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Wuthering Heights Graphic Organizer

Muhammad, Desai, Otabil, Jernigan 1
Wuthering Heights Graphic Organizer 1
Abdullah Muhammad, Peniel Otabil, Kush Desai, Larson Jernigan
5th Period
As you fill this out, pay attention to a few things:
1. When the narrator disrupts the story to give his/her personal perspective.
2. When other narrators enter and exit the story.
3. How narrators interpret the events they see; the story is told through a third-party narrator
who is not objective.
4. References to time. They do not appear frequently but often enough that a reader can
track time. References to weather often hint at change.
FINALLY: Focus on character changes, character relationships, and track changes in characters’
perceptions of each other. WHAT is a character-driven novel.
Chapter 1
Volume 1
Narrator/Description/Relation to story:
Setting Quotes: Wuthering
Lockwood is the narrator of the story. He is Heights
talking about his experiences at Wuthering (Outside)
“...descriptive of the
atmospheric tumult to which
It’s hard to tell if they are unreliable or
its station is exposed in
stormy weather”
What are Lockwood’s mistakes:
One of Lockwood’s mistakes was coming
back to Wuthering Heights
Character Descriptions (Quotes):
“Thrushcross Grange is my own, sir,” he
interrupted, wincing. “I should not allow
anyone to inconvenience me, if I could hinder
it—walk in!”
“One end, indeed, reflected
splendidly both light and heat
from ranks of immense
pewter dishes, interspersed
with silver jugs and tankards,
towering row after row, on a
vast oak dresser, to the very
Lockwwod talks about his
tenant job in Wuthering
Heights. He meets Mr.
Heathcliff and he reveals
himself to be a harsh man.
Because of Heathcliff’s lack
of trust for Lockwood he
locks him in a room full of
Muhammad, Desai, Otabil, Jernigan 2
“...among a wilderness of crumbling griffins
and shameless little boys, I detected the date
‘1500,’ and the name ‘Hareton Earnshaw.’”
dogs. He is saved by Joseph,
but he is angry at Heathcliff.
He eventually warms up to
him and decides to come
“‘Here we have the whole establishment of
domestics, I suppose,’ was the reflection
suggested by this compound order. ‘No
wonder the grass grows up between the flags,
and cattle are the only hedge-cutters’”
Dogs/Role they play
“‘The herd of possessed swine could have had
no worse spirits in them than those animals of
yours, sir. You might as well leave a stranger
with a brood of tigers!’”
Lockwood was trapped in a room with them.
Narrator: Lockwood
V1 Ch 2
Character Descriptions (Quotes):
Summary: Chapter two
introduces Cathrine Earnsaw.
Cathy: Daughter of Cathrine and Edgar, she is It describes Catherine as a
the daughter in law of Heathcliff. She is also
passionate girl who likes
called the ‘missis’.
climbing moors and playing
with Heathcliff, the younger
How do Heathcliff’s impressions change:
Earnshaw. The chapter also
At the beginning of the chapter, Heathcliff is a shows that Heathcliff and
rough and so called ‘noisy’ boy, but the more
Catherine are inseparable.
he spends with Catherine, he sees how she
understands him. This foreshadows the true
love that they have later in the story.
V1 Ch 3
(Kush Desai)
Mr. Lockwood narrates Ch 3, he is a young
wealthy man who has rented Thrushcross
Grange, a large house from a man named Mr.
Catherine Earnshaw
Summary (Include
dream/significance and ghost
Chapter 3 establishes the
relationship between
Catherine Earnshaw and
Heathcliff. Catherine first has
Muhammad, Desai, Otabil, Jernigan 3
● Catherine Earnshaw, is depicted as a
young child who is the daughter of Mr.
Earnshaw, the owner of Wuthering
Heights. She is known to have a
mischievous side, as she frequently
gets into trouble with her father.
Catherine Heathcliff
● Catherine Heatcliff, is the same person
as Catherine Earnshaw, where her last
name Earnshaw is her maiden name.
