TASK 1 DECLARE TicketType[], Attr[], Weekday[] as STRING DECLARE Day1[], Day2[], Attrcost[] as REAL TicketType[1:5] <- [" 1. Adults", “Children (2 for 1 Adult)", "Seniors", “2. Family (2A or 2S and 3C)", “3. Group (Min 6)"] Day1[1:5] <- [20.00, 12.00, 16.00, 60.00, 15.00] Day2[1:5] <- [30.00, 18.00, 24.00, 90.00, 22.50] Attr[1:3] <- ["Lion feeding", " Penguin feeding", " Barbecue (two days)"] Attrcost[1:3] <- [2.50, 2.00, 5.00] Weekday[1:7] <- [" 1. Sunday", " 2. Monday", " 3. Tuesday", " 4. Wednesday", " 5. Thursday", " 6. Friday", " 7. Saturday"] OUTPUT "Ticket Type", "1 Day cost", "2 Day cost" FOR i = 1 TO 5 OUTPUT TicketType[i], Day1[i], Day2[i] NEXT i OUTPUT " Attraction Type ", " Attraction Cost" FOR x <- 1 TO 3 OUTPUT Attr[x], Attrcost[x] NEXT x OUTPUT "AVAILABLE BOOKING DAYS" FOR z = 1 TO 7 OUTPUT Weekday[z] NEXT z TASK 2 DECLARE Totalpay, Lionpay, Pengpay, BBQpay, Grouppay as REAL DECLARE Daychoice, Weekdaychoice, Adult, Child, Senior as INTEGER Bookingnum = 1000 REPEAT Adult = 0; Child = 0; Senior = 0 OUTPUT "Enter number of days 1 or 2" INPUT Daychoice WHILE Daychoice < 1 OR Daychoice > 2 OUTPUT " 1 or 2 days only allowed for a booking" OUTPUT "Enter number of days 1 or 2” INPUT Daychoice END WHILE OUTPUT "Enter day number of the weekday (1-7)" INPUT Weekdaychoice WHILE Weekdaychoice < 1 OR Weekdaychoice > 7 OUTPUT " Choose between 1 to 7 only. Enter day number of the weekday " INPUT Weekdaychoice END WHILE OUTPUT " Enter number of adults " INPUT Adult WHILE Adult < 0 OUTPUT " Cannot be a negative value. Enter number of adults " INPUT Adult END WHILE OUTPUT " Do you wish to continue to book for children? (y/n) " INPUT ChildContinue IF ChildContinue = "y" THEN OUTPUT " Enter number of children " INPUT Child WHILE Child < 0 OUTPUT " Cannot be a negative value. Enter number of children " INPUT Child END WHILE END IF OUTPUT " Do you wish to continue to book for seniors? (y/n) " INPUT SeniorContinue IF SeniorContinue = "y" THEN OUTPUT " Enter number of seniors " INPUT Senior WHILE Senior < 0 OUTPUT “Cannot be a negative value. Enter number of seniors " INPUT Senior END WHILE END IF TotalPassenger = Adult + Child + Senior OUTPUT " Do you wish to add extra attraction (y/n)? " INPUT AttractionContinue IF AttractionContinue = "y" THEN OUTPUT " Do you wish to opt for Lion Feeding (y/n)? " INPUT LionChoice IF LionChoice = "y" THEN Lionpay = TotalPassenger * Attrcost(1) END IF OUTPUT " Do you wish to opt for Penguin Feeding (y/n)? " INPUT PengChoice IF PengChoice = "y" THEN Pengpay = TotalPassenger * Attrcost(2) END IF OUTPUT " Do you wish to opt for Barbecue (y/n)? " INPUT BBQChoice IF BBQChoice = "y" THEN IF Daychoice = 1 THEN OUTPUT " Barbecue for 2 days booking only!" BBQChoice = "n" ELSEIF Daychoice = 2 THEN BBQpay = TotalPassenger * Attrcost(3) END IF END IF END IF REPEAT REPEAT OUTPUT " Enter your choice of booking using either 1, 2 or 3 " INPUT BookingChoice UNTIL BookingChoice = 1 OR BookingChoice = 2 OR BookingChoice = 3 IF BookingChoice = 1 THEN IF (Adult = 0 AND Child > 0) OR (Adult > 0 AND Child > Adult * 2) THEN chngbk$ = "y" OUTPUT " Cannot place this booking. Children are more than allowed or without adults" OUTPUT " Do you wish to change the booking option (y/n)" INPUT chngbk$ IF chngbk$ = "n" THEN GOTO ED ELSE IF Daychoice = 1 THEN Totalpay = Adult * Day1[1] + Child * Day1[2] + Senior * Day1[3] ELSEIF Daychoice = 2 THEN Totalpay = (Adult * Day2[1] + Child * Day2[2] + Senior * Day2[3] END IF chngbk$ = "n" END IF ELSEIF BookingChoice = 2 THEN IF (Adult + Senior) > 2 OR Child >3 THEN chngbk$ = "y" OUTPUT " Family booking not