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The Outsiders 1960s Project: PowerPoint Guidelines

The Outsiders Powerpoint Project
Directions: Each group will be responsible for a particular topic
relating to the 1960's. The goal is to become informed enough about
that topic to educate other members of the class. Presentations
on the various topics will be given next Thursday or Friday during
your whole block.
Use the many websites to learn more about the 1960's. The questions are there to
help guide your research related to your topic. Not all websites will apply to your
group's particular topic however.
After educating yourself on the topic and understanding the answers to the questions given,
structure that new information into a powerpoint presentation for your classmates.
The powerpoint presentation must include a TITLE PAGE, AT LEAST FOUR BUT NOT MORE
THAN EIGHT slides of CONTENT, and a WORKS CITED page listing the websites used to
retrieve information. Therefore, you will have 6 to 10 slides in the completed project
including the Title and Works Cited (sources you used) slides.
Look at the last page to see the grading rubric that will be used to evaluate your group’s
The Outsiders Topics For Powerpoint
(From around 1955 through around 1965)
Literature, Art, and Architecture
Careers/Family Structure
Current Events (president, societal concerns)
Juveniles in the Justice System/gangs
Technology and Transportation (types of popular automobiles…Corvair, Mustang, “muscle cars,”
6. Music (Elvis, Hank Williams, Patsy Cline, Chubby Checker, Fats Domino, Floyd Cramer)
7. Pop Culture (slang, things teenagers did for fun: drive-in movies, rodeos, sock hops,
TV shows, James Dean, Paul Newman, Marlon Brando)
8. Oklahoma in this time period
9. Fashion(clothing, hairstyles, etc.)
10. Social Class/Economy/Cost of Living(cost of normal everyday things…gas, milk,
bread, etc.) (1960 vs 2020)
The 1950’s and 1960’s
SE Hinton
Entertainment and Music
Here are some questions that can help get you started. It’s not required you answer them (all
or even any) but they will help get you pointed in the right direction if you don’t know where
to begin or hit a writer’s block.
Pop Culture- Literature/ Art
1. What was the 1960’s era known as?
2. Why was the decade called that?
3. What was the inspiration of many artists during the 1960’s?
4. Andy Warhol was probably the most famous artist of this era. What can you tell me about his style of art, and
who are some others who followed this trend?
5. What are some of the works that were created by these artists? List two and find two images.
6. What was the focus of literature during this time?
7. How was Harper Lee’s work representative of this following? (Include facts about her most
………… ….popular work)
8. What are some other notes on 1960’s literature that you found interesting or important?
Entertainment / Fashion
How did radio and television change in the 1960s?
What was the impact of entertainment like radio and TV on culture?
What popular movies came out around 1966-1967?
4. Paul Newman, Annette Funicello, and Frankie Avalon are all referenced in The Outsiders film. Find facts and
pictures about these stars from the 1960s.
5. Explain a transition or change in entertainment that occurred during this decade.
What were some popular fads of the 1960’s?
7. What was the reason for this focus on products?
8. How did fashion change over the first 5 years of the decade? Describe and include pictures some
of the new products of the decade.
9. What did the change in hairstyles represent for the decade?
Current Events
1. What war/ conflict happened in this decade that involved the US?
2. Who was the president during 1966 (the year The Outsiders was published)?
3. What were some of the historical events of this era in the United States? Many
of these are still talked about today because of their significance. Be sure to include
details of the events you mention.
4. What were some of the historical events of this era in the world? Many of these are still talked
about today because of their significance. Be sure to include details of the events you mention.
5. What was the biggest issue of US education in the 1960’s? Explain other related issues and events that
occurred because of this issue in US education.
6. Many great sports moments occurred in this decade. What were some of these?
7. How were professional sports impacted by this era?
Technology/ Transportation
1. What were some of the popular cars of the late 1960’s? Name at least two and include images.
2. Who was credited with introducing “the muscle car”?
4. What differences and influences did this muscle car have on the car world?
5. What other info can be gathered about the beginning of “the muscle car”?
6. What was significant about the pricing of the new era of automobile?
7. What types of technology were introduced to the average American during this decade? Name at
least two and include images.