She is depicted as the noble’s
Catherine Linton:
● Catherine Linton is the daughter of
Catherine Earnshaw. She is shown as
being conflicted about her feelings for
Heathcliff, throughout the chapters she
is described as having a wild and
passionate spirit.
V1 Ch 4
a dream in which she is
visited by the ghost of
Heathcliff. Later on Catherine
is visited by Heatcliff with the
story ending on Catherine’s
ghostly apparition. Catherine
had a dream where she was
visited by the ghost of
Catheirne Linton, her
daughter who has passed
away. This event does have
significance, tightening as it
highlights the meaning of the
connection between Catheine
and Heathcliff.
Narrators and relations to story:
- Mr. Lockwood
- His relation to the story is that
he is an outsider visiting
Wuthering Heights and
Thrushcross Grange, learning
about all the subtleties and
details that these places have to
offer with the help of the house
keeper “Nelly.”
Narrator: Mr. Lockwood
Character Descriptions (Quotes):
Mr. Earnshaw:
Muhammad, Desai, Otabil, Jernigan 4
Heathcliff: Heathcliff is first mentioned in this
chapter by Mr. Lockwood as a question to
Nelly regarding his preference for living in
undesirable conditions, asking if he is“not rich
enough to keep the estate in good order.”
V1 Ch 5
(Kush Desai)
V1 Ch 6
Mrs. Dean is the narrator for Ch.5, she is
telling stories about Catherine and
Heathcliff’s childhood.
In chapter 5, Mrs. Dean
reflects on her experiences
growing up in the household
Narrator’s impression of characters:
and her views on both
Catherine and Heathcliff. She
● In this chapter Mrs. Dean has a mixed describes the relationship
between Catherine and
impression of Catherine. She admires
her beauty and intelligence but is also Heathcliff at childhood and
aware of her subbon, selfish, and cruel the events that led to the
separation. The main
behavior. Mrs. Dean overall has a
takeaway was Mrs. Dean's
complex view of Catherine, seeing
comments on the residents of
both her positive and negative sides.
Wuthering Heights, with her
interpretation providing a
● Mrs. Dean has a negative view of
Heathcliff, she sees him as a rough and deeper understanding about
Wuthering Heights and the
cruel person, but does have an
exception that he was mistreated at the insight that goes on in that
hand of Hindley.
Setting Quotes: Thrushcross
Character Descriptions (Quotes):
Time that has passed:
Dean’s account:
Hindley’s wife (Francis):
Heathcliff’s story:
Muhammad, Desai, Otabil, Jernigan 5
V1 Ch 7
V1 Ch 8
V1 Ch 9
Narrator: Nelly Dean
Heathcliff’s description and wish:
Heathcliff is a vengeful character. He is
distant from any other characters and is
consumed by the desire for revenge towards
Hindley Earnshaw. Heathcliff believes that
this is the only way to bring happiness.
● The narrator of chapter 8 is Nelly
Summary: This chapter
shows Heathcliff’s character
transformation, and this is
brought out from his lust for
revenge. This is shown
through complex emotions
and a sense of injustice.
Frances gives birth to a baby,
but she dies shortly after.
Time passed/Time Period:
Nelly is then given the
● Summer of 1776
responsibility of taking care
of the baby. Hindley becomes
Character Description: Edgar Linton
● “...handsome, and young, and cheerful, an alcoholic and behaves
abusively towards everyone.
and rich, and loves you” (Chapter 9)
Heatcliff takes pleasure in
watching his demise.
Character Description: Heathcliff
● “He is a dark-skinned gypsy in aspect,
in dress and manners a gentleman”
(Chapter 1)
Cathy’s Dream:
Cathy’s Quote about Heathcliff:
V1 Ch 10
(Kush Desai)
Cathy’s Quote about Linton:
The narrator of Chapter 10 Volume 1 is Nelly
How long had Linton/Catherine been married
when HC returned?
