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Postcolonial Theory: Key Concepts & Analysis

The Basic Tenets of Postcolonial Theory:
1. Colonialism is a powerful, usually destructive historical force that
shapes not only the political futures of the countries involved but also
the identities of colonized and colonizing people.
2. Successful colonialism depends on a process of “Othering” the people
colonized. That is, the colonized people are seen as dramatically
different from and lesser than the colonizers.
3. Because of this, literature written in colonizing cultures often distorts
the experiences and realities of colonized people. Literature written by
colonized people often includes attempts to articulate more empowered
identities and reclaim cultures in the face of colonization.
1. Search the text for references to colonization or to currently and
formerly colonized people. In these references, how are the colonized
people portrayed? How is the process of colonization portrayed?
2. Consider what images of “Others” or processes of “Othering” are
present in the text. How are these “Others” portrayed?
3. Analyze how the text deals with cultural conflicts between the colonizing
culture and the colonized or traditional culture.
Here’s another definition of postcolonial theory:
Postcolonial literary theory attempts to isolate perspectives in literature that
grow out of colonial rule and the mindset it creates. On one hand, it can
examine the ways in which a colonizing society imposes its worldview on the
peoples it subjugates, making them “objects” of observation and denying them
the power to define themselves. The colonizers are the “subjects,” those who
take action and create realities out of the beliefs they hold to be important. On
the other hand, it can focus on the experiences of colonized peoples and the
disconnection they feel from their own identities. Postcolonialism also focuses
on attempts of formerly colonized societies to reassert the identities they wish
to claim for themselves, including national identities and cultural identities.
When this lens is used to examine the products of colonization, it focuses on
reclamation of self-identity.
One thing that postcolonial theory shares with deconstruction is the
attempt to isolate “false binaries,” categories that function by including
dominant perspectives and excluding the rest, relegating outsiders to the
status of “Other.” Colonized people are always seen as existing outside the
prevailing system of beliefs or values. As the dominant ideology asserts
itself, it creates a sense of normalcy around the ideas of the colonizers and a
sense of the exotic, the inexplicable, and the strange around the customs and
ideas of the “Other.”