ectS_ TCODEwi t hv al ue“ Z—”i ni ni t i al i zat i onev ent . ( Code: Aut hor i t y checkobj ect‘ S_ TCODE’ i d‘ TCD’ f i el d‘ ZBC_ REQ’ . ) Modul ar i zat i onTechni ques Modul ar i zat i onTechni ques 1)Whatar et heModul ar i zat i ont echni queswhi chy ouf ol l ow? Ans: -Theyar eusedt oor gani zet heABAPcodei nt hepr operway, maket hepr ogr am mor e Under st andabl eandmakeuseoft hecoder eusabl et oav oi dt hedupl i cat edat a. Todi v i det hebusi nesspr ocessi ngl ogi ci nt or eusabl ebl ockofst at ement s. Fol l owi ngar et hedi f f er entt y pesofModul ar i zat i ont echni ques o I NCLUDES:Thesepr ogr amsar epar tofanot hermai n/ i ncl udepr ogr ams.I ncl udepr ogr ams can’ tbeexecut edi ndependent l ywher east hesamei ncl udepr ogr am canbei ncl udedi nany noofexecut abl epr ogr ams.TheABAPst at ementI NCLUDEi susedt ocal l ordef i net he I NCLUDEpr ogr ams. o Subr out i nes: Thesear est at ement sl ocal modul ar i zat i ont echni ques.Thesubr out i nescan bedebuggedatr unt i me.Cal l i ngshoul dbe1st&Def i ni t i onshoul dbenext .TheABAP st at ementPERFORM i susedt ocal l t hesubr out i nes&FORM…ENDFORM i susedt odef i ne t hesubr out i nes. Ther ear e2t y pesofsubr out i nes. I . I nt er nal Subr out i ne: Thesear edef i ned&cal l edi nt hesamepr ogr am. I I . Ext er nal Subr out i ne: Thesear edef i nedi nonepr ogr am &cal l edi nanot her pr ogr am. Act ual Par amet er s: Thepar amet er swhi chcanbecal l edwhi l ecal l i ngt hesubr out i nes ( wi t hPERFORM st at ement ) . For mal Par amet er s: Thepar amet er swhi chcanbepassedwhi l edef i ni ngt hesubr out i ne ( wi t hFORM st at ement ) . Thenoofact ual par amet er sshoul dbesi mi l art ot henooff or mal par amet er s. Thesubr out i nesdef i ni t i onsshoul dnotbenest ed( f or m wi t hi nt hef or m)butt hesubr out i necanbecal l edwi t hi nt hesubr out i ne. Thest at ement sbet ween2subr out i nesdef i ni t i onscannotbeaccessed o Macr os: Thesear eusedf ort hecompl exwr i t est at ement s&f orl ongcal cul at i ons.Macr os cant akeupt o9pl acehol der s( &1….&9) .I nmacr osDef i ni t i onshoul dbe1st&Cal l i ngshoul d benext .TheABAPst at ement , DEFI NE…ENDDEFI NTI ONi susedt odef i neamacr o.The macr odef i ni t i onscannotbedebuggedatr unt i me.Thest andar dt abl eTRMACpool edt abl e i susedt omai nt ai nmacr os. o Funct i onModul es:Thesear egl obal modul ar i zat i onobj ect s.Thef unct i onmodul escanbe cal l edanywher ei nt hesamesy st em &i nanot hersy st em al so.Thef unct i onmodul esar e def i nedi nf unct i onbui l der . TheTcodeSE37i susedt owor kwi t ht hef unct i onmodul es&SE80i susedt owor kwi t ht he f unct i ongr oup.Thef unct i onmodul esshoul dbeassi gnedt oaf unct i ongr oup&Funct i on gr oupi st hecol l ect i onoff unct i onmodul es. Thest andar dt abl e‘ TFDI R’ i susedt of i ndFMssi ncei tcont ai nst heent i r eFunct i on modul ei nt hesy st em. Nor mal Funct i onModul e: Thesear edef i ned&cal l edi nt hesamesy st em t or euset he cent r al sour cecode. Remot eFunct i onModul e: Thesear edef i nedi nonesy st em &canbecal l edanot her sy st em. Updat eFunct i onModul e: Thi si susedf orSAPLUW ( Logi cUni tofWor k) .These f unct i onmodul esar et r i gger edi ncaseofi mpl i ci torexpl i ci tCOMMI Twor ki s encount er ed.Commi tWor ki susedt omakechangesi ndat abaseper manent l y . o Messagecl ass: Thi st ool i susedt omai nt ai nt heMessagesi nt hemessagepool . Theyar eusedt ogi v emessagesf ori nst r uct i ngt heuser s. Thest andar dTCodeSE91i susedt owor kwi t ht hemessagepool . Di f f er entt y pesofmessagesar eEr r or , Success, War ni ng, I nf or mat i on, Abor t , Exi t . Sy nt ax: MESSAGE‘ <MSGText >’ t y pe‘ E/ I / W/ S’ . o Textsy mbol s&Const ant s: TheABAPSt at ementTEXTf ol l owedbyt hesy mbol number( XXX) canusedt odef i neorcal l t het extsy mbol .Const ant sar eusedt oav oi dt hehar dcodedt ext andi mpr ov et her euset hem i nt hepr ogr am. TheTcodeSE63i susedt ot r ansl at et hedi f f er entt y pesoft extel ement s. 2)Whatar et hedi f f er encesbet weenSubr out i nesandFunct i onModul es? Subr out i nes 1.Thesear el ocal .Wecanaccesst he Subr out i newi t hi nt heser v eronl y . Funct i onmodul es 1.Thesear egl obal .Wecanaccesst he f unct i onmodul ewi t hi nser v eraswel l as Out si det heser v er . 2.Wecan’ texecut et hesubr out i nei ndependent l y 2.wecanexecut ef unct i onmodul ei ndependent l y usi ngt heTcodeSE37 3.Subr out i nescan’ thandl et heExcept i ons. 3.Funct i onmodul ecanhandl et heer r or s t hr oughExcept i ons. 3)Whatar et hedi f f er encesbet weenMacr o&subr out i ne? Macr o 1.Def i ni t i on&cal l i ngi nt hesamepr ogr am. Subr out i ne 1.Def i ni t i on&cal l i ngmay / maynoti nt hesame Pr ogr am. 2.Def i ni t i onshoul dbet he1st&cal l i ngshoul dbe Thenext . 2.Cal l i ngshoul dbet he1st&Def i ni t i onshoul d Bet henext . 3.Macr oscant akeupt o9i nput s. 3.Subr out i nescant akeanynoofi nput s. 4.Macr oscannotbedebugged. 4.Subr out i nescanbedebuggedatr unt i me. 4)Whatar et hedi f f er entpar amet er si nFunct i onModul esandExpl ai naboutt hem? Ans: Fol l owi ngar et hedi f f er entt y pesofPar amet er si nFunct i onModul es At t r i but es: I tcont ai nst echni cal pr oper t i esofaf unct i onmodul esuchar et y peoff unct i onmodul e, f unct i ongr oup. I mpor tpar amet er s: Theyar ei mpor t edf r om t hecal l i ngpr ogr am t ot hef unct i onmodul e. Expor tpar amet er s: Thesear eusedt oexpor t edt hedat af r om t hef unct i onmodul et ot hecal l i ng pr ogr ams. Changi ngpar amet er s: Thesear ei mpor t edf r om t hecal l i ngpr ogr am, changedt hem i nt hef unct i onmodul es& expor t ed/ r et ur nedt ot hecal l i ngpr ogr am.( I mpor t>Change>Expor t ) Tabl es: Thesecanbeusedt oi mpor t&expor tonl yf ori nt er nal t abl es. Except i ons: Theyar eusedt or ai se/ handl et hemessagesi nt hef unct i onmodul ebasedonr et ur n code( SYSUBRC) . Sour cecode: I ti susedt owr i t ecent r al ABAPsour cecode. 5)Expl ai naboutdi f f er entmet hodst opasst hepar amet er st osubr out i nes? Met hod Descr i pt i on I ti st hedef aul tmet hod.Thepoi nt erusedt hesamememor yal l ocat i on BY f orbot hact ual &f or mal par amet er s.Fr om cal l i ngt odef i ni t i on& Ref er en def i ni t i ont ocal l i ng, al l par amet erv al uesar epassi ngal ongwi t ht he ce memor y . Thesy st em al l ocat esnewmemor y .Theal l ocat edmemor yi sf r eed By oncet hesubr out i neends.Fr om cal l i ngt odef i ni t i on&def i ni t i ont o Val ue cal l i ng, t hepar amet erv al uesonl ypassi ng. By Val ue and I ti sal mostsi mi l art oByv al uebutonl yt hedi f f er encei st heFor mal Ret ur n par amet erv al uesar er et ur nedt oAct ual par amet er s. Ef f ect TheAct ual par amet er s ar echangedwi t ht he For mal par amet er s. TheAct ual par amet er s ar enotchangedwi t ht he For mal par amet er s. TheAct ual par amet er s ar echangewi t ht he For mal par amet er s. q: Howt oconv er tNor mal f unct i onmodul et oRFCenabl edFunct i onModul e? a: I nFM at t r i but e, sel ectt heRemot eEnabl edRadi oBut t on, t oconv er tFM t oRFC. COMMI TWor k: Thi sst at ementi susedt omakechangesi ndat abaseper manent l y& compl et ecur r entSAPLUW. ROLLBACKWORK: Thi sst at ementi susedt ot er mi nat ecur r entSAPLUW wi t hout maki ngchangesi ndat abase. s Debugger Debugger 1)Expl ai naboutDebugger , Br eakpoi nt sandWat chpoi nt s? Ans: -Debugger: -Thi st ool i susedt ocheckt hepr ogr am l i nebyl i ne&bl ockbybl ockf orf i ndi ng and r ect i f y i nger r or sorbugs. Br eakPoi nt s: -Thesear eSt at ementbased.Theyar eusedt ost opt hepr ogr am i nt he debugger t ool f orchecki ngl i nebyl i neorbl ockbybl ock. Br eakpoi nt sar eof4t y pes.Wecanpl aceupt o30br eakpoi nt si nt hepr ogr am. 1.Sessi onBr eakPoi nt : Ani conset / del et ebr eakpoi nti conorcl i ckonst at ementl i neat gr aycol orv er t i cal sel ect i oni nt hesour cecode. 2.St at i cBr eakPoi nt : TheABAPst at ementBREAKPOI NT/ BREAK<user _ name>i sused sett heSt at i cbr eakpoi nt .TheABAPst at ementBREAKPOI NT t o shoul dnotbeusedsi nce al l t heuser sar est opped. 3.Dy nami cBr eakPoi nt : Theyar eusedt ocheckt hepr ogr am i ncaseofnotpossi bl et o f i nd al ocat i on.Thecommand/ Hi susedt osetdy nami cbr eakpoi nt s.Thepr ogr am i s st oppedatt hef i r stst at ementl i neoft heper f or medact i on. 4.Ext er nal Br eakPoi nt : Theyar eusedt ocheckt hecr ossappl i cat i oncomponent ssuch asRFC, BAPIf r om onesy st em t oanot her .Ani consetordel et eext er nal br eakpoi nt s i s usedt osetordel et eext er nal br eakpoi nt s. Wat chPoi nt s: -Thesear eCondi t i onbased.Theyar eusedt ost opt hepr ogr am oncet hesetcondi t i on i sr eached.TheWat chpoi nt scanbeseti nsi det hedebuggert ool .Wecanpl aceupt o9wat chpoi nt si n t hepr ogr am.Wecanr educedebuggi ngt i meusi ngwat chpoi nt s. 2) Di f f er encesbet weenCl assi cal &Newdebugger ? Ans: Cl assi cal debugger Newdebugger 1. I ti st heol ddebugger 1. I ti si nt r oducedf r om t hev er si onECC5. 0 2. I tr unsont hesamesessi ont ocheck&r esol v et he 2. I tr unsont hesepar at esessi on i ssuesi nt hepr ogr am 3.I thasLot sofl i mi t at i onssuchasdi f f er ent 3. I ti sv er yef f i ci entt ool t ocheckl ot sofact i ons deskt opsar enott her e, nosepar at esect i onsf or suchasdi f f er entdeskt ops, separ at eact i onsf or l ocal , gl obal Var i abl eset c l ocal &gl obal Var i abl es&obj ect satat i me Si ngl eSt epF5: Thef unct i onkeyF5i susedt ocheckLi neByLi neoft hepr ogr am. Execut eF6: Thef unct i onkeyF6i susedt ocheckBl ockByBl ockoft hepr ogr am. Ret ur nF7: Thef unct i onkeyF7i susedt oRet ur nf r om t hesour cecodeoft hepr ocessbl ockssuch assubr out i nes, f unct i onmodul es, met hodset c. Cont i nueF8: Thef unct i onkeyF8i susedt oj umpf r om onebr eakpoi nti nt ot henextbr eakpoi nt t henexecut eoncet hel astbr eakpoi nti sr eached&t henexecut e. 3)Howt odebugBackgr oundJobs? Ans: TheBackgr oundj obscanbedebuggi ngusi ngt hecommand‘ JDBG’ . Execut et heTcodeSM37 Checkt her equi r edbackgr oundj obt obedebugged. Ent erJDBGi nt heCommandf i el d&Pr essEnt er Keeponpr essi ngF7unt i l t her equi r edpr ogr am i sst opped. Uset heFunct i onkey sF5/ F6/ F7t ocheckt hepr ogr am Li nebyl i ne/ Bl ockbyBl ockonce i ti sr eached. 4)Whatar et hest epst odebugPopupwi ndow? Ans: Cr eat eat extf i l ewi t ht her equi r edst at ement s&sav ei tonLocal PC/ Deskt op. [ FUNCTI ON] COMMAND = ‘ / H’ Ti t l e = ‘ Debugger ’ Ty pe = ‘ Sy st em Command’ Mi ni mi zet heSAPPopupwi ndowscr eent oappearbot hTextf i l e&Popupwi ndowscr een. Dr ag&dr opt hesav edt extf i l ei nt oPopupwi ndowscr een. Not e: Thesy st em gi v est hesuccessmessageasDebuggi ngSwi t chedON. Per f or mt her equi r edact i ont ost opt hecor r espondi ngpr ogr am ( Yesbut t on) . 5)Whatar et het y pesofexecut i onmodes? Ans:Ther ear e2t y pesofexecut i onmodet oexecut eapr ogr am ort het r ansact i oncodes. 1.For egr ound: I ti susedt oexecut et hepr ogr amsort het r ansact i oncodesdi r ect l ybypr essi ng execut ei conorF8f unct i onkey .I tr equi r esuseri nt er act i on. 2.Backgr ound: Thi sexecut i onmodei susedt oexecut et hepr ogr amsort het r ansact i oncodes per i odi cal l ysuchasHour l y , Dai l y , Weekl y , Mont hl yet ci nbackgr ound.I tdoesn’ t r equi r eanyuser i nt er act i on.Thev ar i ant smustbecr eat edbef or et hepr ogr amsar e schedul edi nback gr ound. TheTcodeSM36i susedt odef i net hebackgr oundj obs& TheTcodeSM37i susedt ocheckt hest at usoft hebackgr oundj obs. Thest andar df unct i onmodul esJOB_ OPEN>Toopenbackgr oundj ob JOB_ SUBMI T>Tosubmi tj obi nbackgr ound JOB_ CLOSE>Tocl oseschedul edj ob. Q) . wegoi ndebuggi ngbutAm i n5t hl i neofdebuggi ngandi wantt ogoagai ni n4t hl i neofi tt henhowt odo t hat ? a: Onceuent eri nt hedebuggi ngscr eenputt hecour seronpar t i cul arl i nef r om menudebuggi ngsel ectgot o st at ement . Repor t sEv ent s EVENTS 1)Whatar et heSel ect i onScr eenev ent s, expl ai n? ATSELECTI ONSCREEN>Thi sev enti st r i gger edaf t erpr ov i di ngI nputt ot hesel ect i on scr een. ATSELECTI ONSCREENOUTPUT>Thi sev enti st r i gger edwhi l eper f or mi nganyact i on i nt hesel ect i onscr een.I ti susedt omodi f y( f or mat )t hesel ect i onscr een. ATSELECTI ONSCREENON>Thi sev enti st r i gger edaf t eri nputv al uespr ov i dedi nt he sel ect i onscr eenbased.I ti susedt ov al i dat e/ checkt hei nputdat aoft hesel ect i on scr een. ATSELECTI ONSCREENONVALUEREQUESTFOR>Thi sev enti st r i gger edwhent he usercl i cksonF4but t on.Thest andar df unct i onmodul e F4I F_ I NT_ TABLE_ VALUE_ REQUESTcanbeusedt odi spl ayt hepossi bl eent r i esas sear chhel p. Thef unct i onmodul eDYNP_ VALUES_ READi susedt ocapt ur et hesel ect i onf i el d v al uesi nt hesamesel ect i onscr eenf orDy nami csear chhel p Atsel ect i onscr eenONHELPREQUESTFOR>Thi sev enti st r i gger edwhent heuser cl i cksonF1but t on. Thest andar df unct i onmodul e‘ HELP_ OBJECT_ SHOW’canbeused t opr ov i det heHel pdocumentt ot hei nputv ar i abl e.TheTcodeSE61/ SO72i susedt o mai nt ai nt heHel pdocument at i onaspert hespeci f i cat i on. 3)HowmanyTi mest heEv entI NI TI ALI ZATI ONTr i gger swhi l edi spl ay i ngt hel i stof20pagesandal soTOPOFPAGE? Ans: -I NI TI ALI ZATI ONTr i gger sOnl yOnet i meandTOPOFPAGEt r i gger s20t i mes. 4)Whati st hepr er equi si t et ouse“ FORALLENTRI ES” ? Ans: -TheBasei nt er nal t abl ewhi chcanbeusedi nt he' FORALLENTRI ES' st at ementmustbe checkedwhet heri thasdat aornot . Quest i on: whatar et hePr er equi si t esf orbi nar ysear ch? Thel i stofar r ay( el ement sori t ems)t hatar et obesear chedf orar equi r edel ementshoul dbei nascendi ng or derorsor t edor derf ort hesear cht obeper f or med. Eg: 21, 3, 4, 2, 5 sear chf or2>notf ound 2, 3, 7, 56, 133 sear chf or2>f ound 5)Whatar eJoi ns&t y pesofJoi ns? Ans: Joi nsar eusedt of et cht hedat af r om mor et hanonet abl e. 1.I nnerj oi n: Thi sst at ementi susedt oext r actt hedat af r om t hemul t i pl est abl esby j oi ni ngt hem.Upt o2t abl escanonl ybej oi ned.Formor et han3t abl esi s notadv i sabl e asi tput sheav yl oadondat abase 2.Foral l ent r i es: Thi sst at ementi susedt oext r actt hedat af r om t hedat abaset abl e basedont heent r i esoft heBasei nt er nal t abl e.Thel oadondat abase wi l l be v er yl ess. 6)Expl ai naboutLoopt er mi nat i onst at ement s? Ans: -Thef ol l owi ngst at ement sar eusedt ocomeoutoft hel oopsandcont i nuewi t ht henext l oopst at ement s. EXI T: -Thi sst at ementi susedt ocomeoutoft hel oopst at ementandcont i nuewi t ht he nextst at ementl i neout si deoft hel oopst at ement si nt hepr ogr am. STOP: -Thi sst at ementi susedt ost opt heLooppr ocessal ongwi t ht henextpar toft he l oopst at ement . CONTI NUE: -Thi sst at ementi susedt ost opt hecur r entl ooppr ocessandcont i nuewi t h t henextl ooppr ocess. CHECK: -Thi sst at ementi susedt ocheckt hespeci f i edcondi t i onsandcont i nuewi t ht henext l ooppr ocess. CHECK=CONDI TI ON+CONTI NUE. 1. Whi choft hef ol l owi ngi snotanEXI Tcommand? opt i ons:BACK, CANCEL, STOP, EXI T? a: STOP 7)Expl ai naboutt heev ent sassoci at edwi t hCl assi cal Repor t s? LOADOFPROGRAM : Thi sev entt r i gger satt het i meofl oadi ngt hepr ogr am i nt oamemor y .Wedi dn’ twr ot ei npr ogr am l ev el . I NI TI ALI ZATI ON: Thi sev enti st r i gger edbef or et hesel ect i onscr eeni sdi spl ay ed.I ti s usedt ocl ear&r ef r esht hedat av ar i abl esandusedt opasst hedef aul tv al uest ot he sel ect i onf i el ds. ATSELECTI ONSCREEN: Thi sev enti st r i gger edaf t erpr ov i di ngt hei nputi nt he sel ect i onscr een. STARTOFSELECTI ON: I ti st hedef aul tev ent&mandat or yt oexecut eanyexecut abl e pr ogr am.I ti susedt of et cht hedat af r om t heDB.I fnoev enti susedi nt he execut abl epr ogr am, t heent i r epr ogr am wi l l bet r i gger edunder St ar t Of Sel ect i on.Whenev ery ouar egoi ngt ouseanyoneoft heev entbef or esel ect st at ementwemustusest ar t _ of _ sel ect i onev ent . ENDOFSELECTI ON: Thi sev enti st r i gger edaf t erSt ar t Of Sel ect i onev enti s pr ocessed.I ti susedt ospeci f yt hedat apr ocessst at ement s. TOPOFPAGE: Thi sev enti st r i gger edwi t ht hef i r stULI NE/ WRI TE/ SKI P/ NEW PAGE st at ementi nSTART_ OFSELECTI ONev enti nt hepr ogr am.I ti susedt odi spl ayt he col umnheadi ngs. ENDOFPAGE: Thi sev enti st r i gger edatt heendofeachpage.I ti susedt odi spl ay t hef oot erdet ai l sofapagesuchast ot al set c. . Ther epor taddi t i on LI NECOUNTmustbespeci f i edt ot r i ggert hi sev ent . 8)Whi chi st hedef aul tev ent ? Ans: Thedef aul tev enti sSTARTOFSELECTI ON. I fnoev enti susedi nt heexecut abl epr ogr am, t he ent i r epr ogr am wi l l bet r i gger edSt ar t Of Sel ect i on.Themai npr ogr am begi nswi t ht hi sev ent . 9) .I si tpossi bl et odi spl aypr ev i ousdr i l l downl i stf r om cur r entone? Ex: I fsupposeam i n10thdr i l l downl i st .I si tpossi bl et odi spl ay5thdr i l l downl i stf r om cur r entl i st ? Ihav e1basi cl i stand15secondar yl i st si ni nt er act i v er epor t .I fi am i n9t hl i st , howcani come di r ect l yt ot hebasi cl i st ? Ans: Yes.Byr eset t i ngl i sti ndex=5.i . e; SYLSI ND=5. Sy st em v ar i abl eSYLSI NDst or est hel i stnumber , byusi ngt hi swecangot obasi cl i st . 10)I ni nt er act i v er epor ti fuser19t i mesdoubl ecl i cked, agai nhewantt omai nscr een.Howcandot hi s? Ans: I fSy ucomm =' BACK' . Leav et oscr een0. Endi f . Quest i on: I fi doubl ecl i ckonanysal esor dernoi tshoul dt akemet ot het r ansact i onhow? a: UseATUSERCOMMAND. CASESYUCOMM. WHEN' SONo' . GETCURSORFI ELDFNAM VALUEFVAL. SETPARAMETERI D' VBE' FI ELDVBELN. CALLTRVA01ANDSKI PFI RSTSCREEN. 11)Whatar et heev ent sassoci at edwi t hI nt er act i v eRepor t s? Ans: -Fol l owi ngar et heEVENTSassoci at edwi t ht heI nt er act i v eRepor t s. ATLI NESELECTI ON: Thi sev enti st r i gger edatt het i meofusercl i cksonanyr ecor d ofanyl i st .I ti susedt opr ov i det hedet ai l edl i stbasedont hecur r entl i st . Thesy st em f i el dSYLSI NDhol dst heI ndexoft henextdr i l l downl i st . ATUSERCOMMAND: Thi sev enti st r i gger edatt het i meofusercl i cksonanymenu i t em.Thi sev enti susedt opr ov i det headdi t i onal f unct i onal i t ybasedont hesel ect ed pushbut t on. TOPOFPAGEDURI NGLI NESELECTI ON: Thi sev enti st r i gger edwi t ht hef i r st WRI TE/ ULI NE/ SKI Poft hedr i l l downl i st .I ti susedt opr ov i det hecol umnheadi ngs f ort hedr i l l downl i st . ATPF: Thi sev enti st r i gger edwhent hef unct i onkeyi spr essed.Thi sev enti susedt o pr ov i det headdi t i onal f unct i onal i t ybasedont hesel ect edmenui t em. SETPFSTATUS: Thi sev enti st r i gger edatt het i meofat t achi ngourownGUIt ot he l i st .I ti susedt ocal l t hemenust at us. Upt o35Pushbut t onscanbecr eat edont heAppl i cat i ont ool bar . 12)Whatar edi f f er encesbet weenCl assi cal &I nt er act i v er epor t s? Ans: TheCl assi cal r epor t sar eusedt odi spl ayt heent i r ei nf or mat i oni nasi ngl e/basi cl i st TheI nt er act i v eRepor t sar eusedt odi spl ayt hesummar i zedi nf or mat i oni nt hebasi cl i st& det ai l edi nf or mat i oni nt henextdr i l l downl i st .Upt o20secondar yl i st sar epr ov i ded&t het ot al noofl i st sar e21. 