● Linton Heathcliff and Catherine had
been married for six months when
Heathcliff returned to Wuthering
Heathcliff Description (Quote):
In Chapter 10, Nelly Dean
introduced Heathcliff, who
has returned after being gone
for a while. Heathcliff has
come back differently, he had
become healthy and
well-mannered. Heathcliff
starts looking at Catherine
and her marriage to Edgar
Linton, after finding out more
Muhammad, Desai, Otabil, Jernigan 6
“A black fur cap covered his head and
dropped its shadow over his forehead,
emphasizing the heavy brows and pent-up,
fiery eyes.” (10)
information he was filled with
anger, which resulted in him
storming out of the room,
determined to take revenge on
Isabella Description (Quotes)
“Her complexion was rich and brilliant; her
features small, delicate, and regular.” (10)
V1 Ch 11
(Kush Desai)
V1 Ch 12
The narrator of chapter 11 is Nelly Dean, a
servant at Wuthering Heights and Thrushcross
In this chapter Nelly Dean
recalls the events that took
place right after Catherine’s
death. Nelly visited
Catherine’s room where he
found Heathcliff sitting
beside her body. She tries to
give him comfort but refuses.
After her death, Heathcliff
becomes harsh and vengeful.
Not only Heathcliff had
negative effects in this
chapter, but also Hindley. The
chapter concludes that
Hindley has become an
What kinds of things does Catherine do to
manipulate Linton and Heathcliff:
She uses her emotions to get a hold of Linton
and Heathcliff. She marries Linton instead of
Heathcliff and humiliates Heathcliff.
What is the nature of Catherine’s illness?
Catherine’s illness is called brain fever. It is a
disease where part of the brain is inflamed and
causes symptoms that present as a fever. It is
typically a life-threatening illness.
V1 Ch 13
Dean’s Story:
Muhammad, Desai, Otabil, Jernigan 7
Heathcliff’s Story;
V1 Ch 14
What does Heathcliff do to
Isabella’s dog?
VII Ch 1
Narrators: Nelly Dean, Mr.Lockwood
Catherine Description (Quote):
"She was a most incomprehensible being; ever
contradictory, obscure, with a manner that hinted
you knew not what, and a tongue that talked of
nothing. Yet, I loved her; and she became very
dear to me." (Volume 2 Chapter 1)
Catherine’s attitude toward
Heathcliff’s attitude toward
VII Ch 2
Major event:
Heathcliff is the narrator.
Catherine and Frances died in
this chapter.
Heathcliff’s wish:
Heathcliff wishes that Catherine’s soul will not
rest. He wants her to haunt him so that she will
never leave him. “And I pray one prayer—I
repeat it till my tongue stiffens—Catherine
Heathcliff returns to
Wuthering Heights after three
years. he has changed in
Muhammad, Desai, Otabil, Jernigan 8
Earnshaw, may you not rest as long as I am
living; you said I killed you—haunt me, then!
The murderers do haunt their murderers, I
believe. I know that ghosts have wandered on
earth. Be with me always—take any form—drive
me mad!” (Chapter 16).
VII Ch 3
appearance and behavior.
Despite this, Cathay still
loves him. Hindley’s wife
dies, and Hindley becomes an
alcoholic. Caty dies and
causes Heathcliff grief. He
then becomes even more
What does Hareton do to the
Major Event:
VII Ch 4
Ms. Dean is the narrator
Passage of time:
Isabella is dying
Hareton Description (Quote):
“...his thick brown curls were rough and
uncultivated, his whiskers encroached bearishly
over his cheeks, and his hands were embrowned
like those of a common laborer” (Chapter 2)
VII Ch 5
Major Event:
Edgar Linton
Edgar sends a letter out that
announces the death of
Linton Description (Quote):
“A pale, delicate, effeminate boy, who might
have been taken for my master’s younger
brother, so strong was the resemblance: but there
was a sickly peevishness in his aspect that Edgar
Linton never had” (Chapter 19).
