Uploaded by Muhammad Shanam


Muhammad Shanam Javed
Shanam 1
Professor Farhana Shezad
Writing and Communication SS100
3 March 2020
How Overnight Shipping Works
It’s a short YouTube video summarizing that how leading courier services carry out their flight
operation effectively to ensure timely delivery over all worlds. This video has been uploaded by
Wendover Productions and purpose of this video is to inform individuals. The narrator, Sam
Denby starts off by explaining the networking system of these shipping companies and how their
airline operations allow them to carry out faster service throughout the world.
He referred three leading shipping companies: DHL, UPS, and FedEx. Different cargos are
transferred to different airports using aircrafts depending on their destination, and then using
delivery vans they are further transported to the exact customer. For distant areas, these
companies use small aircrafts to further save their time. He then points the center hub of FedEx
that is Memphis, in Tennessee to indicate their strategic approach towards saving time as
geographically it falls on the center of the USA and compares with the commercial airport to
how big these airports are. He then explains the logistics of FedEx to explain how sorting is done
on different hubs which further improves efficiency.