13)Whi cht echni quesusedt oi dent i f yt her ecor dwhi chwascl i ckedbyt heuseri nt hepr ev i ousl i st ? Ans: HI DE&GETCURSOR HI DE: Thi sst at ementi susedt ohi det hesel ect edf i el dv al uewhi chcanbepassedt ot he cor r espondi ngdr i l l downl i stt of i l t ert heunwant edr ecor ds.I ti susedt ocapt ur et he sel ect ed f i el dv al uest ot henextdr i l l downl i st .Hi dest at ementpr ov i desSi ngl edr i l l downl i st . GETCURSOR: Thi sst at ementi susedt ocapt ur et hesel ect edf i el dv al ues&f i el dnamesbased ont hecur sorposi t i on.Thi sst at ementpr ov i desdr i l l mul t i pl edownl i st s. 14)Whatar et heSy st em Fi el dsassoci at edwi t hI nt er act i v eRepor t s? Fi el dname LSI ND LI SEL LI LLI UCOMM PFKey Descr i pt i on I ndexoft henextdr i l l down-cont ent soft hecur r entl i stI ndexno Sel ect edl i stl i nev al ue-cont ent soft hesel ect edr ecor d Sel ect edl i stl i nenumber–cont ai nst heexactl i nenooft hesel ect edr ecor d Fun.Codeoft hesel ect edpushbut t on/ Menui t em Funct i onKey 15)Whatar et heCont r ol Br eakSt at ement s, expl ai naboutt hem? Ans: Cont r ol Br eakst at ement s: -Theyar eusedt ocont r ol t hedat af l owofani nt er nal t abl e. TheCont r ol br eakst at ement sst ar twi t hATandendswi t hENDAT. Thesest at ement sshoul dbeusedwi t hi nt heLOOPst at ement sonl y Fol l owi ngar et hedi f f er entt y pesofCont r ol br eakst at ement s. ATFI RST: -Thi sev enti st r i gger edatt hef i r str ecor dofani nt er nal t abl e.Thi si susedt odi spl ayt he Headeri nf or mat i on. ATNEW: -Thi sev enti st r i gger edatt hef i r str ecor dofeachbl ock.Thi si susedt odi spl ayt he i ndi v i dual headi ngs. ATENDOF: -Thi sev enti st r i gger edatt hel astr ecor dofeachbl ock.Thi si susedt odi spl ayt he t ot al / subt ot al si nt hei nt er nal t abl e. ATLAST: -Thi sev enti st r i gger edatt hel astr ecor dofani nt er nal t abl e. ONCHANGEOF: -I ti saspeci al cont r ol br eakst at ementwhi chcanbeusedout si deoft he l oopst at emental so. I ti sal mostsi mi l art oATNEW st at ementbuti tdoesn' tconsi dert hepr ecedi ngf i el ds. I tcanbeusedont hemul t i pl ef i el dsusi ngSEToper at or s( AND, OR, BETWEEN) . 16)Whati st hedi f f er encebet weenATNEW andONCHANGEOF? ATNEW ONCHANGEOF 1.Theymustbeusedwi t hi nt hel oop 1.I tcanbeusedwi t hi nt hel oopst at ement& st at ement s. out si deoft hel oopst at ement sal so 2.I tconsi der spr ecedi ngf i el dsal so 2.I tdoesn' tconsi der 3.I tcan’ tbeusedonmor et hanonef i el dusi ng 3.I tcanbeusedont hemul t i pl ef i el dsusi ngt he t heSEToper at or‘ OR’ SEToper at or‘ OR’ 4.Thewor kar eai si mpact edbyr epl aci ngwi t h Ast er i sk( * * * * * * * ) mar ks 4.I tdoesn’ ti mpactt heWor kAr ea q: Whati st hedi f f er encebet weenAtNewandOnchangeOfi nsi deal oop? ? Iwanti nsi deal oopdi f f er ence notbasi cdi f f er ence? ? 1.Atnewi sal way sf ol l owedbysi ngl ef i el d. eg: ATNEW MATNR. i fanychangesi nmat nroccur satnewev entt r i gger s.att hi scaser i ghtsi def i el dsofmat nrappear sl i ket hi s. Ri ghtsi dechar act erf i el dsappear sl i ke* * * *&numer i cf i el dbecomenul l i nwor kar ea. 2. onchangeoff ol l owsbysi ngl eormor ef i el ds. eg: ONCHANGEOFMATNRORLABSTORWERKS. Her eanychangei nanyf i el donchangeofev entt r i gger s.Her ewecanseeal l f i el dsi nwor kar ea. 17)Whatar et hedi f f er encesbet weenSELECTSI NGLEandUPTO1ROWS? SELECTSI NGLE UPTO1ROWS 1.I text r act ssi ngl er ecor df r om t hedat abase t abl e 1.I text r act sal l t her ecor dsi nt oabuf f erandmov es t hef i r str ecor di nt oanappl i cat i onpr ogr am 2.I tdoesn’ tr equi r eENDSELECTst at ement 2.I tr equi r esENDSELECT 3.Uset hi sone, i ncaseofnotpossi bl et ouseal l t he keyf i el ds.Wecanr eadappr opr i at er ecor df r om dat abaset abl e; wemaynotneedt opr ov i deal l key f i el ds. 3.Uset hi sone, i ncaseofal l keyf i el dscanbe consi der ed.Tor eadexactr ecor df r om dat abase t abl eweneedt opr ov i deal l keyf i el ds. 4.I ti ssl owerbecausei ti saconst r uctt or ead dat abaser ecor dswi t hpr i mar ykey .I nt he 4.I ti sf ast erbecausey ouar enotusi ngal l t hepr i mar y keyf i el ds. absenceoft hepr i mar ykey , i tmi ghtendupdoi ng asequent i al sear ch 18)Whatar et hedi f f er encesbet weenNor mal Repor t sandALVRepor t s? Cl assi cal r epor t s 1.Si mpl er epor t susi ngt heWRI TEst at ement swi t hi n t hel oops. 2.Per f or mancei snotasgoodasALVRepor t ssi nce t heLOOPst at ementmustbeusedt odi spl ayt he dat a. 3.Notpossi bl et oedi tt heFi el dsi nt heOut put . 4.I ti sdi f f i cul tt odi spl ayt heLOGOSi nt heout put . 5.I ti sCOMPLEXt oAl i gnt heCol umns. ALVRepor t s 1.Thesy st em gener at edFunct i onsst ar twi t h REUSE*ar eusedt odi spl ayt hedat a. 2.Per f or mancei sgoodsi ncet hedat ai sdi spl ay ed usi ngt hef unct i onmodul esout si deoft hel oops. 3.I tcanbepossi bl et oedi tt heFi el dsi nt he Out put . 4.I ti ssoEASYt odi spl ayt heLOGOSi nt he out put . 5.Col umnAl i gnmenti sdonebyt hesy st em. 19) .whatar eConv er si onRout i nes? Theconv er si onr out i nesar et hef unct i onmodul esusedt oconv er tt hedat af r om i nt er nal f or matt o anext er nal f or mat&ext er nal f or matt oi nt er nal f or mat . Theconv er si onr out i nesar emai nt ai nedatt heDomai nl ev el ofaf i el d. 20)Howt omaket hef i el dedi t abl ei nALVGr i d? Ans: -Bypassi ngt hef i el dnameEDI T=‘ X’ t ot heSLI S_ T_ FI ELDCAT_ ALV( wi t hHeaderLi ne) . WA_ FI ELDCAT-EDI T=‘ X’ . 21)Whatar et heev ent sassoci at edwi t hALVRepor t s? Ans: -Ther ear e17ev ent si nALVRepor t s. Fol l owi ngar esomeoft hemostusef ul ev ent s. TOP_ OF_ PAGE: I ti sanev entwhi chi st r i gger edatt het opofeachpage.Thi sev enti s usedt odi spl ayt hel i stheadi ngs&Logos. PF_ STATUS_ SET: Thi sev enti st r i gger edatt het i meofat t achi ngourownGUIt ot he pr ogr am.Thi sev enti susedt ocal l t hemenust at usf oraddi ngmenui t ems&push but t ons. USER_ COMMAND: I ti sanev entwhi chi st r i gger edatt het i meofusercl i cksonany r ecor dofanyl i staswel l ascl i cksonanymenui t em.Thi sev enti susedt opr ov i dean i nt er act i v ef unct i onal i t ybasedont hesel ect edr ecor d/ pushbut t on/menui t em i nALV r epor t s. END_ OF_ LI ST: I ti susedt odi spl ayt heFoot erdet ai l si nALVr epor t s. 22)Whatar et heFunct i onModul esassoci at edwi t hALVRepor t s? o Thest andar dALVdi spl ayFunct i onmodul e' REUSE_ ALV_ LI ST_ DI SPLAY' i susedt odi spl ay t hepopul at edf i nal i nt er nal t abl edat ai nALVLI STf or mat . TheFi el dv al uescannotbeedi t edi ncaseofALVLi stf or mat . Logos/ I magescannotbedi spl ay edi nALVLi stf or mat . o Thest andar dALVdi spl ayFunct i onmodul e' REUSE_ ALV_ GRI D_ DI SPLAY' i susedt odi spl ay t hepopul at edf i nal i nt er nal t abl edat ai nALVGRI Df or mat . TheFi el dv al uescanbeedi t edi ncaseofALVGRI Df or mat . Logos/I magescanbedi spl ay edi nALVGRI Df or mat . o TheBl ockedALV’ sar eusedt odi spl ayt hedat af r om t hemul t i pl ei nt er nal t abl esassepar at e bl ocki nt heout put . Thest andar dALVdi spl ayFunct i onmodul es' REUSE_ ALV_ BLOCK_ LI ST_ I NI T' i sused t oi ni t i al i zet hedi f f er entbl ocksi nt heout put . ' REUSE_ ALV_ BLOCK_ LI ST_ APPEND' i susedt oappendt hei nt er nal t abl esassepar at e bl ocks. ' REUSE_ ALV_ BLOCK_ LI ST_ DI SPLAY’ i susedt odi spl ayt heappendedbl ocksi nt he out put . o Thest andar dALVdi spl ayFunct i onmodul e' REUSE_ ALV_ HI ERSEQ_ LI ST_ DI SPLAY' i susedt o di spl ayt heHeader&cor r espondi ngi t em det ai l si nHI ERARI CHALmanner . 23)Whatar et heway st opopul at eFi el dCat al ogandwhi chonedoy oupr ef er ? Ans: -Ther ear et woway st opopul at et heFI LEDCATALOG. 1.Usi ngALVFunct i onModul e' REUSE_ ALV_ FI ELDCATALOG_ MERGE' / /NotAdv i sabl e 2.Manual Popul at i on/ /Adv i sabl e 1.St epst oPopul at eFi el dCat al ogusi ngt heFunct i onModul e: Def i neDat adi ct i onar yst r uct ur e/ I nt er nal t abl ewi t ht her equi r edf i el ds. Cal l ALVf unct i onmodul e‘ REUSE_ ALV_ FI ELDCATALOG_ MERGE’ t opopul at ef i el dcat al og f r om t heDDI Cst r uct ur e/ I nt er nal t abl e. Modi f yt hespeci f i edf i el dcat al ogi nt er nal t abl e‘ GT_ FCAT’ aspert hespeci f i cat i oni fr equi r ed. Passt hef i l l edf i el dcat al ogi nt er nal t abl et oanExpor tpar amet er‘ I T_ FI ELDCAT’ oft heALV Di spl ayf unct i onmodul es. St epst oI nser tBor derLi nef or72Char act er s: Oncet hepr ogr am i si nchangemode. Cl i ckonUt i l i t i es>Set t i ngs>Checkt hecheckbox“ Downwar dscompat i bl el i nel engt h( 72) &Cl i ckonYesbut t on. Oner edcol orv er t i cal bor derl i nei si nser t edat72char act er sposi t i on. 2.St epst oPopul at eFi el dCat al ogManual l y : Popul at eFi el dCat al ogI nt er nal t abl ewi t ht her equi r edf i el dv al ues. Passt hepopul at edFi el dCat al ogI nt er nal t abl et oanexpor tpar amet erofALVdi spl ay f unct i onmodul e. 24)I si tpossi bl et odev el opt heALVr epor t swi t houtpopul at i ngorusi nganyFI ELDCATALOG? Ans: -Yes, Wecandev el op. Cr eat eDDI Cst r uct ur ewi t ht her equi r edf i el ds. Ext r actt her equi r eddat af r om t hedat abaset abl esbasedont hegi v eni nput . Popul at et heFi nal i nt er nal t abl es. Uset hef unct i onmodul eei t her‘ REUSE_ ALV_ GRI D_ DI SPLAY’ or‘ REUSE_ ALV_ LI ST_ DI SPLAY’ t odi spl ay f i nal dat abyexpor t i ngDDI Cst r uct ur ename&t heFi nal i nt er nal t abl e. 25) .whatar et hedi f f er entway st opopul at eev ent si nALVr epor t ? 1.Manual Popul at i on: Popul at eani nt er nal t abl eoft het y pe‘ sl i s_ t _ ev ent ’ wi t ht her equi r edev ent s&cor r espondi ng dy nami csubr out i ne. Def i net hedy nami csubr out i neofanev entwi t ht her equi r edf unct i onal i t y . Passt hepopul at edev ent si nt er nal t abl et oExpor t , I mpor tpar amet er sofanALVdi spl ayf unct i on modul e‘ i t _ ev ent ’ . 2.Byusi ngALVf unct i onmodul e–REUSE_ ALV_ EVENT_ GET: I ti snotadv i sabl esi ncei text r act sal l t heev ent s&l oopi sr equi r ed. Thedy nami csubr out i nef oreachev entcanbepopul at edwi t hi nt hel oopofev enti nt er nal t abl e. Passt hepopul at eev enti nt er nal t abl et oanexpor tpar amet er . 3.Thecal l backexpor tpar amet ercanal sobeusedt ospeci f yt hedy nami csubr out i nenameofALV ev ent si nALVdi spl ayf unct i onmodul e. 26)Expl ai nt hest epst opr ov i deheadi ngsandl ogoi nALVr epor t s?( Or ) St epst owor kwi t hanALVev entTOP_ OF_ PAGE? UseanALVev ent‘ TOP_ OF_ PAGE’ wi t ht hecor r espondi ngdy nami csubr out i nenamei nt oan i nt er nal t abl e Popul at et her equi r edheaderdat ai nt oani nt er nal t abl eoft het y pe( sl i s_ t _ l i st _ header )i n bet weent hedef i ni t i onofdy nami csubr out i ne. Uset heALVFunct i onmodul e‘ REUSE_ ALV_ COMMENTARY_ WRI TE’ t odi spl ayt he Popul at edheaderandLogos. 27)Howt opr ov i decust om Funct i on( Push)But t onal ongwi t hSy st em gener at edFunct i onsi nALV? Howt oaddpushbut t onst oALV? ( Or ) ( Or )St epst owor kwi t hPFSTATUSSETi nALV? Copyt hesy st em pr ov i dedgener i cf unct i ons/ pushbut t onsf r om t hest andar dpr ogr am ‘ SAPLSALV’ & t hest at us: STANDARDi nt ocust om pr ogr am &menust at ususi ngSE41. Addaddi t i onal cust omerspeci f i c‘ pushbut t ons’ t ot hecopi edmenust at us. UseanALVev ent‘ PF_ STATUS_ SET’ &cal l t hecopi edmenust at uswi t hi nt hedy nami csubr out i ne ofPF_ STATUS_ SET. Cal l t hecopi edmenust at ususi ngt heABAPst at ement‘ SET_ PF_ STATUS’ . 28)Howt ohandl eI nt er act i v eFunct i onal i t y ?( Doubl eCl i ck) Ani nt er act i v ef unct i onal i t ycanbepr ov i dedwi t hi nt hedy nami csubr out i neofanALVEv ent USER_ COMMAND. Pr ov i det hei nt er act i v ef unct i onal i t ysuchast odi spl ayanot herALVdr i l l downr epor t / cal l anot herpr ogr am whent hepushbut t onsar esel ect ed. Thef unct i oncodef ort hedoubl ecl i cki nALVr epor t si s‘ &I C1’ andi nI nt er act i v ecl assi cal r epor t i n‘ PI CK’ . 29) .Howt ocapt ur esel ect edr owsi nALVout put( or ) Whatar et hest epst ogetsel ect edr owsi nt henextdr i l l downl i sti nALV( or ) I nt er act i v ef unct i onal i t ybasedont hesel ect edr ows? Ans: AddSi ngl eChar act erf i el dt ot heLay out . PassBOXsi ngl echar act erf i l ednamet ot hel ay out . Passpopul at edLay outt oALVdi spl ayf unct i onmodul es. Copyf i nal i nt er nal t abl ei nt ot empor ar yi nt er nal t abl e. Del et enonsel ect edent r i esf r om t empor ar yi nt er nal t abl e. 30) .whatar est epst odi spl ayeachr owi ndi f f er entcol or si nALVr epor t ? Ans: Add4Char act erf i el dt ot hef i nal i nt er nal t abl ef or m whi cht hedat ashoul dbedi spl ay ed. Popul at ecol orcodedy nami cal l y . Passcol orcodef i el dnamet ot hef i el d‘ i nf o_ f i el dname’ oft hel ay out . 31) .Howt odi spl ayTr af f i cl i ght si nALVRepor t ? Ans: Add4char act erf i el dt ot hef i nal i nt er nal t abl e. Popul at et r af f i cl i ght sbasedont hest at us. Popul at eFi el dCat al ogwi t ht r af f i cl i ght sf i el dname. 32)Expl ai naboutsomeoft heusef ul t y peswi t hwhi chy ouhav ewor kedi nSLI STy peGr oup. Ans: Fi el dName Tabname Tabi ndex Val ue Fi el dname Descr i pt i on Fi nal I nt er nal Name I ndexno.oft hesel ect edr ecor di nt hef i nal i nt er nal t abl e. Sel ect edf i el dv al ue Fi el dnameofasel ect edr ow 33) .Expl ai nsomeusef ul t y pesi nt het y pegr oup‘ SLI S’ ? Ans: I . SLI S_ T_ FI ELDCAT_ ALV: I ti susedt of or matt hecol umnsi nALVr epor t ssuchasPopul at ecol umn headi ngs, Edi tt hecol umns, Di spl ayhandsy mbol s. I I . SLI S_ LAYOUT_ ALV: I ti susedt of or matt heent i r el ay outi nALVr epor t ssuchasdi spl aydat ai n di f f er entcol or s.I nst eadoff or matst at ementweusel ay out . I I I . SLI S_ T_ _ EVENT: I ti susedt opopul at eanALVev ent . I V. SLI S_ T_ _ LI ST_ HEADER: I ti susedt odi spl ayt heLi stHeadi ngs&Logosi nALV. V. SLI S_ T_ _ EXTAB: I ti susedt opopul at et hef unct i oncodesoft hepushbut t onst obehi ddeni nALV r epor t / out put . VI . SLI S_ T_ _ SELFI ELD: I ti susedt ocapt ur et hesel ect edr ow/ l i nev al uei nALV. VI I . SLI S_ KEYI NFO_ ALV: I ti susedt opopul at et hekeyf i el d’ si nf or mat i ont odi spl ayheader&t he cor r espondi ngi t em dat ai nHi er ar chi cal ALV. VI I I . SLI S_ T_ SORT_ I NFO: I ti susedt opr ov i desubt ot al s&gr andt ot al si nALVr epor t . 34)Whatar et het y pesofMemor i es, expl ai naboutt hem? Ans: -TheMemor yconcepti susedt oaccesst hedat aacr osst hei nt er nal orExt er nal Sessi ons. Ther ear e2t y pesofmemor i es. o SAPMemor y : -I ti susedt oaccesst hedat af r om onesessi ont oanot hersessi ont hr ough Par amet erI DorMemor yI D. TheABAPst at ement sSETPARAMETERI DandGETPARAMETERI Dar eusedt o wor kwi t ht heSAPmemor y . SETPARAMETERI Di susedt opasst hef i el dv al uef r om anappl i cat i onpr ogr am i nt o t hespeci f i edSAPMemor yI DorPar amet erI D. GETPARAMETERI Di susedt ogett hedat af r om t hespeci f i edmemor yI Dor Par amet erI Di nt of i l edofanappl i cat i onpr ogr am. ThePar amet erI D’ sar emai nt ai nedatDat aEl ementl ev el underFur t her Char act er i st i cs. o ABAPmemor y : -I ti susedt oaccesst hedat aacr ossi nt er nal sessi ons.TheABAP st at ement sI MPORT&EXPORTar eusedt owor kwi t ht heABAPMemor y . TheI MPORTst at ementi susedt oi mpor tt hedat af r om t hespeci f i edmemor yI Di nt o dat av ar i abl e. TheEXPORTst at ementi susedt oexpor tt hedat ai nt ot hespeci f i edmemor yI Df or mt he pr ogr am. 35)Canwepl aceMor et hanonesel ect i onscr eenEl ementi nonel i ne, I fYes, How? Ans: -Yes. SELECTI ONSCREENBEGI NOFLI NE. *Li stofPARAMETERS SELECTI ONSCREENENDOFLI NE. 236Howt opl acet hePUSHbut t ons( Funct i onkey s)onSel ect i onScr eens? Ans: -Requi r ement : Thr eebut t onsdi spl ay , change, cr eat et obecr eat edal ongwi t ht hei rr espect i v ei consont hesel ect i onscr een. St epst obef ol l owed: St ep1: Cr eat epr ogr am i nSE38wi t hsomemeani ngf ul descr i pt i on. St ep2: Cr eat easel ect i onscr eenwi t ht woort hr eef i el ds. Wr i t et hebel owcodei nt hepr ogr am af t ert heabov esel ect i onscr eenst at ement . Wr i t et hebel owcodei nt hepr ogr am i nt heI ni t i al i zat i onev ent . Execut et her epor tandy ouwi l l seet hr eepushbut t onsont hesel ect i onscr eenasbel ow. Nowt ohandl et hebut t onsi nt hepr ogr am, f i r stweneedt ocr eat eacust om GUIst at uscopi edf r om t hest andar dGUI asbel ow RSSYSTDB&%_ 00r ef ert ot hest andar dGUIst at us. Nowweneedt oaddt hef unct i oncodesf ort heabov et hr eebut t onscr eat edont hesel ect i onscr een. FC01, FC02andFC03r ef ert ot het hr eebut t onswhi chwehav eact i v at edabov e. Her ewewi l laddt hef unct i oncodesf ort het hr eebut t ons.Thesef unct i oncodeswi l lbecapt ur edi nt hesy st em v ar i abl eSYUCOMM f i el dandt hi scanbeusedi nt hepr ogr am l ogi c. Funct i oncode‘ DI SP’i susedher ef ort hef i r stpushbut t on( FC01) ,si mi l ar l y‘ CHAN’and‘ CREA’f orsecondandt hi r d pushbut t onsr espect i v el y . Af t erent er i ngt hef unct i oncodesf oral l t hepushbut t onsact i v et hepf st at us. Nowcomebackt ot hepr ogr am andwr i t et hebel owcodei nt he ATSELECTI ONSCREENOUTPUTev ent . Nowexecut et hepr ogr am andy oucanf i ndt hebel owsel ect i onscr een. Summar y : I nt hi swaywecr eat ebut t onsal ongwi t ht hei consont hesel ect i onscr een. Q)Howt ot r anspor tav ar i antofanABAPr epor tt opr oduct i oni nSAP? Ans:usi ngpr ogr am RSTRANSP +I nr eal t i mebusi nessappl i cat i ons, weneedt ot r anspor tv ar i ant sofapr ogr amst opr oduct i on, i ngener al v ar i ant swi l l notbet r anspor t edaut omat i cal l yal ongwi t hpr ogr am, weneedt oaddt hem t oaTRt ot r anspor t , t oaddt r anspor tt oaTRweusepr ogr am RSTRANSP. Met hod1t ot r anspor tv ar i anti nSAP Got oSE38, pr ov i depr ogr am nameasRSTRANSPandexecut e. Pr ov i depr ogr am nameandv ar i antname, execut e, i twi l l askf oraTR. Youcannott r anspor tv ar i ant sofal ocal ( $t mp)pr ogr am(pr ogr am sav edi nl ocal obj ect ) . Met hod2t ot r anspor tv ar i anti nSAP Got oSE38, pr ov i dey ourpr ogr am name, sel ectv ar i antanddi spl ay . Got out i l i t i es>t r anspor tr equest , pr ov i dev ar i antnameandexecut e, i twi l l askf orTR. Modul ePool Pr ogr ammi ng/ Scr eenPai nt er Modul ePool Pr ogr ammi ng/ Scr eenPai nt er Thi sconcepti susedt omai nt ai ndi f f er entt y pesofscr eens&cor r espondi ngf l owl ogi c. Thi sconceptcont ai nsmai nl y2par t s. Modul epool pr ogr am Scr eenpai nt er 1)Whati st heScr eenPai nt er( Lay out )andexpl ai ndi f f er entcomponent si nscr eenpai nt er ? Ans: Scr eenpai nt er : -I ti sat ool usedt omai nt ai ndi f f er entt y pesofscr eens. TheTcodeSE51i s usedt owor kwi t hscr eenpai nt er . a)Nor mal scr een: Thenor mal / mai nscr eenswhi chcanbecal l edt hr ought r ansact i oncodes/ usi ngABAP st at ement‘ CALLSCREEN’ . b)Subscr een: Thesubscr eensar epar tofmai nscr eens( nor mal ) Thesubscr eencan’ tbeexecut edi ndependent l y Thef l owl ogi cABAPst at ement‘ CALLSUBSCREEN’ i susedt ocal l t hesubscr eenar eas i nt henor mal scr eens Thepushbut t ons/ menust at usi snotpossi bl eont hesubscr een I ti snotpossi bl et ocal l subscr eenwi t hi nt hesubscr een c) Modal di al ogscr een: I ti susedt opopul at e/ di spl ayt hedat aonpopdi al ogboxwi t hsomegener i cf unct i ons (Todi spl ayi consatbot t om) d)Sel ect i onscr een: Thesel ect i onscr eeni sr eser v edf orRepor t s/ Execut abl epr ogr ams. Thescr eennumber1000i sr eser v edf orsel ect i onscr een. Di f f er entComponent s/ El ement s: 1.At t r i but es: I tcont ai nst het echni cal det ai l soft hescr eensuchar et y peoft he scr een, nextscr eennumber , packageet c. 2.El ementLi st : I tcont ai nst hescr eenel ement s, at t r i but es&pr oper t i esoft hescr een el ement s i nt henor mal scr een&subscr een&at t r i but essuchar egener al at t r i but es, t ext s ori nputout putt empl at es, speci al at t r i but es, di spl ayat t r i but es, modi f i cat i ongr oups. Makeani nputl i stasdr opdownl i stbysel ect i ng, opt i onundert het abi nput / out put . Thi scomponenti susedt omaket hescr eenel ement sv i si bl e, i nv i si bl e, changet he di mensi onset c. Themodi f i cat i ongr oupswhi chcanbeusedt of or matt hescr eendy nami cal l yar e speci f i edbyusi ngmodi f i cat i ongr oups. 3.Fl owLogi c: Thi scomponenti susedt opr ov i det hel i nkbet weent hemodul epool pr ogr am & scr eens. I tcanal sobeusedt ocont r ol t hedat af l owbet weent hescr eens Thescr eenr el at edABAPst at ement ssuchar emodul es,MODULE,CALLSUBSCREEN, CHAI Net at ement scanbeusedi nf l owl ogi c. 3.Lay out : I ti susedt odesi gnt hescr eenswi t hdi f f er entscr eenel ement s a.Textf i el ds: Todef i net het extf i el dsf orscr eenf i el dl abel sont hescr een. b.I nput / out putf i el d: I ti susedt odef i nei nput / out putf i el dsont hescr een. c. Checkbox: Todef i net hecheckboxont hescr een. d.Pushbut t on: I ti susedt odef i net hepushbut t onont hescr een. e. Tabst r i pcont r ol : I ti susedt odef i net het abst r i pcont r ol t owor kwi t ht hedi f f er ent subar easont hescr een. f . Tabst r i p( wi t hwi zar d) : i ti susedt odef i net het abst r i pcont r ol usi ngt hewi zar d. g.Subscr eenar ea: I ti susedt odef i net hesubscr eenar easont hemai nscr r en/ ont het ab st r i pcont r ol . h.Tabl econt r ol : I ti susedt odef i net het abl econt r ol st omai nt ai nmul t i pl el i nei t emsor r ecor dsont hescr een. i . Tabl econt r ol wi t hwi zar d: I ti susedt odef i net het abl econt r ol susi ngwi zar ds. j . Cust om cont r ol : I ti susedt odef i net hecust om cont r ol si nt hescr eens. k. St at usi con: I ti susedt odef i net hest at usi consont hescr een. l . Box: i ti susedt odef i net heboxesar oundscr eenel ement si nt hescr eens. 2)Whatar et heScr eenpai nt erat t r i but es? Ans: Theyar eusedt omai nt ai ndi f f er entat t r i but es/ set t i ngsofascr eenel ement ssuchar ef unct i on code, f unct i ont y pe, dr opdownl i stet c. a)Dr opdown: Ther ear e2t y pesofdr opdownopt i ons I . Li stBox: Tol i stoutonl yt hev al ues. I I . Li stboxwi t hkey : Tol i stoutt hev al ueswi t hcor r espondi ngkey swhent hedr opdowni coni s pr essed Ther emustbef or ei gnkeyr el at i onshi pbet weenv al ue&t extf i el dsofat extt abl e. b)Gr oups: Theyar eusedt ospeci f yt her adi obut t ongr oupnameormodi f i cat i ongr oupname. c) FCTcode: Funct i oncodeofapushbut t onsormenui t ems. d)Di ct i onar yAt t r i but es: I ti susedt omai nt ai nt heat t r i but esoft hedat adi ct i onar yobj ect ssuchar et abl eorst r uct ur ef i el ds. Someoft hedat adi ct i onar yobj ect sar e: dat ef or mat , sear chhel p, conv er si onexi tet c. e) Pr ogr am At t r i but es: I ti susedt omai nt ai nt hedi f f er entat t r i but esofi nputorout putf i el ds. I . Requi r ed: Tomaket hescr eeni nputf i el dasmandat or y I I . Possi bl e: I ti sdef aul ti cont oacceptt hei nputv al uesatr unt i me. I I I . Notpossi bl e: I ncaseoft hi sopt i on, i nputi snotpossi bl ebutt hef i el dcanbeusedasout put f i el d. I V. Recommended: Tomaket hei nputf i el dasopt i onal .Thesy mbol quest i onmar ki sappear ed i nt hei nputorout putf i el d. Checkt hecheckboxout putonl yt or est r i ctt hei nputdat a. V. Di spl ayAt t r i but es: Tomai nt ai ndi f f er entat t r i but essuchar ei nv i si bl e, out putst y l es, 2D di spl ayet c. 3)Whati st hedi f f er encebet weenFl owLogi candModul ePool pr ogr am? Fl owLogi ci susedt odef i net heFl owLogi coft hescr eenel ement s.Themodul esar eusedt o communi cat ewi t ht heModul ePool Pr ogr am. Modul ePool Pr ogr am i susedt odef i net hemodul esoft heFl owLogi ci nscr eens.TheTcode SE38/ SE80i susedt odev el op&cr eat et heM. P. P. I tcanhav e4I ncl udepr ogr amssuchar e* TOP, * F01, * I 01, * O01. 