Chronic Respiratory Disease Chronic Respiratory Disease Commonly called Chronic Obstructive Pulmonary Disease (COPD) Occurs in the AIR PATHS and other parts of the LUNGS. Symptoms include BREATHLESSNESS, CHRONIC COUGH, and EXCESSIVE MUCUS PRODUCTION. COPD can be life-threatening and may lead to death if not detected and cured early Major risk factors of COPD include: TOBACCO SMOKING; INDOOR AIR POLLUTION; OUTDOOR AIR POLLUTION; and Occupational DUSTS and chemicals like VAPORS, IRRITANTS, and FUMES. What is a HEALTHY LIFESTYLE? “Health is wealth.” A healthy lifestyle is all about making one’s health and well-being a priority. It is a choice made by an individual, a commitment made for his own good and that of his loved ones. - Pilipinas Go4Health 2013 Ways to Prevent lifestyle diseases: EAT HEALTHY FOOD DO DAILY ROUTINES OF PHYSICAL ACTIVITY DO NOT SMOKE DRINK MODERATE AMOUNTS OF ALCOHOL ONLY. MANAGE STRESS Tips to IMPROVE your mentality, to become more successful in achieving a healthy body. STOP COMPARING YOURSELF TO OTHERS; AWARENESS OF HOW HUNGRY OR FULL YOU ARE; IT’S NOT ABOUT THE DIET; IT’S MORE OF THE ROUTINE; BE DETERMINED THAT YOU’RE GOING TO IMPROVE YOUR HEALTH Government programs and policies to prevent and control noncommunicable diseases; Go4Health Program GO SMOKE-FREE; every hour, ten Filipinos die from illnesses related to cigarette smoking; 17.3 million Filipinos, ages 15 years and up who smokes. GO SLOW sa TAGAY; advocates alcohol drinks in moderation; features major health risk of consuming too much alcohol & related drunk-driving accidents; Government programs and policies to prevent and control noncommunicable diseases; Go4Health Program GO SUSTANSYA; aims to prevent hypertension, cardiovascular diseases, & obesity by reduced consumption of salt, sugar, fats, & high-calorie food; hence, increased intake of fiber lowers cholesterol & blood sugar levels. GO SIGLA; regular exercise of at least 3 to 4 times a week; out of 100 Filipino adults, only seven do regular exercises.