1. What significant role did Motown play in the production of music?
2. What about people like Bob Dylan and The Beatles?
3. List some examples of music from the 60’s and explain how and why a change occurred.
4. What major music event was the pinnacle of the 1960’s music scene?
5. What information about this event was interesting or important regarding its impact
on the 1960’s?
6. What technology was used to play music in cars and homes in the 1960s?
7. List some interesting facts about music in the decade of the 1960’s.
1. Describe the Katz Sit-In. In what year did it occur, who was involved and what policy did this change
for the restaurant? Include an image.
2. Brown’s department store had the most difficulties with sit-ins. Why?
3. Clara Luper is a very famous African-American in Oklahoma’s history. Why is she so important?
4. What is the Admiral Twin? Include an image.
5. When did the Admiral Twin open in Tulsa?
6. What is the bird, fish, flower, reptile and rock for the state of Oklahoma?
7. Where does the name “Oklahoma” come from? On what date was Oklahoma made a part of the United States?
9. How did the Dust Bowl begin?
S.E. Hinton
1. What is S.E. Hinton’s full name?
2. How old was S.E. Hinton when she first started writing “The Outsiders” and how long did it take for her
to write the novel?
3. Why did S.E. Hinton publish “The Outsiders” under this name and not her full name?
4. When was “The Outsiders” published?
5. Why do some book critics find “The Outsiders” too controversial?
6. What does S.E. Hinton believe it takes to become a successful writer?
7. Where did S.E. Hinton graduate from high school?
8. Where did S.E. Hinton go to college?
9. What did S.E. Hinton become known as after “The Outsiders” was published?
10. What are some of the other titles that S.E. Hinton has written?
Pop Culture- Literature/ Art
What was the 1960’s era known as?
2. Why was the decade called that?
3. What was the inspiration of many artists during the 1960’s?
4. Andy Warhol was probably the most famous artist of this era. What can you tell me about his style of art,
……and who are some others who followed this trend?
5. What are some of the works that were created by these artists? List two and find two images.
6. What was the focus of literature during this time?
7. How was Harper Lee’s work representative of this following? (Include facts about her most popular work)
8. What are some other notes on 1960’s literature that you found interesting or important?
1. What is a gang?
2. What 3 cities did gangs form the most in?
3. What are some of the gang’s from the 1960’s?
4. What was different and new about the gangs of the 1960’s?
5. Which area (rural, urban, and suburban) has the most gang activity?
6. Gang members usually come from what social and economic hierarchy?
7. What is the name of the U.S. Senate Committee who investigates gangs and organized crime?
8. In the 1960s who was the U.S. Attorney General?
9. What name does the Italian-American mafia go by?
Group Members: ________________________________________________ Topic: _________________________
Grading Rubric for The Outsiders Research and Presentation
Slide Content
Pictures and
Title Page &
Works Cited
Usage, &
Work Ethic
Content is accurate
and information is
presented in a logical
Content is mostly accurate and
presented in a logical order,
yet is still generally easy to
Content is not always accurate
or presented in a logical order,
making it difficult to follow.
Questionable or not
presented in a logical order,
making it difficult to follow.
Title page and works cited are
Either title page or works cited
is lacking or incomplete.
Title page and works cited are
missing or incomplete.
No spelling errors. No
grammar errors. Text
is in authors' own
Minor spelling errors or
grammar errors.
Text is in authors' own words.
Some spelling errors and
grammar errors.
Not all of text in authors' own
Many spelling/ grammar
errors and/or text is copied.
Group is well
prepared, clearly
communicates, and
each group member
demonstrates a role.
Group is prepared,
Group is not prepared or
communicates the information, ineffectively
and each group member has a communicates the information.
Presentation flows
well and logically.
Presentation reflects
extensive use of
images in a creative
way. Meets content
There is a clear, eye
catching title page
and an accurate
works cited.
Group works well
together, stays on
task, divides duties
Presentation flows well.
Images used correctly. Correct
number of slides. Overall
presentation is interesting.
Some unresolved conflicts
Presentation is unorganized.
Images are not used in a
relevant manner. Lacking in
number of slides.
Many unresolved conflicts
Presentation has no flow.
Images poorly used.
Insufficient number of slides.
Group does not work well
together, stay on task, or
work equally.
Group is not prepared, does
communicate the information,
or does not have full
Total Score_________/ 100
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