4)Whatar et hesy st emsgener at edI ncl udepr ogr amsi nModul ePool pr ogr am? Ans: -Ther ear e4I ncl udepr ogr amsi nmodul epool pr ogr ams. a)TOPI ncl ude: I ti susedt odecl ar egl obal dat adecl ar at i onswhi chcanbeaccessedacr oss t hescr eens. b) F01I ncl ude: I ti susedt odef i net heFORMS( Subr out i nes)whi chcanbeusedi nmodul e def i ni t i ons. c)O01I ncl ude: I ti susedt odef i net hePBO( Pr ocessBef or eOut put )modul es. d)I 01I ncl ude: I ti susedt odef i net hePAI( Pr ocessAf t erI nput )modul es. Themodul epool name&scr eenpr ogr am namemustbesi mi l ar . 5)Whatar et heev ent sassoci at edwi t hScr eenPai nt er ? 1.PROCESSBEFOREOUTPUT( PBO) : Thi sev enti st r i gger edbef or et hescr eeni sdi spl ay ed. I tcanal sobet r i gger edwhi l eper f or mi nganyact i onont hescr een. Thi si susedt opr ov i det hedef aul tv al uest ot hescr eenf i el ds. I tcanal sobeusedt of or matt hescr eenel ement sdy nami cal l y . 2.PROCESSAFTERI NPUT( PAI ) : Thi sev enti st r i gger edaf t ert heI nputv al uesar epr ov i dedt ot hescr een. Thi sev enti susedt ov al i dat et hei nputdat aont hescr eens. I tcanal sobeusedt opr ocesst hescr eendat abasedont heper f or medact i on ( pr essed pushbut t onmenui t em et c) 3.PROCESSONHELPREQUEST( POH) : Thi sev enti st r i gger edwhent hef unct i onkeyF1orhel pi con( ? )i spr essed. Thi sev enti susedt opr ov i det hehel pdocument at i onont hescr eenf i el ds. TheTcode: SE61/ SO72i susedt omai nt ai nhel pdocument at i on. Thest andar df unct i onmodul e‘ HELP_ OBJECT_ SHOW’ i susedt odi spl ayt hemai nt ai nhel p document at i on. 4.PROCESSONVALUEREQUEST( POV) : Thi sev enti st r i gger edi ncaseofi ncaseoff unct i onkeyF4orsear chhel pi coni spr essed. Thi sev enti susedt opopul at e&di spl ayt hecust om sear chhel ponscr eeni nputf i el ds. Thest andar df unct i onmodul e“ F4I F_ I NT_ TABLE_ VALUE_ REQUEST”i susedt odi spl ayt he popul at edi nt er nal t abl edat aassear chhel p. 6)Whatar et hest epst opr ov i deSear chHel p? I . UseanEv entPROCESSONVALUEREQUEST. I I . Speci f yordef i net heModul eont her equi r edScr eenFi el d. I I I . Uset heSt andar dFn.Modul eF4I F_ I NT_ TABLE_ VALUE_ REQUESTt odi spl ayt hePopul at eddat a i nt hesear chhel pWi ndow. 7)Whatar et hest epst opr ov i deHel pDocument at i on? a)Uset heFl owl ogi cev ent‘ PROCESSONHELPREQUEST’ . b)Speci f yt hemodul enameont hepar t i cul arscr eenf i el d. c) Uset hest andar df unct i onmodul eHELP_ OBJECT_ SHOW ( wi t ht echni cal descr i pt i on)or DSYS_ SHOW_ FOR_ F1HELP( wi t houtt echni cal descr i pt i on)t odi spl ayt hemai nt ai nedHel p Document at i on. 8)Whatar et hedi f f er entway st oexecut et heScr eens? Ans: -Ther ear e2way st oexecut et hescr eens. 1.Usi ngt heTcode: Thescr eenscanbeexecut edt hr ought heTcodest owhi cht he Modul epool pr ogr am &t hescr eennoi sassi gned. 2.Usi nganExecut abl epr ogr am: Thescr eenscanbecal l ed&def i nedusi ngt he St at ement‘ CALLSCREEN’ .CALLSCREENi susedt ocal l t hespeci f i edscr eennumber . 9)Howt ov al i dat e/ checkt hef i el ds( scr een)i nModul ePool pr ogr am? Ans: -a)Useanev entPr ocessAf t erI nputt ov al i dat et heI nput / / scr eenf i el dv al ues. b)Oncet heFl owl ogi ci si nChangemode, def i net hemodul ewi t ht hef i el dst at ementbet ween CHAI N…ENDCHAI Nscr eenst at ement . C)Fet cht hedat af r om t hedat abase&gi v et hepr opermessagei fdat adoesn’ texi st . Thest at ementCHAI N…. ENDCHAI Ni ssuedt omakeal l t hescr eeni nputf i el dsenabl est oent eri nput dat a. Thescr eenv al i dat i onswi t houtCHAI N…. ENDCHAI Nst at ement smaket hescr eeni nputf i el dsgr ay ed out( di spl aymode) . 10)Howt omakescr eenf i el dasmandat or yi nScr eenpai nt er ? Ans: -I nscr eenpai nt erdoubl ecl i ckt hescr eenf i el d Got oATTRI BUTES>PROGRAM Ther esel ecti nputasREQUI RED Requi r ed: Tomaket hescr eeni nputf i el dsasmandat or y . 11)Howt omaket heScr eenf i el dsi nv i si bl ebasedoncer t ai ncondi t i onsdy nami cal l yandwhi ch Ev entshoul dbeused? Ans: -Theev entATSELECTI ONSCREENOUTPUTi susedt of or matt hesel ect i onscr eendy nami cal l yby set t i ngal oopt oscr eent abl e( f i el dAct i v ecanbeusedt oHi de/ Appeart hescr eens) . 12)Modul escr eenf l owst at ement s? Ans: Thi sst at ementi susedi nf l owl ogi ct ocal l t hedef i nepr ocessmodul epool pr ogr ams. Sy nt ax: [ FI ELD<scr eenf i el d>] MODULE<modul ename>. Addi t i ons: I . …. ATEXI TCOMMAND: Thi scommandi susedt ot r i ggert hedi al oguemodul ei ncaseofpushbut t on ormenui t em wi t ht hef unct i ont y pe‘ E’ exi ti spr essed. I I . …ATCURSORSELECTI ON: Thi saddi t i oni susedt ot r i ggert hecor r espondi ngmodul ewhent he cur sori spl acedont hei nputf i el dofascr een.I tcanal sobeusedt ot r i ggercor r espondi ngmodul ei n caseofapushbut t onormenui t em wi t hf t y pe‘ S’ ( sy st em)orCS( cur sorsel ect i on)i spr essed. I I I . CHAI N…ENDCHAI N: Thi sst at ementi susedi nf l owl ogi ct odef i net hepr ocesschai ns.I tcanbeused t omakeal l t hescr eeni nputf i el dsenabl est oent eri nputdat a. Usef ul addi t i onst oCHAI N…ENDCHAI Nst at ement : I . MODULEONCHAI NREQUEST: Themodul ewi t hONCHAI NREQUESTi susedt ot r i ggert he cor r espondi ngmodul eont hespeci f i edscr eenf i el ds( i nt hesequence) . I I . MODULEONCHAI NI NPUT: Themodul eONCHAI NI NPUTi susedt ocheckt hei ndi v i dual condi t i ons oft hescr eenf i el dsi nt hesequence. Q)whati st heuseofatexi tcommandi nmpp? Ans: Atexi tCommandi smai nl yusedt oqui tt hepr ogr am. Thi scommandi susedt ot r i ggert hedi al oguemodul ei ncaseofpushbut t onormenui t em wi t ht he f unct i ont y pe‘ E’ exi ti spr essed. Scenar i o: Ihav ef i v ei nputf i el dsi nmyscr een, al l t hef i v ef i el dsar emandat or y i hav et ogobackt ot hepr ogr am ( LEAVEPROGRAM) . Nor mal l yi ft her ei sanyonemandat or yf i el dsi nscr eeni fam t r i gger i nganyev ent , t hatt i met hesy st em aut omat i cal l yt hr owsaner r orl i ke“ Pl easef i l l i nt hemandat or yf i el ds” . I nt hatcaset heATEXI TCOMMANDwi l l beused. 13)Whatar et hest epst owor kwi t hTabSt r i pCont r ol ? Ans: I ti sasetofpages&usedt opl acedi f f er entsubscr eensofappl i cat i ononsi ngl escr een. Eacht abpagecont ai nst i t l e&i t spagear ea. Cr eat et abst r i pcont r ol wi t ht i t l eonMai nscr een. Assi gnsubscr eenar eat ot hecor r espondi ngt ab. Maket henecessar ycodechangesi nf l owl ogi c. Wr i t epr ocessi ngl ogi ci nModul ePool Pr ogr am. 14)Whatar et hest epst owor kwi t hTabl eCont r ol ? Ans: I ti susedt omai nt ai nmul t i pl eent r i esi nt abul arf or mat .Mul t i pl er owsar epr ocessedusi ngLoop wi t hcont r ol . Def i neordecl ar et abst r i pcont r ol i nModul ePool pr ogr am. Def i neorcr eat eTabl econt r ol onscr eenbyf i l l i ngal l necessar yf i el ds. Makenecessar ycodechangesi nf l owl ogi c&wr i t epr ocessl ogi ci nMPP. SAPSCRI PTS SAPSCRI PTS 1)Whatar et heComponent sofSAPScr i pt( For m Pai nt er / Lay outset ) ? Ans: SAPScr i ptf or m cont ai ns2par t s. 1.For m pai nt er( Lay outSet ) 2.Pr i ntPr ogr am 1.Header : I ti susedt omai nt ai nt heAdmi ni st r at i v e&basi cset t i ngsdat a. a.Admi ni st r at i v edat a: I tcont ai nst het echni cal det ai l ssuchar ePackagename, Changedby , Cr eat edbyet c. . b.Basi cdat a: I ti susedt omai nt ai nt hedef aul tset t i ngswhi chcanbeappl i edacr osst hef or ms. TheBasi cset t i ngsar epagef or mat , or i ent at i on, f ontsi zeet c. Thef i r stpage&t hedef aul tpar agr aphnamesmustbespeci f i edoncet heyar ecr eat ed. 2.Pages: Theyar et her ect angul arf or matoft hedocument s. Thi sel ementi susedt omai nt ai nt henextpage, pr i ntmode, pagecount ermodeet c. 3.Wi ndows: Theyar et hesmal l component sont hepages. Wecanpl acet hesamewi ndowi nanynoofpages. Thewi ndowsar enotposi t i onedont hepagesunl esst heyar eassi gnedt ot hepages. 4.Pagewi ndow: Theyar eusedt oposi t i ont hewi ndowont hepages. Di f f er entposi t i onat t r i but esLef tmar gi n, uppermar gi n, Wi ndowwi dt h, Hei ghtar emai nt ai ned. I ti susedt opl acet hewi ndowont hepagewi t hcoor di nat es. 5.Par agr aphf or mat : Theyar eusedt opr i nt / f or matt heent i r epar agr aphwi t har equi r edf or mat&st y l e. a.St andar dAt t r i but es: I ti susedt omai nt ai nt hest andar dat t r i but essuchar eal i gnment , l i ne spaci ng, l ef tmar gi n, r i ghtmar gi net c. b.FontAt t r i but es: Theyar eusedt omai nt ai nt hef ontset t i ngsuchar ef ontf ami l y , f ontsi ze, bol d, i t al i cet c. 6.Char act erf or mat : Theyar eusedt opr i nt / f or matt hepar t i cul art ext / st r i ngwi t ht her equi r edf ont&st y l e. Theycanal sobeusedt osel ectt heBarcodes. a.St andar dAt t r i but es: I ti susedt osel ectbar code, superscr i pt , subscr i pt set c. . b.FontAt t r i but es: Theyar eusedt omai nt ai nt hef ontt y pe, f ontsi ze, bol d, i t al i cet c. 2.Pr i ntPr ogr am orDr i v erPr ogr am: TheDr i v erpr ogr am i susedt oext r actt hedat af r om t hedat abaset abl esorv i ews, pr ocess t heext r act eddat a&passt hepr ocesseddat at oSAPScr i ptf or mt odi spl ay / pr i ntont he document . 2)Whatar et hedi f f er encet y pesofWi ndows? Ans: Wi ndows: -Theyar eusedt odef i net hedi f f er entt y pesofwi ndows. Fol l owi ngar et hedi f f er entt y pesofwi ndows. Mai nWi ndow: I ti st hedef aul twi dow.I ti susedt odi spl ayt hecont i nuoust extont he pages.Wi t houtmai nwi ndowwecan’ tdesi gnSAPscr i pt s.Thesy st em gener at est he pagesdy nami cal l yf ormai nwi ndow.Upt o99mai nwi ndowscanbecr eat edi naf or m. Thewi ndowt y pei s‘ MAI N’ . Const antWi ndow: Thi swi ndowcont ai nst hest at i ccont entwhi chcanbef or mat t edonl y oncet opr i nt / di spl ayt hesamecont ent sonal l t hepages. Var i abl eWi ndow: I ti susedt opr i ntt hedat abasedont hewi ndowsi ze.I tcanbe f or mat t edf oreachpaget opr i nt / di spl ayt hedi f f er entcont ent s.Wi t houtav ar i abl e wi ndowal sowecandesi gnt heSAPscr i pt . Gr aphi cWi ndow: I ti susedt opr i nt / di spl ayt hegr aphi cs/ l ogosont hepage. 3)Whatar et hedi f f er entt y pesofSy mbol si nScr i pt s? Ans: -TheSy mbol sar et heconst ant swhi chcanbei nser t ednt hepagewi ndowst odi spl ay / pr i ntt he cor r espondi ngcont ent s/ dat a.Sy mbol sar eof3Ty pes. 1.Sy st em Sy mbol s: Theyar eusedt odi spl ayt hesy st em dat asuchasdat e, t i meet c… Ex: &DATE&, &DAY&, &MONTH& Sy mbol &DATE& &DAY& &MONTH& &YEAR& &TI ME& &HOURS& &ULI NE& Descr i pt i on Sy st em Dat e Dayoft heSy st em Mont hoft heSy st em Yearoft hesy st em Sy st em Ti me Sy st em Hour s( HH) Hor i zont al Li ne Thesy st em pr ov i dedst andar dst r uct ur eSAPSCRI PTcont ai nssomeoft heSAPScr i pt sy st em f i el ds. Not e: Numberofpagesl i ke“ 1of10”canbedi spl ay edusi ngt hesy st em sy mbol sPAGE& FORM PAGEasbel ow. Ex: &PAGE&of&SAPSCRI PTFORMPAGES& Cur r entPagenumber , Tot al noofpages 2.St andar dSy mbol s: Theyar et hepr edef i nedsy mbol s.Thepool edt abl eTTDTGi susedt o mai nt ai nt hest andar dsy mbol s. 3.Appl i cat i onSy mbol s: Thesear eusedt odi spl ay / pr i ntt hepr ocesseddat af r om t hepr i nt pr ogr am ordat abase.Ex : &WA_ T001BUKRS& 4)Whatar et hedi f f er entTAGcol umnsi nSAPScr i ptf or m? Ans:Tag Meani ng * Def aul tpar agr aphf or mat = Ext endedLi ne / : CommandLi ne / * CommentLi ne / E TextEl ement>Di spl aymul t i pl eent r i esofani nt er nal t abl e P Par agr aphf or mat / = Li nef eed&Ext endedl i ne 5)Whatar et heFunct i onModul esassoci at edwi t hScr i pt s? 1.OPEN_ FORM: ( * ) Thi sf unct i onmodul ei susedt opr ov i det hel i nkbet weent hepr i nt pr ogr am &SAPscr i ptf or m. Thegl obal dat av ar i abl esoft hepr i ntpr ogr am canbeaccessedi nSAPScr i ptf or m af t er t hi sf unct i onmodul ei scal l edt oopenaf or m/ used. 2.START_ FORM: Thi sf unct i onmodul ei susedt ospeci f yt hest ar t i ngpagef r om wher et he documentt obepr i nt edordi spl ay ed. 3.WRI TE_ FORM: ( * ) Thi sf unct i onmodul ei susedt opasst hemul t i pl eent r i esofani nt er nal t abl ei nt ot heSAPScr i ptf or mt opr i nt / di spl ayt hemul t i pl eent r i esor l i nei t emst hr ought heTextEl ement s. 4.END_ FORM: I ti sanopt i onal f unct i onmodul ewhi chi susedt oEndt hest ar t edFor m. 5.CLOSE_ FORM: ( * ) Thi sf unct i onmodul ei susedt ocl oset heOpenedFor m &sendt he Spool Request / Pr i ntt ot hedev i ce. I tcanal sobeusedt ogett heSAPScr i ptf or m dat ai nt oOTF( Ot herText )f or mat . Not e: Thest andar df unct i onmodul e‘ CONVERT_ OTF’ or‘ CONVERT_ OTF_ 2_ PDF’ can beusedt oconv er tt heSAPScr i ptOTFDat ai nt oPDFf or mat . Thest andar df unct i onmodul eSO_ NEW_ DOCUMENT_ ATT_ SEND_ API 1i susedt o sendanEmai l wi t ht her equi r edat t achment si ndi f f er entf or mat s. 6.CONTROL_ FORM: Thi sf unct i onmodul ei susedt ocont r ol t hef or m bycr eat i ngt hepagesor wi ndowsdy nami cal l y . Not e: Ani conTr anspor t( Lor r yi con)ori nt hemenupat h, Gr aphi c>Tr anspor ti susedt o gener at et r anspor tr equestt or el easeLOGO’ sf or m onesy st em t oanot hersy st em. 6)Whatar et hedi f f er entway st odebugt heScr i pt ? Ans: -Ther ear et woway st odebugt heScr i ptFor m. Thepat hSE71>Ut i l i t i es>Act i v at edebugger . Byexecut i ngSt andar dPr ogr am/Repor t' RSTXDBUG' . 7)Di f f er ent i at ebet weenPage1&Page2f or mati nsapscr i pt ? Ans: Page1f or mat : I nt hi sal l pageshav et hesamef or mat . Page2f or mat : I nt hi st her ei sv ar i at i oni npagef or mati . e.f i r stpagehasdi f f er entf or matt han secondpage. 8)Someoft heusef ul Cont r ol commands/ St at ement si nSAPscr i pt s? 1./ : Addr ess…Endaddr ess: I ti susedt odi spl ayt headdr essdet ai l soft hegi v enaddr ess numberi nt hest andar df or mat . Sy nt ax: / : ADDRESS / : ADDRESSnumber&GS_ KNA1ADRNR&. / : ENDADDRESS 2./ : SetDat emask: Thi scommandi susedt opr i nt / f or matt hesy st em Dat ei nt her equi r edf or mat . Sy nt ax: SETDATEMASK=‘ <DD. MMMM. YYYY>’ . *Dat e: &DATE& 3./ : SetTi meMask: Thi scommandi susedt opr i nt / f or matt hesy st em Ti mei nt her equi r edf or mat . Sy nt ax: / : SETTI MEMASK=‘ SS: MM: HH’ . Not e: Passbl ankspacest ot hef or mat t eddat e&t i met of or matt hem i nt odef aul tf or mat . Ther ei snol oopst at ement si nSAPScr i ptf or msbutt het extel ement scanbeusedt o communi cat i onwi t ht hef unct i onmodul eWRI TE_ FORM usedwi t hi nt hel oopoft hepr i ntpr ogr am t o di spl ayt hemul t i pl eent r i es. TextEl ement : TextEl ementi st henamegi v et ot hebl ockofst at ement si nt hepagewi ndow.I fwepasst het ext el ementnamet ot heWRI TE_ FORM f unct i onmodul et hent heWRI TE_ FORM f unct i onmodul e t r ansf er st hedat af or m dr i v erpr ogr am t oal l t hest at ement swhi char eav ai l abl eunderTextEl ement . Whenev erwear ewor ki ngwi t hmai nwi ndow, t henwemustpr ov i deTextEl ementname, ot her wi se t he1sti nf or mat i onpr i nt edt wi ce. 4.Pr ot ect …Endpr ot ect : I ti susedt opr i ntt hecont i nuoust extwi t houtanypagebr eaksi nSAP Scr i ptf or ms. 1stt hesy st em checkseach&ev er ypagewhi chpagei shav i ngt heenoughpl ace t opr i ntt hecont i nuoust ext .I fnopagei shav i ngenoughspacei tsi mpl ybr eakt het ext& pr i nt i ngi ndi f f er entpages. Sy nt ax: / : PROTECT / EELE / : ENDPROTECT 5.Def i ne: Thi scommandi susedt odef i ne/ decl ar et hesy mbol si nSAPScr i pt . Sy nt ax: / : Def i ne&GV_ SYMBOL& 6.Box: Thi scommandi susedt odr awt heBoxes/ Fr amesont hepagewi ndows. Sy nt ax: / : BOXXPOS<* * >cm/ mm YPOS<y y >cm/ mm / : WI DTH<ww>cm/ mm HEI GHT<y y >cm/ mm / : FRAME<FF>TW I NTENSI TY<y y >TW Not e: Anaddi t i onI NTENSI TYi susedt ogr ayoutt heboxes. Thecommandposi t i on&si zecanal sobeusedt odef i net heboxposi t i on&si zes. 8.Top…EndTop: Thi scommandi susedt odi spl ay / pr i ntt hecont ent satt heToppor t i on/ Header oft hespeci f i edwi ndow. Sy nt ax: / : TOP / *Di spl ay / Pr i ntatTopofpagewi ndow. / : ENDTOP 9.Bot t om…Endbot t om: Thi scommandi susedt odi spl ay / pr i ntt hecont ent satt he Bot t om/ Foot erpor t i onofspeci f i edwi ndow. Sy nt ax: / : BOTTOM / *Di spl ay / Pr i ntatBot t om ofpagewi ndow. / : ENDBOTTOM 10.NewPage: Thi scommandi susedt ogener at et henextpages. Sy nt ax: / : NEWPAGE. 11.NewWi ndow: Thi scommandi susedt ogener at et henewwi ndows. Sy nt ax: / : NEWWI NDOW. 9)Howt oadd, addi t i onal f unct i onal i t yt oscr i ptwi t houtmodi f y i ngt hepr i nt( dr i v er )pr ogr am? Ans: -TheFor m Rout i nes( PERFORM . . . . . . ENDPERFORM)ar eusedt oaddt headdi t i onal f unct i onal i t yt ot heSAPScr i ptf or m wi t houtmaki nganychangesi nt hepr i ntpr ogr am. 10)Whatar ecl i entdependantobj ect si nabap/ sap? Ans: SAPScr i ptl ay out , t extel ement , andsomeDDI Cobj ect s. 11)Canwecal l anot herFor mf r om samepr i ntpr ogr am i nsapscr i pt ? Ans: Yes, wecancal l ot herf or msi nt hesamepr i ntpr ogr am/ dr i v erpr ogr am. 12)Howt ocopyt heSt andar dScr i ptandmaket hechanges? Ans: -Thepat hSE71>Ut i l i t i es>CopyFr om Cl i entcanbeusedandmaket henecessar y changes. 