● Productive efficiency and fully employed resources are illustrated by a point on the PPF. Economic growth is illustrated by a shift outward in the PPF. ● By specializing in the production of the good for which they have a comparative advantage and then trading it for other goods, people can move beyond their PPF. ● MB = marginal benefits and MC = marginal costs. In the exhibit, the MB curve of studying Straight line PPF= constant opportunity costs Positive economic determine What is Normative economic determines what should be Bowed outward PPF or concave downward = increased opportunity cost ************************************ the LAW of Increasing opportunity cost= as more of a good is produced, the opportunity costs of producing that good increase The law of demand states that the higher the price of a good the lower the quantity consumers will wish to buy.( inverse related) The law of supply states that the higher the price of a good the more producers will want to supply increases Change in demand= Shift in Demand curve If X is a normal good: If income Increase the Dx increase, if Income Decrease then Dx decreases If Y is inferior good : if Income Increase then Dy decreases; income decrease Dy increase. If X and Y are substitute: If Px increase, then Dy increase If Px decrease then Dy decreases The upward-sloping supply curve is the graphical representation of the law of supply, which states that price and quantity supplied are directly related, ceteris paribus. On a supply curve, the price (in dollars) represents the price per unit of the good. The quantity supplied, on the horizontal axis, is always relevant for a specific period (a week, a month, etc.). The supply curve is not upward sloping when there is no time to produce additional units or when additional units cannot be produced. In those cases, the supply curve is vertical.Most supply curves are upward sloping. The fundamental reason for this behavior involves the law of diminishing marginal returns Seller’s inventory curves: Surplus of good or shortage of good