Ozone is a gas found in a layer high up in the atmosphere 1-The Ozone layer protects us from ultraviolet Radiation 2-CFCs have damaged the ozone layer over Antarctic 3-CFCs are now banned and the ozone layer is recovering (UR)-Can cause skin cancer and eye damage Chloro-fluorocarbon(CFCs)Caused the problems with the ozone layer The (OH)where was less ozone than there should be-the(OH) is not a real hole it is just an area where there is less ozone than normal Each year the ozone hole has been getting larger and also lasting for longer in the year Gases called (CFCs)caused the problems with the(OL) They were used in air-conditioners and refrigerators (CFCs)rise up high into the atmosphere and they react with ozone and break it down and this happens when it is cold Nowadays(CFCs) are banned AON ALAA 6A(IG) MR.FRANCIS LALATA