eligible" OUTPUT " Do you wish to change the booking option (y/n)" INPUT chngbk$ IF chngbk$ = "n" THEN GOTO ED ELSEIF (Adult + Senior) <= 2 AND Child <= 3 THEN IF Daychoice = 1 THEN Totalpay = 60 ELSEIF Daychoice = 2 THEN Totalpay = 90 END IF chngbk$ = "n" END IF ELSEIF BookingChoice = 3 THEN IF TotalPassenger < 6 THEN chngbk$ = "Y" OUTPUT " Cannot place GROUP TICKET booking " OUTPUT " Do you wish to change the booking option (y/n) “ INPUT chngbk$ IF chngbk$ = "n" THEN GOTO ED ELSE IF Daychoice = 1 THEN Totalpay = TotalPassenger * Day1[5] ELSEIF Daychoice = 2 THEN Totalpay = TotalPassenger * Day2[5] END IF chngbk$ = "n" END IF END IF UNTIL chngbk$ = "n" Finalpay = Totalpay + Pengpay + Lionpay + BBQpay OUTPUT " BOOKING DETAILS" OUTPUT " BOOKING NUMBER ", Bookingnum + 1 OUTPUT " Adults: ", Adult OUTPUT " Children: ", Child OUTPUT " Seniors: ", Senior OUTPUT " The total number of people: ", TotalPassenger IF BookingChoice = 1 THEN OUTPUT " You have made an individual booking" ELSEIF BookingChoice = 2 THEN OUTPUT " You have made a Family booking" ELSEIF BookingChoice = 3 THEN OUTPUT " You have made a Group Booking" END IF IF Daychoice = 1 THEN OUTPUT " You have booked for "; wk(Weekdaychoice) ELSEIF Daychoice = 2 AND Weekdaychoice = 7 THEN OUTPUT " You have booked for "; wk(Weekdaychoice); " and "; wk(1) ELSEIF Daychoice = 2 AND Weekdaychoice <> 7 THEN OUTPUT " You have booked for "; wk(Weekdaychoice); " and "; wk(Weekdaychoice + 1) END IF IF AttractionContinue = "y" THEN OUTPUT " EXTRA ATTRACTIONS " IF LionChoice = "y" THEN OUTPUT " You booked for Lion Feeding and it costs ", Lionpay IF PengChoice = "y" THEN OUTPUT " You booked for Penguin Feeding and it costs ", Pengpay IF BBQChoice = "y" THEN OUTPUT " You booked for Barbecue and it costs ", BBQpay OUTPUT " The total amount to pay is ", Finalpay Bookingnum = Bookingnum + 1 OUTPUT " Do you wish to make a new reservation (y/n)" INPUT NewChoice ED: UNTIL NewChoice = "n" END TASK 3 REPEAT IF BookingChoice = 1 THEN IF Daychoice = 1 THEN Grouppay = TotalPassenger * 15 IF Daychoice =2 THEN Grouppay = TotalPassenger * 22.50 IF Totalpay > Grouppay AND TotalPassenger >= 6 OR Adult + Senior > = 4 THEN OUTPUT " You are advised to choose single group or multiple family bookings " OUTPUT " Do you wish to change the booking option (y/n)" INPUT chngbk$ IF chngbk$ = "y" THEN GOTO ED END IF ELSEIF BookingChoice = 3 THEN IF Adult + Senior >= 4 AND Child >= 6 THEN OUTPUT " You can choose family and/or individual booking " OUTPUT " Do you wish to change the booking option (y/n) " INPUT chngbk$ IF chngbk$ = "y" THEN GOTO ED END IF ENDIF ED: UNTIL newbk$ = "n" END DealCheck = 0 DealDiff = 0 IF BookingChoice = 1 AND TotalPassenger >= 6 AND DayChoice = 1 THEN DealCheck = TotalPassenger * Day1[5] DealDiff = Totalpay - DealCheck END IF IF BookingChoice = 1 AND TotalPassenger >= 6 AND DayChoice = 2 THEN DealCheck = TotalPassenger * Day2[5] DealDiff = Totalpay – DealCheck END IF IF DealDiff > 0 THEN OUTPUT "You have chosen to buy", TotalPassenger, “Tickets. Which cost : ", Totalpay, "$ (Not including extra attractions)" OUTPUT"You can avail Group Tickets (Option 3) and can save", DealDiff, “$" ELSE OUTPUT "You have availed best deal. There is no other value deal than this." END IF IF BookingChoice = 3 AND Adult + Senior >= 4 AND Child >= 6 THEN DealCheck = (TotalPassenger / 5) * Day1[2] DealDiff = Totalpay - DealCheck IF DealDiff > 0 THEN OUTPUT"You have opted Group Tickets. Which cost : ", Totalpay, "$ (Not including extra attractions)" OUTPUT"You can avail Family Tickets(Option 2) and can save", DealDiff, “$" END IF END IF