13)Howt oconv er tt hel anguagef r om DEt oourr equi r edl anguage? Ans: I nSE71, Ut i l i t i es>Conv er tOr i gi nal Language, Pr ov i det heToLanguage&pr essEnt er 14)Howt ot r anspor tt extel ement si nSAPABAP? Ans: I fi ti sf i r stt i me, t heywi l l aut omat i cal l yt r anspor tal ongwi t ht hepr ogr am, i fy ouchanget hem nextt i me, i twi l l askf orTR, y oucanmov et hatTR 15)Whatar et heSt andar dText s? Ans: -TheSt andar dt ext sar eusedt omai nt ai nt heLongt extusi ngt heTCode' SO10' . ThecommandI NCLUDE…. OBJECTi susedt oi nser tt hest andar dt extonpagewi ndow. Sy nt ax: / : I NCLUDE<ZSTP_ TEXT_ NAME>OBJECT<obj name> I D<i d_ name>LANGAUGE <EN/ . . > Thest andar df unct i onmodul e‘ READ_ TEXT’ canal sobeusedi nt hepr ogr amst or eadst andar d t ext&appl i cat i ont ext . ByDef aul tt heSy st em doesn' tgener at eanyt r anspor tr equestf orst andar dt ext s. Thest andar dRepor t' RSTXTRAN' i susedt ogener at et heTr anspor tRequestnumberf or St andar dt ext s. 16)Tel l someoft heSt andar dScr i pt sandPr i ntpr ogr ams? For m name Pr i ntpr ogr am For mr out i ne Appl i cat i on MEDRUCK SAPM &SP/ SAPFM06P Ent r y _ new Pur chaseor deronl y RVOROADDRS RVADOR01 ENTRY Sal esor der RVDELNOTE RVADDN01 ENTRY Shi ppi ng RVADI N01 RVI NVOI CE01 ENTRY Bi l l i ng 17)Howt oexecut et hepr ogr am i nbackgr ound? Ans: Execut eSE38, pr ov i det hepr ogr am name&Execut e, pr ov i det heI nput I nt heMenubar , cl i ckonpr ogr am >Execut ei nBackgr ound Pr ov i det heout putdev i ceLP01&cl i ckonent er Cl i ckonI mmedi at e&sav e. 18)Howt ocopyt heSAPscr i ptf r om 800cl i entt o810cl i ent ? Ans: I nt heTar getcl i ent810, Execut eSE38&Pr ov i det hepr ogr am name: RSTXFCPY&Execut e Pr ov i det heFor m name, I nsour cecl i ent800, Pr ov i det heTar getFor m name&Execut e. Al l t hest andar dscr i ptf or msar eav ai l abl ei nt hecl i ent000. 19)Expl ai naboutsomeoft heSy mbol For mat t i ngOpt i onsi nScr i pt s? SYMBOLFORMAT DESCRI PTI ON &SYMBOL& Di spl ay s/ Pr i ntt hecont ent sofsy mbol swi t houtanyf or mat &SYMBOL( C) & Tocompr esst hecont entwi t houtspaces &SYMBOL( Z) & Tor emov et heunwant edpr ecedi ngzer os &SYMBOL( R) & Di spl ay st hecont ent sbyj ust i f y i ngt heRi ghthandsi de &SYMBOL( K) & Toav oi dConv er si onRout i ne &SYMBOL( <) & Todi spl ayt hesy mbol ssi gnatLef thandsi de &SYMBOL( S) & Di spl ay / Pr i ntt hesi gnoft henumber s &SYMBOL( N) & Di spl ay / Pr i nt‘ N’ noofchar act er s &SYMBOL+N( M) & Di spl ay / Pr i nt‘ M’ noofchar act er sf or mt heNt hposi t i on &SYMBOL( . D) & Di spl ay / Pr i nt‘ D’ noofDeci mal s 20)Howt of or matt hedat e, t i meandcount r yi nScr i pt s? Ans: -ThecommandsSETDATEMASK, SETTI MEMASK, SETCOUNTRYcanbeusedt o f or matt hedat e, t i meandcount r y . 21)Whatar et hef i el dsi nI TCSYSt r uct ur e? Ans: - Fi el d Descr i pt i on NAME Nameoft hepr ogr am Sy mbol ( wi t hout&) VALUE TextSy mbol Val ue Thest andar dst r uct ur ei suseasar ef er enceI mpor t&Expor tt hesy mbol wi t ht hef or mr out i nesi nSAP Scr i ptf or m. 22)Howdowecr eat e/ mai nt ai ndi f f er entst y l esi nScr i pt s? Ans: -TheTCodeSE72i susedt omai nt ai nt heSAPScr i ptFor m St y l essuchar ePar agr aph For mat s, Char act erf or mat s.Bar codesar emai nt ai nedi nt heChar act erFor mat . 23)Whatar et heway st oupl oadt heLogosanddi spl ay ? Ans: -TheTCodeSE78( or )t hest andar dr epor t' RSTXLDMC' i susedt oupl oadt heLOGOS/ I MAGES Whenev erwear ewor ki ngwi t h. BMPi maget henwemustconv er t. BMPt ogr aphi csby usi ngSE78Tcode. Whenev erwear ewor ki ngwi t h. TI FFi maget henwemustconv er tTI FFt ot exti mageby usi ngRSTXLDMCst andar dpr ogr am. 24)Howcany oupasst hedat at ot heScr i ptf r om t hePr i ntpr ogr am wi t houtusi ngWRI TE_ FORM? Ans: -Af t erAccessi ngt heFun.Modul e' OPEN_ FORM' wecandecl ar et heGl obal dat a. 25)Howt odev el opt heSAPScr i pt si nDi f f .l anguages? Ans: -I nSE63, Cl i ckTr ansl at i on>LongText s>Sapscr i pt s>For ms. 26)Howt oconv er tsapscr i ptspool sr equestt oPDF? Ans: -RSTXPDFT4. 27)Howt oconv er t / mi gr at esapscr i pt st oSmar tFor ms? Ans: -Execut eSMARTFORMS&Ent ert heNewSmar tFor m name Thepat hSMARTFORMS>Ut i l i t i es>Mi gr at i on>I mpor tSAPscr i ptFor m Ent ert heExi st i ngSAPscr i ptFor m name&cl i ckonYesbut t on. 28)Howt osett heout putdev i ceLP01bydef aul ti nourownpc? Ans: Execut eSU01&pr ov i det heusernameas: SAPUSER, cl i ckonchangemode Cl i ckonDef aul tt ab&pr ov i det heout putdev i ceLP01 Sel ectt her equi r eddeci mal not at i on( 1, 234, 576. 89)&dat ef or mat&cl i ckonsav e. 29)Howt oi dent i f yt hedr i v erpr ogr am basedont hef or m name? Ans: Execut eSE11, opent heTabl eTTXFP&Cl i ckonDi spl ay&Cl i ckonCont ent s Pr ov i det heFor m name&Execut e, I dent i f yt heDr i v erpr ogr am. 30)Howdowedi spl ayt heAppl i cat i onText s? Ans: -Usi ngt heFunct i onModul e' READ_ TEXT' . 31)Howt ospl i tt hel i nei nt ot henextl i nei nScr i pt s? Ans: -TheFunct i onModul e' RKD_ WORD_ WRAP' i susedt ospl i tt het exti nt omul t i pl el i nes. . 32)Whatar et heTr ansact i onCodesassoci at edwi t hScr i pt s? TCode NACE SE71 SE72 SE73 SE78 SE63 SO10 Descr i pt i on Tomai nt ai nOut putt y pes For m pai nt er For m St y l e ToMai nt ai ndi f f er entt y pesoff or ms&Bar codes Gr aphi csorLOGO Tr ansl at i onst ot r ansl at et het extsy mbol s&t extel ement si n di f f er entl anguages St andar dt ext s Barcodescanbesel ect edunder‘ St andar dAt t r i but est ab. TheTcodeSLXTi susedt ogener at eTr anspor tRequestf orTr ansl at i ons 33)St andar dr epor t sassoci at edwi t hSAPscr i pt s? Ans:RSTXDBUG > Act i v at e/ Deact i v at ef or m debugger RSTXLDMC > Toupl oadGr aphi cs/ Logo RSTXSCRP > Downl oad/ Upl oadt heFor ms, St y l es&St andar dText RSTXPDFT4 > Toconv er tt hespool j oboft heSAPscr i pti nt oPDFf or mat RSTXFCPY > Copyt heSAPscr i ptf r om onecl i entt oot her RSTXTRAN >Tocr eat eTr anspor tRequestf orst andar dt ext RSTRANSP >t ot r anspor tav ar i antofanABAPr epor tt opr oduct i oni nSAP Q)Whatar et het abl esassoci at edwi t hScr i pt s? Ans: -TNAPR Q)Howt ogener at eTr anspor tRequestf orTr ansl at i ons? Ans: Execut et heTcodeSLXT Sel ectt her equi r edt ar getl anguage( DE) Ent ert her equi r edt extel ement / t extsy mbol name( %TEXT1)i ndescr i pt i on Sel ectar adi obut t onwor kbenchr equest Cl i ckonexecut e q: I Nscr i pt swehav est dl ay out sl i keMEDRUK, i nSMARTFORM dowehav eany ?i fi copyt hest dscr i pti n zscr i ptandmi gr at ewi l l i twor k? a: 1) I nSmar tf or msal sohav est andar dFor ms. Got oSmar tf or m>For m>F4 Youcanf i ndal l t hest andar dsmar tf or ms. 2)Whenev ery oucopi edst andar dscr i pty ouhav et ochanget heconf i gur at i oni nNACEt heni twi l l wor k. SELECTwi t hBYPASSI NGBUFFERi nSAPABAPpr ogr ammi ngl anguage, by passi ngbuf f eri nSAPSel ect st at ement s Whenev erweuseopenSQLst at ement st ogetf et chdat ai nSAP, i twi l l getdat af r om buf f erar ea( depends ont abl ebuf f erset t i ngs)f orbet t erper f or mance, buti nr eal wor l dscenar i ossomet abl esmayupdat edv er y f r equent l y ( mi l l i seconds) , wemayneedt oby passbuf f ert ogetr eal t i medat a, i nt hatcasewewi l l by pass buf f erusi ng' BYPASSI NGBUFFER' key wor d. Sy nt axf orSELECTWI THBYPASSI NGBUFFERi nSAPABAP sel ect*FROM <TABLE>I NTOTABLE<I TAB>BYPASSI NGBUFFER. Exampl ef orSELECTWI THBYPASSI NGBUFFERi nSAPABAP Thebel owexampl ei susedt of et chdat af r om MARA( Mat er i al Mast er )t abl eby passi ngbuf f er . TYPES: BEGI NOFt y _ mar a, mat nrTYPEmar amat nr , mt ar tTYPEmar amt ar t , ENDOFt y _ mar a. DATA: i t _ mar aTYPETABLEOFt y _ mar a, wa_ mar aTYPE t y _ mar a. STARTOFSELECTI ON. SELECTmat nrmt ar tFROM mar aI NTOTABLEi t _ mar aBYPASSI NGBUFFER. LOOPATi t _ mar aI NTOwa_ mar a. WRI TE: /wa_ mar amat nr , wa_ mar amt ar t . ENDLOOP. SMARTFORMS SMARTFORMS 1)Whatar et hemaj ordi f f er encesbet weenScr i pt sandSmar tFor ms? Ans: SAPScr i pt SMARTFORMS 1.Theyar eCl i entdependent . 1.Theyar eCl i entI ndependent . 2.ThebackGr oundI magesar enotpossi bl e. 2.BackGr oundI magesar epossi bl e 3.I ti snotpossi bl et ocr eat eSAPScr i ptwi t hout Mai nWi ndow. 3.I tCanbecr eat edwi t houtMai nWi ndowal so. 4.Mul t i pl epageFor mat sar enotpossi bl e. 4.Mul t i pl epageFor mat sar epossi bl e. 5.I tcannotbeexecut edwi t houtPr i nt / Dr i v er Pr ogr am. 5.I tcanbeexecut edwi t houtDr i v erPr ogr am by execut i ngt hesy st em gener at edFunct i onModul es 6.Col orf ont scannotbedi spl ay ed. 6.Col orf ont scanbemai nt ai ned. 7.Thedat aext r actl ogi c( ABAPCODE)can' tbe wr i t t en. 7.Thedat aext r actl ogi c( ABAPCODE)canbewr i t t en underI NI TI ALI ZATI ONandpr ogr am l i nesnode. 8.TheTabl es&Templ at esar enotpossi bl ebut t heCommandboxi susedt odr awt heboxes. 8.TheTabl es&Templ at escanbedr awnt odi spl ay st at i cordy nami cdat a. 9.Byusi ngRSTXDBUGst andar dpr ogr am wecan 9.Byusi ngBREAKPOI NTkey wor dwecandebugt he debugt heSAPscr i pt . smar tf or m. 2)Whyt heScr i pt sar eCl i entdependentandSmar tFor msar eCl i enti ndependent ? Ans: SAPscr i pt sar ecl i entdependentt hatmeans, i fwedesi gnt heSAPscr i pti nonecl i entt hati snot r ef l ect edt oot hercl i ent si nt hesameser v er . TheScr i pt sar ecl i entdependentbecauset hecont ent sordat adi spl ay edusi ng t het extel ement s.Thet extel ement sar ecl i entdependenthencet hescr i pt sar eCl i ent dependent . SMARTFORMSar ecl i entdependentt hatmeansi fwedesi gnt heSAPscr i pti nonecl i entt hati s aut omat i cal l yr ef l ect edt oal l ot hercl i ent si nt hesameser v er . TheSmar tf or msar ecl i enti ndependentbecauseoneUNI QUEFUNCTI ONMODULEi sgener at ed byt hesy st em whi l eact i v at i ngt hesmar tf or ms.Thegener at edf unct i onmodul ei scl i ent i ndependenthencet hesmar tf or msar ecl i enti ndependent . 3)Whatar et heTr ansact i onCodesassoci at edwi t hSmar tFor ms? Ans: - 1.SMARTFORMS-Tomai nt ai nSMARTFORMS. 2.SMARTSTYLES-Tomai nt ai nt hest y l esf orsmar tf or ms. 3.SMARTFORM_ TRACE-Todebugt heSMARTFORMSandact i v at et hedat abaset r acer . Textmodul ei susedt omai nt ai nt hel ongt ext s. 4)Howt odi spl ayAddr esswi ndowdy nami cal l y ? Ans: -ThePat h%PAGE>CREATE>ADDRESS>Ty peDETERMI NEDYNAMI CALLY 5)Howt opr i ntLogosi nSmar tFor ms? Ans: ThePat h%PAGE>CREATE>GRAPHI C>LOGO Q)Howt odi spl ayBackgr oundi magesi nsmar tf or ms? Ans: 1. TCODESMARTFORMS 2.Cl i ckOnThePageYouWantToDi spl ayTheBackgr oundI mage. 3.Sel ectbackgr oundpi ct ur et ab. 4.Pr essF4andpl acey ourbackgr oundi mageand 5.Sel ectt heout putmodeopt i onas" Pr i ntPr ev i ewandPr i nt "t henact i v at e. 6)Whatar et hecomponent sofSmar tFor m? Ans: 1.Smar tFor m Lay out 2.Funct i onModul e 3.Pr i ntPr ogr am 7)Whatar et hemai ncomponent si nSmar tFor m? Ans: Themai ncomponent sar e, 1.Gl obal Set t i ngs 2.Pages&Wi ndows 1.Gl obal Set t i ngs: I ti susedt omai nt ai nt hegl obal set t i ngs, def i ni t i onswhi chcanbeappl i ed acr osst hemar tf or ms.I ti scol l ect i onofFor m At t r i but es, For mI nt er f ace&Gl obal Def i ni t i on I . For m At t r i but es: Thesear eusedt omai nt ai nt hesmar tf or m at t r i but es&out putsuchar e pagef or mat , st y l enameet c.Thedef aul tst y l ef orsmar tf or mi s‘ SYSTEM’ . I I . For mI nt er f ace: Thesear eusedt odecl ar et hev ar i abl es, wor kar eas&i nt er nal t abl es whi char eneededt ot r ansf ert hedat af r om pr i ntpr ogr am t ol ay out .I ti st hesy st em gener at edf unct i onmodul ewi t hal l t hepar amet er sexceptchangi ngpar amet er s. I I I .Gl obal Def i ni t i ons: I ti susedt omai nt ai nt hegl obal def i ni t i onswhi chcanbeusedacr oss t he di f f er entGl obal def i ni t i ons. a)Gl obal Dat a: I ti susedt omai nt ai nt hegl obal dat adef i ni t i onssuchar ev ar i abl es, wor k ar eas, I nt er nal Tabl eset c. b)Ty pes: I ti susedt odef i net het y peswhi chcanber ef er r edt odecl ar ei nt er nal t abl es& wor kar eas. c)Fi el dSy mbol s: I ti susedt odef i net hef i el dsy mbol s. d)I ni t i al i zat i on: I ti spr ocessedbef or et hesmar tf or m pages&wi ndowsar epr ocessed.I t i susedt oext r actal l t her equi r eddat af r om t hedat abaset abl e& pr ocesst heext r act eddat a.I mpor t&Expor tpar amet er smustbe speci f i edbef or et heyar eused. e)For mr out i nes: I ti susedt odef i net hesubr out i neswhi chcanbecal l edacr osst he smar tf or m.I ti susedt odef i net hecur r ency / quant i t yf i el dsasl i ket he DDI Ct abl es/ st r uct ur es. f )Cur r ency / Quant i t yFi el d: I ti susedt odef i net heCur r ency / Quant i t yFi el dsasl i ket he DDI Ct abl es/ st r uct ur es. 2.Pages&Wi ndows: I ti susedt odesi gnt hedi f f er entpagef or mat s&wi ndows.Fol l owi ng ar et hedi f f er entnodesi nsmar tf or ms. a)Wi ndows: Theyar eposi t i onedont hepages.Fol l owi ngar edi f f er entt y peofwi ndows. Mai nWi ndow: I ti susedt odi spl ayt hecont i nuoust extont hepages.Thi swi ndowi st he def aul twi dow.Wi t houtmai nwi ndowal sowecandesi gnSmar tf or ms. Secondar ywi ndow: I ti susedt opr i ntt hedi f f er entcont ent soneachpage( si mi l art o v ar i abl ewi ndowi nSAPScr i pt s) . Copi eswi ndow: I ti susedt ot hepr i ntt hesamedocumentwi t hmul t i pl e copi eswi t hdi f f er entheadi ngs. Fi nal wi ndow: Thi si susedt opr i ntt het ot al amountaf t eral l t hel i nesorl i nei t emsar e pr i nt ed. b)Gr aphi cs: I ti susedt ocr eat eagr aphi cnode( wi ndow)t odi spl ayt hegr aphi cs/ l ogos. c) Addr ess: I ti susedt odef i net headdr essnode/ wi ndowt odi spl ay / pr i ntt heor gani zat i on addr ess/ per sonal addr ess/ wor kpl aceadd/ r ess. Theaddr esscanbedet er mi neddy nami cal l yal sousi nganopt i onDet er mi neDy nami cal l y . d)Text : I ti susedt odi spl ay / pr i ntt hecont ent soft hedi f f er entsy mbol s/ f i el ds. e) Tabl e: At abl ei susedt opr i ntt hemul t i pl eent r i es/ dy nami cdat aofani nt er nal t abl e.The Tabl enodecanbeusedast empl at et odi spl ayst at i cr ecor dbyunchecki ngt hecheckbox i nt er nal t abl e.Li net y pescanbecr eat edunderTabl enode. f ) Templ at e: ATempl at ei susedt odi spl ayt hest at i cdat a( si ngl er ecor d) .Thi snodedoesnot hav et hesepar at eheader , mai nar ea&f oot erwher eas, t het abl enodecont ai nst hedi f f er ent sessi onssuchar eheader , mai nar ea&f oot er .Thet empl at enodecanbeusedast abl eby def i ni ngi tunderl oopnodet odi spl ayt hedy nami cdat aasl i ket het abl enode. g)Fl owl ogi c: Thef l owl ogi cnodesar eusedt ocont r ol t henodes&def i net hepr ogr am l i nesi n smar tf or ms.Fol l owi ngar et hedi f f er entf l owl ogi cnodes. I . Loop:I ti susedt opr ocesst hecor r espondi ngnodesbasedont henumberofent r i es ofani nt er nal t abl e. I I . Pr ogr am l i nes: I ti susedt owr i t eABAPsour cecode.I nput&Out putpar amet er s mustbef i l l edwi t ht hedat av ar i abl esbef or et heyar eused. I I I . Al t er nat i v e: I ti susedt ocont r ol t hecor r espondi ngnodesbasedont hespeci f i ed condi t i on.I ti susedt opr ocesst heal t er nat i v eei t herTr ue/ Fal sepr ocessbl ocks basedont heSETcondi t i ons. I V. Command: Thi snodei susedt ogot oanewpagebasedont hespeci f i edcondi t i ons. Thi si susedt obr eakt hepagebasedont hecondi t i on. 8)Whatar et heway st odebugt heSmar tFor m? 1StWay : -Byset t i ngt heSessi onBr eakpoi nti nt heGener at edFunct i onmodul e. TheSMARTFORMScanbedebugbyset t i ngt heSessi onBr eakpoi nt satt her equi r edst at ement l i nei nt hesy st em Gener at edFunct i onmodul e. Thesy st em gener at edi nt er nal t abl e%TEXTcont ai nst hef ol l owi ngf i el dswhi char ef i l l edwi t h t het extnodecont ent satRunt i met odebugt extel ement s. Fi el dname Descr i pt i on TDFORMAT Tagcol umnoft het extel ement s TDLI NE Cont ent soft het extel ement / t extnode 2ndWay : -Byset t i ngt heSt at i cBr eakpoi nt si nt heSMARTFORMS. TheSMARTFORMScanbedebugbyset t i ngt heSt at i cBr eakpoi nt si nt her equi r edpr ogr am l i nes/ i ni t i al i zat i onnodeundergl obal def i ni t i onsoft heSMARTFORM.Thest at ementBREAK f ol l owedbyusernamecanbeused. 9)Whatar et heSmar tFor m ev ent s? Ans: -1.Onl yOnFi r stPage: ToPr i nt / Di spl ayt hedat aont he1stpageonl y . 2.NotonFi r stPage: Thecor r espondi ngcont ent sar enott oPr i nt / Di spl ayont he1stpage. 3.Onl yaf t erendofMai nWi ndow: ToPr i nt / Di spl ayt hecor r espondi ngcont ent saf t ert he MAI Nwi ndowi spr ocessed. 4.Onl yBef or eendofMai nWi ndow: ToPr i nt / Di spl ayt hecor r espondi ngcont ent soft henode ort extnodebef or et heMAI Nwi ndowi sended. 5.Onl yOnpage: Topr i nt / Di spl ayt hedat aont hespeci f i edpage. 10)Whatar et hedi f f er encesbet weenTempl at eandTabl e? Ans: A Tabl ei susedt opr i ntt hemul t i pl eent r i es/ dy nami cdat aofani nt er nal t abl e.TheTabl enode canbeusedast empl at et odi spl ayst at i cr ecor dbyunchecki ngt hecheckboxi nt er nal t abl e. Li net y pescanbecr eat edunderTabl enode. ATempl at ei susedt odi spl ayt hest at i cdat a( si ngl er ecor d) .Thi snodedoesnothav et he separ at eheader , mai nar ea&f oot erwher eas, t het abl enodecont ai nst hedi f f er entsessi ons suchar eheader , mai nar ea&f oot er .Thet empl at enodecanbeusedast abl ebydef i ni ngi t underl oopnodet odi spl ayt hedy nami cdat aasl i ket het abl enode. 11)Howt of i ndt hesy st em gener at edf unct i onmodul e? I . Execut et heTcode‘ SMARTFORMS’ . I I . Ent ert her equi r edsmar tf or m &cl i ckonDi spl aybut t on. I I I . Cl i ckonEnv i r onmentmenui t em. I V. Cl i ckonf unct i onmodul ename. Thesy st em gener at edf unct i onmodul enamef orsmar tf or mscoul dbedi f f er entf r om sy st em t o sy st em [ R3D>R3Q>R3P] . Hencecapt ur et hesy st em gener at edf unct i onmodul enamedy nami cal l yt hr oughanExpor t par amet er‘ FM_ NAME’ =l v _ namet ot hef unct i onmodul e‘ SSF_ FUNCTI ON_ MODULE_ NAME’ . 12)Howt of i ndt hesy st em gener at edf unct i onmodul eoft hesmar tf or m? Ans: Execut eTcode…>SMARTFORMS, Ent ert heFor m name&cl i cki nDi spl aybut t on Cl i ckonEnv i r onment…>Funct i onmodul ename. . 13)Cany oumov eaSmar t f or mf r om oneSAPsy st em t oanot herwi t houtusi ngt r anspor t s? Ans: Yes, t hi scanbeachi ev edusi ngt heUpl oad/ Downl oadf eat ur ef orSmar t f or ms. Onecandownl oadt heSmar t f or mf r om onesy st em andsav ei tasasnXMLf i l e. Oncet hati sdone, t heXMLf i l ecanbeusedt oupl oadt heSmar t f or mi nanot hersy st em. 14)Howt oupl oadt hesmar tf or m? I . Execut et heTcodeSMARTFORMS. I I . Cl i ckonut i l i t i esmenui t em &cl i ckonupl oadf or m. I I I . Ent ernewf or m namet obecr eat edbyupl oadi ngt heexi st i ngdownl oadedsmar tf or m. I V. Cl i ckony esbut t on. V. Sel ectt her equi r eddownl oadedsmar tf or mf i l e( xml f or mat ) VI . Cl i ckonopenbut t on VI I . Ent erpackagename&cl i ckonsav ei con. VI I I . Cr eat et he‘ Tr anspor tr equest ’ numberbypr essi ngcr eat er equesti con. I X. Cl i ckony esbut t on&cl i ckonchangebut t on. X. Maket henecessar ychangesi fr equi r ed. XI . Cl i ckonact i v at ei con7cl i ckonbacki con. 15)Whatar et heSy st em Fi el dsassoci at edwi t hSmar tFor ms? Ans: -SFSYi st hesy st em pr ov i dedst r uct ur ewhi chcont ai nsasmar tf or m sy st em f i el ds. Fi el d PAGE Descr i pt i on Cur r entpageNumber Not e: FORMPAGES JOBPAGES DATE TI ME SUBRC USERNAME PAGENAME Tot al No.ofpages Tot al No.ofpagesofpr i ntj ob Cur r entdat eofAppl i cat i onSer v er Cur r entTi meofAppl i cat i onSer v er Ret ur nv al ue username pagename+v ar i ant Smar tSt y l esar eusedt ocr eat et hepar agr aph&char act erf or mat s.TheTcodei s SMARTSTYLES. SSF_ FUNCTI ON_ MODULE_ NAMEi st hef unct i onmodul ewhi chi susedt ogener at et hesmar t f or mf unct i onmodul enobasedont hesmar tf or m name. SPELL_ AMOUNTi st hef unct i onmodul ewhi chi susedt oconv er tt heamounti nwor ds. Thebut t onSWAPi susedt ochanget heSour cel anguaget oTar getLanguage. TheTcodeSOSTi susedt ocheckt hesendmai l s&pusht hem. 16)Whati st her ol eofTNAPRt abl ei nSAP? Ans: I tSt or esal l t hef or msanddr i v erpr ogr amsandaswel l asal l NACEset t i ngs. 17)Whati st her ol eofNASTt abl ei nSAP? Ans: Af t ert hef i nal sel ect i onoft heout puti sdoneandt heappl i cat i ondocumenti ssav ed, ent r i esar e cr eat edi nt heNASTt abl ewi t happl i cat i onI D, Appl i cat i ondocumentnumber , out putt y pe, out putmedi um, out putt i mi ngandSt at uscode. 