Uploaded by Yogeeta Halai

American Nurses Association: Mission & Impact

American Nursing Association
Yogeeta J. Halai
NUR 4825: Professional Nursing I &II
Keiser University School of Nursing
Professor Joan Rhoden, DNP, MSN/Ed, RN
February 16, 2023
The American Nurses Association (ANA) is the largest and most influential
professional nursing organization in the United States. Founded in 1896, the ANA is a
nonprofit, nongovernmental organization representing the collective interests of the
American nursing profession. According to the ANA website
(https://www.nursingworld.org/), the primary mission of the ANA is to advance the
nursing profession by advocating for professional standards and resources; providing
education, research, and practice support; and promoting the health and wellness of
nurses and the public.
The ANA strives to create a healthier world for all through its commitment to
nursing excellence. The organization works to provide nurses with the resources and
support they need to practice safely and effectively, while also advocating for improved
access to quality healthcare for all. The ANA also serves as a voice for nurses,
representing their interests in Congress and other policy-making bodies.
The ANA’s goals are aimed at strengthening the profession and improving the
public’s health. The organization works to promote professional development, providing
educational opportunities for nurses, supporting research and practice, and creating a
unified voice for nurses in policy and advocacy. The ANA also works to ensure nurses
understand their rights and responsibilities as healthcare professionals.
The ANA works to protect the public and promote health through the
establishment of standards of practice, ethical guidelines, and safe working conditions for
nurses. The organization also advocates for the rights of nurses to practice safely and
ethically, and to receive fair wages and benefits. The ANA has also taken a lead role in
promoting patient safety and quality of care.
The ANA is also committed to diversity, equity, and inclusion, recognizing the
need for nurses to be reflective of the population they serve. The organization’s Diversity
& Inclusion committee works to ensure that nurses of all backgrounds and experience
levels can participate in leadership and advocacy roles. The ANA also works to ensure
that all nurses are treated with respect and dignity and have access to the same
The ANA’s impact is felt by millions of Americans every day. By advocating for
better access to quality health care and for the rights of nurses, the organization helps to
ensure that all individuals have access to the care and support they need. The ANA is
committed to improving the quality of healthcare for all people. Through its advocacy,
education, and policy initiatives, the ANA works to ensure that nurses have the tools and
resources they need to provide the highest quality of care.
Finkelman, A., & Kenner, C. (2018). Professional nursing concepts: Competencies and quality
leadership. (4th ed.). Jones & Bartlett.