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Jose Rizal's Travels: 1882-1888 Chronology

1. Singapore (May 3-11, 1882)
- He arrived in Singapore on May 9, 1882 and stayed in Hotel de la Paz. He then left Singapore on
May 11, 1882 boarded the ship Djemnah.
2. Point Galle, Ceylon (May 11 – 17, 1882)
- He arrived in Point Galle, a seaport town in southern Ceylon, and described it as a picturesque
but lonely place.
3. Colombo, Ceylon (May 11 – 17, 1882)
- He then went to Colombo to get references for learning French and described Colombo as an
elegant town in comparison to Manila.
4. Italy (May 17 – June 11, 1882)
- He saw camels in Aden, travelled in Suez Canal, then arrived in Naples, Italy, which according to
Jose as a panoramic beauty.
5. France (June 11 – June 12, 1882)
- Jose visited Chateau D’if, a famous landmark in Count of Monte Cristo.
6. Barcelona, Spain (June 16, 1882)
- He created articles for the Diariong Tagalog which were Amor Patria and Los Viajes using the pen
name Laong Laan.
7. Madrid, Spain (Fall of 1882)
- Jose pursued his medical course and spends his leisure time reading and attending reunion of
illustrados in Madrid. He also practiced shooting and fencing in a communal gymnasium, and
was then acquainted in the fraternal group of illustrados in Madrid, Circulo Hispano – Filipino.
- He declaimed the poem, Mi Piden Versus in a gathering of the group in New Year’s Eve of 1882.
8. Paris (1883)
- He called Paris as the “costliest city in the world.” He visited Laennec Hospital where he
observed Dr. Nicaise treating patients.
- Jose was impressed and saddened on how the Masons were observed and recognized by the
- He then joined a masonic lodge, Acacia in which he later became a master mason in 1890.
9. Heidelberg (February 3, 1886)
- He was considered a an excellent chess player and he also worked for Dr. Otto Becker, an
ophthalmologist. He was also amazed with flowers growing in Heidelberg, where he dedicated
his fine poem , A Flores de Heidelberg.
10. Germany (July 31, 1886)
- Jose wrote his first German letter to Professor Blumentritt, director of Ateneo of Leitmeritz in
11. Leipzig (August 16, 1886)
- He then translated different German and Swiss literary works and was send to the Philippines.
- He then worked as a proof reader in a publishing firm in Germany and met one of the authors he
admired, Dr. Feodor Jagor.
12. Berlin (1886)
- Became a recognized member of Anthropological Society, Ethnological Society and Geographical
Society of Berlin.
- He wrote Tagalische Verkunst, an article about the Tagalog language written in German
(Icelandic) which was praised and commended by the German community.
- Enhance his knowledge about ophthalmology, to observe Germany and to publish his novel, Noli
me Tangere.
13. Saigon, Vietnam (July 30, 1887)
- He boarded his transfer ship, Haiphong bound for Manila.
14. Manila, Philippines (August 5, 1887)
- Upon arrival, he then treated young Filipinos and introduced European culture. But one thing
that Jose was not able to do, to meet Leonor Rivera.
15. Hongkong (February 3- 22, 1888)
- With Jose Maria Basa, Jose Sainz de Veranda and some Portuguese, they boarded the ship Kui
Kiang. Jose stayed in the house of Juan Lecaroz, where he went to observed botanical garden.
16. Japan ((February 28, 1888 – April 13, 1888)
- He met Juan Perez Caballero, a Spanish ambassador in Japan. Then he met, O Sei-san, Jose’s tour
guide, translator, and lover. He also learned judo and kabuki.
17. America (April 13, 1888 -May 13, 1888)
- He travelled to Oakland via ferry ship then the next day he went to Reno, the biggest little city in
the world. He wrote in his diary the beauty of Nevada while travelling to Albany.
18. England (May 1888)
- He chose England as his new home to improve his English language, to study Antonio Morga’s
Sucesos de las Felipinas and knowing England was the safest place against the Spanish.
19. Rome (1888)
- He entertained passengers using yo-yo as a defensive weapon.
20. London (May 25, 1888)
- Jose celebrated Christmas day alone in London.
- Blumentritt and Carlos Czepelak gave Jose a bust of EmperorAugustus and Julius Caesar. His
landlady gave Jose a book about magic knowing he was fascinated with magic.