18)Howt of i ndpr i ntpr ogr am andf or mi fan‘ out putt y pe’ i sgi v en? Ans: -TheTcodeNACE/NACOort hest andar dt abl eTNAPRi susedt of i ndt hef or m det ai l sorout putt y pe det ai l si nt hesy st em. 19)Expl ai naboutNACEt r ansact i oncode? Ans: -NACE: -I ti susedt omai nt ai nt heOut putt y pesandf i ndt hef or m nameandpr i nt pr ogr am names.I fy oucr eat et heout putt y peusi ngNACEt heni twi l l be aut omat i cal l yv i si bl ei nt abl eNASTandTNAPR. Thest andar dpr ogr am TNAPRcanal sobeusedt of i ndt hef or m &pr i ntpr ogr am name. Execut et heTcodeNACE. Sel ectanappr opr i at er equi r edappl i cat i on. Cl i ckonout putbut t onont ool bar Cl i ckonposi t i onbut t on. Ent ert her equi r edOut putt y pe: NEU&Pr essEnt erbut t on. Sel ectt hef ontOut putt y pe( NEU) . Doubl ecl i ckONpr ocessi ngr out i nesf ol der . Cl i ckondi spl ay / changei con. Changepr ocessi ngr out i nedet ai l ssuchar epr i ntpr ogr am, f or mr out i ne, f or m nameet c. Cl i ckonsav e&cl i ckoncr eat er equesti con. Ent ershor tdescr i pt i onaspert hepr oj ectst andar ds. Cl i ckonsav ei con&cl i ckonYesbut t on. 20)Whatar et hest epst osendaFORM/ REPORTasPDF/ XLS/ . TXTat t achmentt hr oughanEMai l ? Ans: Passf l ag‘ X’ t of i el d‘ GETOTF’ ofexpor tpar amet ercont r ol _ par amet er s. Gett hef or m dat ai nOTFf or matusi ngt hesy st em gener at edf unct i onmodul eoft heSMARTFORM. Not e: Uset hest andar df unct i onmodul e‘ CLOSE_ FORM’ t ogetSAPScr i ptf or m dat ai nOTFf or mat . Conv er tt heOTFdat aoft hef or msi nt oaPDFf or matusi ngt hef unct i onmodul eCONVERT_ OTF. Popul at et hemai l subj ect , mai l body , r ecei v er sl i stet c. Uset hest andar df unct i onmodul e‘ SO_ NEW_ DOCUMENT_ ATT_ SEND_ API 1’ t osendanemai l wi t han at t achmentsuchasPDForExcel et c. Q)Howdoy ouachi ev ePagePr ot ect i oni nSmar tf or m? Ans: Whi l eonecanuset hePROTECT. . . . . . .ENDPROTECTcommandf orSAPScr i pt s, f orSmar t f or mst he PagePr ot ect i oncheckboxcanbeusedt oensur epagepr ot ect i on Youhav ePagepr ot ect i onpr oper t yonl yf orTextEl ement si nt heMai nWi ndow. Fi l eHandl i ngTechni ques Fi l eHandl i ngTechni ques 1)Whatar et heFunct i onModul esassoci at edwi t hLocal PC/ Fr ontEndsy st em? Ans: -GUI _ UPLOAD-Toupl oadt hef l atf i l ef r om t hespeci f i edf i l epat hofLocal PC/Fr ontEndi nt o i nt er nal t abl e. GUI _ DOWNLOAD-Todownl oadt hedat af r om ani nt er nal t abl ei nt ot hespeci f i edf i l epat hof Local PC/ Fr ontEnd. 2)Howt ohandl et hef i l esi nAppl i cat i onSer v er ? Ans: I ti susedt omai nt ai nf i l essecur el y . TheTCode‘ AL11’ i susedt owor kwi t hAppl i cat i onser v er . I nt heappl i cat i onser v ereachf i l ei scal l edoneDat aset .Wecan’ tcr eat et hef i l edi r ect l yi nt he appl i cat i onser v er .Thr oughpr ogr am onl ywecancr eat et hef i l ei nt heappl i cat i onser v er( downl oad t hedat ai nt oappl i cat i onser v er ) . 3)Whatar et hest epsi nv ol v edi nhandl i ngAppl i cat i onser v er ? Ans: -TheTCodeAL11i susedt owor kwi t ht heAppl i cat i onser v er . Thebel owABAPst at ement sar eusedt oDownl oad/ Tr ansf ert hedat af r om ani nt er nal t abl ei nt o t hespeci f i edf i l epat hofanappl i cat i onser v er . 1.OPENDATASETFOROUTPUT: Thi sst at ementi susedt oopent her equi r edf i l esi n wr i t emodei nappl i cat i onser v er . 2.TRANSFER: Thi sst at ementi susedt ot r ansf ert heconcat enat eddat ai nt ot heopenedf i l e. 3.CLOSEDATASET: I ti susedt ocl oset heopenedf i l ei nt heser v er . Thebel owABAPst at ement sar eusedt oUpl oad/ Readt hedat af r om f i l ei nappl i cat i onser v er i nt oani nt er nal t abl eoft hepr ogr am. 1.OPENDATASETFORI NPUT: Thi sst at ementi susedt oopenf i l esi nr eadmode. 2.READDATASET: Thi sst at ementi susedt or eadr ecor dbyr ecor df r om t heopenedf i l ei n Appl i cat i onser v er . 3.CLOSEDATASET: Thi sst at ementi susedt ocl oset heopenedf i l e. 4)Howt oupl oadt hef i l ef r om pr esent at i onser v er( Fr ontend)t oAppl i cat i onser v ermanual l y ? TheCode' CG3Z' i susedt oupl oadt hef i l esf r om t heFr ontendsy st em i nt ot hespeci f i edf i l e pat hofanappl i cat i onser v er . Oncet hef i l ei sopeni n' AL11' . Execut et heTCode' CG3Z' . Ent ert hesour cef i l enameont heFr ontendsy st em. Ent ert heTar getf i l enameonanappl i cat i onser v er . Sel ectt her equi r edf i l et y peandf i l enameont hef r ontendsy st em bypr essi ngt hesear chhel p i con( BI N/ ASC) . Cl i ckonUpl oadi con. 5)Whatar et heFunct i onModul est opr ov i deSear chHel ponPr esent at i onser v er / l ocal PCandAppl i cat i on Ser v eraswel l ? Ans: TheFunct i onmodul e‘ F4_ FI LENAME’ i susedt opr ov i det hesear chhel pt osel ectt her equi r ed f i l epat hoft hepr esent at i onser v er / Local PC. TheFunct i onmodul es' F4_ DXFI LENAME_ TOPRECURSI ON' OR ' / SAPDMC/ LSM_ F4_ SERVER_ FI LE' i susedt opr ov i det hesear chhel pt ochooset hef i l es f r om t heAppl i cat i onser v er . NOTE: -Thef unct i onmodul e' F4_ DXFI LENAME_ TOPRECURSI ON' canbeusedf orbot h Pr esent at i onandAppl i cat i onser v er . 6)Howt oconv er tl ogi cal f i l ei nt ocor r espondi ngphy si cal f i l epat h? Ans: -Usi ngFi l et r ansact i oncode. Thef unct i onmodul e‘ FI LE_ GET_ NAME’ canbeusedt ogett hel ogi cal f i l epat hoft hephy si cal f i l epat h. Not e: ALSM_ EXCEL_ TO_ I NTERNAL_ TABLEi st hef unct i onmodul ewhi chi susedt oupl oadt heexcel sheet i nf or mat i oni nt oi nt er nal t abl e. TheTcodeCG3Yi susedt odownl oadt hef i l esf r om t heAppl i cat i onser v er / Backendi nt ot he speci f i edf i l epat hoft hePr esent at i onser v er / Fr ontend. TheTcodeCG3Zi susedt oupl oadt hef i l esf r om t hePr esent at i onser v er / Fr ontendi nt ot he speci f i edf i l epat hoft heAppl i cat i onser v er / Backendi nt o. DATAMI GRATI ON/ CONVERSI ON DATAMI GRATI ON/ CONVERSI ON 13.Whatar et het ool sav ai l abl ef ordat ami gr at i oni nSAP? Ans: BDC, LSMW, CATT( Comput erAi dedTestTool ) , I DOC( I DOCGENERALLYUSEDTOMI GRATEDATA FROM THESAPSYSTEM.. >LSMW i sbasi cal l yf orst andar dSAPappl i cat i onwhi l ebdcbasi cal l yf orcust omi zedappl i cat i on. 1)Whatar et hecommonst epsi nv ol v edi nDat aMi gr at i on/ BDC? Ans: Commonst epsi nv ol v edi nDat aMi gr at i on: Recor dt heScr eenFl owoft her equi r edf unct i onal Tcodeusi ngt heTCode‘ SHDB’ . Conv er tt her ecor dedscr eenFl owi nt oat empor ar ypr ogr am. . Upl oadt heFl atf i l edat af r om t heLegacySy st em ( Local PC/ Al 11)i nt oanI nt er nal Tabl e. Conv er tt heupl oadedf l atf i l edat awi t hi nt hel oopoff l atf i l ei nt er nal t abl e( gt _ f l at _ f i l e) . Copyt hesy st em gener at edsubr out i neswhi chst ar t swi t hBDC_ DYNPRO&BDCFI ELDf r om t he t empor ar ypr ogr am &past et hem wi t hi nt hel oopofFl atf i l ei nt er nal t abl e. Commentscr eendef aul tv al ues&passt hef l atf i l edat a. Useanyoneofei t hersessi on/ cal l t r ansact i ont oupdat e/ mi gr at et hedat a. Not e: Ani conexpor ti susedt odownl oadt her ecor di ngi nt ol ocal pc. Ani conr eadf or mf i l ei susedt ogener at eapr ogr am usi ngt hegi v enr ecor di ngf i l e. 2)Whati sLSMW? Ans: -LegacySy st em Mi gr at i onWor kbench. I ti st hesy st em pr ov i dedt ool t omi gr at eorconv er tt hel egacysy st em dat a. TheTCode' LSMW' i susedt owor kwi t ht hi st ool . Ani conexpor ti susedt odownl oadt her ecor di ngi nt oLocal PC. Anopt i onr eadf r om f i l ei susedt ogener at eapr ogr am usi ngt hegi v enr ecor di ngf i l e. 3)Whatar et hest epsf orLSMW? Ans: Ther ear et ot al l y14st epsi nLSMW. 1.Mai nt ai nobj ectat t r i but es 2.Mai nt ai nsour cest r uct ur es 3.Mai nt ai nsour cef i el ds 4.Mai nt ai nst r uct ur er el at i ons 5.Mai nt ai nf i el dmappi ngconv er si onr ul es 6.Mai nt ai nf i xedv al ues, t r ansl at i ons&user def i nedr out i nes 7.Speci f yf i l es 8.Assi gnf i l es 9.Readdat a 10.Di spl ayr eaddat a 11.Conv er tdat a 12.Di spl ayconv er t eddat a 13.Cr eat ebat chi nputsessi on 14.Runbat chi nputsessi on 4)Whatar et hedi f f er encesbet weenLSMW andBDC? LSMW 1.I ti st hesy st em pr ov i dedt ool . 2.Doesn’ tr equi r eanypr ogr ammi ngknowl edge. 3.Thedat acanbei mpor t edi ndi f f er enti mpor t met hodssuchar eBat chI nputRecor di ng, BAPI andI DOC. 4.TheFi el dmappi ngi sdoneaut omat i cal l ybyt he Sy st em. 5.TheTCodeLSMW i sused. 6.Most l yusedf orbot hHuge&smal l amount ( Mast er )ofdat a. 7.LSMW i spossi bl ef orcust om scr eens/ st andar d wi t hcust om f i el dsofappl i cat i ons. BDC 1.I ti st heUt i l i t yt odev el opapr ogr am. 2.I tr equi r espr ogr ammi ngknowl edge. . 3.Thedat ai spr ocessedormi gr at edi nBat chI nput Met hodonl y 4.TheFi el dmappi ngshoul dbedonemanual l yby passi ngt heFl atdat a. 5.TheTCodeSM35i susedt odev el opBDCpr ogr am 6.BDCcanbeusedf orSmal l amountofdat aonl y . 7.BDCcanbeusedcust om scr eens/ cust om f i el dsof appl i cat i onal so. SHDB: I ti st heTcodeusedt or ecor dt hescr eenf l owast heTcodes. 1.Whati saBat chI nputSessi on? Ans: I nt hi smet hodt r ansf erdat af r om i nt er nal t abl et odat abaset abl et hr oughsessi ons. Sessi oni si nt er medi at est epbet weeni nt er nal t abl e&dat abaset abl e.Unl esssessi oni spr ocessed, t hedat a i snott r ansf er r edt ot hedat abaset abl e. Dat aal ongwi t ht heact i oni sst or edi nsessi oni . e.dat af orscr eenf i el ds, t owhi chscr eeni ti spassed, pr ogr am namebehi ndi t , andhownextscr eeni spr ocessed. Q.Bat chI nput&Di r ectI nput ? Ans: Di r ectI nput( DI )pr ogr amswor kexact l ysi mi l art oBIpr ogr ams.Butt heonl ydi f f er encei s, i nst eadof pr ocessi ngscr eenst heyv al i dat ef i el dsanddi r ect l yl oadt hedat ai nt ot abl esusi ngst andar df unct i on modul es.Fort hi sr eason, DIpr ogr amsar emuchf ast er( RMDATI ND-Mat er i al Mast erDIpr ogr am wor ksat l east5t i mesf ast er )t hant heBDCcount er par tandsoi deal l ysui t edf orl oadi ngl ar gev ol umedat a.DI pr ogr amsar enotav ai l abl ef oral l appl i cat i onar eas. 6)I si tpossi bl et owr i t eanABAPcodei nLSMW? Ans: -Yes, bycl i cki ngont hechange( penci l )i cont hatappear sbesi det her ecor di ngst r uct ur ef i el d. Q)Whi chmet hoddoy oupr ef ert omi gr at et hedat ai ft hemet hodi snotment i oned? Ans: -CALLTRANSACTI ON. q.LSMW canber uni nt woway s;For egr oundandBackgr ound A: I fy ouchooseFor egr oundandexecut eLSMW, Wher ev ert her ei sani ssue, sy st em wi l l asky out ocor r ectt hater r orandonl yaf t ery oui nputt hecor r ectdat a, sy st em wi l l pr oceedt onextdat a. I fy our uni nbackgr oundal l er r or swi l l best or edandi tkeepsoncont i nui ngt i l l endoft hel astr ecor d.Oncei t i scompl et ed, y oucancheckhowmanyr ecor dsar ei ncor r ectbysel ect i ngt heAnal y si st ab.Youhav et o cor r ecty ourr ecor dsaccor di ngl y . Q)Whatar et heEv ent si nLSMW? Ans: LSMW Ev ent s: 1.GLOBAL_ DATA: Gl obal Dat aDef i ni t i ons&Decl ar at i ons 2.BEGI N_ OF_ PROCESSI NG: Bef or eDat aPr ocessi ngSt ar t s 3.BEGI N_ OF_ TRANSACTI ON: Bef or eTr ansact i onSt ar t s BEGI N_ OF_ RECORD END_ OF_ RECORD 4.END_ OF_ TRANSACTI ON: Af t erTr ansact i onPr ocessi ngFi ni shes 5.END_ OF_ PROCESSI NG: Af t erDat aPr ocessi ngFi ni shes 6.FORM_ ROUTI NES: I nt hi sy oucanwr i t eal l t hef or mr out i neABAPRout i nes Wecanseeal l t heabov eev ent si n‘ Fi el dMappi ngandRul eSt ep’ .I fy ouar enotabl et oseet heabov eLSMW ev ent st heny ouhav et ocl i ckont heLay outbut t onandcheckmar kt hePr ocessi ngTi mesopt i on. 7)Whatar et heFunct i onModul esassoci at edwi t hBDCSessi onMet hod? Ans: -TheSy st em pr ov i dedFunct i onal Modul esar e ' BDC_ OPEN_ GROUP’ : I ti susedt ocr eat et hesessi onusi ngt heTcodeSM35. ' BDC_ I NSERT’ : I ti susedt oi nser tt hef l atf i l edat aoft hest r uct ur e‘ BDCDATA’ wi t ht r ansact i on i nt osessi on. Not e: Anexpor tpar amet er“ CTUPARMS”i susedt ohandl et hescr eenr esol ut i oni ncaseoft abl econt r ol t o pr ocesst hemul t i pl el i nei t emsi nsessi onmet hod. ' BDC_ CLOSE_ GROUP’ : I ti susedt ocl oset heopenedbat chi nputsessi on. Q)Howt oDebugLSMW? Ans:LSMW canbedebuggedi nt woway s. 1.Byhar dcodi ng‘ BREAKPOI NT’ i nt heCodesect i onof‘ ChangeFi el dMappi ng andConv er si onRul es’ . 2. Byset t i ngbr eakpoi nt si nt heDi spl ayReadPr ogr am/Di spl ayConv er si on Pr ogr am whi char eaut omat i cal l ygener at edbySAP. Byhar dcodi ng‘ BREAKPOI NT’ i nt heCodesect i onof‘ ChangeFi el dMappi ngandConv er si onRul es’ . 1.Execut et he‘ ChangeFi el dMappi ngandConv er si onRul es’ St ep. 2.Opent heFi el dsFol der . 3.Doubl eCl i ckonCodeopt i on. 4.Addanewl i neofcode‘ BREAKPOI NT' . Byset t i ngbr eakpoi nt si nt heDi spl ayReadPr ogr am/Di spl ayConv er si onPr ogr am whi char eaut omat i cal l y gener at edbySAP. 1.I nor dert osett hebr eakpoi nt s, f i r stwehav et oenabl et hecheckboxesofDi spl ayReadPr ogr am/Di spl ay Conv er si onPr ogr am i nt he‘ UserMenu’ ofLSMW Scr eenwher eweexecut et hest eps( I ni t i al Scr een) . 2.Nowexecut et heDi spl ayReadPr ogr am St eps. 3.ARepor twi l l bedi spl ay ed, sett hebr eakpoi nt satt her equi r edpl aces. 4.Execut eReadDat aSt ep. 5.Assoonasy ouexecut et heReadDat aSt epy ouwi l l ent ert hedebuggi ngmode. I fy ouar ef aci ngt hepr obl em i nConv er t edDat at heny oucansett heBr eakpoi nt si n‘ Di spl ayConv er si on Pr ogr am’ af t ert hatexecut et he‘ Conv er tDat a’ St ep, y ouwi l l ent ert hedebugger . Q)Howt oTr anspor tLSMW Obj ect ’ s? Youcant r anspor tLSMW i nsev er al way s. Fi l eexpor tandi mpor t . Tr anspor tusi ngt r anspor tr equest . Fi l eExpor tandI mpor t Got ot r ansact i onLSMW i ny oursour cecl i entandsel ectt hepr oj ect . Sel ect" Ext r as>Expor tPr oj ect "f r om mai nmenuar ea. Sel ectt heobj ect sy oui nt endt ot r anspor t .Youcansel ectwhi chr ecor di ngs, subpr oj ect sy ouwantt o t r anspor tbycl i cki ngonnodear eaorbysel ect i ng" sel ect / desel ect "opt i on. Sel ect" Expor t "opt i on. Sav e. Nowexecut et r ansact i onLSMW i ny ourt ar getcl i ent . Sel ectt heexpor t edf i l ei nt hepr ev i ousst epusi ng" Ext r as>I mpor tPr oj ect "menuopt i on. Tr anspor tusi ngTr anspor tRequest Youhav et oat t acht hepr oj ectt ot r anspor tr equestusi ngmenuar ea" Ext r as>Gener at eTr anspor tRequest " . 8)Howt ohandl emessagesi nCal l Tr ansact i onMet hod? Gett hemessagedet ai l ssuchar emessaget y pe, messagenumberi nt oani nt er nal t abl e ( gt _ bdcmsgcol l )oft het y peBDCMSGCOLLusi nganaddi t i on“ …. MESSAGESI NTO”wi t hCALL TRANSACTI ONst at ement . Setal oopi nt oani nt er nal t abl e( gt _ bdcmsgcol l )oft het y pe“ bdcmsgcol l ” . Useanyoft hef unct i onmodul es“ FORAMT_ MESSAGE” / ” WRI TE_ MESSAGE”t ogett he cor r espondi ngmessaget ext , si ncet hest r uct ur e“ BDCMSGCOLL”doesnothav eanymessaget ext f i el d. Di spl ayt hepopul at edmessageswi t hmessaget extei t herl i storALV. Not e: Thest andar dt abl e‘ T100’ canal sobeusedt opopul at et hemessaget ext . 9)Whati st hesy nt axt omakeuseofCal l Tr ansact i on? Ans: - CALLTRANSACTI ON' <TCODE>' USI NG<gt _ bdcdat a>MODE<A/ N/ E>UPDATE<S/ A> MODE<A/ N/ E>UPDATE<S/ A> MESSAGESI NTO<GT_ BDCMSGCOLL>. Her e<TCODE>i st her equi r edt r ansact i oncodet hr oughwhi cht hef l atf i l edat at obemi gr at ed. <gt _ bdcdat a>i sani nt er nal t abl eoft y pe“ bdcdat a”st r uct ur e <A/ N/ E>ar edi f f er entdat apr ocessmodes A=Al l scr eens, N=Noscr eens, E=Er r orscr eens <S/ A>ar et hedi f f er entupdat emodes 10)Whatar et hef i el dsi nBDCMSGCOLLst r uct ur e? Ans: BDCMSGCOLLi sonest r uct ur ei nDDI Cwhi chcont ai nst hebel owf i el ds Fi el d TCODE DYNAME * * DYNUMB * * MSGTYP * *MSGSPRA MSGI D MSGNR Descr i pt i on BDCTr ansact i oncode Scr eenpr ogr am name Scr eennumber MessageTy pe( E/ W/ I / S…. ) Messagel anguage. MessageI D MessageNumber 11)Whatar et hef i el dsi nBDCDATAst r uct ur e? Ans: -I ti sast r uct ur ei nDDI Cwhi chcont ai ns5f i el ds. Fi el d PROGRAM DYNPRO DYNBEGI N FNAM FVAL Descr i pt i on BDCModul epool BDCScr eennumber BDCScr eenSt ar t f i el dNameoft hescr een BDCFi el dVal ue( f l atf i l e) 12)Cany ousetupbackgr oundpr ocessi ngusi ngCALLTRANSACTI ON? Ans: Yes, Usi ngNoScr eenModei n' CALLTRANSACTI ON' 5)Whatar et hedi f f er encesbet weenSessi onMet hodandCal l Tr ansact i onMet hod? Sessi on 1.Thest andar dFunct i onmodul es ' BDC_ OPEN_ GROUP’ , ' BDC_ I NSERT' and ' BDC_ CLOSE_ GROUP' ar eusedt owor kwi t h t hesessi onmet hod. Cal l Tr ansact i on 1.TheABAPst at ementCALLTRANSACTI ON…. i sused. 2.Thedat ai supdat edi nSy nchr onousl ymode 2.Thedat ai supdat edi nbot hsy nchr onousand ( Recor dbyRecor d)&f l atf i l edat ai s Asy nchr onousmodes.Fl atf i l edat ai spr ocessed pr ocessedAsy nchr onous. sy nchr onousl y . 3.AnEr r orLOGFi l ei sgener at edbyt he sy st em t ohandl et heer r or s. 3.Themessages/ er r or sar ehandl edexpl i ci t l yusi ngt he st r uct ur eBDCMSGCOLL&t hef unct i onmodul es ' FORMAT_ MESSAGE’ or' WRI TE_ MESSAGE’ ort het abl e T100. 4.Sessi onmet hodcanpr ocessanynoof t r ansact i onsatat i me. 4.Cal l Tr ansact i oncanpr ocessonl yonet r ansact i onata t i me. 5.Af t erpr ocessi ngt hesessi ont hr oughSM35 5.I mmedi at edat abaseupdat i on. onl y , t hedat abasei supdat ed. 6.Sessi onmet hodi ssl ower . 6.Cal l t r ansact i onmet hodi sf ast er 7.Wecanschedul et hesessi onmet hodi n 7.Wecan’ tschedul et hecal l t r ansact i oni nbackgr ound. backgr ound. Sy nchr onous: I nt hi smode, t hedat ai snotcont i nuousl yupdat edi ncaseofer r orr ecor ds. Asy nchr onous: I ti susedt oupdat et hedat acont i nuousl ybyski ppi ngt heer r orr ecor ds. 13)Canweusecal l t r ansact i onandsessi onmet hodi nt hesamepr ogr am?Expl ai n? Ans: Yes, wecancal l , cal l t r ansact i onandsessi onmet hodi nsamepr ogr am, gener al l yweusecal l t r ansact i onf orupdat i ngandsessi onmet hodf orl oggi nger r or si nt hesamepr ogr am . 14)Howt or unt heSessi oni nBackgr ound? Ans: -Thest andar dr epor tpr ogr am RSBDCSUBi susedt oschedul et heBat chI nputSessi onsi n Backgr ound.( OR) Wecanal soSUBMI Tt hepr ogr am RSBDCSUBwi t hi nt heBDCsessi onpr ogr am i t sel f . Q. cany oucal l abdcpr ogr am f r om r epor tpr ogr am? a: y eswecancal l abdcpr ogr am f r om ar epor tusi ngSUBMI Tkeywor df orst andar dpr ogr am RSBDCSUB. 15)WhatI sBDCRECCX1? Ans: -I nast andar dpr ogr am, Gener at edf r om r ecor di ngwhi chcont ai nsal l t her eusabl edecl ar at i onsand al sot her eusabl eSubr out i neDef i ni t i onsf oral l t heBDCPr ogr ams. 16)Howcany ouPRI NTasessi onl ogf i l e? Ans: -Execut eRSBDCLOG. 17)Howt oExpor tt heSessi on? Ans: -Fr om SM35>Ut i l i t i es>Expor tSessi on. 18)Whi l eUpl oadi ngaf l atf i l et hr oughBDCCal l Tr ansact i on, Thesy st em( notSAPSer v er i . e.t hecur r ent l ywor ki ngMachi ne)suddenl ygetCRASHED.Howdoi knowhowmanyr ecor ds hav ebeenupdat ed? Ans: -Ev ent houghi ti sBULKDat aPr ocessi ng, butupdat i ngt hedat abasei sal way sr ecor dby r ecor donl y . SoAf t erCal l i ngt heTr ansact i on, Mai nt ai nt hest at usoft hecal l i ngt r ansact i on i nt oonecust om t abl e i ncl udi ngt her ecor ddet ai l s.Sot hatwecanknowt hecust om t abl ef or t hel at estdet ai l s. 19)Af t err unni ngaBDCpr ogr am i nbackgr ound, nextdaymor ni ngwheny ouseet her esul t s, f ew r ecor dsar enotupdat ed( er r orr ecor ds) .Whatwi l l y oudot hen? Ans: Wewi l l l ooki nt oi ncor r ectsessi on, anal y zet heer r orscr een, andr epr ocesst hesessi onaf t er cor r ect i ngt hedat a. q: whi l er unni ngbdccal l t r ansact i onmet hodf oruserdef i nedt abl e, al l t her ecor dsar esav edexceptt hel ast r ecor d.what ’ st hepr obl em?canany bodycl ar i f yme? a: f i r stanal y zet het r ansact i onbyusi ngSM35andf i ndt heer r orandr epr ocesst hesame f r om wher et heer r orhasoccur ed. Quest i on: Howdoesuknowt hatupdat i ngi ssuccessf ul i nBDC? A: Usi ngBDCMSGCOLLwecanf i ndouti ti ssuccessornot Af t err unt heBDCPROGRAM ( CREATI NGBATCHSEESI ON) . Usi ngsm35y oucanpr oceedbat chsessi on, i fupdat i oni ssuccessf ul l ydonet henst at usshowi nggr eent i ck. i fanyer r orov ert her et heni t ’ sshowi ngr edt i ck. q: I fBDCi sdev el opedi nDev el opmentsy st em wi t hnodat a, wher edowedot her ecor di ng? a: Wecandot her ecor di ngi nQAsy st em t hathasdat aandexpor tt her ecor di ngf r om QAsy st em t onot epad andi mpor ti ti nt odev el opmentsy st em' st r ansact i onr ecor der . 