Edgar brings Linton and
Catherine is disappointed to
find out who her cousin is.
Heathcliff is determined to
take possession of his son.
Edgar promises that he will
bring Linton to Wuthering
Muhammad, Desai, Otabil, Jernigan 9
VII Ch 6
What does Heathcliff call his
Heathcliff vs Linton comparison (Quote):
What does Heathcliff call
Isabella (Quote)?
VII Ch 7
The narrator of VII Ch7 is Nelly Dean.
Catherine Description (Quote):
“Her hair was all in disorder, her eyes sunken
and obscure.” (21)
What does Heathcliff call his son?
Heathcliff refers to his son as “property”.
Linton versus Hareton
Comparison (quotes by
“Linton was raised like a
gentleman while Hareton is
raised like a servant”.
What does Edgar tell Cathy
about Heathcliff (Quote)?
“Heathcliff is a foul,
uncivilized being, devoid of
education and refinement, a
brute in both his manners and
VII Ch 8
This chapter is narrated by Nelly Dean.
How does Heathcliff manipulate Cathy?
By Heathcliff forcing Linton to marry Cathy.
Cathy is mad and upset that
her cousin, Linton has left to
go back home. So Edgar, her
father, attempts to comfort.
Catherine versus Cathy
Catherine: “I am Heathcliff!
He’s always, always in my
mind: not a pleasure, any
more than I am always a
pleasure to myself, but as my
own being.”
Cathy: I have no love to live
to give him (Heathcliff): I
Muhammad, Desai, Otabil, Jernigan 10
cannot go back. Oh,
Heathcliff! it would degrade
me to marry Heathcliff now.”
VII Ch 9
VII Ch 10
Time Passage:
Cathy versus Linton (Quote):
Narrators (2):
Nelly Story:
Cathy Story:
VII Ch 11
Nelly is the narrator
VII Ch 12
Nelly tells Lockwood that the
events she is describing takes
place a year ago. She wonders
if Lockwood would fall in
love with Catherine.
Lockwood agrees with her.
Cathy does not visit Linton
because of her father’s
wishes. Edgar soon allows
her to marry who she wants.
He allows Cathy to visit
Linton, but he doesn’t know
that Linton is also very sick.
Linton Description (Quote):
VII Ch 13
Nelly Dean is the narrator for this chapter.
How long was Nelly locked up (end of last
Nelly was locked up for five days.
Heathcliff tries to take
revenge by imprisoning
Cathy and Nelly. He stated
that he will not release her
until she and linton are
forcefully married.
Muhammad, Desai, Otabil, Jernigan 11
VII Ch 14
Zillah is the narrator
Major event:
Egar dies in the chapter
How old is Edgar Linton here:
VII Ch 15
Edgar Linton is in his 70s
Nelly is the narrator
What does Heathcliff do (twice)?
He threatens to dig up Catherine’s grave twice.
VII Ch 16
Narrators (3):
VII Ch 17
The narrator of VII Ch 17 is Nelly Dean.
Lockwood’s impression of Catherine:
When Lockwood first sees Catherine, his first
impressions were priceless, he was struck by her
youth and beauty.
VII Ch 18
Heathcliff arrives at the
funeral to take Catherine to a
new home. He said that he
had punished Linton for
helping her escape. Catherine
then tells him that she and
Linton are in love. When
talking to Nelly, Heathcliff
tells her that he had the
sexton dig up Catherine’s
grave. He did this so she can
lie beside him when he dies.
Nelly leaves and is told to
never contact Wuthering
Heights again.
Major event:
Zillah’s Story:
Lockwood makes a trip to
Wuthering Heights to end his
possession of land at the
Grange. He brings Catherine
a note from Nelly.
Major Event and # of months:
Muhammad, Desai, Otabil, Jernigan 12
VII Ch 19
VII Ch 20