Uploaded by Robert Ortiz

Intro to Computer Science Syllabus - Discovery Course

Syllabus: Intro to Computer Science-Discovery
A. Course
Intro to Computer Science/Discovery is a new course which will empower
students to create authentic artifacts and engage with computer science as a
medium for creativity, communication, problem solving, and fun.
This is a true introductory course – you don’t have to know anything
about Computer Science in order to take this class. The goal of this course
is to give you a firm background in several aspects of computer science
and show you how computing can be a tool to help you solve problems in
whatever your other interests are.
This is not a Math class. This is not a Programming-Only class. This
is not a Sit-Quietly-And-Take-Notes class.
This is a make something class. This is a debate something class. This
is a present something class.
This is not a class where we obsess over points and ask, “Will this be
graded”. This is class about learning cool stuff in lots of different ways. It’s
all important. The grades will take care of themselves.
B. Course Highlights - Exploration and Expression Overview
 The first semester of CS Discoveries introduces students to computer
science as a vehicle for problem solving, communication, and personal
expression. As a whole, this semester focuses on the visible aspects of
computing and computer science and encourages students to see where
computer science exists around them and how they can engage with it as a
tool for exploration and expression.
 Depending on time: we will address Innovation and Impact
 The Innovation and Impact Units - will center on the immediately
observable and personally applicable elements of computer science, asking
students to look outward and explore the impact of computer science on
society. Students will see how a thorough user-centered design process
produces a better application, how data is used to address problems that
affect large numbers of people, and how physical computing with bare
circuit boards allows computers to collect input and return output in a
variety of ways.
 Each Unit will conclude with a Unit Project, rubrics and peer feedback
 Plenty of class time will be given to you to complete all work, projects and
assessments in class.
C. Course Topics
Unit 1:
Students learn the problem-solving process, the input-output-
Problem Solving
store-process model of a computer, and how computers help
3 weeks
humans solve problems. Students end the unit by proposing
their own app to solve a problem.
Unit 2:
Students learn to create websites using HTML and CSS
inside Code.org’s Web Lab environment. Throughout the unit
students consider questions of privacy, and ownership on the
6 weeks
Internet. Students develop a personal website throughout the
Unit 3:
Animations and
Students learn many fundamental programming constructs
and practices in the JavaScript programming language while
developing animations and games in Code.org’s Game Lab
7 weeks
environment. Students end the unit by designing their own
animations and games.
Unit 4:The
Students apply the problem-solving process to the problems of
Design Process
others, learning to empathize with the needs of a user and
Pending Time
design solutions to address those needs. During the second
7 weeks
half of the unit students form teams to prototype an app of
their own design, first on paper and eventually in Code.org’s
App Lab environment
Unit 5:
Students explore different systems used to represent
Data and
information in a computer and the challenges and tradeoffs
posed by using them. In the second half of the unit students
Pending Time
learn how collections of data are used to solve problems and
4 weeks Unit 6:
how computers help to automate the steps of this process.
Pending Time
6 weeks
Students use Code.org’s App Lab environment, in conjunction
with the Adafruit Circuit Playground, to explore the
relationship between hardware and software. Throughout the
unit, students develop prototypes that mirror existing
innovative computing platforms, before ultimately designing
and prototype one of their own.
D. Required Materials
Journal: Journaling prompts are frequently used as a reflective wrap up and
to record concepts for later reference.
All students are required to maintain a journal. I will give you a journal for
class - however, you may bring your own journal if you would like. You may
add pictures, color, etc to your journals at any time. On occasions, you will
be asked to revisit a specific journal prompt for a deeper understanding. All
journals must be kept in the room.
E. What to Expect:
I have high expectations in how you behave as a student and how
responsible you are for your own learning. You are expected to do each
of the following for the entire school year:
Keep Conversions
Be Present In The Work
Find Connections
and The Thinking
Among Each Other’s
So you can Manage
By giving 43 minutes of
your time finishing
effort to this class every
Check your email and
assignments and being
Remind texts, and
prepared for class
communicate with your
Be able to work
peers so you are prepared
independently without
for class
getting distracted.
Actively and
Challenge The Idea Not
Use Technology
Respectfully Listen to
The Person Sharing The Appropriately
Other Points of View
Prepare for tests and
Contribute positively
Speak up when you don’t
quizzes by reviewing and
when working in groups
understand something,
studying your notes and
or with a partner.
even if that means finding
me outside of class or
Respect everyone in
here, we are in this
emailing me.