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Night School Documentary Questions Worksheet

Name: ____________________________________________________________________________________
_________________________ Questions for Night School Documentary
1. What did you learn from this film? ________________________________________________
2. What is the message of this film? Do you agree or disagree with it, and why? ____________________
3. Was there something you didn’t understand about the film? _______________________________
4. What did you like best about the film, and why, and what did you like least, and why? ______________
5. Who are your favorite and least favorite characters in the film, and why? ______________________
6. Did anything that happened in this film that reminded you of something that has occurred in your own life or that you have seen
occur to others? _______________________________________________
7. What were you thinking as you finished watching the film? ________________________________
8. Would you recommend this movie to a friend? Explain your reasons. _________________________
9. What part of the story was the most powerful? Why? ___________________________________
10. If you had a chance to ask a character in this movie a question, what would it be? _______________
11. What feelings did you share with any of the characters in the film? __________________________
12. What lessons can you take from the film and apply to your own life going forward? _______________