20)Youar egi v enf unct i onal specsf oraBDCpr ogr am andy ouneedt odeci dewhet hert owr i t ea met hodcal l t r ansact i onorasessi on.Howuwi l l deci de? Ans: Basedont heamountofdat a( numberofr ecor dst oupdat e) , Iwi l l deci dewhatmet hodt ouse. Ex: I fdat ai sl esst he5000, Iwi l l usecal l t r ansact i on. I fdat ai smor et han5000r ecor dsIpr ef ersessi onmet hod. 21) .Howt ohandl escr eenResol ut i on? Decl ar east r uct ur edat av ar i abl eoft het y pe‘ CTU_ PARAMS’ . Passt her equi r eddat asuchasdef aul tsi ze, di spl aymode, updat emodeet ct ot hedef i ned ct u_ par amsst r uct ur ev ar i abl e. Uset hepopul at edst r uct ur ev ar i abl eoft y pe‘ ct u_ par ams’ wi t hCALLTRANSACTI ONusi ngan addi t i on‘ OPTI ONS’ . 22)Howt ohandl eTabl eCont r ol i nBDC? Ans: -Tabl econt r ol i susedt omi gr at e/ updat et hemul t i pl er ecor ds( l i nei t ems)i nBDC. Pr essPageDowni nt het abl econt r ol t or ecor dt hef unct i oncodef orpagedown. Thenexti t em noi st he1sti t em nowhent hePageDowni spr essed. Recor dt heScr eenf l owwi t hl i nei t emsusi ngt heTCode“ SHDB” . Conv er tt her ecor di ngi nt oapr ogr am usi ngt hebut t onpr ogr am. Maket hechangesi nt heor i gi nal mai npr ogr am l i ke, Upl oadt hef l atf i l edat awhi chcont ai nsbot hHeader&I t em dat a. Spl i tt heupl oadedFl atf i l edat ai nt ot heHeaderandI t em t abl es, usi ngt he Cont r ol Br eakSt at ement s. Setal oopt oHeaderi nt er nal t abl et henpr ocesst heHeaderr el at eddat abycopy&past et he sy st em gener at edheaderr el at edsubr out i nesf r om t het empor ar yr ecor di ngpr ogr am Setal oopt oI t em t abl edat at opr ocesst hemul t i pl el i nei t ems. Maket heI t em numberasdy nami cbyconcat enat i ngt hescr eenf i el dnamewi t ht hescr een number . ' Uset hef unct i oncode“ p+”t ohandl epagedowni nt abl econt r ol . Useanyoneofmet hodswi t hBDC_ I NSERT( Sessi on)orCALLTRANSACTI ONt omi gr at et he dat af r om i nt er nal t abl eGT_ BDCDATA. Not e: TheHeader&I t em dat acanbepr ocessedsepar at el yusi ngt hecont r ol br eakst at ement swi t hout spl i t t i ngt hef l atf i l edat a. Thecont r ol br eakst at ement scanal sobeusedt opr ocessHeader&I t em dat asepar at el yby av oi di ngnest edl oops. 23)Whatar et hepr obl emsi npr ocessi ngbat chi nputsessi ons?Howi sbat chi nputpr ocessdi f f er entf r om pr ocessi ngonl i ne? Ans: 1)I ft heuserf or get st ooptf orkeepsessi ont hent hesessi onwi l l beaut omat i cal l yr emov ed f r om t hesessi onqueue( l ogr emai ns) .Howev er , i fsessi oni spr ocessedwemaydel et ei t manual l y . 2)I fsessi onpr ocessi ngf ai l s, dat awi l l notbet r ansf er r edt oSAPdat abaset abl e. Q)Expl ai naboutt hePar al l el Cur sorMet hod? Ans: -Thi sMet hodi susedf orbet t erPer f or mancei ncaseoft henest edl oops( Loopwi t hi nt he l oop) . St epst ouset hi sMet hod: Readt he2ndi nt er nal t abl e( I t em t abl e)wi t hi nt hel oopoft heBase/ Mai ni nt er nal t abl e( gt _ header ) wi t ht her equi r edkey sandgett hei ndexoft hecur r entr ecor d. Sett hel oopt ot he2ndi nt er nal t abl e( I TEM i nt er nal t abl e)t opr ocesst hedat af r om t heSETI NDEX anduseEXI Tst at ementt ocomeoutoft hi s2ndl oopf ort heunmat cheddat a. ENHANCEMENTS Enhancement s 1)Whati sEnhancement sandwhatar et hedi f f er entt echni quesandexpl ai nt hem? Ans: -Enhancement sar eusedt oaddsomeaddi t i onal cust omerspeci f i cf unct i onal i t yt ot he st andar d appl i cat i ons/ pr ogr ams. o Cust omerExi t s: Thesear et heFunct i onModul esav ai l abl ei nmostoft hef unct i onal ar eas suchasSD, MM, FI COet c.Theyar eusedt oaddt headdi t i onal f unct i onal i t i esi nt hest andar d appl i cat i ons/ pr ogr amswi t houtusi ngaccesskeyt obr eakt hem.Theaccesskeyi st he uni quekeypr ov i dedbyt heBASI Sconsul t antt obr eakt hest andar dappl i cat i ons.The appl i cat i onwi l l becomecust om dev el opmentoncet heyar ebr oken. Fi el dExi t s: Thesear eusedt ochanget hef i el dl abel soft hest andar ddat ael ement s. Funct i onExi t s: Thesear eusedt oaddt headdi t i onal f unct i onal i t yt ot hest andar d pr ogr amswi t houtbr eaki ngt hem.EachFunct i onExi tcont ai nacust om i ncl ude pr ogr am whi chst ar t swi t hZ*t oi mpl ementt hecust omerspeci f i caddi t i onal busi ness l ogi c.TheFunct i onExi ti st he3di gi tnowhi chi scal l edusi ngt heABAPst at ement CALLCUSTOMER_ FUNCTI ON. MenuExi t s: Thesear eusedt oaddt hecust om speci f i cmenui t ems&cor r espondi ng addi t i onal f unct i onal i t ybasedont hesel ect edmenui t em. Scr eenExi t s: Thesear eusedt oaddt headdi t i onal scr eenel ement s&t he cor r espondi ngaddi t i onal f unct i onal i t yt ot hest andar dscr eens/ t r ansact i on. TCodeSMOD: I ti susedt of i ndt hecust omerexi t soft hest andar dpackage. TcodeCMOD: I ti susedt oassi gnanenhancement / exi tt opr oj ect . o UserExi t s: Thesear et heSubr out i neswhi chst ar twi t hUSEREXI T_ *&t hesear edef i nedi n t hest andar dI ncl udepr ogr ams.Theyar emost l yusedi nSDf unct i onal ar ea.TheAccesskey i sr equi r edt obr eakt hest andar dI ncl udepr ogr amsoft heUserExi t sf ort hef i r stt i me.TheTcodeSPROi susedt of i ndt heUserExi t s. o BTE( Busi nessTr ansact i onEv ent s) : Thesear et heSour cecodepl ugi nst oaddanaddi t i onal f unct i onal i t yi nt hest andar dpr ogr am. TcodeBERE: I ti susedt of i ndt heBTE’ s. TcodeFI BF: I ti susedt owor kwi t hBTE’ s. o EnhancementFr amewor k: Theenhancementf r amewor ki sadv ancedt ouserexi t sf or €addi nganaddi t i onal f unct i onal i t ywi t houtbr eaki ngt hest andar dpr ogr ams.I ti susedt o at t ach/ hookt hesour cecodepl ugi nssuchasenhancementsect i onorenhancementpoi nt s i nt hest andar dpr ogr ams. I nUser exi t swewr i t ecodeonl yi nt hef or mr out i nes( i e.i nFor m. . . EndFor m) .and Whenwegof orupgr adet hev er si ons, weagai nneedt ochanget hecodei nt heuser exi t whi chwewr i t t eni npr ev i ousv er si onsbutwi t hEnhancementFr amewor kt her ei snotmuch codechangei sr equi r edwhenwegof orupgr ades. o BADI : Thesear enewenhancementt echni quet oaddt headdi t i onal cust omerspeci f i c busi nessl ogi ct ot hest andar dpr ogr ams. 2) .whatar et heway st of i ndt heExi t s? I . Usi ngt hePackagenameoft heappl i cat i ons I I . Usi ngt heTcodeSE84 Fi ndt hepackagenameoft her equi r edTcode. Execut et heTcodeSE84. ExpandEnhancementf ol der Doubl ecl i ckonenhancement s Ent ert her equi r edpackagename/ Exi tname Cl i ckonexecut ei con I I I . Usi ngt heFi ndf unct i oni nst andar dpr ogr ams. I V. Usi ngt hest andar dTabl esMODSAP&MODACT 3)Whatar et het y pesofEnhancementFr amewor k? I ti sanadv ancedenhancement sconcepti nt r oducedf r om t hev er si onECC6. I ti susedt oat t ach/ hookt hesour cecodepl ugi nssuchasenhancement ssect i onorenhancement poi nt si nt hest andar dpr ogr ams. 1.I mpl i ci tEnhancementSect i on: Theyar epr ov i dedi mpl i ci t l yatt hepar t i cul arl ocat i onsby SAP.Theyar emost l ypr esent edatt hebegi nni ng&endoft hesubr out i nes ( FORMENDFORM) , begi nni ng&endoft hef unct i onmodul es, begi nni ng&endoft he pr ogr ams. 2.Expl i ci tEnhancementSect i on: Theyar epr ecodedbySAP&pr ov i dedatt hespeci f i c l ocat i oni nt hest andar dpr ogr ams.Ther ear e2t y pesofExpl i ci tEnhancement . Enhancement Sect i on: I ti susedt ocopy , changet heexi st i ngst andar dsour cecode& addaddi t i onal busi nessl ogi ct ot hest andar dpr ogr am.TheABAPst at ement ENHANCEMENTSECTI ONi susedt ospeci f yt heEnhancementSect i ons. EnhancementSect i oncanbeusedt or epl aceasetofst at ement swi t hcust om code . I fy ouhav ewr i t t encodeusi ngenhancementsect i on, onl yy ourcust om codewi l l be execut edr epl aci ngst andar dcode.St andar dcodewi l l notbeexecut ed. Enhancement Poi nt : I ti susedt oaddt headdi t i onal cust omerspeci f i cbusi nessl ogi c t ot hest andar dpr ogr am. EnhancementPoi nti sonewhi chcanbepr ov i dedataspeci f i cpl ace. I fy ouhav ewr i t t encodeusi ngenhancementpoi nty ourcust om codewi l l be execut edal ongwi t ht hest andar dcode. 4)Whatar et hedi f f er encesbet weenCust omerExi t sandUserExi t s? Cust omerExi t s UserExi t 1.Thesear et heFunct i onmodul es 1. Thesear et hesubr out i nes 2.TheCust omerExi thav edi f f er entt y pesuchas 2. UserExi tdonothav edi f f er entt y pes f unct i onexi t , menuexi t , scr eenexi t&f i el dexi t 3.Thesear eav ai l abl eundermostoft hef unct i onal 3. Thesear emost l yav ai l abl ei nSDf unct i onal ar ea ar eassuchasSD, MM, FIet c 4. Accesskeyi snotr equi r edt oaddt headdi t i onal 4. Accesskeyi sr equi r edt obr eakt hest andar d f unct i onal i t y pr ogr am 5. TheCust omerExi t sar ecal l edusi ng 5.TheUserExi tst ar t swi t hUSEREXI TS( subr out i nes CALLCUSTOMER_ Funct i on i nst andar di ncl ude) 5)Whatar et heTr ansact i onCodesassoci at edwi t hBADI s? Ans: TcodeSE18&SE19: ar eusedt owor kwi t ht heBADI ’ s TcodeSE18: usedt odef i net heBADI ’ s TcodeSE19: usedt oi mpl ementt heBADI ’ 6)Whatar et het y pes&subt y pesofBADI sandexpl ai naboutt hem? Ans: -I ti susedt oaddt headdi t i onal cust omerspeci f i cbusi nessl ogi ct ot hest andar dpr ogr ams. 1.Cl assi c/ Ol dBADI : Thesear emost l yusedi nt hef unct i onal ar easl i keSD, MM, FI / CO.Thest andar d met hod“ GET_ I NSTANCE”oft hest andar dcl ass“ CL_ EXI T_ HANDLER”i susedt owor kwi t ht he cl assi cBADI ’ s. 2.Ker nel / NewBADI : TheABAPst at ement s“ GETBADI&CALLBADI ”ar eusedt owor kwi t hNew BADI ’ s.I ti sf ast ert hanCl assi cal BADI ’ s. GETBADI : Thi sst at ementi susedt ogener at eaNewBADIobj ect&set st heBADIr ef er encet o t heobj ect si nt heBADIr ef er encev ar i abl es. CALLBADI : Thi sst at ementi susedt ocal l t heMet hodsoft heNewBADI ’ s. Subt y pes: a.Si ngl euseBADI : Thesi ngl euseBADIcan’ tbei mpl ement edf ormul t i pl et i mes.Thi sBADIcanhav e onl yonei mpl ement at i on. b.Mul t i pl euseBADI : Themul t i pl euseBADI ’ scan’ tbei mpl ement edf ort hemul t i pl et i mes. c. Fi l t erDependentBADI : I ti susedt ocont r ol t heBADIi mpl ement at i onbasedont hespeci f i edf i l t er v al ue.Thesy st em gener at esanI mpor tpar amet er‘ FLT_ VAL’ t opasst hef i l t erv al uesf or cont r ol l i ngt hebusi nessl ogi coft heBADIi mpl ement at i on. I nt er f ace:I ti sasepar at est r uct ur ewhi chcanbeusedt oext endt hescopeofacl ass. 7)Whati sFALLBACKcl assi nBADI ? Ans: -I faBADIdoesn’ thav eanyact i v ei mpl ement at i ons, t hepr ogr am goest or unt i meer r or . TheFal l backcl assesar eusedt ocal l t hedef aul tmet hodsi ncaseofaBADIdoesn’ thav e act i v eI mpl ement at i ons. Theexcept i onscanal sober ai sedt oav oi dsuchki ndofer r or s. 8)Whatar et hedi f f er encesbet weenExi t sandBADI s? any Ans: Exi t s BADI s 1.Theyar epr ocedur al ABAPbased 1.Theyar eObj ectOr i ent edABAPbased 2.I ti snotpossi bl et oassi gnanExi tt omor et han 2.Themul t i pl euseBADIcanbei mpl ement ed onepr oj ect Formul t i pl et i mes 3.TheFi l t erv al uescan’ tbesett ot heExi t s 3.TheFi l t erv al uescanbesetf orFi l t er DependentBADI ’ s 4.TheTcodesSMOD&CMODar eused 4.TheTcodesSE18&SE19ar eused 9)Whatar et heway st of i ndBADI s? Ans: Mostoft heSt andar dBADI ’ sar ecl assi cBADI ’ s. Theyar eusedt oaddt headdi t i onal cust omerspeci f i cf unct i onal i t y / busi nessl ogi ct ot hest andar d pr ogr ams/ Tcodes. Ther ear e4way st of i ndt heBADI ’ s I . Usi ngt hest andar dcl assCL_ EXI THANDLER Execut et heTcode: SE24t omai nt ai nt hegl obal cl ass. Ent ert hest andar dcl assnameCL_ EXI THANDLER Cl i ckondi spl aybut t on. Doubl ecl i ckont hemet hodGET_ I NSTANCE Setasessi onbr eakpoi ntont hemet hodGET_ CLASS_ NAME_ BY_ I NTERFACE Execut et her equi r edf unct i onal TcodeEx: MM02 Per f or mt her equi r edact i onEx: sav emat er i al Doubl ecl i ckonapassi ngpar amet er( EXT_ NAME)t ol i stoutt hecor r espondi ngBADI .Ex: BADI _ MATERAI L_ CHECK I I . Usi ngt heTcodeSE84 I I I . Usi ngt heTcodeST05( SQLTr acer ) I V. Usi ngt heTcodeSPRO 10)Whatar et hedi f f er encesbet weenCl assi c( Ol d)BADIandNew( Ker nel )BADI ? Ans: Cl assi corOl dBADI 1.Thest andar dmet hodGET_ I NSTANCEoft he NeworKer nel BADI 1.TheABAPst at ement sGETBADI&CALLBADI st andar dcl assCL_ EXI T_ HANDLERi susedt ocal l ar eusedt owor kwi t hNewBADI ’ s. 2.Ani nt er f aceofaBADIr ef er r edt ocr eat et he 2.Thedef i ni t i onofaBADIi sr ef er r edt ocr eat et he Ref er enceobj ect Ref er enceobj ect 3.I ti snotf ast erasl i ket heKer nel BADI 3.I ti sf ast ert hant heCl assi cBADI 4.I tcanbeamul t i pl euseBADI 4.I tmustbeasi ngl euseBADI 5.TheFal l backcl asscan’ tbedef i ned 5.TheFal l backcl asscanbedef i ned 6.I tcanbeaFi l t erDependentBADI 6.I ti snotpossi bl et omai nt ai nt heFi l t erv al ues 11)Whatar et hest at ement snotbeusedi nExi t sandBADI s? Ans: -TheABAPst at ement sCOMMI Twor k&ROLLBACKwor kshoul dnotbeusedi nEXI TS. TheABAPst at ement sSTOP&EXI Tar eal sonotadv i sabl e. 12)Whatar et heEnhancementSpot s? Ans: Theenhancementspot sar eusedt omanageexpl i ci tenhancementopt i onst hatmeansy oucanadd y ourcodei nst andar dABAPcodewi t houtneedofaccesskey , whi chi mpl i est hatt hest andar dcode i snotdi st ur bed. Enhancementspot sspeci f yt hepl aceswher ewecanaddourcodei nst andar dSAP. Eachenhancementspotel ementdef i ni t i onmustbeassi gnedt oatl eastoneenhancementspot . Enhancementspot scar r yi nf or mat i onaboutt heposi t i onsatwhi chenhancementopt i onswer e cr eat ed.Oneenhancementspotcanmanagesev er al enhancementopt i onsofaReposi t or yobj ect . Conv er sel y , sev er al enhancementspot scanbeassi gnedt ooneenhancementopt i on. 13)Whatar et hest epst oi nser tt heEnhancementSpotandwor k? Ans: I mpl i ci tenhancementSpot sar eav ai l abl ei nev er ypr ogr am onsomepr edef i nedspot sasabegi nof FM, endofFM, begi nofsomeev entandsoon.I tmeanst haty oucaneasi l ymodi f yanypr ogr am, FM, subr out i newi t hsomel i mi t at i ons. I fy ouwantt oseeal l i mpl i ci tspot si npr ogr am, got oSE80>Edi t>EnhancementOper at i ons>ShowI mpl i ci tEnhancementOpt i ons Cr ossAppl i cat i ons/ I nt er f aces ( RFC, BAPI , I DOC) Cr ossAppl i cat i ons( RFC, BAPI , I DOC) 1.Whati st heCr ossAppl i cat i on/ I nt er f acesconcept ? Ans: -Thi sconcepti susedt odi st r i but et hedat abet weenSAPt oSAPsy st ems ( SAPR/ 3<>SAPCRM)&SAPt oNonSAPsy st ems( SAP<>. NET, JAVA) 2)Whati sRemot eFunct i onCal l ( RFC)&t y pesofRFC’ s? Ans: I ti saSAPspeci f i cpr ot ocol t opr ov i decommuni cat i onbet weendi f f er entsy st ems. I ti st hepr ocessofcal l i ngFunct i onmodul esf r om anot hersy st em. SAPUsesCPI C( CommonPr ogr ammi ngI nt er f acef orCommuni cat i on)Pr ot ocol t ot r ansf erdat a bet weenSy st ems. Ty pes: 1.Sy nchr onousRFC: I ncaseoft hi sRFCbot ht heSender / Sour ceandRecei v er / Tar get sy st emsshoul dbeav ai l abl ewhi l edi st r i but i ngt hedat a.Thenextpar tofcal l i ngpr ogr am i sn’ tcont i nued unt i l cal l f unct i oni scompl et ed. 2.Asy nchr onousRFC: I ncaseoft hi sRFCbot ht heSender / Sour ceandRecei v er / Tar get sy st emsshoul dnotbeav ai l abl ewhi l edi st r i but i ngt hedat a.Thenextpar tofcal l i ng i scont i nuedwi t houtcompl et i ngcal l f unct i on. pr ogr am 3.Tr ansact i onal RFC( TRFC) : I ti sal mostsi mi l art oAsy nchr onousRFC.TheTr ansact i onal RFCi sexecut edonl yoncei nanRFCser v er&sav et hecor r espondi ngdat aunderuni que t r ansact i onI Di n t heDat abase. 4.QueuedRFC: I ncaseoft hi sRFCt hemul t i pl et r ansact i onal RFC’ sar eser i al i zedi nt he sequenceusi ngt heFunct i onmodul e‘ TRFC_ SET_ QUEUE_ NAME’ . Anaddi t i onal st at ement‘ Dest i nat i on’ i susedwhi l ecal l i ngRemot eEnabl edFunct i ons. 3)Howt oDebugRFCFunct i onmodul e? Ans: SE38>Ut i l i t i es>Set t i ngs>ABAPEdi t or>Debuggi ngact i v at et heext er nal debuggi ngandchoose t heNewDebuggeropt i oni nABAPdebugger . Got ot hepar t i cul arpl acei nt hecodeandputbr eakpoi nt , popwi l l appeart henchooset heHTTP br eakpoi nt . I fy ouar et r i gger i ngt heRFCf r om SAPpor t al makesur et hatbot ht heuserI Dshoul dbesameI ft he user sar edi f f er entt henpr ov i det heXI / Por t al UserI Di nt heuser sf i el d. 4)Howdoy ouconnectt ot her emot eser v eri fy ouar ewor ki ngf r om t heof f i cef ort hecl i enti nr emot epl ace? Ans: WASwebappl i cat i onser v erorI TS( I nt er netTr ansact i onSer v er )ar egener al l yusedf ort hi spur pose.I f y ouar esi t t i ngaty ourof f i cewi t haser v erwhi chi si nt hesy st em andt heot herser v eri satt hecl i ent spl ace y oucangener at eI DOC, i nt er medi at edocument swhi chcar r yt hedat ay ouwantt ot r ansf erort he document sy ouwantt ot r ansf er , t heseI DOCar ei nt er pr et edbyt hesy st em att her ecei v i ngendwi t ht he messagecl asswi t hwhi chi ti sboundwi t h.I fy ouwantt ol ogonasy st em whi chi sv er ydi st ant , t henr emot e l ogi ncanbeusedt hi sdependsont hei nt er netspeed. 5)Whatar et hest epst owor kwi t hRemot eEnabl edFunct i on/ mai nt ai nRFCconnect i on? Ans: Anaddi t i onal st at ement‘ Dest i nat i on’ i susedwhi l ecal l i ngr emot eenabl edf unct i ons. 1.Def i neRFCDest i nat i on: 2.Cr eat i onofRemot eEnabl edFunct i on: SE80 Execut et heTCode: SM59 Sel ectt her equi r edRFCconnect i onsuchasABAPconnect i ons/ Ty pe3connect i ons. Cl i ckoncr eat ei con Ent erRFCdest i nat i onname&Descr i pt i on: SAPR/ 3t oSAPCRM Ent ert het ar getappl i cat i onser v ername/ addr essi nt het ar gethostf i el d: CRM sy st em Ent ert het ar getsy st em numberEx: 33 Cl i ckon“ Logon&Secur i t y ”t ab Ent ert hel ogoncr edent i al soft heRecei v er / Tar getsy st em Not e: ThecheckboxCur r entusercanbecheckedt omakeuseoft hesameUsername&passwor df ort he t ar getsy st em Cl i ckonsav ei con&cl i ckony esbut t on Cl i ckon‘ Connect i onTest ’ but t ont ot estRFCdest i nat i on Cl i ckon‘ Remot eLogon’ but t ont ot estt her emot econnect i on 6)Howt omakeDest i nat i on( sy st emi d)asdy nami c? Ans: I FSy sy si dEQ‘ CMD. <gv _ dest >=‘ R3D’ . ELSEI FSy sy si dEQ‘ CMQ. <gv _ dest >=‘ R3Q’ . ELSESy sy si dEQ‘ CMP. <gv _ dest >=‘ R3P’ . * Cal l RFC CALLFUNCTI ON‘ ZRFC/ RFC’ DESTI NATI ON<gv _ dest >“ R3D 7)Whatar et hedi f f er encesbet weenRFCandBAPI ? RFC BAPI 1 1. 2.TheTcodeSE37canbeusedt of i ndRFC’ s. 2.TheTcodeBAPI&SE37canbeusedt of i ndt he BAPI . 3.RFCdoesn’ tgener at eanymet hods. 3.BAPIgener at est heuni quemet hodi nBORt ousei n t heext er nal sy st em di r ect l y . 4.I tdoesn’ thav est andar dRFC’ st omi gr at et he 4.Thest andar dBAPIwhi chst ar t swi t hBAPIcanbe dat a. usedt omi gr at et hedat a. 8)Whatar et hest epsi nv ol v edi ncr eat i ngCust om BAPI ? Ans: 1.Cr eat et heBAPIst r uct ur e( SE11)st ar t swi t hZBAPI * . 2.Cr eat et heBAPIf unct i onmodul e( SE37)st ar t swi t hZBAPI *whi chi s a)Remot eEnabl ed b)Al l par amet er sar epassbyv al ue c)Mustcont ai nRet ur npar amet er 3.Cr eat emet hod&obj ectf ort heBAPIr emot eenabl edf unct i oni nBORusi ngt heTcode ‘ SW01’ . 4.Gener at e, i mpl ement&r el easet hecr eat edBAPIt ot heout si deusi ngt heTcode-‘ SQO1’ . 9)Whatar et heway st of i ndSt andar dBAPI s? Ans: -Ther ear e2way st of i ndBAPI . Usi ngt heTcode: BAPI Usi ngt heTcode: SE37 10)Howt of i nd/ checkt heSt andar dBAPI s? Ans: -1.Execut et heTcodeBAPI 2.Expandt her equi r edHi er ar chy .Ex: Sal es&Di st r i but i onet c 3.Expandt her equi r edsubf unct i onal ar ea.Ex: Sal es/ Bi l l i nget c 4.Doubl ecl i ckont her equi r edBAPI Cor r espondi ngBAPIdet ai l ssuchasmet hodname, busi nessobj ectname, BAPIf unct i on modul e&et car edi spl ay edunderdet ai l st ab Thet abDocument at i oni susedt oknowmor edet ai l saboutt heBAPI ’ s( st andar d) Thet abAl phabet i ccanal sobeusedt of i ndt heBAPI ’ si nt heal phabet i cal or der 5.Cl i ckonback 11)Whatar et hest epst owor kwi t hst andar dBAPI ? Ans: Upl oadt hef l atf i l edat ai nt oani nt er nal t abl e Conv er tt hef l atf i l edat ai nt oBAPIcompat i bl eWor kar ea’ s/ i nt er nal t abl eswi t hi nt hel oopoft hef l at f i l ei nt er nal t abl e. Cal l t heBAPIf unct i onmodul e&passt heBAPIi nt er nal t abl es. 12)Howt ohandl eexcept i onsi nRFCsandBAPI s? Ans: -Youcanhandl et heexcept i onsbyusi ngast r uct ur eBAPI E1RET2whi chr et ur nst he capt ur edi nBAPI .I nTabl espar amet erofy ourBAPI , y oucancr eat east r uct ur eas messages oft y pe BAPI E1RET2sot haty oucancapt ur et he‘ RETURN’ par amet er sf r om BAPI . 