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King Lear Play Script: Act 1

King Lear
Act 1
(In the hall of King Lear castle)
(Enter Goneril, Regan, Cordelia, Albany and King of France; King Lear stood
in front of a table, there’s a map on it)
Lear : I do not want to rule my kingdom anymore. (Looked at the map) I have
separated my kingdom into three parts. (Turned to his three daughters) I will
give the best part of my kingdom to the daughter who loves me most. Goneril,
you are the eldest, speak first.
Goneril : (Confident) Sir, I love you as much as I love my life, my health, my
beauty and my honour. I cannot put into words how much I love you. (Smile to
(Cordelia looked at Goneril and took a big breath)
[Aside] What shall Cordelia do?
Love, and be silent.
Lear : (joyful) I will give all the land between (pointing at the map) these two
lines on the map to you, your husband Albany and your children.
(Regan despised Goneril)
(Turned to Regan) How about you, our dearest Regan, wife to cornwall?
Regan : My lord, I love you as much as my sister, but she has not said
(Dignified) Nothing pleases me except my love for you. My only happiness
comes from my love for you.
[Aside] Then poor Cordelia!
And yet not so; since, I am sure, my love's
More richer than my tongue.
Lear : (Pleased) Great, you can get a third of my kingdom!
(Regan smiled and nodded her head)
Lear : (Turn to Cordelia) Now, shall I give you the richest part of my kingdom?
Shall I give you more than I gave your sister? Cordelia, speak!
Cordelia : (Big breath) I can say nothing, my lord.
(Everyone turns to she)
Lear : (Surprised) Nothing?
Cordelia : (Resolute) Nothing.
Lear : (Friendly) Nothing will bring you nothing. Speak again.
Cordelia : (Shake head) I cannot put my feeling into words. You gave me life,
loved me. So of course I love you. But I am not same as my sister. When I
marry, I will give my husband half my love. (Nodded head) I am saying the
truth, my lord.
Lear : (shaking with anger) Truth? Very well then, considering that truth is
your dowry. Right, from now on, I will not be your father anymore.
King of France: What a shock(what the fuck )! How come you treat your
favourite daughter in this way?
Cordelia : (Softly) Because I do not have a tongue like my sister, but I am
glad with that.
Lear : (Loudly) Go away! You have not pleased me, why were you ever born!
(Goneril and Regan smile wickedly)
King of France: (Hold Cordelia’s hand) You may come with me, my dearest.
I will efface your loneliness and sadness. Say goodbye to your sisters
Cordelia : (Turned to her sister) I know what you are doing. Take care of our
Regan : (Gaze at Cordelia rudely, with a wicked smile) Don’t tell us the duty!
Cordelia : You are clever and you hide your faults. In time, people will see
the truth.
(Exit with King of France)
Lear : (Clam, turned to Goneril and Regan) For you two, I will stay with each
of you for one month.
Goneril : (Proud, squint at Regan) Sir, I suppose you will stay with me first,
Lear : (nodded head) Sure.
Act 2
(Goneril house The housekeeper of Goneril, Oswald, complains about the
king's behavior. The king was with Goneril for a few months and he worried
Lear: (Lear bowed in front of Goneril with a mocking courtesy). 'Your name,
fair woman?
Goneril:( Goneril is not interested, just annoyed) Father, please stop acting
such a jokes like that. I don't like it.
Goneril : (Loudly) Listen, sir! Your knights are always quarrelling; my house
is in disorder. I won’t accept that!
Lear : (looking angry) You mean it?
Goneril : (wicked laugh) Such a silly question! (Shout angrily) Be sensible!
You are old! You should be wise, why do you need to keep 100 knights?
(Softly) I beg you, send them away.
Lear : (Fury; push Goneril back) Darkness and devils! I make a mistake when
I trusted you. You will be severely punished soon!
Goneril: You can keep men more suitable for your age, who can behave
better and make sure you are the same.
Lear: (shout angrily) you bastard. I will not trouble you any longer. I still have
another daughter left
Act 3
(Regan smiled, feel delighted,)
Regan : (look unhappy) Oh, sir. ‘I am glad to see your Highness
Lear : Of course, my dear daughter, your sister has been so unkind to me.
Regan : Well, (evil smile) I think you have been judging wrong for her
more than that she’s fallen short of her duty.)
Lear : What’s that? ‘What do you mean?’ ‘My curses on her
Regan : ‘Oh sir, you are old. So I beg you to go back to our sister and tell her
that you’ve wronged her.’
Lear : Ask her forgiveness(Surprised, angry) You will never hurt me! And I
won’t return to Goneril’s house!
Lear : (knelt down and clasped his hands in an exaggerated attitude of prayer
) dear daughter, I confess that I am old: old men are a nuisance. On my
knees I beg you for clothes, bed and food.”
Regan : (Hateful) Yes if You send twenty-five followers away and my
servants will look after you.
Lear : No ,No Never (hét to) she’s deprived me of half my retinue, given me
black looks and insulted me. And now you too, I curse both of you
Act 4
(In a tent; Lear slept next to a doctor; Albany stood; enter Cordelia)
Cordelia : (Worried, turn to Albany) How did you find my father?
Albany : When your servants want to catch him, I was there. So I just bring
the King to you.
Cordelia : (Unbelievable) Thanks my dear. I owe you. You are such a nice
man. I am so worried about my father since I heard the news that my sisters
make him mad.
Cordelia : (turn to the doctor) how is the king?
Doctor: ‘Madam. He slept for a long time. you should wake him up
Cordelia : (knelt beside her father) This kiss will make you feel better. (Hold
his hands) My two sisters have done great harm to you.
Lear : Lear groaned. He opened his eyes, groaned again, then closed them.
Cordelia looked round at the doctor.
Doctor: ‘He’s not fully awake yet,. ‘Leave him alone a while
Lear : (Lear opens his eyes) ‘Where have I been?’. ‘Where am I? Is it
daylight?’ I wish I knew what was going on.’
Cordelia : we are in france
Lear : (Pleased) What a pretty young lady! Who are you? Are you in heaven
with me?
Cordelia : (Sadly) No, sir. You are in your own kingdom. I am your daughter.
Lear : Do not mock me . I am a very foolish old man . I don't know what to say
to my child
Cordelia : ‘Oh look at me, Sir .( Cordelia cried)
Lear : (Joyful) Oh my dearest child! Please forgive me; I know you will hate
Cordelia : (nicely) No, I do not hate you! I will help you!
Lear : Yes dear daughter. Please forgive me. i know i was wrong.
Cordelia : (Tears ran down Cordelia’s cheeks. She flung herself into her
father’s arms) no, my lord
Albany : I must go now, there is a battle waiting for me.
Cordelia : I will bless you, good luck.
(Exit Albany)