BTEC Assignment Brief Qualification Vocational Studies Level 1 Introductory Unit or Component number and title ENG 12: Carrying Out Routine Service Tasks on a Motor Vehicle Learning aim(s) (For NQF/RQF only) Assignment title A. Carry out routine service tasks on a motor vehicle safely. B. Demonstrate communication skills when dealing with customers. Carrying Out Routine Service Tasks on a Motor Vehicle Assessor Hand out date Hand in deadline Vocational Scenario or Context As an apprentice working at a motor vehicle garage, you are asked to carry out some routine service tasks on a customer’s vehicle. You must use the information on the vehicle type to produce a suitable service checklist. Then, you will carry out the checks listed on the service checklist safely. While working, record your activities on the service schedule checklist. On completing the tasks, explain to the customer the procedure(s) you carried out on the motor vehicle and any other advisory information. Task 1 Use the information on the vehicle type to produce a suitable service checklist. After which, you will carefully select the required tools and personal protective equipment (PPE) to carry out routine service tasks on the motor vehicle using a service checklist. You must record your activities on the service checklist while you are working. Checklist of evidence required A portfolio of evidence, including; ● service checklist ● complete servicing records Assessor’s observation records; ● practical skills Criteria covered by this task: Carry out routine service tasks on a motor vehicle safely. Unit/Criteria To achieve the criteria you must show that you are able to: reference Produce an outline service checklist using information from given sources. A.P1 Produce a service checklist, selecting information from given sources. A.M1 Produce a service checklist, selecting appropriate information from own and given A.D1 sources. Carry out servicing procedures safely and complete service records. A.P2 A.M2 A.D2 Carry out servicing procedures safely, following a service checklist and completing detailed service records. Carry out servicing procedures safely and effectively, completing an appropriate service checklist and detailed servicing records accurately. Task 2 After completing the assigned task, you need to explain the procedures carried out on the motor vehicle and any other advisory information to the customer. Checklist of evidence required Assessor’s observation records on; ● communicating information to the customer. Criteria covered by this task: Demonstrate communication skills when dealing with customers. Unit/Criteria To achieve the criteria you must show that you are able to: reference Demonstrate simple communication skills when providing information verbally to a B.P3 customer. Demonstrate appropriate communication skills when providing information verbally to a B.M3 customer. Demonstrate effective communication skills when providing information verbally to a B.D3 customer. Sources of information to support you with this Assignment Websites: Test Books: Foundation of Motor Vehicle Studies – Volume 1 Other assessment materials Activity Sheets attached to this Assignment Brief FOR 2012 L1/2 FIRSTS ONLY: If you have not achieved the Level 2 criteria, your work will be assessed to determine if the following Level 1 criterion have been met. Criterion To achieve the criteria you must show that you are able to: Unit reference