13)Howt ohandl eer r ormessagesi nst andar dBAPI ’ s? Ans: 1.Getal l t hemessagedet ai l si nt oawr i t t ent abl eoft het y peBAPI RETsuchasMessageI D, Message t y pe, Messagev ar i abl eet c. 2.Uset hest andar df unct i onmodul es, MESSAGE_ I NI TI ALI ZE(I ni t i al i zemessages) , MESSAGE_ STORE( Tost or emessages)& MESSAGES_ SHOW ( Todi spl aymessagesi nt heDi al ogbox/ Model di al og) 14)Whati sExt endedBAPI ? Ans: St andar dBAPI ’ scanbeext endedt oaddt hecust omerspeci f i caddi t i onal f i el d. St andar dBAPIcont ai nst abl e’ spar amet erEXTENSI ONI N, EXTENSI ONOUTi ncaset heyar e ext endedBAPI ’ s. BAPIext ensi oni ni susedt oupdat ecust om f i el dsofat abl e( ex: MARA) . BAPIext ensi onouti susedt or et r i ev ecust om f i el dsofat abl e. 15)Whatar et hedi f f er encesbet weenBAPIandnor mal BDC? BAPI BAPIi sf ast ert hanBDC. BDC BDCi sr el at i v el ysl owert hanBAPI . BAPI ’ sar eusedt oupl oadt hedat af r om t hef l atf i l et o SAPsy st em di r ect l y . BDC’ sar eusedt oupl oadt hedat af r om f i l et o SAPsy st em v i ascr eenshencei ti ssl ower . Nosuchpr ocessi ngopt i onsar eav ai l abl ei nBAPI . Backgr oundandFor egr oundpr ocessi ng opt i onsar eav ai l abl ef orBDC. BAPIwoul dgener al l yusedf orsmal l dat aupl oads. BDCswoul dbepr ef er r edf orl ar gev ol umesof dat aupl oadsi ncebackgr oundpr ocessi ng opt i oni sav ai l abl e. BAPInev ercauset ot er mi nat et hepr ogr am.Whenev er aner r oroccur r edi nt heBAPI , i tr et ur nst hoseer r or s t hr oughRet ur npar amet er .Thi spar amet err et ur ns except i onmessagesorsuccessmessagest ot hecal l i ng pr ogr am. I nBAPIr ecor di ngi snotr equi r ed Er r or scanbepr ocessedi nSM35f orsessi on met hodandi nt hebat chi nputpr ogr am f orCal l Tr ansact i onmet hod. I nBDC, r ecor di ngi sr equi r ed 16)Whatar eAut hor i zat i onObj ect s? Ans: Thesear eusedt opr ot ect / pr ev entuseraccesst ot hedat a&Tcodes/ Tabl es. Theaut hor i zat i onobj ect sar emai nt ai nedbyBASI Sconsul t ant s. TheTcode: SU24i susedt of i ndaut hor i zat i onobj ect si nt hesy st em. TheABAPst at ement‘ AUTHORI TY_ CHECK’ ort hest andar dFunct i onModul es ‘ AUTHORI TY_ CHECK* …’ ar eusedt ocheckt heaut hor i zat i ons. 17)Whati sALE&EDI ? ALEst andsf orAppl i cat i onLi nkEnabl i ng.I ti susedt odi st r i but et hedat abet weent wodi f f er entSAP sy st ems/ Ser v er s. EDIst andsf orEl ect r oni cDat aI nt er change.I ti susedt odi st r i but et hedat abet weenSAP&nonSAP sy st ems/ ser v er s. 18)Whati sanI DOC? Ans: I DOCst andsf orI nt er medi at eDocument . I DOCi st hecol l ect i onofsegment s&eachsegmenti st hecol l ect i onoff i el ds. I DOCi st hecar r i ert ocar r yt hedat abet weent hedi st r i but edsy st emsi nel ect r oni cf or m wi t houtuser i nt er act i on. 19)Whati sanI DOCSt r uct ur e? Ans: -EachI DOChas3r ecor ds I . Cont r ol Recor d: I tcont ai nsI DOCt y pe&Messaget y pei nf or mat i on, Par t neri nf or mat i onsuchaspar t nersy st em number , Por tnumberoft hesender&r ecei v ersy st em. I ti sal socont ai nt echni cal &addr essi nf or mat i onofsender&r eci pi ent s. I I . Dat aRecor d: Thesear ecol l ect i onofsegment s.Thedat ar ecor dofanI DOCcont ai nssegment . Segmenti scol l ect i onoff i el dswhi chcanbedi st r i but edt hedat abet weent hesy st ems. I I I . St at usr ecor d: I tcont ai nst hest at usoft hepr ocessedI DOCt oknowwher eanI DOChasbeensuccessf ul / f ai l ed. Thest andar dt abl eEDI DCcont ai nsanI DOCi nf or mat i onsuchascont r ol r ecor ds, di f f er entst at uses et c. Not e: TheSender / Sour cesy st em i sal socal l edas‘ Out boundsy st em’ . TheRecei v er / Tar getsy st em i sal socal l edas‘ I nboundsy st em’ . TheTcode‘ WE30’ i susedt omai nt ai ndi f f er entt y pesofI DOC’ ssuchasBasi cI DOC, Ext endedI DOC. TheTcodesWE02/ WE05ar eusedt ol i stoutt hegener at edI DOC’ s. TheTcode‘ WE19’ i susedt ot est / checkt heI DOC. Cust om Segment s: Thecust om segment sar est ar t swi t hZ* / Y*&t heyar emai nt ai nedbyt echni cal &f unct i onal consul t ant s St andar dSegment : Thesear esy st em pr ov i dedsegment s TheTcode: WE31i susedt omai nt ai nt hesegment s MessageTy pes: Thesear ei dent i f i er soft heappl i cat i ondat at obedi st r i but edbet weent hesy st ems TheTcodeWE81i susedt ocr eat e&WE82i st oassi gnt hemessaget y pest ot heI DOC( Dat acar r i er ) Thest andar dt abl eEDI DCcont ai nsal l av ai l abl emessaget y pe Sy st em pr ov i dedst andar dmessaget y pes? MessageTy pe Descr i pt i on MATMAS Mat er i al Mast er DEBMAS Cust omerMast er CREMAS VendorMast er Par t nerPr of i l es: Thesear eusedt omai nt ai nt hepar t nersy st em det ai l swi t hwhi chdat at obedi st r i but edsuchas par t nernumber , Par t nert y pe&Messaget y peofout boundpar amet er s. TheTcodeWE20i susedt omai nt ai npar t nerpr of i l es Por t s: Thesear eusedt ospeci f yt hewayi nwhi chdat at obedi st r i but edt hr oughanI DOC Thesy st em gener at esoneuni quepor tnumber TheTcodeWE21i susedt omai nt ai npor t sf orI DOCpr ocess Cust omerDi st r i but i onModel : I ti susedt odef i nedat adi st r i but i onmodel t oexchanget hemessagesbet weent wol ogi cal sy st ems ( SAP–SAP/ SAP–nonSAP) TheTcodeBD64i susedt odef i ne/ mai nt ai ncust omerdi st r i but i onmodel Pr ocesscodes; I ti susedt oi dent i f yt y peoft hedat at obedi st r i but edt hr oughanI DOCi nt er f ace. TheTcodeWE41/ WE42i susedt owor kwi t ht hepr ocesscode 20)Whatar et heTr ansact i onCodes/ Repor t st osend/ gener at eandr ecei v et hedat at oI DOCs? Tcode Descr i pt i on BD10 SendMat er i al BD11 GetMat er i al BD12 SendCust omer BD13 GetCust omer BD14 SendVendor BD15 GetVendor BD16 SendCostcent er BD17 GetCostcent er BD87 Repr ocessI DOC 21)Howt ocheckt heI DOCs? Ans: -WE19i st heTcodet ocheckt heI DOC’ s. 1.Execut eWE02/ WE05 2.Pr ov i det heMessaget y pe: CREMAS( Logi cal Sy s) , Par t nerno: LS810&Cl i ckonExecut e 3.Af t erwegett hest at uscode03, i fwewantt oknowt heI DOCi sr eachedt odest i nat i onor nott henweexecut eRBDMOI NDst andar dpr ogr am. 4.Thest at usofanI DOC( 3)usei nGr eencol or( t ur n10t o12)meansi ti sdel i v er ed Successf ul l y .Yel l owt r af f i cl i ghti ndi cat es/ t hest at uscoder emai nssame, I DOCi si n Pr ogr essori nt heTr ansact i onRFC&Redt r af f i cl i ght / t hest at uscodet ur ns10t o11 i ndi cat est heEr r or / t heI DOCi sdamaged. 5.Expandt heDat aRecor dsf ol der&cl i ckoneachsegmentt oseet hedat at obedi st r i but ed. 22)Whatar et heTr ansact i onCodesassoci at edwi t hALE, I DOCs? Ans: Tcode Descr i pt i on SALE Basi cconf i gur at i onofALE/ I DOC WE30 Mai nt ai n( cr eat e&di spl ay )I DOC’ s WE31 Mai nt ai n( cr eat e&di spl ay )Segment s WE20 Mai nt ai npar t nerpr of i l es WE21 Mai nt ai npor t si nI DCOpr ocessi ng WE41 Mai nt ai npr ocesscodes( Out boundsy st em) WE42 Mai nt ai npr ocesscodes( I nboundsy st em) WE81 Mai nt ai nLogi cal MessageTy pes WE82 Assi gnmessaget y pet oI DOCt y pe Mai nt ai nout putt y pe NACE Mostoft heTcodeswhi char er el at edt oALE/ I DOCst ar t swi t hWE*&BD* . TheTcodeWE30i susedt ocr eat e&di spl ayt hedi f f er entt y pesofI DOC’ ssuchasBasi c I DOC&Ext endedI DOC. TheTCodeWE05/ WE02i susedt ol i stoutt heI DOC. TheTcodeWE19i susedt ocheckt heI DOC. 23)Whati st heTr ansact i onCodet ocr eat e/ mai nt ai nt hesegment s? Ans: -TheTcodeWE31i susedt ocr eat e&di spl ayt hesegment s. 24)Whati st heTr ansact i onCodet ocr eat eaCust om I DOC? Ans: -Cr eat eSegment(WE31) Cr eat eI docTy pe(WE30) Cr eat eMessageTy pe(WE81) Assi gnI docTy pet oMessageTy pe(WE82) 25)Whatar et hePar t nerpr of i l esandi t sTr ansact i onCodes? Ans: -Par t nerpr of i l esar emai nt ai ned/ cr eat edt ospeci f yt hepar t nerdet ai l s( sy st em)t owhi cht he dat at obet r ansmi t t ed.TheTcodeWE20i susedt ocr eat et hepar t nerpr of i l e. 26)Whatar et heMessageTy pesandt heTr ansact i onCode? Ans: Themessaget y pei st hedat ai dent i f i erofanappl i cat i on. Thecont r ol r ecor dofanI DOCcont ai nst heMessageTy pe. TheTcodeWE81i susedt oCr eat e&WE82i st oassi gnt heMessageTy pet ot heI DOCS. 27)Howt oaddSegment st oanExi st i ngI DOC? Ans: - Youcandot hatusi ngWE30andWE31. WE30y oucancr eat eext ensi ont ot heexi st i ngI doct y peand WE31y oucanaddt hef i el dst ot hesubsegment .Sof i r stdev el opt hesegmentusi ngWE31. y ou needt ocr eat et heext ensi onf i r st&t henaddi tt ot hesegmentwhi chev ery ouwantusi ngWE30wi t h ext ensi onopt i on. Her ey ouhav et ocr eat eenhancedi doct y pe.I nwe31cr eat et hesegmentt y peaspery our r equi r ementandgot owe30andcr eat eenhancedI doct y pebycopi ngt hest andar dI doc.Af t ert hat y ouwi l l sel ectt hesegmentunderwhi chy ouwantt oaddt henewsegmntandpr esscr eat ebut t on ont heappl i cat i ont ool barandgi v et hedet ai l sofy ournewsegmentandsav ei t . 28)Whatar et headv ant agesofALE, I DOCsandEDI ? Ans: Thedat ai sdi st r i but edbet weent hesy st emsi nel ect r oni cf or m wi t houtuseri nt er act i on. I tr educest hedat aer r or s, manpower&paperwor k. I ti susedt odi st r i but et hedat abet weenSAP&NONSAPsy st ems. 29)Howt or epr ocesser r orI DOC' s? Ans: Wecanr epr ocesser r orI DOC' s( st at us51)usi ngpr ogr am RBDAGAI N. 30)Howt or epr ocessedi t edI DOC’ s? Ans: Wecanr epr ocessedi t edI DOC' susi ngpr ogr am RBDAGAI E( Se38pr ogr am) . 31)Howdoy ougetout putf r om I DOC? Ans: Dat ai nI DOCi sst or edi nsegment s; t heout putf r om I DOCi sobt ai nedbyr eadi ngt hedat a st or edi n i t sr espect i v esegment s. 32)Howdowegener at eI DOCi nSAP? Ans: Thef unct i onmodul eMASTER_ I DOC_ DI STRI BUTEi susedt ogener at et heI DOCi nt hecust om r epor t . Q)Whatar et hest epsneedt oset upbef or ecr eat i nganI Doc? a: Communi cat i onSet t i ngs: 1)Cr eat eandAssi ni ngLogi cal Sy st ems-SALE 2)Mai nt ai nRFCdest i nat i on-SM59 3)Mai nt ai nTRFCPor t-WE21 (Abov econf i gur at i onr equi r edi r r espect i v eofsendi ngor r ecei v i nganI DOC) . Mandat or yOut boundConf i gur at i on: Mat ai nDi st i but i onModel -BD64 Mai nt ai nPar t nerPr of i l e-WE20 33)Requi r ement : Al l t hest udent sdat awi l l becr eat edi n800cl i entandsamewi l l besendt o810cl i ent usi ngI DOCS. St epst obedonei n800cl i ent Logi nt o800cl i entanddof ol l owi ng. 1. Cr eat eat abl e( cl i entdependent ): SE11 2. Cr eat esegment s: WE31 3. Cr eat eI DOCt y pe: WE30 4. Cr eat emessaget y pe: WE81 5. Assi gnmessaget y pet oI DOCt y pe: WE82 6. Def i nel ogi calsy st em : SALE 7. Assi gnl ogi calsy st em t ocl i ent . 8. Cr eat eRFCdest i nat i on: SM59 9. Cr eat epor t:WE21 10.Checkpar t nerpr of i l es: WE20 11.Cr eat eout boundpr ogr am. St epst obedonei n810( Tar getSy st em)cl i ent . 1. Cr eat eat abl e( cl i entdependent ) . 2. Cr eat esegment s. 3. Cr eat eI DOCt y pe. 4. Cr eat emessaget y pe. 5. Assi gnmessaget y pet oI DOCt y pe. 6. Def i nel ogi calsy st em. 7. Assi gnl ogi calsy st em t ocl i ent . 8. Cr eat ei nboundf unct i onmodul eSE37. 9. Regi st erf unct i onmodul echar act er i st i cs. 10.Assi gnf unct i onmodul et omessageandI DOCt y pe. 11.Cr eat epr ocesscodeWE42. 12.Checkpar t nerpr of i l esf ori nbound. 1.Cr eat eat abl e( cl i entdependent ) .–SE11: ZSTUDENTandcl i ckoncr eat e 2.Cr eat esegment s.-WE31: pr ov i desegmentasZSTUDENTandcl i ckoncr eat e Got ot codeWE31, pr ov i deassegmentZSTUDENTandcl i ckoncr eat e. Justcl i ckent eri fy ouf i ndanyi nf or mat i onmessageandaddf i el dsasbel ow. Sav ei ti nal ocalobj ect . 3.Cr eat eI DOCt y pe.Got oWE30, pr ov i denameasZSTUDENTandcl i ckoncr eat e Pr ov i dedescr i pt i onandpr essent er . Sel ectZSTUDENTandcl i ckoncr eat e. Pr ov i deasegmentname( whi chwehav ecr eat edi nst ep2) , maxi mum andmi ni mum number sandent er . Sav ei ti nal ocalobj ect . 4.Cr eat emessaget y pe.Got ot codeWE81andcl i ckonchangei con. Pr ov i demessaget y peasZSTUDENTanddescr i pt i on. 5.Assi gnmessaget y pet oI DOCt y pe.Got ot codeWE82, cl i ckonchangeandcl i ckonnewent r i es. Pr ov i demessaget y pe, I DOCt y peandr el easeasbel ow. Sav ei ti nat r anspor tr equest . 6.Def i nel ogi cal sy st em. Thi si st hemostconf usi ngst epi nALEconf i gur at i ons, t r yt ounder st andcar ef ul l y . Whati sl ogi cal sy st em? ' Logi cal sy st em' i susedt oi dent i f yani ndi v i dual cl i enti nasy st em, f orALEcommuni cat i onbet ween SAPsy st ems.That ' swhyy ouseeaf i el df or‘ l ogi cal sy st em’ i nt hecl i entmast erdat ai nSCC4( t abl e T000) .Youusel ogi cal sy st emsi nALEconf i gur at i on-t hi sshoul dbedocument edf ur t heri nt heI MG gui de, orSALEt r ansact i on. Bef or ecr eat i ngal ogi cal sy st em pl easef ol l owsbel owst eps. I nabl i ndwayl ogi cal sy st em assi gnedi nt ar getsy st em cl i ent( i nourexampl e810cl i ent )Shoul dbe i nl ogi cal sy st em def i ni t i oni nsour cecl i ent . St ep1: Got ot ar getsy st em (I nourexampl e810cl i ent ) . ( Getl ogi cal sy st em f r om t codeSALE>Basi cSet t i ngs>Logi cal Sy st ems>assi gnl ogi cal sy st em t o cl i ent>810( doubl ecl i ckandcopyl ogi cal sy st em) ) . St ep2: Got oSALE. Expandbasi cset t i ngs>def i nel ogi cal sy st em. Checkf orl ogi cal sy st em exi st ence( whi chwegetf r om 810cl i ent )i fi ti st her e, noneedt oadd, i fi ti snot t her eaddi t . 7.Assi gnl ogi cal sy st em t ocl i ent .Fornowski pt hi s. 8.Cr eat eRFCdest i nat i on. Got oTcodeSM59, sel ectABAPconnect i onsandcl i ckoncr eat e. Pr ov i deRFCdest i nat i on, descr i pt i on, host nameandsy st em number . Cl i ckonl ogonandsecur i t yt ab, pr ov i decl i ent , username, passwor dandsav e. Cl i ckonconnect i ont estt ot estconnect i on. Cl i ckonr emot el ogont ol ogont or emot ecl i ent( y ouwi l lgot o810cl i ent ) . St ep9: Cr eat ePORTi nWE21. Got ot codeWE21, sel ectt r ansact i onalRFCandcl i ckoncr eat e. Sel ectgener at epor tnameandent er . Pr ov i deRFCdest i nat i on, whi chwecr eat edi nst ep8. Sav e. 10.Checkpar t nerpr of i l esi nWE20. Got oWE20, expandpar t nert y pel ogi calsy st em andsear chf orl ogi cal sy st em ( Getl ogi calsy st em f r om t codeSALE>Basi cSet t i ngs>Logi calSy st ems>assi gnl ogi calsy st em t ocl i ent>810( doubl ecl i ck andcopyl ogi calsy st em) ) . I fl ogi calsy st em i sal r eadyav ai l abl ei npar t nerpr of i l esi nWE20, wedon` tneedt ocr eat epar t nerpr of i l e agai ni nst eadwewi l l addmessaget y peatoutboundpar amet er sl ev el .I nmycase, l ogi calsy st em i s al r eadyav ai l abl ei npar t nerpr of i l essoIwi l laddZSTUDENTmessaget y pet oi t .Toaddmessaget y pe, sel ectl ogi calsy st em, cl i ckonaddi con( seebel owi mage) . Pr ov i demessaget y pe, r ecei v erpor t( whi chwehav ecr eat edi nst ep9) , sel ectt r ansf erI DOCi mmedi at el y , basi ct y peandsav e. I fl ogi calsy st em i snotav ai l abl ei npar t nerpr of i l ei nWE20, sel ectpar t nert y pel ogi calsy st em andcl i ck oncr eat e. Pr ov i depar t nernoasT90CLNT810( Getl ogi calsy st em f r om t codeSALE>Basi cSet t i ngs>Logi cal Sy st ems>assi gnl ogi calsy st em t ocl i ent>810( doubl ecl i ckandcopyl ogi calsy st em) .Sav eandadd messaget y peatoutboundpar t nerl ev el . St epst obedonei n810( Tar getSy st em)cl i ent s. Cont i nue1t o7st epsassameas800cl i ent . 1.Cr eat eat abl e( cl i entdependent ) . 2.Cr eat esegment s. 3.Cr eat eI DOCt y pe. 4.Cr eat emessaget y pe. 5.Assi gnmessaget y pet oI DOCt y pe. 6.Def i nel ogi cal sy st em. 7.Assi gnl ogi cal sy st em t ocl i ent . 8.Cr eat ei nboundf unct i onmodul eSE37. Ev er yi nboundI DOCwi l lhav epr ocesscode, ev er ypr ocesscodei sassoci at edwi t hai nboundpr ocessex: Funct i onModul eorWor kFl owTask. Fol l owbel owst epst ocr eat ei nboundf unct i onmodul e. 1. Cr eat eaf unct i ongr oupi nSE80. 2. CopyFunct i onmodul eI DOC_ I NPUT_ MATMAS01. 3. Addy ourowncode. St ep1:Got oSE80, sel ectf unct i ongr oup, pr ov i deanameZSTUDENT_ I DOC, ent er . Sav eandact i v at ef unct i ongr oup. St ep2:Got oSE37, pr ov i def unct i onmodul enameasI DOC_ I NPUT_ MATMAS01, cl i ckoncopy , pr ov i def unct i on modul enameasf unct i ongr oupandent er . St ep3: Addy ourowncodei nf unct i onmodul e.Got oSe37, pr ov i denameasZSAPN_ I DOC_ I NPUT_ STUDENT, andcl i ckonchange.Remov eal lcodeandaddbel owcode. FUNCTI ONZSAPN_ I DOC_ I NPUT_ STUDENT. * " * " * " LocalI nt er f ace: * "I MPORTI NG * " VALUE( I NPUT_ METHOD)LI KEBDWFAP_ PARI NPUTMETHD * " VALUE( MASS_ PROCESSI NG)LI KEBDWFAP_ PARMASS_ PROC * " VALUE( NO_ APPLI CATI ON_ LOG)LI KESYDATAROPTI ONAL * " VALUE( MASSSAVEI NFOS)LI KEMASSSAVI NFSTRUCTUREMASSSAVI NF * " OPTI ONAL * " VALUE( KZ_ TEST)LI KEMDAT1KZ_ TESTDEFAULTSPACE * " VALUE( ONLY_ MAPPI NG)LI KEMDAT1KZ_ TESTDEFAULTSPACE * "EXPORTI NG * " VALUE( WORKFLOW_ RESULT)LI KEBDWF_ PARAMRESULT * " VALUE( APPLI CATI ON_ VARI ABLE)LI KEBDWF_ PARAMAPPL_ VAR * " VALUE( I N_ UPDATE_ TASK)LI KEBDWFAP_ PARUPDATETASK * " VALUE( CALL_ TRANSACTI ON_ DONE)LI KEBDWFAP_ PARCALLTRANS * "TABLES * " I DOC_ CONTRLSTRUCTUREEDI DC * " I DOC_ DATASTRUCTUREEDI DD * " I DOC_ STATUSSTRUCTUREBDI DOCSTAT * " RETURN_ VARI ABLESSTRUCTUREBDWFRETVAR * " SERI ALI ZATI ON_ I NFOSTRUCTUREBDI _ SER * "EXCEPTI ONS * " WRONG_ FUNCTI ON_ CALLED * " SORTI DOC_ DATABYDOCNUM. SORTI DOC_ CONTRLBYDOCNUM. DATA:T_ EDI DD TYPESTANDARDTABLEOFEDI DD, " Dat aRecor d T_ EDI DC TYPESTANDARDTABLEOFEDI DC, " Cont r olRecor d T_ EDI DS TYPESTANDARDTABLEOFBDI DOCSTAT. " St at usRecor d * * Gl obalWor kAr eaDecl ar at i ons* * DATA:W_ EDI DC LI KEEDI DC, W_ EDI DD TYPEEDI DD, W_ EDI DS TYPEBDI DOCSTAT. DATA:W_ I DOC_ DATATYPEEDI DD. DATA:L_ I NDXTYPESYTABI X. DATA:I T_ STUDENTTYPETABLEOFZSTUDENT. DATA:WA_ STUDENTTYPEZSTUDENT. DATA:ERROR_ MESSAGETYPESTRI NG. DATA:T_ STUDENTSTYPETABLEOFZSTUDENTS. DATA:W_ STUDENTSTYPEZSTUDENTS. DATA:ERROR_ FLGTYPECHAR1. *Got hr oughal lI Docs LOOPATI DOC_ CONTRL. CLEARW_ EDI DC. W_ EDI DC=I DOC_ CONTRL. READTABLEI DOC_ DATAI NTOW_ I DOC_ DATAWI THKEYDOCNUM =I DOC_ CONTRLDOCNUM BI NARYSEARCH. I FSYSUBRC=0. L_ I NDX=SYTABI X. LOOPATI DOC_ DATAFROM L_ I NDX. I FI DOC_ DATADOCNUM =I DOC_ CONTRLDOCNUM. APPENDI DOC_ DATATOT_ EDI DD. CLEARI DOC_ DATA. ELSE. RETURN. ENDI F. ENDLOOP. ELSE. CONTI NUE. ENDI F. SORTT_ EDI DD. CLEARW_ EDI DD. LOOPATT_ EDI DDI NTOW_ EDI DD. I FW_ EDI DDSEGNAM =' ZSTUDENT' . CLEARWA_ STUDENT. WA_ STUDENT=W_ EDI DDSDATA. I FWA_ STUDENTI SNOTI NI TI AL. APPENDWA_ STUDENTTOI T_ STUDENT. ENDI F. CONTI NUE. ENDI F. ENDLOOP. I FI T_ STUDENTI SNOTI NI TI AL." i fdat ai st her ei nsegement LOOPAT I T_ STUDENTI NTOWA_ STUDENT. MOVECORRESPONDI NGWA_ STUDENTTOW_ STUDENTS. MODI FYZSTUDENTSFROM W_ STUDENTS." updat edat abaset abl e I FSYSUBRC<>0. ERROR_ FLG=' X' . ERROR_ MESSAGE=' Er r oroccur edi nupdat i ngZSTUDENTt abl e' . ENDI F. ENDLOOP. ENDI F. I FERROR_ FLG=' X' ." adder r orst at ust oI DOC I DOC_ STATUSSTATUS=' 51' . I DOC_ STATUSDOCNUM =W_ EDI DCDOCNUM. I DOC_ STATUSMSGTY =' E' . I DOC_ STATUSMSGI D =' 00' . I DOC_ STATUSMSGNO =' 398' . I DOC_ STATUSMSGV1=ERROR_ MESSAGE+0( 25) ." t _ r et ur n_ ecmmessage I DOC_ STATUSMSGV2=ERROR_ MESSAGE+25( 25) . I DOC_ STATUSMSGV3=ERROR_ MESSAGE+50( 25) . I DOC_ STATUSMSGV4=ERROR_ MESSAGE+75( 25) . CLEARERROR_ MESSAGE. APPENDI DOC_ STATUSTO I DOC_ STATUS. CLEARI DOC_ STATUS . el se." addsuccessst at ust oI DOC I DOC_ STATUSSTATUS=' 53' . I DOC_ STATUSDOCNUM =W_ EDI DCDOCNUM. APPENDI DOC_ STATUSTO I DOC_ STATUS. CLEARI DOC_ STATUS . ENDI F. ENDLOOP. ENDFUNCTI ON. Sav eandact i v at e. 9.Regi st erf unct i onmodul echar act er i st i cs. Got oBD51, cl i ckonchangeandcl i ckonnewent r i es. I MPNot e: I fy oudon` tf i ndchangei conori fy ouf i ndamessagel i keâ₠¬ËœYouar enotal l owedt o cr osscl i entcust omi zat i onâ₠¬â„ ¢l ogont o800cl i entanddot hi sst ep. Addanent r yasbel ow. Sav ei ti nat r anspor tr equest . 10.Assi gnf unct i onmodul et omessageandI DOCt y pe. Got oWE57, cl i ckonchangeandnewent r i es. I MPNot e: I fy oudon` tf i ndchangei conori fy ouf i ndamessagel i keâ₠¬ËœYouar enotal l owedt o cr osscl i entcust omi zat i onâ₠¬â„ ¢l ogont o800cl i entanddot hi sst ep. Sav ei ti nat r anspor tr equest . 11.Cr eat epr ocesscodeWE42. Got oWE42, cl i ckonchangeandcl i ckonnewent r i es. Pr ov i deapr ocesscode, descr i pt i ons. Cl i ckSav e, cr eat eat r anspor tr equest .Sel ectf unct i onmodul ef r om dr opdownandsav ei ti nt r anspor t r equest . 12.Checkpar t nerpr of i l esf ori nbound. Got oWE20, expandl ogi cal sy st em andsel ectl ogi calsy st em( Getl ogi calsy st em f r om t code SALE>Basi cSet t i ngs>Logi calSy st ems>assi gnl ogi calsy st em t ocl i ent>800( doubl ecl i ckand copyl ogi calsy st em) ) .&Cl i ckonaddi conunderi nboundpar amet er s. Addent r i esasbel ow. Sav e. Test i ngt hedev el opment 1. Cr eat eent r i esi nZSTUDENTSt abl ei n800cl i ent . 2. Cr eat eout boundpr ogr am. 3. Execut et hepr ogr am andsendst udent sf r om 800t o810cl i ent s. Cr eat eent r i esi n800cl i ent . Got oSE11, pr ov i denameasZSTUDENTSandcl i ckondi spl ay . Got out i l i t i es>t abl eent r i es>cr eat eent r i es. Si mi l ar l yaddsomemor eent r i es. Got oSE38, cr eat eapr ogr am t osendst udent st o810cl i ent . Cr eat eapr ogr am wi t hnameZSAPN_ SEND_ STUDENTSandaddbel owcode. REPORT ZSEND_ STUDENTS. DATA:ZSTUDENTSTYPETABLEOFZSTUDENTS. DATA:WA_ STUDENTSTYPEZSTUDENTS. TYPES:BEGI NOFTY_ ZSTUDENT." STRUCTUREFORSEGMENTDATA I NCLUDESTRUCTUREZSTUDENT. TYPES:ENDOFTY_ ZSTUDENT. DATA:ZSTUDENTTYPETY_ ZSTUDENT. DATA:BEGI NOFT_ EDI DDOCCURS0. I NCLUDESTRUCTUREEDI DD. DATA:ENDOFT_ EDI DD. DATA:BEGI NOFF_ EDI DC. I NCLUDESTRUCTUREEDI DC. DATA:ENDOFF_ EDI DC. DATA:BEGI NOFT_ EDI DCOCCURS0. I NCLUDESTRUCTUREEDI DC. DATA:ENDOFT_ EDI DC. SELECTOPTI ONS:S_ STDFORWA_ STUDENTSSTUDENT_ I D. STARTOFSELECTI ON. SELECT*FROM ZSTUDENTSI NTOTABLEZSTUDENTSWHERESTUDENT_ I DI NS_ STD. LOOPATZSTUDENTSI NTOWA_ STUDENTS." sendst udent sonebyone MOVECORRESPONDI NGWA_ STUDENTSTOZSTUDENT. CLEART_ EDI DD. T_ EDI DDSEGNAM =' ZSTUDENT' ." segmentname T_ EDI DDSDATA =ZSTUDENT." I DOCdat ar ecor d APPENDT_ EDI DD. *Fi l lcont r olr ecor d CLEARF_ EDI DC. F_ EDI DCMESTYP=' ZSTUDENT' . " Messaget y pe F_ EDI DCDOCTYP=' ZSTUDENT' . F_ EDI DCRCVPRT=' LS' . " I DOCt y pe " Par t nert y pe F_ EDI DCRCVPRN=' T90CLNT810' . " Recei v erpar t ner CALLFUNCTI ON' MASTER_ I DOC_ DI STRI BUTE' EXPORTI NG MASTER_ I DOC_ CONTROL =F_ EDI DC " >>>>> TABLES COMMUNI CATI ON_ I DOC_ CONTROL =T_ EDI DC " <<<<< MASTER_ I DOC_ DATA =T_ EDI DD " >>>>> EXCEPTI ONS ERROR_ I N_ I DOC_ CONTROL =1 ERROR_ WRI TI NG_ I DOC_ STATUS ERROR_ I N_ I DOC_ DATA =2 =3 SENDI NG_ LOGI CAL_ SYSTEM_ UNKNOWN=4 OTHERS =5. COMMI TWORK. CLEAR:WA_ STUDENTS, ZSTUDENT. REFRESH:T_ EDI DD. ENDLOOP. Execut et heabov epr ogr am andpr ov i dest udent si dst osend. Nowgot oWE09andcheckst at usi n800cl i ent . Got o810cl i entandcheckt abl eZSTUDENTSf orent r i es( ent r i esshoul dbecr eat ed) . PROJECT PROJECT 1)Whati sSy st em Landscape? Ans: Landscapei sanar r angementofser v er s. a)Dev el opmentsy st em: I ti sanenv i r onmentwher eal l t hedev el opment s, conf i gur at i ons& Changesar edone.Thi ssy st em cont ai nsatl east2cl i ent s&anopt i onal sandboxcl i ent . Dev el opmentcl i ent : I ti susedt odev el opt heobj ect s, changet heexi st i ngobj ect s& mai nt ai nconf i gur at i onchanges. Uni tt estcl i ent : I ti susedt oper f or m uni tt estf orpr epar i ngUni tTestDocument . Sandboxsy st em: I ti sanenv i r onmentt odev el opt heobj ect s, maket hechanges&mai nt ai n conf i gur at i onsati ni t i al st agesoft hepr oj ect s.Al l t heconsul t ant sar eaut hor i zedf oranyt r ansact i oncode i nt hi ssy st em.Thi ssy st em i sanopt i onal sy st em. b)Qual i t ysy st em: I ti sanenv i r onmentwher eal l t hedev el opment s, conf i gur at i ons&changes ar et est edwi t houtanyer r or sbyt hef unct i onal , t echni cal consul t ant s&enduser s. c) Pr oduct i onsy st em: I ti sanenv i r onmentwher eal l t heenduseswor k.I ti st hel i v esy st em Wher eal l t heor i gi nal dat ai smai nt ai ned.Thi ssy st em cont ai nsasi ngl ecl i ent . 2)Whati sPackage&Tr anspor t abl eObj ect s? Package: I ti sacol l ect i onoft r anspor t abl eobj ect s.Thepackagei susedt osav eal l t het r anspor t abl eobj ect s. Tr anspor t abl eObj ect s: Theymustbesav edundert her equi r edpackage.Thesy st em gener at es t heuni queTr anspor tRequestnumberwhi l esav i ngt heobj ect sundert hepackage.The t r anspor t abl eobj ect scanber el easedf r om onesy st em t oanot hersy st em. 3)Expl ai naboutCor r ect i onandTr anspor t at i onSy st em ( CTS)orTr anspor tOr gani zer ? Ans: -Thi st ool i susedt or ecor dt hechangesmadei nt hesy st em. I ti sal sousedt or el easet heTr anspor tRequest( TR)f r om onesy st em t oanot her sy st em ( Dev>Qual i t y>Pr oduct i on) . Whent hechanger equesti scr eat edei t hermanual l yoraut omat i cal l yt hesy st em assi gnsanumbert oi taut omat i cal l yandt hi snumberi sknownaschanger equest number .Thechanger equestr ecor dsal l modi f i cat i onsmadet odev el opmentobj ect . Whent hechangeshav ebeenmadeandt hechanget askshav ebeenr el eased, t he changer equestcanber el eased TheTCodesSE01/ SE09/ SE10i susedt owor kwi t ht hi st ool ( CTS) . Not e: TheTcodeSE03i susedt of i ndTRofobj ect s TheTcodeSTMSi susedt oI mpor tTR’ s Thi sdocument at i onpr ov i desy ouwi t hanov er v i ewofhowt omanagechangeswi t ht heCTSand essent i al i nf or mat i ononset t i ngupy oursy st em andcl i entl andscapeanddeci di ngonat r anspor t st r at egy .Readandf ol l owt hi sdocument at i onwhenpl anni ngy ourdev el opmentpr oj ect . 4)Whatar et hedi f f er encesbet weenSE01, SE09andSE10? Ans: SE01-Cor r ect i on&Tr anspor tOr gani zer SE09-Wor kbenchOr gani zer SE10-Cust omi zi ngOr gani zer 5)Howt oi mpor tt heCl i entdependent / Scr i ptchanges/ Tabl eent r i esi nt ot heUni tTestsy st em? Ans: -Usi ngt heSCC1i nt het estcl i ent( 220) Ent ert heTRno Thesour cecl i entno( 200)i sappear edbydef aul t Checkt hecheckboxI ncl udi ngRequestSubTasks Cl i ckonSt ar tI mmedi at el ybut t on&pr essEnt erbut t on. 6)Whatar et y pesofTr anspor tRequest s( TR)andExpl ai naboutt hem? Ans: Tr anspor tr equest : -I ti sauni quer equestnumbergener at edbyt hesy st em whi l esav i ngt he obj ectundert hepackagename.TheTR’ sar egener at edi ndev el opmentcl i entonl y&r el ease t hem f r om dev el opmentcl i ent .TheTRnoi sst ar t swi t hdev el opmentsy st em i df ol l owedby Kser i es.Ex: <R3d>k9<* * * * > TheTr anspor tr equest sof4t y pes. Cust omi zi ngRequest s: Thesear eusedt or ecor d&r el easet heconf i gur at i onchangesi nt he sy st em. Wor kbenchr equest s: Theyar eusedt or ecor dt hechanges/ wor kbenchobj ect ssuchasDDI C obj ect s( Tabl es, St r uct ur es, Tr ansact i oncodes) , Pr ogr ams, Funct i onmodul eset c&r el ease t hem f r om onesy st em t oot her . Tr anspor tofCopi es: Theyar ecr eat edt ot r anspor tt heconf i gur at i ons, dev el opment s&changes f r om onesy st em i nt oanot hersy st em. Rel ocat i ons: Theyar eusedt ochanget heobj ect sf r om onepackaget oanot herpackage. 7)Howt ogener at eTr anspor tRequest( TR) ? Ans: Ent ert hepackagenameatt het i meofsav i ngwi t hobj ect sEx: ZDEV/ ZSD/ ZMM… Cl i ckonsav ei con Cl i ckoncr eat er equesti con Ent ershor tdescr i pt i onaspert hepr oj ectst andar dsEx: <CR547895–Sal esRepor t > Cl i ckonsav ei con&cl i ckony esbut t on 8)Howt ochangeshor tdescr i pt i onofTR? Ans: Oncet het r anspor tr equest sar edi spl ay edi nt r anspor tor gani zer , Doubl ecl i ckont her equi r edTR>cl i ckonpr oper t i est ab Cl i ckondi spl ay / change Changeshor tdescr i pt i onaspert hepr oj ectst andar ds>cl i ckonsav e&back 9)Howt or el easeTr anspor tRequest ? Ans: Execut et heTcode: SE09/ SE10/ SE01. Checkal l t hecheckboxes o Cust omi zi ngr equest s o Wor kbenchr equest s o Modi f i abl e o Rel eased Cl i ckondi spl aybut t on. Expandt her equi r edTRnoundermodi f i abl est at us. Pl acey ourcur soront het asknumber . Cl i ckonr el easedi r ect l yorF9. Not e: Theobj ect sundert heTRmustbeact i v at edbef or et het r anspor tr equest sar er el eased. Thet i ckmar ksar eappear edbesi det het asknumber soncet heyar er el eased. Pl aceacur soront heTRnumberaf t eral l t hecor r espondi ngt asksar er el eases. 10)Howt odel et eTr anspor tRequest / Obj ectf r om TR? Ans: Execut et heTcodeSE09/ SE10/ SE01 Cl i ckondi spl aybut t on. Expandt her equi r edTRundermodi f i abl est at us Expandt hecor r espondi ngt asknumber>r i ghtcl i ckonobj ectname>cl i ckondel et e>cl i ckony es but t on>cl i ckony esbut t on. Not e: Fol l owt hesi mi l arst epst or emov eanynumberofobj ect sf r om t het ask/ TR. Pl acet hecur soront het asknumberaf t eral l t hecor r espondi ngobj ect sar edel et ed. Cl i ckondel et e&cl i ckony esbut t on Pl acet hecur soronTRaf t eral l t hecor r espondi ngt asksar edel et ed Cl i ckondel et ei con>cl i ckony esbut t on. 11)Howt ochangepackagenameofanobj ect ? Execut et her equi r edTcode: SE38, SE11Et c Cl i ckon‘ Got o’ f r om menu Cl i ckon‘ obj ectdi r ect or yent r y ’ Cl i ckondi spl ay / changei con Changet hepackagenumberEx: $TMP>ZPACK Cr eat et heTRbypr essi ngcr eat er equest Cl i ckont i ck( y es) 12)Whati sTechni cal Speci f i cat i on( TS) ? Ans: I ti sadocumentpr epar edbyt echni cal consul t ant( abaper ) . Thi scont ai nsal l t het echni cal det ai l ssuch ast het echni cal sol ut i onf ort her equi r ement .Thedet ai l edTScont ai nsal l t hedet ai l ssuchasst ar t i ngf r om desi gni ngt hesel ect i onscr een, decl ar at i ons, al l t hef unct i onmodul esused&t hepr ocessi ngl ogi ct omeet t hecust omerr equi r ement s, uni tt estcaseset c. 14)Whati saFunct i onal Speci f i cat i on? Ans: Funct i onal Speci f i cat i oni st heof f i ci al documentf oradev el operwhi chdescr i best hef eat ur esand desi gnofexpect edf unct i onal i t y ; i tcont ai nst het echni cal expect at i onsandr equi r eddat af ort hedesi gnand dev el opment .TheFSi sal socal l edasGAP.Thi scanbepr epar edonl yaf t erdi scussi ngwi t ht heenduser s& under st andt hei rr equi r ement s&documentt heEnduser s/cl i ent sr equi r ement . 15)Howdoy ougetf unct i onal specswheny ouar eassi gnedsomeobj ect ? Ans: Gener al l yFunct i onal Speci f i cat i onswi l l besendi ngt hr oughemai l s( I nsuppor tpr ocess, t heymaycome i naspeci f i ct ool l i ke: Remedy , Radi x) . 19)Howdoy our ecei v eFunct i onal Speci f i cat i ons? Ans:I ngener alaf unct i onalspeci f i cat i onwi l lbesentt oaconsul t antt hr oughor gani zat i onalemai l l i ke: Out l ook, I BM Lot uset c. Funsct i onsOfFunct i onal Speci f i cat i ons: Re qui r ement . De si gnSummar y . De si r edFunct i onal i t y . Fi ni shedpr oduct . Te stCases. Funct i onal Speci f i cat i onf or mat / cont ent smaydi f f erf r om companyt ocompany , ev er ycompanyf ol l owt hei r ownf or mat t i ngst y l e. 16)Whopr epar esFunct i onal Speci f i cat i ons? Ans: Asperst andar dOr gani zat i onal st r uct ur e, f unct i onal consul t ant swi l l pr epar ef unct i onal speci f i cat i ons, i nsomecasesTechnoFunct i onal consul t ant swi l l pr epar et hem.( I nsomecompani esSeni or Techni cal Consul t ant smaypr epar e) . 17)Whati st henextst epaf t erFunct i onal Speci f i cat i ons? Ans: OnceFunct i onal Speci f i cat i oni spr epar ed, t hedocumentwi l l besentf orappr ov al t of unct i onal heador pr oj ectmanager , onceappr ov ed, i twi l l sendt ot echni cal l ead.Thet echni cal l eadwi l l di st r i but et he Funct i onal Speci f i cat i ont oanydev el oper . 13)Rol es&r esponsi bi l i t i esf orI mpl ement at i on&Suppor tpr oj ect ? Ans: I mpl ement at i onPr ocess: Get t i ngt hebusi nessRequi r ementdocumentf r om f unct i onal consul t ant/f unct i onal anal y st . Anal y zet hef unct i onal speci f i cat i on. Gi v epr operest i mat i onst ocompl et et heobj ect s/ dev el opment s. I nt er actwi t haf unct i onal consul t ant / onsi t ecoor di nat orf orcl ar i f i cat i onst ogett her equi r ement f i nal i zed. Pr epar eTechni cal Speci f i cat i ons/ Techni cal Desi gns. Dev el opt heobj ect saspert hepr oj ectpr ogr ammi ngst andar ds. Per f or m sel ft est&pr epar eUTD( Uni tTestDocument s) . Per f or m coder ev i ews/ peercheck&per f or mancet uni ng. Rel easi ngt heobj ectt ot est i ngenv i r onment Suppor tPr ocess: • Recei v i ngt het i cket s/ i ssuesf r om t hebusi ness. • Anal y zi ngt het i cket . • Resol v i ngt hei ssuei nt i me. Submi t t i ngt hecodef orr ev i ew&t est i ngt heobj ect si nUni tt estcl i ent . Pr epar et heUTD( Uni tTestDocument ) . Del i v er i ngt heobj ect swi t hi nt het i me&suppor tt heobj ect st i l l get t i ngt heUAT( UserAccept ance Test ) . Dev el opert est i ngandt r anspor t i ng. 18)Whatar et heper f or mancet i psdoy ouf ol l owwhi l edev el opi nganobj ect ?( Or ) Whatar et heper f or mancet i psdoy ouf ol l owt oi mpr ov et heper f or mancei nt hegi v enpr ogr am? Ans: 1)Don' tuseSel ect-Endsel ectl oop( Nor mal sear ch)si ncei thi t st hedat abasef oreachr ecor d UseI NTOt abl est at ement( Poi nt ersear ch)t oext r actal l t her equi r eddat ai nt oan & i nt er nal t abi n si ngl est ep. 2)Don’ tuseSel ect*whi l eext r act i ngdat asi ncei text r act sal l f i el dsi ncl udi ngunwant edf i el ds &UseSel ectf ol l owedbyt her equi r edf i el dsi nt hesi mi l aror deroft hedat abaset abl es. 3)Thei nt er nal Tabl emustbemustsor t edbef or eusi ngcont r ol br eakst at ement s. 4)Thei nt er nal Tabl emustbesor t edbef or eusi ngbi nar ysear chaddi t i onwi t hREADt abl e st at ementf orf ast eraccess. 5)Thei nt er nal Tabl emustbeSORTEDbef or eusi ngDELETEADJUSCENTDUPLI CATES st at ement . 5)Copyanddel et ei nt er nal t abl es/dbt abl esout si deofl oopst at ement sf orbet t erper f or mance. 6)TheBasei nt er nal t abl emustbecheckedwhet heri thasdat aornotbef or eusi ngt he FORALLENTRI ESSt at ementot her wi seSel ectst at ementext r act sal l t her ecor dsf or mt he wi t houtconsi der i ngFORALLENTRI ES. dat abase 7)TheTABLESst at ementi snotadv i sabl esi ncei tcr eat esl otofi mpl i ci tWor kAr eas. 8)Pr ef erPar al l el Cur sormet hodi ncaseofNest edLoops. 9)Secondar yI ndexesar enotadv i sabl esi ncet hedat ai sf i l t er edatdat abasel ev el f oral l t he user s. 10)Upt o2t abl escanbej oi nedt henuseForAl l Ent r i eswhi l eext r act i ngt hedat af r om t henext r equi r edt abl es. 11)ForAl l Ent r i eswi t hI nnerJoi nsar eadv i sabl esi nceForAl l Ent r i esar eanot herext r af i l t er cr i t er i aasl i keSel ect Opt i ons. 12)Don’ tuseSel ectst at ement swi t hi nt heLoops.UseForAl l Ent r i esout si deoft hel oop st at ement st henuseReadTabl est at ementwi t hLoopst at ement s. 20)Whatar et heper f or mancet ool sdoy ouper f or m bef or et heobj ecti sr el eased( or )oncet he dev el opmenti scompl et ed? Ans: -Theyar eusedt or el easet heobj ect swi t houter r or s, war ni ngsandwi t hbet t erper f or mance. 1.Ext endedpr ogr am check( SLI Norpr ogr am >Check>Ext endedpr ogr am check) . Thi st ool i susedt ol i stoutt heper f or mancer el at eder r or s, war ni ngs&messagesi nt he pr ogr am &r ect i f yt hem. St epst oper f or m Ext endedpr ogr am check: Execut et het code–SLI N/t hr oughMenupat h Ent ert her equi r edpr ogr am Ex: ZALV_ REPORTS Checkt hecheckof‘ Char act erSt r i ng’ Cl i ckonF8i cont henal l t hecor r espondi nger r or s, war ni ngs, messagesar el i st ed. 2.CodeI nspect or( SCIorpr ogr am >Check>CodeI nspect or ) . Thi st ool i susedt oper f or m di f f er entt y pesofcheckssuchasPer f or mancechecks, Secur i t ychecks, andSy nt axchecks. St epst oper f or m CodeI nspect or : Ent ert her equi r edpr ogr am namei nSE38 Cl i ckonpr ogr am menui t em >Check>Codei nspect or Expandappr opr i at echeckssuchasSy nt axchecks/ Per f or mancechecks/ Secur i t ychecks. Read&under st andt hesy st em gi v enmessages&r ect i f yt hem 3.Runt i meAnal y si s( SE30orSy st em>Ut i l i t i es>Runt i meAnal y si s) . Thi st ool i susedt oknowExecut i ont i meorr unt i meoft hepr ogr am/ Tcode.I tcanal sobe usedt oknowper f or mancet i ps&t r i cks. St epst oper f or m Runt i meAnal y si s: Execut et heTcode: SE30 Ent erpr ogr am/ Tcode/ Funct i onModul e Cl i ckonexecut ebut t on Fi l l t her equi r edf i el ds Cl i ckonexecut ei con Cl i ckon‘ Back’ Cl i ckon“ Ev al uat e”but t oni nr unt i meAnal y si sscr een 4.SQLTr acer( ST05orSy st em Ut i l i t i es Per f or mancet r ace) . Thi st ool i susedt oknowt hei ndexesei t herpr i mar y / secondar ywhi char econsi derwhi l e ext r act i ngt hedat a. 21)Usef ul t ool si npr oj ect s? Ans: Thebel ow3rdpar t ysecur i t ygat ewayt ool sar eusedt oconnecti nt ocl i entdeskt op/ SAPsy st em VPN/ Ci scoVPN–Vi r t ual Pr i v at eNet wor ki susedt oconnecti nt ocl i entSAPsy st ems. Ci t r i x–I ti susedt oconnecti nt ocl i entsy st em deskt op 22)Cl i entconcept :I ft her ear et wocl i ent si ndev el opmentser v er , Ex:cl i ent200f ordev el opmentandcl i ent300 f orconf i gur at i ons, whatdoesi tact ual l ymean? Ans: Ev eni ft her ear et wocl i ent s200and300, 200f ordev el opmentand300i sf orconf i gur at i on, y ou cannot access200cl i entdat ai n300cl i ent . Act ual l y , f unct i onal peopl eneedaccur at edat at ot estbusi nessconf i gur at i on( SD/ MM/ FIet c) , wheni t comest ot echni cal peopl e, t heymaycr eat ej unkdat at ot estt hei rappl i cat i on( Cr eat i ngmat er i al , j unk mast erdat a, j unkt r ansact i ondat aet c) , sot heymai nt ai nonesepar at ecl i ent ( 200)f ordev el opment act i v i t i esandsepar at ecl i entf orconf i gur at i ons. Not e: Tr anspor tpat hwi l l besamef ort wocl i ent s( 200-QA)and( 300-QA)i . e; sameQAcl i ent . 23)Expl ai nSD( Sal es&Di st r i but i on)Fl ow? Fl ow TCodes Tabl es I nqui r y VA11, VA12, VA13 VBAK, VBAP Quot at i on VA21, VA22, VA23 VBAK, VBAP Pur chaseOr der ME21N, ME22N, ME23N EKKO, EKPO Sal esOr der VA01, VA02, VA03 VBAK, VBAP Del i v er y VL01, VL02, VL03 LI KP, LI PS Shi ppi ng VT01 VTTK, VTTP Bi l l i ng VF01, VF02, VF03 VBRK, VBRP I nv oi ce VF21 VBRK, VBRP Cust omerenqui r esaboutt hePr oduct sser v i cest hatwer esol dbyacompany . CompanyGi v esaQuot at i onf ort hepr oduct sandSer v i cest oaCust omer Basedonpur chaseor dersal esor derwi l l becr eat ed. Oncesal esor deri scr eat ed, del i v er ywi l l bedone Nextt hegoodsshoul dbedel i v er edt hr oughshi ppi ng Ev er ybi l l hasi nv oi ce. . . nextpr ov i dei nv oi ce. I nv oi ceendofsal esf l ow. 24)MM ( Mat er i al Management )Fl ow? Fl ow TCodes Tabl es Pur chaseRequi si t i on ME51, ME52, ME53 EKPO, EI NE RequestForQuot at i on ME41, ME42, ME43 EKKO, EKPO Quot at i on ME47 EI NE, EI NA Pr i ceCompar i son ME49 EKKO, EKPO Pur chaseOr der( PO) ME21, ME22, ME23 EKKO, EKPO GoodsRecei pt s( GR) MI GO EKKO, EKPO I nv oi ceVer i f i cat i on MI RO EKKO, EKPO 25)Usef ul Tool sf orTi cketHandl i ng? Ans: Theset ool sar eusedi nsuppor t&mai nt enancepr oj ectt omai nt ai nChanger equest s/ Ti cket s. Remedy SAPI MS( I nci dentmanagementSy st em) Lot us–I BM SMS-Accent ur e Not e: Thedat ami gr at i ont ol l ‘ Panay a’ i susedf ormi gr at i on/ upgr adat i onpr oj ect s Thet ask/ wor ki sassi gnedt hr oughmai l s( M. SOut l ook)byTeam Lead/ Funct i onal Consul t ant . Q)SLA-Ser v i ceLev el Agr eement . I ti sanagr eementbet weent heCl i entandSer v i cePr ov i der . Ex: -Oneoft hecl i ent (Company)whatt ogi v et hei rPr oduct i on Suppor tt ot heSer v i cePr ov i derf orwhi chbot hwi l l gof ort hi s Agr eement .Her et heResponseTi meandResol ut i onTi mePl ay saVi t ol Rol e. Thesear ewi l l bewr i t t en/seti nSLA' s. I fResponset i measwel l t heResol ut i onTi mei smi ssi ngi scal l edMi ssi ngofSLA' sandt hewi l l beEscal at ed. Thi sv ar i esf r om Cl i entt oCl i ent .